Administering SharePoint Online

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[Music] hello everyone welcome back to the latest of my video tutorials this time it's the turn of administering sharepoint online so remember if you like what you see go ahead click on that subscribe button and don't miss a thing so are you ready to learn let's go [Music] hi there i'm andy malone i'm a microsoft mvp as well as a microsoft certified trainer you know microsoft sharepoint started out back in 2001 as the digital dashboard project and now it's grown to be an integral part of microsoft 365 but just how do to administer it how do we start where do we start well i thought in this tutorial we'll have a nice deep dive session so let's begin so here we are in microsoft 365 and the first place we're going to go down to is we're going to go into the admin center so in here i'm going to click into admin and here we are in the admin center now just a reminder that everybody who subscribes with 365 gets sharepoint pretty much except home users um so what we're looking at here for administration is to go into show all if i scroll down i'm going to come in here to the sharepoint admin center now please note that the sharepoint admin center also gives you access to the onedrive admin center you can get this to this directly by going to so here we are on the main uh this is the new uh next generation sharepoint admin center and it looks really nice and you can see we have these this card based system so it shows you uh all your views uh and you've also got like a usage report here and a lifetime file activity report now again just going up to the question mark will take you to if you want to know more and the other thing that you've got here is you've also got a little overview of exactly what you're viewing now sharepoint also has its own message center from microsoft so these are any kind of updates and things that are going online um anything new this is where they'll appear and also the service health please note this is the service health in your own data center so if you're in the uk it'll be a data center in the uk if if you're in the us and so on okay um if you want to go into that further by the way you can go in and view all the services um okay so first place we're gonna go is sites so we've got a number of menu items here and the first place that we look at is we've got sites now um if you've seen previous videos of mine you'll also know that when you create an office or microsoft 365 group as they're now known you also create a microsoft sharepoint team site and you can you know what type of website it's going to be because you can see that you've got different templates so different websites use different templates now one of the really nice things about this active sites page is it shows you the name of the website where it's located in sharepoint the size how much storage you've used up it shows you the primary who's the primary admin of the site and we also have a feature called a hub site which i'll explain in a second shows you the template when it was last activated i'd just like to point out that i'm using a demo um so a series of demos that's the reason why i've got nobody activity there and when was it created who would created it by and again you can also scroll over here you can see i'm i need to move over my screen a little bit there um but you can and then you can filter so i can view do i want to see all sites do i want to see microsoft 365 groups do show me the largest sites in the company the least active sites and that's really useful because um within sharepoint may everybody can create microsoft 365 groups and occasionally you might find one that not many people use so it's a great way of locating kind of sites that you don't really need to keep anymore okay so the first thing that we need to do of course is we'll we need to go and create a a new website so what i'm going to do is i'm going to click on the new website option i can create what we call a team site or a communication site again these are from 10 point templates we also have other options as well so um i mentioned that this is the new next gen admin center um if you want to go back to traditional uh templates then there are a whole bunch of different templates here okay so these are the more kind of traditional type templates for the purpose of this demo what i'm going to do is i'm just going to go back and i'm going to say yeah i want to create a team site here now i live in sterling in scotland so i'm just going to call this my sterling hq site okay and you can see it puts in the navigation here and it also creates or it asks you do you want to create a microsoft 365 group with this so you have the option to do so and i'm gonna go ahead and i'm gonna just say yeah that's fine now i have a i'm actually user used logged in as a as a user called mod here and i've also got a user called megan so i'm going to add a couple of owners to this website okay now just a word about owners owners can invite guests so by default uh group owners are a member of the guest inviter role which means if you're allowed so if it's part of your company policy to allow external guests then you can have those uh guests in there if you want that you can choose a language of course for your website and you have some additional settings and this really kind of goes into kind of blends into microsoft 365 groups which is really nice and if you've not seen that video go ahead and check out that video in the link at the end of this video um now um privacy settings is it going to be public so can anybody and that means including external guest join or is it just private so organizational members only for the purpose of this demo i'll keep it private um you can choose your time zone so again here i've got my time zone here so i can scroll down and i can say yeah i'm actually in the uk here so i can go ahead and i can choose london there we go um i can put in a description in there if i want to that's quite useful if people are gaining access to the website and i'll click next um okay do i want to add in any additional owners or some members well yeah i want to add in i've got a group called sales um uh you can you can i can add members in actually tell you what i'll do so i've got a user called alex so i'm gonna i'm gonna add in alan as well um i've got a user called oh just bring her in and alex and we'll just go for those two i can't remember the other names um okay so i'll click on finish um and you can see i've now gone ahead and created that group so if i scroll down now sometimes with groups and websites just takes a little bit of time to come through so it's probably worth just going up and just say okay let's just do a quick uh refresh of the screen so i'm just going to refresh that page and now when i scroll down you can now see that i do have in fact my still link hq now you can see the menu here is still saying do you want to export that means i can export this list but look what happens when i go ahead and select it so this is what we call context sensitive menus now appear so i can now go and i can create for example a sub site within here so if you want to have multiple sites you can do that you can manage the the site permissions and we have something called a hub site so what is what does first of all let me do the administration then i'll come back and talk about the hub site so i'm going to click into the website itself and you can see that the site name again i can edit that i can change that at the moment i'm not associated with a hub um am i i because i created the site as a group you can see that it's connected um and there's the url so if i click on that you can see it will now take me to the website and there's not much here at the moment okay but this is the the website it looks very nice and you can change everything about the site by the way you can customize that you can change the logo here the look of it the put in the description everything um activity again fantastic for administration you can see exactly what's going on when the last activity was so it you know occasionally sites are created and you might find hey this site's not been used for a number of years so you might decide to archive it or even delete it eventually coming to permissions so here's my initial permissions that i set up so i can add in additional administrators and i can also add in site members and if the site is allowed to have visitors i.e external guests then this is where these guys will appear here as well um in policies here i've got this section called external sharing i'm going to come back to that in a couple of seconds so first of all then um how can we what can we do about this site can we customize this site in any way so what i'm going to do is i'm going to click into the actual website as well here now in terms of the actual website everything here is customizable remember all of this came from a template now the one thing that we do also have here at the bottom is because my tenancy includes a license for microsoft teams it's saying do you want to add this microsoft 365 group because microsoft 365 groups of course we get a shared document library you get a um you know a shared email you get shared calendars a shared planner and all of that is very very interactive it's awesome so one thing is it's saying hey do you want to extend the capabilities of that microsoft 365 group to become a microsoft team okay so yes i do i'm going to go ahead and click on that and now that extends the capabilities of the group to be a microsoft team and i can now go and work with that okay um actually just cancel that um okay so you can see that we have a number of these are uh called apps in here of course we have a little bit of activity seeing things things what's going on you've got your sharepoint document library here so i can create documents i can drag and drop documents in here for my uh group to work with um up here you can see that we have a little wheel on the top uh right hand corner here the little wheel and this indicates my settings so i can go in for example i can add a page i can add an app remember these are the apps um you can also customize the site contents um things like a site information uh you can even think do things like change the look of the website okay um so for example i can change the theme so you can change the different color scheme you know i like green there's not enough green in the world i'm going to go ahead and click on that and you can also there's different designs that you can choose as well so again if you depending on the template that you've used of course and some designs may be available for you all right so you can see that the site has now gone green and the other thing that we can also do is you can view the site performance and the usage just like you could in the list of websites you've got the site information the contents i can add pages here now it says here do you want to view all so this is a subset of the website permissions now when we talk about permissions uh folks there are different levels of permissions so obviously as a user you don't have any admin permissions um if you are a tenant admin i.e a tenant to microsoft 365 then you will have access to the microsoft 365 and we also have a group and you can or a role rather so for example if i went into roles here and we have different roles within the organization so for example if i made you a sharepoint admin then you would have the capability to go into the sharepoint admin portal and manage all aspects of sharepoint from the tenant level okay now stepping down another level because i've created a website now and i've made let's say i've made you an owner that means that you have access to administer this website you see so it's quite granular in nature all right so you get a subset of the settings here i can also click into uh the these are the office 365 settings i can hide them if i want to uh and as i said you can add apps you can have a look at the site contents um so uh when we go into the site content you can see i've got my documents you've got templates here and of course you can add in other types of comp um content as well if you want to so you don't you can add in a subsite for example okay so that is my sterling hq site so i'm just gonna click onto that and when i click onto the name of the site you can see that it brings up details about the site i've got the link to the site here i've also got the email so for example if i didn't have permission to this site i could go off and i could um you know send an email to the administrator and then request that permission all right so um other things that we've got you've also got a recycle bin so again in the recycle bin here if i've deleted any content from the website i could select that content and i could then restore it back typically it goes into the recycle bin for about 30 days okay so that's just a little bit about the end user stuff here okay so i'm just going to close that website down and now what i want to do is i'm going to go ahead and i'm actually going to go ahead and create another website and i'm gonna use um this time again this similar thing um but this time i'm going to create it and i'm going to call this my sterling finance team okay and again i could enter a a group owner if i want to again i'll just use my my own username here english is the language of course and i'll just accept the rest of the settings um i'm quite happy it's it's going to go ahead i'll finish that and you can now see i've created called sterling finance team okay so again i've got two websites called sterling now what i want to do here is i'm going to select the sterling hq site and we have this feature called a hub site now a hub site this rocks by the way um so i can what i can do is associate this site as a hub okay so this is now my hub site and i can say who can associate um people uh you know sites with the hub i'm just gonna choose myself you can add in other people if you want to so what does a hub site mean well um i'm going to go into my sterling hq site and just open this side up so basically what it means is the layout the color schemes the menus anything that you can figure um here as a hub site will now waterfall through to any associated sites and what i can do is i can now go to the sterling finance team and i can say hey i now want to associate this with a hub site so and i can now say okay which hub site do you want to do and i want to associate it with the sterling hub site and click on save okay and that is now associated with the sterling hub site and the thing is you can disconnect and reconnect and connect any sites that you want and they'll share common menus colors settings layouts and so on it it rocks it really does okay so hub sites fantastic all right a great way to organize content as well okay all righty so that is the websites now just a quick thing let's say for example um my i've got a site here let's say my sterling finance team and for one reason or another i've decided hey i don't need this team anymore so what i what i can now do is i can say okay do i want to delete this team so i can i can say yeah i don't need this anymore so i'm going to go ahead and i'm going to say delete this team and you can see it's also saying do you want to delete the group as well or just the microsoft team or everything so i'm gonna say yes i do it doesn't delete the users of course um so i'm gonna go ahead and click on that okay and that's now gone so when i come now back into sites and go into deleted sites sure enough here's my sterling finance team here so of course as i said it can stay in here for about 30 days and uh to restore of course i just simply go in here um and now i can set now the reason by the way it's the permanently delete is not there is because there's no content in it there needs to be some content in it okay so i'm gonna go ahead i'm gonna say yes i want to restore this back i realized i made a mistake and it's now restoring everything back okay so now when i go back to active sites and scroll down sure enough they're both there okay and you can see it's reassociated with that hub site okay so moving on and the next the one of the most important things that i can teach you is um the sharing policies you have to understand sharing in sharepoint and as part of microsoft 365 everything talks to it okay for more details on this i did a sh a session on microsoft 365 groups um and also guests so microsoft guests check out that video that deals with all the external com components but what i want to show you is just a couple of things and that remember these are the tenant settings okay so at the moment anyone you have four levels here i'm just going to go through this briefly because i've covered it in the guests video um but basically anyone can share content now the problem with that is if you are a guest um that means an external user then you will also have the capability to share my content so i would very quickly be able to lose control so the other option is new and existing guests okay so there's two ways that you can create guests in microsoft 365. so just very quickly go up here and i'm going to come into azure active directory and in azure active directory here if i click into users these are my users here and look up here it says new guest user so that means that the administrator has gone ahead and created that guest now the other person who can invite um is well obviously a sharepoint admin and also other users who can invite have a special role here if i just show all roles um this role is called the here we go it's called the guest inviter role okay the guest inviter so basically any members of your team who have the guest inviter role can invite external guests okay um and yeah so again really really important so just be aware of that um uh okay so new and existing guests that means um that basically um if an administrator is created guest and as a as an owner i've invited you okay existing guests however means that um only users that have been pre-created so if you've got some kind of mechanism in your company to request guests uh a guest can join then you might need to fill in a form give the form to the administrator the administrator creates the user you understand um remember this is for the tenant so this this impacts every website so this is means internal only so only people in your organization in other words i can't share this content with anyone outside my organization all right now a good kind of tip um is probably this option here so new and existing guest that would allow guests to be invited by owners and also by administrators whereas your anonymous sharing would be disabled okay and then you've just got some little settings here as well but typically you would save those settings for the tenant so that's the sharing settings really important there folks now why is that important there so if i now go back to a website so if i come back down let's say to my sterling finance team and i'm going to click onto that and i now have well you can do this in a number of ways i can either click sharing or i can go into the website it's the options itself and i can click in policies and you get the same option here so it six and a half a dozen so if i click on uh edit here look you get those same four options but look here now so from the t this particular site is not allowed is picking it the setting up from the tenant level whereas new and existing guest that's the default now because this is the finance team you might say only people within the organization are allowed to view that content so no external users for this particular website all right so very important ladies and gentlemen that you understand that you set permissions um at the tenant level in policies so sharing here and then at the site level within there okay okay um so that's my policies and you can see you can do sharepoint and you can also do one drive as well okay now if you have depending on the license that you have you can also configure access control for mobile devices so if you're using mobile device management and if you're interested in this i'm not going to cover that here i covered this in a previous video and it's also in my endpoint manager video so go ahead and check that out alrighty um okay so if i click into settings um you can see that these are the default settings here um so again for example if i said um site creation um you know putting in the default settings here for site creation um things like which is the yeah i'm using the new sharepoint admin center as opposed to the old type and i i would recommend you know try and get familiar with new the new interfaces so i recently did a video on administering exchange online and endpoint manager online um it's best to always try and keep yourself up to date by using the latest interfaces okay um okay next then we have uh content services and we have something called the term store here so what is the term store the term store think of the term store um so if you're working in file explorer in windows then you'll be familiar with the c drive and in the c drive you'll have different folders so you'll have a folder called data within data you might have one called personnel marketing in different folders so the term store is really the structure of your organization and this allows you to build out a structure so you know you can have for example different departments here um and what that does it facilitates the search capabilities of 365 and it's got some fantastic search capabilities so this is basically what a taxonomy means it means the structure of your organization so you can choose these um you know uh these tags um you can create something called job title and within here i could say okay an accountant you can choose you know the language um the the usage settings um is it going to accept numeric or alphanumeric capabilities and so on all right and so you can add uh and remove these search capabilities so basically the term stories the structure of your of your content um you also have something called the content gallery here um which for some reason is not working right here there we go uh-huh never mind um you can create different types of content um again depending on your needs and your roles um for some reason this has been a bit flaky the last couple of days i don't think that's going to work for my demo today so i'm going to leave that just now now if you currently have sharepoint or or any of these storage systems then we have a number of tools here so for file shares you can migrate content across so this is called the migration manager and you also have um some other options as well so if you're using sharepoint server on-premises here there is a migration tool that you will need to download okay we also have a tool called mover which essentially you connect to your old storage location put in your username and password connect to your new storage solution put your username and password and essentially move the the content over and it's pretty simple i could maybe uh perhaps do a session on this in the future but it's pretty self-explanatory very very simple to use um okay um the oh just to let you know that the more features these are legacy features in sharepoint that haven't been migrated into the new portal yet okay if i have to be honest with you um the only thing that you might use here is the hybrid picker the hybrid picker is where you have sharepoint server on-premises already okay um so you know that that allows you you know how do you want to integrate you want to have a hybrid solution with that you can also customize the navigation options here uh as well and again you can save that there is also some additional options and you can see as these get migrated over you will get more and more of these settings coming across there so there you have it microsoft sharepoint a really important component in microsoft 365. i really hope you've enjoyed this session if you have remember subscribe and don't miss a thing until next time i'm andy malone you stay safe remember if you like what you've seen go ahead and subscribe and check out these other related videos thanks again [Music] you
Channel: Andy Malone
Views: 14,203
Rating: 4.9715304 out of 5
Keywords: Administering Sharepoint Online, Administering SPO, Microsoft 365, MVPBuzz, Andy Malone Video Tutorial, Microsoft Learning, Microsoft Certfication
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 46sec (2026 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 07 2021
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