how to make a locking cable-snare for trapping

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hey what's up guys today I'm going to show you how to make a simple locking snare out of a piece of cable it's a great tool to have in the bag doesn't waste squat it's good for about 500 pounds you catch just about anything you want with them they're fantastic so hang in there it will put one together so the tools and materials to do this are pretty straightforward this is some seven by seven stainless steel cable 1/16 diameter these are 1/16 copper and stops and 1/16 oval swedge fittings now these fittings in this cable can all be picked up at your local marine hardware store I got all this stuff at West marine the cables about 30 cents a foot and these come in packs of 4 or 8 however you get them and they're just a couple bucks so it's really inexpensive to do this job if you want to elect to go without these you will need a special tool to use them so if you go without them you can use you know old nuts like this to use it stops and you can use a nut like this to make a loop you know just feed the cable through and then put the vise and crimp it down and it works just fine it's just a little little janky for a lack of better term it's not quite right you know what I mean so to do it the right way to make it nice and clean we're going to go ahead and use these stops you will need a special tool to use those that's called a sweatsuit tool this one goes down to 1/16 well if you can see that there but this tool allow us to get really nice good round fitting so it look like a professional job so a really good way to go and the tool is inexpensive you can get that too for about 20 bucks so not a bad way to go and the secret ingredient to make this all work is going to be a penny you need to get a penny that's either 1981 or older they are made out of copper 90% copper if you elect to go with a newer penny it will not work and I'll show you why in a minute now you're going to need some cable cutters you're going to need to drill a drill bit that's slightly oversized of your 1/16 cable that way it'll fit through the penny you're going to need a ratchet if you're going to use this and a hammer and a vise is handy if you got them so stick with me guys and we'll walk you through it alright guys the first step is to take your penny just a standard everyday penny 1981 and before because it's 95% copper you need it to be real hopper first thing you're going to do you're going to punch two holes in it you make it look like that okay same deal nice pinning you want to clean the edges off and stuff from you when you drill through and take that burr off with a file or some sandpaper or what have you so then you're going to take this pin and you're going to bend in half and you're going to make it look like this pin so you're pretty much just going to bend it at a 90 degree angle this is when the vise comes in handy I'm just going to bend it like that we'll show you how they use that and this is where you having a real copper penny comes in handy because if you use a newer penny you will end up with a broken penny just goes to show you that we now use funny-money that is basically garbage so god with america alright so once you get that part done we're going to cut some cable use your cable cutters grab your cable I like to cut into 36 inches it's a 3 foot snare I'll show you how big that will give you and we'll go from there okay we've got our cable cut down to 36 inch lengths that's three feet and we're going to do next is put our copper stop on the end it's just going to be a straight stop so like I said again if you don't want to elect to use the nice equipment and put a copper stop on you can just take an old nut put a nut flush at the end like that stick it in the vise and crimp it down but we're going to go ahead and put this copper stop on so there we got our copper stop in place as you can see when you do it the right way it looks nice it's round it's flush smooth when you do it in the vise it'll still work you know but you just kind of end up with this squashed fitting it just it just looks poor which is kind of lame we like to do things the right way so we're going to carry on and go ahead and use this wedge tool spend extra few bucks you know if you're going to make a whole bunch of them then you might as well you know come out of pocket a little bit to end up with a better product so they'll pay for itself in the long run the next steps to put the penny on what we're going to do is just stick the penny on the other end and just be conscious of the way you're putting this on there because you want stop to bottom out against the penny on the back side the outside of the ninety degree angle and then you just take the other end I'll stick it through the other hole in the penny and that creates our snare loop so this is actually where you'll be catching the animal and this is the penny actually works as the locking mechanism it works perfectly I'll demonstrate that at the end here so now the next step is to make your loop at the other end this is just going to be a fixed loop where your attachment points so you can attach it to your engine or whatever you're using to fix this to a stake to the ground or what have you so we're going to go ahead and fix this fix this wedge you get this loop done so that's what the fixed loop will look like when it's all finished keep in mind when you make your fixed end try to make the loop big enough that you can actually pass the other end through so it's really easy to hitch it around a tree or whatever give yourself you know something to work with if you need to it's nice to have that as an option so just something to keep in mind but that's the final product nice and clean they wrap up a coil up really easy you just take something like this and just stick it in the pack doesn't weigh much anything doesn't hurt to have a few you know three or four of them in the bag like I said they're good for about 500 pounds so you can catch pretty good size game with them one thing to always remember is that snaring is not humane it's most likely illegal you're not allowed to use a lot of snares and primitive trapping techniques in a lot of places they have outlawed just about all of it so you're only going to use it as a last resort but they work extremely well and they're very productive so you will not starve to death but like I said again they're probably illegal to use and they're not humane to use so but that all kind of goes out the window in a survival situation if you have to feed yourself you have to feed yourself you know and then yeah so just to give you a quick look at how these things work you know animal gets in here which really need is that penny acts as a lock so when you when they struggle and pull it down tight it will not come undone it is locked on there tight I can no amount of struggling it's not going to release itself the more the animal struggles the tighter it gets and just locks itself in place the only way to get it undone is to actually grab the penny itself and work that lock loose so there you go you guys fantastic setup putting the bug out bag or your survival kit or just in your EDC you never know when the need might arise so you know quick and easy just cost a couple bucks to get it done and a fantastic productive way to catch food without a lot of effort on your end you know you set a bunch of traps and let them do the work so there you guys go again always thank you for watching J Dilla signing out you
Channel: bushcraft basics
Views: 913,308
Rating: 4.791419 out of 5
Keywords: survival, trapping, primitive, snare, minimalist, traps, snares, BOB, bushcraft, Camping
Id: k6j_b9Q16BY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 18sec (438 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 25 2013
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