Snare School Episode 6 - Ways to Set a snare

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before we get started let me say thank you for watching and if you're interested in the really hardcore stuff that I cannot put on YouTube without risk of losing my channel consider becoming a patreon supporter you can go to and get signed up it's $5 a month and there is a lot of material on there that you won't find anywhere else so let's get started hey fellas meet rapper here welcome to another episode in the playlist snare school today I'm going to show you a variety of different ways to support your snares the reason I'm making this video is I recently did some instruction and I showed the gentleman that I was doing instruction with a variety of ways to hang a snare my point was that there is no one right way to do anything you have to look at what type of snares you're using what your ground conditions are what your snaring and what tools you have available to you at the time and you have to determine what works best for you so let's take a look at a variety of ways to do the same thing hang a snare this is a very fast and very easy method to support a snare you use a premade snare support you can make these out of a wooden stake you can make them out of fiberglass poles like I'm using here you can make them out of metal whatever you want these are 3/8 inch fiberglass electric fence poles that I buy from tractor supply what I do is I cut them in half so that there are two feet tall I leave the little plastic foot on them that keeps it from spinning in the ground when I when I try and twist it that'll keep this pole from spinning around and then I put a piece of number nine wire through it and I have two points of contact one there if that will focus and one there then the number 9 wire comes out and that simply is inserted into your support collar you want a nice tight fit and that allows you to twist that collar and get that loop to hang perfectly vertical so you end up with something that looks like that takes a little bit of work to make the supports but once you've got it supports made it's extremely fast and extremely convenient to hang your snare now this time I'm not using a premade support what I'm doing is just carrying a call a 14-gauge tie wire with me and you can see I've wrapped that around that tree very tightly that's not going anywhere and I'm I'm pushing on that pretty good the next thing I do is I take my cut in turn it under so that the animal doesn't cut himself up and then I simply take that end and put it into the support collar right like that now let me show you a little trick here see how tight that is and that's because I've doubled that end over because I want a good tight fit into that vinyl tube so that there's no slipping around stability is critical so when you have a small wire and a big collar double it over and get a good tight fit now here's a variation on that if you don't have a support collar on your snare see I'm using that same wire support right there but instead of a support collar what I've done is I've put a triple Bend and I've just wedged that cable and woven it through the bend there's your set very quick very simple another variation using the same tie wire and this is how I was originally taught right here old-school style what you do is you make a u-shape to bend in there and then we're gonna crimp that on the snare and so let me let me put the camera down you can see I've crimped that on there and that is going to allow me to position this snare where I want it here's another variation on the same type of set we've got our 14 gauge wire and then what we've done is we've simply wrapped it around the neck of the snare all the way to the end that allows you to put that snare however you want now in this method I have a piece of number 9 wire and I'm going to put a bend in the bottom of that wire because what I'm gonna do is I'm going to shove that down into the ground and if I did not have that Bend if I just had the plane into the wire and I stick it in there see that's gonna that's gonna rotate there's nothing holding that steady see that nothing holding that in but by putting a bend in the bottom of it that's going to serve as my stabilizer so that when I put that into the ground it's going to stay put now at this point I've simply got my wire stuck in the ground and then I've got the wire inserted into the support collar this works great if you have soft ground if you're in frozen ground or ice it's not gonna work too good but this is a very good way to have a nice snare support good and solid very minimal equipment all right let's say we are in a survival situation and we were smart enough to have bought a survival scenario one that a southern snares makes are the one that Thompson's snares makes and all we have is we have our snare and we have our three hundred and fifty dollar custom-made bushcraft knife because you know in a survival situation we're always going to have our expensive bushcraft knife what I'm going to show you here is the split stick what we do is we just take a little green twig that we cut and we're going to split it right down the middle if I can get that to focus I'm having camera problems today for for some reason but that's what we're gonna do is we're gonna put a split in that stick let me do that and I'll show you the finished product here there we go hopefully you can see that very simple cut your twig make sure it's green so that it has some springy left into it dry doesn't seem to to work nearly as well stick it on the ground right next to your game trail take your snare wedge it in there and there's your finished set what if you've got an area where the animal is crawling under a pole or a log well you could tie off to the side or you can simply wrap your wire around the top bar pass the snare through it and suspend it like that this also works with tape if you don't have trapping wire you're in a survival situation or broke down in your truck if you have electrical tape duct tape gorilla tape or anything like that just wrap it around the top that doesn't require much work at all but that works if that were a deer trail that's all you'd need so what's the best way well it depends just like everything if you've got the time and the desire to pre make snare supports they really do make life quick and easy they're very convenient very fast you can really put in a lot of sets but it's another thing to buy another thing to make and another thing to carry if you're into a minimalist type of setup you can just drop a coil of wire in your coat pocket and off you go that works great if you're in an area like this that's got a lot of trees and there's game trails running right by the trees if you're out on a plane or a prairie or someplace in the in the brush where you don't have a lot of trees that's not going to work you're gonna have to do something else if your ground is soft you can just stick the wire thick wire directly in the ground if you're in an area where the ground is frozen that's not going to work if you've got the ability to carry pliers and wire and tools you can do a lot if you're in a survival situation and all you've got is your custom-made bushcraft knife then you need to learn the split stick method and get creative with stuff like that so anyway the common denominator and the big takeaway is to have your snare supported solidly it doesn't matter what gauge wire you use it doesn't matter what method you use it doesn't matter that trapper a does it this way and trapper B does it that way figure out what works for you and practice with it because in a survival situation that's no time to say well I watch the videos but I've never actually done it so I want you to look at this footage right quick because it's easier it's easier said than done there's that there's a knack to all of this stuff and you need to get out and you need to put it in use I've got a guy that lives in a state where he can't snare so what do you what does he do he goes out to the woods he's makes his sets he plays with him a little bit sets him up sets him off then he takes him down in a way he goes but you know what he's got the experience of actually making the set and actually supporting the snares so that if he gets into a situation he's got a little bit of experience under his belt rather than just out watching something on YouTube so get out there and just do it thanks for watching we'll see you next time
Channel: The Meat Trapper
Views: 15,362
Rating: 4.9353538 out of 5
Keywords: beaver trapping, how to catch beavers, survival trapping, snaring, survival snaring, how to build a snare, prepper, meat trapping, trapping for meat, how to catch food, how to snare rabbits, how to trap turtles, trapping snapping turtles, how to catch turtles, how to catch snappers
Id: Oru0mfRTYFs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 29sec (629 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 11 2019
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