How to link DISCORD to MetaMask with Collab.Land on Mobile

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If you've tried to use to connect your discord to your meta mask or any other NFT enabled wallet, then you probably noticed that there's some issues that happen, where, you know, it just doesn't recognize the wallet address through something like Safari, which automatically launches if you if you hit the button in discord, I'm gonna go ahead and show you how to do this on mobile because there's a little trick and it's so much simpler than you think. I'm going to use the example from one of the discord communities that I'm in called Gary Club, where he has his own crater coin through the rally network. So we're to link my NF T's that I purchased from his draft how're NF T project to his Discord server. So I get special roles for holding those NF T's, you go to bot command. So I've already done it for myself, just to make sure I was good. So you go here, you would type in exclamation point, join and hit, hit the little mail logo to send. Now it's gonna send you that little notification at the top. And it's gonna give you this link, it says connect your account, click, click the thing that says click here and say yes, it's going to launch this see the little thing in the bottom right corner it shows little compass that's gonna launch it in Safari and give you this link here. You're gonna highlight it, copy it. And then you're going to go to meta mask, we're gonna go to the browser, the tab the browser over here, hit browser. And then you could either open up a new tab, then click the first option Metamask say sign and that's it that pops up. See it says wallet connected. Yeah, okay, and your updated and make sure that they're all linked in your discord. See, it was a lot easier than you thought. So all you have to do is go back to the discord server, click on your profile picture and it should show whatever updated roles you qualify if you have entities in your wallet, that it can link from your Metamask wallet, and we also have a Discord server. So I'll drop a link to that in the description. And I hope this was helpful. I'll see you in the next one.
Channel: Unblocking the Blockchain
Views: 1,565
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to link DISCORD to MetaMask with Collab.Land on Mobile, discord hacks and tricks, metamask wallet, metamask tutorial, metamask nft, collab land discord, collabland setup, connect discord to metamask, connect metamask to discord
Id: tdmX_TWGEuA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 0sec (120 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 06 2021
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