How to Sell Print on Demand Mugs on Etsy with Printify (2024): Easy Online Side Hustle Tutorial

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if you're looking for a new profitable side hustle that has a really low barrier of entry and does not take a lot of time to get started selling print on demand mugs could be the perfect opportunity for you now if you've never heard of print on demand before it is my absolute favorite side hustle because you don't have to have a lot of products or inventory in your own home you are going to be partnering with a manufacturing partner who is going to do everything from printing packing shipping your orders so all you are in charge of is finding really great niches and creating some designs to put on whatever product you want to sell so in this video I'm going to walk you through step by step every part of the process from finding a great Niche creating a design uploading it to your products and doing all the SEO to sell on a place like Etsy at the end of this video you're going to have all of the tools you need to actually go out and start creating your mugs so you could get started today now let's just jump right into it now the very first First Step you're going to need to do is pick which product you actually want to sell so I have logged on to printify they are the manufacturing partner that I have used for a long time to actually fulfill all of my orders they are completely free to use so if you've never tried them out before I will have them linked Down Below in the description now to actually make sure that you can sell any of these products on printify on an Etsy Shop you're going to have to integrate them now it's a really simple process to set up your Etsy shop and then integrate it with your printify account and I have a complete tutorial that I'm going to link here that's going to walk you through step by step but just know to actually sell products here you're going to have to have them integrated first so first what I'm going to do is I want to go over to their mug section so I can pick out the one that I actually want to sell so I'm going to go over here to the catalog section go down to home and living and then just click mugs now printify has quite a few different mug options but I'm going to show you the one that I think has the best profit margin and is really easy to get started with there are tons of different color options and different styles that you can choose from but really just their generic ceramic mug is a fabulous one to get started with you can really do anything that you want with it and it's just a fabulous price point now on printify these are going to start at just $440 but if you subscribe to printify premium that is going to get you up to 20% off on any item you want to sell so if you're thinking about starting in a print on demand store this definitely could be worthwhile investing in but if you choose to just go the free route to begin that is totally fine too you're just going to pay a little bit more per item so let's go ahead and push start designing now this is going to take us over to the place where we are going to upload our artwork but right now we don't have any artwork to get started with and we don't even know what Niche we want to be selling in now something super important if you are a print UND deman seller is going to be picking making a niche that has low competition and high demand so if we think about something like a generic Christmas design there are so many other people also trying to sell items and competing in that same Niche against us so we really want to focus our attention and really sub niching and picking very hypers specific things that might not have as much competition but people are still really looking for now one kind of category that I have made so much profit in my own print on demand business in is getting really hypers specific and selling items for people in specific Hobbies so I actually have a free downloadable tool for you guys which is my cross niching guide you can get it down below in the description but it helps you come up with some really great sub niches and cross niches so I'm actually going to head over there and look for a niche that would be really profitable and have a lot less competition for us to Target so I have just pulled up my free cross Nation guide again you can get this Below in the description and it has everything everything from holidays to careers to family relations and hobbies so I'm actually going to go down here to the Hobby section and just pick out one that is going to be a great jumping off point for us to make a really hypers specific design for so there's everything from knitting to sewing Pottery collecting stamps those are all great ideas now there's antiquing bird watching fishing any of those could be a fabulous place to start if you really just don't have any ideas about what niches you should be targeting in print on demand so for today I'm actually going to be targeting this bird watching Niche and making something that could be a great gift for someone who is a bird watcher now that we know exactly what we are going to be doing it's time to actually start working on making our design now this is personally my favorite part of the process it's really where you can let your creativity shine but if you don't really have a ton of experience in designing products or graphic design or illustration that is totally fine too I'm going to share with you where you can find some really fabulous graphics in designs that you can use for any of your print on demand products so first let's head over to our design suite and get everything started now the place that I create pretty much all of my designs is going to be a site called KD they are really tailor made for print on demand Sellers and they have tons of templates and Graphics that you can use on any of your products I'll also have all of their information linked down below so on KD what I'm going to do is I'm just going to go over here and click new project now we're going to have to decide what the size of our canvas is going to be now you can get this information over on that printy page where it said start designing it's going to show you the exact pixel size that you are going to need to design for if you're using a different site but the really cool thing about kle is they have a ton of print on demand presets and they've collaborated with a bunch of the top print OnDemand sites so if we are selling a mug on printify it's actually going to have the preset size for that mug so I'm just going to select that and then I want to make sure that the orientation is going to be horizontal so I'm just going to click that and all of the pixels and DPI is set up completely perfectly for us to go ahead and start designing so I'm just going to push create and it's going to create a new canvas for us now that we have our canvas set up one thing that I always like to do is get some kind of graphic that is really going to make our designs stand out now there are some print on demand sellers that they handdraw in they create all of their Graphics 100% from scratch personally I think it's a way better use of your time if you can get more designs out and uploaded instead of spending that same amount of time maybe just drawing one design for one product so I always download pre-made graphics and illustrations that I'm going to use on my designs now the site that I get these from a lot of times is called creative Fabrica so I'm going to head there right now now if you've never heard of creative Fabrica before they are a subscription service that you pay a monthly fee for in and then you have access to all of their hundreds of thousands of Graphics many of them you can use commercially for your print on demand items so all you have to do is come to Crea a Fabrica and then search for what you're looking for so in this case I am going to be looking for graphics of some kind of birds that we can use on this bird watching design so I'm just going to go ahead and look up birds and then on Crea a Fabrica an important thing for you to do is go down to the left hand side and we are going to on the special licenses click print on demand because we want to make sure that we can use this commercially and then another thing that I like to do if I am specifically looking for an illustration maybe I don't want any words on there I'm going to add that later I'm just going to go ahead and push illustration now it's brought up a ton of different items that we can use commercially on our print on demand products now I really love kind of that like watercolor really beautiful Illustrated style so I think that is what I'm going to be looking for for this mug design all right so after looking through creative Fabrica of all of the free resources that I can use with my subscription I've kind of landed on this watercolor bundle of bird images so I think at least a few of these are going to be perfect on my design now it has full commercial and print on demand usage allowed which is exactly what we want so I'm going to go ahead and download that now I'm going to head back over to KD so we can actually upload those assets that we just downloaded from creative Fabrica now all I did to actually get those assets that I just downloaded from creative Fabrica onto my K account is I just selected all the images and I dragged them onto my KD uploads right here so now I have all of them ready to use so I think for this mug design I want to have maybe two different bird images on each side of the mug so depending on which way you face it the design is going to look a little bit different and then I want to include some kind of text on it I found that personally designs that have both a graphic and some really fun text on them do really really well for me so that is definitely something that I want to incorporate and I think a really fun phrase that I could do on something like this is the phrase easily distracted by words now this is a phrase that I've used for a ton of other Hobbies before so it's something that you could definitely switch out that last word for any design that you are doing but I think it's going to work really well for what I want to do for this mug today now the first thing I'm going to do is just pick out a couple birds that I think are going to work really well on this design I definitely really love how this bird looks and let's look at one that is going to coordinate with this a little bit I think this guy here since he also has kind of that watercolor background could go really well with this type of design now all I'm going to do is I'm just going to start playing around with the positioning of these so I'm going to move this bird around here and move this bird to the other side and then I'm going to select both of them and just make them a little bit bigger now this one I definitely want them to both be facing different directions so I'm actually going to right click on this and then I am going to flip him horizontally now it's time for us to actually add the text here so I'm going to go over here to the text section so one thing I really like to do when adding text is go over here to the text section and instead of adding line by line we can actually select one of their preset text templates that's just going to save a little bit of time now I'm going to go ahead and position this how I think looks good and then I'm going to change what it says so I'm going to right click on this and I'm going to ungroup it and I'm going to get rid of this bottom line of text because we don't need that and then I'm going to change what this says so I'm going to put easily distracted by Birds now this easily looks a little small so I'm going to go ahead and resize that now I'm going to go ahead and group those again and I'm going to rightclick and copy and then I'm just going to paste that so I can add the exact same thing to the other side because we do want this to be somewhat symmetrical on each side of the mug now something we can do to just add a little bit more interest to this is actually change the color of some of the text so this word distracted I'm actually going to change it to a coordinating color so all I'm going to do is over here on the text color I'm going to select this dropper here and then I'm going to pick the color on the forehead of this bird to change the distracted to so it looks coordinated and it's just going to stand out a little bit and then I'm going to do the same thing with this bird over here now instead of yellow which I think could kind of get washed out a little bit I'm going to actually select this blue color here now that looks really fun and unique and it gives each bird kind of a different style now once we're happy with that all we're going to to do is go over here to the upper right hand corner push download and then we're going to make sure to remove the background and download that as a PNG now we've headed back over to printify so let's go ahead and upload the design that we just created so I'm going to go to my device and select that artwork all right so that artwork uploaded and one important thing to note is this gray area here yes things will still print in it but because anytime you print an item there is always a slight shift to the printing if you put any text or image above this gray area there's a chance that some of it could get cut off so typically I like my most important elements to stay within that white area so this is looking really good now let's go ahead and preview this item now this looks super cute in this context photo and I can go and see the other side too now if you don't like exactly how it's laid out you can always go and adjust that over in the edit section but I'm happy with this so I'm going to go ahead and push save product all right so now we have saved our product and it's going to bring us over to this page on printify now this is where we can start to edit a few things but a lot of the editing we're actually going to go ahead and do over on Etsy so printify has quite a few different mockup options here but I find that these are really generic they don't help your products to stand out a bunch so typically what I like to do is create a mockup from another site that I'm going to show you in just a minute but really there's only a couple things that I'm going to edit on here before we move over to edit editing things on Etsy now the product description and the title these are things that we definitely want to spend a lot of time working on but I'm not going to go ahead and edit them on printify quite yet all I'm going to do is I'm going to put something like bird watching and then leave that until we edit it in a few moments now on printify it's automatically going to create a shipping profile for it so you don't have to calculate any of that shipping here it's going to do all of that for you but we do want to make sure that we are pricing this correctly so I'm going to go ahead and select SCT this and I'm going to edit the price here now typically for mugs I found that $12.99 is a pretty good price that people are comfortable paying and it's going to ensure that you make enough profit to justify selling this now this is one area that a lot of people get tripped up because we know the price of the item but we also have to factor in things like the fees that Etsy takes the listing upload fee we have to factor in shipping all of those little things so if we tried to just price this at $8 even though it seems like we might might be making $2 to $3 a profit after all those fees we might be left with just cents so I'm going to price this at $12.99 now it shows that we're going to make an $8 profit but this is probably going to get more down to like5 or $4 after everything is said and done all right so what I'm going to do is scroll down to the bottom here and I'm going to push publish now on printify it can take a few minutes for this to actually finish publishing but once it's actually done the status is going to turn to a green publish so you know that it's ready for you to actually work on and edit all right now that that has finished uploading the status on this has changed to Green that means it's actually ready for us to work on on Etsy so let's head over there now all right so I am logged into my Etsy test shop and I've gone over to my listings and we can see that this product has been published so let's actually go down here to this gear icon we're going to click it and we're just going to push edit now one of the first things that's really important to do is we are going to want to change out these thumbnails here so this just looks really generic people are are not going to stop and look at this it's just going to look like every other Auto uploaded mockup on Etsy so it's really important to get something that stands out and especially because this design has two different graphics on each side I want something that's going to be able to show off both of those sides at once so I'm going to head over to place it which is where I create all of my mockups now if you've never used place it before they are a subscription that you have access to all of their mockups and everything that you upload they are going to Auto for form at it for you so it actually looks like a real product which is super important when you are making mockups so I went over to their mug section and I'm just going to look through these until I find one that has two mugs that has a really fun background that's going to let these products really stand out so let's just take a look through these there are some fabulous ones that we can use but again I want one that has two different mugs in it all right so scrolling through these this one here actually caught my eye and I think that we could crop this to be a really good mockup photo so right now it's a little bit zoomed out but definitely we can crop that to be the perfect size for essay and it's going to show both of these in an in context photo which I really like I like when people are holding it it just makes it look really real and not like this is just some computer generated mockup so let's go ahead and upload those designs we created we're just going to pick the design for both the right and the left and enlarge it so that we can only see one of the sides on each mug so I'm going to push upload for my device and then so right now it has both of them and I'm just going to zoom in until on the preview it looks good and I'm going to go ahead and crop that and then do the exact same thing on the right I'm going to zoom this in but then this time we're just going to do the right side all right and when that looks good I'm going to go ahead and crop that now once we once you feel like your design has been formatted correctly you're going to go over here to where it says crop and this is where we're going to get it perfect for our thumbnail now thumbnails are something that really sell your product on Etsy usually it's the first and maybe only encounter that someone is going to have with your listing so we really want to make sure our mockups pack a big punch now before actually zooming in and cropping this I'm going to go ahead and change it to the optimal thumbnail size for Etsy that I like to use which is 2700 pixels by 2025 pixels now that that has been set to the right size I'm just going to go ahead and slide this and zoom in until I'm really happy with it so I want to make sure these can be seen but also we don't want to go like too far so that you can't see anything about the image I like kind of a good balance where you can see what's going on around but the products really stand out and then I'm going to go ahead and download that now once it's finished processing we can just click here and it's going to download to our computer and we can head back to Etsy and actually upload that all right so I'm just going to click here to add that photo we just created now I'm going to go ahead and move this so it is the primary thumbnail that people are going to see and then this photo here it's not doing really anything for the listing so I'm going to go ahead and delete that but I am going to keep those other two mockups just so people can see each side but that is looking really good now the next thing that you want to edit in your listing is probably one of the most important things because it's how you're going to get seen and that is your SEO so what I'm first going to do is I'm going to change the title then the description and then we're going to add some tags that can really get our product found so even if you have the best design in the world if you don't really spend any time working on your title your description your tags you're not going to get found and you're not going to make sales so this is super important to pay attention to now you can definitely just look at a bunch of similar listings on Etsy and take some inspiration from those never copy what you see there but I tend to like to use an Etsy keyword research tool the one that I have used for a long time is called sales Samurai so I'm going to show you how I get some inspiration and ideas for what keywords are really important for this type of listing so let's head over to sales Samurai right now all right so I am logged into my sales Samurai account if you've never used them before I will link them down below along with a discount code but I'm going to go over here to the search section now what I generally like to do is just kind of start with that broad Niche that I'm trying to Target so I'm going to look up bird watching or bird watching mug so let's search that right here all right so not only is this going to give us some keyword information it's going to let us know what the click-through rate is going to be how much competition there is and if that is a good longtail keyword so this is a good longtail keyword the click-through rate is pretty good for something like this and there's not a ton of competition even though 2,000 listings might seem like a ton of other items on a place like Etsy 2000 is actually pretty low competition and we can definitely stand out in a niche like this now let's go down here so we can actually look at these trending keywords that we're going to want to make sure we include in our listing so what I typically like to do is have a notebook and Pen in Hand and I'm just going to start jotting down some of the most important keywords that I want to make sure and incorporate in my listing all right so in scrolling down I can see that word Watcher gifts is going to be a really important longtail keyword to include and then something like bird watcher tumbler even though this is a mug I might want to include the word Tumblr in there if someone is just looking for an item if someone is looking for a drink or item they might see mine and buy that as well also the keyword gift for bird washer is a really good one we probably also want to include something like Christmas gift for bird watcher that could be a great longtail keyword and then we also want to think about things like including the word bird watching bder things like that and then if we keep scrolling down it's actually going to give us some of the listings that are ranking really well so we can also take some inspiration from these and see what other keywords they are including here too and then other really important part is going to be the tag section so it's showing us some of the best tags to add to an item like this and we can copy these and use them in our listing so once we've joted out some notes about the keywords that we do want to include we're going to go back over to our Etsy listing and start editing the title tags in description all right so for my title I wanted to include some of those most important keywords I also want to keep in mind what this is and who it's for and for what occasion this could possibly be for so I said bird watching ceramic mug for bird watcher Christmas gift easily distracted by birds birding tumbler for bder birthday funny bird lover now that definitely kind of sounds like a mouthful but with Etsy it's really important to get some of those really important keywords in your title even if it doesn't flow exactly but for the description it's going to be a little bit different for the description of this item we are going to want to make sure to keep it in plain readable text but also include some of those keywords in there I typically like to do two to three sentences at the beginning of my description and then I also keep in all this autop populated text from printify because that is going to give the customer some more information about the product itself so I'm just going to go ahead and fill this in and I'll tell you what I did all right so I just added a couple plain text sentences that pack a big punch with a lot of those keywords so I just said this cute and funny bird watching mug is the perfect gift for a bird lover or bird watcher get a bird watching grandma or Grandpa the perfect birding Christmas or birthday gift for a funny burer now I also included the words Grandma and Grandpa because these are popular gifts for both grandma and grandpas but you could also include some other key wordss like Mom Dad aunt and uncle too if you did want to Target that demographic as well now let's scroll down to the next section now the price we already set on printify so we don't have to adjust that all right for our next section we are going to make sure that this is set up correctly so this is a physical item and we are going to make sure that we have our production partner in here so right here I have listed printify as my production partner now the customer is not going to see that but that is just for Etsy something we have to let them know is that we are using a print on demand production partner now it's been categorized as mugs which works great and next we're going to go down here to the tags now I am just going to copy some of those most important ones that we saw on sales Samurai and add those right here all right so just using those tags from sales Samurai I filled up all 13 you should always make sure you are filling up all 13 tags now for shipping printify is going to create a shipping profile for us but we can edit the price if we did want to do something different so let's click here edit now for mugs typically the shipping is going to be a little bit more expensive because they do have to add a lot of packaging but that's something pretty normal now since the shipping is so high I don't typically offer free shipping on my mugs like I do with some of my other products but a lot of times what I do is I'm going to split the shipping with my customer so instead of $639 I might put $4.99 here and then I'm paying a little bit of the shipping but they're also covering a lot of that but if you do something like this you got to make sure you are factoring this into your price but with that $12.99 price I set even if I'm splitting the shipping with that that should work really well and to other countries I am not going to change the shipping whatsoever because it is quite a bit more expensive but I'm just going to scroll down here and I'm going to save and apply that now for my settings I have no returns or exchanges and then my shop section is something that I also want to pay attention to this is something a lot of people skip out on but your shop section is also really important to your SEO it kind of acts as an extra tag so I could put this in a category like bird watching gifts or funny bird mugs or just a funny mug section but I'm probably going to put it in something like bird watching gifts all right and then the last thing that we want to make sure we pay attention to is the renewal options so you can have this automatically renew every time the period is over for that 20 C fee but typically for my print on demand products I'm going to put them into manually renew because if this product hasn't sold in four months I typically want to know and I'm going to re-evaluate maybe what I can change about this item and see if I can give it a better opportunity to actually make a sale the next time I renew it so I'm going to keep that on manual and then I'm just going to go ahead and publish those changes now we see that our product has actually been updated we can see the new mockup photo but let's actually go take a look at what this is going to look like on Etsy itself so we're going to click the gear icon here and just push view on Etsy all right that looks really good we can see the price here and then we can see all the updated information that we put on this as well now to add even more mugs to your shop all you're going to have to do is repeat this process over and over a great place to start is going to be for my cross Nation guide you can find a ton of ideas from that and just kind of go through the same process with a bunch of different Hobbies or careers or something else that you're interested in but this is definitely one of the easiest side hustles to start and it can be so profitable I will have all of the information for any of the tools that I use Down Below in the description if you do want to use one of those to get started and if you do want to start the process of integrating your printify account with an Etsy shop I'm going to link this video here which is going to walk you through everything from starting your Etsy shop to integrating it in everything in between so that you don't have to get overwhelmed by that process whatsoever thanks so much for watching and I'll see you in my next video
Channel: Hannah Ebeling
Views: 67,494
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Merch by Amazon, How to make money online free, print on demand, selling tshirts, merch by amazon 2023, print on demand for beginners, print on demand for beginners 2023, selling shirts on amazon, merch by amazon for beginners, best tools for merch by amazon, how to get accepted to merch, Merch by amazon tier 10, how to tier up fast in merch by amazon, best print on demand sites, How to start an etsy store, etsy print on demand, etsy tips, print on demand niches, t shirt niches
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 13sec (1573 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 22 2023
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