Balanced vs Unbalanced Audio | Do Balanced Cables Sound Better?

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Some cables are capable of balance connections,  others are not. In this video we'll take a look   inside some of the most common audio cables to  see how they work. At the end of the video, I'll   demonstrate how big of a difference a balanced  connection makes over a long distance. All that's   coming up but if this is our first time meeting  my name is Kyle. Welcome to Audio University. There are many ways that noise can enter an audio  signal chain. One of the most common sources of   noise is other electronic devices. When I place  this transformer next to other electronic devices,   some of the current passing through those  devices is induced onto the transformer   and enters the audio signal. The electric  currents flowing through any device create   magnetic fields that could induce currents on  nearby devices and we're honestly very lucky   to have the cable technology we have today to  prevent that noise from ruining our recordings. When connecting audio devices together, you'll  most likely be using one of these cables: XLR,   1/4-inch TRS, 1/4-inch TS, or RCA. Let's expose  the wires on these cables to get a closer look   at what's going on inside. The XLR and 1/4-inch  TRS cables both contain a shield, a positive,   and a negative. The 1/4-inch TS and RCA cables  each have a signal wire and a shield (or ground).   The construction of these cables is  important to understand why the first   two cables can support balance connections  and the second two cables cannot. In Handbook For Sound Engineers, Bill Whitlock  shares this definition of a balanced circuit:   "A balanced circuit is a two conductor  circuit in which both conductors and all   circuits connected to them have the same impedance  with respect to ground and all other conductors.   The purpose of balancing is to make the noise  pick up equal in both conductors, in which case   it will be a common-mode signal that will be made  to cancel out in the load." If I'm being honest,   when I first read this definition it just left  me feeling more confused and that's probably   just because I don't have a very strong background  in electrical engineering. You might feel the same   way, so let's simplify this a bit. In any circuit  you'll find a driver, a line, and a receiver. A   balanced receiver uses a differential device which  will only respond to the difference in voltage   between the two wires on the interconnecting  cable. So if there's a voltage on one wire   and not the other, the voltage will go through.  This is an example of a differential-mode signal.   If there's an identical voltage on each wire,  they will cancel out in the differential device.   This is an example of a common-mode signal,  which results in common-mode rejection.   Now this is where it gets really interesting  because we can use this to our advantage. Imagine   an audio signal sent across one of the wires. When  it reaches the differential device it's allowed to   pass through, because it's a different voltage  on each wire. However, along the way there's   some noise from nearby electronics that induces  voltage onto the wires. The voltage that's induced   is equal in both wires so the differential  device will completely cancel out that noise!   There are two important details that make this  cancellation possible. First the two wires have   the same impedance, which means that the strength  of the voltage will be equal in each wire.   And second the two wires occupy the same point in  space and they're the same distance away from the   source of the noise. Again, so that the strength  of the voltage will be the same in each of the two   wires. Looking back at these audio cables, we can  see that each of them consists of two conductors.   The XLR and TRS cables do both have a shield but  the shield is irrelevant to its ability to form   a balanced connection. So let's ignore  that for right now. If we look closely,   we can see that the wires in the XLR and  TRS cables are the same size given that the   impedance of a wire varies based on its size. This  suggests that the wires in the TRS and XLR cables   have the same impedance. We can also see that the  wires are twisted in the XLR and the TRS cables.   This helps to ensure that the wires occupy the  same average position over the length of the cable   so that any noise from nearby  electronics will be equal in both wires. Before demonstrating the practical difference  between a balanced and unbalanced connection,   I want to make sure to mention a very  common misconception about balanced audio.   Sometimes an equal but opposite audio signal  will be sent across each wire. While this   has some additional benefits, it's not at all  necessary to establish a balanced connection.   The benefit of this is that the opposite signals  will be summed together in the differential   device. This is often said to be a requirement for  a balanced connection, but in reality the noise   cancellation will still occur even if only one  copy of the signal is sent across the audio cable. Now for a demonstration of the difference  between a balanced and unbalanced connection.   Right here, I've got a thousand feet of  4-conductor cable, which gives me two   pairs of conductors to work with. With a bit of  soldering, I can wire one pair to be balanced and   the other pair to be unbalanced. The balanced  pair will be wired between pins two and three   of the XLR connectors and the unbalanced  pair will be wired between pins one and two. Right now you're hearing my voice through  the unbalanced connection. As you can hear,   there is a lot of noise. Now you're hearing my voice  through the balance connection.   The noise is still being picked up by the cable,   but it's being canceled out by the differential  device within the input of my audio interface. If you're like me and you enjoy appreciating  the science and engineering that goes into   creating audio devices, make sure  to check out some other posts on   the Audio University website  -   If you enjoyed this video, hit the "Like"  button and I'll see you in the next video.
Channel: Audio University
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Keywords: balanced vs unbalanced audio cables, balanced vs unbalanced cables, xlr, balanced vs unbalanced audio, balanced vs unbalanced, balanced cables, unbalanced cables, unbalanced cables for monitors, xlr vs rca, xlr vs 1/4, ts vs trs cable, xlr vs trs, xlr vs trs sound quality, balanced vs unbalanced sound difference, balanced vs unbalanced sound quality, balanced vs unbalanced audio test, is balanced audio worth it, does balanced audio sound better, how does balanced audio work, trs
Id: rgfZb1pEIrU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 16sec (376 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 10 2021
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