Conan Exiles Tutorial: Server Setup 1 (G-portal)

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] hello there everybody xp walker here again i am doing something a little bit different today normally i just give in-game tutorials but i decided for today i'm going to make a tutorial to teach you how to set up a conan server how to put mods on it how to run the server from the inside basically do everything from absolute start to absolute finish one thing i hate in tutorial videos is how they talk non-stop before they even get to the actual tutorial so i'm gonna cut it off right there and we're gonna go straight to the actual tutorial okay so for starters i go to for conan servers that's the best one i actually generally prefer these guys anyway they're pretty cool there's their help staff is pretty friendly and very active and very responsive so you know there is no perfect hosting solution but this one is definitely up there with one of the betters as you can see i already have a v rising server if any of you play vrising you're welcome to check that server out uh it's pretty popular it's it's quite quite awesome anyway so on to this we're going to go to rent a server again i am logged in to a user id if you're not if you don't have a gportal account you'll be on their main landing page but you'll see something similar to rent a server you're gonna click on that and then i'm gonna choose my game it's none of these so i'm just gonna go down here i can either sort it by popular blah blah blah blah in this case i'll just go alphabetical i know it's called conan exiles uh we've got conan exiles with isle of cypta uh this is pc version ponan exiles ps4 and ps5 version and the conan exiles xbox version for this tutorial i'm going to show you guys how to do the pc version because we are the master race but um the ps4 ps3 or ps4 ps5 and xbox is not that different so uh you know watch it if you'd like okay order now gonna go ahead and we'll keep it cheap we're gonna go 10 slots now if this is just for you and a couple friends stick with a 10 slot server if you want to try and sort of grow your clan or guild or gaming community or whatever you run 40 slots is usually your best bet because then you've got a lot of breathing room new players see that 40 slots and they think oh sweet i'm always going to be able to get in the server because it's not going to be full so for now we're going to go for 10 slots i'm located in las vegas so i'm going to want to do something on the west coast in my case la is a 10 millisecond because there's a fiber pipeline straight from vegas to la if you're not sure which one is best for you just try to try to bring up this list it'll tell you what your ping is to each of these go for the lowest one if you're looking to try and appeal to everyone in the usa for instance i recommend dallas this pretty center of the country more or less um if you're in another country obviously that will be your solution down there okay so we're going to go for la i'm going to hit order now i'm going to have to blur out some of this stuff because it'll put in like uh credit card information we're gonna stick with 10 slots we're gonna do 30 days if you prepay for three months or half a year or an entire year it gets cheaper and cheaper per day but obviously it will cost you more upfront so that's up to you and your financial situation for the purpose of this tutorial i'm just going to do a 14.30 day that could change by the time you're watching this prices change as inflation changes and if you're watching this and what is today the fifth yeah june 5th you know how inflation's pretty awful at the moment okay continue [Music] okay saved payment method do i want to order in this case i already have a credit card saved if you don't you're gonna click credit card put in that information or if you prefer it'll be paypal uh if you prefer something else there's pay safe card wechat pay they have a lot of really cool stuff i i just use a card because i guess i'm an old man so we're gonna order that cool i didn't have to blur out the card information or anything payments being processed okay so once you've passed that stage if you're a first-time user to g portal they're going to send you an id you could see my id's down here i'm probably going to blur that out just to be safe um but uh my amount of money that i've paid into the servers right here 14 no big deal um if you're a new customer go ahead and activate your account you'll find your way back to this page and then you're gonna hit activate now by the way if you want to skip having to do all those steps i recommend you make an account before you buy any servers or anything so that you're following me along right as i'm doing this here okay so we're gonna activate now thank you for your order go to game server configuration and that's exactly what we're gonna do okay so here we are we are on the landing page for our conan exile server it's simple as that i've done i've already set it up they well they've set it up i didn't do anything and uh we're good to go so now we have to actually start configuring our server okay so we're gonna right now it's called conan exiles us west server by that's their generic name uh so i'm going to go to settings and i'm going to begin to change that now i'm not going to explain every single setting here it's very extensive but i will explain some of the bigger ones first of all is branch selection you can either choose conan exiles whatever the most recent stable patch is or the test patches which they push out more frequently but most of the mods don't work with the test patches so you're better off doing conan exiles unless you specifically plan to run a test patch server for whatever reason okay so we're going to change the name of our server i'm going to call it because that's my website uh we'll go 18 plus because i'm sure i'll have mods in there that have nudity i mean it's it's conan it's kind of an 18 plus game anyway 18 plus level 300 i'll explain all this stuff later level 300 what else should i put there aoc slash i don't know if slash is actually working the name e-e-w-a okay these are all mods these are some of the more popular mods right here and i will explain those and then we'll put fast fast xp because i'm not sure what the rate will be okay and i'll explain all this as we go all right so it's a 10 slot do not change this it will break your server because they're only allowing you so many slots just stick with what's on there you have two maps and then two modded maps so um exiled lands is your default one where it's got the different biomes it's got deserts highlands frozen area tundra it's got the volcano area jungle all that stuff this is the generic map and then isle of sipta is the more recent map however it does require dlc so if you're trying to get as many people as possible on your server you probably want to go with the exiled lands which we're going to do in this case says i love both maps but exiled lands i find it's a little bit more fleshed out obviously because it's been around longer server default map this is only for mods if you're using a mod a modded map that isn't on this list like savage wilds is on the list but there's others then you would put the name in here we're going to skip that for now we're just going to go with a default map uh save game select select which save game the server has to start just going to keep that as is put in a password if you want to make it private in this case i do not um admin password for your server i am going to go ahead and put that in but you're not going to see it there we go um our con enables just the remote console archon password we're going to change that to something else as well you can't see that either sucks to be you okay um enable login queue if the server's full sure don't change that i doubt your server is going to be full the game's been out for a while so you don't really see too many full servers that aren't the generic public ones disconnection grace time this is the time before uh they're pulled out for being able unable to connect we're going to make hours a pve server so i'm going to keep pvp blitz off max nudity generally keep it on full unless you're running a family-friendly server and you don't want kids on or you you want kids on there battle eye is their security keep that on server community all now you can change this to purist relax hardcore whatever uh if you want to specifically appeal to a certain community um i if you're just trying to get as many people as possible just stick with all server region you want to put that as america if you're in america if you're renting a server in europe obviously keep it europe uh tick rate 30 do not change these if you uh if you i believe it's the higher the number the harder it is on the server and the more lagged it's going to be so just keep it at 30. keep the culture in english unless you're speaking chinese in which case why are you listening to this tutorial message of the day it's german by default so i'll put visit for the discord link we are a friendly and active community or you can put whatever you want to put for yours okay maximal lab ping uh i would recommend keep this at zero because if you say like a ping of 150 and someone's playing and they just happen to have a small spike it kicks them right off the server so it's kind of messed up um you could set this to like 500 so that people from acro like china or africa or something like that you don't want people like from there on your server because they lag it down or something you could but i generally just keep it at zero white list is again if you want only specific people with ids there um generally you're not going to use that otherwise you're gonna have to put each of their steam ids in here it's a steam 64 so it's a big number uh family shared account if you want to allow people to join uh on a family shared account on steam so their main account and then maybe their kid logs onto their computer and also plays you would i would highly recommend you keep that turned on that's also an anti-hacker feature that they turned off uh broadcast messages we don't have to really put those in here we're gonna use a mod for that so let's just keep that off server transfer doesn't really need to be on this doesn't need to be on everyone can cheat please do not turn that on unless you plan to make it a creative server where people can just create non-stop um this game is a survival game this saw you don't see too many creative servers log out characters remain in the world i personally recommend you turn this off for a pve server and on for a pvp server that way there's always the risk of logging out in the middle of nowhere someone's going to come and just kill you and just take your stuff but if it's pve you know why would you want to make it that much more difficult for them so just turn that off if you're pve in this case we're making a pve server by the way uh durability modifier is how quickly things degrade and most of these are explained so instead of explaining every one of these that has the explanation here i'm just going to change the values probably when you're watching this video it's going to fast forward through all this oh one other thing i forgot to mention most of these settings can be changed in the game and i usually recommend you change them in the game instead of here in the settings because the game sliders will show you the sliders in a little bit but they're going to be a lot easier than these numbers you see here so for now we're just more or less going to keep most things default drop equipment on death if you want it to be a little bit more relaxed you would want to turn that off um no ownership sets of land can be claimed yeah i believe you want to keep that off yeah that's right because if it's on people can't actually claim land and people can just destroy each other's stuff you don't want that everybody can loot the corpses uh again if you're playing easy relaxed pve mode you want to turn that off so people can't loot each other's stuff again this you just kind of leave it as is disable chat for me yeah okay use catch-up time um just means that if it's night time when the player joins the server they're not going to automatically just be at night they're going to start in the day but the day is going to go much faster and catch them up to whatever time the server's on it gives them a chance to do the tutorial the intro tutorial during the daytime instead of in the deep dark which is very hard matchup time 10 minutes okay so we're not going to change any of this stuff this is all stuff that can be changed in game and you it does save when you change the settings in game dogs of the desert we're not gonna do that um changes okay we're not gonna change the cross desert once that just basically means that the first time they play they start in the desert but the next time they log on they don't go back to the desert they they start sort of in the player playing area okay none of this rotation okay none of this is all fine avatars disabled avatars are giant um giant beings that are connected to your religion avatars are used in pvp to destroy enemy bases and stuff they do tons of damage we're going to keep them enabled because they're still pretty fun even if we have this on pve only they last one minute because they're very powerful avatars can be damaged chat is global you can change that to local if you're on a pvp server and you really want to keep it realistic to where people can't just shout across the entire map um we're going to scroll down through all this none of this needs to change at the moment validate okay this is some more recent raycast stuff actually don't know what that does you'll have to figure that out on your own okay this is another very important one for your servers performance do you want to allow people from other countries to play on it uh now i'm speaking specifically to north americans new zealanders australians and europeans basically people who speak english primarily as their as their primary language um in america i would not want to allow africans to connect not because i don't like africa but because their ping is going to be abysmal and it's going to drag the server down i don't want to allow asia for the same reason also a lot of hackers tend to come from there sorry not sorry central europe eastern europe western europe north america oceana south america these are all places that ping up to 150 in america but not much worse than that so they can stay disabled building abandonment if you don't want buildings to ever decay on your server so someone leaves on vacation for two weeks you don't want them to come back and their stuff's all destroyed you would turn this on i keep it off because i want stuff to decay if someone stops playing i don't want it sitting there for a month all this is going to be changed in game containers ignore ownership there is a mod for this so i probably won't turn this off i just leave it to default clan size now if you have a 50 man or 40 man server you probably want a 10 man clan size that way the biggest the clan can get is only a quarter the size of the server uh if it's pve it doesn't matter really to be honest so 10 and a 10 person server is just fine combat mode all the stuff server voice chat now you can turn this on but it will lag the server down a bit so if you're looking for better performance keep this turned off especially if you have a discord no reason to turn this on so we're going to keep on moving down target lock enabled some pvp servers don't have this enabled because you want to be able to because locking onto a player i think it's q or something like that it makes it easier in pvp you basically can't miss so some pvp servers turn this off um same with enable auto facing i keep them turned on since i'm making a pve server um afk percentage okay we're gonna skip all that toggle hungry system thralls hungry system uh hunger system for for pets uh just keep that on if unless you really want it easy and you don't want your thralls to ever have to eat you can turn that off again these are things that are generally going to be modded anyway so we're not going to bother with that exclusive diet that's kind of a cool feature if you want to go hardcore pve hardcore survival rather thrall decay all that skipping skipping i know this is a lot and feel free to skip forward throughout the video to stuff that's more important to you i'll try to mark them on the video um event system random events happen these are pretty cool i leave those on um enable follower rescue on land came all okay if set true players can rescue followers only on land they own this is a pretty hardcore option right here if your follower dies outside of your territory you can't rescue them uh i would just keep that off unless you're really going for hardcore survival a neighbor followers rescue and build exclusion zone that just means that if they die in a poi or like a place where uh like a cave that players can't build in you can still rescue them again if you turn that off that's hardcore just scroll scroll scroll um search from storm that is not relevant on this map but on isle of sipta um let's skip all that restrict avatar summoning time if you're on a pvp server and you want players to only fight during certain hours you would set that here um enable purge uh now on pve servers unless i'm going for absolute ease i i enable the purge i like it it's pretty cool basically uh the longer your base is there and the more it's built up the more likely it is to be not the more likely but the closer it gets to being attacked um when the purge timer is up your base is attacked by a whole bunch of npcs it's a really fun pve element to the game and i almost always keep it enabled it's another good way to clear out players who don't play anymore too because their base will get purged whether they're online or not and if they haven't been to their base in weeks well it's going to get destroyed building is it allowed during purges so like can players rebuild their walls as they're being attacked generally you want that off otherwise they could just continuously build walls and they'd never be in any danger um purge level higher the number the more difficult it is just leave that as default all this stuff for purge again can be set in game but i do recommend keeping it turned on unless you specifically don't want conflict with people okay pvp system bam now it's a pve server literally all this other stuff does not matter if i want to change that in the future i can say hey saturday is our pve day this is where our pvp day where we all fight each other but otherwise it's it's disabled something like that um up to you of course you can skip skip skip these are start times for pvp restrict pvp building damage time um we'll keep that on because it doesn't matter anyway since pvp's off can damage player owned structures again that's only if pvp is uh enabled but just to be safe we're going to turn that off buildings can be damaged as long as the building owner is online oh okay storm enabled now this is for isle of sipta uh we're just gonna turn that off um elder things i think those are also in the aisle of sipta and uh we're going to disable that as well since it doesn't actually matter and just skip skip skip these are all i'll sip to storm related storm building allowed storm map blocker just disable all that to be safe although it it should automatically not do anything if we're on uh the exiled land server but just in case you never know um and now we're going to go ahead and root and save so branch selection code in exiles blah blah blah blah okay save again i'll explain this stuff in a moment you can see up here changes your server have been made everything looks good here ip all that stuff and we are good to go so it's got a new name if i go to the status it should show the new name gorgonites.com18 plus level 300 aoc iwa fast xp all right that is what we want to see and okay um all right so we're good there now we've got the basic settings of our server if we want to run it with absolutely no mods all we have to do is click this little button here it sets the server online and within about five or six minutes the server will be up and it will show up in my conan list of available servers i just search for in my case organize okay we are not doing that however we're going to add mods thank you everybody for watching this first part i am going to make the mod selection part a second video so i'll see you over there if you need to learn how to add mods or you just are interested in which mods i use for a stable server alright see you there [Music] you
Channel: Xb Walker
Views: 13,373
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: vd7IzKqXAH4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 57sec (1377 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 08 2022
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