2 NEW SECRET Trout Fishing Techniques! (MUST SEE)

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[Music] what's up everybody out there welcome back to another addictive fishing tutorial my name is jordan kennedy i'm sitting here with scott call of brad's killer fishing gear and awesome sponsor of ours and tom browning of browning's guide service today we're going to talk about two brand not really brand new but new to the trout world methods about a troll for trout so if you guys want to learn more about these cool methods stay tuned it's coming at you right now that's a heavy fish [Music] so first things first when we're trolling for trout tom we want to use somewhat lighter action rods correct you want to be soft so what we have here what are what's the weight on these rods this is a nine and a half foot uh six to ten i believe six ten pound um it's basically what it is it's an ultra light uh side drifting rod so really any kind of rod will work for you as long as it's not too heavy yep because you want that soft tip correct for when these fish are biting yep so we're fishing for any kind of rainbow trout this works for cocony it works for all different kinds of trout out there and it really is best you can can't really fish this method from the bank but if you have a boat or a kayak or canoe or anything you can get out there and do it our other rod that we have set up is which is what's this one same same way it's a seven and a half foot it's a eight to fifteen i believe um it's got a little bit more backbone than the longer rod but it does still have the softer tip perfect so the two methods that are kind of the secret that we're releasing you guys today is a method that's been around a long time but not necessarily used for the trout so talk a little bit more about what we have here what is this yeah it's traditionally more of a kokanee set up people would think so you've got your dodger here and going back to your cup plug here cup plug is filled with tuna in oil just regular starfish chicken of the sea whatever you like doesn't matter just tune out of a can generally like it in oil so show how that thing works too yeah so and if you can't find tuning in oil that's fine get the tuna in water open the can the night before dump it out dump out the water put in a tablespoon of vegetable oil boom next morning you got tuna and oil so this is a product that's got a rubber band on the back right there opens up and then you've got a cavity on the inside the beauty of this is inside that cavity then you can put bait so we have a scent pad in there that you could fill with you know addicted blend salmon trout steelhead um whatever you like procure scents your favorite scent in there or alternatively you can put tuna fish and generally i found tuna fish to be about the best scent all around we use it for salmon and corn and stuff in there too correct and really anything that's not gonna make it so you can't close that thing down exactly the key really is that's a good point the key really is these scent holes here so you're just wanting to not block up those sent holes so we got them on the front and the back so if you are putting corn or tuna or salmon eggs in there um yeah a little secret yeah catch that one in there um or whatever you got in there you want to take that scent pad out so that it's not blocking one side of the holes so talk a little bit about the leader length now so you have a super short leader going up to your dodger here and the dodger comes with all that hardware on it correct correct yep so that dodger comes he has a short leader down to that and why is that yeah so we're going here about 10 inches um generally i'm going anywhere between 18 and or 8 to 18 20 inches um the action for these what we're finding out in this particular lake is they're liking a little bit more action so the shorter this leader is here the more action you're gonna have so we have a fairly short leader behind the dodger so you picture the dodgers going like this in the water and each time it's doing that this thing is going back and forth back and forth so the longer this is set back the littler action it's going to have the closer it is to the dodger the more action it's going to have and today we're fishing for trout and the trout are real active they're actively feeding and they're looking for that action so that's the action that we're giving them we will check we'll test a few test few at different lengths and let always let the fish tell you i hate when they won't tell me i know sometimes you gotta listen so scott how much how much weight are we usually gonna troll on this you got looks like you have about a two foot leader all the way up to yeah so about two feet up yeah so you can put anywhere between a half ounce to four ounces but generally we're running a half to two ounces and uh half to two ounces tom how much line you think we've got out there 100 feet 100 feet i've got bobber stops on all the rods right out 100 feet and i've got a chart that tells me based on what how many ounces we're running 100 feet back it's at 2 ounces you're about 35 feet deep perfect so that's a really neat way of knowing that because i think that's the biggest question for a lot of people no it is for sure so that that's one of the setups we got going on today it's uh it's worked really well as you can see um second setup is one that i've never really seen a lot of in particular we use a lot of this in like salmon and steelhead but talk more about how this is working what do you think of it how does it work today it's worked almost better than anything i mean you can't even get the hooks out of them so this is uh this is our our mud dog diver this is our magnum mud dog diver so this dives down to about 18 20 feet something like that we also have a standard in this size which is about 15 to 18 feet but behind that what we're doing is we're running it to one of our wigglers and here's our wiggler so that wiggler on its own is going to dive about 12 13 feet on its own so the combination of these two is going to get right down in the zone where they are so we're marking fish you know down in that 25 to 35 foot range and this is putting us right down in there i also rigged this wiggler a little different you can use the hooks that come with the wiggler comes with two treble hooks on the back and that's fine i'm generally doing a four beat chain swivel with a a single treble on the back and that's that treble you can see starts right about the tail and the reason i do that i do it not only on trout um but also do it on salmon and steelhead particularly coho because you'll know that that fish will often like coho and and even steelhead will jump and turn and try and get that lure any way they can out of the mouth and what happens with this b chain is as they turn um that beat changes continues to turn too so yeah so they can't leverage it against itself so that's been a real good setup for me have you tried that at all i have and for for the way that this thing works so well for trout i think especially is the variety of colors you have on the boat i mean he's got a box over here that's just got every single color and shade that you could match to the watercolor and it's so easy to quickly change and go to different wigglers like that as you're going along through the lake yeah we got the pigs the oranges the blue pirates and you know we also have different styles of plugs here um our thin fish and yeah it's quick and easy you just got a dual lock on the end so you just snap in and snap out and um generally we're leaving something on 15 20 minutes and if we're not getting hit then we'll trade out a color and uh see see if we can find something that they want but again it's all about you not telling the fish what they want let the fish tell you what they want so one other real important thing to look at is generally these run just perfect out of the box you don't need to tune them at all you'll see that we're just running that in the water to see make sure it was running straight you don't want it to run to one side or the other you want it to just dig straight down and run straight even at a faster troll so oftentimes i'll pull the rod along a little a little bit to make it go quicker to see if it's going to kick out if it does kick out one way or the other you've got this little wire right there on the very end and so what you want to do is just bend that to one side or the other the opposite side of the way it's kicking so if it's kicking out to the right you go left if it's kicking out to the left you go right and just micro adjustments generally people go way too much just micro adjustments with these so in another plugs that have a screw in you actually don't bend you just turn the screw a little bit one way or the other this isn't a screw in so this particular kind you got to bend a little bit but again just micro adjustments start a little and and see how it goes get it on that straight plane and uh and you'll be fishing well let's get these things in the water and show everybody how they work right on let's do it oh what do we have here check it out everybody just got my alaska seafood box follow me inside let's check this thing out all right so we made it back inside let's open this bad boy up what came this week the lovely part about the alaska seafood box is that it's portioned out for a family of four so usually there's four to five portions of each kind of meat in this box every month it comes we got alaskan coho in this one we got some rock fish an awesome giant chunk of rock fish there's two packages of these in there we got perfect little portions of halibut this month and the nice part is the variety of fish that comes in these boxes you get four or five different styles of meat and every single month subscription and then every month that continues you get different styles of meat in that one as well you can get crab you can get halibut you can have rock fish you can have scallops anything that you guys crave will come in this box at some point the other wonderful thing about the alaska seafood box is it supports your local fishermen the alaska seafood box is a small family-owned company and they directly buy from small mon paw boats in alaska so you're not getting that big conglomerate those big fishing vessels that are throwing thousands of pounds of fish on the deck they actually take the time to go out and hand select and catch the highest quality meat they possibly can so it's a really great way to support your local fishermen and get some super quality meat delivered straight to your door man i am salivating right now if you guys want to see some awesome recipes on how we cook some of this stuff out of these alaska seafood boxes be sure to go down to the link check out our channel and find some of those catching cooks where you can learn some amazing recipes for these alaska seafood box now back to the video so this is nice it's got a line counter on it and i'm just going back to about 100 feet behind the boat so one of the other things that i do with these is generally on uh when i'm running plugs like this um lighten up the drag just a little bit and i'll put that clicker on because there's so much action going around the boat especially today we've been getting doubles and triples and just having that sound these run straight out the back so mostly people are looking forward at the rods and having that sound makes a big difference we've we've caught two fish today just on the sound going off that people didn't see just because things get so hectic and busy so another tip is if you can find a reel that's got a line counter and a clicker that's a big bonus so uh we're gonna set this dodger out running two ounces on this one we're gonna go out 100 feet um should put us about 35 feet down 30 35 the most critical thing setting these out is do it slower than what you would expect to if you don't the cut plug has a tendency to come back up over the top of the dodger and wrap up and then you're not fishing effectively and it definitely is super crucial there's been already a few times today we've brought them back in and even especially if you're running a spread like we are today and it'll have those lines all spread out one will start to plane over once it wraps we've even had multiple gets snagged up so having that that little barber shop is a great idea something i never thought about some people either even draw on their line a little marker but having that little bobber stop is great but letting that thing out slow and stable you'll actually be fishing that's the problem is you can troll for 30 minutes and never even be down there fishing so oh fish on fish on on the drop on the drop hardly get it in there didn't even hardly get it in what's up [Music] good one so you can see guys how quickly that thing worked the way that thing is spinning i wanted to ask you too about trolling speed i'm sure it's a lot what a lot of you were wondering already how fast are we trolling now i target about 1.7 miles an hour yeah some mornings you'll find them at about a mile and a half i've caught them as high as two and a half up here yeah again it goes back to letting the fish dictate exactly and so as you guys can see in the raw tip as we're trolling it we're just getting that nice little wobble on that rod tip which shows you that that that that thing isn't actually spinning in a full circle and getting too much action look at that little guy how pretty oh a jumper beautiful there it is you guys in action you can see by having that those double hook setups like that he's got that trailer with that treble and he's got that number four fine wire hook on top that thing wasn't going anywhere all right now let's hit one on the plug so we just talked about you know the depth that we're fishing these out oh there's one got a fish on the rod right there again today it's been happening all day long huh so we're just talking about using the uh magnum mud dog so this is a standard mud dog it's going to run a little bit shallower what we're seeing are there's fish that are rolling all over the surface here so they're up in that upper water column so instead of the standard wiggler i'm going to put on a little wiggler behind this mud dog diver the standard and what's going to make a difference here in the depth that this thing dives is gonna be the amount of line that you have behind the diver and the actual lure itself so the more length of line you have there the deeper that this will dive behind this so this is already getting it down and then this will dive even further and the more line you put in the further this will dive these are on the surface right now so you know they're in that top 15 20 feet so i'm not wanting to go too deep so i've got probably about four foot a liter behind this diver right now so it'll be right down in that zone [Music] this is literally the one we were just talking about bringing up on the surface a little bit yeah shallow shallowed up a little bit we saw some fish rolling around and um ronnie says hey look at all those fish rolling so light bulb went off over the head and said yeah ronnie thanks so she recommended we shallow up which is what we did and so this one went off it's been in what probably two minutes yeah quick [Music] nice that's a beautiful rainbow all right well there you have it everybody different methods things that we haven't really used out trout fishing much at all until lately and thanks to your guys's awesome products i think a lot of people are going to catch more fish it works yeah so if you guys enjoyed this video be sure to go up here and click this link to this next video if you guys want to learn more about brads go find them on brad killerfishinggear.com correct that's where you can find most of these products or go to your local tackle shop these things are available all over the u.s so if you haven't already done so be sure to go down here and hit subscribe turn your bells on give this video a thumbs up and comment below with what you thought of today's video or any questions you have and you could be the comment of the day just like this person right here you guys stay fishy and we'll see you out there
Channel: Addicted Fishing
Views: 45,512
Rating: 4.9043694 out of 5
Keywords: trout fishing techniques, trout fishing secrets, trout fishing tips and tricks, how to troll for trout, trolling for trout, trout fishing, trout, trout fishing tips and techniques, trout fishing tips, fishing for trout, trout tips, how to catch trout, how to trout fish, rainbow trout fishing, stocked trout fishing, how to fish for trout, addicted fishing trout, fishing, addicted fishing, catching trout, trout fishing lures, trolling trout, fishing tips, stocked trout, tips
Id: XJuCGPhJfy8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 46sec (1006 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 30 2021
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