Bringing A Blackstone Griddle Back to Life | How to Restore, Clean & Season Cast Iron Flat Top Grill

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it's that time of the year again it's grilling season and I thought I took pretty good care of my griddle top Blackstone but if you take a look it could use a little fixing so right here you have some Rust you have some of the stuff peeling up here the seasoning uh the corners here we got some buildup again rust right here there's a good spot right there that you can see this stuff coming right off so what I could do is I could refinish the entire surface um but that's a lot of work and basically grinding it down to Bare Metal the entire way this has been seasoned a couple times maybe I'll do that next year but I just got this last year so I don't want to go all out and totally refinish it I'm just going to kind of restore it a little bit so first step I'm going to turn this thing on and let it heat up a little bit so I'm G to turn this on I'm going to do high heat and make sure those are all the way up and then I'm going to let this heat up for about 20 minutes and then I'll turn it off just as a note do not leave this you're not supposed to leave this down for too too long so this whole process we're just going to leave this up get it nice and hot so this has been heating up for about 20 minutes you can see a little a little bit of color change in the rust he starting to see some of the oil come through here so this is going to loosen up all that rust and all the debris here so now we can turn this off and we're going to let this Grill completely cool down before we touch it so this has cooled down quite a bit it's still a little bit warm but that's totally fine I'm going to take a scraper you can use whatever you want this is a Blackstone um and I'm just going to scrape this down I'm going to start in the front work my way back and pull all this debris and drop it in the little catch right there so here we go scraping you want to make sure you get in these Corners especially over [Music] here so you want to make sure not to use any water in fact water is one of the culprits that makes this thing rust so just scrape this dry I'm going to make sure I get the sides pretty good along with this corner now here's where we need a lot of attention this is basically the main cooking area scrape all that right off look at all that rust you might want to try and go at a couple different angles with this because this isn't getting a whole lot of it this way but you might get some going this way if you have to it might help to take this cover right off get really good in [Music] there okay okay so this looks a lot worse than when we started but that's totally fine just expect that that's going to happen it's going to get worse before it's going to get better but now that it's all scraped down the next step is going to be to add some oil and use a Blackstone cleaning brick you can use whatever oil you want I'm going to use olive oil you can use canola oil vegetable oil there is also a refinishing oil that Blackstone has but you can just use regular oil so what I'm going to do is just pour a little oil on here and then I'm going to take my cleaning brick and I'm going to clean this real good just spread that oil around cover the whole thing really I want to concentrate where all this rust is and do the whole thing but this is going to help to loosen all that up and see how that oil is turning all rusty want to clean this whole thing real good and again you want to do this one that's cool and use oil not water okay I concentrate on the big stuff the big rust spots and then I'll do the same thing go to the front and work my way back do some circular motions make this all nice and even I'm going to start in the front and work my way over here now I think for now we're good with this so I'm just going to wipe this down put that aside now if you need to you can just take that off of the holder but what I'm going to do is take another Stone brand new one the reason for that is because with this thing you really can't get in here too well on the sides because this gets wider so the handle starts not working where it does work in the front but it's not going to work back here that way I can get these sides get a little oil on here in [Music] [Music] here have one more go around the whole thing here make sure we're good all right and I probably should have told you you're going to get dirty sorry should have mentioned that earlier clean this down make sure you have plenty of paper towels on hand cool now I'm going to scrape off most of this stuff not going to put a lot of pressure on I'm just going to gather this stuff now I'm going to take some paper towels and I'm just going to wipe this all down and try and get all this oil off of here all this rust that we've created this is especially why you don't want to do it well The Griddle hot so that's one wipe down to get all that oil off and you can see there's still Brown here once you take a clean paper towel and clean it like this put a little more oil that brown will start to come off I think this area is good but if you look over here this right here the rust I don't think I hit it as good if you wipe it the brown does come off but there's still more under there so I'm going to hit that with the stone and oil again and right here the seasoning you can see different layers I'm going to try and get that a little more even so that we don't have issues when we go to season it again just repeat the process until you get all these spots and it's okay if you start seeing the silver come through here you just basically want to get all that rust out of there so it doesn't come back so you have three layers you have the seasoning layer you have the rust layer in spots and then you have the nice bright and shiny silver right here which is how the Blackstone originally came before you seasoned it so just use this block use this oil this is a little dry this should have more oil um and then get it down as much as you can so like I said the rust doesn't come back we'll wipe this down again basically want to keep doing it until there's no color on here so the paper towels are clean okay guys let's take a close close look at this I think I didn't season this properly I think I put it on too thick and what you see here is some seasoning and then you have the metal here the rust seems like it's gone but there definitely could be some under here and this could flake off and just start doing what it was doing before um so at this point I almost almost decided to SE in this but instead I'm going to try and get this down more so this doesn't happen again you might not want to do this but I'm going to use a sander I have a brand new sander that I wasn't intending on using for this but what better way to test it out then on here and try and get all this stuff off and then we'll season it and bring it back to life let's give it a shot again you could use this but that's going to take a long time so I'm going to use this I'm not going to use oil because I think it's going to make an absolute mess so I'm going to use 60 grit and see what it does with this stuff see if it comes off easy if it comes off easy with this then it's probably like I said going to chip up and I'm going to have this issue all over again see I can scrape it off with my fingernail and I don't even have fingernails let's see perfect example see when I got that off that's rust right there so I definitely want to get that off where I'm going to have all kinds of issues going forward all [Music] right all right I am so happy I did that that got pretty much everything off and this thing worked good because it got in the corners um just as a note that's going to clog up really fast so it's up to you you can do it the hard way like I was doing before just do that over and over again or you can make your life a little easier but now I'm going to scrape this down get all this stuff off I'm going to oil it again and I'm going to use the brick the cleaning brick one more time and then clean it completely and then we should be good to go now hopefully because I learned my lesson all I'm going to have to do next time is use this nice even coats I'll say it again when I go to season it just so you know nice and even and thin and that is way better more oil if you want to you can go even crazier than this you're not going to hurt anything because this is cast iron it would take a lot of effort to ruin this thing that's nice and smooth just a tiny bit more oil that's not looking too bad you want it to be pretty clean I mean it's going to keep you know you're going to keep getting stuff on here unless you go down to the bare metal but this looks pretty good to me I'm going to start this back up but I'm not going to crank the heat I'm going to just turn it on right about halfway just want it a little warm when we season it okay let's get the seasoning now since this is hot be careful doing this if you have to use tongs I'm going to use just a paper towel uh I'm going to use this Blackstone griddle seasoning and cast iron conditioner so it says right here 17 in to 22 in use a tablespoon 28 in 2 tablespoons 36 in 3 tablespoons now I am just going to grab it like this but remember really thin coats really really thin coats don't let it pull up anywhere wipe it down and apply it while it's warm nice and even make sure you cover the entire surface don't forget the sides I'm just going to do a little swipe swipe okay now we're going to crank this up on high heat and let it burn off and it's going to smoke a little bit and you basically want to let it go until it stops smoking maybe 15 minutes or so Crank It Up and you're going to do this three to four times now see all this white smoke that's a good thing and if you notice it starting to change color that is also a good thing you basically want to burn off all this smoke before you shut it down and you want the griddle to turn like a matte black so it's been about 20 minutes it stopped smoking so now I'm going to shut this down completely and let it cool so this is cooled down but it's still warm and I'm going to leave it like this off while it's warm and apply the second coat and just do the same thing really thin okay the sides now we can crank the Heat let it burn off stop smoking second coat is done turn it off let it cool down completely cooled down but still warm third coat now we'll crank the heat okay now we can turn that off once it stops smoking let it cool so you can repeat that process between three and five times and you should only have to do that once the main thing to consider is to maintain that and the way to do that is every time you cook you clean it scrape it get the food off while it's still hot let it cool down completely and then add some cooking oil a nice coat over the whole thing this around the edges you can see if there's like coloring and right here it almost looks like it got too hot because all of these burners are right here and they don't really extend all the way so it gets really hot right here it burns that off and around the edges if it's a different color or anything that's okay the more you cook on it the more it's going to be seasoned the important thing is that this is all nice and smooth and flat and you'll know if you have to redo this like I said you should only have to do this once you'll know when you have to redo it if you start seeing rust or if you start seeing stuff flake off so keep an eye on that maintain it and I think don't do what I did and put it on really thick and at very high heat and I was doing it every time I cooked so hopefully this video helped if you had a griddle that looked like mine thanks for watching and then make sure you dispose of all of your oily paper towels properly damn
Channel: The Fixer 2
Views: 10,004
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blackstone grill, griddle, grittle, how to clean, season grills, how to season blackstone grill, how to clean blackstone, how to resurface blackstone griddle, the fixer, the fixer home repair, blackstone griddle
Id: 81LZzk9lm2c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 43sec (1183 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2024
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