How to Season a New Blackstone Griddle

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[Music] hey guys welcome to the flat top king you guys might have noticed we got a new toy you might have got a new toy too right the blackstone how to season your brand new blackstone let's go this thing is so brand new we didn't have time to take the stickers off right you guys have been asking and asking asking when are you going to get one now's the time so let's start the seasoning process listen i cook on my flat tops at least four to six times a week right i would say that i have average knowledge if not more before we even started the flat top growth process we dealt with cast iron for years you're going to treat this just like you would cast iron the oil that you decide to use is up to you do your own research we've got plenty of videos out there that express our views of the oils to use the biggest thing to know you're not cooking this is like a way above my pay grade process right so if you're thinking about using animal fats i would just shy away from that try to use the oil first there's a lot of information out there about that i'm going to show you my way and my way only first things first rub your hand across it this thing is super grainy there's probably a lot of dirt from transition and stuff like that also since this is rolled steel okay even when you get the dirt off of it it's a little bit bumpy i proved in one of my other videos on my camp chef that all i did was take a small piece of uh fine sandpaper just to knock off the edges that's the same thing we're going to do to this right before we clean it all we're trying to do all we're trying to do is just knock off those high points this is sandpaper 120 and i'm not bearing down super hard you're not going to hurt it or anything like that you're just taking this to a very very very smooth surface before you even start seasoning [Music] all right now that it's done i'm gonna have my wife feel it she felt it before she could feel kind of what i was talking about so i just kind of want to get her reaction to basically just give more credence more credit to the idea okay just put your hand on that see how much smoother it is i know you feel the dirt you feel much smoother that is i do to me it's a it's a it's a lot easier to start with a smoother surface than it is a rough surface right when you're seasoning it's all about stacking layers right many layers and that's what we're going to do all right many layers m-a-n-y and m-i-n-i which way do you mean both many many layers that's right all right we just got some soap and water down here and all you're trying to do is clean the surface of your flat top off just use your standard dishwashing soap we're not going to get into the myths about whether or not you should use soap or not there's so many tutorials out there we've even got our version i'm in the boat of you can use soap whenever you want to as long as you know how to reseason it soap is not going to hurt it if you've got a good seasoning that's just a personal preference i really don't see a reason why you would use soap because i think if you follow our guidelines of how to clean and how to reseason then there's really not ever a reason to use soap but in this instance right here the only reason why we're using soap is to get the gunk off right the excess oil the dirt the debris because once we start the seasoning process we want it to be very clean to begin with okay so this is just soapy water household detergent i've just got fresh water here just come back over it and just make sure it's clean as can be you can rub your hand over it to see if you find any high spots that's what i was doing without sanding down it's just leveling out the unevenness all right now that you got your surface clean brand speaking new we're going to turn our flat top on it's on at the source i think blackstone recommends you can actually put it on high for 10 or 15 minutes i'm going to drop the temperature down just a little bit i'm always so scared about putting my flat top on high because i've heard horror stories about warping so let's start low to preheat it and then we want to build the temperature up from there okay while this is preheating we're just going to quickly go over the oil that we decided to use today we have a cast iron video that says how to season your cast iron with avocado oil i'm a huge avocado oil fan especially when it comes to seasoning second on that list was crisco with the cost of avocado oil and everything else right now is so dang expensive crisco is my number two as cheap as this thing is this was going to get you all the way okay you got stressed about what oil you use i'm just telling you the dang crisco out of your pantry will work just fine all right we're about 10 to 15 minutes in i just turned the knobs up to hot after preheating on low and you guys can see that we're starting to get some color on the flat top that's what we're looking for caution caution caution i've done it before i think other people have done it because i've seen the photos when you're seasoning or using oil on a cast iron or rolled flat top this stuff gets extremely hot next thing you know you're down there with a spatula the oil splatters up in a corner or something like that and they get you on your thumb your fingers your knuckles something please be careful when you're seasoning your first flat top especially if you're new to the the whole idea paper towels i've got some extended tongs i've learned my lesson and all you're going to do is just rub that oil in now listen when you're doing this you want small i want to say small thin thin coats okay you want thin coats of oil and you want it distributed evenly you don't want any pulling any excess oil will there shouldn't be and lastly you want it to get on the outside or the inside and the outside it all matters okay so just take your rag you see how much oil is coming off on it that's what you want notice how the smoke's not rolling near as much that's a good sign um you can start noticing that the patch of brown it goes from black to gold to the traditional color it's starting to get bigger and bigger and that's that's the process of the seasoning so every time you add more oil your surface is going to get wider and wider so this is the second coat all we're doing now is the same exact thing white light light coat of oil if you've got too much just turn your paper towel over and let it absorb some of that oil you do not want caked up oil that's how you get gummy flat top residue and what happens is it will actually start flaking off and it's a nightmare to deal with if you do it right the first time you'll be rewarded in the end all right as you can see this is after the third seasoning our corners are still light that's probably i mean my guess is that's probably normal you guys can see that our band of brown and bronzing has expanded now the bronzing's all the way to the edges okay that's probably normal so i'm gonna think i'm gonna go two more times and we're going to show you the finished process after it's done two more times all right this is after the fifth coat you guys can see how much more coloring we got on it the flat top is extremely high hot you can see how much white it is right here in the middle that's obviously the sweet spot anything else that expands left or right up or down you can see the color is naturally bronzing almost all the way edge to edge that's a good sign it will take a while for your edges inside of the griddle to season as well but just remember every time you cook on it you want to take a good fat we prefer avocado oil so every time i'll cook on it from now on i'll just take my paper towel and make sure i'm wiping around the edges when it preheats and stuff like that one thing that we didn't mention earlier and i'm sure somebody's going to comment just relax just take a deep breath i use paper towels i've never found the lint to be a problem a lot of people swear up and down that you have to use a lint free paper towel a shop rag the blue paper towel a t-shirt i've seasoned my camp chef all the time i seasoned all my cast iron i seasoned the black stone at my brother-in-law's house i've seasoned a camp chef at my dad's house i've never once worried about the paper towels i used and it's never once bothered me i will say this there are difference in paper towels we get ours from costco i do feel like it's a better quality paper towel but it's not lint free it's just a paper towel it's not that big of a deal we've used crisco and costco paper towels and i'm confident in my seasoning all right after your flat top's cooled down a little bit i'm just adding the last coat of oil this is the oil that's not going to burn this is just protecting the surface just like you would after every cook if you notice that my paper towels are actually browned this is just the process of going over that hot griddle i don't really rotate my paper towels that much because your paper towels actually absorb all that excess oils and you actually end up using less oil because then you just take your oily rag go over top of it and it's done for you so that's why you might see my paper towels brown stuff like that hey guys there you go a super and easy way to make sure that your black stone is ready for your first cook season is the right way the first time and you won't have any problems if you guys have a question and i was not clear enough for you guys or you're nervous or anything like that just leave a comment below i try to comment as fast as i can just about every single day thanks for watching don't forget to press that subscribe button pound the notification button share it with your friends welcome the new edition you
Channel: The Flat Top King
Views: 319,925
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: flat top king, how to season a brand new blackstone griddle, how to season, how to season a blackstone flat top grill, how to season a blackstone griddle, how to season a blackstone, how to season a new griddle, how to season a new blackstone griddle, how to season a flat top grill for the first time, how to season a griddle, how to season a blackstone grill griddle, how to season a griddle for the first time, griddle seasoning, flat top grill seasoning, Blackstone griddle
Id: ZkXISfaUPko
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 56sec (656 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 17 2022
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