Best Printify Products to Sell on Etsy in 2024

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there are hundreds of products that you can select on print ofice catalog this is a incredible benefit in having a print on demand company that is continuously adding to their catalog and that allows a lot of us print on demand sellers to scale out our businesses right however I will say that as a new seller it's really easy to get overwhelmed and fatigued in deciding what products to sell what ones you may find are your first 100 sale product and maybe your first five figure product that you start selling in your business so in this video I wanted to break down some Pro tips I have in deciding on what products to sell in your own PR on demand business and ultimately this is a guide on what to sell in 2024 in 2025 in your businesses if you new to my channel my name is Heather I am a top 1% Etsy and PR demand business owner I have started grown and scaled multiple at C shops to five and six figures besides that let's just get straight into guys hey guys so now I am on my laptop I just have it slightly outside of the frame here so it's not annoyingly like autofocusing me during the video so I'm going to start sharing my screen here and what I wanted to start out with is just on PRI homepage where we will start so I like to click on catalog from here and then I will let this toggle down so I can click on the best sellers so this is somewhere I personally like to start the reason why is because the bestseller area on printify shows us the data pulled in from all printify sellers this does not just have data from Etsy sellers this also has from Shopify and people who run their own websites with API integration or eBay and Walmart and really anywhere that connects and integrates with printify so this is a really great place to start if you may feel like you have no idea what is selling with Etsy or print on demand in total today what I wanted to go over is three product categories and what to sell in those categories that I have found are selling really well this year and I could imagine the next few years with atsy now that first product category is apparel and this goes from t-shirts to sweatshirts to pants and leggings so much you can sell with Apparel in print on demand so starting off the number one product that we staple with print on demand is t-shirts so I wanted to go over some Evergreen products that I have seen sell in the print on demand industry since the dawn of print on demand that first product is the bellan canvas 3001 t-shirts one of the unique traits of the bellan canvas 3001 t-shirt is that it is just such a buttery soft t-shirt and this is a t-shirt a lot of sellers use use for bachelorette party t-shirts or Bridal where teams like sports teams and 5K run teams a lot of events tend to gravitate towards this type of t-shirt I will say that this t-shirt does run a little bit larger a little bit longer especially for women so that's just something to know but what's really cute about this t-shirt is since it is longer you can tie it in a knot and kind of style it and you'll notice that in a lot of mockup images across atsy with the Bell and& canvas 300 one now when we're looking into products the next question a lot of people have is what providers should you use for these products and one go-to that's really neat with printify is there's printify Choice what pry choice is is it is a artificial intelligence and geolocation system so let's say maybe you have a customer that is located in Canada and you're based in the US what pry choice will do is it will select aint provider based in Canada and then it will route that product to there so that you aren't paying more in shipping fees so that's just something to think about is if you have a shop that's based in a country that maybe you're seing more sales in other countries then printify Choice might be your go-to now for someone like me who's been selling on atsy for a really long time and has been doing prand deman for a really long time I personally like to choose my own prand demand providers still because I just have a favorite and to be quite honest that's the only reason I have used them since the beginning but basically if you do not want to use printify Choice the easy way to select your own print provider is by clicking Show additional providers and you can go down the list of the print providers that are ranked on pri's website now this ranking changes you'll notice a lot of print providers bump up or down and that is very normal and usual for a lot of print providers some um you will see a 9.6 rating like underground threads we can see what location they're based in and then we can also see the production prices and production times for these print providers as well and this is all the data that you can look at and figure out which PR provider is best for you one of the reasons why with pod is always my go-to is because they have very competitive production prices they have very quick printing packing and shipping times and they also offer one of the widest ctions of colors I've seen throughout any print provider and any print company for that matter or um print on demand company one thing to consider is printify choice is not applicable for every single product on printify it is only for the most stocked product one example is the Bell and& campus 3001 this is offered on but if you go to maybe blankets or a specialty mug or some type of tumbler you'll notice that you do have to select select individually what PR provider that you want so that is one factor you do want to consider as you go forward and there is a way to look at just print provider catalog so if I wanted to look at that you would tap down on the catalog area and then click on print providers so if I was going to look up let's say I just wanted to see Swift pod's catalog then I could type it into the search and I can scroll down to see all the products that Swift pod offers so that is just another thing that you can do when you are looking down the list of products that you want to offer now to continue in apparel and apparel I would recommend selling this year is the Gilden 5000 t-shirt now this is again another staple of print on demand and just something that has been around for the past few years production fees tend to be lower on the guilin 5,000 t-shirts so that is something to note is if you want a higher profit margin you can go with the Guild in 5,000 the Gilden 5000 is not as buttery soft as the bell and& canvas 3001 I will preface by saying I will say that this is a really great t-shirt for bulk order listings so if you're selling maybe listings for sports teams or different types of 5Ks and events this is a really great t-shirt overall because you can have a bulk discount for those customers due to the fact that you can lower your prices now the next product I would recommend is the Comfort colors 1717 this has been a bestseller for the past year or so on Etsy and one of the reasons being is it's just such a vintage feel and just such a beautiful t-shirt a lot of the times I'm purchasing a comfort colors 1717 and one of those reasons why is because it has a vintage feel and overall just from me having a few of those t-shirts now I have reworn it in washed my comfort colors t-shirts I would say over 20 times and it's just a very long-term t-shirt as well and there are just so many beautiful shades with the Comfort colors I highly recommend going on Etsy and just looking up mockup images because the mockup images really show how these look in person but even if I go to start designing and I'm going to edit I will click on the little pencil icon select variants if I scroll down the colors that I've seen cell in the past few years on Etsy color pepper has been a favorite color for some time now there are a lot of other colors that tend to do well see such as terracotta burnt orange melon mustard uh yellows tend to S sell in the summer months the oranges tend to sell sometimes around Halloween and if you're making more full Vibes types of t-shirts and those colors also B is such a beautiful color in person I have ordered this for myself such a beautiful color overall if you look through the list of colors there's just so many beautiful and unique colors and this is the fun part of being a print on demand business owner for me personally is just being able to select this wide range of colors and create my own designs that can sell uniquely on Etsy that companies like prfi allows us to have besides that that's it for t-shirts I would recommend on what to sell now if you're looking for a sweatshirt and Hoodie my top recommendations are always the guilin line sweatshirts these are just such beautiful garments and the Fabrics are just so comfortable the gildon 18,000 and the gildon 18,500 are both fleece lines so they're super soft they're not that heavy and these are just a staple sweatshirt and hoodie that I've seen sell on repay in my shop throughout the year and again they're Evergreen staple products to have in your business so I'm just going to pull up the guilin 18,000 and some of the colors that you'll notice with the gilin 18,000 that really have been selling on Etsy are colors sand Ash white and black and also Sports gray all these colors have just sold consistently on Etsy for the past few years highly recommend the guilt inline sweatshirts they are great sweatshirts to sell now the other sweatshirt that must be talked about is the Comfort colors 1566 sweatshirt now the difference between the Guild in 18,000 in the comfort colors is the production fees you will have to price a comfort color sweatshirt much higher than a gildin sweatshirt so that's just something to think about if you want to add Comfort colors to your shop I will say Comfort colors has such unique colors though that you cannot really find anywhere else and again this just makes our shops unique on Etsy so I would recommend trying your hand at the Comfort color sweatshirts because just look at the colors I'm just going to show you some of my favorite colors um with Comfort colors you can offer the again favorite color pepper this is a huge favorite among uh Comfort colors lovers me being one of them pepper is just such a beautiful color the color butter is just such a fun color it's like a light yellow color and and I've just fallen in love with that color as well Lagoon blue there is shamb if you made it to this part of the video please comment below shambre dot dot [Music] dot and then write whatever else you want during this video I will make sure to Heart your comment because I know you are a ogp friend on this channel by watching this video to this part so there's also really fun colors like or kid and watermelon and we just need to take a moment and look at watermelon because this is just such a unique and just beautiful shade like I I have no words I want to order every single color I'm just in love I am in love with Comfort colors we're going to continue to drink wear as our next category to look at on what to sell in 2024 so drink wear is such a under talked about product type I feel it's talked about a but like not as much as I want to talk about it and that's why I've been making so many tutorials on this channel about drinkar because it's just such a great place to go first of all I want to talk about some Staples in drink wear one of that being mugs so mugs are again it's been something that's been around pandaman since the beginning of time this is one of the classic first pandaman products that came to the market with pronoun man now the classic white ceramic mug you cannot go wrong with the plus of selling a ceramic mug in your shop is the fact that you can sell it for a lot lower and still see a nice profit per mug that you sell with PR of five you can sell a mug with District photo as low as $3.39 of production fees meaning that if we were to price our products at let's say $10 we could see a pretty nice profit by selling mugs with perif bu that are just the white ceramic mugs so to kind of show you what the profit would look like I'm going to open up my Google Sheets I have my profit calculator on the screen so let's say we had a ceramic mug so I'm going to do my drop down here if I were to do ceramic mug and then we can add in white we'll do District photo it is $339 and then the shipping is6 89 so 689 if I went to my profit calculator and we add in the ceramic mug and let's say we price it for $9.99 and we have zero ads running we are not offering free shipping so profit per mug would be $455 now we do not by any means have to sell mugs that low I think that the retail value has been as high as $1 199.99 some people have sold it for $4.99 so um you know to kind of be mid-range is where I personally like to be as far as competitive pricing and even in the competitive pricing range we would be seeing $97 of profit per mug that we could sell with PRI so that's just something to think about is if you want to sell ceramic mugs I think that is perfect and 100% go for it now the other mugs that I have personally sold on repeat has been the accent coffee mug so if you're looking to go into drink wear this is a really great mug to sell I found that this is a popular mug that customers are buying right now due to the black accent so I would highly recommend this as well and if you're looking to drain if you're looking to drain if you're looking to sell drink wear I do recommend District photo because I've noticed that District photo does carry a lot of different drink wear and Decor so if you're looking to even scale out to decor items District photo would be really great print provider overall that if you had let's say multiple product orders on your shop you feel comfortable that you know it's all district photo just something to note as you go forward is the more print providers that you have you may be finding you're paying more in shipping overall just personally I wouldn't charge higher for my sh shipping or anything to compensate for that I think that would not be good overall for your customers and that might cause customers to just not buy from your shop going from the mugs I would recommend on what to sell this year I wanted to go to glasswar because chill just released a sipper glass with the wooden top and straw and this absolutely needs to be talked about guys because I am overwhelmingly just so excited that perfi has added this product and given the pricing you will have to consider pricing a little bit higher than most tumblers that are in the market tumblers I have seen go as low as $10 to $15 but for these zipper glasses the pricing really isn't that bad and I would not personally offer free shipping in my business for this type of product and I would not recommend it to those of you who may be looking to sell this type of product if we were to sell the zipper glass at let's say $1 199.99 we're not offering free shipping we would be looking at a profit of $7.20 and honestly that's not bad for glass tumblers even if we added personalization and other things like that that's just something to note as you go forward is this is a really great product to personalize and offer personalization with the next product to Showcase is one that I actually have on my desk right now it is the matte Tumblr so I'm going to give a close-up of this but this matte Tumblr is absolutely stunning and with these matte tumblers I've noticed that the best designs that work on these is just a white and black design so if you're doing a lighter colored Tumblr I've noticed that the white designs look so beautiful and I actually did a personalization on this that I found was just so fun and this tumbler is offered by fancy Fanny on pry so it is a really beautiful Tumblr to add I will say again this is a product that competitively it's it's still hard to compete because produ uction fees are a little bit higher now the next question people have is okay like how should you price these and for this type of Tumblr for you to see a profit it would be close to $29.99 at retail value if you throw in a sale or anything else then that's something you're going to really have to think about as far as pricing these tumblers so this is something I really want to say in this video is you don't have to be the lowest in the market and one of those reasons being is a lot of customers associate low priced items with low quality and a lot of people associate high priced items with high quality and this is a really high quality product I mean I don't know I feel like this video doesn't probably do this justice but oh my goodness just look at how beautiful this is I have spent $30 on tumblers especially personalized ones for friends and family members I have purchased on ay many tumblers for friends um and I've spent up to $30 so now how would this look like if we did sell these tumblers so for let's say $30 so I'm going to put in matte we will do fancy Fanny and then if we had printy premium 1734 we're looking at shipping of $779 so this is higher shipping so given your customer will most likely be paying closer to $40 for this type of tumbler that's one thing to know so if I were to make this $29.99 we would be looking at a profit still of $861,000 in the glasswar area that I would recommend so stemless wine glasses go a long way the glass products with PR demand are really great as well and they are packaged very tightly that's something to note as well is the glass that I have ordered with pfy has been incredible this is the point of the video we're going to move on to Decor products I would recommend so the list goes on and on honestly outside of what I'm going to recommend in this video but one top seller of just past subscribers I've seen on this channel and even my myself in my own businesses has been the scented soy candles by Lumia the scented soy candles come in so many fun smells that that sounds really funny but they they have so many fun smells and scents I guess sense is a better word isn't it that that would probably be better if I said that but with the scents that they offer they have Atlanta Whisperer Christmas warmth cinnamon vanilla coconut cream and cardamom clean cotton peppered passion fruit sea salt and Orchid on un scented white sage and lavender so there are just so many fun scents I do have a tutorial video I made on how to create candles I do recommend watching if you're looking to create candles in your shop but overall candles are just a good product so going over the home decor as well wall tapestries or tapestries I always say it wrong oh my God I said it wrong I said it wrong again I had a whole video where I did a tutorial on this and I said it wrong and that multiple times and I had to correct myself so wall tapestries are a really great product again link and tutorial maybe down below in the description I've done so many tutorials for a reason on this channel on these products because there is Market need for these it is possible to enter into these markets I know it's easy to get overwhelmed with the competition but there is a need and you may have a product that someone on the other side of the Etsy screen wants but they can't find yet because you haven't created it so the next product that I would recommend selling on ay is the velvetine plush blanket this blanket is one of the most popular blankets I have seen across Etsy this is considered a minky velvetine Plush Blanket so you may see minky in a lot of descriptions and SEO on Etsy this is the same blanket that I've seen sold over and over time again the last product that I would recommend in what to sell this year on atsy is pillows now pillows are just a really fun Decor item and it's something to go into around seasons so if you're creating decor for holidays such as Christmas or Easter or Thanksgiving pillows just go such a long way in any Etsy business with print on demand and there's just so many fun things that you can do with pillows now there is two types of pillow related products you can offer so you can offer just the pillow case or you could offer the full pillow that comes with the insert so that's something to note is a lot of sellers I've seen on Etsy offer either both in a listing and you'll notice that the sellers who offer a lower pric pillow tend to only be selling the pillow case not the actual pillow case with inserts again pillows these are just really high quality they're really fun to make for decor and again they're just a really great seasonal decoration product as well to add to a shop all righty guys so that is it for this video thank you all for watching and if you made it to the end of this video please comment down below what product or products you're looking to add to your shop depending on how many comments of what products you all are selecting maybe that tutorial may be coming in the future but with that being said my most common phrase on this channel comment down below like the video and don't forget to subscribe to get more videos just like this besides that I'll see you guys in the next video here
Channel: heatherstudio
Views: 11,508
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: printify, printful, pod, etsy pod, etsy, passive income, kittl, everbee
Id: Ovggu7pQ9rg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 54sec (1434 seconds)
Published: Tue May 28 2024
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