How to save on Groceries | SAVE THOUSANDS ON YOUR FOOD BILL | Grocery Haul 2023

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if you want to save half your grocery budget there's one thing I can teach you that will change everything and it's going to be difficult because it's an entire paradigm shift but if you change your way of thinking and use this method of grocery shopping I guarantee you you will save money I've been doing this for 15 years I'm going to take you with me step by step today in store at home show you exactly what I do and how you too can save money on your groceries here in 2023 with my help so without further Ado let's get going oh give me one of these and let's get shopping in week one of changing your way of shopping you're going to come with your standard list of what you're going to buy anyway so my list is pretty short this week I need Sriracha barbecue sauce and sour cream number two you are going to pull out the ad the weekly ad for this store you're gonna purchase your normal items that you would purchase anyway but you will also pick out the items on the ad that are spectacular deals and we will stock up on them for future weeks so things I'm noticing the boneless skinless chicken breasts at 1.99 a pound this is a stock up price most of the things I'm going to recommend to you today you can freeze them so they'll really last a long time if you're into that frozen pizza life I'm seeing my favorite freshetta pizza right here for 3.99 this is a great deal the thin crust Garden veggie the best frozen pizza I'm also seeing 1.99 a pound for spare ribs right here ribs are one of my favorite things so this is also a stock up price as well I'm noticing down here the bacon to 7 97 a pound this is an unmatched price on bacon all of these things can be purchased in advance and Frozen for later so we have our short list of stock up items for this week let's go get a regular list and stock up items and always keep your eyes peeled for clearance markdown tags let's get shopping foreign stickers with like bone-in chicken do you remember when they used to throw away the chicken wings now it's more expensive than everything else 450 a pound on clearance but I did find a package of cage-free chicken thighs for a dollar 80 a pound it freezes great super versatile you do a lot with it not the best price ever but this pork shoulder butt roast is 269 a pound I can't even pick it up this is an enormous cut of meat you can use that for four five six dishes I have seen it go on sale for cheaper so it's not my favorite but it's okay and this is also a great deal half pork loin boneless now look they're saying buy one get one free but make sure you know what the regular price is and what that will bring it down to so if you can find two that are about the same weight that'll come down to two dollars a pound and that is a great price and I would definitely pick up one or two of these and stick them in the freezer for later here great great deal I just have to interrupt this video real quick because I wanted to talk about building up a pantry now I know these days there are quite a few of different ways of eating whether there are allergies or diets that you're following food preferences I know some people can't get to the grocery store to build up a basic Pantry or their stores are limited I understand all of those things I'm here to tell you that thrive Market is the answer my friends they are sponsoring today's video so if you want an alternative way of stocking up on your pantry items from the comfort of your own home consider Thrive Market first of all because they have awesome products and second of all they are going to give my viewers a great deal today that will be the first link down in the doobly-doo if you want to go check that out Thrive Market is an online Marketplace so you can search by sales which is one of my favorite ways to do it you can search by products or you can even search by way of eating so if you're a gluten or a vegetarian or you're doing Whole30 or if you're keto you can search by that and they'll give you all all of the foods that fall under those items if you get the annual membership instead of the monthly it is the cheapest way to do it comes out to only five dollars a month and if you don't like it for any reason they'll refund your money in the first 30 days so it's a risk-free trial for you and even better for every paid membership they gift a membership to a family in need first responder or veteran I've gotten every order I've ever purchased in two days and I live in the middle of nowhere all of the packaging is recyclable and they will be the cheapest you can find for those products they guarantee their prices so much that if you ever find their product cheaper anywhere else they will match the price and you don't even have to put on pants and go outside so if you want to get that deal it's frugalfitmom they're going to give you 30 off of your first order plus a free gift up to 60 bucks it's the first link down below if you want to go check that out frugalfitmom 30 off free gift you can't go wrong thank you to thrive Market let's get back to the store when it comes to the produce section it's a little loud over here sorry you want to pick up your produce for the week that happens to be on sale for example this cauliflower is a dollar 69 a pound whereas the broccoli right below it is 250 a pound so this week I'm gonna the cauliflower instead of the broccoli another option that you can always use is pick up frozen vegetables they don't go bad they're usually about a dollar a pound it's a really really easy way to add a vegetable to a meal throw something into a stir fry that's one of my favorite ways to do it of course stick to less expensive vegetables right now not peach season so won't be buying peaches we're coming into strawberry season so I'm going to keep an eye open for strawberry sales I said mom has a special eye cream for what I didn't see any and the one the one though in the four aisles the thing is because I know this store and I've been shopping at this store for multiple years wandering the aisles taking a few minutes looking for these stickers because I know at this store this is what they look like you gotta exercise your eyeballs so you see this stickers I can do a quick peruse of aisles and I know on the bread aisle sometimes they'll sticker the bread and leave them where they sit instead of moving them to a bakery clearance or a clearance table and at a dollar twenty for a loaf of thick sliced whole grain bread I feel like this will work really well this is also another great item to stock up on because it freezes very nicely for week one of shopping we are done at the store we picked up not only our shopping list for the week we also picked up some sale items and some clearance items for week two and week three that we're not going to be utilizing right now I spent 82 dollars on today's grocery haul which included items I needed for this week's meal plan yours might look different the things that you buy normally right that's kind of where we're starting because we're starting from scratch on the buying ahead part of it so first of all I have my condiments over here I have two types of barbecue sauces that is a little overboard you don't need to but if you've never tried the stubs spicy and you like it spicy uh can recommend but condiments themselves they last a very long time you don't have to buy them very often so these are great things to purchase in advance especially when they're a good price next up I mentioned the frozen veggies in the store I got these mookie mummies I have no idea if that's how you say it it just sounds funny because I love these I like to have them just on hand for an easy side I also have some miso broth some pad thai noodles I thought I could do like an easy soup with these but because they're frozen I can let those sit for six weeks and deal with it later next up I have my proteins kind of laid out in front of me I have my two packages of ribs I can put these in the freezer just like this they're already like vacuum sealed up like this and again I don't have to worry about these until next week or the week after I bought them because they were a great price and so when I want ribs they're there waiting for me I don't have to pay four dollars a pound or five dollars a pound same deal with the chicken now I have absolutely put this package just like this in the freezer however I have six basically adults I have three teenagers almost for six people in my family so this is kind of one meal unless I shred it up but if you have a smaller family feel free to break this down wrap it in Saran Wrap put it in a quart size Ziploc baggie you know maybe four thighs and one would be fine and then freeze those remember to date them and then what they are but again I'm gonna put it in the freezer I don't need to worry about this now so these three packages this is not a ton of room in your freezer unless you also add my three loaves of bread you can meal plan with it right now or save it for later via the freezer I've been freezing bread like this all bread products forever for like 20 years I put it in the freezer just like this in this bag just like that and if you're not a big bread eater you can just stick this in the fridge and pull out your two slices for toast in the morning it will last so long another thing you can do is actually just use it for the meal plan this week maybe adjust what you originally had you found clearance bread so now we are doing French toast a breakfast for dinner situation have you ever done like paninis for dinner that's a huge hit in my house grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup on the tomato soup I have never found a recipe I've liked and then the rest of my haul was just vegetables fruit some sour cream because I was out some milk that's about it because I have a fully stocked Pantry I've done whole videos on how to start a pantry what you need in a beginner Pantry from Dollar Tree and Walmart so if you want to check out that video I will leave it down below okay this is it for week one but we have some items stocked up now the bread and the meat and some condiments I'm also assuming a basic Pantry so I will see you on week two welcome to week two of your meal planning now I like to approach week two with a few items number one I have my shopping list and you can do something as simple as a blank piece of paper with a line drawn down the middle of it like this so you'll do your meal plan on one side and your shopping list on the other side you could also use your phone for your shopping list so I will take 10 minutes right now and check out the sales on the ads for this week now your stores that are not going to have these sales are going to be Walmart Walmart will not have sales like this WinCo will also not have sales like this it is going to be your more expensive stores so the first step is as far as lunches and breakfasts go right down your normal list do your normal list that you would always do but you are going to keep in mind that we stocked up on that chicken and the ribs from last week so those are options for dinner so start with your regular list and I'm going to make note of all of the things that I think are good prices so here at my Kroger store I am seeing a dollar 48 for green grapes green grapes are the superior grape in case you did not know I see 73 lean ground beef at a dollar ninety nine a pound now 73 lean is a pretty fatty cut of beef but it makes great Burgers so 1.99 a pound is not too shabby for a stock up price it's great to have on hand something like this and when's the last time you saw ground beef for under two dollars a pound not forever so I will also put ground beef on my list for 1.99 a pound I do like to write the prices down next to the item so if I check another store and there's a better price I'll make note of that two pounds of breaded butterfly shrimp for eight dollars that's four dollars a pound for shrimp that's already been breaded and butterflied that's a great price 18 ounces of blueberries for 2.99 if you're into that blueberry life maybe now is the time to stock up freeze a few of them keep them for fresh as well cereal for a dollar 29 for post Honey Bunches of Oats almost a dollar a box with no coupons or anything easy easy easy now this one is a digital coupon but as long as you have the app on your phone it takes two seconds it's super easy to do I'm also noticing cheese Tillamook cheese 350 a pound might as well get one or two of those they last forever okay that took me like four minutes to go through this first store so now I'll go through the next door like if you have an Albertsons or republics sometimes Aldi has sales that come out you have a local store like um like a HyVee or something like that you can look at that I'm gonna look at my local store this is just in Idaho now I don't shop at this store very often because their prices in general are quite high but sometimes they do have a great deal so I'm just making note of that so my local store has one pound no 28 ounces of peanut butter for a dollar 49 wow I'm not buying peanut butter because I have too much in my stockpile right now but if I were to be looking this would absolutely be on my list and you can buy five of them at one time like now we're talking about a stock up something you can get super cheap and then use for the next year this store has 80 percent lean ground beef for 279 a pound so if you're more in the market for an 80 instead of a 73 it's slightly higher but it's still under three dollars a pound I still think that would be an amazing stock up I've got carrots and cucumbers for 88 cents and I have a five pound bag of potatoes I do live in Idaho what are potatoes where you guys live is 250 for yellow potatoes that's pretty good Albertsons has chicken breast bone in for 99 cents a pound one pound of pasta for 88 cents this would be a great chance to stock up on pasta and last week I I missed out on the bacon at Kroger because it was all gone this one is the same price 377 per pound of bacon at Albertsons that is a fabulous per pound price so my peruse threw the three grocery store ads on my computer took less than 10 minutes I now have a full list of products that are on sale this week so my options are I can meal plan based on what is on sale or I can meal plan what I already have and some things I just like in general and stock up on these items for weeks three four five how about I do a combination of these items some things that I'm definitely purchasing this week based on the sales produce wise I'm doing the green grapes at a dollar Forty Nine a pound Tomatoes at 1.99 for the like cherry tomatoes the one box of the post Honey Bunches of Oats a dollar twenty nine I think the limit is 5 five I would buy all five and buy all of the milk added those blueberries and you are set for breakfast for the whole week for like under 20 bucks assuming you didn't have anything to begin with I've got the two pound block of cheese for right at seven dollars which is pretty good the peanut butter for 1.49 those last so long it's a great Pantry staple and then the pasta at 88 cents a pound I would get five or ten of those Just for future obviously when you're making a meal plan based what's on sale you do have to consider what your family likes so I can give you a sample one of what my family likes things that we enjoy eating so I would do the shrimp with baked rice and a salad and I only liked a meal plan maybe four or five dinners for the week because we typically have leftovers or we do an easy night like like BLTs in fact I'll put BLTs on here because the bacon is on sale and the tomatoes are on sale I have ground beef and pasta are great prices so I would love to do some kind of homemade Ragu Sauce with pasta and because bacon is also on sale and and milk and pasta still I'm gonna do two nights of pasta this week and One's Gonna Be a pasta carbonara I also have the chicken breasts the carrots the potatoes you could do a wide assortment of like a chicken noodle soup a chicken casserole barbecue chicken with baked potatoes on the sides and another salad or some roasted carrots in the air fryer it's my husband's favorite way to eat them okay I just put together five meals based on what's already on sale and I didn't even touch my stockpile from last week I bought chicken thighs last week and the two packages of ribs so I could still save those and these deals are so good maybe I get two packages of the chicken breasts I use one this week and I use one next week that's another stockpile you can freeze any of these proteins this cheese you can freeze that you can even freeze the milk if you're not big milk drinkers buy it on sale and Chuck that in the freezer I think we should hit the store with our new list and pick up a few things for week two and another stockpile for the future now remember I'm only at this store for the vegetables mostly because I already have peanut butter but you do want to make sure you check out the clearance Bakery racks because I'm seeing these made a door loaves of bread two dollars off so it's 1.99 a loaf that's pretty good for something like this I have this like English toasting bread I also like to keep my eyes out for clearance tax I saw some chicken for a great price I'll keep looking but with the veggies I'm essentially done in here it's time to hit the next store sometimes people will get on to me about going from store to store yes it takes a little bit of extra time but if you're super super serious about cutting grocery bill you do have to shop at more than one store fortunately this store to the other stores like a mile so it's not that much wear and tear it's not that much gas it just takes a few extra minutes to get the best deals so I'm gonna do a quick run around looking for clearance stickers if I don't find any I'm going to stick with the vegetables I have we'll head out and going to Albertsons next [Applause] lights [Music] here is my haul today now as I said earlier if I was actually starting from nothing I would have been purchasing all of the things I mentioned to you earlier in the video because I have a lot of those things I'm not going to purchase them now I spent 15 dollars at the first store and 45 at Albertsons Albertsons was quite a bit because of this these were a little over 11 each and if I was a beginner at this I maybe wouldn't purchase this at all or only one and spend the bulk of my money stocking up on other cheaper proteins like the chicken perhaps some more cheese but because I am fully stocked personally on all of those items bacon is not something I see a good price on often and I really enjoy a thick cut piece of bacon uh so I love to pick these up and stick them in the freezer to meal plan later in fact because I see bacon and potatoes I'm already thinking Zuppa Toscana copycat at home it's one of our favorites it's delicious and I love being able to have like sausage and bacon on hand so I can whip up this soup it's a family favorite other things I got at Albertsons was the cheese oh Italian style I meant to get mozzarella oh well this one's fine I wanted to make some homemade pizza as I have some pizza sauce and some pepperoni in my fridge just didn't have any cheese to put on top of it so I did get one of these also these freeze amazing you saw the cucumbers in the store the potatoes in the store and the carrots in the store I did get a few packages of angel hair mostly because this is my daughter's favorite pasta shape of all of the shapes and I didn't have any so if she's gonna reach for pasta like if she's gonna make dinner for everyone she's gonna pick this one so if I was a newbie at stockpiling stuff because these were only 88 cents each I probably would have picked up 10 of them and put them in the pantry for some long-term food prep for the future moving into the third week of stockpiling you're gonna do the same thing that you've been doing but now on week three you have a serious stockpile of stuff you have several packages of chicken some ground beef that you have stocked up on some bacon you have some Pantry items probably some remaining vegetables we have some pasta in the pantry we're really really making a dent so in week three we will kick off the meal planning with hey let's have ribs for dinner one night I already have them and the barbecue sauce I just need a few sides and then we're cooking something with our chicken the next night we're cooking something with our ground beef so that's how we're beginning the meal plan on week three but also checking Those ads again take 10 minutes and make your list of things that are on deep deep discount and add the fresh items as filler for the week and remember to keep on stock talking up on the great deals so you can save money long term now this is not a quick fix when it comes to your grocery shopping but over several weeks and months of stocking up on things when they are very very inexpensive and then pulling from that later you will be shocked at how low your grocery bill and budget will be in one two and three months down the road now I've been shopping like this for 15 years so my grocery budget is routinely extremely low because I have amassed such a backlog of pantry items of things in my freezer because I'm constantly eyeballing what's on sale what can I store for later and then meal planning from that if you love grocery hauls and you want to check any more of those out I will leave them down below I have a ton of videos on cooking if you want to see some Pantry cleanout videos for 2023 I have a full playlist of those as well don't forget subscribe if you haven't done that yet and don't forget to check out Thrive Market if you want to pick up that 30 off plus a free gift first link down below I hope this video was really helpful to you in figuring out how to shop the way that I do to save as much money on your groceries as you can and still eat delicious food thank you for hanging out with me today until next time happy eating [Music] get out you're doing puns so I'm so glad that we have great traffic aren't you glad that I'm helping you with this [Laughter] one stop that
Channel: Frugal Fit Mom
Views: 366,031
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: frugal living tips, frugal hacks, frugal living tips and ideas, frugal living hacks, frugal living, saving money tips, frugal, frugal living ideas, ffm, frugal fit mom, frugal habits, frugal tips, budget, large family, grocery budget, grocery haul, grocery haul 2023, grocery haul on a budget
Id: KoCj4fsht3g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 50sec (1370 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 02 2023
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