How to Make Traps and Snares for Small Game | Tactical Rifleman

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all right today we're going to talk about snares think I'm gonna this one is for catching birds I'm gonna go over a little bit how I built it but it's a pain in the neck I did everything by hand so that you could see that it could be done it takes a long time this one I did so I could take it off and use it wherever I wanted to go but I could make this same thing on this post right here but I want to be able to take this with me and demonstrate in different areas so one of the first things you got to know is you got to have a peak on it I use my knives and my hatchets to do that so the bird can't stand here I want him to land on this now I carved this out this piece of wood had basically the shape had this knot and I dug this out so I could put seeds into it okay now you have to square the hole so this is squirt off a little bit it takes a while to do that to paint a neck that's why files on your multi-tool is extremely important especially when you're doing this this is dug out by an AW it's a real pain in the neck okay but it can be done that's why I did it so now what I need is to show you the trigger system all this is as a weight and because I demonstrate this I have this on here already but you could use a rock whatever that you need it don't make it real heavy because you're catching birds you can break its legs off when it gets caught in here that you don't want to do that alright now what I've got to go through and load this for you just a second so take me a minute we go around the back side the hole goes clear through it I got a little stick here I'm gonna punch this all the way through grab it from the other side now I've got to have this war it won't catch I got to figure out how much of my loop I've got to make so I got to figure out a being about about that much length because I gotta have a loop on it now this is the tricky part I've got to get this just barely stuck into what holds the rope and this doesn't fall out it's a trick and you got to play with it but this has been sitting up here for two weeks for this video and so the woods swelled a little bit so I'm having a little bit of an issue getting it to stick but you don't want it to go in I don't want it to go in deep I just want it to sit there all right I got it set I'll make my loop sets over the bird thing because this is where the birds gonna land right here he's got the food in front of them now I get another stick bird comes in he can't land on this he lands here to feed on it and it catches them and he's caught by his feet that's all that it is seems simple of the process is simple making it is not it's a lot of work but birds that are round every word this gives me food this gives me another way of getting food for myself if you're in this situation we need to do this you need to be thinking about birds not just animals on the ground alright guys next we're gonna go to snares on the ground but what I want to show you here is this is how I'm going to set this up real fast for you these stuck in the grounders to hold this because this trigger mechanism is going to go over and hang off up this is where I want the animal to come these are about a foot in length this trigger is probably eighteen inches and this over here is so I can hold my trigger in place while I'm getting it loaded okay and at the end I'll take it out from this but I had to put this in the ground because they didn't have anywhere for that to hook on to I need the bread the tree thing I'm going to use to be in place so I can get my final stuff set so this is what I want to do these are all carved at the ends only on two sides instead of four they're just got two sides they're cut on that I want the animal to be able to come to either direction it's important that the animal can go in either direction on this system I don't want them to only have one direction to come to I want him to come from every direction that he comes to this is for small game and what I did was I looked at it this area and I said okay I've got a lot of activity from squirrels because of the the types of food that's on the ground that I can see that they ate so I know this is going to be squirrels I'm sending these in like this I'm not going to do a great detail of it I'll explain it I'm trying to keep him or he's going to be centered coming in now after I get these stuck in this is kind of like my little wall now what I'm going to build out of debris that's here I'm gonna channel this I'm gonna channel him right in coming from this direction and I'm gonna channel him coming back out this direction I'll put the food to base this right in here so either direction he comes through he can get caught in this trap but I got a funnel a minute animals are stupid if they've got an easy way to go they're gonna take it they're not gonna pay attention that it's something that I put in there they're just gonna look at it that's where the food is the way they want to come in - so I'm gonna channel them make sure that they come in this direction or they come in from this direction now we're gonna have to cut here for a minute because we got to go and I gotta set up the trigger system you need to see how that is now on the tree I'm gonna mention I leave the upper branches of the tree in place so I don't kill the tree the tree that you'll see me using will still grow and is still alive don't kill the tree all right now my snare is in place the only downside on this type of scenario is wind can actually activate it so you've got to be careful in high winds but it's very sensitive on the tree that you're going to use you've got to have it where you can bend it down if it's too thick you're not going to be able to do this you're only picking up squirrels and rabbits with this type of tree right so it doesn't need to be really thick like you see this is the live part of the tree I didn't kill it but I cleared everything else off from it I tied my string up to it that I wanted down to here hooks up to this part of the trigger then the snare is hooked up to the same part on the trigger at the bottom part of it's in two different pieces if you can see it and you have to cut in there so the twine stays in place so those cuts around the entire thing so then I bring this this part here is laced up over like this so it holds it in place now the animal could come from either direction so he's going to come I'll bring it from your drum my direction towards you all right so now the animal comes through he's eating the food he catches it it gets on his feet he's trying to get away he gets it caught he keeps traveling now he's up now he's hanging up off the top of the ground if you see that one piece that represents the animal the other animals can't get to him that's one of the most important parts because this method takes the animal up off the ground a very simple way to do this same mechanism but I tied to a stake and the animals tied to the stake when he goes and gets caught on it he's tried to pull away and it just tightens onto him and he can't come off of it but he's on the ground and predatory animals can get him the one thing I didn't cover all my actual snare that I make those are 18-inch leaders that you use for fishing that's all pre-made alright is it's a small wire or multi pieces of wire they're not going to the small animals won't be able to bite through it and it's gonna stick on their body once it grabs ahold of them alright guys alright so now what I'm gonna do is take out my trigger system we do close-ups I'm going to show you how those are actually made okay guys now one thing I got a cover when I loaded it if you notice I was back here when I loaded the trigger up here on my eye right here is the cut where I almost lost my eye because I was on that side don't ask me why I did it do not get on the same side as your trigger because when this releases its gonna come flying out and it cut me right here I have stitches but it didn't take my eye out this side of the trigger loaded this out of the trigger do not load it got it alright so we're gonna do the close-up of the snare this is the leader line the metal Lidl run you can get it so it's got to be a minimum of 18 inches long I cut off the little part that you hook onto your hooks so they've got loops on both sides I take it loop it over it bring it all the way down get a work it past this part so now what I have is a loop here if you guys can see that that's what the animal gets caught on you can see how easy that is to close on it then when I put this in through here it's on this part I put it through and I'm not going to tie it but it's the same thing and doing your fishing hook so I'm going to come around it once twice three times then I come back through the loop hold on to it and pull this tight now it's attached to it it's just that simple okay now this is on my trigger this is a snare and it's hooked to my trigger so this is my trigger system the snare comes then I'm gonna hook up comes to the bottom part of it right here where it hooks up to my tree is on this upper part and I had to cut in here so that the the the cord that I'm using will stay on there okay so it doesn't come off now when you dig this particle in the ground make sure you only cut it on two sides it's easier to put in and it won't lean so bad when you're doing if you do it on four sides just two sides now these all the traps I'm going to show a well learned in Malaysia and I love these traps these are my favorites now this is done at this angles you see this alright so this comes together like this and then when the tensions on it from the tree it holds it but what you didn't see is I moved it off to the side if you can see was barely on there it's been sitting out here and the weather and stuff so it's swollen a little bit you don't normally have to trigger it so far off to the side but I needed it to go alright so that's all that's holding it now sometimes at the angle that you have it won't set so sometimes you'll make these flat you'll make this flat and you'll make this flat okay and it'll sit on there and it'll do the exact same thing it just happens to be this angle works for what I'm doing it for it but it may not work in every cases so you just make this flat not an angle it'll be straight flat across here the same thing or it'll still work the same way and then you've got to figure out where are you gonna put it and it's got to be sensitive you've got a small animal that's got to take it that's why I talked about the the wind these are great but when can make it fire and then you've lost it now my students would complain I didn't have the animal pi enough other animals came and got the predatory animals got their food and they were torqued off at me so I got little bells and I would put them on my tree sand when to fire they'd hear the bell and go down and get the animal so that's a technique you can do I can't hear the bells that didn't make any difference to me but on this tree I put it high enough it has to be a bear or a jumping mountain line to get it because it was high enough off it was about my head heights alright guys that's all there is to it it's not that difficult it's pretty easy we're gonna do another one that works very similar to this but it's done with a ring system I use the same tree we're going to the other side and I'll show you how that works all right this is another type of snare that's going to use the tree to pull the animal up now what's different about it is the actual firing trigger system I have the same type of snare setup I just didn't put all the stuff in for this video you've already seen it so this is really tricky on this one because it's got to catch it at the end and it's right here and now I got to play with us a minute and see what's going to hold it's just barely on there and that's exactly how I want it you got to be careful because this system is really easy when can take it it doesn't take much to move it off there so I don't get caught up on this I'm gonna simulate the animal coming this way so it comes through he gets caught he's got caught in air he's gonna want to get away he keeps moving he keeps moving and there he has these up and that's probably about ten feet up in the air it just comes right off this now so you know I didn't cheat I carry this stuff with me and my backpack and these screws said I dedicated I was this Gerber with a screwdriver on it that's how I screwed these screws in I hate you guys for this you know how much work that was okay but you can't carry a drill with you so you got to have something you can do this comes with it so that's how I put it in it's a pain in the neck all right guys none of this stuff is really easy it takes work to do that so pay attention and the other thing is you got to know animals have their own time in which they're going to get caught in something you can't predict when they're going to do that that's why you see me with a slingshot firearms other things I'm not going to rely just on my traps I could probably starve to death all right guys I got one more chapter to show you and we'll be done with us snares all right this is a treadle snare that I'm going to show you what I want to show in these logs I need this counterweight I'll show you how it all works together but what I want to showing you on it this is god zip ties here this has just got duct tape so you can tie these together for your counterweight using a lot of different stuff now this is the actual treadle and because we have river cane that's what I cut all right now lace these together so I don't have individual sticks but if you don't have the time for that you can use individual sticks it just makes it more difficult and then notice there's a cutout here because that's where this trigger right here is gonna fit it's not complicated but you've got to do it a couple times to understand how it works now I'm not going to cover this with leaves to make it where they don't see it and everything I'm just gonna put this together and show you how it's activated so now I gotta get down on the ground and load this trap up okay so I set the trigger up because it's difficult but you can see that I've go back over and the deadfall that's the weight that's going to pick the animal back up with when the trigger is set so I've got it already set now the river cane I got to be gentle with this because this can fire it that piece I cut out I showed you it lays down like this I've got to be careful as wanting to move right now now I take the actual snare run it through itself the snare ad said here now what I would do is set this up to channel the animal and incoming from this direction or coming from this direction then what the animal does it's walking along it's going to probably have food on either side of it or stuff on it this is all be camouflaged up then when he comes in he steps on it it's on it that drops it it didn't didn't stay on the stick but there's the snare it just this stick I had wasn't long enough to do that wasn't an animal you'd have the body and everything and it would grab it I'm sorry it didn't grab that and take it up but it actually will pick up well I'll take like a raccoon a coyote or a small dog it will actually pick him up and there is where it's hanging if you can see that loop up there so he's hanging down he can't get to the ground or get anything this is called a treadle trap okay so this how this system works it works for larger animals I hope you guys enjoyed these different videos that we've done today showing all these different types of snares you can contact us make comments at the bottom of the comment section on videos go to tactical riflemen YouTube thank you guys catch you later if you liked this video make sure to LIKE comment and subscribe also make sure you follow us on Facebook Instagram and Twitter so you don't miss out on anything
Channel: Tactical Rifleman
Views: 14,137
Rating: 4.9581747 out of 5
Keywords: Tactical, military, training, skills, survival, prepper, how, to, special, forces, karl, erickson, techniques, conceal, carry, 2nd, amendment, hunting, hunt, trap, traps, small, game, catch, hunter, by, hand
Id: WXw1xD2QxkE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 14sec (1274 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 10 2020
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