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in today's extreme grocery budget challenge we are going to take our minimal amount of doll hairs head to Wally's world that's Walmart in case you didn't know and see what on the ever loving Green Earth we can come up with without buying any of these eggs in an extreme grocery budget challenge not up in here if you love grocery shopping budget cooking extreme extreme grocery budget crazy recipes and what the heck are we gonna do without any eggs we still got to eat breakfast all week and I have to feed six freaking people in my house hit that thumbs up button and let's see how far our money can stretch in 2023 for 52.20 this is everything that I picked up at a Walmart pickup I did want to mention that for this challenge I am assuming you have salt pepper and oil or a fat of some kind I did not include butter in this one because I found butter to be pretty expensive you can substitute margarine but basically no Pantry ingredient except for salt pepper and oil okay for breakfast we picked up your good old oatmeal old-fashioned some sugar to go along with that I do have a little bit of flour a little bit of surprise coming at you there some yeast hopefully I'll have enough flour to do both my breakfast and some bread it remains to be seen because I'm starting from essentially scratch on a basic Pantry I did spend a good bit of my budget to pick up some items to make my food taste better this week some baking powder vanilla cinnamon cumin Italian seasoning obviously if you are starting from nothing and you have to pick up things like this it will increase your budget on the front end but then it will make it lower in the weeks to come so these are not things I would have to purchase again most likely a big container of Oats like this will also last a few weeks while the 10 pound chicken leg quarters at Walmart is up a few dollars from previous years still one of the best deals you can get at Walmart this was just around six dollars we are gonna do all kinds of things with this this guy will last us the whole week make our own stock cook up all the chicken it's gonna be amazing moving on over I did splurge on some sharp cheddar cheese I like to buy the sharp cheese when you are on a budget because it's got more flavor you need to use less of it and I still think the Great Value original sausage is an amazing deal just a hair over two dollars two pounds of Great Northern beans the dried beans go so much further than canned beans and truly they're really not that hard to make three pounds of elbow noodles for under three dollars this is a great buy I have some gala apples they substituted organic carrots for my regular carrots so that was awesome we'll use these this week one can of petite diced tomatoes I have a couple of onions to help flavor my dishes throughout the week as well as one head of garlic I will be making my own cream of chicken soup but I didn't have enough products to do chicken and cream of mushrooms so I did purchase two cans of cream of mushroom these are pretty cheap about 60 to 70 cents a can this is such a brilliant buy I'm excited to show you this dinner a little bit later some potatoes a couple of frozen vegetables mixed vegetables and broccoli these are both under a dollar one gallon of milk that my husband decided to break into this morning even though this is for my budget challenge we'll have to go with a little bit less milk than normal I know it does not seem like very much food but we will really make this stretch this week so I hope you are excited for this challenge let's prep chicken I'm doing this in my instant pot because it's fast and easy and I like it uh you don't have to do it this way you can do a pot on the stove no sweat I have half the bag of chicken because this is a six quart pot here's the rest of the chicken we'll do another batch tomorrow and all I am adding to this is a whole bunch of water four liters of water is that what that says I do think you can pick up an instant pot on a budget I have seen these at thrift stores I see them on sale on Amazon a lot that's a lot of salt that's okay it's gonna be fine I got mine three years ago for right at fifty dollars on Amazon I'm sure you can find them on Facebook Marketplace uh the ones I have heard people finding at thrift stores are like 30-ish dollars so I think this is an amazing kitchen tool and I would recommend it to anybody and they're not scary just make sure your Seal's on this is set to seal right there plug it in it won't work if it's not plugged in I'm gonna go way longer because I have a lot of chicken in here so we'll go 25 minutes cook up the chicken make some stock I'll see you then now when eggs are off the table for breakfast you cannot argue the fact that plain old oatmeal is one of the most budget-friendly choices you can make there were some times in our lives where we indeed ate oatmeal every single morning for this band of six months and there's a few ways you can make it more interesting obviously I don't have brown sugar I prefer that with my oatmeal I have regular sugar but I'm a huge fan of cinnamon and putting fresh apples on top not actually cooking the Apple in it but fresh and crunchy on top is a really nice way to make it interesting we are also going to attempt to ground up some of this flour to make a pancake now I also have regular flour for some other breakfasts but if you just wanted to go straight out you could do that I have the old-fashioned rolled oats quick oats are also another option steel cut oats are probably my personal favorite because you can batch cook them at the beginning of the week and they reheat the best out of all of the options now oats are supremely easy to make on a stovetop in a pot the ratio is two to one so I have a family of six so I have six cups of water right here I will be cooking three cups of oats for one breakfast so let's get going okay now that my oats are in I will give it a little bit of a stir and turn my heat down so it doesn't boil over because these are not quick oats it will take a little bit longer for them to come together but they are so convenient when it comes to making homemade granola granola bars and that kind of thing a half a cup dry which is what each person is going to get is 150 calories pretty low in fat pretty high in carbs there is some Fiber in here and an astonishing five grams of protein so you do actually get a little bit of protein and fiber from plain old oats with nothing added and it actually looks like from this angle it looks like there's not very much in here but it's probably sitting at about right here and it wasn't full to the top to begin with so if you just did oats you could probably get away with five days of oatmeal out of this container if you're feeding six people or if the servings are larger it would be a little less than five days oops oh that's why I need more than one spin okay this is about the texture you are looking for when you are making the whole rolled oats it does take a few minutes I think this has been going for five to eight minutes or so so I'm gonna turn this you either off or on low I have a half a cup of sugar remember this is six servings and cinnamon I love cinnamon so I like it to be like super dark if a little is good more is better so stir all of that in and slice up our apples I'm keeping the skin on we'll not be peeling the apples but I do want you to keep the cores because we will be making something very special with that here is my quite large steaming bowl of oatmeal with a ton of cinnamon and I also like to add just a little sprinkle of salt it gives the apples like a nice contrasting flavor just try it and trust me it'll be good and this is one entire Apple if this is too many apples for you like this is a lot you can go half Seas that's just one apple you can even see the oatmeal anymore but I'm telling you this is so satisfying it's really sweet and real delicious now take this guy and set that to the side because we're gonna make apple syrup with that hey we are mixing up some eggless pancakes I know so starting with one cup of flour and then when you run out of your all-purpose flour you can take the oatmeal that you have and blend it up in a blender and use oat flour instead one teaspoon of sugar that's a little more than teaspoon but it will be fine a quarter to a half a teaspoon of cinnamon two teaspoons of baking powder I am measuring this one a quarter teaspoon of salt not that much just a little bit it's just a Little Mix to combine the dry ingredients here come the wet ingredients one cup of milk one tablespoon of oil of your choice one tablespoon of water one teaspoon of vanilla extract and we'll give this a mix in the meantime it is time to get our Apple syrup ready you could of course use anything that you have on hand to top these if you already have syrup peanut butter it's one of my favorite ways to eat pancakes Jam yogurt whatever to get our Apple syrup going I have some apples and cores and Stems cut up in some water that I am just trying to steep essentially like a tea so I can get an apple flavored water okay here's my Apple Juice I know it doesn't look much like apple juice but I'm gonna call it Apple infused water we're definitely going to add some sugar to this because it is syrup after all a little bit of cinnamon a touch of vanilla and once the sugar is all dissolved we want to thicken it up somehow now cornstarch would be the best choice but we don't have that so we're going to attempt a flour and water slurry here comes the flour and bring it up to a boil [Music] yeah [Music] you've seen the breakfasts for the video and you might be wondering what in the heck we're gonna have for lunches the idea is for most of it will actually be taking leftovers from the dinner before and having that for lunches we don't have it in the budget to create lunch specific items this week but all of the dinner recipes are so large that they truly can feed a group of people for multiple meals and of course you can always make my no need crusty bread I'm even going to show you how to do it without utilizing a dutch oven which is my favorite way to do it we're just going to do regular old bread pans and I have definitely seen those at the thrift store for a dollar or less in a large bowl I have three cups of flour a half a teaspoon of yeast and one teaspoon of salt my last ingredient this four ingredient bread is a cup and a half of warm water warm means you can stick your finger in it and it doesn't burn your hand at this point we're just going to Stir It Up it will be a very wet dough so this will sit on your counter not your refrigerator your counter anywhere from four to eight hours depending on how warm your kitchen is and how long you want it to sit this is what you want your dough to look like if it's a little dry you can add a touch more water but I'm going to cover this with Saran Wrap and put it away somewhere on the counter maybe by the stove and let it sit for at least four hours okay it's been about five hours and this isn't quite as bubbly as I would like it to be but I usually let mine sit for eight hours so I guess it's I guess it will be fine you'll notice it's really wet looking and kind of bubbly and I will be using just regular loaf pans for this so while I turn my oven up to 450 degrees I'm gonna get [Applause] a goose I'll pour it in here and let this sit for another 30 minutes if you 've got the second Rise while my oven's preheating to 400 Degrees as soon as it's ready I'm going to take this flip it upside down as a lid and bake it like this so it can create some steam on the inside oh that's hot after 30 minutes I took the lid off and we're gonna let it cook for another 15 minutes to Brown up but it is really looking nice oh my gosh it's gorgeous oh look at that just in your standard loaf pan now the real trick is you have to let this cool for at least 15 minutes or when you try and slice it it will crumble into mush now this soup was originally it's originally like a chicken tortellini soup but we're not doing tortellinis we're doing elbow macaroni because it was much less expensive but because I don't have a can of cream of chicken soup will make our own with some flour and chicken stock and a little bit of salt so let's do that right now okay this is my chicken stock that I made in the instant pot I will add one tablespoon of flour right here and a little bit of salt this is just salt from the Dollar Tree like this and we'll give it a little Whiskey Business we're just trying to create something that's kind of like a can of cream of chicken soup but not really so I'll just mix this until all of the flour is combined I may add a little bit more flour I'm gonna do two tablespoons of flour I think yep I think that will be good all right let's assemble all of our ingredients for our soup there we go homemade cream of chicken soup right there hey this is basically what we have going on the carrots the onion the cream of chicken our Pasta Italian seasoning and the cooked up chicken and a little bit of extra chicken broth and of course Salt and Pepper so I'm gonna chop up my vegetables right now and throw everything in this pot I have a handful of carrots this is like five pieces of carrot one full onion two cloves of garlic shredded in it goes I have my fake cream of chicken soup right here which is like flour salt and chicken stock slurry right there the original recipe calls for Basil and oregano I did Italian seasoning just because it's way easier we're gonna do well this is a tablespoon so we'll do a tablespoon I'm gonna do a nice two three maybe three cups of my shredded chicken that I got for my huge bag of chicken right there six cups of water I'm actually doing eight cups of water because go big or go home my friends I will add a little bit more salt I think that about empties this guy out it's probably half a teaspoon or so I'm gonna get this simmering and then I will add my pasta so the original recipe only calls for seven ounces of tortellini but because my elbows aren't filled with cheese or anything I think we'll do a whole uh maybe not a whole pound but maybe 12 ounces or so of just the elbows to make it more now if you have chicken bouillon please add that I don't so I'm going to add another couple cups of my chicken stock here to give it that nice chicken flavor we'll go ahead and finish this guy I do have more in the fridge pop this on the stove simmer for 30 minutes and then I'll add my pasta after that and we'll top it off with some green vegetables can you believe it okay my carrots are cooked so in come my noodles so we'll just cook the noodles in here and in about five minutes when the noodles are halfway done we'll add some broccoli it did end up being more like a stew um then a soup but you know what I lacks it thick and when it's time to serve if you have some Parmesan cheese hanging out in your fridge that's an excellent topper and always always remember to taste for salt for one of our meals we're doing a white chicken chili with half of our white beans I soaked them overnight so they are soaked but not cooked therefore I will do it in a crock pot you can of course do this on a pot on the stove or in an instant pot or however you want to do it this just feels really easy now one of the main key components to budget cooking is as few ingredients as possible so I do have all of my chicken which I will divide up into several meals for the week one pound of the dried beans the chicken stock I made from cooking the chicken I did splurge on some ground cumin for this and to make my ingredient list short I am using this salsa verde in here so with this some salt and pepper and some thyme we should come up with a really delicious dinner I added about two cups of the shredded chicken here both cans of the salsa verde is going in I will use a little bit of water to get every last Speck of flavor in here I do have the ground cumin we'll do maybe a tablespoon we definitely want some flavor this whole container of whoop my chicken stock which definitely congealed a little bit I might pull that fat off I might leave it I don't know what to do I might pull it off and add it later if it feels a little dry I will also add some salt and I'm gonna set this on high and check on it in a few hours for tonight's dinner we are going to do a little nod to The Pioneer Woman and her chicken spaghetti while tweaking it quite a bit because again the luxury of multiple ingredients we don't really have right now I have my elbow noodles which I got that huge three pound container for not very much two cups of my cooked chicken I did Splurge for two cans of cream of mushroom I have some sharp sharp cheddar cheese an onion and salt and pepper along with some of my remainder chicken stock everything else in her original chicken spaghetti recipe I am cutting it is one of ree Drummond's recipes that I really really enjoy so if you want to try the original I will leave that down in the doobly-doo below if you want to go check it out later this one is actually quite simple I have a pot of water boiling it's to cook all of this I'm going to shred the cheese chop up some onion and kind of like mix all this together with some chicken stock and bake it in the oven and it's going to be as simple as that okay while my pasta is cooking in this large mixing bowl I have one and a half two cups of sharp cheddar that I shredded I have some sitting over here for the topping my two cans of cream of mushroom a little bit of onion salt and pepper and my two cups of chicken so as soon as my pasta is done cooking we'll dump this in here mix it all up I am going to do a quick taste for salt and then we'll bake it in the oven for a while and that's as simple as this one is other things that Pioneer Woman does add to hers are some diced green pepper which I didn't buy Jarred diced pimentos and some cayenne pepper I just use regular pepper I figured that would be fine so it's definitely a play on her chicken spaghetti we will call it chicken macaroni with a Twist tonight for dinner we are starting with an empty crock pot and six cups of peeled and diced potatoes that we picked up we are doing a version of my mom's cheesy crock pot potato soup I have shared this recipe before it is on my website if you want to go check it out and the link for that will be down below we're just gonna tweak it a little bit based on our minimal ingredient so I have six cups of diced potatoes a half a cup of diced onion and at this point I would usually use water and chicken broth and salt and pepper and add evaporated milk at the end instead I am going to use some of my chicken stock that I have made I it's cold so it did congeal along with milk I did not buy a can of evaporated milk for this grocery shopping and I did not buy my favorite best meltable cheese American craft cheddar slices or Velveeta also works we're just gonna go with our shredded sharp cheddar here are three cups of milk to go with my chicken broth a little bit of salt and pepper lid on I'm going to cook this on high for three to four hours it has been a few hours and my potatoes are cooked I can add more milk at this point but what I'm going to do is add one and a half to two cups of the shredded cheese melt it in and then kind of get a feel for the thickness if I would like to add more milk at that point and then now we can taste for salt and pepper I will probably add more pepper but definitely taste your food before you serve it to everybody now like I said earlier the Kraft singles melt much much better than regular cheddar but I only wanted to buy one block of cheese for this challenge so the good shredded cheddar it is even though it doesn't melt quite as well this dinner is this recipe right here I got this a very very long time ago and I loved it because it uses beans and pasta and sausage I've been cooking this recipe for over 10 years in my house it's very budget friendly especially because we have some dried beans that we've rehydrated and cooked in my instant pot so they'll be easy peasy to take care of and right now we're going to get started on the sauce as you can see for the sauce I need an onion some garlic and my sausage that I purchased at Walmart which is not turkey sausage but anything any kind of sausage will work so we'll Brown this up with some onion and this garlic and then add the remainder of the ingredients okay my sausage and onions are cooked and onions translucent at this point so two cans of diced tomatoes um I'm actually using one can 128 ounce can of diced tomatoes what is the equivalent of two cans of cooked beans so I'll use this can as my measurement here come my two cans of white cooked beans one cup of chicken broth and some spices I have about one tablespoon of Italian seasoning mostly because it was less expensive to purchase this and I can use it for more things rather than buying like fennel and other things I will also add some salt and pepper and I gotta run to the fridge and grab my chicken broth as well now while my sauce is cooking I am boiling up one pound of my macaroni noodles in some salted boiling water now that all of my ingredients are in here's my gelatinous chicken broth right here uh we're gonna simmer this for 15 minutes once it comes up to temperature taste for salt and pepper and then as soon as the pasta is done we'll mix this in with the pasta and that's the dish what's interesting is what I have left over over here I do have a good amount of the white beans left over and remember I've already used half of that two pound bag for my white chicken chili we can stick this in a baggie and stick it in the freezer totally cooked beans like this freeze really really well and make meal prep later extremely easy taste for salt and pepper if you happen to have any cheese hanging around parmesan cheese whatever you can also serve that alongside it a salad would be delicious I'm going to go ahead and cook up my frozen broccoli and serve that on the side and we are done our last dinner of the week is going to be a chicken pot pie this is one of my all-time favorite meals it is one of my favorite clean out the fridge meals and crowd Pleasers it's really easy to bulk it up with some potatoes which I have left over I do have an onion left the remainder of my chicken a ton of carrots my bag of mixed vegetables which I haven't used yet this is actually chicken fat that we will use to help us make our crust I saved it all week to use with the rest of our flour to make a top crust only and then we'll use the rest of this chicken I'm gonna make the filling first because what's great about chicken pot pie is you can pre-mix the filling stick it in the fridge put it together the next day you can even freeze the filling and pull it out months later just add a crust or biscuit and you're done what I will kick it off with is simmering my vegetables in some chicken broth until they are soft with some salt and pepper obviously hey I have a pot that I have not turned on yet but I'll I'll preheat it in two seconds and all of my remaining vegetables from the week the remainder of the potatoes my last onion some garlic the rest of the carrots um can you kind of see all of that in here this is a large liquid measuring cup obvi I have probably more than 10 cups of vegetables in here and we will dump them all into this pot please fit oh okay yes Hallelujah so cover this up with water salt chicken broth uh whatever you have on hand until it's barely covered and simmer until soft there we go here's our water that I'm spilling everywhere hey Haley you want to wipe off the stove no okay great my potatoes are now soft I added a ton of pepper so this whole bag of frozen mixed vegetables is going in along with the rest of my chicken oh no chicken overboard so this will get stirred all around and in a separate pot I will make my white sauce which I'll use to thicken everything up and then at this point you can go ahead and stick it in the fridge you can freeze it if you want I'm going to go ahead and pour it out into my pan and cover it up and stick it in the fridge and I'll make my pie crust topping a little bit later so this is a really easy dish to meal prep in advance to make my cream sauce I have some butter in here you can use any oil Bacon fat is fine oil is fine with a couple of tablespoons of my flour so we'll just stir this in and let it cook a little bit and then a couple of cups of milk and let it all heat up and thicken and that will make our filling for a chicken pot pie uh nice and thick and delicious okay I ended up with two cups of milk in here as it was getting real real thick with just one so I'm just letting this come up to temperature and then everything will be next together and I'm thinking we might use a 10 by 15 baking dish because I have eight ton of filling here okay to make my pie crust I have about one and a half cups of just my flour in here and we're going to do our best to come up with a okay-ish pie crust with a little bit of fat some milk and some salt and that's it so into my flour I'll do a little less than a teaspoon the original recipe I found online supposed to make two full like top and bottom pastry pie crusts and I don't need that much so we're cutting everything back just a little bit okay to start it I have just shy of a half a cup of fat this is a combination of oil and chicken fat from when I made that chicken broth earlier and I wouldn't do that if it were biscuits or something but because it's going on a chicken pot pie it should be totally fine so I'm just gonna stir that in and kind of see what it ends up looking like and we'll finish out our dough with some milk my favorite pie crust is a shortening and vinegar-based pie crust it's absolutely amazing I'm going to start with just a few tablespoons of the milk here up to a half a cup depending on how wet your dough happens to look if you live in a really really humid area at sea level you will probably have to use less moisture okay that looks like a pretty good dough I didn't use quite a half a cup I've got a little bit more milk here so we are going to attempt to roll this out the best that we can just a little bit of flour on a clean counter some clean hands and we'll see what we can come up with here and I have never made a pie crust that smells so much like chicken using the chicken fat in there is so interesting but it works and nothing goes to waste so I kind of think it's a little brilliant I mean it's not the best texture of pie crust I've ever made but it I mean it's definitely working it is totally sticking to the counter I should have put more flour on the counter it'll be fine it will be totally fine boom look at that my oven is at 375. remember my filling is totally cooked so I will put this in the oven strictly for the purpose of cooking the crust and then we'll be ready to serve I'm not even hungry and I think I'm gonna get another plate your chicken pot pie tastes that good to me this is this is the discount chicken pot pie this isn't even like what I normally put in it I understand but listen it's been like six months since we have had it and if it's gonna be another six months till I get it again I may just go and like horrible into the freezer does it does it taste like extreme budget food no this one tastes like your regular recipe for the most part really the crust is a little bit different the The Filling is a little runnier right but the taste is almost identical seriously it's been so long since we've had a chicken pot pie so even a bad one would have been good I don't know about that do you want to tell the story about how when we first got married and I was making a chicken pot pie and you told me you hated chicken pot pie let's tell that story chicken pot pie in my house in the 80s was basically the TV dinner chicken pot pie that was like in the little little foil foil basketball pie pan it was no bueno and so when you said you were making chicken pot pie that's what I thought I was getting I put down my foot the foot is down and then I stomped on it yeah and then I ate my words and I keep eating them every time so are you saying are you saying my homemade chicken pot pie is slightly different than those Frozen 25 cents each do you think that's how much they were back then they were super cheap my mom bought them too no contest okay quick recap over the week I was very impressed at all the things I was able to do without eggs and using the chicken fat in the pie crust for the chicken pot pie blew my mind Dave was really excited about that one now of course this was an ex extreme uh grocery budget which means does it have all the vegetables does it have all the vitamins all of the macro balances that you're looking for in a standard diet not necessarily but it does go to show that when things are really really tight and you just need to get by there are options there's a possibility of putting together some really delicious meals with very few ingredients and not that much money if you are struggling with food in any way please reach out to your local services that are there to help you out with that kind of thing whether that's a food pantry a senior center a family crisis center a soup kitchen you can find out about all of the local services that your area offers if you check out your Sheriff's Office your school district the city you can just call the local city and ask them all of those places will have that information for you and they were created to help people who need food assistance because nobody should go hungry looking back would I change anything I would probably buy more flour like a larger container of flour so I could make more bread throughout the week I would personally would also love to pick up a jar of peanut butter and maybe a jar of jam possibly I love peanut butter on bread so I just feel like that's a win-win and if you take nothing else out of this video I hope you will give the no-need crusty bread in some loaf pans a try it I have made it so many times it's a hit every time all the recipes I will have for you down in the description box below thank you so much for hanging out with me today and until next time happy eating
Channel: Frugal Fit Mom
Views: 286,845
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: frugal living tips, frugal hacks, frugal living tips and ideas, frugal living hacks, frugal living, saving money tips, frugal, frugal living ideas, ffm, frugal fit mom, frugal habits, frugal tips, budget, large family, grocery hacks, grocery store hacks, grocery budget, extreme grocery budget challenge, extreme grocery challenge
Id: q6929kldLbc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 44sec (1964 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 13 2023
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