Conan Exiles Server Setup Tutorial | Windows Guide

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how's it going everybody lucindev here bringing you another tutorial video today's video we're going to be showing you how to set up Conan Exiles on windows so first thing we're going to want to do is open up our favorite browser here we're going to type in Steam CMD click this first link click on Windows click on this little one right here that's going to download we're going to open up the folder we're going to minimize that then we are going to extract these files all right I'm going to control X on that to cut it we'll go back to my C drive right here create a new folder called servers then inside that folder I'm going to paste the steam CMD filter let's go ahead and open that and then let's run and initialize steam CMD all right now that's then we can move on to our next step here which is we're going to go back to the server folder create a new folder we'll call it codon double click on that I'm going to click on the field here and Ctrl C copy that path here then for here we're going to do Force underscore install underscore dir for directory then we're going to paste the path then we're gonna hit enter and we're going to log in anonymous all right and then we're going to do app underscore update four four three zero three zero validate enter this is going to download all the game files so we're gonna wait for this to complete uh this will vary in length depending on your internet connection so let's go ahead and wait for that alrighty now that is complete we can go ahead and hit exit on this so what we're going to want to do is we're gonna need to run the server the first time so we can uh get our config files going up here so we're going to go ahead and hit start server oops all right if you get that error it means you don't have DirectX installed let's do DirectX download click on the first one here English download all right Let's uh let's install DirectX shall we not the Bing Bar though don't want that all right let's wait for this to uh finish installing real quick you may or may not have to do this depending on if you have DirectX installed already or not so all right that's finished so we're gonna finish on that now we start our server up and we're gonna wait for this to boot up a little bit here for this we'll just go ahead and hit allow access on this it's just um couldn't want to access a firewall what we're going to need to do uh shortly so now that the server is up what we should have if we go to Conan sandbox right here saved and config Windows Server we have the config files here so what we're going to do I'm going to control see this to shut down the server and now what I want to do is open up for the example if you open up our server settings we are going to be missing some stuff so if we go to default server settings here I want to just highlight all that and copy it and come over here and then paste it into here now we have the extra settings uh some settings that we didn't have would be like uh the admin password not the admin password all right here now when you do that do with some other settings as well so we can go ahead and close this save it next is our let's do our engine as you can see here we don't have any any settings in there burly so we'll do the default engine we'll go up here copy this so we're gonna close it copy and paste it into here and we can save this and then we're gonna do it again with the game just copy that close it open up ours as you see here we have almost nothing in here either we're gonna paste it in there so now that we have all these settings here in the game we can change our player count close this we go to our engine we see we have all the engine settings for us we got the server password and the server name so if you want to change it for example we'll call it Lucian Dev server everyone the server have a password that's also an engine on eye and like I said if you need uh the admin password that's in the server settings app and password you can change it as well made by unleash Dev super secure that's it and then after that you can go back to Conan here and you can start the server and server will be running and we're not going to start the server right this second because we need to open up supports on our firewall so let's go ahead and access our firewall real quick we'll just type in firewall go to the advanced option here we're gonna go to inbound rules we're gonna get a new rule and there's only one TCP Port that we need and the rest are going to be UDP so the TCP Port is two five five seven five then we're gonna head next next we're gonna leave all that stuff as default we'll call it uh Conan TCP nice and easy and then we need um three UDP ports so we're gonna create a new roll for next UDP first Port is seven seven through seven seven seven eight and then we're gonna do a comma and we're gonna do two seven zero one five so those are the ports that we need for EDP we'll hit next allow leave all this happens to fold we're gonna do Conan UDP and hit finish that's it now you will need to um open up those ports in your firewall if you want the server to be public to where you can allow other people outside of your own network to be able to connect to the game you do need to make that a public server so open up your router and open up those ports I will have all the ports down in the description below so you can go and look once you got all that done start the server and then as you see here we are now able to connect to our server and that's it guys hope you guys enjoyed the video appreciate you watching and I will see you on the next one
Channel: LucianDev
Views: 14,202
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Conan Exiles, Conan Exiles server setup, Conan Exiles Windows server, Conan Exiles server tutorial, Conan Exiles dedicated server, Conan Exiles server hosting, Conan Exiles multiplayer, Gaming server setup, Conan Exiles server configuration, Conan Exiles server installation, Windows server setup, Open-world survival game, Multiplayer gaming, Conan Exiles gameplay, Conan Exiles server guide, Conan Exiles server management, Sword and sorcery game, Windows gaming, LucianDev
Id: 2goHXx61qXI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 18sec (438 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 17 2023
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