Conan Exiles: How to use Admin Mode - Become a God, Spawn Resources and More!

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hey guys and welcome back to another connect sales video and if you're watching this on the day of release happy new year I hope you've all been staying safe and hopefully not been drinking too much especially those of you that answered the legal drinking age I've spent most this new year period in bed due to somehow catching the plague again today's video is a full guide on using the admin panel and admin mode and is something that was requested by Rufus Domitian though many questions have been asked about how I use this aspect of the game so I thought it was about time to make a guide to both answer the majority of the regular questions I get along with helping those who are new to code and practice their building skills risk free so firstly what exactly is the admin panel well it's a menu setting that can only be accessed either in single-player mode or on a server you are a designated administrator for or if you know the admin password the menu allows the player to adjust and change plenty of different aspects of the game along with managing who is in your server sporting NPCs and thralls spawning in weapons and resources disabling the survival aspects of the game so on and so forth so firstly let's look at how to actually get into admin mode so I'm here in single-player and I'm already in admin mode but this process will still work in single-player though may require a password in the multiplayer service to access admin mode press the pause button and then settings and then all the way across to the server settings on the right side and then click make me admin if you need a password this is where it will pop up and of course if you don't have the password you probably can't become an admin then once you've made yourself an admin if you go back to the pause menu the admin panel option will appear on the pause menu itself above settings and then from here you can access the admin panel now looking at the admin panel there are plenty of things here that can seem a little overwhelming at first but we're going to go over all the basics right now we'll start on the top left looking at the change player stats submenu this is a bit self-explanatory with each button offering a different function to your character State including increasing encumbrance putting your health on max putting it to minimum adding a single feet adding a single level or setting your character to be a chosen level from what I can tell any changes made to your character using this submenu do seem to be permanent even when you're not in admin mode though of course you could just make a new character if you wanted to experiment with other things with base stats next is the other commands submenu prints XP simply just prints how much XP you have as a txt pop up walk is the counter command to fly which will allow you to drop back to your feet and the opposite is also true full fly of course fly will make you fly movement speed multiplier is a weird one that I've used once and never really again as it is in my experience quite glitchy and it's easy to get your character moving way too fast and stuck that way so just generally avoid that in my opinion next for the six tick boxes these are all player state commands that affect how your character behaves or how NPCs react to your character cloak makes you untargetable to NPCs and enemies though thralls do still turn their head to look at you even when you cloaked invisibility will turn you of course completely invisible though if you're in single-player you require at least one person to have previously joined your single-player game otherwise for some reason it just won't work demigod I believe makes you invincible to everything apart from green walls and full damage whereas god makes you invincible to everything apart from the green walls no sprint costs removes stamina drain from any action that would usually cause it including of course sprinting rolling climbing anything like that and ghost is essentially no clip causing you to fly whilst being able to go through both walls and scenery many of these checkbox commands can also be entered through the console when you're in admin mode which can be opened using the tilt key I find it easier to enter the movement commands of fly walking ghosts in this way when I'm building rather than slowing down my train of thought to open the menu and toggle the respective options I'll be leaving a link in the description with a full list of all the commands and such you can use in admin mode as there are a few that relate to server management and such be aware that admin mode does have one or two commands that don't seem to work properly but there will be probably patched to work in due time there are also some very self-explanatory commands regarding hunger and thirst which of course can either top up your well hunger or thirst meters or you can just untick eating and turn both of those features are permanently if you choose to next for the day night cycle controls and weather controls all of these options are fairly self-explanatory allowing you to set the time of day length of the day minutes freeze the sky and time along with adjusting these severity of the weather and the wind direction this feature is supremely useful somewhere like the Far East and coasts where I'm sure you all all know it rains all the time and it's always dark changes to the target weather severity meter take about 30 seconds to fully complete with zero being completely dry and 100 being heavy storms changing the type of day using the input meter is instant though the sky takes about 20 or 30 seconds to update to correct brightness and color this is great for getting screenshots as you can use the time to dictate the position the Sun and then obviously take your screenshots accordingly in the top middle of the admin panel are the player list and NPC support and options which we'll go through a little bit later on the right hand side is the spawn item dialog which you've probably seen loads of times in my videos and in other connect sales videos to items in game are categorized into the four different categories seen here in resources gear building and others this is super easy to use you can use the search bar to type in exactly what you're looking for I'll just use the scroll bar on the right to browse you can also hold left shift while clicking to spawn a full stack of whatever you're trying to spawn such as a stack of a hundred foundations there are a few button combinations that I use a lot that aren't actually mentioned on the admin panel itself firstly infinite resources the button combo is ctrl alt shift and f10 and means you can place one of any building item onto your hotbar and use it indefinitely and of course switch out for other pieces and continue to use them infinitely as well there are also the quick kill and destroy commands I've spawned a few of these enemies he has to show you that with the quick kill you can pretty much kill anything in one button press this includes bosses all this involves is pressing Shift + Delete together this will kill a single NPC or if targeted at a building will remove a single building part and of course any pieces that are taking stability solely from that part there is also a large area of affect killed destroy that is far more destructive that I don't recommend using often however I will demonstrate it it's best used to tear down large bills we no longer want or need or ones that may be eating up some of your computers performances usually is the case for me that's what I end up having to do is tear down the older built and I'm trying to build new builds near but you can use the AoE destroy by pressing down ctrl shift and delete though if you keep tapping delete whilst holding ctrl and shift the radius seems to slowly increase allowing you to quickly take down the build do be careful using the snow as it can delete well chunks and it you know can do some stuff you might not necessarily want it to do however just don't use it that much and generally you should be fine that often fine with it so far finally let's take a quick look at MPC spawning and the player list feature player list is a simple server management feature built into the admin mode and does a decent job though you probably won't really use it if you're on single-player I've never even looked at until now now when you open the spawn npcs dialog you can see a long list of NPC assets along with some options at the bottom these options include the natural behavior and human type of the NPC or spawning where applicable of course along with the option to spawn them as converted thralls and also to hold left shift to spawn five rather than one you can type in the text bar at the top of the window to narrow down exactly what you're looking for for example I type fighter and I get a list of every fighter of every race and every faction same with blacksmith Alchemist etc thralls our place in the inventory as flexible items and I'll generally random in terms of looks and gender aside from the race you've chosen to spawn them as you may have noticed at the bottom of the spawn NPCs dialog there is a button to kill all spawned NPCs however it seems that this button doesn't work notice the new follow a level command though I assume the new command will be patched in jus time I don't know how long the kill all spawned NPCs buttons been broken but you got shift delete for that and there we have it a complete beginners guide to use in the admin mode within connect sales thanks for watching and thanks to both Rufus who directly suggested this video and all the people who have asked questions about building myth and resources quickly deleting item stuff like that you know there's been a lot of questions about certain aspects of this mode so I thought maybe a guide was be best it's the way I learn to build and Conan exile is just playing around with this mode so give it a try there's nothing really to lose especially in single-player if you've enjoyed this video leave a like and let me know in the comments below if you have any build suggestions for future videos as usual absolutely anything is welcome don't forget to both follow me on Twitch and join the fun our discourse through the links in the description and if you'd like to support the future this channel the link to my patreon is also in the description below with various tiers and rewards including special disco rolls sneak peeks at new videos your name of the end of videos and more on that note a thanks to our patron Sammy so die alot and old Vox if you're new here feel free to check out the rest of the content on the channel there are new connect sales videos coming every Wednesday and Sunday so if you like what you see subscribe and reading the notification well to be the first to see the next video let's join us on the road to 10,000 subscribers again thanks for watching and I'll see you soon
Channel: Eradicati0n
Views: 130,739
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Eradicati0n, Eradicati0nn, Conan Exiles, conan exiles admin mode, conan exiles admin commands, conan exiles how to use admin mode, conan exiles commands, conan exiles practice building, conan exiles infinite health, conan exiles god mode, conan exiles spawn commands, conan exiles spawn thralls, conan exiles spawn items, conan exiles infinite stamina
Id: PEzuOVz3wIU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 30sec (690 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 01 2020
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