How to Catch Trout with Powerbait - Color SHOWDOWN! Amazing Underwater Trout Strikes and Reactions

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[Music] foreign [Music] fishing if you happen to catch my last underwater trout reactions video I asked everybody what their favorite trout bait was there were some wild answers but the one bait that kept coming up was powerbait I almost never used powerbait before this video so I decided to go all out and do a tournament style showdown between eight different colors the colors of the rainbow plus pink and white why because I wanted to see if the trout really prefers certain colors or if they will just eat anything and I may be crazy because this ended up being by far the most challenging video I've ever made here's how the tournament will work the winners move up while the losers compete in the losers bracket If a color loses twice it's out how I rigged it up is super simple I tied a couple of dropper Loops about four inches apart and an eighth ounce drop shot weight 18 inches below I used number 10 owner mosquito Hooks and a three pound ug Maxima leader to bait the hook I ran the power rigs right above the eye of the hook leaving the hook Point exposed I couldn't find purple or blue Power eggs so for those colors I used the doe bait which I pinched on the shank of the hook you always want to check your bait because the dough can easily come off and the power eggs can slide too far down blocking the hook point so without further Ado I present to you the powerbait color Showdown so here we go with round one purple versus green purple on the top green on the bottom craziest moments that I filmed right here bunch of fish first of all and then both of these trout grab it at the same time the so close to a tie but I gotta give it to purple because that got the hook set so purple's gonna move up in the bracket and then Green's going down to the losers bracket and we're going for white and orange white is kind of softer it's weird because that's the softest power egg so they can just knock it right off the hook and then there's just orange left so this guy's just kind of circling [Music] here we go going right up to that white and just couldn't get that hook set quite fast enough they oh turn in the corner and then that's what they kind of do after watching a ton of this footage they turn the corner and then they go in and eat whatever they're gonna eat white moving up orange going down blue versus yellow nuggets colors Denver Nuggets Nicoli jokic so blue is just getting hammered right here I mean they're not even that's like five different fish that went up to the blue nothing for yellow this was a little farther away but got the hook set on the blue it's so weird because it's such an unnatural color I would totally think yellow would do better but that blue moving up yellow moving down pink and red Valentine's colors so Pink's already getting the attention on that bottom hook this guy almost got hooked that went back looked at it and came back again they have such a fast reaction it's just hard to strike in time for trout no wonder that we miss so many that guy just went up and sniffed the red said no I don't want that so the pink finally got grabbed and he kind of just grabbed it and then swam with it and then I got the hook set right there bam so pink is going to move up red going down to the loser's bracket loser's bracket time already green versus orange opposite colors all right they're both pretty visible this guy's kind of going up to both of them oh but then he's going after the green and then this just this guy just smashed the green smash that like button like you to smashed that green power egg green moving up orange going down is eliminated we're going to Red versus yellow red and yellow looks like the most natural colors to me red yellow and orange and there he goes right on that yellow they kind of turn the corner turn their corner and then just barely got hooked there so yellow's moving up and red is out we're going to round two winners bracket purple and white light on the top purple on the bottom oh this is my favorite reaction right here they're just so finicky and so fast like he could tell there might be a hook there so he kind of spooked for a second and I can't tell if this is that's a different fish coming back on a different cast and just going after that purple there's something about that purple that they like so purple is going to move up here we've got a nice little underwater release for that guy purple's moving up and White's going down to the loser's bracket pink and blue time that's an interesting color combo they're just looking right at that pink and this was a quick one just one strike one hook set right on the pink on the top hook so Pink's moving up blue moving down we're going back to the losers bracket for round two green and white green is on the top it's kind of hard to tell right here but Greens on the top lights on the bottom this guy's looking at the white now there there's a strike on the green but didn't get the hook set went for the white went for the green missed him one for the green missed him again so this one was just barely off the frame but I got the hook set on the white power egg so White's moving up and green is eliminated blue and yellow again [Music] so this was I was kind of farther from the camera because they get kind of spooked when they're so close but this was a crazy reaction when he got hooked look at how crazy all these barrel rolls just ah all right blue is Gonna Move On Up and yellow was illuminated so so far all the colors I thought were gonna win are out here we go with pink and purple two strong strong options and these guys are just looking at that pink this was again kind of far away so I had to zoom in and then I had to freeze the frame to see which one this was it was Pink So pink is going to win versus purple so Pink's moving up purple's moving down we're going to blue and white on the losers bracket and it's getting up there we're getting close to the top now these are the top dogs we got white on the top blue on the bottom they're going after the blue already oh that's two strikes on the blue and one sniff on the White another sniff on the white see how fast they are they sometimes they don't really commit and that's why it's so hard to get a hook set on pretty even right here pretty even but this guy's he's batting it around he's like there's some line there but I just don't care I'm gonna grab it and got hooked on the White so white is going to move up and blue is eliminated that is a bummer I was rooting for blue and we're getting on to the semi-finals so we got purple and white here fast they are it's insane if you think you can react to that you are you're joking me oh and there goes on the White oh and that that was bumming me out because I was I was rooting for some of these colors I was rooting for purple but purple's out and we're going to the vinyls with pink versus white I got some pretty good footage here with the bait really close to the camera man you can just that was so close so close on the pink that was so close I mean if that hook was just angled a little bit different that's a really tiny trout too that's like a six incher there's another one and another mess those were the tiny tiny guys so then this one was off frame I had to freeze frame it and pink one so pink is going to be the champion taking home the trophy trout trophy So for anybody who's gonna say these are just random choices and these colors don't matter I actually had to redo part of this tournament because I had the camera angled the wrong way and the exact same results happen two times and here's just one more example of why pink is so dominant I actually got pink and rainbow power bait and I wasn't sure which one to add in is the extra color so I did a little play in round and pink won that too so pink won every single matchup pink was undefeated utterly undefeated in every single matchup so if you're gonna get any color I would get pink so that pretty much does it for this video If you haven't seen my first version of this with uh I did all the classic trout baits like bread corn worms and I missed a ton of fish the comments are really funny on that one so go check that one out I've got it on the screen here and don't forget to hit subscribe if you liked the video and I will see you next time foreign [Music]
Channel: E Park Fishing
Views: 1,122,058
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to catch trout, how to use powerbait, how to catch trout with powerbait, underwater trout strikes, underwater footage, underwater trout bites, underwater trout, cool underwater footage, underwater fish footage
Id: bhR66qy1Kqg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 12sec (612 seconds)
Published: Thu May 13 2021
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