How to Setup a Phantom Wallet to Buy Solana NFTs

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what's up y'all welcome back to the channel in this video we're going to go through how to set up the phantom wallet so that you can buy and sell solana tokens and buy and sell solana nfts aka chibi shinobis launching on monday tomorrow um so yeah anyways i'll walk you through setting up the wallet uh it'll be kind of similar to setting up a metamask wallet but if you have no experience with ethereum based wallets or other wallets don't worry i'm gonna walk you through all the steps here and like tell you what's going on and then uh we will then look at some um some nft marketplaces and see like what that flow is like and and that's pretty much it it'll be uh it'll be a short video so all right first thing you need to do is to go to um and just make sure you're at the right url it's http s colon slash slash and if you want to be extra sure then like if you're using like chrome or brave or whatever the browsers usually tell you like whether or not the connection is secure you can click into the certificate thing and just make sure that the certificate says um and it expires soon hopefully they renew it when that happens anyways uh so yeah this is the url you'll come here you hit add to chrome and this will take you to the chrome web store i'm not sure how many other browsers they support maybe it's only on chrome right now but anyways um you'll you'll hit that and you'll be taken to the chrome web store you hit add to brave and then it'll just double check for you you know just to be sure like the chrome web store or or brave the brave browser doesn't review extensions for security and safety so make sure you know what you're doing and you know there there's this is one of the few like salon wallet options so i'm just gonna add it and uh yeah give it a couple moments it should install and uh it says phantom has been added to brave it should look like this this new tab should pop up i just have a new window over here so it popped up over there but it'll look like this and we'll cancel this out and then it's just gonna walk you through the setup process here so i'll do it with you now when you're doing it make sure that other people are not looking at it because there's going to be sensitive information including your secret recovery phrase and your password and all this other stuff that you don't want other people to see so uh i'll just show you because i want you to see what it looks like we'll create a new wallet and here's this secret recovery phrase uh this is the only way you will be able to recover your account please store it somewhere safe take this to heart usually when i when i set up an actual account that i'm going to use i'll put this maybe in my password manager like one password because i uh i trust that enough and i'm not going to keep that much money on this like browser wallet most of my long-term holds are in much more secure holding mechanisms like a multi-stick wallet and like a hardware wallet and all this other stuff but you know just to give you some context like this is this is like the key security point so what i'm gonna do for the purpose of this video is i'm gonna just store it on my notion doc which is not a good place to store it because notion is like it's like connected to the cloud and they store it on their servers so basically as soon as i pasted it in here notion knows about my password and all this other stuff so don't do that but there it is okay so it says okay i saved it somewhere we're gonna move on to the next step now that i've saved it now creating a password is kind of like creating a pin number at an atm machine uh you know you put in your debit card you punch in your pin and then you can withdraw or deposit money uh similarly with with these wallets with this wallet interface the uh the secret recovery phrase is the really the most important part kind of like the debit card in the atm transaction but then the pin is also really important because that's kind of like an extra layer of security and it's like a convenient way to like prove that you are this person so for this password i'm just going to put like 123 password which is like the least secure possible password ever so don't do this password but that's the password we're going to use for now and then we're going to agree to the terms of service and save and then there is a keyboard shortcut i'm not going to use it because i have it overridden by my loom so if i if i did this it would pause the video but if you don't have other conflicts then this is the shortcut that will pop on the pop open the wallet now what i usually like to do instead is actually go into the extensions bar here and then just pin that extension so it'll show up right there and then when i click on that boom the wallet interface shows up i got my address i got how much money i have how many salon i have et cetera so that's pretty much it and then uh it'll just say you're all done finished and then it's telling you to um to open the thing okay cool so let's look at this real quick uh so in the actual wallet interface it's like the most important thing is probably this address so if i click that it'll automatically copy my address to the clipboard so i can paste that out for you to see this one says uh bad xp kl h zoz yadda yadda yadda so this is the unique identifier of this particular account that i'm looking at right now so if i excuse me if i wanted to deposit solana into this wallet i would have to send it here so if i'm buying solana on coinbase or ftx or anywhere else this is the address that you paste in to be the recipient to send it to this wallet so that's important the other important thing which is pretty intuitive is just like how much money in us dollars your solana is worth so there's probably a way to change the currency but that's the default and then there's uh you can manage the token list and this is like depending on what tokens you want to display be displayed in your wallet you can add those manually sometimes they're added automatically and then right here you can see receive and send i can't send any right now because i don't have any but if i want to receive send wallet exchange they have this nice convenient qr code this is super safe to share with other people because this is just your public key but again if i copy this this is the same address that we have earlier so yeah that's where we send this along um cool so that's pretty much it that you need to like get started really um i'll go through some really quick other features you can for example create like a secondary wallet account um so i might create a new wallet and then this would be wallet number two so maybe i want to have different wallets for different purposes um and i can rename them too so in settings i can call this wallet two i can call it like maybe um my test account and then maybe this is the account that i use for my development as a software engineer i'm gonna be testing out some apps so i'll just make sure that no real money ever goes in here it's just like fake money so maybe that's a test account and then maybe if i click on this wallet one this is like uh purchases so i will actually use this to purchase things and then transfer them into my hardware wallet or whatever um so yeah you can rename them like that and then boom it's like kind of more easily recognizable um you can lock the wallet manually so once you lock it uh it'll ask for your password so you gotta make sure you remember your password it's nice what's nice is that you don't have to enter your whole like secret key every time so you only need this secret recovery phrase when you're going to a new browser or a new computer then you want to like make sure that computer like it doesn't have it stored so you have to like put it in but for now enter password boom unlocked um cool that's pretty much i'm going to pause for one second i'm going to load my my wallet and then we're going to go to the store all right so i have loaded my wallet account so you can see here i really only have one wallet i have uh not much money it's like 1.34848 so lana it's worth about 259 dollars right now us dollars uh and then this is my address so uh you're familiar with all of that what i'm going to do now is go to solon art this is one of the few nft marketplaces that exists on uh solana for the salon blockchain so when i go there this is uh the url is solan art salon art dot io so once you go here they make sure that you know that they're in beta uh so let me make this a little bigger they're in beta version please exercise discretion when using the platform and report any bugs you may encounter so they're definitely in the newer phase of their development they're not as mature as openc just yet but they're trying pretty hard so uh you can say let's go and then this is their marketplace so you can see there's like 282 2824 daily sales i don't know if that's i guess that's number of nfts because uh here is where they track daily salon volume so almost 8.5 k in daily salon volume which is that's that's pretty sizable that's the sizeable amount of money how much is that uh it's like 200 bucks per salon right now so it's like 1.7 million dollars every day which is you know nowhere near open sea right now with like ether but that's it's not nothing so there's degenerate ape academy i think that's one of the oldest ones soul punks i guess that's like a copycat of crypto punks not very attractive to me i hate copycat projects bless you um and then yeah soon we're gonna try to get chibi shinobis onto this platform we're first focusing on the mint making sure that goes well but then uh after that goes well then we can uh try to integrate with this marketplace it's a little bit harder to integrate than with something like openc because openc has the erc 721 standard uh but anyways point is we'll work on it so uh when you're on here let me go back here when you're when you first enter you have this option to connect your wallet and that's the way you connect to the site that's the way you log in so you connect to the wallet uh hit phantom connect oh i didn't know they have this auto option that's kind of nice connect it's gonna ask for my signature it's gonna say this app would like to view your wallet balance and activity and request approval for transactions so basically when you're shopping the wallet is going to be the one that to like manage that for you so you're just giving that permission right now and then boom once you connect connect then you can see it here i am now logged in and so on my personal page you can see i've already purchased a one nft it's a soul bear i'm currently listing it for 12 soul i don't expect it to sell but that's what it was listed for i really liked the pickle i thought that was funny so yeah that's my wallet i own one nft on solana and uh that's pretty much it so hopefully you can get set up if you need help ask comments ask questions in the comments and i'll see you next time bye
Channel: thatguyintech
Views: 222
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: solana, NFTs, ethereum, erc721, erc1155, rust, digital art programming, blockchain developer, blockchain dev, cryptocurrency, cryptocurrency wallet, phantom wallet, metamask
Id: ySPLNkUaiuc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 2sec (602 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 31 2021
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