How to Set up your Team Site in Office 365 for document storage & intranet

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with office 365 you can use sites to store and share documents and collaborate on projects at anytime on any device the default SharePoint site in office 365 is called a team site you and others in your organization can start using it right away by collaborating on work documents but to make the most of your team site you'll want to customize it to fit your business needs and use it as your own company intranet let's take a look at your team site in office 365 to get there choose sites from the app launcher then select team site the team site has a logo title and navigation links on the home page there are getting started tiles a newsfeed and documents there's also a OneNote notebook included on the site that can be used for collaboration you can start adding work files to the documents location here this is called a document library and it's similar to onedrive for business here you can create and edit files or sync them to your computer you can create additional document libraries for different purposes go to the home page and choose add libraries give it a name and click create you'll see the new library on the site contents page it also appears in the recent navigation list on the left in addition to document libraries you can add other types of apps like lists instead of documents a list stores data like announcements contacts or tasks let's add a contacts list to store our customers contact information we'll name the list clients and click create there are more apps available in office 365 you can also purchase apps from the SharePoint app store such as apps for finance news project management and CRM so far we've added apps for storing documents and data to the site but what about customizing the team site for the business and making it easier to use let's start by changing the site title and logo for our business to do this we go to settings then site settings then title description and logo we'll change the title to contoso team site we'll also add a description which appears if someone searches for the site in office 365 now we'll upload our contoso logo which will appear on every page of the site next let's customize the home page which is the first thing everyone sees on our team site choose page then edit let's start with the page layout let's use the three column layout with header and footer to give ourselves more places to put content now we'll remove sight features that we don't need like the newsfeed and the getting started tiles if we change our minds later we can add them back any time from the settings menu next we'll add a welcome message for our employees now let's customize the other items on the page these are called webparts first we'll move the documents pane we'll check the box in the upper right corner then drag it over to the left since we're using onedrive for business along with the team site we can add links to our employees individual onedrive locations this makes it easy to access documents that someone has shared out from their onedrive even if they're out of the office to do this we just start typing right here let's call this individual storage now we'll type in each person's name we'll select each name and make it a link to that person's onedrive now when someone clicks a name like Rob's they'll see the documents he shared out now we'll add a dynamic menu of top tasks to our page this makes the page look more professional and makes it easier for everyone to finish common tasks under the setting gear we'll choose add an app now we'll select promoted links give it a name top tasks and create now open it up and select all promoted links then choose edit this list at this point we're going to enter a title and link location for each top task we'll call the first task agenda I've already got a one-note notebook set up for agendas so I'll right-click on the notebook link here on the left and choose copy shortcut now I'll go back and paste it into the link location field we'll basically repeat these steps for the rest of our top tasks when finished choose stop editing this list now let's return to our site's homepage and add our top tasks choose page then edit place the cursor below our welcome message choose insert web part under the web parts select top tasks then add save the page our top tasks dynamic menu to further enhance the top tasks menu you can add your own icons to do this browse to the site assets location on the team site own graphics we've provided example icons that you can download from Microsoft com to get started to add these icons to the top tasks menu copy the location of each icon go back to site contents and choose top tasks in the list tab choose the all promoted links view you edit the list then paste the address of each custom icon into the background image location space repeat these steps for each tile then stop editing the list return to the homepage and you'll see the custom top tasks icons we finished customizing the team site for our business now what if we want to set up designated areas for collaborating with customers or certain employees we can do this by creating sub sites under the team site one for each customer we'll go to site contents and choose new sub site give it a name like HR customer and leave team site as the template now choose use unique permissions this is important if you want people outside your organization to have access choose yes to display this site in the quick launch no to display it in the top parent site and yes to show the top navigation from the team site on the next page you can add other employees who will be working with this client or if you want to be the only one in your organization with access to this sub-site leave this page as is then click OK as you can see this sub-site looks just like the team site so we'll repeat some of the same steps here since this is just for one customer we'll make a few light changes hide the get started tiles and newsfeed and move the documents pane over here we'll add a welcome message then save the page to share this site with our customer we choose share enter the clients name and we see that they can access only this sub site and not our main team site if we go back to the team site we see the customer sub site listed in the left navigation we can add as many sub sites as we need our team site and customer sub sites are complete learn more about office 365 Oh
Channel: Ben Oostdam
Views: 281,697
Rating: 4.8325992 out of 5
Keywords: Office 365, SharePoint, Team site, Tile, Notebook, workfiles, Document, Sync, Microsoft, libraries, library, Apps, Online, Annoucement, Contact, List, Appstore, Customize, Business, Site Title, Site Settings, upload, logo, homepage, column, layout, OneDrive, share, dynamic, menu, add an app, promoted links, Top Task, Agenda, internal site, change tile color, template, permission, Subsite, sharing, 工作組網站, टीम साइट, команда сайта, trang web đội, 팀 사이트, ekip sitesi, チームサイト, how to, tutorial, online
Id: U_hi794Tb98
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 2sec (542 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 24 2015
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.