StreamerBot Voice Command Tutorial

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okay jumping right into this a few weeks ago I said during a live stream that I was going to make a video that would blow up on Tik Tok just because I knew I could and I did what I did not expect was the amount of people that would then ask how to set up voice controls inside of streamer bot so since I was asked by a ton of people how to set up voice commands I said that I would make this video going into all of the necessary information so here we are let's go whether you want to trigger sound bites overlays scene changes program launches retroactive recording or saving a clip of yourself stomping grapes on the local news using voice commands is a fast and easy way to do it without taking your hands off of your keyboard and mouse or controller you can control every aspect of your stream by just talking giving you ultimate freedom and control to stay focused on what is important your snacks no that's not right your community or the game play without sacrificing anything stream robots voice controls operate using Windows speech recognition software which is built in so there is no need to download anything install anything or even turn anything on the most you will want to do is to train the dictation to better recognize the way you speak there are a couple of important things to cover before doing that though first is the microphone you are going to use Windows has trouble with mics over 48,000 khz yeah so if you're using a beacon mic or anything running at 96,000 or above you will either want to plug in a secondary mic to use with streamer bot or install Nvidia broadcast and use that to run your microphone through and then use Nvidia broadcast inside of streamer bot as it will bring it down from you know stupid high quality to 48,000 and then it'll work better all right back to the training your voice make sure you have whatever mic you are going to be using ins a streamer bot set as your default mic for this as it will be the one that is being used in the training you can't select inside of the training which microphone you're using it automatically uses your default microphone so if you don't know how to change your default microphone just click your start button and open control panel and then click hardware and sound and then click manage audio devices go to recording and find the mic you want to use and click it and then click the button that says set default next you can go back to the control panel and then click on ease of access and then speech recognition to get the option to train your computer to better understand you this will run some text to dialogue that you're going to read aloud your computer will analyze your speech to help make less mistakes when you speak well to be honest that's that's how it's supposed to work but just being honest it's kind of in Windows 11 and makes mistakes all of the time like constantly it's it's whatever it's the price we pay to have cool things I guess so you're you're going to have to deal with it not understanding certain words or phrases or messing up random things or even triggering things when you don't want it to it's it's how it's going to be so be careful which words you select to say for your commands as some will be understood more frequently than others and some will be triggered by accident more frequently than others so just keep that in mind and make sure down the road when you have these set up that you test them or are prepared for it to make mistakes it will happen there's nothing you can really do about about it aside from choose different trigger words okay okay or you can revert back to Windows 10 cuz it worked way better on Windows 10 but Windows 10 doesn't work better so whatever I'm spitballing it's it's like I'm diving all right let's stay on track here this is going to be a short and quick video so once you have gone through training your computer once or twice you should be ready to start setting up voice commands to do that just open up stream robbot and at the top you will click on The Voice control Tab and then click settings tick the auto start listen box go down to audio input device and find the microphone you want it to use inside of the list of devices and then click the start listening tab that's it we're done no I'm kidding you can then click on the log tab at the top to make sure that it is hearing you and registering your your words properly if you wish to do so once you are satisfied that your mic is set up and streamer bot is hearing you you can click the commands tab to the [Music] left sorry um this is where you're going to set up all of your voice commands you will be using as triggers rightclick in the box and click add name the voice command whatever makes sense for the action it will be triggering and then in the command area type a word or phrase that you will be saying to actually trigger the action this is where you want to be mindful of what word or phrase you are using because that's right some suck and some don't so once you have your chosen word or phrase the location box is where you choose whether what you say has to be spoken exactly and by itself at the start of a sentence or anywhere while you are speaking so if you want something specific like um I don't know something that won't trigger while you're just talking and it's a word you're going to use like the word what or stupid you know something that you say a lot you don't want to use that as a trigger word with anywhere selected as the location because you're going to say it a lot and it's always going to trigger stuff or maybe you do and it's going to be funny I don't know you do you I'm just saying I tend to use exact for most of the things that I set up um I would also suggest never overriding the confidence threshold that is how accurate the dictation has to be to actually trigger something so if it's if it's very unsure of the word that you just said it won't accidentally trigger something again shouldn't does all the time that's dumb uh you can change your confidence threshold too by the way you can set it to like 50% so nothing under that will trigger anything I would suggest doing that don't set it too high though or you might never trigger anything but hey you know what you do you again just do whatever you think is best you're you're smart you got this I don't know what I'm talking about I don't I don't know okay I don't know anything I don't know why you're here listening to me what do I do what do I know I'm just kidding please take my advice I smart I stuff know smart anyway once you have your voice commands set up you will just go to whatever action you have that you would like to trigger by voice command with that action selected in the actions list go over to the triggers box and rightclick go to core voice control and then click command then just find the voice command you set up that you want to use as the trigger in the list of available commands uh if you only have one right now then it's going to be very easy to find it so click that command add it in and then just click okay and then just say the word or phrase that you chose as your command trigger word or phrase and it should trigger the action and you should see whatever you wanted it to do happen inside of OBS or if it's used to trigger a sound you should hear the sound play that's it that's everything freaking awesome right super fast tutorial now you can go off and run naked into the world on your own and do great things that will wow the masses maybe you should wear clothes thanks so much for watching watching this video I hope even though it was short and mostly to the point it was helpful and gave you the information you needed or wanted if you did enjoy it and find it helpful please click that like button it it makes me happy it makes my heart tingle I'm like yay I don't know why I made that sound please don't tell anybody about that if you are interested in even more helpful tips tools information uh IDE is you know whatever please consider clicking the Subscribe Button as well I am here every 32nd day of the 13th month of the year yeah if you have any questions or need any further help you can leave a comment down below and I will give you all of the help I can alternatively you can join my Discord I will leave a link to that in the description below or you can even come join me live on Twitch for uh live one-on-one help I go live every Monday Wednesday and Friday at 11:00 a.m. Central again leaving a link in the description below I hope you all have a wonderful day uh make yourself and someone else smile and until next time take care stay safe nailed it kind of probably yeah I should put on pants [Music] definitely
Channel: Geefbird
Views: 161
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 4Zk2j0tc9aY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 31sec (691 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 24 2024
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