How To Set Up A Sound System For A Live Event [PA System Setup Tutorial]

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In this video, I'll walk you through the  steps of setting up a sound system for a live   event. By following these steps, you're  going to avoid the most common mistakes   and by the end you'll have a great sounding  system. But if this is our first time meeting,   my name is Kyle. Welcome to Audio University. The first step is to determine the room layout.  It's really important to put things in place   before you start making connections. Otherwise,  you'll just end up making a mess, which will   make your job more difficult. There are three  things I want you to consider: speaker placement,   mixer location, and cable pathways. Let's start  with speaker placement. The goal is to place the   speakers in a location where everyone in the  audience can hear while preventing microphone   feedback. To get maximum coverage of the audience,  I recommend placing the speakers on either side   of the stage. If you have speaker stands like  these, it'll help you get the speakers higher   so that the sound will reach everyone in the  audience, not just the people in the front row.   If you don't have speaker stands yet, check out  the video I made on these stands. I really can't   recommend them enough. To prevent mic feedback,  it's helpful to place the microphone behind the   speakers rather than in front of the speakers.  If you place the mics in front of the speakers,   you won't be able to turn them up very loud  before you'll start to get microphone feedback.   And trust me, nothing ruins a performance  like the squealing sound of mic feedback.   The next thing you want to consider is the mixer  location. Now ideally you'd place the mixer right   in the middle of the audience so that you can hear  what the audience is hearing while you're at the   mixer. However, that's not always practical.  In many cases, the best place for the mixer   is to one side of the stage. This keeps everything  together so you won't need to run any long cables.   In some settings, however, you'll need to  hide the mixer so that it's out of sight.   In those situations, you'll really just need  to find a place to tuck the mixer away based   on your unique situation. Once you've decided  on the location of the stage, the speakers,   and the mixer, you'll need to determine the safest  cable pathways to avoid creating tripping hazards.   Try to run the cables along the wall wherever  possible and if you need to cross a doorway or   another walkway, you've really got two options.  The first option is to go up and over the doorway   and the second one is to keep the cables on  the floor by using gaff tape or cable ramp. Now that you've got everything in place it's  time to run power. This is a good opportunity   to verify that you have working power while  there's still time before the event begins.   You can either test power with a tool like this  or you can simply turn on the speakers in the   mixer. Just make sure that you turn everything off  once you've verified that you have power, because   we're going to turn everything on once we've  already made the connections between devices. The next step is to normal the mixer. That  means that you set all of the settings to   their default. That'll help to make sure that  you don't encounter any surprises left for you   by the person who used it last and it'll make  sure that you're starting with a blank slate. Finally we can start connecting things  together. Let's start with our outputs.   I usually recommend connecting the main outputs  of the mixer to the main speakers. In this case,   I'll use an XLR cable from the left output on the  mixer to the input of the left speaker and another   XLR cable from the right output of the mixer to  the right speaker. If your mixer has 1/4-inch   outputs instead, you can use a 1/4-inch TRS to XLR  adapter that will convert those outputs to XLR.   By the way, you can find links to  everything I talk about in this video   down in the description. You might also need to  run speakers to the stage so that the performers   can hear themselves play. If you are running  monitor speakers, I'd recommend connecting them   with the auxiliary outputs on your console. I'll  use aux 1 for one monitor and aux 2 for another.   At this point you can go ahead and turn on the  mixer and then the speakers. Turning them on   in this order will help to prevent any pops  or clicks that could damage your speakers. Now let's connect some inputs to the mixer.  Let's start with a line level device. That   could be a smartphone, a laptop, or something like  that. To do this, I'll be using a 3.5mm to dual   1/4-inch adapter. You could connect your device  to any of these 1/4-inch line inputs, but I   recommend using one of the stereo inputs instead.  These stereo inputs will help you to save space   and control both the left and right channel with  one channel strip on the mixer. This adapter can   really only be used for short distances.  For longer distances, you'll use a DI box.   A direct box or DI box can be used in a  few different ways. Let's say you've got   a presenter on stage who wants to play a video  for the audience. The distance from the laptop on   stage to the mixer is just too far for the adapter  that I just showed you. Instead, you should use a   two-channel DI box like the Radial ProAV2 or  a simple tool like the Rapco Horizon LTIBLOX.   DI boxes are also useful for instruments  like electric guitar or bass.   Just plug the instrument into the DI  box and plug the DI box into the mixer.   If you're using an active DI box,  you'll need to turn on phantom power.   Most microphones you'll encounter in  live production are dynamic microphones.   You can connect a dynamic mic  directly into any of the XLR inputs.   Condenser microphones are microphones  that do require an external power source   and in most cases they'll get power from the mixer  through phantom power. Some mixers have a phantom   power switch for each input and other mixers have  a single phantom power switch for all channels. At this point, you should have everything  connected. So let's start to set up the gain   structure and route some inputs to the speakers.  Now pay special attention here, because this is   where a lot of people make mistakes. By following  the process I'm about to lay out for you,   you'll optimize the performance of your system and  make your job a lot easier. I like to start with   the volume level on the speakers or amplifiers  turned all the way down. To start, set the master   fader to unity or 0 dB. Next play some music on  the phone or laptop that's connected to the mixer.   Unmute the music channel and begin to  bring the music channel fader to unity.   You should start to see signal on the master level  meter. Adjust the volume level of the music player   or the preamp knob at the top of the channel  strip until the meter averages at about -6 dB.   If you don't see any signal on the meters yet, you  might need to select the "L-R" or "Main" button   at the bottom of the channel strip to route the  signal to the main output. With the music playing,   start to turn up the volume knob on the speakers  until the music is at an appropriate loudness   level for the audience. I'd recommend erring on  the side of too loud rather than too quiet here.   Once you've completed these steps, your system  will be optimized to provide enough sound to   the audience. For each microphone or other input,  start with the fader at unity. Setting the fader   to unity means that it won't be boosting  or reducing the signal. It'll just let the   signal pass through and that'll help to make sure  that you don't use unnecessary gain, which could   make your job more difficult down the line. With  the channel fader set to unity on each channel,   boost each signal to the appropriate level in the  speakers by adjusting the preamp gain at the top   of each channel. Don't pay too much attention to  the meters here. Just boost each signal until it   sounds loud enough in the room. Through the course  of boosting the level of each signal, you might   start to experience some microphone feedback. Now  remember that the further the speaker is from the   microphone, the louder you'll be able to boost  that signal. But if feedback is still a problem,   you can try using some high pass filters or EQ  to reduce that feedback. I created a post on   the Audio University website all about eliminating  microphone feedback that might be helpful for you. If you want some help using your mixer,  check out the free guide that I created at   If you got value out of this video, hit the  "Like" button and I'll see you in the next one.
Channel: Audio University
Views: 28,150
Rating: 4.9577332 out of 5
Keywords: live sound setup, live sound mixing, live sound, full live sound setup, live sound setup price, how to set up a sound system, sound system setup, pa system, pa system setup, pa setup, dj system setup, sound system for band setup, live sound setup tutorial, sound system setup tutorial, mixer setup, how to set up pa speakers, powered speaker setup, powered speaker to mixer, mixer to powered speakers, live sound mixer setup, how to hook up pa speakers
Id: Avaa4_702eM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 8sec (488 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 08 2021
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