How To Fish MICRO Worms For TROUT In Creeks, Rivers, & Streams.

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hey what's up everyone out there thanks so much for tuning in to another addicted fishing video today we're out on one of our local creeks and we're going to show you how to catch trout with micro worms and jig heads that's coming up next [Music] all right so first things first let's talk rod reel and all that you basically can use anything you want when i'm out on a local creek like this or a small body of water where i want to use micro worms i like to have a small rod so i have today this is a akuma salilo this is six foot six two to six pound so it's just an ultra light rod real small real compact helps me get up and down this creek and i'm not getting in the way i can make my cast that i want to make and i like to just have a little compact setup like this also a lot of these trout and cut throat little things that we're catching in here aren't very big so when you have a little bit of a smaller rod makes it a lot more fun to fight these fish so again i like okuma okuma's one of our sponsors but if you guys want to use any raw that you have out there probably anything in that 6 to eight foot range is going to be good for this small creek fishing again you want to use something that's a little bit like a medium medium light action light medium action you want to have a good tip and a fast action so that way when you pick up on the rod it registers to your bobber and you actually get your hook set into the fish now reels i have a 3000 reel on here but you can go down to even smaller you can do a 1000 or a 2000 anything from that 1000 to 3000 range is gonna be good for you i like the okuma rtx because it has a six to one ratio so when you're reeling back in especially when you're long lining your bobber down through the hole it gets back in quick so anything in that six to one is what i'm going to be looking for if i'm looking for a good spinning reel brand is just going to be whatever preference you like again we love okuma shout out to them for being one of our sponsors and we can stand by them and recommend them to you guys now next thing we're going to do here let's talk about line so now line i'm not really picky on you can use mono you can use fluoro i really like to use a braided line a lot of the fishing that i do i'm using floats i'm doing things where i want no stretch in my line and so also with a braid when you're fishing these little micro floats and these micro worms or micro jigs your braids gonna float on top of the water which is super super important because you want you to be able to present your setup in the most natural way possible so i really like a braided line this is a 20 pound braid super heavy for these little trout but that's okay i i use a little bit heavier of a line again so it floats on top of the water now if you don't have a braided line no big deal like i said just use mono just use fluoro do anything like that but one thing you're going to want to do if you do have a braided line and this is the next step kind of in this setup that i'm going to teach you guys is you want to do what's called a double uni knot and in a lot of our tutorials i don't actually show you this knot but i'm going to take the time here to cut my leader off and just kind of show you guys what this knot is here and there's a ton of these different knots blood knots crazy albertos all those different random knots i like the double uni just because it's what i've been tying forever i've never had any issues with it and i can tie it fast and so yeah that's the one i prefer the double uni knot so here's what we do what you do is you take i have fluorocarbon so what you do is you take your your braid and your fluoro and you're going to cross them with each other so here you go you got your braid crossed and then what you're going to do is you're going to take this braid and you're going to loop it just like so then we're going to start wrapping one two through that loop three four five and you can go anywhere from five to seven knots or five to seven wraps i like to keep it at five so it keeps my knot just nice and small then what you're gonna do is you're gonna pull that braid snug onto your floral and then what you're gonna do you're gonna take that fluoroand same thing you're gonna grab it you're gonna loop it you're gonna keep this on the opposite side of where your other knot is so i'm going to loop that just like so and then i'm going to start to go back through itself one two three four five and then what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna wet that knot i'm gonna pull that snug i like to use my teeth here a little bit give it a nice snug and then what you're gonna do you're gonna take both ends of the line the fluorocarbon and the braid you're gonna pull these together just nice and slow until you're snug and there you go now your fluorocarbon is attached to your braid take my scissors here i'm gonna cut off this tag in like so of the fluoro so you cut off the one side of the tag into the fluoro take the other side of the braid and do the same thing cut the tag end off of the braid the old trusty gerber scissors doing work here and then this is what you're left with a nice clean small knot and the reason i really like doing this so the other thing you guys can do you know you can use a swivel you can use a barrel swivel as well to attach these together but what this is going to allow you to do is reel this up through your eyes so you're going to be able to actually reel that knot through your eyes and cast and you're not going to have any issues doing it so i really like to do that with this fluorocarbon attached to your braid double uni alrighty now let's cut our micro worm off here so i can start all the way back from the beginning i've been catching a lot of fish today on this microworm super excited about it i'm gonna pull this pull this float off here we're gonna talk about your next setup so after you've got your rod your reel your line your braid or sorry your braid and your fluoro now what you're going to do is get to your bobber there's a million different fixed floats out there that you can use you can use like a cork float you can use your red and white just simple float that everyone uses but what i like to do is use a really high-end fix float so there's a ton of different floats out there where they actually have like rubber grommets or surgical tubings that attach the float to the line this is a float that we've been working on we haven't released it yet we're still trying to dial it in but this is a small little fixed float kind of a smaller version of our addicted steelhead float that we're working on you know we're going to come out with different sizes of these floats but the nice thing about these floats they have a surgical piece of surgical tube at the top we're going to put this on here and i'm going to wet this float here i'm going to slide that surgical tube on there and then what you're going to do is you're going to take your other piece of surgical tube from the bottom we're going to slide it up here wet it and there you have it it's fixed on your line and you what you can do now you can easily slide this without any effort up or down to adjust where you're fishing up down up down quickly as you're walking down the river and fishing different buckets now again there's a ton of different floats out on there on the market i know we haven't released this one yet so don't get caught on having to have this float because you do not need the addicted flow just go to your local store look at the fixed float selection and try to find one that attaches similar to this there's going to be ones that also use these o-rings like this that attach to the to the top or bottom of the flow so just go to your store find a fixed float like that and any of them are going to work for you okay so now let's get to the actual business end here we're going to talk about worms there's a ton of different companies out there that make these little micro worms we're actually working on some that we're going to be releasing soon but right now we love the mad river manufacturing so here's what we got here you can go there's lots of different color selections you got your pinks you got your greens you got your oranges a little bit more of a pearl pink we got some brown here we got kind of like a white and pink here there's a ton of different colors out there you can use but the one thing you want is you want these little tiny small worms like this they even make them even smaller than this which is completely fine you know i kind of get stuck on this size right here but you can go smaller you can even go a little bit bigger if you want but i really prefer this little like i think this is a two inch or a i'm not sure exactly what he calls these but i think they're a two inch micro worm from mad river but just go on matt rivers website if you're looking for microworms or go on amazon just type in microworm you'll be able to find some selections that you can you can get but now what we're gonna talk about is how to actually fish these things so there's a couple different ways you can do it you can use what i like to do i like to use just a really small you can use like a 64th or a 32nd ounce i think this is a 132nd ounce jig head now this works really nicely because you can easily fish these things and take my white jig head here you can easily fish these things quickly take your worm you're gonna insert it right in here just like this i'm gonna thread it up through the center of that worm until you get to about right there till you get to right there to where it's really turned and then you're gonna poke it out and then you're gonna continue to thread it up like so adjuster on there and there you have it that is an absolute deadly deadly trout fishing setup so that's the first way you can fish these things and then what you're gonna do you're just gonna literally take that jig head through this little eye right here on the top and you're gonna tie it onto the tie it onto your leader i'm not gonna do that yet here because i'm going to show you another way to actually rig these so the other thing you can do is you can take a really small hook here like so and this is actually even might be a little big but that's okay because we're fishing for some decent trout today but you take yourself a small you know hook little bait holder hook or or whatnot and then you're gonna do the same thing you're gonna thread this thing up your hook threading her on up threading her own up threading their own up and then you're gonna pull it out like so and then what you're gonna do is you're gonna take this little guy put it through the eyelet do your little fisherman's knot here seven eight wraps around back through the loop standard knot that i literally use for almost damn near everything pull it tight but before you pull it completely tight make sure you wet that knot if you're using fluorocarbon so it doesn't burn on itself snug her down cut your tag end off just like that and once i've got that tied on there i like to slide it up past there just a little ways so it's kind of fishing like that and then what i'm going to do is a little ways up the line i'm going to attach a split shot to my line so i'm going to take my split shot here grab your pliers bend that thing down on your line like so you should be able to slide it a little bit if you're careful i like to have it about that far away from the worm now you're fishing okay guys so as you can see i have a nice i have a nice run right here perfect for these worms it's nice and slow we have this big gravel bar right here that then drops down into this nice sexy green button so what i like to do is i like to cast this upriver just a little ways to give this worm time to get down into the hole so we're going to cast it on up and you want to hold your rod up kind of keep that keep that braided line or whatever line you're using off of the water and let that thing kind of flow down in there like so there we go she's a floating nicely i'm going to bring her off that wall there real quick and let her float down through there as your feeding line you just kind of want that to float nicely through feeding line down through here letting line off got some trees so i gotta reel off here again i'm gonna let that thing just go down through the hole like that no bite okay we're gonna reel that back in i'm gonna make another cast here a little bit closer and this hole is super super super deep so i'm going to lengthen it out here just a little more here and again i'm going to cast slightly upriver i'm going to hold my rod up in the air hold my line off the water and just let that worm kind of sink down into the bucket there you want that thing to be floating as naturally as possible and there it is now it's down in the hole floating down there real good and then what you can do you can mend your line back up river keep floating it down in there get it away from that tree swing it through boom drop it down in okay no dice so now what we're gonna do guys we're gonna switch to the jig head we're gonna switch to that jig head just because i think i wanted to show you guys both way to ways to fish this because you know i know a lot of times a lot of you out there may not have these smaller jig heads and stuff to actually use which is okay you don't actually need them um you do not actually need them i've caught a lot of fish doing it that exact way that i just showed you but i really really really like to fish the jig head method it's my preferred method i've caught in a lot of fish using it so i'm going to pull that jig head off there i'm going to tie it on and then what we're going to do is we're going to go hunting we're gonna try to catch a fish for you guys on this setup on this little creek here i'm gonna show you just a few more techniques we're gonna try to cover a few different areas of water to really show you guys how this setup works okay again i'm going to cast this upriver and then i'm just going to let that i'm going to hold that line up off the water and i'm going to let that jig head just fall down into the hole falling and falling and falling looking for a trout to eat my hook and then as it as it gets down and it's straight you can lay the line on the water and just let that thing naturally oh we just had one and don't do what i just did because i set the hook way too hard and way too fast on that what you really want to do so when your bobber goes under like that what i like to do is just reel till it's tight and then just give it a little pop i'm a steelhead fisherman so i get a little too excited and i set the hook too hard let's go in there again that was good they they like the jig head bite we actually just saw a really really nice fish jump in here too so hopefully we can hook him again what i was saying is once your bobber kind of gets out in front of you you can let off the bottom sorry guys once your bobber gets out in front of you and you want to feed it down river you can let your hand off the spool like that and just feed that line and let that thing see how my bobber just went straight up like that you can let it just work down through the hole just like that oh dirty that should have been one all right let's get it back to this treat okay there we go we're going to keep letting it float down into the tail and you're just going to let that you're just going to feed that float down through there feed it down through the hole like so oh no love all right here now as you can see look at now look at how easy i can just boom quickly shallow that up because i think what happened there was like as i got down into that tail out and it was a little shallower than the rest of the hole so it got snagged on the bottom but that's not to say that fish aren't down in there so what we want to do is just shallow up a little bit and let that thing go down in there again in hopes that it doesn't hit the bottom and we can entice one of those fish to bite it because i know there's fish laying in that tail up come on baby come on trout daddy bite my hook blown away that we're not hooking one in there so a lot of times guys if you're in areas like this where you can't get like good casts and stuff back in there a lot of times what i'll do is just try to get a new a new angle on it so what we're going to do i'm going to go down into the river out here because i want to get back up in there that's where i want to be i'm going to walk down in here you have all these overhanging trees right here and i think that a lot of these fish are going to be hanging out in there waiting for something to fall out of those trees well dang guys these fish are being tricky oh beautiful beautiful cow come on no love all right let's make another move oh got some deep water here folks go up here in the top of this hole see if we can find one show you guys a little bit of another area where i think the fish might sit in there and just let that thing kind of lay and rest hold your line up off the water like so and just let that thing kind of hang back in there oh yeah that's juicy how is that not a fish how is that not a fish folks getting bit but it's small whatever it is see my bobber just draining got a little guy messing with me there guys well that's a good sign because at least we know there's some fish hanging out in there so let's get it back in there and try to get a big one oh yeah beautiful grip there we go back in there back in that way man come on fish so one of the reasons i like to kind of get angles like this is i i was having trouble like casting it out there and actually getting this setup down in to the depth that i wanted it to be so i'm going to go way deep here and then what i'm going to do is i'm going to kind of get right off of this ledge it's going to allow me to flick this out here and just run this right down along where those fish are going to be laying all right guys so now that i've showed you kind of how to fish a slow deep run like this what i'm going to do is i'm going to keep kind of working my way down river try to find some other water and show you guys some other ways of how to fish these microworms and hopefully hook a fish or two so come join me we're going to keep learning and uh wish us luck okay everyone so if you look at this hole right here we have some really fast watercolors but right in between you can almost see like there's a drop off and it's it's pretty fast in there but it's plenty slow enough and enough structure in there to hold fish so i'm going to shallow out just a little bit and then what you want to do when you're fishing these kind of things is cast kind of up into the rapids and then let it fall down into the hole and run through there just like that oh my bobber drained but i don't know what it was so again you just you can see the soft spot right in the center so you just want to get it right into that soft spot [Music] i think i'm getting just dragging bottom in there a little a little bit but that's okay you know it's hook sets are free so set the hook whether whether you think it's a fish or not and i'll fish a lot of these buckety type of holes again and i'll just run as i'm going down river i'll just run a few through there see if there's anything in there wanting to play no love let's keep searching let's show you guys some more holes okay we've walked up onto another really nice little hole kind of a small little pocket but a fish or two could definitely sit there so you can see over here on the rock you can see that little bucket in there and that's what you're aiming for you want to get into that little bucket and just get that worm working around in there spots like this i you know they're it's not like you're going to hook fish in them every time but i like to fish everything so i'll get them in there and make sure there's no grabbers in there you never know never know where these trout want to lay know that all right we're gonna looks like we got another nice hole right down here let's go check it out this hole looks nice to just kind of run your bobber right down through it so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna slide this float up just a little ways make it a little deeper and then i'm going to walk out here and as you can see the gravel bar is coming down but then it drops right into this hole so i'm just going to send one just like so nice and soft right down the hole and a lot of times what i'll do is the same thing when i've taught you guys about steelhead or trout or anything like that i start in close and then i work my way over so i made my first cast kind of on that inside seam now i'm going to send one right down the middle here man these things aren't cooperating for us okay again i'm just trying to show you guys a bunch of different spots you can be fishing and looking for and using these micro worms with so you can see right here we got a big log jam but it comes down into this nice little bucket in this inside scene so i'm going to run it right along that log jam down into that inside seam just like that no dice all right so i made a couple casts through there didn't find anything again that's the nice thing about these fixed float setups and these worms is you can just keep kind of working working working working your way down through until you find some fish that want to play okay here we are to another piece of water as you can see the water comes down in hits that wall and wraps around but what you have is this nice little inside soft seam that those fish could rest so we're going to just run it right along that inside socket moving a little faster than i like it definitely moving a little quick in there a lot of times guys i'm only putting a few casts through two three four casts if i if i know i've made my good cast that are going to get a fish i'm not going to just keep running it and beating it up if they don't want it they don't want it so sometimes i will you know i'll switch to a different a different thing a different setup a different spinner different jig but in the essence of just trying to teach you guys these you know micro worms i'm just kind of working quick hoping to show you guys a bunch of different type of water you can fish them in so this type of water is ideal as you can see we have two currents coming together and just forming a nice deep slow bucket and hopefully there's a trout in here that wants to play i'm just gonna send it right down the center here might be a little deep again the nice thing to these floats is look how long i can extend my drift down into that hole supernatural presentation oh there he is got him got him guys all the way down in the tail out down there see and that's the benefit of these floats and these worms is you can really extend your drifts oh don't get caught in those weeds there oh no he got caught in the weeds and we lost him oh that's okay though that's all right that was a good fish nice little tiny cutthroat it looked like a lot bigger ones than that in here so we're gonna try to show you guys a big oh i just ripped my worm dang it marlon okay so another thing i'll do with these worms a lot is i'll try to get into little like back eddy spots where it's just kind of swirling a little bit where i know trout are going to kind of sit and find food so i'm going to cast over into that oh i'm not far enough over there hold on guys hold on gotta get over there just a little farther oh flirting with death sometimes it can get tricky out here you don't want to lose your stuff or snag it up but oh there we go that's the cast oh my god come on something something oh my gosh guys that was a freaking great bobber down great bobber down how did i miss that one i think i pulled it away from me to be honest guys that was my fault these fish are really giving me a run for my money today what is that are you kidding me how's that like there's no way that's bought got him got him guys went through there three or four times and he just kept eating it kept eating it couldn't get a hook in him finally got one finally landed one here sweat our hands here folks look at that look at that beautiful cut throat pink worm up in his face boys let's pull out that worm here all right we got that worm out there he is there's the fruits of our labors there's bigger ones in here but we'll take them let's let them go here this will be kind of cool oh see dude see dude i kept telling sean i'm like there's no way that isn't a fish sean and it was it was a fish so this is another beautiful spot we have here alex there's a log in the water right there but what it's doing is it's slowing down all this water it's creating just a beautiful little bucket right here so let's hope and pray for a nice fish right here cast it on out there you're gonna let it feed it down through this here and then you're just gonna send it down into that bucket no love try again let's run one in a little closer here no love it also looks pretty nice out here kind of in the middle so we're gonna run one out there and see what's up all right guys now we're gonna roll a quick little beat down video of us kind of smashing fish on these little micro worms we're gonna roll that for you right now should be a fun one check it out [Music] that's a really good one [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] beautiful cutthroat there she is all right everyone so there you have it hopefully that helps you get out here use these little floats use these little micro worms and catch fish on your local river stream creek wherever you like to fish this is super deadly effective thanks again so much for tuning in we appreciate every single one of you that take the time out of your day to watch our videos be a subscriber and if you're not a subscriber click this little button right here we put out videos all the time and to all of our subscribers we appreciate every single one if you want to have an opportunity to be comment of the day like this person right here just drop some comments below smash the thumbs up button thanks again we'll see you on the river
Channel: Addicted Fishing
Views: 344,887
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to fish micro worms for trout, trout fishing, how to fish pink worms for trout, plastic worms for trout, trout, rainbow trout fishing, cutthroat trout fishing, microworms for fish, microworms, fishing for trout, how to trout fish, trout tips, trout fishing tips and tricks, how to fish for trout, addicted fishing trout, fishing, trout fishing lures, trout fishing with worms, trout fishing tips, how to catch trout, addicted fishing, creek fishing, creek fishing trout
Id: zRKwdpSEyts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 48sec (1848 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 04 2021
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