Custom STREAM ALERTS with OBS Studio & - Tutorial

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whether you're a brand new streamer looking for alerts or a seasoned streamer looking to switch up their alerts from their current service in today's video I want to take a creative approach we're going to be using OBS Studio streamer bot to basically trigger our own alerts the big Advantage here is to have pure creative freedom and also creating assets for your stream without using any fancy software that being said though there's an easier way to get professionally made alerts and that is by using today's sponsor and today's sponsor is own Pro you may know about own because of the ads mostly and you know that they have the biggest overlay Library library on the internet but own Pro is their service that aims to give you everything that you need as a streamer including access to those overlays so basically how it works is that it is an OBS plugin that you control from the website all you have to do is login with your Twitch account install the plugin and configure it here if I want to configure alerts for example I can click configure here then I can check out their alerts Library you might know that they have exclusive license overlays from the Call of Duty franchise but we're interested in the free stuff let's click on this for example and this is an example of the alert that we can get and once you have the plug-in installed you just have to click install and boom your alerts will look like this and installing overlays is just as easy just click overlays pick the one you want T the season and just click install and they'll be ready to use in your OBS Studio onpro offers way more stuff but I'll let you check it out by going to own. g/g Lev Pro that is O WN 3d. g/g Level Pro okay so here we are in OBS studio and we have to answer the question what is an alert an alert is basically a visual and or audio popup that usually just alerts the streamer that someone had supported in some way maybe it's a follow alert it's a raid alert it's a tip alert sub alert Etc visually what does it look like it can technically look like whatever you want we can say that the most important asset is the text when someone follows you you want some text that say Hey this person the name of the user just followed or some witty just join the clan or whatever it's also a good visual cue for the chat to understand what is happening now it depends on the streamer but if they already have like a visual branding meaning a color scheme plus a graphic style usually they would want that to be shown in the alert and if they don't they could play just a random GIF playing and then the text is going to be underneath it all right let's create a new scene call it alert scene and the easiest and cheesiest way to get some alerts going is to use like twitch panels I'm going to add a new source and it's going to be an image source I'm going to call it panel and I'm going to go find some panels you can get some uh for free over at G level I made them myself ooh epic panel this one didn't have a lot of success for some reason but I can go PNG here and as you can see this is what it looks like so I have those panels and those are supposed to be yeah your regular twitch panels so I'm going to use the blank one uh I don't think that one's free by the way and I'm going to scale it down and the most important thing here is to have the text be properly formatted so I'm going to click plus to add a new text we're going to go text GDI call it alert text click okay and for now we're going to type a fake username and the reason why we want to properly format it is because if someone has a long long long name you still want the text to show so let's click select font and let's find a font that is more appropriate and let's uh manually scale this and we can already tell that if we want it to be visible it's just just follower just followed we would want two lines so the name on the top and then just followed on the bottom like that so now we need to make sure that it's centered so that if the name is longer it doesn't go away like that so I'm going to scroll down on alignment we're going to go Center C then we're going to center it physically actually you know what I'm not going to put the custom text here you could put the the custom text if you want to but I feel like it will look cleaner without it so just the name all right so let me delete this cool and then we're going to do something to make it scale automatically depending on the the name of the person cuz right now if I type this you can see it goes out of bounds we don't want that let's click okay and then with the text selected we're going to press control e or just right click edit transform transform edit transform we're going to go to bounding box type and let's go maximum size only just make sure you reenter this nice and then you want the bounding box size to be where the bounds are so let's play around with it okay so now it's 720 by 200 and when I type something bigger for example if there's a bigger name what is it going to do it's going to scale down to accommodate the name so if someone has this name on Twitch and follows you oh my God that's what's going to happen to then differentiate the alerts we can just put an icon on top here for example follow could be a heart that is also going to be an image of course you're going to go on Google find a heart with transparent background and then put it in I got one right here then from there if you want to animate this you can use the Shader filter plug-in you can use the move transition plug-in you can use OBS default Source transitions for example let's say I want to animate the panel in I would right click go to show transition and then let's go with something fancy let's go with Luma wipe and then we're going to pick fractal if we preview it we're going to see that it looks like this not bad but now if I turn this off and I turn it on this is how it's going to appear so we can do something similar for all of those now if I group them all hold shift to select them all rightclick group selected items and I can call this follow alert basically what happens if I turn it off and turn it back on there you go so that's the simplest demonstration you tell streamer about that hey when someone follows me turn this on wait and turn off and we will do that uh shortly I want to immediately talk about stuff like reubs tips basically any alert that will have a message with it so what you will do in that case is create another text GDI here alert message right like a mockup message so none of them will appear if there's no message because in streamer bot you can basically change the text right so again maybe we want that to be centered we're going to scroll down alignment center just like that we're not going to change the font here but you could you can even put a gradient you can make this look as good as you want and we're going to do the same thing so the message is going to be here we're going to click okay we're going to press CR e and we're going to put the bounding box I'm going to put maximum size only because it's just so easier uh and we're going to change those values for sure and in this case where it says alignment in bounding box you could put it uh top Center so if the message is longer it'll it'll just continue but it will never go outside of the box right click close And you're pretty much ready if you have Graphics to put behind the text you can also throw that in so the only difference between a follow alert and let's say like a resub alert would be of course the the image if you decide to go with a different image and then telling streamer bot to change the text on this also now before we get into stream bot I want you to know that yes I use like an asset that I already had that was already created that you have access to level just use the panels in the free overlays and then you're good but if you want to create them from scratch Lord knows I have a bunch of tutorials on how to make panels so it's the same thing and if you don't want to use a graphic design software I also made a video on how to do graphic design straight into OBS so you can make motion design you can make graphic design you can do all of that straight into OBS to keep it clean I would probably duplicate this group paste this one press f2 to rename like a resub alert right cuz you can put text in there and I would put the alert message in there cool so when I create my actions in robot I can just tell it play a follow alert when that happens play a resub alert when that happens let me put a transition for the alert message for transition you put slide what does that look like that doesn't look good but let's keep it all right here we have streamer bot and uh thanks to people on Twitter I recently learned that you can actually turn off a bunch of those settings and you can also move things around by clicking and dragging I guess the about is not one of them but you can move those tabs around I know that stream abot is kind of intimidating but I don't use most of those so hiding them would be good but I also make tutorials and I know that people are going to say oh my shot looks nothing like yours so like I'm kind of torn if I should do that for myself I don't use settings I don't use server clients I don't really use hotkeys I don't use voice control I definitely don't use midi I don't use Integrations uh stream apps I don't use that anymore because I already have my OBS connected I don't use commands I don't use action cues I don't even use viewers so technically this is stream bot this is all we're going to use today wait no actually we're not going to use Channel points so we don't even need platforms right now that that's wild so if you have bot installed that it's connected to OBS and you're logged in with twitch you just we need one tab for this whole thing anyways under actions we're going to create a new action and this one's going to be uh follow alert basically follow alert I'm not going to put it in a group you should put it in a group called alerts but I'm not going to so our goal here is to basically turn on one of those let's turn it off with our action selected we're going to right click under sub action we're going to go to OBS we're going to find sources cuz this is under sources and we're going to go to set set Source visibility State this scene is alert scene yes it is the source is follow alert yes it is click okay so this turns it on now it's your alert you can decide how long you want it to stay on let's say 5 Seconds we're going to right click add core delay 5,000 milliseconds okay and now we want another source visibility state to turn it off right we're just going to duplicate this one right click duplicate sub action double click on it and set the state to Hidden so show wait hide that's it now no that's not it because we have text we do have text so alert text here is the only quote unquote complicated thing but we're going to figure it out so so there's two subactions in order to display the name of the person who followed one is to get the information two is to just switch the text to that information so I'm going to right click I'm going to go to Twitch I'm going to go to user and I'm going to go to user info for Target so Source type whose information are we trying to get the user so whoever triggered whatever we're doing we're going to get the name okay so add Target info from who redeemed right click now we can switch the text OBS it's a source set text GDI now what is the text that you want to change it's the one that's in the scene called alert scene the source is called alert text actually I should call this follow text to make more sense there we go OBS Source set text follow text and if you read right there it tells you hey you can use a variable by the way Target user is the variable that you need need to get the name of the user so that is percent Target lowercase U uppercase and then Zer boom and that's just the name if you wanted to have custom text like is now following that's where you type it but we just need the name for our aesthetic follow alert let's click okay nice so both of those are at the bottom I'm just going to bring them up so add Target I want it to be the first thing that you gather basically and then I want it to immediately change the text before it becomes visible and then then turn it on right so what is the trigger so right click under triggers twitch Channel follow and that's it you will have a working follow alert all you have to do is basically go to the scenes where you want the alerts to show up add a new source as a scene and then pick your alert scene like this guess what it's in there it's in there so your alert will appear where it appears um let's go to streamer bot and see if we can test it right click test trigger and that was an actual name of an actual follower saving Ser thank you for the follow by the way and it's that simple now if I want to add like sounds or anything like that and there's multiple ways of doing it in streamer bot they already have a function to play a sound you can rightclick go to a core go to sounds and then click play sounds so then you can put like a sound file wherever you want in that process now you might be thinking oh no I have to do this for every re alert no you don't you can just right click duplicate this one let's rename it by double clicking and this was what did we say for this the other one uh resub click okay and we're just going to change a couple of things turn off the follow alert that's the one we want right target info we still want that we still want the text to say the name of the person now OBS visibility State we actually want to change that to resub that's the group we want to set visible same thing here nice the only thing we need here is to change the text so we're going to duplicate the the text that we're already changing right click duplicate subaction double click and then select the the right text what do we call it alert message so Source alert message and in this case Target user is not what we want we want a raw input I believe it's called not a raar [Music] input input and that is basically what they will type with their alert and click okay just make sure that it's placed somewhere reasonable like before turning it on and then we have the source that is no longer for a follow that is for something else we can delete this trigger yes add a new one it'll be a twitch subscription re subscription and look you can even set different alerts for different tiers and different sub streaks click okay and there it is hopefully the last person that subed to me had like a message now we can turn this off even directly go on our scene and this should be ready to test test trigger this is test subscription okay so there was there was no but but it works but it works now another huge advantage of using stream Abbot for your alerts is that you have access to more services more alerts for more stuff if I go to integration for example you'll see that I have Integrations with uh voice mod for example I have integration with pulsoid that's like heart rate monitor widgets there's treat stream there's Lumia stream there's vtube Studio there's crowd control there's Elgato stuff that also means that you can create alerts that are triggerable that you can trigger with Channel points for that you need platforms we go to Twitch and we have Channel points you can even have alerts for polls for example you have predictions pyramids sub counters there are so many options there are so many even if you just go to trigger you can see everything that can trigger an alert commands of course hot keys for you for example there's a quote system if someone adds a quote you can have an alert for that so we have the crowd control stuff effect failure effect request effect success when OBS disconnects for example you wanted to play a sound so you can know what's going on but even for hype trains uh guest star stuff Community goal alerts you can have specific actions happen when you're starting a raid specific things happen when you run an ad the possibilities are just endless now the question it probably is instead of using like static panels for twitch what if you wanted some animated backgrounds you can totally find some some of my animated overlays over at level come with alerts make sure that you read the description but uh should I make like like a small pack maybe five animated backgrounds specifically for alerts so that you can create your own alerts depending on the style that you want I think I might do that anyway so that was a quick overview on how I would go about creating alerts using stream robot and OBS if you've been watching my channel you know that there's a whole lot of like effects that we can add to make even static images more animated and you have a clear idea of how creative you can get with OBS Studio anyways so let me know in the comments if you want me to make more videos about more options I know that potty poop for example is one thing that I would definitely recommend and uh I'll see you next time thank you so much for watching go out there make me proud G level out
Channel: Gael LEVEL
Views: 5,247
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stream alerts, stream alerts obs, twitch alerts, how to setup stream alerts, custom stream alerts, obs alerts, obs alert box, obs alerts twitch, obs studio alerts tutorial, obs studio alert, streamer bot, streamer bot ideas, twitch, obs, obs studio, how to, tutorial, obs tutorial, guide, youtube stream alerts, youtube stream alerts obs, how to grow on twitch
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 39sec (939 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 30 2023
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