Creating Simple Dashboards Using Out-of-the-Box Web Parts

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all right good morning everybody I hope everyone is seeing well welcome to today's presentation this is creating simple dashboards using out-of-the-box webparts so so happy you guys could join us just a couple of logistics I will be doing a PowerPoint presentation as well as a demo we have a chat window and a questions box so if you guys have any questions at all please feel free to put them in the the questions window and I will answer them just as quickly as I can as we're going through the presentation so let's go ahead and get started today a little bit about myself my name is Jennifer Mason I am a SharePoint office servers and services MVP I've been doing SharePoint for a very long time many years now and I like to tell people that I am allergic to syntax and semicolons so I really focus on everything you can do with SharePoint without having to do code and so this session particularly that we're going to do is all about building simple dashboards and just making the simple great inside of SharePoint so I've got my Twitter handle there you guys can reach out to me on Twitter as well as my blog where I have lots of examples many examples from the stuff we're going to cover today on my blog so you can dive in and get some additional information all right so today we are going to talk about using simple dashboards and so when I say a simple dashboard inside of SharePoint I'm really meaning things like SharePoint list connected together and so it's gonna be using SharePoint content in the content that's there to tell a story and what I mean by telling a story um it really is about the data and the context that you're trying to get people so that they can you know be driven to action and so we have no code solutions that means no syntax no semicolons and we're going back to the simple inside of SharePoint so there'll be a lot of stuff that we cover in this session that is very much beginning points of SharePoint and it may not apply to every dashboard you're looking at doing but it's a great reminder of some of the basics inside of Sheriff and some of the really powerful things that you can do all right and we're going to talk about the real world and we're going to talk about our goals with building dashboards dashboards is one of those fun words that whenever you go into a session and people are like I'd really like to build dashboards when you start talking to them it's well what do you mean by you'd like to build a dashboard what are all the components what are all of the pieces and you'll find that they need everything from a simple excel file all the way down to very advanced power bi dashboards and so there's a whole concept of dashboarding that it's like this mythical thing that's out there and people need it but it can mean so many different things and so the scenario that we're going to talk about today is this idea of data plus context will drive people to action and so what we want to do is give them the right data with the right contextual boundaries around it so we can drive them to action and so an example of that let's say that we have a task list what's the data the data is the task well what's the context maybe what tasks are due today maybe what tasks are late tasks are assigned to me tasks are assigned to my team and what's the overall action we're trying to drive them to most likely to finish their tasks or to review something or something along those lines and so what I find when I start working with people and they tell me that they need a dashboard that many times they can give me two of these three components so if we sit and we go to a whiteboard and we say okay guys what data are you working with and what action do you need they're able to you know really map out in terms of requirements two of the three but maybe they can't get that third but by thinking about it this way once we have the two in place we can start to think of that third one so if we know you know we need people to do their task they're not doing their tests they're not updating their tasks they're not you know providing additional details there's things we need them to do well in that scenario we have the data and we have this the action that they need to do so now we just have to help define that context and so by doing this and and looking at these projects this way we're able to really get a good grasp of what we're trying to do and what we need our dashboards to to reflect to our users okay so just a couple of quick reminders as we're going into this whatever story you're going to be delivering to your organization is going to be pretty unique your organization has needs and cultures and requirements that are different than any other organization and so I can show you all day long how do you SharePoint but there's that translation piece of how you put that back to your organization and how you make that really stick and so just a reminder that I'm going to show you guys some things here that may or may not apply to your organization and really what's gonna be right for you is it depends so there may be times that I show something and you're like well Jen that is really great but that won't work inside of my organization and that's okay because it might not but I show you these features just so you kind of understand and know what you can do and then can hopefully take them and apply them to the specific things that work inside of your organization and then the other the other thing is that you know there's many options and you've heard the phrase we're gonna crawl walk and then run and this is one of those scenarios and so these are very simple dashboards inside of SharePoint just using SharePoint data well you may get to a point where you want to integrate with other data you may get to a point where you want to use power bi you want to do advanced reporting and some of those more advanced features are going to be there for you to use and so this is just an example in the crawl phases of what we can do so really it's you know the sky's the limit you can do so many different things and we're gonna just cover some of the basics here today all right and just a reminder if you have any questions feel free to put them in the questions or the chat window as we're going through all right so we're going to go through now and show a couple of different dashboard examples I have three that we're going to show we have a document dashboard we have a task dashboard and then we have finally a project dashboards I'm going to switch over now to my demo and I'm going to show these different dashboards for you all right so the first one we're gonna look at is a task dashboard all right so as that loads up here right now we see that we have got a page that's got a grid force it's got a timeline letting us know when different tasks are being worked on we have a collection of active tasks so these are my active tasks or my tasks that I'm working on we have all task group my face so you see this is the context that we're able to give people the requirements phase I can expand here and see the design phase we can see with our tasks something that SharePoint does for us in the latest release is that notice my due date is very late these tasks are very late and it's showing up as red we also see the friendly dates and this is where they're making things nice and friendly for us and showing us different things we have our overdue tasks so these are all of the tasks that are due that are late haven't been done yet and tasks due this week and so for each one of these I've got a different set of commands I can do with it so for instance I can mark them as complete for here I can click on edit and it's gonna let me open up that task and you know maybe I'm gonna make the due date for this one let's make it 12 3 2016 I'm gonna go ahead and save that now when I go back to my page you'll notice that the task is now due here and I've got that friendly date again where it's saying Saturday and so we're seeing that wherever I whatever data is in these tasks whatever metadata set on these tasks is going to determine where they show up on the page and so this is the alternative to having a group of users come in and if I was on a SharePoint site and I needed to see my tasks I would come down here to site content and I would find my projects task list so I'm going to come down here and my projects task list so you can see that the difference between viewing all of the tasks in one single list I'm getting the same data when I'm viewing it this way but the context is much different I come back over here and I'll show you side by side the context of the task list is much different viewed in a single page dashboard where I'm able to see all of my data at one time clearly put together versus seeing a single list coming down and it makes a a very big visual difference when we're going through and seeing that and so what we're going to do through the remainder of this session is to show you how you can build out those dashboards but going back we're gonna look at some of the other dashboards that we have here back ok the other - words we're gonna look at is a document dashboard now this is going to be a dashboard that has the same concept as the tasks dashboard except for the data that's being shown is data from a documents list so now here you have one single documents list put on the page many different times to give you different context of what is being what is being displayed so you have the different context here and you have everything that you need to to show the data and to really make it meaningful for your users and then the last one we're going to show is a combination of the different components of a project list a task list and a document library mix together so here on this page that we have you're able to actually select a project and it's going to filter and show you the tasks associated with that project the documents associated with that project and a summary of that project so depending on which one I pick the data is going to change to show me show me the information that is there for that one so we see when I picked project 5 I have a task associated with it I have documents and I have a project summary so all of that information is there it gives your users the ability to quickly and easily go in and see data in a very very meaningful way all right so I'm going to go back to our presentation here okay and so how we do this is by working with lists and views so all of the lists that we talked about we had a task list and we set different views and then once we have those different views in place we use webparts to pull things together all right so really here are the steps that we're going to go through when we build out these dashboards so we're going to have our list we're going to create list associations and lookup columns if we have different lists that need to go together so when we get into the project dashboard example we have a we have a need for our content to be referencing different lists so we have a list of projects and then we have a list of tasks and we have a list of documents and so if we need them to reference each other we'll use a lookup column we're going to create custom views we're going to create a page and then we're going to put the webparts on the page alright so the first one we're gonna start to look at it's the task dashboard so I want to again go back to my site and I'm going to go into my projects list and what we want to do here is we want to start to dissect some of the different components of the list so we can work through those different pieces the first thing that I want to talk about is the timeline that's available inside of a SharePoint Online and SharePoint 2013 and higher and so what this is is if I click on here I can remove items from the timeline if it's already on the timeline tasks for is up there it looks like testing one test seven and task four are up there so if I come over here to task 6 I can say add it to my timeline and it is going to come up here and it's going to add it to my timeline and make it something that shows up on the timeline this is something that comes out of the box with all SharePoint tasks lists once I click on it I have options to change how it's done so I can say you know I really want to display this as a call-out and now it's going to be displayed here as a call-out instead of being displayed on the timeline I can also do things over here around colors if I wanted to make it you know really change the colors or different things like that I can do that I can also come back and say make it as a bar and then with that I can come over it again pick different colors and have it set up for me I'm able to come and drag and drop things around if I need it to be displayed differently these are all things that I can easily do within my task list now this creates a really great experience what a lot of people will do is they will put their milestones on the timeline and so they'll put all of their milestones on the timeline and then leave all their individual tasks there and then that's a great way that you can display that on a SharePoint site and then what you can do is on your page you can pick and choose with each web part if the timeline is going to be displayed or not which allows us to put it but the timeline very simply and easily on a page now when I come down here to my tasks I see that I just have a single view and one of the things I want to be able to do is create multiple views because if I create different views I'm able to then use those webparts in my views on the page and so from my tasks example we had things overdue tasks and we have different things like that and so we have a task list up here if I go to lists I can see a lot of the views that exist within the site so some of these are you know created for you with you know they come out of the box for SharePoint so my task I can come over here and look and I see okay now I have a different view of the same data I can come over here and go up here and say okay well let's view it my project phases now I can come over here I see okay well now I'm grouping them together based on phases so these are all different views that exist for the list and are available for us as we go through so how you create these different views is you come over here to list and you go to list settings and at the bottom of the page you will see all of the views that exist for your list now these views are here some of them I created some of them come come out of the box by default but if you click on any one of these you're going get to a page that's going to let you edit the view and this is where you will go through and you will create different views for the list and you will edit them based on the criteria that you want so a lot of people have done some of the basics with lists and so what I want to do now is go through some of those basics but then also show you some of the other features inside of lists so we have all of our columns here and then we have the position that they are within the columns so you can pick and choose what columns are displayed and what order you want to put them in I'm going to leave just the default for right now we can pick and choose how we want to sort them we can sort them a to Z Z to a and these are all of the columns that can be sorted by if you don't see the column you want to sort by in this list it means for whatever reason the list is not our the list column it's not supported for the sorting functionality so any columns that are available for sorting will show in this drop-down here filtering same thing any columns that are available for filtering you can come over here and say I want to you know look and say everything that's assigned to me so there's two different filtering that we can use that are very very powerful the first one is me inside of the braces or it's really this the square brackets so it's me so assigned to equals me and if I do that then what's going to happen is whoever logs into the site they're gonna be the me so this is going to pull up and show only tasks assigned to me if Karen opened the site it would only show a task assigned to Karen so whoever is the current user is equal to the me filter so anywhere you have a person field and you want to filter it to the current user that's how you would do it using the me filter all right and remember if you have any questions go ahead and ask them in in the chat window over there okay the other filter that is very very powerful is the today filter so today let's see if we wanted to say due dates is equal to and I put in the same I put today I would come over here and say okay and then the list is going to filter and show me any tasks that are due today well there is nothing in there's nothing in my list so what I'm going to do is come over here to the completed task list and I'm going to take one of these tasks and edit it and then go back to that list and show you guys how it updates I'm gonna change that and I'm going to change that due date to you today so now when I go back to my all tasks view which is the one that we've been making changes to you see that that task is now displayed and so when you go under and you have it equal to today it's going to show you anything that is due on the date that's there today is also a mathematical operator so with that you can do show me all tasks that are due today plus seven or show me all tasks that are due today minus seven which shows you all tasks that are due in the last week or all tasks that are due in the next week and so you can use mathematical operations on this list view as well and on this column filter so that you can get the right list of tasks there so and on one of our webparts we actually have that task to do in the next week so that's where you can come in and say you know today plus seven so is equal to this is where you'd go in and say it's equal today or less than today plus seven it so it's greater than let's see it's greater than today and lopes that's a due date again due date is less than today plus seven is going to pull in then any task that we have that are due within that criteria so that's how you would go ahead and do that and on our task dashboard that we have I think over here if I come back and show you the task dashboard that is how we have that's how we have it set up here to show you the tasks that are due this week so this webpart is set up to do that so it's got task 1 and task 10 there so that's using that same criteria there to set that up and so that's how you would work with that view to get the pieces of data that you're looking for all right we are going to come back over here to the list now and we are going to go in and go back and modify that view again and I'm gonna go ahead and take all of my filters off so we show the whole list and I want to show some things with group by we can come over here and say how do we want to do it so with ours we were grouping by faith or even by project we can go in and say okay show me everything my project is it expand and collapse and we can do two levels of grouping so if I want to show it by maybe project and then maybe due date I'm going to show it by those I'm gonna say okay I've got my first level of grouping and then as I expand it I have my second level of grouping okay so I see its first group by my project and then it's going to be grouped by might due date and so I can see what different due dates I have I can see what different projects I have and so you have two levels of grouping and so again the idea is that we're going to create these different views so that then once we have all of the views that we want per page we can go drop them on a page and easily work with them okay we're going to come back over here look at just a few more settings before we go and create a page and modify it so I'm going to come over here to all tasks I'm gonna again get my group by gone by none none okay and the next piece I want to look at is styles and so there's a couple of different styles that really provide an impactful way for you to display your data on a page the first one that we have is going to be the boxed so we're gonna go look at boxed and boxed with no labels and so this is a really great feature if you want to display just a couple of different items I use this on the documents dashboard to display just you know the last item modified or the last pieces or something like that and so if you see when you come down here instead of displaying my tasks in a row and columns I'm instead displaying them in nice little boxes so I see that I've got all of these visual boxes that represent my tasks and I can go all the way through the list and so this is a very different way to look at content but sometimes it's exactly what you need so you want to use the Box style for this this was boxed and it has the labels so all of the labels were here if I went back and modified this view again and went with boxed no labels it's simply going to remove those labels outside so if I come over here to style I'm going to see a box no labels now I see that I just have the data there so a lot of times what I'll see is people will combine this with the item limits so if I come back over here and I go to list settings one of the other settings in the list allows you to pick how you display the items in the list so we can come down here and we can see item limit and what if I want to display these in batches of one so I'm going to come over here and say okay now when I look at my list I have a task and I can simply go next and display the next one and the next one and then I have next in previous and I can go through the list this way so there might be times where you really want to give people you know lots of impact about the one that they're looking at and they want to show just some data about what we're trying to do or just some data about documents or one task this is a great way to display that data also I'm sure many of you guys have worked with lists that get very wide lists with a lot of columns and so many so many things you can't display them just on one page and so this is a great way to kind of take that data and display it in a meaningful way for your users all right we're going to go back in and look at a couple of other styles again just a reminder if you have any questions and comments or anything like that feel free to put them in the chat window or the questions and I'll be sure to get them answered okay so I'm going to go back to item limit and change it back to 200 okay and then I'm gonna go back to styles and some of the other ones that we're going to look at we're gonna look first at shaded in preview and then we'll go back and look at the newsletter so shaded is going to be your simple lists and you're going to see that every other line is shaded based on color so we see here that it just makes it visually appealing for everyone to see that every other line changes color so it just makes it if you need it to pop you can do that the colors that it uses to shade are going to be based on the theme you have set for the site okay so we're going to go back in and we're going to look at preview and then from there we will look at my favorite which is newsletter okay so we're going to come down here for style and we are going to go to preview pane something else to say about all these list settings that we're doing is these list settings apply to both lists and document libraries so everything that I'm showing you here will work in a task list will work in a library will work in really a custom list will work anywhere that you use a list inside of SharePoint so what this this does is notice that I have a list over here and then I have the data fields over here as I hover over I'm not clicking on anything I'm simply scrolling over with my mouse we see that you're seeing different values to the right and so what we're able to do with the preview pane is we're able to see just by hovering over it were able to quickly look through different pieces of data this is a great thing to use if I want to know things about a conference room maybe I've got ten conference rooms and I need a list that shows me what's available in each conference room maybe I have classes and I want to see you know a list of classes I want to hover over it and see what the requirements are lots of different ways that you can use this preview pane and it helps you get the context that you need and this one is also very popular because it reduces the amount of clicking you need to do so I'm able to quickly and easily see the data without having to click on anything which is very important because most people do not like to click on things ok so then the last one I want to show you guys we're gonna come down here and the last one I want to show you guys is what's called the newsletter just like you to imagine you're gonna read news headlines what this is going to do is it's going to take your list that you have displayed and it's going to show it in a newsletter type header foot format and so we see here it's going to take you know some of my columns and put them across the top give me my description text and then give me my other columns on top of each other and so what it's trying to do is provide a quick easy visual way for you to get all of the data seen together what's special about the newsletter column is that it all depends on the order of your fields of how it will be displayed so I like to refer to this one as the magic column and the magic setting because depending on the order that I put my columns I'm gonna get a different view so right now I've got my description as I think like the fifth or six what will happen if I make my description the very first field so I'm going to come back over here I'm gonna go to my list settings and I'm going to modify the view all right and so from here the thing I'm gonna do is description right now is number seven let's go ahead and make that the first one so we're gonna go over here and description is actually let's make description number two and make the title or the task name number one notice how it changed I've got my task name here I've got my description and then below it I have all of my other fields and so depending on the order of the fields is going to determine how it's displayed in the newsletter view likewise I can come over here and I can modify it again and you guys might notice that I keep going to list settings and modify you can also when you're within your view you can always come over here and use the shortcuts use the shortcuts to pull up what you're trying to do I just have a habit of always going into list settings because as I'm teaching and explaining people how to use SharePoint sometimes they get lost with the ribbon settings but everything can always be found within list settings so that's just a way that I tend to do it because they don't always find what I'm looking for but you can also use the ribbon to get to the same settings that are inside of that list settings page so if I just come here and say modify view it's a quicker entry point into that same spot that I've been going okay so if I come over here and I say well you know maybe I want description to be last now so I'll come over here and say okay notice how it again has changed how things are displayed I have all my columns over and then I have my description on the bottom so depending on the fields that you're choosing to display it's going to depend on how the newsletter style displays its I find that this is one of the most underused features inside of SharePoint but is also one of my favorite features inside of a SharePoint list view sometimes I even take this standard where I don't have a lot of text fields and I still put it in newsletter view just to give it a nice crisp look and feel with where we're going and so what we've done so far is we have had a SharePoint list and we have created several different views and now we're going to go look at the page and dissect the page and show how we would take those web parts and put them on the page okay so we're going to go back to the task list page here okay here's my page and I'm going to come over here and say edits so you guys can see what the page looks like so I have my timeline so this is going to be my web part that's on the page for the timeline I have got some headers if you guys noticed that I have nice headers above all of my web parts something that I like to do is when I put a web part on the page I like to hide the chrome and then I put in my own headers I'll go grab icons or screenshots or images or something like that make them all the same size and then use them on my page because I think it makes it more visually appealing for people to be able to see versus the web part Chrome and I'll show you guys how I do that in just a minute and then you'll notice that I have the same web parts on the page for different times using for different views okay and so basically what I do is I simply create a page and I just add the web part four times I write in my headers and I set the views the way that I want them okay so we're going to come up here and I'm simply going to create a new page I'm going to come over here to this so I can keep this one up so we can just see what it looks like for comparison but I'm gonna come over here and I'm going to say add a page give it a page I'm going to say twelve one demo all right this is my blank slate for the dashboard and from here I'm gonna want to build out this page so it has all the content that I need once I have this page I can save the URL to the page and and give links to people of how they can access it and what they want to do so for instance on my home page I used the promoted links web part to give everyone links to all of my dashboards but what I can do is I want to come over here and decide the layout I want for my page I do that by coming over here to text layout and I have all of these different layouts that I can pick from so I'll pick the one that makes the most sense for us maybe I'll come over here and do this one and I'll come over here and I'll probably hit save and keep editing and then I'm going to come and I'm gonna say you know tasks dashboard I have that and I might come over here and even pick some of the headings that I want to use with this and what I'll try to do is just be consistent with whichever one I pick because I want to be able to reuse that same thing so I may come over here and put overdue tasks and I probably want to highlight it and make it heading 2 and I may come over here and put my tasks same thing and then I may even want to do at another point do tasks that are due Thursday next week so I'm going to go ahead and build this out if I wanted to put images here I could come over here and I could say inserts I could say insert picture from computer and then I might just go out and browse and find where I have got some images so let me come over here and let's see what we've got so you know maybe I'll just pick pick some of these that I have and I do this it's going to be putting this in the state assets library of the site and then I can use use it anywhere else on the site so I might come over here and say you know go ahead and put that in the middle so that I have my insert image there and I may come over here and say insert another picture from computer and I just really want to make sure that the images are the same size so I picked a 32 last time so I'll pick a 32 again I'm not really paying attention to if the image matches what I'm trying to do but you guys kind of get the point of what I'm trying to do here so again I probably come over and make it for the middle and again I'm just looking for consistency and this is a very powerful way to add some visual elements to your site to make users really get really get a great experience when they come in and look at your site so a lot of small things that you can do that make a big impact okay so then once again I'll just come up here to position input middle so now I have my site and as I keep going through it I'm probably gonna say save and keep editing all right so now I'm going to come over here after my dashboard and this is where I want to insert a web part so we're gonna come over here to web part and we have this and we have got the time line web part so this is going to give us from our list we can come in here and we can add it now that I have it up here save and keep editing and then we can edit our web parts and we can go in and pick what list are we wanting to use so go through and verify the URL well isn't that fun so we'll go back to our site and we'll go back in and we'll see if we can figure out what's going on with that so we'll go to say contents okay so my page is here we will come back there's a couple of different ways that you can do this you've got the timeline you have also got let me go ahead and delete that okay let's see what part there's also a project summary web part that will give us the same thing let's let's see if that one will work for us and the project summary one will pull in information from the task list as well as the calendar so that's another way to get the same one I'm gonna have to go back and see if I can determine why that's happening that way but we have this web part here so if we go in and edit the web part we're able to set properties about that web part so I'm going to just go ahead and hit save here so I could show you a couple of different things and you see that we've got here's the name of my page I could probably change that to task dashboard to make it look a little bit better we have our title that's coming up here and from here I can see our timeline as well as a detail about tasks that are coming up so there's our timeline we have that there if I come back to the page now and I say edit the page now I might want to add my overdue tasks but you know maybe I noticed that you know that doesn't necessarily look right there so I don't want to put that there and I noticed that those were a little bit small so maybe I want to come over here and just you know make these heading 1 to make them a little bit bigger I'm gonna go over here to where it says overdue tasks and I'm going to say insert webpart and now I'm going to go find my lists so I'm going to go to project tasks then click on that and say add ok and now I'm going to repeat and do the same thing here and I'm going to say insert webparts and I'm going to go back and find project tasks and I'm going to add that again so notice now I just have two of the same webparts on the page looks a little crazy there's a lot of data here so what I'm gonna do is I'm going to save and keep editing the reason I want to do that is because web parts like to have their they like to be saved to the page before you go in and edit them if you don't do that sometimes you're gonna find that you'll be doing that and all of a sudden the web part will disappear off your page and so the way to get around that is just always save and keep editing okay so I'm going to come over here now and I'm gonna say edit the web part and I'm going to come up to the view and so those are overdue tasks now I'm going to come over here and say okay I want to show the late task view so it's going to say hey you're switching views is that what you want to do and you'll say okay and I'll say apply and now we will notice that the view is different for our web part now we're just showing our late tasks but you'll also notice the timeline is there we most likely do not want the timeline if we're also showing the timeline up at the top so we'll just simply show that there and we'll say apply and now we'll see we have just start over do you task and these are all of our tasks that are overdue displayed without the timeline but we'll also notice that if we hit save and close we still have this header here of project tasks and so we probably don't want that to be displayed if we're doing our own header so we'll come over here we'll edit the page again and then inside of this inside of this web part we will come over and the piece that we want to change is what's known as the web part Chrome so we'll come over here into appearance and we'll go to chrome type and instead of having the default which is the title we'll say none and if we go to none and hit apply when we save the page see that it displays and it does not display that webpart column and so that is the way that you're able to hide that header and only show the data that you want to see so if you wanted to do your own headers above webparts to kind of give some visual cues and different things like that that's the way you would do that so then we just simply keep repeating the same process come over and find my task we're gonna go into this web part we're gonna don't show the timeline and under appearance we're gonna set this to none and then we're also going to come change this to my tasks alright so when I save my page you see how my dashboard is coming together very simply so I'm able to kind of get some of the different pieces that I want to see this is what's gonna help give us that context and give us the ability to go in and say well what's the context that I want to show my users you also notice that there's different pieces there I'm seeing what tasks are overdue I'm seeing information about them but when it comes to my tasks I'm giving the ability to quickly close them out and complete them because of the view that I picked for my task so the view in the style is going to help determine that contextual piece of it so this is how we went ahead and did the dashboard for tasks the dashboard for documents and I'm not going to go completely into that one but the dashboard for documents has done the exact same way I'll come and edit the page for you and show you that it's simply the same web part on the page over and over again so this webpart is on the page three different times the first one here is just showing a standard view of the document library this is using that box display that we talked about sorted by the most recently modified and the item limit set to one so it shows us the properties of the last modified document if we went and modified a document when the page reversed it would show us that document because it's showing us what was most recently modified and then we have documents by type here that's just a document list grouped by their type category so it's really using that same concept over and over again alright so that is what it's like again if you guys have any questions please let me know the next thing I'm going to talk about is what do you do when you want to show the data across multiple lists so I have one site inside of the site I have a projects list I have a documents list and I have a task list and each task in each document or associated with a project so if we come over here and look at that if I come down here in the site content I have a list of projects here's my list of projects and I have 10 of them ok so I have my 10 projects right here okay here's my 10 products and then I also have they come over here I gotta say contents I have got a project documents list now I've got 32 documents in here so here are my documents notice that there's a column here called project and it lets me select a project that's associated with so if I come over here to this and I say details say edit can come over here and from the drop-down I can pick from my ten projects so I can say what project is this associated with so I'm going to project six and say save and now my document is associated with project six this is done using a column that's called lookup so if I come over here into my list settings and I'm going to go ahead and get returned to the classic SharePoint view okay so I come back over here I'm gonna go to my library I'm gonna go to my library settings I don't want to show you that we have a column of type lookup so we have different columns here some examples of other ones I've done but if we go over here to project it's a lookup column and we're getting information from the projects list and we're pulling over the title column from the projects list so what this is saying is that we've got a list of projects and I want to pull from all the ones that are titles in that list I want to pull from the drop-down so if I go to the projects list and I add project 11 it's going to become available in my drop-down so there's a couple of things I want to show you about creating the lookup column so when we're over here and we have our different columns and we say create a new column I'm gonna call it project 12:1 we're going to come over here and say it look up okay once we say look up were able to come down here and there's a couple of things can we require that this has information do we want to enforce unique values so enforcing unique values would mean that we're going to only let one item in the list match one of the other columns so if we have ten ten projects and I say enforce unique values only one of the items in our list can be pointing back to project one others would need to point to one of the other projects then we can also say what list are getting it from so in our case we want to get it from projects and the field we want to pull over is title okay then there are other fields like maybe we want to pull over so additional fields about it and show those we could do that there and then there's a really neat thing here about enforcing relational behavior and so there's two different ways that this will do this the first one is a restrict delete that means if I have a document that is pointing to project one no one can go delete project one if they've tried to delete project one it would say I you can't delete me there's something looking up to me the Cascade delete is the opposite and it says if you go delete project one delete all of the documents that are looking up to project one and all of the tasks that are looking up to project one so both of these have very good business case values and and when you'd want to use them you just want to make sure that you do not mix and match them you want to make sure that you use them appropriately so you don't get stuck either keeping yourself from deleting something or deleting all of your tasks in your documents so I'm not going to select anything now I'm going to just say okay all right now we're going to come back over here to project documents and we will see that if we go into the properties of this one so I'm going to come over here and go into properties we'll see here is my project 12:1 which I just set up and you see again all of the different things that are here ok and so I could set the items there so that gets us set up we did the same thing in my task list so if we come over here to the task list that we've been in most of the day our two tasks okay if I go into list and I go to list settings you will also see that I have got I'll look up column ok so we have got the lookup column for project tasks in here task name I mean I'm looking at the wrong list project here we got project is our lookup so we have our project right there with what we're looking up to so for every task when we create a new task we say what projects were associated with for every document we say what project were associated with okay so then what happens on our dashboard is we have one page dashboard that lets us select from a project and lets us use webpart lookups to show the associated items okay so we have our different pieces here and we're showing the different values based on what we are selecting so I'm going to go ahead and edit this page here all right and I see that I've got my list and so the trick to doing this is to still put down our webparts get all of the data the way that we want it and then when we're in edit web part we're able to go in and do a connection that basically says send rows of data from this web part to all of these other webparts and when you click on it and I it's gonna come and give me a pop-up here in just a second I'm able to say what is my connection on so I'm able to say we're title is equal to the project so I'm gonna come over here I just want to make sure we get the right project okay I guess I finished and then that's going to get our webparts going so that whenever you select one it will show up in the other okay so when we're working through this now I kind of want to show you guys from scratch what that would look like so I'm gonna come over here and say a page I'd say okay with us all right again I'm gonna kind of here on my text layout and I'm gonna pick a layout that makes the most sense for what we're trying to do maybe I'll do the two columns here or maybe even three columns all right now I'm going to come over here and I'm going to insert my webparts so the first one that I want to insert is my projects list and then the second one that I want to insert here is going to be my task list and maybe the third one that I want to insert here is going to be my documents so I'll come over here to project documents let's see okay so now I have my webparts and I just need to save and keep editing the page and then I need to go into each one of these and pull out the views that make the most sense so I can come in and look over with my webpart and see if I have a view that makes sense maybe I do maybe I don't if I don't I can come over here and say edit the current view which will allow me to do all of the things that we just talked about with views it will allow me to do that for just the just the web part so it doesn't save the view so I can use it later but it allows me to set it up for just this webpart so I'm going to come over here to style and I'll pick newsletter to make it look nice okay now I'm going to come over here and just keep editing the page and doing the same thing with my tasks I definitely want to have a different view I don't want to have the timeline there and make it a little clunky so I'm going to hit edit here and for this one I'm going to just get rid of just get rid of the timeline and I probably want to go to the current view and just show the project so you guys can see how it's filtering so let's see maybe I'll shed that I'll just say okay here and that's the page again and I'll make the timeline go away sometimes it does not like it if you're editing these and styles inside of the web part it does not also like to change the other feature so we'll come over here and just receive that you save that setting and finally project documents is pretty simple so we'll just go ahead and leave that like it is so now I've got my PhD R you see I've got my different webparts so the last thing I want to do is put the connection together so I'll again I'll go in and I'll edit the page and what I'm able to do is go into my web parts say edit the web part and once that's done I'm going to be able to go in and do a connection so I want to send a row of data to project tasks and it's going to come up and give me a pop-up and let me pick I want to do it and I want to get filter values from and this is where I would say where my title is equal to project and I would say finish okay and then I would repeat and do the exact same thing connection syndra of data to project documents filter values from and again we would pick title and we would come over here and pick project all right give it just a second to save and then we'll say save and that's how you build out those dashboards where you're able to come in and depending on the one that you pick it will show different values for you and so you guys can see and kind of see where I'm going with this then you could just keep editing the page adding in your own columns if you wanted to make it look visually different or adding in other pieces of data there's a lot you can do with styles and views to get this to match something that really provides impact for your users and so we are bumping right up against time I'm happy to answer any questions you have I hope that this has been really helpful for you it's kind of a quick tutorial on how to get started building some things inside of SharePoint with no code no syntax Ness and my colons and I just really I'm thankful that you guys were able to attend with us today if you want to attend future events like this or other events that we have that planet does feel free to check out our website for all of the future events and I will stick around and answer any questions so the question that I got from Bob is how did you get the overdue date to display and read that's actually a feature of SharePoint 2013 and higher where it just automatically does it for a task list so anytime you have a task list and the due date is late or past overdue it will display and read for you so I didn't have to make any changes for that it's just something that's done it's a really great feature actually I'm really happy they added that in 2013 so great questions if you have any others I'll stick around and answer them otherwise I hope this has been a helpful session for you guys
Channel: Planet Technologies
Views: 21,312
Rating: 4.7230768 out of 5
Keywords: coding, SharePoint, teams, projects, dashboards, web parts, lists, views, web part pages, out-of-the-box configuration
Id: PB1hvyGVutM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 22sec (3502 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 01 2016
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