Seasoning Your New Blackstone Griddle - 101

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welcome back everybody you know there's a lot of information out on YouTube on how to season blackstone griddles [Music] I've been seasoning these griddles across the country for the last two years and the only thing I recommend is high heat and inexpensive canola oil but here on YouTube and in my travels I've noticed that most new griddle errs get very anxious very apprehensive when you mention seasoning their griddle top there's hardly a day that goes by when I'm not getting a question or a concern about the initial seasoning on the griddle many people have asked me why aren't you using flaxseed oil or do you have to use flaxseed oil or such-and-such told me if you don't use flaxseed oil you're going to ruin your griddle top this is nonsense oil technicians out there you don't need to use flaxseed oil don't overthink it canola oil works well olive oil you could probably use just basic corn oil peanut oil any kind of basic cooking oil will do the job perfectly fine so if you're new to griddling if you're watching this video because you just bought a griddle and you're seasoning it for the first time this is plain bear cold rolled steel it's not synthetic leigh treated it doesn't have a synthetic coating on top like a George Foreman grill it isn't stainless steel so if I took this as is I just threw it in my backyard for a couple of months it's gonna be covered in surface rust you need to put a seasoning on there and you're going to develop seasoning over time with cooking oil and with the oils in your food the seasoning cooking and care of cold-rolled steel is a lot like comparing the seasoning and cooking and care of cast iron that's the best way I know to describe it now each grill top is going to be slightly unique they'll all darken up and develop patterns in different areas let's continue with a light coating of canola oil seeing videos where people are telling you precisely how thick to layer the oil on the griddle but you can leave this science in the lab it's not that complicated now you're just gonna sit there and hang out and watch that oil burn off the griddle top when I'm on the road demoing how to use the griddles I travel light so I typically used paper towels to wipe the oil on the grill otherwise I recommend just using white towels and if you have them obviously a nice pair of heat-resistant gloves so this griddles been on high for about 20 minutes the first layer of oil has burned off was for a little more oil on there and we can continue to wipe that oil in to the griddle top and make sure you rub oil into the sides of the griddle as well and this is where we start to develop a lot of strong opinions in the world of Gribble seasoning many of the griddle errs the oil technicians that say you have to use flaxseed oil they have a specific number of layers of oil that they recommend or insist that you have to use I see postings from grillers who say you must do 5 layers of oil you must do 8 layers of oil one guy sent us a message saying I've seasoned my griddle top 10 to 12 times I don't know what to do now I'm so confused don't overcomplicate it we're not dealing with nuclear technology here we have a piece of steel and we want to get the entire piece of steel black so whatever method you use to achieve that is probably going to be ok the oil burned off so I'll apply one more layer [Music] my griddle has been on high for about 45 minutes but then again I didn't time it let's just start cooking I have a pound and a half of chorizo from bolder sausage straight down on the griddle top [Music] some people insist that you have to use bacon the first time on the griddle and of course that's crazy I used elf burgers the first time around on a lot of these I've used cheap yellow onions just to get a bunch of things on the griddle that have oil and that are moving around and creating that seasoning I still have some southwestern style egg beaters in the refrigerator so we'll use the egg beaters up on this little recipe and isn't that a beautiful thing chorizo and eggs perfect combination just use your griddle scraper to scrape off that egg residue and you remember my friend the rear grease management system the oil is like a wonder elixir to the griddle top it's gonna fill in any scratches any areas that are perfectly seasoned when in doubt apply oil I get messages from some viewers that say I left mines sitting out by the back porch for about three months and it started to develop rust well that probably means two things you weren't using it enough and of course it wasn't oiled well enough now if I'm at a demo I'm cooking all day maybe another four six or eight hours the griddle top is going to be completely blackened completely seasoned at the end of the day so seasoning your brand-new black stone griddle isn't rocket science and check out this new move I've been working on so thanks for watching today don't forget about that discount code Tod toven 10 that's gonna get you 10% off of everything at Blackstone products com you're also gonna get free shipping make sure you hit that thumbs up button leave a comment below subscribe like hit that little bell icon so you get notified when I release new videos and until next time this is Todd saying praise the Lord [Music]
Channel: Todd Toven
Views: 1,329,494
Rating: 4.9039721 out of 5
Keywords: blackstone griddle, seasoning a griddle, todd toven, make america griddle again, seasoning blackstone griddle, how to season a griddle, cast iron skillet, how to, colorado outdoors, traveling cooking, culinary manager, blackstone products, griddle seasoning, seasoning your griddle, care of your griddle, blackstone griddle care, spatula tricks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 7sec (427 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 13 2018
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