HOW TO CUSTOMIZE YOUR TWITCH CHANNEL IN 2024 ✅(Make Twitch Panels, Banner Setup & MORE)

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does your Twitch Channel look like this don't worry mine did too when I first started and by the end of the video we'll have your channel pimped out just like this if that sounds good drop a quick like on this video so other people can find this video and let's get started so as you can see here we are on our ugly and blank twitch Channel and I apologize that we're using light mode because we're going to be using darker Graphics so it'll just be easier to see and then we could obviously switch it to dark mode later but if you have no idea how to even get to this page you just go to the top right corner after you're logged in click on channel and then you'll be brought to this section here but you can also click on the about tab under your name and then click on the chat tab if you don't like to do this CU you could also go to chat and it'll bring up your offline page which obviously we have nothing here so that's what the point of the video is for so I'll be giving you two different options in case you'd like one more than the other the first option is creating everything ourselves but the second option is going to be faster and easier so we'll start with the second option and that's using today's sponsor I'll leave a link in the description down down below where you can easily find it but basically is the branch where you can go and individually buy all of your different streaming assets like packages emotes and more for today's video I'm going to be using the stream designed bestseller dark mode series package because it's going to have everything we need if we look on the Le hand side and click on the live preview you can see that it comes with a twitch Banner a bunch of panels to put underneath our stream as well as an offline screen in the bottom right corner plus it'll have animated alerts overlays webcam overlays and everything else that I'll show you how to do in other videos so if you want to go with this option you can use coupon code CAW to save 50% off your order and once again the link is down below the first thing we need to do in order to start designing our ugly AF twitch channel is go to the top right corner and click your icon and then click on Creator dashboard now don't panic if things look different twitch changes things all the time so just keep an eye on the pin comment below in case I click on something and it doesn't bring you the same to your page so don't freak out it's totally okay but we're going to go to the left hand side where it says settings and then we're going to click on channel this is the page where we're going to do a lot of our customization and you can see we got a bunch of tabs up here but we're going to start with the about Tab and then go to profile settings and start with display name you're able to change the capitalization for your username if you want now I think this is perfect the way that it is so I'm not going to change it but below that we can change our bio which is just a little blurb that we can add to let viewers know what our channel is all about so since we're using my alternate account which is Halloween party we're going to just say we play horror games which do on the main Channel and I answer all of your streaming related questions so go follow my main Twitch account if you got any questions which is CAW music also linked in the description down below but let's just write up a quick little blurb so I've come up with this borderline cringey message so it says hi guys my name is Cody and we play horror games on this channel so come grab some candy and have a Spooktacular time with us so basically we're just letting them know who we are what we do on the channel so what type of games so that way if someone likes that stuff then they're more incentivized to follow so once you have your bio and you change your name if you wanted to you can simply hit the save changes also if you wanted to change your username straight up you can click this little pencil icon and you can change it every 60 days so if you want you're more than welcome to do that but it's uh not what we're going to be doing today but the option is there if you want So at the very bottom we have our Social Links and that's where you guessed it we get to shove our content on other people's throats because that's the whole part of being a streamer is basically being a content creator as well so you know we're already going to shamelessly promote our Tik Tok account so for the link title I'm going to call it Tik Tok and I'm going to go over to my Tik Tok page to get the URL so if you guys are on Tik Tok and you want to get some streaming tips from me you can go follow me on Tik Tok C paw music but we're going to go to the top where it has our URL I'm just going to highlight it I'm going to hit contrl C to copy it on my keyboard we're going to go back to Twitch and we're now going to paste that link with control V and just make sure if you're typing this in manually that you include the https colon Das what are those God I can't think of what those are called second grade me is screaming to me that these are called forward slashes so I'm going to go with that lock in those lyrics I may not be smarter than a fifth grader but hey this is how you add your damn social link so there you go you put in your link title you put in your link URL and then you hit the add button so click that and boom we got our Tik Tok link and the little Tik Tok logo cuz twitch recognized it if you use some obscure link it probably won't have the logo if you're adding like a YouTube channel or Twitter or whatever else X I guess if you want to call it then usually it'll have the logo next to it and I'll show you where that pops up in just a minute so be patient already all right you can also add four more Social Links for a total of five so you can add YouTube your ex account AKA Twitter Instagram whatever you want which I have all of by the way so if you want to follow me on one you're more than welcome to but for this video I'm just going to add Tik Tok cuz obviously it's the same thing you guys get it so we're going to go to the top and click the brand tab now we'll have the option to add a profile picture so if you already have a profile picture this is where you'll add it you can also make one I guess and like paint yeah that one's really awful let's not use that one or if you're edgy you can just download a random picture on the internet or if you want you can hire a friend to make one for you like what I did so shout outs to Queen who made this I appreciate you you know who you are I'm going to hit save after we put in our profile picture which is going to save it who would have thought right I mean come on you have successfully updated your profile picture looking good there wow thank you twitch that's that's what I get for wearing a a twitch shirt that has a ghost on it right I mean I'm just fit in the niche here anyways it has to be a JPEG PNG GIF or GIF if you want to roast me in the comments go ahead and cannot exceed 10 megabytes so just keep those in mind next we can pick a profile accent color which is just going to be the color that kind of like goes around on your profile file basically if you use like the generated background it'll be primarily there but also if people like sub in the chat and it also have that little flare on the side of it since I grew up in the '90s and if you guys noticed in my background which is right over here I'm a big Goosebumps fan we got the Goosebumps painting that I made that like kind of looks like it's dripping I tried my best I'm not a painter I got the Goosebumps hat which is not back there and then whatever you know so we're going to go with the Goosebumps green but you're more than welcome to pick whatever wacky colors that you want so I'm going to pick that color I'm going to hit save changes I'm going to scr scroll down and this is where we have our profile Banner so this is what's going to appear behind your channel so if I just show you real quick this one honestly doesn't really matter that much so if you go to your channel like in the top right corner hit channel it's going to bring you to your home and this is like that Banner so it's going to be blocked by a lot of stuff so that's why it doesn't matter too much but obviously this green is horrendous so I just don't want to have that so you can make yourself a custom image like I did here or if you bought the owned package you can also find it in there so if we just click on Custom Image and then hit upload I'll show you how to upload the owned one and then I'll show you how to make your own right after so we're going to hit upload photo then I'm going to go to my dark mode series premium I'm going to go to files and then I'm going to find where the twitch Banner is which is Twitch profile going to go to PNG and then we're going to do the twitch Banner blank cuz I don't really want to put my socials in right now because it's going to be blocked so I'm just going to do the blank one it's going to pop it in here give it a second success and there you go it'll look like that so you can hit save and check it out if we go back so it'll go from this to if I refresh it'll go to this which honestly is starting to look really good you can see our Tik Tok button you can see a bunch of other stuff that background you can still see that highlight on the side so maybe I will want to change that color to black but lowkey nobody really ever goes to this page they're usually on the chat page which looks like this so it's not really going to matter but let's say you wanted to make your own profile Banner well the first thing we need to know are what dimensions they are so it's 1,200 by 480 so once we know that we need to go and use a photo editing software so my favorite free photo editing software is called pixler P iix and basically I like it cuz it's super simple to use but the downside is is that on the free plan you can only save up to three photos per day which is fine for when you're getting started cuz you can make three come back tomorrow and then do another three but if you're more comfortable with a different photo editing software you're more than welcome to but I'm going to use pixler for this video so I'm going to go to editor and then I'm going to click on create new I'll also leave this in the description below by the way and then for the width I believe it was 12200 and the height was 480 pretty sure and then we hit create so it's going to give us our little canvas and then now we can just do whatever we want but since I'm super lazy but I also want it to look semide decent I'm going to use a different website to give us like a starting background so I'm going to go into Google and type in pixels which is which is free photos so I'm just going to click on pixels and this is like free stock photos that you can use so I'm going to click on photos and let's just type in uh abstract black background I think is a good starting point let's see uh that one looks kind of cool but I'm gonna put some text on it actually no not this one but actually this one looks cool I like this so we're just going to hit download it's going to download our little thing after I hit save then once we've downloaded it we can go to layer and then we can click add image as layer and then we're going to double click on the one that we just downloaded it's going to put it there can zoom out with the mouse wheel and then you can make it larger or smaller like this lowkey we can probably just put it maybe like I don't know here looks decent I think that looks pretty cool cuz keep in mind this twitch profile background is going to be blocked by a lot of stuff so it really doesn't matter and honestly if you just wanted to keep it like this then that's cool because like I said it's going to be blocked by stuff but the offline screen I'll show you how to add text and stuff but that'll be in just a minute so if we like that we're just going to go to file and then we're going to click save and then we're going to chuse jpeg or PNG it's up to you I'm just going to do JPEG and turn it to 100% quality click save as and then I'm going to save it so it says success we've used one out of three of our daily free saves so we have two more to do after this now we can simply hit the upload button and click on the photo to upload and we're going to upload that photo so we're going to double click on the banner it's going to pop it in give it a second and dral please success and that looks pretty decent so we're going to hit save and let's go check it out and honestly that looks not bad so I will take it obviously you can make it better if you want to make some edits or maybe a little less pixelated if you use a better file size but choice is up to you so moving on to the video player Banner this is what's going to be displayed when you're offline I'll show you what it looks like after we make it because it'll be easier to see so for this we're going to use a similar method so let's go back to pixler I'm going to x out of this I'm going to go to file and I'm going to go to New Image now we got to figure out the width and height which I was stupid enough not to look at so I'm going to click update and it's 1920 x 1080 I should have known that so it actually preset that for us automatically by default so I'm just going to leave that 1920 x 1080 hit create and now I can zoom out with the mouse wheel and now we have to figure out what we want to have here so obviously we could go back to pixels if you want to do it for free but instead of doing that I'm going to use the owned template that we got and I'm going to edit it but you can do the same thing on pexels like we just did so we're going to go to layer and we're going to add images layer I'm going to go back into my package I'm going to hit that sounded wrong I'm going to go into files and then I'm going to go to where is it twitch profile PNG and then this isn't it where the heck is it I'm actually going to do the desktop wallpaper or you could use the YouTube Banner but desktop wallpaper and then PNG I'm going to click that that looks good it fits it perfectly so now what we're going to do is look on the left hand side and we're going to add some text so we're going to hit that t click the T and once again if anything changes there's plenty of YouTube tutorials on how to use pixel or if you want to use a different one that's fine too but I'm just going to click the T and I'm going to click anywhere on the image to make a text box after adding this new text layer so click add and I'm going to type in offline then we can go to the top and change the font to whatever we want I'm going to pick something that people can easily read like maybe this amaranth did amaranth have her own font she really is in all the business sectors so we're going to do that I'm going to change the size to make it easier to read so make that quite large all the way up here that looks pretty good and lowkey that looks good enough for me so now I'm going to add another text box by clicking below it and then click again and I'm going to hit add and I'm going to say schedule and I'm going to have this underlined let's say so let's go to Styles just kidding we're going to go to format and we're going to click the underline right there and I'm going to make it smaller using the size to make it a little bit smaller so let's do that put it right there it'll snap right in the center so that's nice and then I'm going to click below that again and I'm going to hit add text layer and let's just say we want to stream Mondays at 700 p.m. central which is when I stream by the way and then let's just say I also stream at Wednesday wedness day that's how I spell that 7:00 p.m. central I don't actually but yeah so let's just say we stream on those two days at that time so I'm going to put it right there maybe we'll add a a space in between by hitting enter no that looks ugly let's take that back let's just do that and space it out a little bit better maybe make that a little bit bigger a lot of the stuff is just kind of trial and error so you kind of get it to your taste this looks okay I think that's fine for the purposes of this video there's like a little white line at the bottom so I'm going to click this pointer icon I'm going to click on the dark mode desktop here going to make it a little bit bigger and then that way it doesn't have that so this is a pretty decent offline screen so I'm just going to hit file and hit save and we're going to save it as another jpeg 100% and then hit save as save it here I'm just going to call it offline banner and then let's use two out of three of our saves so that's okay and we're going to go back to Twitch and now we can update our video player Banner so hit update we're going to click on upload photo it's going to be under my download folder I'm going to double click on offline Banner it's going to upload it in just a second and by the way if you want to make it look better obviously I'm just speedr running this so take your time if you want to use tutorials to learn how to get better at it be my guess but this is good enough for the purposes of this video so now that everything is saved we double click that save button there everything's looking good so far so let's actually go to our twitch channel so we're going to hit the top right corner and then hit channel it's going to bring us to our twitch Channel got our nice little banner up there that looks good we got our offline screen so we click on the chat option we have our offline screen right here tells them that we are not currently live but we will be live Monday at 7:00 p.m. central especially if you got any streaming related questions come hang out with the 700 p.m. central Monday I'll see you there and then Wednesday at 7:00 p.m. central as well you're not going to see me then unless maybe then we also have our title and we also have our bio that we made earlier with our little Tik Tok button so that's nice though when I put that little heart the um the gator mouth the greater no was that less than the less than sign in three it looks like they read it wrong so don't do that you can just probably put a little hard Emoji instead but this is looking a lot better so far but we're not done what we want to do is actually click on this edit panels button if you don't see the edit panels button just click on your username here and then you just want to go to the either about text and you'll see it there or the chat tab will usually have it there so it's whatever option you want just do that so we're going to hit the edit panels button and now we're going to start making those little panels underneath the screen so we're going to click on this blank plus button here in order to start making a panel we're going to choose text or image panel so click that and then we can have a panel title if we want I usually don't use them because I replace it with the image instead which has the title in the image if that makes sense then you can have a link to that thing or you can also have a description or both if you want um if you want to have like things bolded it has markdown so you just click that and it will tell you like how to make bold text underline Etc but obviously we need to make a twitch panel so in order to do that it says images will be scaled to okay 320 pixels wide so let me look up what the twitch panel size actually is on Google which is what you guys should be doing if you have any questions then just go into Google and ask chances are there's a Reddit thread on it already let's see what size or twitch panel best twitch pannel size is width of 320 and height between 60 and 100 so let's just say 80 by 320 blazs it so you know what that means let's go back to pixler so obviously this is going to be a rinse and repeat so you'll just go to file New Image and then for the width you're going to do 320 and the height is going to be anywhere between 60 and 100 let's just split the difference and go 80 hit create and you're going to do literally the same thing we just did for the offline you put a background you put text and it'll just be like schedule or donate or Twitter or whatever you want and you'll make your panel the same way we just did before keep in mind though this panel will be your three of three for today so you have to come back tomorrow and make three more panels but you'll just use literally the same thing we did to make the offline screen so just I won't waste your time make your panel download it and come back to Twitch or for all the homies that bought the owned package then it's already done for you so I'm just going to hit add image choose the file dark mode series files panels PNG literally we have all of these panels which is crazy so we'll just start with one let's say a I don't know let's do a rules one so double click on rules give it a second we got the rules right here we're going to drag this to be full screen and then hit done and we got our panel there we going to add a link but there's not really a link that we could add for rules so I'm just going to write rules underneath it those are going to be the two rules that we have we're going to hit submit and if you want to preview what the panels look like you can hit the edit panels button again and it'll pop up so now we have a rules panel right here don't be a mini pants and don't tell me I look like sapnap cuz don't but then you can rinse and repeat for other panels by hitting edit panels you'll just go and do the same thing everywhere else so if you wanted to make one for your Instagram or whatever just hit the plus button add text or panel add image we're going to click it again I'm going to click the Instagram option I'm going to drag it full screen hit done and then I can go to my Instagram which I just nuked and started from fresh so if you guys want to support me then you can find me over at CAW music at Instagram which is also probably in the description maybe not I'm not sure but it should look like this so I'm going to copy this URL hit copy and then I'm going to paste that URL in here and then I'm not going to put a description because it's just going to be simple you click on the Instagram and it's going to bring it up so hit submit give it a second we're going to go wait for that to finish there we go and then hit edit panels now we have rules and Instagram but you see if I hover over rules nothing happens if I hover over Instagram there's a link that I can click so I'm going to click it it's going to bring up Instagram and boom there's my beautiful little face then if we click on edit panels again you'll see these things that are called extensions so if you don't see this and that's okay if you if you don't we're going to go to the top right corner and then hit uh where the heck is it I think it's Creator dashboard yeah Creator dashboard and then go to the leftand side and click on extensions and then you'll see we got a bunch of extensions though if you're not a twitch affiliate and if you don't know what a twitch affiliate is then chances are you are not a twitch affiliate then you can only use certain extensions so if you're just starting off you could obviously add your Instagram feed so I'm going to click on my Instagram feed or if you don't see it just go into search all extensions I'm just going to call it in Instagram and then you can put Instagram Feed plus Instagram feed literally just pick whichever one that you want I'm going to pick this one cuz it was like recommended so you can click on it be like okay it'll show my Instagram feed so cool so I'm going to hit install and then I'm going to follow the directions so I'm going to put my Instagram username so it's now updated my Instagram I'm going to hit save and then that's it we're going to hit activate add as a new panel and then hit done so we've added that below our stream but let's add one more before we go back we're going to go back to Discovery and then let's add one of my favorites so I'm going to hit the top right corner and go to streamlabs hit enter I'm going to look for streamlabs stream schedule and countdown so click on that and then I'm going to install it I've already installed it so I'm just going to uninstall it for you guys then hit install and then we're going to have our own customized stream schedule and countdown which is dope because it will automatically convert to the time zone that your viewer's watching at so let's say we're streaming at Monday and Wednesday at 7 p.m. central so it's an army time unfortunately so just take whatever number and then add it by 12 if it's p.m. that's what I've been doing so 7 + 12 is 19 so that's 7:00 p.m. let's do the same thing over here so it's going to be what is it what I just say 19 by 0 so it's 7:00 p.m. 700 p.m. and then my time zone is Chicago and then I hit save settings and I hit activate add as a new panel hit done now we can go back to the top right and channel and then look at this we got our little Banner offline screen we go to chat and then boom we got our bio title we got our animated like countdown schedule timer telling people when we're going to be live next time shown as Chicago cuz I'm in Chicago and then we have our Instagram feed which people can interact with and all that stuff now we have our Instagram panel which is kind of redundant now that we have that so we'll probably get rid of that then we have our rules so basically you can just rinse and repeat with all this to design your Twitch channel to make it look as cool as possible so you can drop a like if this video helped and you can watch this video to the side of me to take your stream to the next level my name's Cody and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Cpaws Music
Views: 34,537
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to customize twitch channel, how to customize twitch stream, how to customize twitch channel 2024, how to customize twitch stream 2024, how to make twitch banner, how to make twitch panel, how to make twitch panels, how to make twitch video player banner, how to make twitch offline screen, how to make twitch starting soon screen, how to design twitch channel, how to design twitch, how to design twitch stream, how to design twitch banner, how to design twitch panel
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 23sec (1223 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 09 2024
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