Make $100 day PROFIT on Etsy with THESE 10 Products

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in my first year of starting and growing my own at prand demand business I set myself a goal of hitting and attaining $100 a day of profit not just Revenue every single day in my business from the moment I started that business now I didn't know if I would achieve this or if it would happen but I just knew that $100 a day would equate to $2,800 of profit to $3,100 of profit a month which could replace my 9 to5 income and even leave me to quit my 9 to5 which believe it or not that happened within a year's time frame of setting up to achieve this goal so today I wanted to go over 10 print on demand products to achieve $100 a day and then also other products that people may not generally gravitate towards when they start a print onto band business but these products I'm sharing today are higher profit margin products meaning that you can sell less amounts of orders per day to achieve the goal of $100 a day the next thing that we need to dive deeper into is the amount of orders you need to obtain per day in order to hit $100 of profit per day so this can look different depending on your desired profit margin and desired profit amount so if we're just talking about hey I want to make $5 of profit per sale let's say we're selling a bell and& canvas 3001 as example usually t-shirts tend to have the lower profit amounts because that is where the average ballpark of market pricing is currently most t-shirts on atsy the average competition you'll see with pricing on Etsy is around $15 to $20 which usually goes to the $5 to $7 profit per sale range so if we're selling a bell and& canvas 30001 t-shirt we would need to sell 20 t-shirts a day to have $100 of profit a day now let's go into the extreme profit scenario maybe we're selling something that's higher profit mergin such as a blanket or even the gilin hoodies those tend to sell at a higher profit Merchant Range close to $15 to $20 again dependent on your pricing structure so if you're looking to maybe make $20 of profit per item that you sell then you would need to sell only five products a day in order to hit $100 a day which seems a lot more doable right now what I found in my time of print on demand is in order to remain competitive in pricing on Etsy I usually have to have somewhere around the $10 to $15 range which was my sweet spot I found for selling products and selling them consistently on Etsy so I could achieve over $100 a day and then I eventually scaled my business to hitting over $200 a day and $300 a day is where my averages fell over time but just to start off in this video If you have a desired profit in mind now once you have that desired profit now we can go into the 10 products and how many you really need to sell per day in order to see that $100 a day product profit hint hint I know I keep it secret on my channel what products I'm personally in but a lot of these that I'm sharing in this video I have sold in I currently am selling in and I have seen really nice profit and I would recommend these going forward to those of you watching so the first product on my list is the Gilden 18500 hoodie and this product is just such a great product to sell and add to a shop what's really nice and a product Trend that I'm seeing right now is the oversized hoodie look with a design on the back of the hoodies and it's super trendy super in and just a beautiful hoodie all around it is a fleece lined hoodie on top of that so I personally just love the hoodies feel I love anything fleece lined with the Gilton 18,500 when I'm looking at pricing for this product I personally think that a $20 profit is actually achievable but what I would recommend is especially if you have lower sale volumes and lower views on your shop you may want to use a price staggering method that I've mentioned in past videos in fact I'll link that above about price staggering and that video I would recommend watching on how to get your first 100 sales and buildup reviews and sales in your shop before you start increasing prices for higher profit mergin the goal with profit merging when you first begin is to lean on the lower side of profit margin because a lot of the times when you have a new shop on Etsy with lower trust in your shop which means reviews if you have lower reviews if you have lower sale volumes customers when they go to your shop they're less inclined to spend more in most cases your competition might get that sale so in price staggering we want to go on the lower end of the spectrum of profits so when you're starting off $10 is reasonable for selling a guild in 18500 hoodie as you gain reviews and sales I would increase that to $15 of profit and then maybe later on even as high as $20 of profit but all in all this is a higher profit margin product and you can get more profit per sale just because it's very high quality production fees are lower and Market average is around $40 to $50 per product sale for this so that's usually entailing for you as a seller to hit over $10 of profit per product which makes this one of the top products on my list to sell in apparel if you're selling Apparel in your shop so now it's going to feel like Inception because I literally have my camera right behind me now that we're on my laptop I wanted to show this calculator that you can find in the description below in My Links this is a profit calculator that we have designed so that we can figure out what we need as a minimum listing price to see consistent profit overall if we're using ads or we're using shipping and how do we price our products to reflect let's say we want a $10 profit per sale that we make on Etsy so if I I'm looking at this what's really cool about this calculator is I can just select $10 and if we have no Etsy ads running we have no discount running and we're selling this just as is again no free shipping we're looking at a price of $ 3155 that we would have to list this product at before a sale now let's say that we run flash sales every now and then and the sale amount is 25% so the price that you would want to have the minimum listing price that is 4207 so it does increase our listing price as we go forward and this would be for a gildin 18,500 hoodie now there are so many different products that you can select on this so if I did a Gilden 18,000 crew neck that I know I use Swift PO with we're looking at 3716 again this is assuming no free shipping and no Etsy ads so let's say that every day we're spending $5 a day on Etsy ads and we're selling one crew neck now this depends depends on how many different products you have in your shop and if you're making a sale per day let's say that Etsy ads is actually spending more like $10 that's at least what I found in my time on FSC that it does spend almost up to $10 per sale I've seen on kex sometimes it's as low as five sometimes it's as low as $1 other times it can go as high as $20 and that may be an indicator that this product we might not want to run ads on if I'm looking at let's say atsy ads of $10 we can adjust and we would have to price our listing at $ 5189 again before sale and we know we would be getting a profit of $10 so that is how we could essentially reverse our profit to see how much we can make per product now I'm going to sit back down and go over exactly what we need to really be looking at as far as how much profit that we actually want so if you want $10 of profit per item per day you would have to sell 10 products a day and have 10 orders in order to get $100 of profit per day now with that being said when we're talking about profit that is before estimated taxes and anything else thrown in what your customer will be paying is sales tax on Etsy and in this scenario they will be paying for shipping as well as far as what I am looking at is $100 of profit before we're paying our own taxes for let's say to federal or even to to our state taxes $100 is relatively what my goal was when I began my own Etsy business so the next product on my list is tough phone cases and this phone case by wyc is a bestseller on printify which indicates that this is selling really really well on multiple platforms not just atsy but Shopify and eBay and anything else that connects to printify and integrates with printify this phone case is a Top Choice for a lot of proman sellers now with this phone case if we put it into our product profit calculator we can see that the desired profit this would have to go down quite a bit because a lot of people aren't going to be buying phone cases at that amount usually about $5 to $10 and I'm going to make this $0 for our ads so if we're talking about product profit per item what I would recommend if you're using this calculator is I would consider consider just having 0 Etsy ads and then if you find that you want to use Etsy ads that's when I would increase this price but 5 to $10 is usually the ballpark in remaining competitive with your listing prices and let's say we had a 0% discount amount we're looking at about 2373 we would have to price our products at if we still wanted to run flash sales we may want to increase our prices a little bit to reflect having that $10 profit but if you were looking to have $5 profit that would still be around the lower $20 range if we're selling 10 phone cases at $10 a day we're looking about $27 $28 we would have to price our products at but that's just something to consider as we go forward in selling phone cases so the next product to talk about is mugs now ceramic mugs just sell so well and what I'm seeing that's really popular right now is the two-tone mugs by District photo now I have that in here for district photo and if we go to our profit calculator and we look at the two-tone mugs let's say that we're going to sell our mugs at $20 per mug and we have a 10% discount running so our customer would be paying $22.99 but we would be seeing a $11.41 profit per item meaning we would have to sell around 9 to 10 mils per day to see $100 a day with selling two-tone mugs now the next product that I wanted to share in this video is ornaments now ornaments are high on my list this is a product that sells really well in quarter 4 and just by pricing it at $20 we can see a profit of again over $10 meaning we would have to sell 10 ornaments to see a profit over $100 a day which is again super nice now if we brought over our price calculator and we selected ornaments we wanted to see $10 a day and kind of reverse engineer we would be able to sell ornaments for 1936 if we were not offering free shipping and we had a discount of 15% now in this example this one is 10% discount so if I changed it to 10% then at minimum we would have to sell our listings at1 1828 which would still remain really competitive for ornaments if we look on ornaments there are ornaments as low as $8 maybe $10 and then ornaments do sell as as high as $25 to $30 so I know a lot of people when they go on atsy and they start selling they look at their pricing and it's like okay I'm scared to sell at a little bit of a middle ground of pricing or higher and this is something that I kind of want to debunk as far as myths go you do not need the lowest price on the market in fact I've had so many subscribers I've worked with hand inand oneon-one I've worked with tons of students who have taken my print on man Academy who have priced in the middle or at the higher end of the spectrum and have still seen as much profit as a shop that is selling their ornaments at $8 now if we think about this idea in this concept that for people who are selling at the lower end of the spectrum they may be making $1 profit per ornament that they sell at maybe $10 or maybe at $14 and they may be at the lower range of competition now if they're making let's say $2 a profit per ornament they would have to sell 50 ornaments to make $100 a day now if you're sitting here and you're making $10 of profit per ornament you would only need to sell 10 ornaments per day now who would you rather be in the scenario the person selling 50 ornaments a day or the person selling 10 ornaments a day for me personally I've always wanted to be the 10 ornament seller a day so please keep that in mind as we go forward in this video the next product on my list is blankets now blankets are a higher profit mergin product again we can see a $10 profit per sale by having our listing price remain competitive which is something that's really neat about selling blankets and we can actually go at the higher end of selling blankets of even $15 to $20 per blanket sale and this is still really reasonable especially if you're selling a personalization blanket of some kind and even if we were to increase maybe when we run flash sales even if we added in that as a component or if we just sold it as is at $34 we could still see a profit of $20 which makes blankets again a top of my list recommendation for those who may be looking into other product types to achieve a higher profit margin if we're looking into blankets one of my favorite blanket providers is spoke custom products I've used them time and time again they have really quick production times and shipping is fair decent if you wanted to offer freee shipping that's what's really nice is if we did add in the free shipping that would still be about $40 we would have to consider if you wanted to increase your price to remain still profitable or if you wanted to go down a little bit in your profit to compensate for that shipping as well so the next on my list is a little bit of a different product that I haven't really shown on this channel which is beach towels now beach towels are really popular especially in the bachelorette party Niche on atsy spoke is again another provider that has beach towels and if we were looking to make a profit on beach towels usually to remain competitive again we're going to be looking around the $5 to $10 range to stay within the market means so this is probably a medium to low profit product but I will say I've noticed that it seems there is less competition in beach to from what I've looked at in the past and that's one of the reasons why it falls on this list of recommendations especially as we go into the summer when I'm posting this video this is a really great product to add to a shop so my next product that I wanted to share is the Gilden 18,000 kwex sweatshirt now if you've been a part of my channel for a while this is not a new one by any means that you have not heard me rave and ramble about I've sold five figures plus of profit in this product and that's why this ranks very high in my list if not number one in recommended products I would go into so for the Gilden 18,000 crew next sweatshirt we can sell this as low as 2787 or if we're running flash sales and we want to keep that in mind we can keep our retail value a little bit higher so when we know we're running flash sales or any events we can keep it around $34 to maybe even as high as $40 um and we can still see a really nice profit I mean even if we're close to 40 $2 we can see $15 of profit which is really nice with this product even if we're just selling as is no discounts we can go as low as 3339 so this is again just a really nice product to sell that has a higher profit margin that we can see daily with this product so the next product to show is the Comfort color c1717 and I absolutely am the hugest hugest isn't really a word I am one of the biggest fans of this t-shirt I think it's it's just such a vintage feel and I just love it overall I know that there is a in between for most people it's either people really love Comfort colors or they really don't love it I am a huge fan of the Comfort colors and I found Comfort colors when customers were requesting this product and luckily within a few months of customers requesting this product I got to order some samples and printify dropped this product on their website and I was a huge fan ever since they released this product this product is a little bit newer to the scene on pruni but not so new it's been around for the past year on printify and they have so many beautiful colors you can offer on top of that Swift pod has some of the lowest production prices which make it easier for us to see a higher profit margin so again if I go to my price calculator and I look at Comfort colors c1717 if we're looking at $15 a profit per sale that's $28.96 if we're looking at $10 $23.44 which is really really good pricing for staying competitive again we're trying to stay competitive but still see a nice profit we can sell 10 t-shirts with this in see $100 which is really really nice for this type of product so the next product is the Bell and& campus 3001 now this is one of my first products that I chose as a print on demand business owner and I started selling in my business I like to challenge the idea to sell different products than the standard t-shirt that we see all across Etsy but Bell and& canas 3001 took a piece of my heart for a reason because it has a very buttery soft feel and when I'm designing t-shirts or products for a team or for a department this is my tried and true t-shirt that I generally suggest to most people to design for and also just for me working with clients and schools and businesses alike I've had a lot of people ask what t-shirt that they should go with and this is my top recommendation because this product is just a overall winner for businesses for sports teams and schools to where it has a buttery soft feel and a lot of different colors that we can choose from as far as pricing the blind canvas 3001 what's really nice is in comparison to the c1717 product we can see if we chose Swift pod for example we're looking at 2218 so this almost competes with the c1717 now the fact that the production fees on c1717 have lowered but with the Bell and& canas 3001 we can still price around 228 to see a still a really nice profit mergin of about $10 now for Monster Digital we're looking at 2255 so just a little bit higher but if we were to do $5 of profit per item we're floating under the $20 range of retail price for this product which does remain competitive again going back to price staggering that we talked about earlier if I'm a newer shop I would be pricing closer to the $5 range rather than the $10 range but that's just how I would personally start my shop in order to get sales and reviews over time and kind of boost my shop the final product on my list is the skinny matte Tumblr and oh my goodness I cannot get enough of this product in fact I actually have this right behind me so I'm going to grab that so this is a recent sample I ordered and this is the skinny matte Tumblr by fancy Fanny and this is a design I created for my new puppy Chloe and this Tumblr I was so shocked by how beautiful this Tumblr came out and it reminds me of a Stanley Cup moment if you will it's just such a highquality tumbler and I think with a Tumblr like this you can price higher to reflect how high quality this is so when it comes down to pricing this skinny Tumblr if we're looking at having a $10 profit and again selling 10 items a day that's looking at $30.7 so we're at the higher end of the spectrum as far as pricing goes and what we could see consistent sales on with this type of product you would be looking at $5 to $10 so we're looking at medium profit range but if we were looking to maybe run a sale that might be closer to 3148 before that sale adds on so those are factors to consider going forward but you still can price this product for around $ 25 to $30 to see that $5 to $10 range which would be really really nice for this type of skinny tumbler what I would recommend to a lot of people selling these types of skinny tumblers is selling it for a personalization product as well and that can go a long long way with these types of skinny matte tumblers just overall the quality is just so beautiful and I had to show it in this video because I was absolutely so excited about bringing this to the channel because this is a newer product that dropped on printify in the past few months so that's it for my 10 products that you can make $100 a day with with print on demand and selling on Etsy or any platform for that matter this guide was specifically for Etsy but this can be applicable to many other platforms that you may want to sell on in the future without further Ado if you liked this video don't forget to give it a like don't forget to subscribe to the channel to support this content on YouTube and also check out the calculator and guides that I showed in this video in the links in the description down below besides that that is all for this video and I'll see you guys in the next one here [Music]
Channel: heatherstudio
Views: 13,976
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: printify, printful, pod, etsy pod, etsy, passive income, kittl, everbee
Id: sWMzsit2jMQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 55sec (1375 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 16 2024
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