How to set up a Conan Exiles SERVER WITH #gportal

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foreign hey everybody how's it going welcome back my name is dare and today we're going to be covering Conan exiles newest update the age of War now with chapter one um where your personal hordes is treasure and protect against improve challenges and purges in chapter two then fight against the Invaders In your own sieges in the Final Chapter not only that we got my most anticipated feature which is Clan hordes Clan emblems and also the combat and weapon updates you know which uh have like bloody and intimate affair with changes to weapons durability Rarity of stamina cause Health pills and more not to mention combat has become faster Pace more deadly and more tactical than ever also as well they've got new battle passes and bizarre cosmetics and twitch drops but you know what we need a serval so we need to head over to our good old friends at G portal so let's go do that so once you're over at the G4 website guys I want you to click on rent a server and then scroll down to you see this area here next off we're going to type in Conan and we're looking at any one of these would do probably um this one here we'll do we don't want console so you've got PS4 PS5 and Xbox so for PC I'm clicking this one I'm gonna go for 10 slots uh if you want to create your own configuration you can so we'll do a custom configuration from here you want how many days you want it for for where location you're going to be in and then how many slots you want for your game Cloud now I highly recommend that even if you're going for 10 players you do you up a little bit more you know so you can get some extra RAM on the server so it's a little bit more stable but anyway we're gonna go for 10 on this one click continue make sure you pay and just click order done once done you wait a couple of seconds while it's all set up now your product has been activated and your server should look very basic so we're going to click on basic settings at the top left and then scroll down for the band selection Branch selection we're going to stick with Conan Exiles we're going to name our server and how many slots that we want to allocate now if you did select a lot more you can have between 20 or 10 so you could split it 10 uh here and then 10 on another server for example your map you're going to choose which variation of the map you want I'm going to go with the Excel lens um server default map only look for mod maps now we'll cover this in another video for our save game we've got currency of game but if you uploaded your other your previous save you can there but please note if you're using other mods they may not work so you may have to be careful with that add a server password if you so Acquired and an admin password make sure your icon is enabled unless you want to offer some strange reason and you change your archon password to whatever you want for login cues enables a login queue once the server is full that's up to you if you want that on or not if you have a busy or not server I'm going to leave it on because I guarantee 10 is also going to be filled up pretty quick disconnection Grace time I usually set this to 200 seconds PVP server activates the bullets mode if you want to on or not Max nudity is up to you as a streamer I'm going to go with partial I don't want to get those uh takedowns for battle eye um I always make sure that's enabled server Community all but you can change that to a little bit more like if you want a better role play experimental hardcore so and so forth that's up to you your server region I'm going to make sure it stays in Europe The Tick rate is at 30 I'm going to change mine up to 60. uh the language I'm going to make sure it's in English for my community several messages of the day now for this one um I'm just going to delete that and go welcome to my test server just like so max ping now if you have players from America as well as europon I would leave this as zero but if you don't want like Asians and all that on make sure you put that to like 100 200 ping on there for if you want to whitelist people you just enable this button here and then get their steam64 ID which you can find on their steam profile or you can go to steam ID websites and just pull it straight from there for uh this one here hello family shared accounts that's up to you but I'm going to turn that off event system enabled yes we want that left on creative mode is admin only but you can have it for everyone if you so-called required if you wish to add broadcast messages you just click activate every 10 minutes uh please hit that like button yeah something like that and then you just click add once that's done but make sure guys if we're doing these changes make sure your server is still off okay you don't want to like do it while it's on it might not save or you may have full other issues all right you can do server transfer and it will import characters to this server and Export is always allowed so I'm going to leave that on because I want to bring my other character in uh can I import directly from the same server that's up to you but I'm going to leave that off um everyone can cheat leave off logged out characters remain in the world yes durability multipliers stability multipliers the food multipliers and so and so forth all the way down you can change these as you see fit I like to play as is uh when you get down to here though you can set the weather lan can be claimed by certain players now that's up to you I'm going to leave it as off uh when you die what do you drop I'm gonna go with only what's in my backpack uh everybody can loot corpses yes and a Max building Decay times they're all fine MPC main reading mode um you know that one's just set to none I'm not sure what that actually involves chat message land chat food control you know um and so on and so forth then you've got NPC stuff that you can mess around with the sandstorm if you want that on or off scrolling down your structures NPC staff crafting multipliers yada yada now if you want to adjust these at any time you can just go or up to I think it's 10 but it's up to you I would highly recommend just leaving as is unless you know what you're messing about with um but feel free to experiment I think it's between one and ten like most servers dogs are desert spawn with dogs except how many dogs in the desert so like that we're going to have that on um across the desert once uh changes the first spawn point in the world uh that's up to you if you want to like start at the beginning every time or not um enforce rotation rate while roaming that's up to you I would leave all these as is avatars if true avatars cannot be downloaded now I'll leave this off I'm not interested in avatars uh can be damaged yes and most of this stuff is is as is you know rotate to Target sends uh velocity that one there I would leave as is it can cause issues sometimes I found on the server path following send directly velocity that's up to you as well leave as I would just leave most of them as is unless you want to mess around if you do have any issues with your server I'll show you how to reset it or you can check my other video on how to reset your Jeep or video uh G volt server so going down we got a region allowed Africa allows logins from this region I'm going to turn that off you know uh Azure of Central Europe on Eastern Europe on Western Europe on North America Oceana and so and so forth for disabled building abandonment this one's up to you buildings won't be abandoned but if you want you can turn it on and then buildings will be abandoned um so that's up to you and we'll leave it as is and then you've got your frows how um how close they can stand to each other so I would recommend putting this one down to 300 makes it quite interesting um Clan sizes uh like I would normally say if you've got like a 10 slots error set it to five you've got two sets two cleanse on the server but if you want one big clam which you don't really see the point of you can put it as 10. going down combat mode modifier you can set it to pvec or two that's up to you whatever way you want to do it then several voice chat unless you if you don't use Discord and you're still in the 90s uh you can use the server voice chat um going down you've got a lot of basic settings still and Target locks all that kind of stuff kkf time now this one here time in seconds until an idle player will automatically kick to the server now I would say for this one put this up to 5700 if you have just friends if you haven't eat like a open server where you've got randoms on leave as standard okay scrolling down some more you've got your food nutrition level starvation and most of the basic stuff as well same as the Frau DK time now remember it's all a minute so uh you can mess around it or I think this one might be actually seconds it's a pain I wish they were described a bit better but hey you know um it's just as the devs give going down um basic here you've got minion population now I like to put this one here up to at least a hundred so there's a higher population so minion population per player change that to 10. and Minion operation cap cleanup is 60 and the events can see right so admin can see all um I wouldn't really and none can see so leave it as admins unless you don't want your admin to see or so and so forth and ever follow a rescue on land claim only if said to true players can rescue followers only on the land they or their Clan Owen that one's up to you I would leave off but you know I've had a few times where I've had to turn it on enable followers rescue and build exclusions on that's up to you um and going down some more and some more basic sentence it's up to you if you want to change these and mix it up a little bit more but I would leave as is enable building destruction capsules this determines where any player building plays or placeable found within the protective area of new camps will be destroyed or not I would leave blank like that same going down just leave them as is you don't have to mess around with these things it just keeps it interesting now the anti-perch system this one is where it gets really good if flagged buildings allowed during perch I would leave that off okay but if you want to build while The Purge is happening it's up to you Parts level I would definitely leave this as six as standard and attack prep times and so on so forth but feel free to change these up give them a little bit of flavor see where you end up um scrolling down some more when it starts at the weekends weekdays and so on and so forth up to you when it does say Midnight's fine you know um PVP is enabled so I'm gonna turn that off but if you want to enable PVP you can you know like what day you want to do it so like you can have it on uh Saturday PVP is only enabled on a Saturday scrolling down some more we got pvt PVP mode and what time they start in certain regions you know and when they end restriction damage times all that kind of stuff and more PVP stats all the way down now into this one which is stamina sentence I would leave as is unless you want a lot of changes to happen but this is a pretty in-depth server sentence if you ask me Into the Storm now um we can storm outs Elders that's up to you if you want or not I would leave as is it's quite fun uh Siege Elders activated deactivate the siege weapon of Elder things I like to leave this on because I like my base to get destroyed as quickly as possible even though hey you know it means I can go somewhere else and start new going down um a lot of basic settings but feel free to mess around with them um this one here determines where buildings can be damaged during a storm I would turn that on if you have the other one on as well uh no so scrolling down some more we've got some basic multipliers from Siege ratings and all that kind of stuff leave as is unless you don't know what you're doing uh if you want issue where the floods are in the map I would definitely have this enabled but if you don't you want surprise turn it off okay so then here enter the desired IP port of address which you should be wish listed for Server transfer if um this one here I might cover in a different video it's a little bit more explaining so once done hit save okie dokie server has been saved and next we're going to go to the next area configuration files now here you don't really have to do anything but you know if you really want to you can have a look through it's basically based most of the stuff we've already gone through already like your mod list your Blacklist then you've got your Windows server settings things like that you know it's exact same within the basic sentence and all these other areas okay for mods we're going to cover in another video guys but I will say this if you're watching this video to get to mods a lot might not work with the new update make sure you check that out on Steam for each mod before you install it so for the next file we're going to go to auto update make sure that's on and it's saved for restarts I would click here and then just type in here daily restart and I want it at say six in the morning or something like when nobody's else is on you know between yeah six in the morning done and just click save and you'll see there for backups I would always recommend creating a backup every couple of weeks if you can when you've made something major happens on your server or whatnot always make one at the start as well now backups will stay for 28 days and then they'll be deleted and the limit is up to 50 gigabytes so just make sure you know what you're doing with all that for permissions if you want to add someone here like it has to be another GPO user you can add them there if you need to contact support for anything GPO support are usually really good so hit that rate a ticket button up there at the top right and then just tell them the issue that you have okay so back down to the my server once that's all done we'll be back to this area here if you actually need to do anything like upload a save or anything like that you can do it via the FTP system um it probably will switch over very soon to a new stylus system and if you have another GPO server you've probably seen that already where it's just drag it into the website now once done make sure you just click that online button and your server will start up thank you very much guys for watching another GPO tutorial my name is dare and don't forget you get if you can get 10 off your your server using the link in the description thank you very much
Channel: Dayr
Views: 8,182
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: conan exiles, conan exiles free server 2021, conan exiles pc, conan exiles tip, conan exiles server setup, conan exiles server, conan exiles server discount code, gportal discount code, how to, Gportal
Id: d8lIG5_1nFA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 15sec (975 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 22 2023
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