Stage Left Audio - Event Video 31

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[Music] [Music] all right for this show we are at the mystic distillery it's uh located in durham county and we are getting things ready uh to do a show here for the groupinators well as you can probably tell from the sky it's an absolutely beautiful day today it's uh friday and uh it's probably around two o'clock and it's a good 72 degrees uh we looked we're looking forward to a good night no issues clear weather yeah be careful putting it down they will come apart okay wiggle wobble okay yes [Music] all right [Music] all right normally we do not put the sub on the stage however uh not too sure how loud this event is going to be because the sub usually vibrates a stage which can cause vibrations to get into the mics normally with this stuff on the ground but the ground is uh sort of wet looks like they had a lot of rain out here so we're gonna start it out with on the stage we'll see how it goes all right how wide i want the front of house in okay hold on a second hey [Music] [Music] so [Music] we got the sun coming in uh at the angle normal full angle here for the united states so we're having to just temporarily put a tarp up here to block out the sunlight coming in so we get the console set up here and get it all set up [Music] okay we're going to be running the runners across this threshold area between the concrete pad and the gravel the normal uh cable ramps that you'd probably just use this would probably work but actually maybe uh more of a of a problem so anyway we're trying to keep uh the our presence here with the power and the snake going through here as low as possible so i think we're going to do the runners this time you guys should know we're the largest solar powered urban distillery in the world [Music] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Music] so is everything okay there craig oh yeah he may be getting uh microphones set up um i'll give him a hand and then i'll come back right back [Music] all right well we've got a lot of stuff done we've got power out here now uh the console's not turned on uh but our ups and our drive rack is turned on and as always look at the overhead over here that is taking up more area here than the actual console uh the power box is 10 supplies over there's the tarps sidewalls they have [Music] we have a front of house light this is for um when we're loading out we need light anyway stuff's coming together uh craig and dennis have been working very hard getting the staging stuff set up uh but anyway it's coming together you didn't think i knew the word pro today came with the uh tent here uh the size that temporarily set up it's just to keep the light stuff off of off the console and we're going to be setting up another tarp here because the sun should be coming down and it's going to be overtaking the right side of the area here so we want to head that off [Music] all right now that that's up uh what we're going to do is um right before it starts we're going to be uh taking the walls halfway down so it's going to look like we're going to have um some half walls around the whole tent area it's to dress it up keep the stuff hidden we've got our tarps set up to keep the radiation uh keep it down to a minimum uh but already and i just touched the bottom part of the tarp it is hot so uh and is noticeably cooler underneath the tent here so and anyways you can tell the the tarp is not exactly the size of the tent but that should be fine uh we still want some ventilation up there we just don't want the radiation coming down uh hitting all the gear and everything so well we're getting there um okay so actually center and base these are the only ones we need speakers right [Music] [Music] [Music] not like at that point of no return we have limits so even with the top on the tent really can't see anything so once again that's the problem with the digital boards is that you just can't quite see anything so let me turn up the brightness and the stuff you hear in the background they're uh putting up some kind of a light on the outside of the building that's going to illuminate the area tonight okay so the backlight is able to uh illuminate uh more of the strips here uh the scribble strips and sort of see the screen uh but even with the leds on high you can tell these things are completely washed out so we're going to leave the stuff sort of brightened and as you can tell over here uh what they said about this area where we're at as you can tell there's a big shade coming in uh that's the sun going down behind that corner of the building so um hopefully uh by the time the event starts we should be in a good amount of shade which hopefully uh will help with uh illuminating the console dreams [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] he said like by five or whatever 5 30 that a lot of stuff would be covered you know the building would be blocking the sun oh oh i see yeah that'll be good yeah the next house on the right can we bring the greater banner is it too much trouble how about the groovinator mobile where's that okay well the sun is going down further behind the building and it's getting a bit darker here the uh let's just make sure yeah the back lights roll on high the leds are on high i can just barely make out the colors but i don't think they're showing up there on the video one two two two [Music] check one all right that looks good and let's remove the front [Music] okay and something we're going to do here a little bit differently let me fix this my cable here real quick the um what we have here this is uh one of our audix mics adx 51 and this is going to be a crowd mic and for people that are using in-ear monitors they can't hear anything going on except for what is coming to the mics so what that means is uh people that are not using in-ears they can hear the crowd they can hear people you know asking them questions they can hear people giving out requests but if you're in ears you don't hear any of that unless you have something like crowd mic set up so we're going to give this a try we're not too sure how many people are going to be here but what we're doing is we're going to take this mic it's not going in the front aspa it's going to be routed directly into the lead singers and air monitors so when he is done playing with in between songs we're going to bring that mic up and so it's going to pick up any of the crowd noise that's going to be out here all right i think we're just going to keep the front down and the back is wide open but uh we're going to leave the sides up just so that people don't have to look in and see this uh mess of things one two two one two [Music] way down in the hole yeah good play [Music] [Music] um [Music] together [Music] [Music] okay hi tom [Music] smells good [Music] yeah keep doing it [Music] [Music] okay floor tom [Music] uh [Music] not sure i've seen this board [Music] [Music] all right let's try that okay let's do your ride [Music] [Applause] okay give me about 20 seconds something mix it up [Music] thank you perfect all right dennis [Music] hey this is we made a change on something here the saxophone and the guitar are backwards [Music] okay hang on too much of that here okay bring some of that out of it so what what's that do you know where the implant is okay all right yeah it looks like the sides and the car backwards [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] okay [Music] [Applause] uh [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign um [Music] you might be an ambassador [Music] you might be the heavyweight champion of the world you might be a socialist the long somebody [Music] now [Applause] the lord [Music] bye so [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] distance [Music] thank you [Music] my [Music] do [Music] [Music] it [Music] [Music] the [Music] she's a dream yeah when she walks in every man turns in her mouth from with him she turns and finds my hand for the wind those men turn and soak in that giant oh woman do you even know what's going on in my head when you're dancing so slow [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay guys it's a great show we're gonna be uh breaking stuff down and doing a loadout [Music] all right so what we got to do here is try to get um anything to be powered on we need to get the cases on them as soon as possible the temperature's dropped and there's still quite a bit of humidity in the air which means uh condensation can start forming on the equipment so it's really important to get everything covered as soon as possible right [Music] hey john do you have a second are you awesome you want to interview me for your channel it's got casters on it and we're gonna go straight down yeah i did real well [Music] [Music] so in here we'll go ahead toward the last okay oh we got some stand still left here so [Music] right [Music] [Music] you
Channel: stageleftaudio
Views: 190,000
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sound, audio, stage left audio, concert, festival, fair, live sound, sound reinforcement, presonus, qsc, rcf, sound system, pro audio, thegroovynators, event video, presonus series 3, mystic farm and distilling
Id: 7vhKYdBQD2w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 28sec (2308 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 07 2021
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