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I can't believe the wall twins they're right there that's one of them that's the other one hey welcome back I am Adam of the wall twins normally there are two of us Rika SH the identical twins that do food reviews and other fun things but with social distancing I've been doing a few things on my own including if you caught our last video my unboxing of the brand-new black stone griddle and air fryer combo I am so excited about it so today I wanted to make sure I get my seasoning done which is so important if you're new to griddling the first thing you won't really want to know is you got to get a good seasoning coat on to your griddle so you really got to get the seasoning down but before I do that I'm going to wash this now I was skeptical about this because so much of what I had seen people said you never want to put soap on your griddle and water you want to use hardly ever this is cold rolled steel because of that it is susceptible to the elements which will eventually lead it to rust so water is one of those elements that will make this thing rust the only reason I want to use water today is to really get all of the dust and other things elements that may have gotten on to it during shipping and by the way that is something that blackstone recommends you can check it out at their website they do recommend the first time you get your griddle to go ahead and wash it with some warm water and soap so that's what I've got here I've got my warm soapy water and then I've got water after to kind of help rinse it off I'm just gonna clean it real quick once we clean it we're gonna turn these on because we want to get to our seasoning I am so excited for that so the first thing I'm gonna do I'm gonna remove my regular water here now I've just got a regular rag all I'm gonna do is take the rag into the water and just really wipe it all the way down I'm gonna wet wipe every part of this world steel top and sides for sure make sure we get all the residue and everything else off of there take my rag get some of that water on there I'm gonna get into all the cracks and crevices just a little more just give it a good rubdown that's all it needs I want to rinse that I'm going to use my water to rinse here [Music] the one in only time the rear grease management system is going to fill up with just some clean soapy water but I'll dump that and we'll move on from there [Music] all right take my rag everywhere we use got that soap really want to make sure I get it here don't want any extra so penis gathering anywhere all right just about all Queen I gotta tell you having that rear the rear grease management system very convenient I like being able to push everything to the back now really important we want to make sure this thing is completely dry before I get to the first seasoning you know I'm out here fortunately in the Central Florida Sun this is going to dry it pretty quick but also I'm gonna give it one rubdown with the dry rag just gonna let this sit a few more minutes I'm gonna go grab my oil and we're gonna lay down the first seasoning of the blackstone griddle air fryer combo I can't wait okay I don't we let that sit for a couple of minutes this thing is bone dry and ready to go so it is time for the first seasoning so I've got my oil and what oil is that I just have your pure Wesson canola oil I did a lot of research on this because so many people swear that you have to use flaxseed oil the very first time it is true that flaxseed when used properly and really put on well it does give a really thick coat that does really hold well to the hold rolled steel it also makes a great nonstick layer the biggest complaint that people had 1108 for several months of use is that eventually it does start to flake the lessons that I've learned and what I've gathered is it really doesn't matter what else I'm gonna lay my first coat I'm gonna use about three tablespoons maybe a little bit more and spread that around it's the best way to get it going I'm going to crank the heat up let that set about 10-15 minutes and then we're gonna repeat that process very first seasoning I'm really trying to get a black coat because this is rolled steel every griddle surface will look a little bit different so let's go ahead and see what mine looks like really get that on there now for cloths you can use paper towels in fact Blackstone recommends paper towels are an easy rag to use you can just break off whatever you need and use them toss them however especially for the first seasoning I don't want any of those fibers from the paper towels to get into this seasoning coat so I'm actually using some cloth I actually tore up a whole bunch of these really good kitchen cloths I like them these are old but this is they don't have as many fibers as other cloths to do so this is what I'm using and all I'm doing is I'm really making sure that I just spread it around get a nice even spread on it now once I get the whole griddle surface covered I really am going to want to make sure I get up in the side all the way around I don't want anything not covered and although it may seem odd the backside now some of this is covered by the lid so I'm going to close the lid and get that backside again I don't think there's one square inch I don't think there's one centimeter that doesn't have oil on it so we're gonna go ahead and crank this on I'm getting all four burners going get that a push that was a one push start and we're all systems go we're gonna let that sit about 10 15 minutes I'll come back once that's kind of all burned off and I'll apply a second coat just as is I'm super excited I'm starting to see what I was hoping I would see which is some of the discoloration so right in the middle there we're starting to get that graying a little bit kind of like a copper color that's not rust that is just from that oil burning off and it looks like it's burning hottest right there and that's a-ok [Music] it's getting really dark now right in that center spot so I'm gonna give it just a couple more minutes like I said I'm gonna put some more oil on there really smoking good look at this little uh little tornado a little smoke tornado coming off the grill there what I'm waiting for is so that doesn't so I don't see it glisten and Sheen that I would from the oil when I first leave that surface I'm just waiting for a little bit more of that to burn off then I'll reapply [Music] now I've read and heard both ways that to apply the second coat that you want to get it cool again and then restart the whole process Blackstone actually just recommends that you just get right back in throw your second coat on while this is still hot and while this is going you can see I'm getting some dark dark red right in the middle of that looks like a great-looking surface at least right there in the middle so I'm gonna go ahead and apply my second coat now this time though it is hot so I got my handy-dandy long-stemmed tongs to help me with it so I'm gonna grab my oil rag and I'm going to go ahead and apply the second coat and same as the first time I really want to code everything and I'll come up and around the sides as well got to be quick it started to cook my rag here you can hear that as I go over that middle section there now up in the sides and I still want to get my outside here again I'm applying protection as much as a good seasoning for my cooking area they say it can last a lifetime that's my expectation that's my hope that's why I'm putting so much of this oil on there how many times should you oil or season your griddle those who assume you have to use flaxseed oil and you have to apply 8 to 10 coats 5 coats there's really no exact science I've got a really nice dark color right here in the middle but I kind of want more color throughout the griddle surface so I'm going to let this sit several more minutes here and I'm gonna apply one more coat and see if that does the trick if three is it then three is perfect you can do as few as one coat really as many as you need this is up to you and whatever you feel is best the best part about this it's not an exact science it's not perfect and that's the best part about it it's really hard to mess it up it's up to you it seems that really the only things you can do to mess things up on your griddle is neglected as long as you're not neglecting it and cooking often which is the whole point then you should be just fine the reason I decided to go for a griddle is on my charcoal grill it took so long just to get the right temperature and everything up with my charcoals just to throw on burgers and be done in 10 minutes I felt like the whole fun and the cooking experience was taken out I intend to use this all the time I used the griddle the electric griddle inside three four times a week because I am the main cook and I cook all the dishes on there I wanted to bring this experience outside on the new black stone so the intent is to use this quite frequently that is really black right there in the middle so what I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna apply one more coat and I think this thing's just about ready to go [Music] all right I need prematurely put the third coat on it's has been going for just about 30 minutes now I'm loving the color in the middle but I just want to make sure I get even into the corner so I'm going to apply one more coat give it 10 more minutes and we will call it good [Applause] [Music] even coat all spread out it's good to go I'm really loving seeing the color and come up and over the sides both right here along the front even climbing up and over water falling onto the other sides just with that coloring I'm loving this alright 45 minutes in and I think we're just about good to call it so I've got a beautiful color on this overall this was a lot of fun it did it performed exactly like I hoped it would like I had said this isn't an exact science this isn't perfect and that's okay and I like the color that mine turned out eventually the whole backs area and everything will we'll get that dark color as well but it just means it's going to get better over time all in all this worked out really really good the only thing is missing now the first cook that's coming up next so make sure you subscribe and hit the notification bell so you don't miss anything especially the next video which is gonna be the first cook on this I cannot wait to get some food on there to get some natural greases in there to really help absorb what the seasoning now there's three main reasons why we season the griddle the first is its well it's seasoning it's gonna get better and better over time it's gonna make your foods better have more flavor just gives an overall awesome quality tear food the second thing is is it gives that nonstick layer which will get better and better over time third and just as important as anything else is it's gonna keep it from rusting really quickly so as long as you're taking care of it and not neglecting your griddle you're gonna be fantastic for a long time I'm excited to get this cook on so I'm gonna wrap this up so I can go and do that I'm gonna show you a close-up kind of some before and after so you get an idea of what this looked like to where we are now so here we go this is the final product so there's still some that it will cook it off I've still left it on because it's not quite done but you can see that color man that looks so good that looks so amazing compared to what it was that looks like an excellent excellent cooking survey you know unlike a new car where you don't want to dig or dent or anything to happen to this the older Messier this looks the better it is overall so I can't wait to get to my first cook thank you so much for watching I hope this helped you to get a better understanding of how to season your griddle and what's best for your blackstone first of all let me just say blackstone you make a gorgeous griddle you make some amazing products I think Blackstone decided you know the griddle industry needed some bells and whistles you've done it this thing is fantastic I can't wait to test out the drawers gonna put some gonna cook some fries in there and we're gonna go ahead and get some meat on here and some other things to make this thing awesome don't forget to be looking for that video up coming and with all that being said thanks so much for watching I bid you adieu and a don't forget to Like and subscribe [Music]
Views: 869,261
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: HOW TO SEASON BLACKSTONE GRIDDLE FOR THE FIRST TIME, blackstone griddle, blackstone air fryer, griddle seasoning, how to season a griddle, how to season a griddle for the first time, how to season a griddle grill, how to season a griddle blackstone, blackstone air fryer griddle combo, backyard cooking, blackstone griddles, blackstone griddle seasoning, blackstone griddle cleaning
Id: YyeI1SL2fLs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 14sec (854 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 22 2020
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