Become a FULL-TIME Print on Demand Seller in 12 MONTHS (or Less): Best Beginner Tips for Amazon Etsy

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in today's video I'm going to share with you exactly what I would be doing if you want to scale your print on demand business to six figures this calendar year now there are a bunch of decisions you need to make when actually starting to think about setting up your first print on demand business and there can be some key decisions that can be really detrimental if you choose the wrong thing from the get-go now you can always correct course later but I think it's a really great idea to start off very strong so that you have the best chances to actually scale to six figures in your first year so I'm going to be starting out from the very Basics what you need to be doing from day one and then share some more advanced tips for down the road as you continue to grow your print on demand business this year so without further too let's just jump right on into it now the very first decision I think you need to make as a print on demand seller is if you're are going to be a niche store or more of a general store now a lot of people labor a ton over this decision and this is one that if you are very new to print on demand I think that my advice is going to be start with a general store now if you're not exactly sure what this means this just means that in a general store you're going to be selling a bunch of different products from all sorts of different niches across the board however if you go with more of a niche store you're kind of locking yourself into one thing so maybe you have a store that is just all political themed so that means you only really are going to be able to make political designs and sell iCal things because you have branded yourself that way however if you go the other direction and start with a general shop you can have those kind of designs but then if you see something else is trending you can sell that you can pull other niches that you know are doing well and that way you have a lot of other things to draw from that can be getting you sales so this is really great if you are a new print on demand seller cuz a lot of times you don't even know what niches would be worthwhile pursuing as just a niche specific shop so sometimes if you're are more experienced print on demand seller you already have thousands of dollars in sales under your belt maybe you can pick just a m to pursue but if this is your first time around you're just looking to make your first six figures I would definitely concentrate on making more of a general shop because you can try out a lot of things and if a niche doesn't work no harm no foul you just move on to the next thing and the reality is a lot of people aren't specifically looking at your whole shop a lot of times when people discover your items they are just clicking on that one thing and they are purchasing it and never looking at what else you have for sale so a lot of times it doesn't really even matter what kind of shop you are but I think that my suggestion for scaling really fast would be to start with a general shop now my next piece of advice for starting off really strong is to decide what platforms you're going to be selling on and to be selling on more than one platform so in today's video I'm actually partnering with printify who is my produ ction partner of choice and they are who enable me to be able to sell on a place like Etsy so if you're not familiar with it a manufacturing partner is going to do all the printing packing shipping taking care of those orders while you're just listing the items on a place like Etsy so I'm going to have all their information linked Down Below in the description but really I can't say enough good things about printify their prices are just unbeatable and they are just a fantastic partner to be able to help you to sell on a place like Etsy which is one of the biggest marketplaces so I would definitely suggest starting selling on Etsy you can really have a lot of success super early on there but I also would try to get into the merch by Amazon platform if you haven't heard of that before it is a platform that is run by Amazon where you can sell print on demand products on Amazon now this is a more exclusive program you do have to apply so I will actually link a video that shows you how to apply there and have a good chance of getting accepted but I would really try to be on those two plat platforms now if you want to add in even more places to be able to have the potential to get sales you could try out red bubble or tea public or aan Zazzle all of those are great sites probably not going to be the number of sales you're going to get on a place like Etsy or Amazon but those are also great contenders and they're just going to help you kind of feel out what it takes to make a design that is going to get sales on a platform so I would be applying for Amazon merge and getting started on Etsy right away if you can now the next really important decision that you need to make is decide what kind of products that you are selling now a lot of you might be like well do you're going to sell t-shirts you're a print on demand business and that is definitely one route that you can take with this however I think that if you really want to scale to six figures you might want to think out of the box this year so you could actually try to sell a different product that maybe has a lot less competition so if you are selling with a production partner like printify they have over 800 different product types that are not t-shirts so you could sell everything from tumblers you could sell kids clothes you could sell Candles there are all sorts of different really unique products that you can draw from now I'll actually link an entire video I have here with some of my best product suggestions that make a ton of sales so you could really pick one of those but there are so many different things that you could go with now even though t-shirts are a really good seller I still sell tons and tons of them every single day there is a ton of competition when it comes to t-shirts so you could put those in your shop but maybe try pairing it with something else that maybe has a little bit less competition one idea is just instead of maybe doing t-shirts maybe just do the same Concepts but only put them on hoodies and sell all of those so anything else is just going to have slightly less competition because a lot of people are looking for the lowest barrier to entry and t-shirts are just really easy to do so a lot of people go with that first but see if you can think out of the the box and try something a little bit different that could give you an edge on the competition now the next thing that I think that you should be focusing on is really getting a ton of Evergreen type of designs in your print on demand stores now if you don't know what a Evergreen design is this is really a niche that can be sold every single day of the year so if we think about something like the election coming up and election type design that is more of a trend because it is really constrained to the time that it's happening same thing with I talked about that Eclipse shirts are going to be selling really well because in April there is an eclipse coming up now that is a trend because it's only really going to sell for a few months of the year and then it's going to come and go but with everm greine designs that design could sell in January it could sell in June it could sell at the end of the year so it's really important to have a bunch of those designs because as you add them they are just going to stack upon themselves and then grow the sales that your whole store is making if you are putting all your eggs in the basket of targeting a trend that maybe is over in April you might be able to scale to a few th000 in your shop but then once that event happens you're kind of back to square one so it's really important to be adding a bunch of Evergreen type of designs now these are things like professions Hobbies they can be things like animals they can be tons of stuff like that and I actually really suggest going with something that is going to be able to make you kind of do the work one time and then replicate that over and over so I like to go for things like careers so there are hundreds of different careers but if you find kind of a format or a design style that really works where you're targeting a certain career you can just kind of swap that out with a bunch of different careers and then you could potentially have hundreds of different designs that all have a lot of demand for them because people are super passionate about their career same thing with different types of pets if you wanted to make a bun of designs that were all based on people's pets that could be a great way to start and then there's tons of different dog braids tons of cat braids a lot of other types of pets as well so those are great things to Target you can even do what I like to call cross nashing where you take two categories like that so maybe you have like a dentist and then you have a pet so maybe a golden doodle and you make a dentist golden doodle type shirt now that is not a constrain to any time frame it's an evergreen design that a dentist with a golden doodle could buy any time of year now if you want some complete list with over 40,000 different Evergreen Niche ideas like that I do have a cross niching guide that I'll link Down Below in the description that's going to help you guys out with that it's totally free if you want to get that but I really think that you should be putting a lot of your attention into those Evergreen designs that doesn't mean you can't occasionally Target a trend that is coming up but I think you should be putting a lot more focus on those designs that you can kind of grow and scale up with that isn't just going to make you profit this year but hopefully even in two years after you've grown this business you're still making money off those designs now the next thing I really think that you need to do if you want to skill your business to six figures this year is you have to be uploading every single day now I know a lot of people say this but I truly think that it is one of the keys to Growing your business now there's so many people I get comments all the time that are saying well I made some designs and I'm just not getting sales when come to find out maybe they took one Saturday and they uploaded like 20 designs and then just kind of called it a day and we're waiting for something to happen but the way that I grew my business really fast is from the Geto I chose a really lofty goal for myself and I uploaded that amount of designs every single day now when I first started I was like I am going to make 10 designs every single day no matter what and I did that for months so this really was able to grow my catalog and give me some designs that became best sellers out of that large number of designs so I think it's important for you to be able to pick a goal that you can try and upload every single day so maybe that's only two or three designs but even if that's the case two or three designs over a few months adds up to hundreds of products but it really comes down to that compounding effect so that's way more effective to upload three designs every single day for three months than it is to just upload 20 designs randomly here and there when you feel like it and it's going to feel like a lot less work cuz you're doing it in small increments now a lot of times print on demand is somewhat of a numbers game yes you have to have really great Nations you have to have good designs but a lot of times the designs that you create aren't going to sell only a small percentage of your whole catalog will so you really need to have a lot of designs to kind of put out there so that some of them can become best sellers and the best way to do this is by picking a number of uploads you're going to do every single day and sticking with that throughout the entire year year now think about if you uploaded three designs for every single day of the entire year by the end of the year you'd have over a th000 products uploaded and that seems like so many to upload but by just doing the work a little bit every single day you are really setting yourself up for Success now another thing that I really think that you should be doing if you do want to scale your business to six figures this year is you're going to want to prioritize and capitalize on viral t-shirt and product Style but not necessarily Trends so I talked about you want to have those Evergreen style designs but I think you should also be capitalizing on kind of those like viral Aesthetics and trends that we're seeing for the way that products are being made so what I mean by this is you don't necessarily want a trend but when we see something like that groovy wavy font is doing really well it's selling well you're going to take that kind of aesthetic and you're going to put it on the niches that you're targeting same thing with we just saw that those like bootleg style designs are selling like crazy now if you don't know what this is I actually have a full tutorial on how to make those bootleg style designs but this is something that you're going to take and when you find a niche that you're going to Target put it in one of these kind of viral Styles and then you could have a winning design so a lot of times when I see that a new kind of aesthetic is emerging I'm taking a lot of my evergreen designs and I'm putting them in that style to kind of have a whole new mark for people looking for that kind of look of shirt now these a lot of times have a way longer shelf life than just a trendwood because these Aesthetics are typically going to be trendy for a year or a couple of years so if you put some of your best stilling niches in those that can do really really well and you want to capitalize on some of that momentum cuz you are going to need a little bit of momentum you are going to need to get some best sellers if you are going to scale to six figures now as you are growing and starting to see some of those sales emerge this is where I'd start implementing some a little bit more advanced strategies so I think that at this point it might be time to start learning about advertising and start thinking about advertising some of your designs now I definitely do not recommend advertising when you are first getting started you are just super unfamiliar with what things really do well and what of your products are actually going to be popular and make sales however as you find that you do have some designs that are kind ofering ing as those Front Runners that are becoming best sellers for you then I think it's time to add some advertising dollars to kind of fuel that fire to be the gas that kind of makes those really take off so if you have particular designs or products that have sold maybe a few hundred times put some advertising dollars behind those and then because you know that those already are really good sellers that is going to help it continue to do well and just kind of catapult that hopefully into those first Pages where they are always ranking for those SEO terms so if you don't know how to advertise I definitely would not suggest just throwing a bunch of money at your whole catalog but specifically targeting those designs that have already made sales because they're validated and they were found organically that means that if you put advertising dollars behind them it's probably going to help it continue to do well now again as your business continues to grow and you're trying to reach that six figure mark one thing that you need to be paying attention to is what products and Designs are really doing well so then take note of those niches and really just try to take advantage of the niche that you found that's doing well and create more and more products in that same Niche so even if you have a general store if you find that there's about three or four different niches in your shop that kind of are taking up all of the sales they're making up the bulk of your profit only start targeting those niches because you validated that they've done well so just every single day start creating more products in those particular niches you don't need to reinvent the wheel every single day we're just trying to figure out what is going to work and then we're going to exploit that Niche and just make as many products as we can in that so we kind of own that keyword when someone searches that Niche we want to have hundreds of different listings for that type of item because then we're making sure that we're going to get that sale so really print on demand it's kind of a rinse and repeat thing you're going to every single day research products you're going to make new designs and going to upload them in low competition high demand niches and you're just going to keep repeating that process and then validating the niches that you found have made sales and keep adding to those and then by doing this you're going to be able to grow a print on demand business that can scale you to six figures and Beyond now if you really want to check out some other product suggestions that aren't t-shirts I definitely recommend watching this video next it has some amazing ideas for you and shops that you could really just take and run with to scale your business business to six figures this year thanks so much for watching and I'll see you in my next video
Channel: Hannah Ebeling
Views: 21,486
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Merch by Amazon, How to make money online free, print on demand, selling tshirts, merch by amazon 2023, print on demand for beginners, print on demand for beginners 2023, selling shirts on amazon, merch by amazon for beginners, best tools for merch by amazon, how to get accepted to merch, Merch by amazon tier 10, how to tier up fast in merch by amazon, best print on demand sites, How to start an etsy store, etsy print on demand, etsy tips, print on demand niches, t shirt niches
Id: akEKA615xa4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 3sec (963 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 25 2024
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