Modifying and Setting Snares For Predator Trapping: "Loaded" - The Management Advantage

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okay with these two snares the one in the back I want you to see this is just as we took it out of the package and it has an elongated loop that sort of pulls the shape down the one that's closest to you is one that we've pre-loaded and all we've essentially done is put more of a circular curve into this part of the snare and I'll show you how to do that in just a second but there's two reasons that we do that number one is the shape itself lends to a better covering of the crawl under under the fence as you can see this one's narrower and taller this way whereas this one's got a really nice circular shape the second reason is watch what happens when an animal walks through this Factory size and and conditions' shape it really takes quite a bit of effort to pull that snare down and restrict it okay but the one that we've pre-loaded this portion of the snare is actually pushing and ready to go at just a second whisper of a touch that almost fires itself as the animal drops through there okay let me show you how we do that okay here's one of our eight to ten inch pieces of 14 gauge wire I've just doubled it over I'm going to go to a four-way intersection of wire on the fence and take the swivel end of my snare and wrap that tight you do it by hand if you want prefer you can do it with your side cuts and twist it now there's a reason that we're using it like this there's two things the fence is going to have some spring to it which is going to allow us to have some flex and absorb some shock but this is going to allow the snare swivel to do its job you see the cable spinning inside that's what that's designed to do so I've got it far enough away from the from the crawl under area this is an 84 inch long snare the animal can get caught come out and get plenty far away from the area that our trap set is at it's not going to tear that up so I can come here tomorrow if we have a catch undo my snare reset and I haven't torn up my crawl under area so you can continue have snares set at the same location without much disturbance okay now I showed you the difference between a factory loop and an a loaded snare we're going to real simply and quickly show how to load this loop first of all is this hanging this way so as you pull your cable stop in he's that 90 degree Bend this is going to have the tendency to need to go this way so as I use the fence to load these I'm grabbing this in with my thumb and I'm trying to keep it straight this way I'm applying pressure and pulling and letting it go more gret I'm lightening up on my pressure as I go initially right there after the 90 I'm pulling tight and I'm letting up what you're going to see and you'll work on this it's going to take a little bit of practice we're getting a candy cane shape or a shepherd's hook that's the shape that you want to create a nice nice circular seat for your snare loop now you see how that's that's getting pretty round now it takes a little practice to do this to make to make all yours consistent and you can actually even adjust you'll see now that that's a lot more circular than the one the first one that from the factory before I did this it was more teardrop shaped this way now we've got a really nice circular loop but here's that key you see that curve right there that's going to allow that to help throw that cable and slide down on itself much quicker it's providing some tension to want to throw that way over here to the location you'll see that I've taken that 8 to 10 inch piece of number 14 gauge wire I've bent a loop the hook end back up double to the back over on itself and and tighten it down and I'm twisted about two or three times on a horizontal wire and two or three wraps on a vertical wire what that does is that see how that's nice and stiff this support wire will not spin on the fence wire that's why it's wrapped a couple times up this way so that gives me nice stiff piece of wire to adjust the perfect placement for my snare loop now I'm going to hold it with my hand and get an approximation for where I want it which is about right there and where my thumb was is about the perfect spot for me to put my support wire and that coiled wammy so what you do is slide that over that like so and you can spin this and it will thread down tight on both the cable and the support wire and there you go now with my hand I can just take and Bend this support wire to get the snare in the perfect placement that I want and I'm an inch and a half to two inches off the bottom of the crawl I'm pretty well centered the stick is actually acting like helping act like a guide here we've got the size that we want for a coyote our cats had to go through here the whammy is a little bit back to see the cam you can slide it back and forth with your finger you don't want it touching the coil of your support bring it off a little bit quarter-inch minimum and you can you can sort of bend this wire to get the perfect height and position of your snare weak look at that one more thing if you get everything in position and you realize that your loop is hanging bottom out or bottom in instead of having to redo anything take your fingers and you can twist this cable inside here spin it one way or the other you'll hear it click now see how that's got a sort of an out away from the fence you can go back the other way click there's a little bit more of an inward lean but you can by moving that just by twisting your cable you can get it to be perfectly plumb and vertical with the ground which is what you want now snare making and snare setting is it's really almost an art form the more practice that you're going to get at it the quicker you'll get at it don't be frustrated with the first few that make everybody does that it's a little bit it's it's something new it's kind of awkward to deal with but once you develop a system and can consistently do it over and over before you before long you'll have them you know and just take you a couple minutes to make a set like this and you'll and you'll you'll be surprised at the success that you'll have
Channel: ManagementAdvantage
Views: 577,040
Rating: 4.6099744 out of 5
Keywords: making snares, how to make a snare trap, snare making, building snares, snares for trapping, coyote trapping, bobcat trapping, trapping, The Management Advantage, snares for small game
Id: ZVkq4z9ZkrA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 54sec (414 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 29 2015
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