Top 25 Microsoft Forms tips and tricks for 2021 // New features, hidden gems & Office integration

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i'll be showing 25 microsoft forums tips and tricks this is little gems you didn't know about as well as new features and also how forms integrates into the rest of the office suite so let's get started i'm here on the homepage and first off let's go into forms so in the lower left right here we'll click forms this is the forms homepage now the first tip is to explore this updated and redesigned homepage you can see all my forms are right here now you see a new quiz here i'm signed in as an educator so that's the default but for anyone else signed in as a non-educator you'll see new form here what's been done is there's recent these are my recently used forms there's pinned and here's a couple of forms that i've pinned and then shared with me if people have shared forms and also down below you can see my groups so if i want to go and show more groups here's all the different groups i have i can drill in here and create a form for that group then i can go all my forms if i want to see all the forms that i have you can see right here they're all laid out and i can go to deleted form so here's the forms that i've deleted the second tip is there's a new little drop down here that lets you look at a list view or tile so if i want to see all my forms you might have a really long list of forms you want to see them in list order versus the tile order it's really easy to switch like that the third tip is the likert question so let's go to the drop down here and we're going to create a new form we'll give it a quick title maybe i've given a training session and i want to gather some feedback so i will click add new to make a new question and over here on the right hand side i drop this down and there is the likert likert is a fancy word for a table rows and columns you can see a little image there so let's choose likert and let's give it a quick question how would you rate mike's training today so you have statements for the rows and options for the column so i'm going to quickly fill in the statements so there are the three statements and across the top for options i can fill in a few choices so there are some five options that i can choose through little option buttons if i want to add a sixth option i could do that option six i'll just delete it and i can also add a statement right here so it's just that easy to fill in a likert question if i want to see what that looks like i go here and click preview and there it is i go through and i can choose these different options the fourth tip is the nps or net promoter score feature in forms so i'll click add new and over on the right hand side i'll drop this down and choose net promoter score this is great to gather data on how likely you are to recommend something or not to a friend or colleague so i have 0 through 10 not at all likely to extremely likely and you can edit this so how likely are you to recommend mike to a friend or colleague and again what it looks like here it's this nice little zero through ten i can choose one of these actually you know for for me i'm going to recommend myself i'm going to give myself a 10. the fifth tip are sections in forms these are relatively new so if i want to have a chunk of my form that i have people fill out until they go to another chunk which is called a section i click add new and i drop this down and i can choose section you see here down at the bottom i choose section and it's going to make a whole another section area so i can give that a label future trainings with mike i could even give this little image so i'll insert an image here and there he is i can give a description and then i can add more questions so i can add a question here and add other questions i'll do that really quick and i have a couple of more questions in this section so now when i preview this here's the first one about mike's training session and right here is next so this can go to the next chunk of my format next hey there is more options i have future trainings so it's really easy to add other section chunks if i want to remove those sections i can go back and change and remove them i click the dot dot dot i can remove this i can just a section or questions i can actually move a section or i can duplicate it maybe i want to duplicate this section right here and have a third one i can easily do that the sixth tip are improved themes so if i go to theme right here you're gonna see theme ideas and there's a lot of different ideas that are generated and uh hey this this looks like a fun one these are all the people who want to come to my training session so if i scroll down you'll see some ideas that were generated by forms i can always choose the default themes that are here i could also add and customize my own themes but theme ideas are something that are surfaced by forms automatically and i'll click hide the seventh tip is branching branching allows you to have people go to different parts of a form based on what they're responding to in that question there's all sorts of ways you can branch people off i'll show a very simple one here so in this case which day of the week did you want i want to branch people off based on what they choose so i click on the question and i scroll down and i click the dot dot dot and i will choose add branching what you see is every single choice now has a go to and i can choose so in this case on sundays and saturdays they choose that i'm just going to have them go to the end of the form because i don't work on the weekend so i choose end of form but from monday through friday you can see go to next or go to specific questions or even go to different sections so in my case i'll just leave it as go to next and the next question is what time of day did you want and these are my weekday times but as you can see you have lots of choices to let people go back and forth so now i'm going to click here click on back to see and when i add a branching statement it adds this little branching icon so i know that this has branching statements if i go here to preview we'll see what that looks like so i'm going to scroll down go to next to the next section enter your name what day of the week did you want if i click on sunday or saturday you notice nothing happens and i'll just submit the form but if i click monday you'll see oh what time of day did you want and that will show 8 am and what did i want for lunch i'll have a ham sandwich and i can click submit the eighth tip is the ability to upload a file when you're adding a question so i'm going to scroll down to the bottom of my form and i will click add new and right here if i click the drop down you're going to see file upload and i will choose that so in this case it says a new folder will be created in sharepoint and anyone who uploads a file will be captured in that folder and i'll click ok i can specify what type of file and how big so the question here is add a word doc or a pdf about your hopes and dreams of this future session and so what i'm going to have here is how many files we're just going to say one file and how big is it going to be 10 megabytes that seems plenty but you can have them be 100 megabytes or even a gigabyte now if you go to the dot dot dot menu you can even specify what types of files so i'll say file type you know i only want a word document or a pdf and it will make sure that no one can upload excels or videos or audio or anything else it will only allow you to do these now to show what that looks like i'll go again to preview and i'll scroll down and i'm going to choose friday and here it says add a word doc or pdf about my hopes and dreams so i click upload file and there are some files here i will upload a word document right here and it's added that word document and if i had something else it would not let me upload an excel file for example the ninth tip is the immersive reader the immersive reader is inclusively designed to help all people of all abilities to access content and read more effectively so if i hover here you're going to see this little immersive reader icon i can also go here you can see the immersive reader anywhere there's text this immersive reader shows up now if you are on commercial forms it won't show up by default in education it hovers by default but clicking the dot dot you can disable it everywhere or if you're in education or commercial you can enable it so depending on how you sign in that will show up or not by default when i click the button you can see what we do is we abstract all the user interface and i can do things like read aloud mike's training session this is an evaluation form of the training and i can choose the voice speed faster or slower i can change the background text if i want to increase spacing some people have visual crowding issues i can change the background color some people cannot read very easily with just a white or black background so i have lots of different options there i can go to reading preferences and choose line focus to help focus my eye just on that single line at a time and i can choose three lines or five lines and lastly i can translate in many different languages so in this case maybe i want to translate over here into spanish and i'll translate the entire document and we'll turn off line focus and then we'll read aloud with the spanish document if i want to go back to the original language english in this case i can flip back and forth so there's many options for the immersive reader and that is built right into forms the tenth tip is using the math keyboard in forms now this is only available for quizzes so if you're an educator you can create a math quiz so i'm going to click new quiz right here we'll give it a title and i'll click add new we're just going to make it a text question and we're going to have this be an equation please solve this equation now go to the dot dot menu and you're going to see something that says math this will let you have the math keyboard so you can see right here i can switch to text but we'll leave it as math for now and i can enter an equation 5 x plus 3 y equals 7. that's one example i could also do something like square root so maybe i do the square root of 5x plus 3y equals 7. i'm going to keep this in pretty simple we'll just make it this square root of 25 and click ok and then i can enter what the answer is so i add an answer here the answer is 5 but i could again use this math keyboard if it's a more complex answer if i want to switch to a text keyboard i just click this and i could type out 5. but in this case we're going to make it five hit okay and we're ready to go just to preview what that looks like as a student i click preview it says please solve this equation and when the student enters here the math keyboard will come up so it's really handy you can make all sorts of complex math equations in your forms quiz the 11th tip is the ability to print a form so let's open up my training session here if i go to the dot dot dot menu there's just a print form pretty simple but this has been a very popular request that's recently rolled out so if i click on print form i get the entire thing rendered i can print this out on paper really easily related is the ability to print a summary of responses not many people know about this so if i open up this training session and i go to responses there's only one response but i can print the summaries if i click this dot dot dot i choose print summary and you'll see there is a summary of all the responses now i've only got one response but if you want to print out an entire summary sheet it's really easy as you just saw the 12th tip is the ability to shuffle questions in a quiz or a form so i've got a quiz here that i've already created i'm going to open it shuffling means that people get different questions in different order so if you're taking a test or a quiz you can be assured that students won't get the same questions in the same order so if i go to the dot dot menu here i choose settings if you scroll down you're going to see this option for responses shuffle questions so this means it'll be randomized now you can choose to shuffle all the questions or maybe you just want the first two questions to be locked down and the other ones to be shuffled so you have the ability to shuffle everything or just shuffle maybe questions 10 through 15 you can choose what you want right there the 13th tip is the ability to set start date and time and end date and time i'm going to go in here to my form and i'm going to open up the dot dot dot menu and again choose settings if you scroll down on options for responses there's start date and end date so for my training session form if i click start date i only want them to be able to fill out this form starting at 2 30 and we'll make the end date in the new year and maybe we'll make this on january 4th at midnight so there we go 11 45 close enough now that means that they can only respond in within these times or dates and you can customize these however you need to the 14th tip is the ability to get a link to the summary of all the responses and results that have been filled out again this is not a well-known feature i'll open up my training session here and if you go to the responses page for anyone who's filled out your form there's this doc.doc menu for more options if i click this i can create a summary link so if i want to send this link to someone else to show them all the results i click that and i get a copy and i will paste this somewhere i'll just show you what it looks like if someone else opens up that summary link so i've pasted the link up here and you can see it pulls up the summary of all the results so if you want to share the results of your form or survey with someone it's really easy to send a link like that the 15th tip is a customized message at the end of your form when you fill it up so for my form here if i go to the dot dot menu and i go to settings down here at the bottom i can customize a thank you message so when they fill out my training session form i can give them a nice little thank you there i filled out a nice little message and i'm ready to go the 16th tip is the ability to duplicate a form or a quiz you've made this is really really helpful so there's this nice big share button here and when i click that i have some options first off i can go and share this as a template what that means is maybe you've created this really cool form or a really cool quiz and you wanted to give it to someone else so they can copy into their own forms library so if i click get a link to duplicate has a little link here and if i click copy now i can paste it and send it to someone so i'm going to show how to do that next i'm here in outlook now i'm going to open up a message and i'm going to send it to my friend alex and here's the link to my form paste that link and hit send now i'm signed in as alex here's that link that cara coleman just sent me duplicate mike's training section okay let's open this up and at the top it says duplicate this form and start to use it as your own so i'm going to click duplicate and there it is it makes it now adds copy here so it has that little copy i could get rid of that if i want is alex if i go to my own forums here is alex you're going to see now alex has a copy of mike's training session in his own forms library the 17th tip is sharing and collaborating on a form so if i go to the share button on any form or quiz i click share and if i go down here share to collaborate get a link to view and edit so i'm going to share this with alex and we're going to collaborate on this now so you can choose do i want to share it with an office 365 account people in my organization only or just specific people so i'm going to say anyone with an office 365 account can use this and i'll click copy now it's ready for me to paste so we'll go back and send that an email again so i'm going to open up an email message again and we'll send it to alex and i'm going to paste the link let's collaborate and we'll send that off now we'll sign in as alex okay alex got my mail let's collaborate let's open this up it's alex now we're co-authoring so here's the forum you can see that cara coleman is also editing so i can go in and edit this however i want so if i go down here maybe i want to add a new question because alex has some ideas about my training sessions great we can do whatever we want and we are co-authoring at that point the 19th feature is the ability to create multi-language forms so i'm going to open up this form and maybe i want to have this form sent out where there's some people who speak different languages who'll be filling out my training form so if i choose the dot dot menu and go to multilingual i can add some more languages so default for me it's english i can add another language so in this case let's add spanish you could add many languages spanish french german arabic but i'm just going to have spanish now click the little pencil icon to edit the language and when you click this it brings up your form and i can put in the translations from spanish right into here so i'll do that really quickly there we go i have my spanish translations in and you can see down here i can add whatever i need to so when i go back now i can send this form out and the people who received the form will be able to choose the language i'll show what that looks like really quick so here's the preview now in the upper right you can see there's multiple languages english here but i can drop this down and maybe i'm going to choose spanish so you can see the part that i put in is now translated into those new languages that i added myself the next six tips show how forms integrates with other office apps for tip number 20 i'm going to switch to outlook desktop and show the quick pull integration i'm here in outlook and i've opened up an email message this is outlook that's connected to office 365. if you go to the insert menu you're going to see this option poll it's pretty new create an instant real-time poll let's click this on the right it opens up what's kind of forms based technology so i can input my question where did you want to go for lunch two options pizza place or hamburger heaven i could add more options i'm not gonna i could delete choices it's all based on forms add multiple answers but i'll just choose insert poll into email and you can see it adds that where did you want to go for lunch view or vote in the browser even gives a subject i'm going to send this off to cara i'm signed into kara now and i just got a mail from mike pull where did you want to go for lunch so i can click view and vote in the browser let's open this up and look at that it's a nice little form that's generated from that poll so i'm going to choose the pizza place i'll click vote and i get to see the results of that poll so really nice integration of forums with outlook the 21st tip is the excel web integration with forms so i'm going to switch to excel here and create a new blank workbook i'll go to the insert menu and a lot of people haven't seen this but there's forms and i drop this down i can create a new form and we'll show preview edit and a few of the other ones so create new form it launches me right back into forms and i'm going to very quickly fill out a form here speed through it now i've filled out a quick form here it's a survey name favorite color and rate your experience if you go back to the excel web file that got created automatically it created this sheet called form 1 down here and you can see it actually has the results in columns across all of the questions from my form so that automatically does that so if i go and fill out this form here i'll do a preview hit submit i submitted a response if i go back to the reform and i hit refresh it has all those responses automatically added right there in the spreadsheet so really handy it updates it in real time as people are filling it out now if i go back to here i can go insert and then forms i can preview the form from here i can edit the form right here if i click edit it launches it into edit mode and i can also go back here and say send the form if i want to send it to someone it has the link right here ready to go so i could say copy this i can mail it out all those things currently this will only exist in excel web we hope to bring it to other versions of excel in the future the 22nd tip is teams integration so let's go into teams i'm signed in as a teams user and this is cara who's been creating all the forms first off it automatically integrates into conversations down here in messages so if i open up the little dot dot dot i can choose forms it's going to give me the option right here to easily add questions and integrate those so i'll fill this out really quick simple form here i click save there's a few options share results or keep responses anonymous and i can send this out and it gets posted right into the channel here and people can easily fill it out so i can submit my vote and it automatically updates that forum so you can post this right into teams into a channel and if you go back into your forms as kara the person who created this you'll have that as well so signed back into forums you can see there's the survey that i just created right inside of teams i can open that up the 23rd tip is onenote integration with forms so i'm going to switch to onenote i'm here in onenote for windows 10 and this also works in one up for the web and the other one clients but i'm going to click the insert menu here and way over on the right you're going to see a forms button i'll click this and it's going to pull down all the forms i've created including the ones we've been doing today the most recent ones the polls mike's training session some of the philosophy quizzes i've done earlier now i'm just going to do the where should we eat for lunch because i just created that and you can see there's an insert there's an edit i can also create a new form or a new quiz but we'll just say insert right here and it inserts a link and it automatically embeds that interactively right here into onenote i can even do things like enable the immersive reader like we showed before now that immersive reader is right there i can click that and launch it pretty powerful we're not going to go into the immersive reader right now but you get a sense i can easily embed these forms interactively right here into onenote also any form that i have i can paste a link to as well so if i've deleted this one here maybe i just have a form link that i got from someone i'm just going to paste it here's a link i have i'm just pasting it into onenote hey and here's the whole quiz i've just rendered that entire quiz right here in onenote by pasting a link to forms it puts a link here i can click that link and get back to that form if i need to the 24th tip is forms integration with powerpoint and this is powerpoint desktop with office 365. if i go to the insert menu similar to with onenote there's a forms button if i click forms it renders my forms right here and again just like with one i can say new form or new quiz i'm going to select an existing form the old where should we eat for lunch if i click insert it inserts that form right onto the slide well what does that mean if i give this slide show out to people or students when they run the slideshow they will get to respond to the form so down here i'm going to click the start the slideshow button and here's that form right here where should we eat for lunch pizza place and hit submit and i've just submitted super easy and that's integrated right into powerpoint the 25th and final tip is integration with microsoft stream stream is our video solution and you can interactively embed quizzes and forms right into your video so we'll launch stream here under all apps choose stream i'm here in stream now maybe i've already got a video that i've created i'm going to go to my content go to videos here is my space station video now i'm going to go right here and click on interactivity and click add form now it says paste your form url and i'm going to paste this here it's actually a philosophy form but hey give it a name we'll call it the velocity form and i'm going to say add to timeline now i want to maybe add this at the 5 second mark so here and we're going to say add to timeline what this is going to do is it's going to stop and i'll show what this looks like and that philosophy form will get popped up right at that point and i could change that if i want but we'll just leave it like this so now we're going to go and watch the video international space station there we go we develop as educator hey it stopped the video and gives me a little philosophy quiz so i fill out the form here and i do my thing bill and ted and click submit i've submitted my response and now i can continue along with the video and there's so many i would say so a great way to check for understanding as the video is going along especially as an educator you can insert these forms at different parts and video and you can actually add multiple forms at multiple points just by going into this interactivity you can add another form if you want you can insert it in a different part of the timeline if you found this video useful give it a like now if you want to keep up with all the latest quick tip videos that i'll keep releasing subscribe to my channel and then just ring the bell so you get notified for all the new videos that post
Channel: Mike Tholfsen
Views: 238,828
Rating: 4.9654937 out of 5
Keywords: microsoft forms tips and tricks, ms forms tips and tricks, microsoft forms tips, microsoft forms, microsoft forms advanced features, microsoft forms and excel, microsoft forms and teams, microsoft forms and teams integration, microsoft forms branching, microsoft forms branching tutorial, microsoft forms new features, microsoft forms tutorial, microsoft forms tutorial 2020, Forms tips and tricks, sections in microsoft forms, ms forms, ms forms tutorial, mike tholfsen
Id: wtQbMdqXjxQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 11sec (1511 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 13 2021
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