How To KILL A Fish - FASTEST & Most HUMANE WAY! (Bonus Gut & Fillet HOW TO)

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you [Music] say are you acts out there welcome back to another addictive fishing tutorial my name is Jourdan Koenig II and this is addictive fishing if you guys are new to this channel go down here and hit subscribe and hit that little Bell notification we aim to educate entertain and inspire anglers like you to show you how to do cool little tricks and tips and fun entertainment out here on the river today we're doing a quick little video we get a lot of comments from you guys ask me how to kill a fish we're gonna show you a humane kind of decent way to go ahead and knock these fish out if you're here harvesting these hatchery fish on your local river or if you're catching wild fish somewhere in the world so what we have here we just got this beautiful little silver salmon on a setback Mustad hoochie this is an addictive product it's one of our salmon jigs what we're gonna do initially is find a good stick or a rock something blunt and has a little bit of weight to it what you're gonna do is aim right for the back of this fish's head just in front of its Gill plate and behind its eye that's where its brain is located that's going to be the quickest the most efficient way to kill that fish so that it doesn't suffer at all once you get it here on the bank just like that give it one more just for good luck I'm gonna go ahead and unhook that one smart thing to do in my opinion is to keep that fish hooked through the balking process because as soon as you unhook that fish if you are next to the bank or you're in the boat nothing starts flopping around it can break rods it can fall back into the river alive and swim away if you bonk that fish first and he does flop odds are he's not gonna get away from you after you've already killed that fish and you're gonna waste a really really tasty little meal here so now that we've done that the first thing that we're gonna do initially you want to get this done right away try to take your picture fast go ahead get all your glory shots but what we want to do right away is go ahead and cut these gills why this fish is still fresh so I'm going to go through right under that Gill plate I'm going to slice those gills open you see how that Bloods pumping right out now what I'm gonna do is I'm going to walk down to the river and set it in the water for just a sec so a lot of that blood can actually work out of the meat so to get the most amount of blood out of this fish you can see how as soon as I hit the water it keeps that blood from coagulating inside the fish so it goes back into his natural helmet so that blood doesn't start getting getting thick and not coming out of the gills what I'm now going to do is I'm going to roll it upside down I'm going to put my fingers right along that ladder and I'm going to kind of shake that tail and make a couple of different passes through that fish's body pushing that that blood up to its gills from its tail just like so you can see every time I do that another big plume of blood comes out of there and that lets that fish get blood free because that blood is the first thing that freezer burns and it's one of the more fishy taste that you can have in a salmon so you want to make sure to get a lot of that look this is also a head so you want to get a lot of those a lot of that blood out of those eggs there'll be one more pass here beautiful now once you stop seeing those big flumes of blood come out of those gills what we like to do is our next step is we're going to gut this fish this is kind of show you guys the full 360 look at what we do every time we kill one of these fish and this one's a 10 so we're gonna save these eggs so we want to do this in a nice clean place so that we're not getting sand or mud or dirt all over our eggs here we're going to take our knife go right up the anus bring them between those two fins here what I like to do when I get to this point so that I'm not sawing into my eggs just do one quick little risk just like so and it goes through that bone in between those two anal fins go all the way up to the bottom of its top just like so again taking good care of these eggs here we're going to want these for a later date that one I'm going to do is I'm going to grab the throat of that fish right here in by it's hard up by its Gill plate I'm gonna make a little incision right on its throat and pull the rest of those guts out just like so last step I'm gutting these fish you run your knife right down this lateral bone right along its spine where it holds that last little spot of blood just like so you guys can see that in there I'm gonna run my fingers right down through there pulling all those that blood and that coagulated material out of there give her a nice rinse like so are you nice and clean on the inside ready to go on ice and you're cooler at the bottom of the boat and get played at the boat ramp so you guys stay tuned we're gonna actually take this fish back to the ramp play it out for you guys and show you how the process goes to get this thing in the bag and get it home alright everybody so we've made it back to the boat ramp now we're gonna complete this process of killing a fish and go ahead and show you how to flay out your fish and get it ready for the dinner table we got done today luckily we had a couple opportunities you get a couple more beautiful fish here but the one that we killed earlier remember we have it gutted we bought this fish ethically and as fast as possible as soon as we got out of the water so it didn't suffer at all we went ahead and gutted it out put those eggs aside made sure that fish was good and bled before we opened it up and now we have it here on our fillet away fish mat so these are a really neat little product made by a fully away you can find them online or on our site addictive fishing but the Floy fish backs are really really nice tool for being able to fillet these fish out without them sliding around and allowing you to make a really nice cut on these fish without missing any me and leaving any of that valuable tasty stuff on the bone that we don't want to leave behind so what I have here is my 10-inch Gerber fillet knife this is one of my favorite knives that I found yet mainly because of the sharpening stone that they have on the backside of the carrying case which is revolutionary in my idea because you could constantly get a good edge on that blade before you go and fillet that fish again so I put a good edge on my blade sharpen it up already got my flavor fish math like I said before and now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go ahead and be very careful and I'm gonna go ahead and show you guys how you want to use a technique that filleting this fish so we've already gutted it so what I'm gonna do I'm gonna lift that pectoral fin up I'm gonna keep my blade at about a 45 degree angle and I'm gonna cut right down behind the gill plate here just like so one nice little slide through there and the job is done once I've got that you see how my blades pointed up towards the head of that fish what I'm gonna do is once I find the backbone right about there I go about an inch and a half deep into this little fish I'm gonna turn that blade and go right along with the spine of that fish keeping that blade with a semi downward angle and and parallel with the backbone the whole way down is going to be key to making sure that you get every little piece of meat off of that back foot so I have my cut started here I'm gonna wash my fingers I'm gonna keep that blade pointed perfectly parallel with the backside of that fish I'm actually gonna stick my finger up in that fish's gills and I'm gonna slowly make short about six inch pushes through that fish slowly sliding right along the spine and keeping that blade again right along the bone of that fish so that we don't miss any meat here and as I flip that over you guys will see and you see the importance of keeping your blade pointed down towards the backbone of that fish it goes right along with it and it cleans off all that meat so that you guys aren't missing any of this tasty tasty morsel that we have here of a coho salmon so now that I've completed this side we're gonna go to little more complicated side I'm gonna have this fish's belly pointed it towards me here again making the same incision that I made before 45-degree angle right behind the gill plate once I find that backbone I'm gonna slide it down with the backbone just like that and again keep that blade parallel with the backbone putting it about a quarter degree angle down towards the fish's spine slowly sliding that knife back and forth and keeping a perfect fillet right off of that fish so you guys see how little meat is left on this bone what you can do if you're if you really want to use every little bit of the fish you can cut these collars off you can cut this meat off right here in these front fins you can also take a spoon or a fork and take all that meat off of the spine which we're not gonna do today but it's a good way to use every little piece of meat that comes on these fish especially if you haven't caught a lot that day now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna take off these rib bones and this is probably the more complicated part of this method I'm gonna stick but I usually usually like to use is any kind of knife I like to use my little girl by knife here or any kind of fork or utensil that you can hold down on that meat so that you can make a nice flush cut on that fish to get those rip bones out so what I'm gonna do here I'm gonna make my first little incision here cutting right under these bones and what I want to do is I want to be able to see the edge of my blade going through those rib bones so that I can actually tell that I'm not missing any meat or that I'm not grabbing any excess meat as I make that cut I'm gonna make one small incision there all the way down like we kick that back off fooled that knife kind of facing upwards towards the sky and one little slice there and there you have it a perfect fillet another thing that I like to do that's not key and it's not imperative to getting this job done is I'll take this nothing this little PEC fin here I'll point it straight up in the air holding the edge of it and I'll slice right along that bone that you see there and get that last little fin out of there so that you don't have to deal with it while you're cooking so there it is there's our fillet absolutely beautiful perfect ready for the smoker ready for the grill or any other way that you're gonna want to eat that I'm gonna do here and show you guys how to do the other side now which is a little more technical because you're gonna be cutting back towards yourself but it's the same nonetheless again making that small incision you want to be able to see that blade through those rib bones one slow slice all the way through and do it twice just like so and our job is done here - perfect fillets [Music] all right everybody I hope that simplified it a little bit better and make a lot of you guys feel comfortable with going out and effectively killing these fish and taking them home for the dinner table it's a luxury that a lot of us have all over the world and we take for granted sometimes so making sure you do it right humanely and taking good care of your fish and the meat throughout the day is gonna make every bit of your effort on the river better and more valuable to you the fishermen so again thank you so much for tuning in today you guys if you like this video be sure to go down here and hit that like button be sure to comment below with whether you've ever flayed a fish or whether we've ever killed one yourself we want to hear from you guys and then you have any other ideas for tutorials that you guys want to see please let us know and we appreciate you tuning in you guys stay fishy be sure to subscribe hit that little Bell notification and we'll see you out there [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Addicted Fishing
Views: 966,816
Rating: 4.8561335 out of 5
Keywords: how to kill a fish, how to kill a fish fast, how to kill a fish instantly, how to kill a fish quickly, how to kill a fish after you catch it, how to kill a fish without a knife, how to kill a fish with a rock, how to kill a fish with a stick, bonking fish, how to kill fish, killing a fish, fishing videos, fishing, addicted fishing, how to, how to humanely and quickly kill a fish, filleting fish, cleaning fish, gutting fish, fishing tips, catch and kill fish, catch and kill
Id: Hs9TUrCHjns
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 10sec (670 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 15 2019
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