Conan exiles Tutorial 01: Single player setup

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hey guys I'm going to set up a single-player game on Conan exhales for YouTube purposes you can choose one of these preset ones but if you really want the experience you want then you set it up and custom let's go through it relevant irrelevant irrelevant alone I guess you can choose new maps later when modders get time enough to create new worlds whatever looking forward to it actually fond memories of Skyrim and the extra maps they made could be really good could be crap doesn't matter it doesn't matter doesn't matter doesn't matter little matter does not matter single players can damage players own structures well sometimes you miss click you have a weapon in your hand bang there goes your foundation and you got spent like some time fixing it again so it's no point having it on because the purge will be able to damage your buildings in any way and in single-player that's the only thing that can damage your buildings except yourself so this one doesn't matter no ownership this is nice I mean if you tire of your character you want to create the new one maybe change gender or change whatever doesn't matter if you have ownership on then everything you have built will die basically you can't it will either despawn or you can't open the doors because you do not own it if you have no ownership on that means you can build a royal palace get tired of your character recreate character in the same game and everything will still be there same goes for containers if the containers ignore ownership your second character can go in and just proceed from where your first one left off really nice sandstorm beautiful stand on top of some cliff for something see that thing coming towards you it's awesome every time client sighs single player doesn't matter teetering distance in a co-op game does not matter nudity sadly YouTube none but for you partial that's boobs fold as well for go nuts voice chats not relevant not relevant and not relevant this is setup mostly like a single player servers no the official multiplayer servers everything is so slow so you want to beef up the XP rate a little bit if you if you played this before you don't want to go through all that hours of grinding again just pump it up a little bit let's say three + XP time multiplayer my multiplier that's you get XP passively over time this just makes it go faster so after three kill multiplier that's for killing stuff to get xp for that you get XP for picking up stuff like rocks stones harvesting and chopping down trees picking a buyer and gold whatever and you get also XP for making stuff like iron bars or chairs or you name it moving on a cycle speed is normal daytime speed not a mild night time speed super fast for me I have to do it because YouTube videos at night kind of suck if you want something authentic just set everything to one you should be good I said the dawn and dusk speed a little bit lower just for you know the ambience you can see the night coming and night is over in a few seconds and then it's dawning again this day catch-up time make sure that this is on it lets you start and you get ten minutes of daytime before the first dusk or night or whatever 10 minutes 25 minutes so one thing survival moving on stamina cost multiplier one is the normal one if you do this you can jump once and then you're out of stamina if you do this you can jump forever I take it to one because no point messing with it active tourists and active hunger now this is kind of cheesy because you get thirstier way faster then you get hungry is just annoying I'm going to do this go down to eight so more or less the same speed so you don't have to fill your water bag 20 times since they'll have a bunch of meats laying well and to do this is just when you're standing around if if you want to you know leave the keyboard or something and don't not die of thirst or hunger while you're gone you can do this and then you come back to a living Claire - it's it's a good thing drop equipment on death now this is a big one because if you do not have this then it feels a lot like cheek and you can run up to the north grab a bunch of gear and just kill yourself and spawn back at your base in the desert or wherever and have all your stuff it doesn't feel fair so drop your equipment on death otherwise you're just gonna later everybody can loot corpse yeah sure and this doesn't matter this is 12 corruption time that's when you have dancers after you've been to like the evil city or something you're it corruption which reduces your overall stamina and health and the dancers remove it then it's fast anyway so it doesn't matter just leave it here if you want to gain corruption slower you do this now it's off now it's slow now you've down to basically no health or no stamina a little bit of time so let's do it like they want it have it their combat this is how much damage you do this is how much damage you take this is how much damage the NPC's does how much damage they take how fast they respawn how much damage you do to your slaves or throttles or whatever if or they do do to each other if they accidentally hit each other not cool I'm just going to nudge this down to 0.1 because you do not want your slaves to accidentally kill each other if you have like two-handed swords or someone's in the way of their arrows or whatever building damage multi-player that's the same the purge will up your buildings if you they get too close so scatter your guards out I'll show you later durability multiply that's how fast or slow your weapons will break basically if you buy now if you make a stone sword and you chop down like five guys it's gonna break already that's just annoying so I'm reducing it to zero point two it's good good for me thrall wake up time I do not know what official one is but I said here somewhere in the middle just for basically reasonable it's seconds I think so the minimum is 960 seconds and then that minutes ten so that's 15 minutes to wake up that's actually quite reasonable Jesus yeah let's let's do one pass excuse him what like soap come on let's do 1011 that sounds good avatar lifetime [Music] yeah avatar so the big gods by the way there's five of them used to destroy other people's basis mostly but if you want to have fun around it don't disable it just for checking it out and stuff nobody's going to use it against you so hmm Auto facing an attack I am assuming that there's some Xbox or stuff target lock what's that show me thumbnail can't even deselect it gamepad yeah okay screw that okay harvesting spoil rate is how fast your food will rot and other stuff decompose harvest multiplier means how much stuff you get basically pick up a stone you get one stone you hit the you hit a stone with a stone pickaxe you get four stone and then iron pickaxe is five stone etc etc however if you pump this up to three every time you go a tier higher in tools you get more more stuff multiplied so a stone tool is x1 iron till x2 so stone tool will get you three extra stones an iron tune will get you six extra stones steel tool will get you nine extra stones etc etc resource response speed multiplier this is how fast for instance an iron node will spawn back after event edith so if you want to like be forced to continually spread out to search for more and more supplies you do this and if you just want the head find a nice spot with some nice horse around and just don't want to move too much to harvest you do this I prefer this it's a good respawn wait for me land claim radius doesn't really matter but pump it down to this you get less problems with building close to NPCs and whatnot crafting crafting time multiply how fast things are crafted the lower it is the faster crafts the longer it is the longer it takes pretty much it and thralls craft faster but you can also multiply the speed at which they're faster speed goes fuel burn time multiplier I like to increase this a bit because I mean what six ovens burning coal to melt iron and whatnot gets really tired so I'm just running out and getting more coal all the time it's not difficult it's just the time sink so hopefully they're up to max and leave me alone diamonds don't know don't want Bend meant in a single-player game so disable chat irrelevant urge now this is interesting perch level the term is how are difficult to this setting into six gives you a max challenge I played a bit so this is good for me but if you want to go lower you get less NPCs attacking or spawning so it's easier to defend but then again you got less potential slaves I like to equip my soldiers with the taunts which can basically knock people unconscious and then you just pick them up but I'm in a wheel you get more slaves yeah max out purges per day that's just yeah weed diamond respect restrict purge time no purge preparation time that you get a notification xxx is going to attack there and there in how many minutes five or twenty eight thirty minutes but how much time do you feel you're gonna need to prepare for an attack so I talked it down to five minutes so I have time to get back from wherever the world I am and this is how long it lasts basically a purge on level six spawns like ten enemies and after you kill them you get a message that they are regrouping and after a few minutes they come again and again and again forever or up to sixty minutes which would be boring as hell so set it down to 15 it's manageable minimum number of players actually I had some problems getting the purge to work in the start but after I put this to zero it works this allows you to build during the purge that's pretty much basically up to you but I like to have it on and these two settings determine how fast your purchase will happen like I think this right here the 25,000 is how many singular things you can do that increases the purge meter like you melt one iron bar that's one here you chop down a tree with like you get 14 what I think that's 14 here I'm not sure but I'm but I experimented for quite a while and this works for me patent hunger well this is that's a role-playing thing you want your pets and trolls to be hungry you have to feed them set up a supply line of I have food containers and bla bla bla bla and work with this to whatever you want I do not want it and a story all right and a movie next character creation thank you very much
Channel: bjplague
Views: 57,890
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Conan exiles, single player, conan, exiles, tutorial, english, setup
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 50sec (950 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 08 2019
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