How To Perk Coffee - Coooking With Grandpa (Percolator Method)

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hi welcome back to cooking with grandpa this  is joe today we're going to make something very   close and dear to my heart coffee we're going to  perk it a lot of people don't know how to perk a   cup of coffee i'm going to show you my way and  you're going to come and it's going to come out   that it's it's going to be when you want to cook  make six cups you're going to get six cups at   the end of the coffee make because most of the  time people perk it and then they don't have   the same amount of liquid in they  start off right six ounces of water   to the coffee that they want i use uh two  tablespoons for my every six ounces and   uh and they don't get the same yield all the  time my way the way i do it you're gonna get   the same yield all the time and it's gonna  taste right and the way you want it to taste   okay first thing i'm going to show you is i i feel  this is my coffee pot and i love this coffee pot   this is a pyrex coffee pot i don't know why they  stopped making it you could see where your liquid   i'm right here is six cups i'm gonna make six  cups of coffee but i filled it up to nine and   i'm going to show you all about this now what  the first thing i do is put this on the stove   and put it to a boil so now i'm going to also   clear up clear up my my water when this comes to  a boil i'm going to show you what the next step is   and you don't have to use filtered water  you don't have to use any spring water   you're going to use sink water and and it's going  to get cleaned it's going to get boiled out so   i'm boiling the water first okay i love coffee  i've been drinking it all my life here we go take a look at that now i see i got my water comfortable boil it's  purified it's clean chlorine in this water is out   of it now i take it i add it up to nine cut nine  cups i want it back down to six now so i pour off   about not three cups it doesn't end up with  these three cups but then we put it back here   you see lorenzo we're close to six right  right on the six we're making six cups   i measured out my coffee and this is one  of the most important things you can use   you gotta use a filter because that takes  out the bitterness of the coffee and the oils   always use a filter and you you're gonna have  to figure out the strength of your coffee the   way you like it this is the way i like  it so that's what i'm making right now   but this is for six cups all right i got the  water level at six cups i'm putting my basket in you'll be you'll have to figure out your level on  your part that you're using now i'm going to put   it back and it's going to come start perking  and when this starts perking i won't time it   until i see that the color is starting to come  out a little bit you know brown like the coffee   okay now i haven't started perking now  you don't have a glass bowl so you're   going to start seeing your feet brown up here  through your gauge up on the top of your pot   that's when i'm going to start my primer  you can go six to seven minutes on this   let it pry for seven minutes six minutes you  find out what you like and do this and i'll   get back to you as soon as the seven minutes is  up okay we did our seven minutes as you can see   seven minutes now we're gonna take it off that  plane we're gonna put it over here and let them   settle down whatever's in the basket the water  in the basket let it drip down for a few minutes   and i'll show you in a minute where we're at  okay i want to show you now what happens here   i usually do this in the sink  but i'm going in here to show you now there's your grains out now if you take a look  at the level here i'm down to almost five cups   of coffee now i put in enough coffee into this  basket to make six cups six ounces of water   and my coffee to make six cups i don't have six  cups no more so what i'm going to do now is you   take that hot water that you took out and you  put this back in here slowly until you get to   the six cup level and you're always gonna have  the amount of coffee that you originally started   out with so i just put the water in here give  it a little stuff let it cool down a little bit   now i'm back up to my sixth level now you're  going to have to do this i guess you want to   figure it out where your pot is where six six  cups or whatever cups you're making you're   always going to lose water because it's in in the  basket so that's that's the trick just do that   and you're always going to have the same yield of  course the amount of coffee they just bought that   you really wanted to make and that's it now like i  said coffee is my thing don't forget to subscribe   and also don't forget our uh what was that  the uh scotty biscotti cookies we made   look it up over here you'll see it up there  enjoy it enjoy the coffee and the best cody's you
Channel: Coooking With Grandpa
Views: 4,910
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: simple, coffee, perk, percolator, easy, quick, perked coffee, how to
Id: D8cJknHlJEk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 40sec (400 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 02 2022
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