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as a person who has lived frugally for most of their life at first because of necessity and now because I just like it I always get interesting comments and observations from people who find out about the things that I don't buy so today I'm going to share with you 100 things that I don't buy anymore or things that I've stopped buying here in 2023. let's kick off the video down here in my storage room in the basement where I keep the bodies now if you did not see my video on me decluttering and organizing this room I'll leave that below it's pretty legit if you like a good before and after but check out what is behind me somewhere in the midst and post 2020 crisis I decided that I needed a lot of things in my house you see these paper towels what I've learned is I don't use paper towels Christine's not buying paper towels anymore at least until these are gone how long is this going to take I couldn't say because I bought this case a year ago and look how many I still have over here I'm looking at you toilet paper the one that made us cowering in fear a few years ago I have quite a bit of that as well let's add toilet paper to the list um tissues I bought this case well over a year ago and I still have like six of these left they come in a pack of 12. clearly we don't use tissues very often around here tissues goes on the list let's also add napkins I must have bought this 3 three years ago I don't use napkins maybe I prefer wiping my face with my sleeve I'm not sure you want cultured swine something that you don't see on these shelves are paper plates paper bowls and paper cups add those three to the list of things that we do not buy two more items I will not be buying in 2023 let's add foil and parchment paper first of all if you ever buy these huge containers Where'd I get this Members Mark that is Sam's Club if you ever buy these put the date on it like the date that you opened it and see how long it takes you to go through it so I bought my last one in 2019 it is still up in my kitchen and I got this one as a backup my last one I opened in 2019. it's 2023. that is four years of foil usage so clearly I cannot drink the wine in front of you clearly I do not need more foil I have four of these large containers down here plus another one upstairs in my laundry room that I'm currently using now I love bleach it really really helps when you have super super super and I mean super stinky clothes even your son's stinky socks am I gonna go through four and a half bottles of these in one year really unlikely so bleach no more buying another item I love to have on hand are these gloves these are technically for first aid however I do use them in food prep so this is where we begin to separate our future Physicians from those who just wanna play doctor for anybody that works in food safety you know that this can really come in handy when you work with food a lot I came down here to grab some because I was out in my kitchen and I couldn't find them so I bought a whole another like three pack at Costco came home and found the originals so not only do I have these two unopened I have two more upstairs also unopened let's also Breeze briefly talk about personal care items shampoo body washes soaps colognes hand soaps deodorants right after Christmas I did a post Christmas 50 off clearance haul I did a whole video on it stocking up for the entire year so I am not going to have to buy those products for the entire year that really goes to show that when you stock up at a highly discounted price it can save you in the long term and in the future from having to go buy something like deodorant at six dollars each when you can actually get it for free or one dollar or two dollars if you pay attention to sales and sales Cycles if you've never stepped foot into a Walmart right after Christmas and get those like Personal Care sets those are a deal man don't sleep on that deal look at all this oatmeal look at it this is a 50 pound bag of oats and I have like 12 of these almost two pound steel cut oats not to mention four of these Oak containers not to mention the ones I already have upstairs now when I see a good deal like these steel cut oats these were on clearance for a dollar 59. now I love steel cut oats and the price of all food is going up they last a really long time that I was like well we need to get these for the food storage but I think we've done enough it's time to stop because we need to eat through all of this oatmeal which means it's time to bust out the homemade granola going along with food items I don't need to buy look at this shelf all spaghetti sauce canned tomatoes petite diced tomatoes crushed tomatoes blah blah blah blah I don't use like Jarred sauces like this hardly at all so every time they go on sale and pick up five at Kroger because that was the sale buy five and get the deal I end up with this and I realized that escalated quickly but I am making a pledge to you now that I will not buy pasta sauce again until these are gone I'm not buying canned tomatoes until these are gone with this amount of tomato paste I don't know that I ever need to buy tomato paste ever now listen we live in a cold climate Okay it's very very cold it snowed like six inches last night it was 90 degrees all day and that was a heat wave my friends this one this one this one this one this one this one did I mention the ones that are on all of the beds did I mention the ones that are in every single closet did I mention the ones that were extra in my closet no I didn't because when you live in a family of Quilters you end up with a lot of blankets no more buying any blankets zero blankets done with the blankets bookmarks are for quitters I'm obsessed with books I will talk books all day long if you get me in a room and you start talking books okay but you don't need to buy them anymore between audible your library and your friends and the Libby app which doesn't really work in my area because every book has like a six month weight everything but with access to like interlibrary loans libraries and audio books you just it's just not the same you know what I mean there's no reason to spend all of this money on a huge collection of books and speaking of things that are almost obsolete I mean do you guys even remember when Netflix mailed you the DVD and streaming didn't exist do you remember that I I remember that I was married with a child during that time I couldn't wait for my next installment of prison break and it took a week to get there so it was a very exciting day you can indeed rent from the library DVDs of movies famous movies TV shows my library has a huge selection available plus do I even need to bring up streaming who here doesn't stream at least one service if you're watching this video you are streaming a service YouTube is a video streaming service now you may not pay for it well you might pay for it I guess they do have paid accounts but there's so many out there you have Amazon and Hulu and Apple TV and Acorn TV and peacock and by the way I am loving my peacock subscription I got that on a Black Friday for 99 cents a month for a year I paid less than twelve dollars for the entire year they've got Frasier on there you're a Frasier fan that show is dang funny I don't buy toys anymore now granted I already have toys so maybe that's not a fair comparison but what I do know is I have four children they are 11 through 18 years old right now in 2023 and what I've learned about kids is they truly need very very little in the way of entertainment all they really need are like a cardboard box and some scissors and markers and let their creativity run if you're outside I'm telling you all they need is a couple of sticks and they will build a shelter my kids just did that they built a shelter for like six hours in the woods if you have toddlers give them free rein to that Tupperware drawer best toy ever now when it does come to toys There are a few that I love these are trios these were made by Fisher Price they are discontinued but you can find them on eBay sometimes this toy is probably the most played with toy by any child whoever visits any cousin that comes over even by my own children now who Don don't really play with toys like they have Legos no they'd rather play with these they also really love Magna tiles and all of my kids enjoyed play food and a little toy kitchen I had a cheap plastic one from a garage sale for two dollars with some plastic food my daughter and all three of my boys loved to like play kitchen and like make food in the play kitchen I know this whole video is based on items that we don't buy but something that I do buy and I recommend anyone else to also purchase is life insurance term life insurance that is so if you don't have life insurance term life insurance should be at the very top of your list fabric by Gerber Life is the One-Stop shop that every family needs they have life insurance and all kinds of other Family Solutions all in one place things like Wills access to college savings funds and more tools to help protect your family's financial future all in an easy online experience fabric was designed by parents for parents to help you get a high high quality surprisingly affordable term life insurance policy in less than 10 minutes that's right 10 minutes it takes less than 10 minutes to apply see your quote and then personalize your quote to fit your family's needs you could be offered Insurance instantly with no Health exam required fabric has partnered with Gerber Life trusted by millions of families like yours for over 15 years and fabric has a 30 day money back guarantee and you can cancel at any time it's nice to know that I can help protect my family's future just in case protect your family today with fabric by Gerber Life apply today in just 10 minutes at meetfabric.com frugalfitmom make sure you use my link Down Below in the doobly-doo so they know that I sent you over there that's meetfabric.comfitmom m-e-e-t fabric.com slash Frugal fit Mom first link in the blue below thank you to fabric and let's get back to more things I don't buy I know you all have a box like this in your house it's the random cleaning products that I buy and think that they're gonna solve all of my problems and they don't probably because I don't clean that often regardless here we are uh I'm not buying cleaning products this year reason I'm going to use all of these also did you jump on the Mrs Myers train do you have like sets and sets and sets and sets of these in different scents and flavors and all sorts of things like I do give me one of these in the comments you know we are on the same page and now they're sitting here getting Dusty because nobody cleans that much right right right right right my goal for this year is to get rid of all of my cleaning products that includes laundry tabs dish soap this whole bin and also these smelly laundry things like these I don't know what that is yes these do smell good but my friends have you been using the tide a powder like the tide powder detergent that stuff is Bomb like you don't need anything else you definitely don't need this I still don't understand yes I'm gonna put it in the use up stuff but you need to stop buying it you also need to stop buying dryer sheets I heard that they're like actually not good for your stuff is that true I've totally stopped buying those I don't even have any in the house to show you because I haven't done them I tried these these don't work well first of all I don't really know what they do second of all they end up in my kids laundry because I don't do my kids laundry they do their laundry and my three boys are their rooms are in the basement and they take this and they go downstairs and then I never see these again I think my dog was playing with this one I think that's how I got this one back but I don't really know what these do I'm not buying these either in fact I might just declutter these because they're taking up space and I don't want them so sometimes when to do videos like this I get comments like oh what a sad house it must be devoid of Life of Personality you're so mean to your children because you don't give them tablets or buy them video games or whatever buy them chips about the chips I've always made jokes to my friends from like the only chips we ever have are tortilla chips but they're honestly my favorite chips it's more lively than if all of us were sitting down playing oh fortnight I don't know it was the first video game that came to mind the Legend of Zelda do you feel deprived because of these things that we don't do or things we don't have while I don't care that we don't have like video games and like go out to the movies and whatever yeah I also see the other side and like I don't know I can't relate to some of the conversations my friends have over like what do they talk about like I don't know Minecraft or other games they talk about games and you don't understand what they're saying right okay all right so is that is that my fault because I failed on the contrary you've succeeded I don't mind it I think when I was younger I minded it like 13 13 14. specifically what did you wish we had chips iPad but it was no it was always when people would say this place that they go out to eat and I was like oh I've never been there and they're like what and I felt it now it feels so bad and I was like I'm sorry I feel like just doesn't go out to you and they're like what I don't buy a lot of home decorations I don't decorate with the seasons I don't have lamps almost anywhere in my house there's none here in my living room none in the bedrooms like where do you put lamps I don't really know I don't have end tables so I'd have to buy end tables to then put lamps on I don't have them I also don't have plants fake or real I don't have real ones because they're probably going to kill them and I don't like fake plants as a general rule if you look at these couches you'll notice there's no throw pillows these actually came with throw pillows and I got rid of them because I hate throw pillows they get in my way they're uncomfortable I always throw them on the floor when I'm using the couch actually impedes my usage of the couch I don't like them anywhere now I think they're very pretty they're just not practical so we exmate all of the throw pillows to be clear that's not to say you can't have throw pillows they look beautiful I love other people's houses with throw pillows just doesn't work in my house we also don't buy magazines that's what the internet is for my friends and you see this do you know what this is these are called CDs a CD is something we used to put music and movies on I guess movies would be a DVD do they even make CDs anymore I don't know but I definitely do not buy them add stuffed animals to the list in my opinion they're a lot like throw pillows unnecessary they get in the way and they're kind of really dirty right plus the kids end up with so many of them they're gifts from grandmas and grandpas and aunts and uncles and cousins and they will accumulate this huge pile of stuffed animals that you will then donate to the thrift store we don't buy video games I actually don't know what the popular video games are these days what are the popular video games right now um Minecraft Minecraft is that still in I don't know everyone has ever played Minecraft and tell you the Hogwarts Legacy Hogwarts Legacy is what I'm hearing I don't even know what that is but I will rock your world on Mario Kart of the Wii so huh you want to bring it bring it you want to bring it you want a piece of me let's go let's go right now something else we don't buy are iPads and tablets and devices for our children we do not have any also don't give them a cell phone until they start driving and it is a dumb phone until they're 16. we do not buy a rice cooker uh I haven't had rice cooker my whole life right now I use the instant pot I think it does an excellent job and even before I had an instant pot I just cooked it on the stove juice boxes we pack water for school lunches and outings alcohol mostly because we don't drink alcohol and also it's very expensive that's okay I brought my own soda okay okay I know I'm gonna get backlash on that one because you have seen me pop an energy drink a Diet Coke you've seen it I know we can agree that it is something I have done in the past however as of five days ago I have quit soda cold turkey all it takes is a trip to the emergency room with kidney stones to make you change your choices about what you drink so we have cut soda out we do not buy soda anymore speaking of food one of my favorite topics on the planet uh fast food yeah no thanks the last time I went to a Wendy's it was several months ago because I was traveling I just needed like a quick something and then get back on the road and something I could eat I got the cheapest Burger and Fries meal I could find the absolute cheapest it was twelve dollars oh my gosh what is the deal now you can make some different choices but overall twelve dollars I can get a burger and fries of better quality at my local sit-down restaurant for 6.99 I can order my tepid water give a tip and still come out better how about delivery food now I have a very very good friend she admitted to me that she doordashes everything Boba Tea's for 45 a pack of Skittles for twenty dollars she doordashed a pack of Skittles for twenty dollars eating out at restaurants we really do not go out to eat very often birthdays are anniversary our friends will be like hey have you been to a blah blah blah place I'm like oh you know we don't go out to eat very often and they're like oh that's weird so that might be weird to you too if when we do go to a restaurant we don't order restaurant drinks we just get water pre-cut fruit you know what I'm talking about like in the little trays like this at a high premium holiday themed anything holiday themed decorations holiday themed dishes napkins tablescapes I would prefer just to use like some red Chargers and white plates for Christmas and Valentine's Day I'm also not a fan of the one trick pony as Alton Brown would say your pineapple slicer your Apple Core oh my gosh I hate the apple core Apple the garlic press kill me I hate it I would much rather have really good tools that do a multitude of things instead of like the one thing that does the one thing we don't have a coffee maker because we also don't buy coffee uh because we don't drink coffee here I actually really hate the smell of it I accidentally had like a cappuccino Jelly Belly barf so bad I don't buy little Debbies of any kind like Cosmic Brownies the Swiss cake rolls although those are bomb don't buy those for school lunches either we stick with like apples and string cheese and uh jerky and yogurt things like that we don't buy chips I have always been teased about that for my friends we buy tortilla chips because we always have chips and salsa but like chip chips like Ruffles lays Pringles Fritos Doritos Cheetos all the edos number one they're very expensive and number two uh there's like no nutritional value in those whatsoever also don't buy Lunchables I like the concept of a Lunchable I had one recently and it was gross so disappointing you can make a fantastic homemade lunchable by buying a pack of crackers buying your own cheese buying some pepperoni some sliced ham or something you can make so much more for a better price and they'll taste infinitely better I'm not really buying these either bracelets extra necklaces extra earrings what's great about being in your 40s is that you've really come to terms with who you are as a person and I have some tried and true pieces of jewelry that I wear a hundred percent of the time they are these earrings this necklace I don't wear bracelets and I've even downgraded my wedding ring to these silicone bands that I can get off of Amazon I do get asked about these literally all the time so it's like six dollars for a pack of eight I'll leave the link below if you want to go check it out putting myself together with like extra earrings extra necklaces I'm not a bracelet person at all it's easier for me to just say that's just not my thing now shoes are my thing but what I don't buy with shoes is I've kind of stopped buying heels I have plantar fasciitis I'm older my foot Health much much more important than those stilettos that I used to purchase and I definitely don't buy cheap shoes I don't buy uncomfortable shoes and I don't buy unsupportive shoes shoes is one area where I will definitely Splurge a little bit and get something that is high quality supportive and feels really really good life is too short to have uncomfortable feet can I get an amen we have a trip coming up it's a Beach vacation and I have been trying to find like rompers swimsuits swimsuit cover-ups some easy dresses some cute sandals I of course went to Amazon you know what happened I tried some cheap like really cheap dresses for Amazon I sent them all back they were horrible the fabric was horrible the cut was horrible they were unflattering the fit was off I tried to get a swimsuit cover up from Sheen oh my gosh never doing that again I put it on and cracked up laughing like you can't sell a piece piece of fabric like that and claim that it's clothing like you just can't what a waste of time I got this cheap Romper off of Amazon do any of these work I looked literally like a potato sack like it looked Nothing Like the Model on what planet can you pass these off as clothes and cheap swimsuits my friends I'm looking at you cup she oh my gosh I can't believe I must have tried 10 swimsuits I sent them all back they are built for someone who is five foot nothing and weighs 75 pounds with no curves none of them fit the fabric is atrocious the quality is horrific you're just gonna waste your time don't do it don't do it extra purses extra wallets I don't really do those like I have one that I love and then we just stick with that one until it falls apart and I'm forced to buy a new one essentially but I don't have like extras and Extras and Extras of bags and wallets just hanging around in my house not big into perfume don't buy perfumes also mani pedis none here I use my hands way too much to have fake nails that like are long and get in my way they just drive me crazy and as far as toenails go I had a pedicure recently my mom paid for it which was super generous and they did a horrible job it was horrible it chipped off in like a day or two so I ended up having to take it all off I redid it myself at home and it ended up lasting three weeks so I just don't see the point of wasting all the time wasting all the money on a product that for me isn't that good anyway I'm also not a lipstick girl don't buy lipstick I'm a ChapStick girl through and through and I'm a simple girl on the Chapstick Carmex stick yes all day I despise girl razors if it's pink and sold to me as like a girl product I don't want it I want the men's shaving cream I want the men's razors I want the men's deodorant I don't buy girl deodorant it doesn't work okay let's move on to some other things another thing you don't buy are gifts for extended family I'm of course we do birthday gifts and and anniversary gifts and things like that for my own kit like my own kids my spouse but my sisters-in-law my parents-in-law my parents my nieces and nephews we don't buy gifts for any of those the great thing is the entire family agreed on it so it's not an argument or something that we disagree on uh the only exception to that will be like when they all graduate or when they all get married of course I will give a gift for that something I stopped buying and decluttered in my house were extra towels extra sheets extra Linens it does not make sense to me to have extras of everything you use a towel and you hang it up you wash it you dry it and you hang it back up the end the only thing I've seen when you have extra towels in your house is all your kids go through all of your towels and then you're just washing towels all the time and then as far as sheets go I have one set of sheets per bed you take it off you wash it you dry it you put it back on the end fortunately all of my family are at the age where we don't have nighttime accidents there's no one's throwing up in their beds anymore going along with that I never bought like themed sheets and blankets when they were babies in their crib character sheets character blankets character pillows they just cycle through those phases so quickly so you just end up spending more money anyway as a road cyclist and mountain biker and mountain bike coach I do not buy cheap bikes a Walmart bike they design it so that if something breaks a component on it breaks you cannot fix it a more expensive bike while said Parts can and wear out and break they're all fixable you can upgrade anything you can fix anything so it will last a very very long time this is one circumstance where if this is your hobby please do not get a cheap bike Dave did an entire video on what to look for in a high quality bike I'll leave that video down below if you are interested in bikes at all now that being said another thing I do not buy are full price items listen my friends every price is Up For Debate and I'm telling you everything goes on sale at some point so if you want expensive things you want to splurge on something I am not against that in any way however I guarantee it's going to go on sale you're going to save some coins so wait and where would you get this saved money don't buy food you don't like I'm telling you it is a waste of money it's a waste of time olives mushrooms spinach I I wanted a pickle Tom let go of it like no not the jar let go let's go of the pickle but uh but I want a pickle how many times have you bought spinach with the good intentions of making a salad or putting it if you don't it turns into a slimy mess and you throw it in the garbage I don't buy spinach anymore also don't buy bottled water uh we have perfectly good clean water here in the United States almost everywhere I've ever been and you can have reusable bottles and fill them up essentially anywhere keep them in your car throw them in your purse carry them with you when you do Sports you don't have to have the plastic bottles of water I'm sure you know the person who as soon as the new phone comes out they go and buy it the newest camera comes out they go and buy it the techie people I happen to be married to one of them it is difficult to get him to Reign it in when it comes to the new tech but I am not one of those techy people I just don't care I get something that works that I like and that I don't want to get a new one until you force me to get a new one or until said item breaks uh lottery tickets I have never bought a lottery ticket in my entire life brand new cars is definitely not something a Frugal person purchases it's a common misconception that a used car or an older car with miles will be unreliable viable or dangerous and I have not found that to be the case at all my first minivan had a hundred thousand miles on it when I bought it I drove it for eight years I sold it at 215 000 miles I never had a days issue with it you just have to be careful of like what brands you get make sure you're doing your oil changes your tire rotations you know replacing belts here and there that matters but used cars can be incredibly reliable I don't buy coffee out no maybe that's not a fair statement because I don't like coffee I know I'm weird but a lot of people love to go out for their Starbucks or whatever coffee shop you prefer Starbucks is the only one I know about but how much is a cup of coffee there five dollars eight dollars that really really adds up if you're doing that every day I haven't purchased Cable in 10 years does anyone use cable anymore when it comes to food I don't stick with brand name just for brand namesake if there's something that's extremely similar in a generic for a month much discounted price now if there's only a 10 difference between these then I might as well pick up the name brand because in some cases they do taste different but in a lot of cases they do not when it comes to Pasta as I'm showing you here this box was 25 cents and this box was a dollar that's a huge savings on something that honestly my kids can't really tell the difference anyway I do not purchase dry clean only clothing first of all I don't have time to go out to the dry cleaners too it takes more money it's inconvenient and did you know that in small towns you have to drop it off and they have it sent out and then you don't get it back for a week Tom Hanks is caught in a dry cleaning bag I do not buy impulse items at the checkout I make a list I stick to my list and I put blinders on when you go past all those take fives because those are delicious I also don't buy the extended warranty when you purchase items a camera a table sometimes they sell you the extended warranty do you know how much money they make on those extended warranties are like a 40 million dollar a year business I know they're not paying out on that many extended warranties one-time sports equipment if I know that it is not my hobby yet I'm saying bikes skis paddle boards kayaks things like that a lot of people buy them and they use them once a year if that's the case rent them you can rent things like this at basically any Sporting Good shop real cheap furniture it will end up breaking you're going to have to replace it anyway it is worth it to spend a little bit extra on something higher quality and going along with Furniture how about storage baskets um Christine's not buying storage baskets anymore because you know what happens you buy storage baskets with the idea that you're going to be organized and all you do is have more containers to put more stuff the containers don't make you organize decluttering is what makes you organized not the baskets no more baskets let's talk makeup I'm not into trendy new makeup clearly I don't buy primer I don't buy setting spray that goes on after I don't buy all the new fancy pallets I have one thing that I love and I stick with that I have one mascara that I love and I stick with that all the blushes nope 10 kinds of foundation absolutely not blending brush what is that I've stopped buying dog toys because I have this super chewer my dog Rogue is a super chewer I have not met one dog toy that she will not destroy except for the Kong so we're sticking with that and everything else she rips to bits within a few days holy smokes don't forget to check out that deal from fabric I know this whole video was on things I don't buy but I have talked about a couple of things that I absolutely Buy life insurance has been on that list for over 10 years I hope it's on your list too so check out that link down below so they know that I sent you thank you to fabric for sponsoring thanks to you for hanging out with me till the very end of this video and I hope you have a great day I'll see you next time bye show's over good night I've been riding for a bike since I was 12. this would be road bike is like 35 pounds which is so heavy when it's all supposed to be about aerodynamics now to get into the specifics about why you wouldn't want to use these on a road bike um like there's a gravel bike over here maybe pick up a gravel bike mountain bike maybe why you would not want to take these mountain bikes on a mountain trail there's a channel called burn Peak and he did an entire video on Walmart bikes how badly they're put together how some of the components are so cheap they'll just snap off so I will leave that video down below for you because there's a ton of good information
Channel: Frugal Fit Mom
Views: 260,261
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: frugal living tips, frugal hacks, frugal living tips and ideas, frugal living hacks, frugal living, saving money tips, frugal, frugal living ideas, ffm, frugal fit mom, frugal habits, frugal tips, budget, large family, grocery budget, things i don't buy, minimal, minimal living
Id: ND_F5hswkps
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 53sec (1913 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 23 2023
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