9 Reasons you CAN'T save MONEY | Old Fashioned ways to save? | Money Habits

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have you ever looked in the mirror and wondered what is the matter with the person in the mirror why can't this person save money why can't I get my finances in order well I stumbled across something that may have the answer for everyone I'm going to share with you today so hook me up with a thumbs up subscribe to the channel if you haven't done that yet and let's talk about why so far we haven't been able to win with money if we haven't met before my name is Christine and I'm the host over here at frugalfitmom my goal is to help you live the life that you want without breaking the bank but fun for Finland as well so I was at my mom's house recently on her bookshelf I found this book have you seen this before the tight wad Gazette by Amy decision is how you pronounce her name now this episode or this version was published in 1989 I'm not gonna verify that right now nope I lied it was 1992. so 1992 and now it's 2023 and I'm wondering are these even relevant today so I took it from my mom's house and brought it home and started perusing it and guess what I found a whole page dedicated to reasons people cannot are these accurate is it just filler pages in a book I don't know so I decided to peruse them read all of these things and I'm going to share them with you today but essentially what it comes down to are Lies We Tell ourselves and excuses we use to justify why we can't save money so far I think most of these are up for debate as in if you're claiming these excuses I think you could probably do them as well it's just a matter of telling yourself a different story let's go through these nine reasons that people can't save money and you can decide for yourself do these describe you are these the reasons you can't save money and let me know down in the comments which one is one that you absolutely cannot change I'm just no good at cooking now I feel like this is a really really valid reason if you know me and my channel you know that I'm a huge proponent of cutting the grocery budget and learning to cook just some basic items can save you so much money you do a home-cooked meal in place of going out to eat You're Gonna Save oodles and probably eat a little healthier as well in fact I have hundreds upon hundreds upon hundreds of cooking videos here on my channel I'll leave an entire playlist for you down below I even have three e-cookbooks for a couple of dollars I'll leave those down below as well family tried and tested here's the truth nobody is good at cooking from the beginning everybody has to try it out fail a few times and figure it out in the process so if you're a beginner at the cooking don't feel like you need to compare your bread making skills to my bread making skills because I've been doing it for 20 years and you've been doing it for one day that's not a fair comparison even a little bit and it can be something as simple as what do I like I love chili I'm going to try and make chili myself and if you don't want to raise your own cows and grow your own beans and take care of the dried beans and grow your own vegetables to put into the chili and dry your own chilies and grind them up for the chili powder store-bought is just fine reason number two you can't save money I think this one's hilarious honestly and goes right in with the first one is my family won't eat casseroles listen some people just don't like casseroles and that's okay there's a lot of other ways to make delicious meals that don't involve casseroles but if you want to try some casseroles that don't suck I made a whole video on that I make casseroles almost never casseroles are not in my regular rotation it is not something I gravitate towards even though I have no problem with them personally but it's just not something I go to I'm more of a protein and vegetable sides kind of girl so I like a really delicious flavored protein maybe with a little sauce and some delicious vegetables on the sides that's that's kind of my go-to when it comes to prepping a meal you don't have to eat casseroles to save money that's what I'm saying I have frequently told myself the lie that I am not a creative person perhaps you have also told yourself that you are not a creative person mine stemmed from talent shows people at church and people at school would sign up for talent shows and guess what talent shows are they are Performing Arts I have no skills in Performing Arts therefore I believed I had no talents and that I was not creative as it turns out that's a complete lie I am creative and so are you you might even be wondering what the heck does creativity have to do with saving money anyway my friends it's one of the most important things is finding creative ways to have a fulfilled life without spending cash all the time is the only thing you can think of to have a good time is to go out to a restaurant and a show that's not all there is you can do other things we just have to approach it a little differently and a little creatively if you think the only way like watching your favorite TV shows and movies is to stream every single service possible when I do budget breakdowns on my podcast I have a lot of people that spend a hundred dollars a month on streaming services my local library has basically every TV show every movie it is all on DVD so you still have to have a DVD player you can pick one of those up at a thrift store and you can watch all your favorite stuff for free with your library card you know what else you can do for free you can try out double for 30 days for free with my code down below audible is sponsoring today's video and I'm very very excited to partner with them today to talk specifically about mental health and how audiobooks and content on Audible can help you out with that so during the month of May I'm very excited to join audible in raising awareness for mental health providing support and giving education so I want to talk to you about a couple of books that I think would be really really useful and one in particular that I really enjoy how does audible work let me tell you every month you get one credit to purchase a title which stays in your library forever you also have access to the plus catalog all the time like everything that's in the plus catalog you can use that as well members also get full access to a complete list of audio books music audible originals and podcasts including my podcast the frugalfit mom podcast you can listen across any device my personal favorite is my phone I pop in some headphones I go about my business I do it while hiking I do it while biking I do it while cleaning the house with carplay in my car you could also do it on your computer so Studies have shown that to create good mental health you need habits that you do every day and I'm a huge fan of the book The Power of Habit by Charles duhigg it teaches you the importance of creating habits how to do it successfully and how it impacts your mental health I cannot recommend this book enough I'm also really interested in how nutrition affects mental health there's a couple of books that you could listen to on Audible for that as well one of them is nutrition Essentials for mental health another title in my library that I can highly recommend I've talked about it before is called dopamine Nation by Dr Anna Lemke as it talks about this day and age of constant stimulation in the form of social media and instant gratification and what that can do due to our mental health it's really really fascinating but if I had to pick one title for you to start with today it would definitely be the Power of Habit I think it's a must listen for everybody so if you want to try out Audible for free for 30 days and check out this book The Power of Habit all you have to do is go to audible.com frugalfitmom or you can text frugalfitmom to 500 500 and you can try it for free for 30 days 30 days for free to see if you like it at all you can't go wrong with this deal audible.com frigglefitmom or you can text Frugal the mom to 500 500. if you have a favorite audiobook that you really enjoyed that I didn't talk about today let me know down in the comments I'm always looking for new ideas I'll have all of the audiobooks I recommend down in the description along with that link to try them out this next reason you can't save money I am quoting word for word out of this book so don't get mad at me I'm just the messenger my wife spends everything I save you could fill that in the blank with with anybody my husband spends everything I save my kids spend everything I save my partner spends everything I save money you should not buy anything the Studies have shown that money problems money fights are the number one cause of marital discourse of partner arguments and divorce so maybe you're already with someone and you're struggling with this it's okay to set goals together and see if you can achieve a common goal together and then maybe you can get there and if you're not with someone yet I would urge you to have the money and finances compatibility be one of the top things that you look for in a long-term partner hey what would you say to someone who is in a partnership with someone and they don't see eye to eye on money what would you say the success rate is on them being financially secure oh poor low you think very low very low do you think finding someone that you are compatible with would be better than trying to create a compatibility in that topic that's a [Music] habits were not the same as yours yours but I was I was open-minded to it so you have to gauge someone's flexibility and open-mindedness to adjusting and bringing your goals together you know wave have you ever heard that teenagers are expensive I got a few of these are you guys expensive probably probably let's talk about the huge teenager expenses and how we can mitigate those I'd say a lot of them are not necessary let's let's go braces are braces necessary [Music] it depends no no they are not necessary are they necessary to life to survival no no no no no they're not a big expense for this one over here is car insurance do you have to drive no no that's a privilege that's not a right can your teenager who drives have a job to help pay for insurance yes yes how many of your friends have cell phones like like iPhones all of them all of them all of them um do you have a phone do you have a phone not exactly so are you saying that cell phones are not necessary nope I'm sorry no no it's not necessary um obviously one of these feeling the social pressure for sure I understand that my decision on cell phones is one percent of parents but I also feel very strongly about kids not having cell phones too young I post a pic on Insta and only got like three likes I'm literally dying I feel like it's better for them yeah yeah they're super addictive like even for adults and now the dog is just like crunching on kibble oh my God you can clearly see that this one is significantly taller I mean this one's not growing at all but this but this is a significantly taller because you're growing so fast am I getting you a hundred item wardrobe every six months nope no we're doing like Classics Basics as you get to the height you're gonna be you know and then we can invest in a few more pieces yeah everybody's favorite argument on expensive teenagers I know you're gonna say that the food you gotta learn to cook if you cook basic stuff food that tastes really really delicious your kids will eat it I'm telling you here's what's super interesting you guys can back me up on this okay um beans and rice yay or nay yes because it's delicious and salty and and salty so I got dino nuggets on sale like at the store dino nuggets yay or nay yeah I I could not believe how much these kids don't like the dino nuggets like the ones everyone buys from Costco everyone buys it from Costco and my kids are like brussels sprouts pretty good asparagus depends how you it all depends on how you cook it the way I cook it yeah yeah it's yeah brussels sprouts yes or no broccoli yes or no it's a what's your favorite way I make it broccoli when you put it in the pot of like water and when I steam it yes asparagus yes or no yeah not really you don't like asparagus no I like other vegetables better but yeah it's good like what's your favorite vegetable um you really like your broccoli and I like broccoli broccoli and broccoli vegetables you're a freaking weirdo man I can't baby get out of my videos right now my favorite vegetable is potatoes oh yeah that one that one's fun hashtag carbs for life this next reason why you can't save money I actually think is pretty true but it also teaches an excellent lesson and the reason is that it is very difficult to make ends meet these days here in 2023 we have experienced massive amounts of inflation from the cost of gas the cost of food property taxes utilities and housing oh my curse words the cost of housing is absolutely through the roof and there are some bills that you really can't do much about can't really change your utility bills can't really change your house payment if you already have one however what we can do is look at our budget as a whole and cut down on the variable expenses that means the things that you can control streaming services gym memberships going out to eat entertainment haircuts travel you can could probably even cut your gas bill a little bit if you're more careful about how you run errands and if you can go hybrid and work from home sometimes that can also save on gas as well so really analyzing your needs and wants and this is something that I've talked about also if you're really trying to get ahead maybe you're finishing up some schooling maybe you're trying to pay off some debt the side hustle is King there is nothing NADA zip yeah unless you want to work 40 hours a week my husband and I utilized it for years as we were trying to pay off our debt on a one very small teacher's income and it wasn't just me as the stay-at-home mom that did the side hustles my husband did the full-time job and came home and did extra side hustles to help us get ahead financially and remember these decisions are not always long term they can be short-term to reach your financial goals a little bit faster that is a common reason people think they can't save money is because they think they don't have time to chase deals and my friends it's not always about chasing deals sometimes it is about deciding between wants and needs and really doing a self-dive into how you're spending your time because if we're sitting here scrolling on our phones they're on the Instagram on tick tock on whatever app it is that you like to do or watching tons of Netflix like just one more season and then I'll go to bed you actually do have time to save a little bit of money in some select areas and maybe for you it might be better to pick a few areas to save some money and leave the rest as it is it's one of the reasons I push the grocery budget the most because after housing for most people the grocery budget is the highest bill and the most easily cut because it's one of the fluffiest so if you're thinking I don't have time to Chase Sales consider this how much food do you throw away every week and every month because you bought it with good intentions and then never got around to using it that's money that's going directly into the garbage so maybe it's not about chasing sales maybe it's about really analyzing what you do need and what you don't need and then if you're doing any online shopping just use one of those cashback apps these days it's so easy to find sales to find discount codes to save as much money as is available to you one of my favorite ones is racketon used to be Ebates if you haven't used it I have a link below if you want to go check it out I think it gives you like 30 off your first purchase of 30 or more or something like that in addition to the percentage back of your online shopping anyway I can never find anything go to Thrift Store do you ever have people say that well sometimes I feel like I've said that I mean like I've said that I feel like we don't live in a place with great items it's a hunt we have found a few things but usually we walk away empty-handed more often than not yes so option number one would be to obviously go to a different town yes we have a unique Town situation it's just not going to work maybe we need to drive a little bit so if you want to spend the day hunting for some Treasures great here's another option you know those like Community or multi-family garage sales sometimes you can find better stuff there yeah because people kept it because they're like I bet I can get some money for this that's a great option I've also seen Facebook Marketplace let's let's do clothing for like lots a lot of clothing for a 10 year old boy yeah right and they'll have this huge wardrobe they're selling everything at once it's usually in pretty good condition that's another option so I'm gonna say think outside the box travel a little bit find a smaller one I don't have time to dot dot dot it's a real problem sometimes and sometimes it's in our heads you're saying there's some truth to that and also could also be used as a crutch I'm saying I've done both I've used it both ways there's been times I legitimately don't have time and there's been times I know that I like I look back at when I was a kid like when I I when I was in college and I thought I thought you were talking you were talking 10 year old kid okay college kid there's lots of times adult a real adult with lots of children and I really realize I can do a heck of a lot you're not that busy when you're in college what's least time consuming thing do to save money stop filling voids in your soul with shopping you used to shop from boredom or to film okay do I need to go back over the snowboard I had a really bad semester in college but I decided not to pay my car payment and instead of on a snowboard by the way the car payment went to my parents and I learned a lesson when they almost took the car away you know sometimes we get mad at our teenagers for making bad decisions and then we remain remember the bad decisions we made as teenagers and college students and we were like you know what they're not doing too bad okay so I don't have time to cook that's people's thing I don't have time to cook because if I cooked it would save money I don't have time make time oh that's harsh I know but like that's where I've had the best luck is like you just make it a priority it's all about priorities this whole journey of bars has been priorities so if you're a priority is to save money you will find a way no matter what yeah dude I request you bump this nice job we can't get that ever crap okay hang on hang on I'm gonna like do for my peripheral appreciation two three okay [Music] how does Lily and Marshall get that come on I'm gonna get it dang it welcome to the after show dumb stuff we said when we didn't know better ready I said I my kid will never cut their own hair I said that out loud oh did I eat my words on that one you can use this you want to know something crazy your forearm is the same length as your foot oh you can't see it on camera dude seriously yeah check is that why my feet or something no you have a selfie I do not have small feet I have big feet I have freakish longboard arms here's another one also about the kids uh I will never cut off the Apple skins for my kids apple slices well joke's on me guess how Andrew ate apples like this like a watermelon slice and left the peels no and left the peels all over the table yeah jokes on me when I was in college I totally did the like you don't understand how tired I am garbage you know who really is tired brand new parents with a newborn yeah those people are freaking tired the little denial Paris trying to potty train oh my gosh your wingspan is usually around the same height as your height my wingspan is actually taller than my height so is mine I was so stupid I'm embarrassed and I seriously can't remember any of them you you were so stupid that you're embarrassed to say things that you said I'm saying I'm not embarrassed I am embarrassed but I can't remember them because I have shunned them so deep I've shoved them into the deepest darkest parts of my soul so I never have to relive them do you want to do the prayer five with the prayer five up down outside here bro go that way Andrew get her okay okay it's up down we're gonna get people mad at us for that one too okay ready yeah look down laughs
Channel: Frugal Fit Mom
Views: 168,781
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: frugal living tips, frugal hacks, frugal living tips and ideas, frugal living hacks, frugal living, saving money tips, frugal, frugal living ideas, ffm, frugal fit mom, frugal habits, frugal tips, budget, large family, grocery hacks, money saving hacks, on a budget, grocery budget
Id: nGKE59SpTdE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 46sec (1306 seconds)
Published: Fri May 05 2023
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