SharePoint Modern Sites Intranet

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hi my name is Peter Holmstrom of Kallstrom comm business solutions in this demonstration I'll go through an exercise which is called modern Internet and the goal is to build a fully modern SharePoint Internet and that is using not all but some of the modern page and modern layout modern design SharePoint tools so we're going to build a fully modern SharePoint internets these steps are we going to start with new communication site called HQ we do that and I'm going to flip back and forth between the steps here and some other tabs let's start on the SharePoint tab but there I will start a new communication sites and create a new site and that's going to be a communication site I'm gonna call that HQ right and I'll just finish that and there's my communication science called HQ so that step is done let's just highlight that there we go that one is done all right the new company has three departments sales production and support they should each have their own modern team site and we'll go back to the SharePoint homepage those were supposed to be team sites I'm gonna do the sales let's just make these public for now it's creating that site and there we go we have a sale site that one is done the sales we're going on toward the production back to dance and we'll create a site again alright and it's gonna be a public one also as you see creating these modern sites it's really really fast much much faster than creating traditional site collections back to SharePoint again and creating another site and it's gonna be a team site again and here is the support and again they'll make that public so now we have three department sites and one HQ site so that one is done let's yes this part is done all right so we're gonna add links to allow navigation back and forth between Department sites on the HQ site all right so that we have the support site here so what we can do is just use this Quick Links here and edit the page let's just remove the existing links there I have a new link a link from a link let's just copy all that on the one we want this the HQ sites of course we'll open that we can just call that HQ and of course we could put a logo on there and things like that it's right there we go now we have the HQ link on the support site and we publish that page so now we have the HQ links or allowing us to go back to the HQ site on the HQ site I want to put the links up here so I'll just click Edit there and create a new link do that here I'll call that departments I'm just actually just gonna put a link back to where we are on this site call that departments and then I'll create more links support that of course will be a sub link make sub link and then we can create more of those and the final one is the production of course all right so now we can get from the HQ site to all the Department sites and I've already done the support one I think yes there's the HQ link so I can go back to the HQ under the sales I'll do the same thing there remove these add a link from a link on the HQ site open that and we will just save this by closing this down and publishing that so that was the sale and finally let's go back to the home production edit the page remove doubts add a link from a link paste down HQ site open nuts and we are done just close tons and actually let's go ahead and change that from home to HQ or make it better just press ENTER to save that and publish the page like that let's go back to the HQ I think I didn't mistake here on the sale sites yes it says home lair let's change that just go there and put an HQ there so we have a consistent way of looking everywhere all right so we have the navigation down there we go this part is done excellent there we go all of that stuff on the HQ site first page insert a graph of a YouTube video on a Visio file and this is actually two ways to do this the easiest way it's the one we're going to show you of course let's go back to the HQ site this page now the hero site has quite a lot of content on it and we want three parts as you see this one has five parts so I could of course go in and edit this page and remove all the parts on it but and I gonna to a simpler way and I'm gonna add a new page and on that page let's skip out of that I will remove that heading image just call out HQ like that and then I'm going to modify this section and make a three column section and I have a page with placeholders for three things the things that I want all right let's go back see what we want and I graph showing the sales of bikes let's do that we'll insert a graph quick chart that's the one I want so sales and then edit this just put the data so we have city bikes down another one the mountain that was twenty thousand and finally the sport well that was fifteen thousand there we go and I want to make that a pie chart so I'm just changing that to a pie chart looking good all right we're done with a quick chart the next part that we wanted to do that one is done a YouTube video alright let's add a YouTube video sure let's find our YouTube video first well let's just search for Kallstrom Internet that's the one that's my most popular one that's the old one that I'm doing based on the classic interface so we're gonna share I'm gonna do an embed code if I select all there and copy it then I should be fine so I'm gonna embed the code here there we go I just paste all of that and there's my video so close that and that's saved and the third thing that we wanted to do was a Visio file all right so back to the page we are adding a new web part and the one I want now is the file viewer and if I were your ass you can see it yeah as the failure that can show Word Excel PowerPoint this is your PDF 3d and others so that's a cool thing I'm just gonna do the piece here here so let's go ahead and upload a video file I'll just choose your file here this yellow folder here let's just do the org chart I will out that file I just see it's uploading that and here's my org chart showing in that with a higher resolution I can actually see all these three things on the page at the same time so I'll publish them and now I want this in not only in my navigation but I want it to be the home page and I could copy the address here but what I'm going to do is go into the site contents find the site pages and this is the one that I have done the HQ one so I'm just gonna set that one as the home page a comp inch there we go this page is now the home page so if I go to home page now you see I get my graph I get my video and I get my Visio file on the home page right so if we are done with all these three things so yep that one is done on that one is done now we're just gonna have this HQ site to the featured on the SharePoint home page let's do that one also so again we want the URL of the HQ site copy that and I'll go into the SharePoint home page here and I'll add that one as featured here I see I'm following all these four that I have created now I might take a while before I start following things but it ends up there so add a link to HQ there we go now that's featured and of course that is featured for everyone in the organization so that concludes my demo and we have done all of the parts in my exercise there thank you for watching this demo
Views: 70,799
Rating: 4.8333335 out of 5
Keywords: SharePoint team sites, SharePoint communitation sites, SharePoint intranet, modern SharePoint sites, Modern SharePoint customization
Id: 0ns7ilLvvco
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 16sec (676 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 18 2018
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