How To REPROGRAM Your Subconscious Mind To MANIFEST Your Dream Future! | Joe Dispenza

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the brain does not know the difference between the real life experience and what you're imagining you start to install the neurological Hardware to look like you already did it the rehearsal process changes the brain to look like when someone's looking for abundance it's never about the abundance it's about the change they need to make for healing no what I'm using healing as an example yes but let's use abundance as an example when when you understand that you cannot get abundant when it's no longer about the game called abundance it's about the game called change what do I need to change the more I change the more I'll be abundant yes so then it's no longer why haven't how common hasn't happened that's the old personality separate from the experience still in lack asking that question which is creating your current reality which is which is reaffirming it because that's the lens you're perceiving it through okay so so we should be focusing more on what we need to change every moment as opposed to the abundance or the healing well the word meditation means to become familiar with sit with yourself long enough and not turn on your cell phone not scroll through your social media do no Tick Tock no emails no none of that stuff don't just sit and close your eyes and and watch the thoughts that come up those that's the exact reason why you're not abundant watch what you want to do when you're feeling lacked and take away the lack and there's always something you would do to take it away but but sit with the lack and be curious on what's on the other side of it right because the body's program them to lack now subconsciously right so the emotion of lack drives our thoughts and drives our behaviors so it makes sense then that if an emotion is a record of the past then we're doing things habitually from the past we're thinking in the past right so so lower the volume to the emotion every time you notice lack comes up and just like breaking any addiction there's going to be Cravings right so the bodies go hey Louis it's been about two hours you're so used to doing this yeah you've been thinking lacking thoughts about 150 000 times a day and you're just going to stop now the body's gonna divide is going to start influencing the mindset it's not going to work you're a loser it didn't work before it's too hard everybody else that's why it's so hard for people to like lose weight or get in shape they might try it for a few days and then the Cravings or I'm tired and I want to go default back into the overall right now because why because the body which has been conditioned the mind the body is the unconscious mind so the body's got use of the familiar feeling even they don't even know it's lack it's is how they feel it's not guilt so okay okay it's the hardest part about all of this is making a different choice and the moment you decide to make a different Choice get ready it's going to feel uncomfortable right it's going to feel unfamiliar your your body's all of a sudden saying hey Lewis uh why don't you start thinking those same exact thoughts do the same things make the same choices that demonstrate the same behaviors have the same experiences so you could feel that feeling of lack complain again to somebody call somebody up and say how miserable your life is right and that's that's the known right so the body is always influencing the mind to return back to the familiar territory the default you're the default okay all right so now the person says okay what thoughts do I not want what what would an abundant person think this way the people in our work that have created I had a guy come to our event I I love this guy he healed himself he tried to take his life three times when he told me that when he came to our work he didn't have two dollars to rub together he's worth hundreds of millions of dollars and just keeps giving it away wow his his lesson his lesson was that wasn't the wealth it was who he became so it's the overcoming process that is the becoming process who did he become in that Journey exactly he had to get beyond all of those thoughts of his past all the mistakes he made all the things he did wrong all the money he owed there all of that that was like he just had to no longer be that person any longer but he did say how would a wealthy person live and and and when he created his wealth what do you think the first thing he did started giving giving it away why because an abundant person doesn't have any lack and he knows how to create more of it than this he's in the experiment well what would happen if I keep giving it away he keeps getting more that's a good experiment to have because that he is actually living in that abundant State he also had tremendous healings taking place because when you heal your heart heal your mind I mean it's just the way it is we saw it so many times right so he healed his heart he got an upgrade he got an upgrade right so then then the next fundamental question is how would an abundant person think write it down dude and fire and why are those thoughts in your brain and install the hardware keep doing it with attention and intention it becomes the new voice in your head it becomes a software program then say okay how am I going to be in my life today what would an abundant person how would they behave and before you reach for your cell phone and start scrolling through your social media close your eyes and rehearse in your mind how that person would walk how they would Breathe how they would smile how they would greet people how they would be on Zoom calls how would they be in traffic how would they be at dinner and and the act of closing your eyes and mentally rehearsing the ACT if you're truly present the brain does not know the difference between the real life experience and what you're imagining in fact just a little bit of time you start to install the neurological Hardware to look like you already did it now the brain is no longer a record of the past it's primed for the future keep doing it keep rehearsing no different than playing an instrument no different than learning how to dance no different on learning how to act or play a sport everybody's always rehearsing right the rehearsal process changes the brain to look like you've already done it you've already experienced it now what's the essential part of that the hardware is in place now all you got to do is step into the footprint keep doing it it becomes a software program you start acting like an abundant person everything changes your energy changes your mood changes the way you walk where you breathe your posture changes you're out of the known right you've got to condition the body now emotionally into the future can't open your eyes in the morning until you are feeling worthy to receive and if you can't feel worthy to receive then if not now when if it takes you two hours to get there ask me if it's worth 30 years of running trying to get what you need matter to matter okay so then the person who wrestles with their lack they're out of the bleachers and they're on the playing field but here's what we learned here's what we learned let's go back to beliefs now so remember belief is just the thought you keep thinking over and over again a belief is something that you keep thinking enough times that you hardwired in your brain and it becomes an automatic program and we have beliefs about all kinds of things money relationships God whatever it is it's all based on what we've been told or our past experiences right boundaries of those beliefs are our emotions right so let's just say you got betrayed or somebody abused you or your father told you that money was bad and there's never enough of it or whatever that's a story okay but but somehow it left an impression on you remember that event very clearly and that's kind of rooted in who you are right okay so that emotion then is the boundary of our belief Okay so how you think and how you feel creates your state of being if you take a thought and a feeling a thought and a feeling a thought and a feeling of thought and a feeling it's called an attitude yes there's a good thoughts with a series of Good Feelings you say I have a good attitude today in a series of negative thoughts that are connected to a series of negative feelings the same with bad attitude today so attitudes are just shortened states of being good attitude in the morning bad attitude in the afternoon if you take an attitude and attitude imagine you keep those up and you string attitudes together you create what's called a belief and a belief is just an extended state of being so if you keep thinking the same thought keep hardwiring it in the brain you keep feeling the same feeling you keep conditioning in your body the redundancy of that cycle over and over again conditions the body to subconsciously become the mind of that belief and all beliefs our subconscious states of being okay take a belief a belief a belief and you string them together you form what's called a perception and perceptions are just such extended states of being that we're unconscious and so then we we edit out reality in fact most people don't see things the way they are they see things the way they are right and people are always feeling in reality unconsciously based on their memory they could be married to a person for 40 years and they don't see the person they see the memory of the person right and there's research to prove this okay so how do we change a belief or perception about ourself for our lives okay we've studied this okay let's just say that lack is ingrained in there you got the story you lived on the streets you lost everything you got betrayed your business partner took everything took your wife took you got the story in the half okay okay you gotta start telling the new story of the future right you got to believe in that future more than you have to believe in the past so how do you do that you only believe in the past when you feel the emotions of the past the only time you're going to believe in the future is when you feel the emotions of the future right okay so in order for us to change a belief or perception about ourself and our lives we have to make a decision with such firm intention that the amplitude of that decision carries a level of energy that's greater than the hardwired programs in your brain and the emotional conditioning in your body and your body literally has to respond to your mind that the choice that you're making to change in that moment becomes a moment in time that you never forget and here's the key physically physically the stronger the emotion you feel when you make that choice the more you remember the decision okay so then how do we down regulate that old belief if the trauma created emotional quotient of sex or seven then your decision to change your beliefs got to be a nine right and you got to come out of your resting state and that moment has to Define you you could say I know exactly where I was the time and day it was who I was with when I made my mind up to change right because you created a long-term memory long-term memories are created from strong emotion right but at the amplitude of that emotion is greater than the Betrayal Boom the body starts responding to the mind and you're actually giving your body a taste of the future emotionally so you brand your voice possible no your body is actually getting the taste of that future event experiencing the future now exactly big explosion on the quantum field big explosion so the side effect of that is if you combine that clear intention with that elevated emotion you're basically remembering your future and it looks no different than remembering your past think neurologically within the circuits of that memory and feel within the emotions of that new belief and watch your life begin to change because nothing changes in our life that we change and when we change our energy we change our life so now the experiment all of a sudden is no longer based on it being hard or trying or wishing or wanting or hoping that's what we do when we're lack or lack of Separation it's about change so then when we finally realize in order for us to become abundant we have to overcome the old personality and that's 95 percent of who we are right yes so then the side effect of the beginning of this process is a lot of discomfort it is a lot of discomfort because you're stepping outside the known into the unknown and now you can't predict it's scary no no you'd rather hold on to your lack pain and suffering rather tell the story of that at least it makes you feel something that's familiar when you step outside and you're saying I'm not going to complain about money any longer I'm not going to complain about I don't have any I'm not going to judge other people who do I'm not going to say I can I'm not worthy it's never going to work all those things got to go I'm not going to feel lack I'm not going to feel unworthy I'm not going to feel separation I'm not going to feel resentment these are the things that are keeping my reality the same now it's no longer about abundance about who you become so the overcoming process becomes the becoming process and so many people come to this work they want abundance they want healing they want a new relationship they want a new career they want the mystical but really they want wholeness and and everyone healing they want peace they want wholeness because they feel on whole well well when you're in lack or in separation you're not home imagine feeling so much wholeness that's impossible to want that's what our that's what we're working on with people then you can really enjoy a Sunset and you can really enjoy a meal and you can really enjoy your friends then you can I I I talk to people that are very abundant I mean in the billions abundant and you know so many of them say we are in misery because in our whole we're in agony because they can enjoy life anymore that's what they want I mean people want abundance to be able to enjoy life they want to be able to do whatever they want with whoever they want as many times as I want whatever they want that's Freedom right people want abundance the sponsoring thought is really they want freedom right or whatever the sponsoring thought would be right so so then creating from the field instead of from matter to shorten the distance between cause and effect requires that clear intention with that elevator motion coherent brain and coherent heart tune into that energy and feel it with your brain and your heart I mean we have plenty of ways to do that examine your personality and examine your personal reality change your personality change your personal reality don't make it be about abundance mean about becoming abundant by overcoming the person who's not abundant the person who heals themselves from a health condition who's no longer thinking the same way no longer acting the same way no longer feeling the same way you ask them where that disease is when they stand on the stage in front of 1500 people or three thousand people and that's a four minute mile everybody's leaning in that's truth right on the stage they say where is that where is the disease oh it lives in the old person wow I'm somebody else that's like that's I don't even that's not even a story that's not even who I am any longer so lo and behold when we do our research and people do this in seven days of going all in at the end of seven days their body looks like genetically with all the metabolites that they're literally in a different environment you know here's the weird part they're in a ballroom right there's not a lot happening right what's happening I've been to thousands of bones but the environment somehow looks like they're living in a very prosperous very healthy very loving nurturing great whole environment why because they were signaling genes ahead of the environment and if the environment signals the gene okay that's epigenetics the end product of the experience in the environment is an emotion if you feel the emotion before the experience you're signing the gene ahead of the environment and genes make proteins and proteins are responsible for the structure and the function of your body jack by the way I like that look at the muscle over here the expression of proteins is the expression of life so you actually become abundant you actually become that person and people who are truly abundant have no problem with losing things every thought has a frequency every thought produces a chemical so if you keep obsessing about your lack your lack of finances your lack of time your lack of energy lack lack lack of war and and those thoughts what are the chemicals you're feeding your body you're taking thought it's producing a frequency and that frequency in the form of chemistry is storing that thought emotionally right in your second Center you feel guilty you feel unhappy the moment you feel unhappy then you generate more thoughts equal to that feeling which makes more chemicals and you keep taking energy from the brain and storing it in the body if you react to people in your life and you feel anger frustration whether it's traffic the news whatever it is parents parents whatever girl what you're drawing from this field this electromagnetic field you're tapping that resource and you're making chemistry out of it and the field shrinks so now um by doing that and living in survival the body no longer is a magnet so now you have very little energy in the brain in fact five percent of the energy is in the brain then 95 is stored in the body now the body's been conditioned emotionally so a lot of energy in the body very little in the brain so in our work we want energy to be in the brain we want to move energy back up to the brain so what does that do when we move the energy from the body to the brain or the heart well this is a great thing because once it makes it here it's going up all right so we do these different meditations and these different techniques to draw that energy right up to the top of the head now when this energy shakes loose and it starts to move the sympathetic nervous system switches on and instead of releasing energy out like you're being chased by a predator or you're you're having an orgasm that same energy is going up into the brain and the Brain switches on and it goes into these very high high frequencies called gamma brainwave patterns now the person has an arousal but the arousal isn't fear not an orgasm well in the brain an orgasm of the mind yeah exactly it's it's energy that's being that released into the brain and you can only describe it as ecstasy or Bliss so the energy of guilt that was stored from thinking and feeling in the same way releases and it travels up to the brain and is going back and when it reaches the brain what happens you get more energy in the brain and begins to produce that external field so you're you're beginning to create a field around your body imagine the future as opposed to staying in something from the past well once the energy is moved you're you're going to feel you're going to feel pretty blessed in that moment in fact so we can transfer guilt shame insecurities into Bliss oh my God yeah we do it all the time momentarily oh my gosh yeah yeah we do it all the time and the the amazing thing is that that Rush of energy that's moving into the brain is changing the brain's physiology and producing that field now you have energy to heal now the body is a magnet again and it's as the energy moves up the spinal cord and it starts passing through those spinal nerves and there's a lot of Dynamics going on on the body that energy that was once stored in that one of those energy centers that's released is energy to heal energy to create a new future you're replenishing your field and now the body becomes more of a magnet instead of an inert piece of metal with no charge right so the person then who's reacting to whatever person or circumstance in their life the stronger the emotion that they feel towards politics towards the traffic towards their girlfriends whatever the more they're paying attention to it but where you place your attention is where you place your energy so we also know that when it's hard to create from a place of putting attention towards negative energy well you're not creating what you're doing is you're tying up your vital life force you're giving your power away to that person or that circumstance that you could be using to create a new life with so when a person's sitting in their meditation and I love doing this we just got an event in Marco Island I'm going to take people further than where they normally go I know they're going to go all along done with my meditate no you're not done we're going to take you to that point where that feeling is so in your face and you can't turn on your cell phone you can't get up and walk away because a thousand people are not getting up and walking away and you're part of the community you're sitting in the fire any of one of two choices you can let that brain run on on programs and hardwired patterns and the arousal will drive your brain further out of bounds or you'll practice the formula and as you lower the volume to that emotion you're going to take your attention off that person or problem guess what Here Comes energy back to you you're taking your power back and now you're building your field that way when that happens Energy starts to move up into the heart once it mixes the heart it's going to the brain so we start seeing people there they their hearts naturally open up and all the things they thought they wanted when they came to the event they no longer want because they feel like they have it they don't need it anymore because they feel like they've got the feeling before the experience so that they feel so whole that they no longer want and and they're not looking for their future anymore you only look for it when you feel lack when your body is conditioned emotionally into the future why would you look for it when it feels like it's already happened now this is where it gets weird because now things start coming to you and you're no longer in need when it comes to you go oh here take it I don't want it I just thought I just wanted to know that I could create and people create a lot of wealth in our events yeah and the first thing A lot of people do is they say I'm buying a cruise for you I'm buying you your car oh Mom I'm getting you that house why do they do that because they're so excited they feel so amazing and they're thinking I could do this again why would a person in lack wouldn't give a person who's abundant would give because they know how to create so now the game changes it's no longer about the self and you you're doing it because that you know that you can create it so so then maintaining that state when you're in love yes and you're in love in love in your body no you're not looking for it you're not looking for it you would be in lack when you're in love there's nothing to do you're in love you're you're the magnet you are it and so our love yeah so the events that come into your life would not only be just a reflection of a relationship with someone that you wanted to be intimate with you would have meaningful loving relationships that would enhance that feeling and when it didn't you would say oh you know what I don't know I don't know if this is right for me you would you would trust that because you worked really hard to nurture this to protect it to grow it to to trust it again to open up right it takes a lot to do this but we see men in our work I was on them this week I never let up on those guys big Macho guys you want to be you want to encourages let's go let's open that heart and when they start cracking open I mean we see people heal from from colon cancer and from angina and just boom there it is there it's not that's what that's what's been stored all down here once they open this up and it moves the body is transforming in that moment it's the the system is informing itself information is being restored back into the body so when you get to that point where you you when you're in lack and separation time gets really crazy because you want stuff to happen faster and it feels like it's taking forever that's because you're in separation when you're in love and you're in Connected you don't want the moment to end I mean I had four three guys over for dinner last night all these academics I cooked a meal and a half for these guys took out great wine why I wanted them to be so caught up in the moment that they've forgot we made a new memory we made an we had a great experience and life then is about experiencing it in love like I'm not going to be guilty of what I'm what I'm eating or judge what I'm eating a five cook the great meal let's eat because the guilt is worse than whatever it is you think is bad for you so then when you're feeling those elevated emotions and you're locked in love then then you see life through the lens of love and there's compassion like you could look at your greatest adversary the person that threw you under the bus and you've overcome yourself and you've done the work they've stolen from you they're trying you come bad about you behind your back trashing on you all that stuff you'll look at them and you'll see a part of yourself that you used to be that you no longer are and you have nothing but understanding and compassion I'm like wow I just I feel for that person they're hurting the struggling I used to be like that but you're no longer that when you're that then they push your buttons when you're not reactive to that because you're equal but you're when you've overcome it why would you do that you would see them as somebody struggling just like you see a child who's throwing a tantrum just like oh they're gonna get out here I mean I've got so many questions around this but one thing quickly how often do you find yourself in reaction mode when someone throws you under the bus whether it's someone honking at you in a car and you say ah this how often do you get back to that place and like because aren't we conditioned to kind of react dude I react every day oh my God I react every day but the fundamental question is how long are you going to react right so shortening the refractory period of your emotional reactions is that kind of intelligence where we're keeping ourselves out of the past Justified valid or not the only person that that's affecting is you and then you have to ask yourself is it loving to me well if you can't control that emotional reaction then you're a junkie and you're on a bad trip and you're overdosing but if you know that you're overdosing you got to get beyond your rational mind because you'll say why are you this way oh my God all right by you doing that is it making more of those chemicals yeah why what are you doing that to make you feel more like it's it's Justified so then this takes unless I excuse myself many times in one day because you'll be I'm in reaction I'm like are you like I'll be like are you kidding me what who what did they do and then I'll be like oh we're not going to make a decision in this state so give me a minute oh wow I go take a few breaths get out of that state remember my future where I'm going it's so much more important than the present moment I just got to condition my body into that future and now it takes sometimes a Herculean effort I have to tell you my staff I'll be in my I'll be in there 15 20 30 minutes sometimes I'll say I work it took me an hour but to go back in in the expanse of all eternity if I don't overcome that emotion then I'm in my past and that's Karma because that emotion is gonna drive my behaviors and thoughts and I'm going to be predictable my past is going to look my future's gonna look a lot like my past so if I'm soulfully on the journey um then what matters the most is being able to learn the skill of self-regulation so in our in our events when we see people that can do brain and heart coherence they know the formula when I look at their brain scans and I'm like Louis Great Brain hey you got you can I I see you can hold that heart coherence for 45 minutes great now let's put you on a poll at 55 feet in the air let's get a heart rate monitor on you and let's see what you're going to do up there do you want to be able to self-regulate there because if you can there it's not like I'm trying to give you an adrenaline rush actually I'm trying to do the opposite I want you to settle your brain body back down go against thousands of years of programming like fear and teach your body in that moment how to regulate I guarantee you if you go a little further than what you did and you stay conscious instead of throwing in a program and rushing through it and trying to get it over with you start breathing you start getting back in your heart you start getting centered you work against those chemicals I guarantee you when you walk into your life you're gonna the moment you see something you're gonna catch on right away You're Gonna Catch yourself now that that saves you a lot of energy and a lot of time because if you're able to change it then instead of four hours later where you're just yeah gone or you've already reacted yeah and and you've you've done things you said I you say I should have never done that I should have never said that that's what those emotions do because those emotions make us really primitive I know that healing can happen in an instant so how what's the thing that triggers that instant for someone to go from disbelief to believe and it actually transforming them the physical body yeah we've studied this and and there's no linear correlation because think about this that woman is a pragmatist she knew nothing she not wasn't spiritual in any way she just read my books and then started practicing the meditations now she was practicing those meditations for months before the event because she wanted to come and be fully prepared for it right so so from the from the outside you see this one one moment but what you don't see is the number of times she worked in overcoming herself and getting Beyond whoever she is and getting into that place where she's far enough outside familiar territory neurologically chemically genetically that all of a sudden she connects to this she connects there's a she starts connecting to that invisible field called the quantum field and and you can't connect as your body there's nothing there's nothing physical to connect to there you have to get beyond all your associations you know it's interesting I think I'm going to talk to you about this last time that I grew up in a religion called Christian Science that talked a lot about this you know it was in better than my mind that I'm a spiritual being and that I can never be physically hurt like there I'm not a material body that there are no accidents that there's no injury and it was always embedded in my mind that I can never be physically harmed or I I can be instantly healed and so my entire childhood I had all these incredible healings quickly and I witnessed it all the time from other people and everyone was always like how is this possible yeah so I don't know if this is something I was practicing you know right in a different in a different way as a child but it's it's always fun for me to come back around now even though I don't practice that that religion necessarily anymore or go to the church I still believe the same criminal principles that I hear you talking about in a more scientific way it's a good belief to have and and you program children like you program your children that the body has an innate capacity to heal yeah and and all of a sudden you're less reliant on something outside of you to make something go away inside of you or something else whatever it is shopping yeah video gaming everybody's relying on their outer World relationship to change their inner State problem is is the moment you start feeling emptiness or lack your brain is going to start to look for something outside of you to take it away the problem right the problem is is that normally the stimulation that's created from those outer things give the body a rush and so the receptor sites on the cells recalibrate so you need more the next time to turn it on right so now it's off you can buy the new fancy car and it's fun for and that feeling never goes away and so the only way that feeling is actually going to go away is when you start going inward right and so so we've seen significant changes with people and and having that belief uh it should be tested we should test our belief around that and in my lesson through all of this is that I'm starting to realize how conditioned we are into believing how limited we are and as you start peeling those layers away and you break through those beliefs those self-limiting thoughts and emotions on the other side of that is where the miraculous happens so you got to be willing to be in that place of discomfort long enough to reorganize order and begin to create more coherence and then all of a sudden you get this recalibration that goes on in the brain and body and then the extent of that is that the ultimate thing is you start to see feedback in your life those synchronicities those coincidences those opportunities you're scratching your head going everything's falling into place hey I'm in the right place at the right thing to think about just comes to me because your energy is synchronized it's you look I mean when you have coherence in the brain and heart you have a laser of energy and it could read information much better you're living in stress and your brain is Shifting its attention from one person to another problem to another thing to another place to go each one of those things there's an assignment of neurological networks in the brain so the arousal the stress hormones drives the brain into this high frequency and you're trying to control and predict everything in your life and those your brain circuits are firing like like a lightning storm in the clouds when your brains incoherent you're incoherent and and you can't you don't have a signal you're you don't have a Wi-Fi signal not connected to the field how could you how could you connect to energy and information if your signal hasn't become orderly so that when people synchronize their energy into coherence they can synchronize to a a possibility in the future in the synchronicities that are feedback from the environment are just a reflection of your energy and that's the universe saying follow the breadcrumbs do it again follow it again do it again and now all of a sudden the person's not waking up in the morning like oh I gotta meditate Now to create my future they're kind of going like I'm getting out of bed because I don't want the magic to end right they want to they want to sustain that state so that the old reality that they've lived in begins to transform into something new and because there's no longer a vibrational match with everyone and everything in their past present reality there's a vibrational match to their future and now their future is starting to give them signals do our what's more powerful than our thoughts or our our emotions and do our emotions change our thoughts or do our thoughts change our emotions yeah the answer is yes the answer is both I mean um thoughts uh to me produce an electrical charge in the quantum field and feelings produce a magnetic charge in the quantum field thoughts wait thoughts produce a what an electrical charge okay and feelings produce a magnetic charge and how you think and how you feel broadcasts an electromagnetic signature that influences every single atom in your life the thought sends the signal out now think about this and the feeling draws the event back so you could have the intent that you want wealth you want Health you want success that's your intent that's your thought but if you're waiting for the experience to happen to feel it then you're not drawing the experience to you because you're not feeling the emotion right so then teaching people once again how to balance their thoughts and feelings because you can you can enter that cycle either place sometimes we do a meditation we start opening our heart we start elevating the body's energy and then those emotions can drive certain thoughts of your future other times you open your awareness you create brain coherence you have the vision of your future you begin to emotionally experience it however you want to jump on that cycle and then sustain it because the longer you're conscious of that energy the more you're drawing your future to you so then most people spend their lives right they we live in this realm called space-time three-dimensional reality and you move your body through space in three-dimensional reality it takes time yeah so everything all your goals all your dreams all your Visions you're gonna have to get your body up and drag it through space every day to pay off that you know that home that's in your future right right when you create from the field instead of from matter when there's a vibrational match between your energy and some potential and your thoughts and feelings are coherent now you are going to begin to collapse time and space or the experience is going to be drawn to you now now you're the vortex to your destiny and now you don't have to go anywhere to get it because you're not playing by the rules of three-dimensional reality you're playing by the rules of energy in the quantum so teaching people how to do this and getting better at it then all of a sudden they're not forcing and controlling outcomes in fact they're trusting and surrendering to outcomes because they don't want to get in the way because the moment you start trying to predict when it's going to happen or how it's going to happen you're overlaying a known over a place where there should be an unknown right so teaching people how to do that means we have to lay down the very thing we used our whole life to get what we want for something greater to occur right and so that transcendental moment is something that we're working on demystifying and and you could be gluten-free person you could be a gluten-full person you could drink wine not drink wine you could be rich you could be poor you could be any color any shape any size in fact you can't tell me you're too old to do this work you can't tell me that we got Elders in this work that we we show you their brain scans and you'd be blown away they they know how to do it you can't tell me you're too sick to do this work we've got people that have reversed stage four cancer numerous times and and yeah it took a Herculean effort to do it but they love themselves for you can't tell me that you're too out of shape or too overweight or too underweight you can't I've seen it in all shapes and sizes you can't even tell me that you had a brutal past and people that have had very very dismal paths that are free they're happy people you can't even tell me you're you never meditated before in fact research shows that many people have never meditated before I have the most profound experiences because they're not trying to make anything happen they're just following the instructions right and they don't have a habit of doing it so so we don't want to exclude anybody in the process we want to include everybody so it turns out that our events tend to draw a good portion of men because of the science we have a lot of children now that are you know teenagers that are coming and people in their 20s we have a great community of Elders we have uh you know in our events sometimes 63 different cultures coming to a countries coming to our events if between 50 and you know 65 so so we want we want to make it so inclusive that community becomes the side effect because because with a community of like-minded like like antler similar energy of people uh everybody understands they get one another you know you you communities tends to be the thing now that in terms of our social media and the feedback we're getting everybody wants more Community because you get a you get a thousand people in an audience and their energy synchronized now you're looking at something so much bigger we're just going to measure this I just talked to a researcher yesterday we're going to measure a thousand people when they reach that synchronized moment when they're we can we know that the entire social coherence in the room is orderly then if you're producing a Ambience coherent magnetic field in your heart and you're tuning into a thought or an intent and you got a thousand people doing that and your energy is going to start interfering and co-mingling with the persons next to you when that energy starts to synchronize ice it's going to produce a bigger wave the higher the amplitude the higher the wave the more energy there is so now you have one mind and one heart and now when it comes to Healing others and we've done the research on this now and we're collecting the data that we're teaching people how to administer a change in energy in a person that's laying there because it's not matter that emits a field that's the wrong way to think about it it's the field that creates matter you change the field you change matter you're not it's not your job to change the tumor the tumor is the illusion it's the pattern in the field that's that that has to be changed so once people start reversing this then you start seeing tumors disappearing you start seeing blind people seeing deaf people hearing you start seeing people with Parkinson's disease switch on I mean you start seeing stage four cancer is reversing because now they're you're you're you're swimming Upstream you're going to the headwaters and making that change so pushing the envelope and then seeing that in a community when a community is synchronized towards the second half of a week-long event I mean as I said before we started the show I I'm more surprised than anybody when we went to some of these things it's crazy what is the we talked about I heard you say Consciousness a couple of times what's the difference between mindset and Consciousness to me Consciousness is awareness awareness is paying attention and noticing and so 95 of Who We Are by the time we're 35 years old is a set of unconscious automatic programs that we've just practiced so many times that we're not consciously thinking about those so in order for you to change to answer the initial question that you asked the first step is you got to become conscious of your unconscious thoughts and you gotta you got to start looking at those hardwired thoughts that that you think every day that are just circuits that have been fired and wired together how do we do that should we write a list at the end of the day or one of the most common thoughts we have that day like how does someone become aware you don't have to do that you just have to sit down close your eyes and not move and then you'll get you'll you'll start seeing what am I thinking about right now yeah and all you want to do is observe the thought because when you begin to observe that thought you're no longer the program now you're the Consciousness observing the program and you're starting to pull out of the program thinking about the thinking yeah who's doing the thinking of the thinking about the thinking that's who you are when you're not the program that's awareness right you got to become aware of how you speak how you act becomes so conscious so aware of it that you won't go unconscious and let that thought or that behavior run you you gotta say oh my God this feeling that I've been living by for the last 20 years is actually guilt I didn't know it was guilt because it just feels like me and all of a sudden as you start becoming conscious of it you're beginning to objectify your subjective self you're you're pulling out of those programs and nobody likes to do that because it's uncomfortable they'd rather turn on their cell phone start texting get on the internet you know watch TV to distract them from that moment and that is what they have to move through in order to get to their to their own personal freedom so the first step is becoming conscious and meditation means to become familiar with to become conscious of to to become so conscious of your unconscious self that you won't go unconscious to any thought any Behavior or emotion and get ready because it takes a tremendous amount of energy to do that and awareness stay conscious to stay conscious and so we fall from grace yeah fine you got it you got you're awake you got another day let's go again how often do you fall oh my gosh I mean how many times have I done it thousands but I'm not gonna give up because the moments in which I do connect or the moments that I do have that transcendental experience what matters the most after it when I have that transcendental moment I look back and all of those difficult meditations those difficult days and those are the ones you remember you don't remember the good meditations you remember the ones where you came up against yourself and you went a little further and you said I'm gonna go a little further and go a little further or you had a rough day and you just went in and you just you at the end of the day you surrender and you have the classic Oh My God moment there's no linear correlation it's just whether you're willing to live in creation instead of living in survival and so um you get better at it you know we just get better at it and for me um staying conscious and staying aware and staying present is an art because you you know when someone's present with you in your life because they're paying attention to you you know when they're not present with you because they're not paying attention to you so imagine this field of information this this intelligence that lives within you and I that's governing everything material in this world it's a self-organizing intelligence you have access to it so you better get present with it as well as you can get present with anything else and just because you can't see it doesn't mean it doesn't exist right and that that realm you can't experience with your senses you can only experience with your awareness so then people have to take their attention off their bodies and go from a somebody to a nobody take their attention off the people in their life and go from that they identify with and go from a someone to a no one take their attention off the things in their life their cell phone their computer their car and go from something to nothing take their attention off where they sleep where they work where they're sitting and go from somewhere to Nowhere take their attention off the predictable future and the familiar past in time and go from some time to no time and now if you're taking all of your attention off of everything material in this three-dimensional reality now there's only one other thing that's left that means you're an awareness your Consciousness and now that is the bridge that is the door to the quantum field and you can't enter the quantum field as a somebody so if someone has spent their whole life working on having the perfect body or so much so they have so much attention on their pain where you place your attentions where you place your energy it's going to take some work for them to take all of their attention off their body right because as they'll go they'll do it and then they'll go back let's see if the Pain's still there oh the Pain's still there so it's a little bit of a waltz in the beginning but as people start applying this you start getting better at it as an example we had Bond University a university in Australia on the Gold Coast senior researcher took a large majority of my brain scans and they hadn't she had them analyzed by her graduate students and they statistically looked at everything one of the most startling things for the research team was our community's ability to go to to get to that point where they're nobody no one no saying nowhere no time and I'm talking four seconds I'm talking five seconds I'm talking nine seconds just like just give me a second I know how to do this they they've practiced it enough times that the creative moment is when you get Beyond yourself when you dissociate from everything known in your Material World Turns out when you do that and you start changing your brain waves your brain waves slow down into Alpha and Theta you're suppressing the memory bank of the known self that keeps you plugged into three-dimensional reality when you quiet down this mechanism now all of a sudden you start connecting to that field and when you can stay conscious in those subconscious Realms when you can literally regulate and change brain waves now you're in the operating system where you can make those significant changes so we now know that when people apply the formula and they do that properly now they're walking through that door where they're ready to create from in other words you can't create from the known you can't create with your body that's matter trying to change matter and you can do it it's just going to take a long time but when you create from the field instead of from matter there's a whole different set of dynamics that takes place and and why not push that envelope to see okay if we've done this we've done this is it possible to do this as an example we do these wonderful healing circles where you see these dramatic instantaneous changes so the person who's healed themselves of some health condition when it comes time to heal somebody else that's they're going to say well now I understand the science I understand how this all works I know how to get Beyond myself I know how to open my heart they start piecing it all together let's take the formula to the next level now they witness a significant change in a person's body in real time right there so the next question is okay like this happened many times as an example the woman who was at the event in mayarca Spain her brother had a massive stroke and in Colombia and she went back to Colombia and he was in a coma for two weeks she called up the healing Circle and said hey can we do a healing on my brother now if you're playing by the rules of Newtonian physics three-dimensional reality you're going to say well you need to be in front of the guy in order to heal him but if you understand there's no separation in the quantum that there's everything's connected when you're in that place so wouldn't that be the next application of the formula so they go over the signs they get it okay we don't need we just need a picture of him and that's our coordinate and if we're in the field we're going to frequency to that corner yeah but but you're not sending it anywhere because there's nowhere to send there's no space and time connecting you're connecting to it exactly that's a great great way to say it in one hour after that coherence healing he comes back to Consciousness wow now that's the extension of where we're going you see now now now we're progressing a woman who was in one uh who uh one coherent healing group is a pediatric nurse in in the Children's Hospital in Seattle and again witnessed an amazing Miracle after our event in Toronto she comes back and there's a little they call him friends there's a little guy failing Doctors hit him with the paddles they use all the all the drugs to bring them back and they walk out of the room and they say we lost them she walks over puts her hands right in the field and this kid comes right back online doctors are like what was that and now so we have the a lot of our interest now is I want to get 50 one out of two people we're collecting the data in this coherence healings when we're 50 we're going to walk into a children's hospital we have three Children's Hospitals right now that are interested in us we'll show them the data we show them the results we'll say we don't want any money we'll never even touch the kids all we want to do is just change their lives and when we're 50 we're going to start doing it in children's hospitals and we're Gathering the data right now that's pretty cool yeah what else what else would we want to do with it right exactly it's amazing do you have kids I do how old are your kids my kids are in their 20s yeah okay yeah they're all older and underway what do they think about this work well my oldest son uh well first of all my kids have grown up with this work yes so you have to imagine like my oldest son coming back to one of my Advanced workshops three years ago and my friends saying hey is this your first Advanced workshop and he kind of glances over at him and says I've been in the advanced workshop for 25 years what are you talking about so my oldest son is one of my team leaders he's got a master's in engineering he lives in in Denver uh in Boulder Colorado and uh he's uh he's passionate about the work he met his fiancee at my one of my workshops and they're very very similar my daughter lives in London uh she's got her Masters in art at the Royal College of Art and she's probably the best Creator I have ever met in my life I mean she's just wired she knows how to do it and my my youngest son is uh goes uh who's getting his degree in architecture yeah at Cal Poly and they're all at different stations in their understanding but they understand the principles and I've always said to them you know if you can figure this out early on the rest of your life is going to be magic right because you know what to do and they're pretty wired for it now and and I've really worked in setting up conditions uh in their lives uh so that they can apply these principles from an early age and now they're they're older I think that they understand uh how to do it I'm curious your thoughts on I have two questions the one that just came to me what is your what do you think if you could predict the future about what is coming of in terms of discoveries in this work that you're doing in the next 10 years what's possible for us to even go even farther than you're seeing I think well I think we'll have a very strong intervention in cancer intervention like yeah yeah we'll have some really important data to show people that that they they can turn that around we have too many case histories and we have too much really good data right now I think we'll I think we'll change uh a lot with people that have chronic pain and inflammation where we have great data to change anxiety and depression without any exogenous substance uh PTSD we have great um results with that our our coherence healings where we're healing other people uh blind people are seeing I mean deaf people are hearing I mean uh people with paralyzed limbs are lifting their arms above their heads again I mean this is after 10 years of being that's great so we I mean I've seen if you ask Joe dispenza two years ago do you think you'd be seeing what you'd be seeing maybe like maybe once or twice it's just we had so many people step out of wheelchairs at our events I mean it happens it's happening over and over and over again it's it's it's just part of the collective Consciousness and I think more than anything else Collective networks of observers determine reality and who controls the information the right information controls reality and so my job my interest is to give people the information to empower them to be the creator of their life and not be stuck in the program that they need someone or something or to make them happy or to change their state I mean people are doing it all the time now and that's just who we are as human beings right So when you say Collective network uh I'm curious can a group of people influence healing in another person yeah yeah he's like if they're all in a certain State oh yeah emotionally yeah my answer is no no my answer is 100 is it a thousand no no just eight just eight seven six people with one person and what would that group of people need to be thinking feeling oh my God you have to come to an event bro you have to come it's just like hitting a golf ball just learn the formula and get really good at it and we have people that are really really good at it they want to master the stuff they can hit a Target they in fact they they have very little disbelief that they could do it right so but Lisa causes them to create but what we discovered it's not the number of people with the most amount of emotion emotion amount of energy that's you got a stadium full of people and that's that's very entropic energy it's the collective Network that's sending the greatest signal that's brain heart coherence now that's information right that's what seems to entrain uh matter with learning how to send that signal with the right hand yeah and it's just training the seven days you go all in I can tell you at the end of seven days you'll be different I can tell you that I'm curious I mean mental health seems to be you mentioned kind of anxiety depression and these different states that people could come in with especially people with trauma from the past whether it be ex-military Special Forces people FC and maybe you have to do certain things that they're not excited about it that has these traumas prisoners prisoners yeah mental health just seems like something everyone's talking about with the rise of a lot of things covid depression social media disconnection all these different things what is your stance technology technology yeah just the feeling connected but not connected all these things what's your thoughts on healing at least mental health challenges or we have really yeah so we have really good data uh primarily for mental health conditions like PTSD anxiety depression cyclic mood disorders you know OCD things like that but when it comes to psychosis you know we just we just stay away from that because it's a pathology at that point and you know people can come but they have to stay on their medications you know this is just just a little bit different game people have more depressed States more we have brain scan after brain scan to show that you could change that you should change it really sure so is this so like so like so like trauma yeah like if you don't know and again I don't know everything yes but what I do know is that when the brain starts functioning in a level of order or coherence more neurons are recruited and bigger communities and that kind of holism that's created is so important the other thing we realized is that when people really heal their heart they heal their mind like there's no I have no doubt about that you cannot do one without the other and when there's enough energy in the heart and we we've seen this we've we've got the we've got the technology to see that when the heart starts working when people start doing it properly there's this low frequency in the heart that starts to rise it's only indigenous to the heart because they have their attention on it where you place your attentions where you place your energy so they're filling the gas tank up and when it gets to a certain point here comes the parasympathetic nervous system saying get out of the stress response get relaxed then all of a sudden you think that would be over but it's not then the parasympathetic nervous system drops down and the sympathetic nervous system comes up and when the sympathetic nervous comes up now the person's relaxed and awake like they're really relaxed in their heart and they're really awake in their brain that state is so much better than being stressed out and unconscious in a program right so turns out when you get to that state when the heart starts informing the brain it resets the Baseline for the trauma that's stored in the brain and the amygdala it's informing the brain that the event is over because the emotion that they're feeling is dragging the body out of the past yes right to the present and when they feel the glory that really rich feeling where it's like oh my God this is something I haven't felt since I was nine years old or six years old and it's this familiar feeling their heart the words many people use blows wide open when they look back at their past their trauma the loss the Betrayal the abuse sexually physically emotionally so many times the person doesn't want to change one thing why is that because it brought him to this moment and now the moment is okay and Ella that's okay because I'm okay and they look back at their betrayers and their abusers and they have nothing but compassion they see that they see the whole thing they're seeing their past from a greater level of Consciousness right so so now that it resets the Baseline and the event is over and there goes the endometriosis there goes the Suicidal Tendencies there goes the rashes there goes the gum disease whatever it is just this the body gets an upgrade it's no longer believing it's in the same trauma 24 hours a day seven days a week 365 days a year because they're living unconsciously or subconsciously in that emotional program right so so then so then what happens to what happens to that person they belong to the Future now they no longer belong to the past and so it's almost like they don't even have to do much now it's almost like they're happy for no reason and and they're okay with themselves yes and when you're okay with yourself you're okay with everybody that's just the way it is right so you there's one woman told a story and she had a lot of abuse in her life a lot of abuse by a lot of family members and um she was in her meditation and and she thought I'm doing this all wrong like she the amount of emotion just came out of nowhere and she was about ready to give up and then she thought about the nine months or year however long it was where she never missed a day of doing her meditation and she said it was just like it was such a horrible feeling that she didn't think she could go any further and then she just said I'm just going to go one more time and she just went right past it and then heart blue eyed open wow literally reborn literally a different person like like every biological condition that she had every mental health condition gone all the shop all the supplements all the drugs all that stuff gone away and so then the question is what happens when the chemo isn't working what happens when the radiation isn't working what happens when the surgery didn't work what happens when the the ketogenic gluten-free vegan diet didn't work what what what now right what now because cancer researcher on the stage with Stage for sarcoma she did all the drugs research reached cancer research had the cancer nothing was where she did all the drug trials all the chemo everything the rare rare Gene flew of 1.0.001 percent of the population she's a physician she's a researcher she made sense to her no cancer in her anywhere not in Her Bones any longer I mean out of the bones I mean it's insane I mean you ask any physician if something could metastasizes to the bones it pretty much going to be with that for a long long time also it's gone like you know so like again those kind of things those four minute miles uh give people permission to step into that same same footprint so what is the point when all those other things aren't working and it only means one other thing it's not going to work unless I change and nothing changes in my life until I change right and that's the thing that people start to understand it wasn't about her healing it was about her disbelief it was about her emotions that she mismanaged her emotions and looked too much stress and she's like oh my God nobody's worth this like nobody is worth this is not loving to me I gotta stop this I understand now what I'm doing to my brain and my body by doing this big moment right and you look around and not a lot of other people are thinking this way but you come to an event and everybody is but out in the world you know it's just the the program is like you need something out there that didn't work we have something else for you right so that's a that's a lot of taking our power back you know in those circumstances I'm curious your thoughts on this I've never done this I have tons of friends that have done this um Ayahuasca and other types of medicines right or um plant medicines I guess they call it right I've been invited a bunch of times I know a bunch of people that do this um I've just never done it and I'm curious what your thoughts are on plant medicines in terms of helping you heal or yeah or can it really help you or is it more a crutch or Here's my thought about it and it's it's a tightrope for me to walk this I think that a lot of plant medicines fit into the same receptors serotonin and melatonin and they tweak the brain to fire in a different way which gives us an altered perception from outside of ourselves which for a lot of people we need that step away from where you're just see in reality from a different dimension you're not you're not seeing it from you you're seeing it from a different place and and for some people that journey is painful and it creates nausea and vomiting and you know and some people kind of wind up getting really trapped other people have really profound experiences right so if the person has the transcendental experience from the plant medicine my most fundamental important question for them is what are you going to do with that right is that going to change your lack is that going to change your your life if if that insight somehow causes you to act on it because it changes your perception of the world and it truly causes you to be whatever it is whatever the whatever the experience is to to take that peace with you and use it in some way that's great but for many people Insight never changes Behavior you can understand that your father was overbearing you could understand that that Saturn is in the wrong house you know you can all of that stuff you could understand that you know that there's like there's a chemical imbalance in your brain none of that you could understand all kinds of things but that won't really change your life really it doesn't really change your life so there are people who have done 65 Ayahuasca sessions because they have cancer and the cancer hasn't changed my advice to them is to try something else right right just come on come on like that's it's just just let's make a different move here so so my concern is is that this is human nature everybody has this you know you take something and it makes pain go away you take something that gives you an altered perception of whatever you notice that you got a change in your body you remember what cost it and so every time you feel that whatever you remember to do that right so now you got a dependency on something outside of you so on a substance outside yes so right right so then so now you need that substance in order to take away take away the art take away the other other feeling that's not what this work is about this work is about actually self-regulating and changing that feeling without anything outside of you right does that create mystical experiences profound mystical experiences in our work do we have the data yeah we have great data to suggest that those High gamma States the person is having a full-on sensory experience without their senses and the brain is not having a little bit of energy it's not having a lot of energy it's having a supernatural amount of energy like more than you would ever record like the brain is way outside of normal way outside of normal like 100 of standard deviations outside of normal in that state so so it's important then for us to realize that if if we're using that substance to regulate our emotional state I would say to that person work on changing that emotional state before you take the substance and then take the substance and have a great trip there you go yeah have a fun trip right what is the uh the biggest fear you have moving forward um I really don't really have a whole lot of fears in moving forward I feel really good about my team I feel really good about our research yeah I feel really good about the way we run events I mean I've always you know we there's always growth pains you know and you know we we outgrow things and we have to do things different you know differently um do you have any personal fears now I just want to stay healthy enough to be able to continue to do this I'd love to get some people uh that I trust to be able to help me do some of this you know on the stage a little bit more sure sure um and I really want to make this work not about me I never wanted to be about me I want it to be about you you know and and I and I do really you know I do my best to try to be the example sure of everything that I teach is your uh is your age out there public I think so how old are you now my body's 60 years your body's 60. yeah what's your mind oh gosh I think I have a pretty good mind your body's 60 yeah holy cow I don't even connect with that one you just said that that's amazing you look incredible thanks bro I'm about uh I'm in a year I'm gonna be 40. if you could go back to when you're 40. 20 years ago yeah man you look incredible at 60 that's amazing your energy it's incredible if you could go back to 40 which I'm going to be in about a year yeah and you can just give me some advice or you go back and give your 40 year old self advice what would you wish you knew and what decisions do you wish you would have taken for any area of life whether it's flossing your child really really would be to lighten up really yeah just lighten up were you too tight no at 40 I was driven right it was driven and it was okay because I mean I think you know being driven is really great but then when I started to really want to experiment with creating from the field instead of from matter if I decided to create something then I went and did it that I didn't let the creation happen because I got in there I was driving it was in the habit of doing it right so at 40 I I just started to experiment with it a little bit more and I think I learned how to I had to I had to um inhibit the need to kind of do it because because on some level I doubted it was going to happen right so at 40 I was just starting to experiment a little bit more with this I mean this is when I was you know getting interested in it so I probably tell myself to lighten up and make it more playful I mean I'm really good when I'm goofy and silly and playful and curious It's not really good when I'm like rigid and forcing it's just not it's just not me but when people are act like childlike and they're playful and Goofy and silly what what occurs in life when they come from that State versus a driven State I think I think we make room for the unknown I think I like I don't like I don't when I I mean you watch me at events I get really I'm tired and I'm super happy like tired and happy for me is like the perfect formula like if I'm tired and happy I see weird things I have weird experiences I mean I get a lot of weird stuff so so I mean um because I think my brain waves are probably in Theta like I'm wide open you know um but but well I think it's so important for people to be curious like when I'm wondering like I'm really wondering like what would it be like to have this experience and I really really go down the rabbit hole with it I love that right because and if I don't if I come to a certain point and I don't know what happens next I'm gonna go look it up I'm not gonna get on social media and say is anybody know anything about I'm not going to do that I'm gonna I'm gonna own it I'm gonna own that content so that when I sit down to actually create that experience I have enough information to believe that's possible right so so I think when nothing is left the conjecture when nothing's left to Superstition when nothing's left the dogma and people know exactly what they're doing and why they're doing it the how it gets so instrumental because we assign meaning to it here's an example you can take a person and put them in a nice bath they know nothing about anything they get a nice bath in a minute they're going to be in hypothermia and that ice bath is going to be really bad for them yes take that same person teach them a few things have them assign meaning to it make them look for the value in it put them back in the ice bath turn on the prefrontal cortex in the prefrontal cortex will silence all the circuits in the brain that say it's bad for you and now you'll get value out of it it's the same thing you know it's the same exact thing so so assign meaning to the Act of Creation right like I'm never gonna stop learning about that because those are more tools more raw materials so I would say people you want to be healthy you want to be wealthy re study yeah get it get real get it real with the process so you want to become a Mystic study the mystics I mean read about it listen to what they're saying right if you want to heal your body and your mind then go study you and go to one go no no no say me go go watch the testimonials yes watch those people I always say when they send me the testimonials that's like that's food for me yeah I always say I call them up and I say she's speaking the truth and it's not coming from me right she's just telling the story and I always say to people don't don't ask her what meditation she did it has nothing to do with it it's how she changed how he changed he's talking about change like this guy is stepping out of a wheelchair in Cancun with ALS you know or some rare weird condition he was in wheelchairs walked up to the stage you know at the end of the event and he I was backstage with him he didn't say how come not all the way healed he said you know I'm just starting to figure this thing love out I think if I can feel deeply my bot is going to be good for my body it's going to be loving to my body and I know that I can signal the gene if I do it so this is like he's he's in the he's he owns a a juice bar and he's like in the game like it's he's assigning meaning that if I can feel the emotion ahead of the experience I'm sitting on the gene ahead of the environment I got to get better at this feeling of love I gotta I've got to get more into it I gotta assign meaning to it now now I'm going to get greater value from it I'm not gonna get it right and then the other thing people come to a week-long event they say I didn't I don't think I'm changing young people who know those people yes yeah this doesn't work for me that that you know what if you go all in I can tell you that's not the truth right so you're crossing the river but you don't see the evidence yet why would you stop it was like running a running a marathon you're halfway through and you're gonna quit right you just keep I I can tell you there are dramatic biological changes that'll happen if you go all in yes not not in just a small percentage and almost 100 of the people like everybody who goes all in has profound metabolic changes so go all in for the most part the brain is a reflection of everything that we know right so along with that is our relationship with money and I I feel like I have a really good relationship with money because I work on having a really good relationship with everything in my life did you always have a good relationship with money I think so I think so I've never really lived in lack that just wasn't part of it even when I went to college and I had to take out student loans and stuff I always figured out a way to always be a little bit ahead of the curve and so so let's back up and just look at how people form beliefs because yes most beliefs are created from past experiences right so uh children uh when they're uh in their early ages their brain waves are very slow like their brain waves are in Alpha when they're like seven to twelve they're in Theta when they're like two to six years old and and they're in Delta like when they're when they're you know newborn to two years old and so these brainwave States uh are states that were really suggestible to information so when we hear information we believe it and we accept it we believe it we surrender to it as if it's the truth without analyzing it because there's no analytical facilities yet right the analytical mind starts around 12 or so 7 to 12 and that analytical mind is actually what creates a barrier between the conscious mind and the subconscious mind so the 412 roughly what we see how we model our parents Behavior it's all being programmed subconsciously right and and so so that's really really important because if you heard money is the root of all evil money is bad only certain people are allowed to make money you have to work hard to make money this is how you got to do it and that becomes the foundations subconsciously like let's like write recording an audio file you just keep recording that audio file it becomes a subconscious program right so a lot of people have a relationship with money based on either what they've been told or what they've experienced in their outer environment right so so then we gain information from our environment and the stronger the emotion we feel from experiences in our lives the more altered we feel inside of us the more the brain freezes a frame and takes a picture and that snapshot is called the memory So based on an emotion based on emotion the emotion Alters our internal state so you're going along as Lewis feeling really good and all of a sudden you have this trauma you have this crisis you have this shock and all of a sudden you have this dramatic change in your internal State and your senses get heightened and then you freeze the frame and you associate this internal state with whatever it is that's causing it right and that's how we create long-term memories right so our painful memories more uh powerful or beautiful memories more powerful uh they're both equal okay they're both equal but but the problem is I think most people experience from more than negative the emotions right and those are negative emotions really are derived from the hormones of stress right so the alarm system the emergency system creates an arousal you know inwardly and that arousal saying there's something dangerous in your outer environment right and it could be a person a circumstance and an accident or whatever and that that change in emotional state causes you to remember the event you got to pay attention right you got to stay really and narrow your focus on the cause so so think about people who have relationships with money right from the past with all beliefs are based on past experiences so you have an experience where you lose money you have an experience where money's taken away from you have an experience where you don't have enough you're living in a place where there's not enough money or a family that's not enough money then the emotion that most people are living by in a moment-to-moment basis is lack like I'm in lack of having something that I want okay now there's nothing wrong with that because the experience changes your emotional state you freeze the frame you take a picture the problem is that's hardware so we think neurologically within the circuits of that past experience and we feel chemically within the boundaries of that emotion which would say for example be lack right so now the person says before you go on to the next thing what happens to the body in the mind when it is in an environment of lack mentally or physically I'm in lack what is what is the body to mind saying yes so the body is saying I'm waiting for some external event to occur I win the lottery I marry the right guy whatever it is that you're waiting for that event to occur that experience produces an emotion so the emotion then takes away the lack and so when we play the game in three-dimensional reality the creation game in three-dimensional reality we experience separation from everyone and everything because our our senses fool us into the illusion the hallucination of Separation I'm here and you're there I'm here and the door is over there so I'm aware that I'm here at one point of Consciousness and the door is over there another point of Consciousness okay so in order for me to get from here to the door I gotta move my body and do something through space I gotta do something and everything in this three-dimensional reality is going to take time and energy right so okay so then here's here's Lewis right here and then he says okay I want this experience in my future and your brain automatically predicts and projects how far in the future you think it's going to take maybe it's a year five years ten years 30 years oh my gosh right because that's what it's going to take to pay off that house right so now one point of Consciousness I'm here the other point of Consciousness is where I'm placing my dreams so I mean separate from that experience so then how do I get to that experience in three-dimensional reality you got to get up and you got to do something you gotta go to work you gotta drive to work it takes energy you got to fill your car with gas you got to eat food you got to work you know all this stuff you got to sleep you got to recover if there's stress and now people are in a sense waiting for the experience that's 10 years down the road or 30 years down the world to happen to take away the lack of them not having it and unfortunately many times when the experience finally occurs they can't enjoy it because they're too exhausted right right so then so you play the game you you you go to school you study really hard or you study on your own you develop some skills you make the right choices you start saving money you start learning from your mistakes and then the game is how many things can you accumulate and that accumulation then you associate with being wealthy or being abundant or being successful right and some people get really good at it right you can get really good at that but for the most part though when we create from three-dimensional reality we're creating from lack and separation in other words you're driving down the road and you see someone driving a car that all of a sudden you realize that you don't have the moment you become aware that that person has that car and you don't have it you're in lack of having it right so what the brain naturally does is it naturally creates you driving that car and you have an image of yourself driving that car and you start identifying wow that would be a greater experience for me to have the problem is the distance between the thought of what you want and the experience of actually happening it happening for most people is the concept called time right between cause and effect right so some people develop the ability to manage themselves and manage their life developed certain skills and they can pay for it and they can get it very quickly the problem is when the novelty of that experience wears off you know the car and they're no longer identifying with that and the feeling of emptiness and lack comes back they need to find something else find something else and so there's this game that goes on where you never have enough right and that's the lack game right so then if you think about people having the things they want in their life when they create from lack and separation it's the experience in three-dimensional reality that produces the emotion and the emotion is saying let's feel that experience this thing that you've been in lack and separation from and that emotion then takes away the lack of Separation but you've worked really hard to get it okay nothing wrong with that is there another way to do it yes okay so the person who's living in lack is waiting for their wealth to feel abundant they're waiting for their success to feel empowered they're waiting for their healing to feel gratitude they're waiting for their new relationship to feel love they're waiting for the mystical experience to feel awe that's the Newtonian model of reality of cause and effect you know waiting for that event to happen to take away this separation or lack nothing wrong with it it's the way most people create but what we've discovered is actually something else the moment you feel gratitude your Healing Begins the moment you feel worthy and abundant you're generating wealth the moment you're empowered you are moving towards your success the moment you're in love with yourself and you're in love with life you'll create an equal the moment you are in awe of life you're going to have a mystical experience and so that's causing an effect right so then if you can teach people then how to create instead of from lack or separation but create from wholeness and create from what we call the quantum field instead of three-dimensional reality what's the difference Okay so the way you first of all it takes knowledge okay the quantum field is an invisible field of energy that exists beyond our senses you can't see it you can't smell it you can't taste it you can't hear it you can't feel it it exists beyond our experience of three-dimensional reality would this be in the our minds Consciousness or would this be in a different space okay let's let's look at that so the answer to the question is how much of your waking day do you put your attention on matter on the material world and how much of your awakenge are you aware of energy and frequency for most people they're unaware of the quantum field and if you're unaware of it it doesn't exist for you just like you have a nose but if you're unaware of it it doesn't exist for you the moment you become aware of it exists well the quantum field you can ask you could study all kinds of Science and they'll tell you there is this invisible field of frequency and energy that exists beyond the senses that tend to connect everything physical and material in fact everything physical and material is connected to this field Okay so how do you get there right how do you get how do you get there how do you get there so we discovered that when you take all of your attention off your body and you are not paying attention to your emotions your drives your habits if you could take all of your attention off of every element in your environment your cell phone your tablet your computer uh your your car your whatever it is your bed take your attention away from everything every place that you live where you sleep or you work and you're not thinking about time you're not thinking about your schedule where you need to be or what happened yesterday you can relax into the present moment there there tends to be a dramatic change in the way the brain functions when people do this properly we call it getting Beyond yourself but in a sense you're dissociating from your three-dimensional reality why because if you're thinking about anything in your three-dimensional reality that's where your attention is and that's where your energy is okay so we kind of figured out this formula when people really become nobody no one no thing nowhere and no time we are pretty much all of a sudden outside the constraints of the Newtonian world of got to do something to get an outcome and if you can teach people how to linger there without a name without a face without a profession without a family without a culture without a past without a disease you teach them how to be in this place we call the unknown right and you teach them that from that place that invisible field is where everything material comes from and if they could create coherence in their brain you need a strong signal in the brain the more coherent the brain the more stronger the signal what do you mean a strong signal okay let's see how I could say this when most people we look at when we look at brains in real time and we're looking at people's how their how their mind is working when you're under stress okay stress is created by not being able to predict something that's going to happen in your life uh the perception that something's going to get worse or you can't control something right so when that occurs we switch on that perimeter nervous system called the fight-or-flight nervous system and the Brain goes into this very alarmed State called high beta that means pay attention to the outer world there's danger out there so it's but if it's not a predator in its traffic or your co-worker or your ex this is where it gets to be a problem because it becomes very maladaptive right so when we're in that state and the brain is that in that around State we try to control and predict everything so every person every object everything every place uh every even your body has a neurological Network in your brain right so as the arousal happens we start shifting our attention to all these elements in like a lightning storm in the clouds the brain starts firing very very incoherently and when the brain's incoherent we're in coherence so that's not a strong signal that's not there's it's a static on the right that's disconnection there is no signal right so when we're in that state we're always really looking for the worst case scenario of what's going to happen because if you prepare for the worst anything less happens a better chance of survival right so so in this kind of aroused State as we shift our attention to each one of these elements that are known in our environment the brain starts compartmentalizing and firing out of order and and that is what creates what's called autonomic dysregulation that causes the brain and body to get really out of balance right so in that state we're we're over focused you know when you're stressed you're over focused on something you can't stop thinking about it our research shows that when you do that you actually make your brain worse because you're analyzing your problems within some disturbing emotion and that emotion is driving you further out of balance you're actually knocking your brain and body out of bounds by thought alone and you're driving it into these more aroused States right for someone that's been living like that for decades that's their base State how do they even realize how to get out of that they don't usually it takes crisis right it takes trauma spring break yeah breakdown the loss of death all in a breakup a divorce a near bankruptcy whatever it is a disease a diagnosis whatever something where you just can't go on business as usual now it's time to really start looking they have to wake up yeah yeah so so let's get back to the concept of abundance here because I need a strong signal in this field right so then if you can teach people to do the exact opposite go from putting all of their attention on everything physical and material in the world of separation and instead of narrowing their focus on something material ask them to broaden their focus and put it on nothing now I know that sounds kind of crazy but when you put your attention on space and you divert your attention the act of sensing without thinking actually starts to slow the brain waves down not only slow it down but all of a sudden cause the brain to start re reintegrating starts to synchronize right and so you see different compartments of the brain that we're firing out of order start to resonate they start to communicate they're they're they're they're they're all of a sudden synchronizing and what sinks in the brain kind of links in the brain so when a person has their whole entire brain firing in Rhythm that's a very strong signal that you can send out into the field so that signal is strong in that position what can you create from that okay so but that's only one element okay so then the clear intention tends to be a very important element that we have to have to get down and the more coherent the brain the more clear the signal for that intention so with intention and attention we could actually make thought more real than anything else now what is that you're saying what would it be like to be wealthy what would it be like to be abundant what would it like to have all my needs met what would it be like to have more than I need what would I do if I had everything I ever wanted the answer always is the same you start giving stuff away because if an abundant person is truly abundant why would they hold on they would say there's I'm not in lack there's more for everybody okay turns out though that the signal sent out isn't enough you've got to have to draw the experience back to you and so setting the signal out to you know Financial Freedom or whatever that is all these different things right right whatever that is for you whatever that is putting that out there with the signal with the intention and the attention right and then how do you draw it so now so it's a physical world right in the physical world you got to go get it you got to do something this is the plane of demonstration you got to go get it and when you you're in lack until it occurs right so what I'm hearing you say there's a way to not Chase but attract all right so if you're creating from the field instead of from matter right there's a very strong possibility that you'll shorten the distance between the thought of what you want and the experience of having it and when there's a vibrational match between your energy and that future that you want to experience now if you're creating from the field you actually don't go anywhere to get it you actually draw it to you so here comes the synchronicities the serendipities the coincidences the opportunities and they come out of nowhere and you you say I don't understand I I didn't do anything while you changed your energy and and so then the other element is a coherent heart right and the heart has a magnetic signature and the Magnetic sign ensures what draws reality to us right so you combine that clear intention with a coherent brain now here's the key this takes practice yes because the person who's living in lack is usually unworthy is usually insecure is usually in their past they're usually frustrated they're usually impatient they're usually resentful because nothing's changing out there because it's taking too long that's everything takes a lot of time when you do matter to matter right so then if you teach them okay we know all about that we know the story behind that we know what your parents told you about money all that other don't worry about it don't worry about it but now let's do something that would be really cool let's let's write down the feelings of how you would feel if that future happened and you're going to have to feel that feeling before it occurs so now okay what is an abundant person feel pretty much free a lot of freedom peace excited joyful I'm in love with life grateful to be alive abundant okay now let's practice feeling those turns out when you're feeling those other emotions like resentment and impatience and frustration you're stepping on the gas pedal just turning on the sympathetic nervous system and you're stepping on the brake with the same time at the same time which is you're angry you're frustrated but the fight-or-flight nervous system says run fight or hide and you're sitting in a zoom meeting and you're neck is pulsating is because the heart is beating against the closed system right you're not you're not using it in an Adaptive way so the heart starts firing out of order it starts firing incoherently and incoherent waves cancel each other out it's called destructive interference and then we stop trusting our future energy leaves the heart energy leaves the brain energy leaves the heart he can't get in touch with the feeling of your future because in survival which those are hormones of stress all those emotions and survival is not a time to create right it's time to run fight and hide okay so we gotta lay down the very thing we used our whole life to get what we want the habit of doing it that way for something greater to occur okay and what happens if we create we try to create from survival emotions it just takes a long time you just you you'll just force it a little bit Little Steps at a time you'll force it you'll you'll force it you'll fight for it you'll compete for it and you'll manipulate you'll cheat you'll lie you'll do anything to get what you want because that's what matter does when it's trying to change matter and everybody's ever playing that game right everybody's trying to accumulate the most amount of things right okay so that's what abundance means to certain people get as many things as you can okay you want that not a problem but let's learn the formula of how to create right so then so then you'd have to feel those emotions before the experience occurred and if you understood that you could dissociate all of your attention from this three-dimensional reality and have no attention on anything known and understand it's the field that creates matter that matter that emits the field and if you could get to that place and change your energy with a clear intention and elevated emotion your heart starts beating in this beautiful Rhythm like a drum we've measured it so many times and when that occurs the next thing that happens the heart informs the brain it's safe to create now so the person relaxes into the present moment and then we see this like if you took a big sheet you know and a blanket and you went like that the energy of the heart actually informs the brain to move into this beautiful elegant states of alpha brainwave patterns coherent Alpha and that's saying what's the next dream what is it the next what's the next opportunity you want to experience that's a state of creation so I don't have a Wi-Fi signal you got a coherent brain that's a directive that's a signal out and you got this coherent heart that's what draws it to us right you combine those two and if there's a vibrational match between your energy and that potential in the quantum field and you're feeling abundant and whatever your brain Associates with being abundant that's your call that's what the creative process is this is the creative Center the brain frontal lobe actually says what would it be like to be creative or abundant I don't know what it'll be like to be abundant we'll then go read a few books on people who who actually became abundant and realize it wasn't a glorious process they failed miserably they let they got betrayed they learned a lot of lessons but they persevered and what are the qualities of that person that you could embody that that's the key right because it's it's not about wealth it's who you become right because people think it's about their wealth but it's the becoming process it's the overcome attracted that right of course so then so then you got to turn the battleship around because most people say I can't feel grateful for my wealth because it hasn't happened yet that's the hypnosis waiting for the experience to happen to feel grateful well that's Newtonian that's three-dimensional reality that's cause and effect the quantum you got to feel it in order for you to experience it okay so this heart becomes like an amplifier and it sends that signal out and that frequency can carry the thought of your abundance can suffering cannot carry the thought of your abundance lack cannot carry the thought of your buses it's a different frequency right we feel different feelings like suffering we think different thoughts right so so people can say I'm abundant I'm abundant I'm abundant abundant all they want but that thought is never making it to their body because it's stopping at the brain stem because the body's saying I'm miserable I'm unhappy I'm in lack right so so the affirmation doesn't work right okay so let's go one step further yes so if you practice this and you actually understood you know well we teach this pretty well but if you if you learned it just like learning how to play handball or learning how to hit a golf ball learning how to dance a song so if you just practice the form you get really good at it if you're doing it properly then what would be the outcome the experiment of being abundant would be that you would have to feel that feeling it's so good at doing it with your eyes closed you got to do it with your eyes open now why because if you're feeling the feelings of your emotions of your future you're no longer looking for them because you're in the future now your body is so objective that it's believing it's living in that reality where you are abundant as long as you feel that emotion you're not separate from it any longer you're no longer and lack you're no longer looking for it to Cur occur and say why hasn't it happened yet if you're feeling abundant why would you look so then our job then is to be able to maintain that modified state of mind and body cell okay so does that mean like you should check your bank account tomorrow and see if there's a half a million dollars in it no you keep tuning into that potential and then here come the synchronicities yes what's that that's feedback in your environment the universe saying hey Louis whatever you're doing all of a sudden we are starting to create right and I think it's so important for people to remember that they're the creators of their lives instead of the victim of their lives right so the victim is saying I'm feeling this way because that person or that circumstance or I don't have any money is causing me to feel this way that's my relationship with money what that really means is I'm using my lack to reaffirm my dependency my addiction my conditioning that's my relationship with money is that I put my attention on money because I don't have it so the relationship with money is of course built on lack and so when they don't have it they feel bad and what they're really saying is my outer environment my reality is actually controlling the way I feel the way I think so Louis why are you in a good mood today things are going good why in a bad mood things are going bad today so this unconscious program of victimization is saying that that that we're we're allowing our environment to influence the way we feel and the way we think isn't that isn't that what victimization is and and the stronger the emotion we have to our lack the more we put our attention on the fact that we don't have it right so then the person has forgotten that they're creating reality because what they're creating is lack and they're creating more of it and then they try harder and they force harder they're more exhausted and their body's tired and they're breaking down right so so the experiment then is let's try it another way let's create from the field instead of for matter get a coherent heart get a coherent brain relax in the heart and energy moves right in the brain we've measure this thousand times and all of a sudden the person moves into these beautiful elegant brainwave states where they're super creative right so the the longer you're conscious of that energy the more you draw that future to you so then what is the synchronicity mean it means whatever you're doing inside of you is producing that effect outside of you pay attention to what you did keep going do it again so generate a little bit more abundance just do it for an experiment now when the synchronicity happens do you think you feel suffering or do you think you feel a little excitement you feel inspired right so then that synchronicity is saying use this energy use this feeling it should be easier for you to feel this now and go back and do it again keep the experiment going and here comes the promotion here comes the here comes the email here comes the person you meet at the right time right well we have something happening here and then that that becomes the momentum right so then we generate abundance that's that's how we do it and the relationship doesn't just happen by accident we generate we generate abundance right so then if you have an hour meditation where you're tuning into your abundant future but then you're spending the other 15 hours a day in lack don't expect anything to change your defaulted you're back to the old energy and if you say it's that person or that circumstance or that bank account I'm going to say you're back to the unconscious program being a victim right and so then so then so then let's go a step further if your personality creates your personal reality and it does and your personality is made up of how you think how you act and how you feel then the present personality who's listening to this podcast has created the present personal reality called their life nothing big there which means if you want to change your personal reality you're going to have to change your personality right nothing changes in your life until you change right so then 95 percent of who we are is is on autopilot right it's it's a program thoughts hardwired thoughts beliefs perceptions unconscious habits and behaviors and really really emotional responses that tend to be really knee-jerk and automatic right so if 95 of who we are is a set of unconscious programs then the first step to change is becoming conscious of those unconscious thoughts now people think when they sit down to do the work and make their change that they're they're doing something wrong no those thoughts have to come up I can I'm not worthy it's never going to work but the person who's truly persevering towards their abundance realizes just because they have that thought doesn't mean it's true they're curious on what's on the other side of that thought ah well that's just the thought right and nerve cells that no longer fire together no longer wire together so you keep moving past that thought it gets it has less and less power over you right now you're you have power over it or better better yet you're using your brain in the proper way instead of your being a victim to your brain right if you complain about money if you judge people who have it if you rush when you're in lack if you cheat when you don't have what you need an abundant person doesn't do that you got to look at that and say I gotta break these habits oh my God if I truly want to be abundant I can't act this way now here's the big one if if I truly want to be a new personality that's in a new personal reality I can't take lack with me I can't take unworthiness I can't take a story that goes along with it with my parents or my grandparents or my ex or whatever that story has to end right I mean if not now when right how do people end those stories well of course well how many times do we have to forget until we stop forgetting and start remembering right that's the game right that's the game called change how many times we have to go unconscious and default to that old personality when we catch ourselves and stop doing that and get conscious that's the moment of change so the problem is is that most people wake up in the morning and they think uh let me think of my problems right there the brain is a record of the past right so they think about their problems they don't have enough money and those those problems are usually connected to certain people at certain places with certain objects and certain things so the moment they wake up the moment they remember those problems they're thinking in the past so now they're firing and wiring the memory they're keeping the memory of past alive in their mind the problem is every one of those memories has an emotion associated with it because we've experienced it so when they feel the lack when they feel the unhappiness when they feel the anxiety now the bodies in the past thoughts being the language of the brain feelings being the language of the body how we think and how we feel creates our state of being but the conditioning process starts because conditioning only needs a thought and a Feeling a memory or an image and an emotion and a stimulus and response and you're conditioning your body to become the mind of that emotion and now the memory is not in the brain now the memory is buried subconsciously in the body and the body becomes the mind of that emotion so the body is living in lack and it's believing [Music] so so the body's so objective that it does not know the difference between the real life experience that's creating the lack and the emotion that you're creating by thought alone called lack the body's believing it's living the same past experience every day it's it why because the end product of an experience is an emotion well if you your life is changing but you're still feeling lack don't expect anything that you you won't even see it you'll walk right past it you're viewing your life through the lens of the past okay so okay so then a person realizes that all their friends are making money and they're doing stuff and they're like wow I'm really feeling lacked now so then when it no longer becomes about your abundance and it becomes about your change that's a valuable moment when it's no longer about your healing but it's about your change I paid attention to a lot of people and in the last couple years tell their story the people who heal in this work from cancers and all kinds of chronic health conditions and Parkinson's and strokes and paralysis and all kinds of things it's rare genetic disorders it it never was about when they've really got in the game it was never about their healing it was about what do I need to change in order to heal when the game it goes like that so then the person who's feeling lack on some level or another it's not just in the mind it's in the body how do I create you know the person of my dreams that I want in my life and I always say take out a piece of paper write down everything you want in that person and then become it that's it because um so many people have so many interesting definitions about what they think Love Is Right and so some people have it in terms of need some people have it in terms of sexuality some people have it in terms of control and and dominance and success and so those are different experiences that really don't lead to this concept Called Love and so my theory in a relationship um I was I was in LA Australia for three weeks and I was doing this big book tour and I was on all these television shows and all these radio shows and you know I wanted to talk about you know the science of changing your mind you know the neuroplasticity epigenetics and every television show they were asking me about soul mates how do you create them I was just so tired by the by the end of this tour I was at the establishment hotel in in Sydney and I was sitting with the CNN reporter and attractive woman and she said how do how come I can't create the relationship that I want and I just was so over it I just looked at her and I said let me ask you a question would you go out with you which is really the fundamental question so I have a couple theories about relationships that I think are really important and I I use the same exact principles with my life first of all I will never work in a relationship and I don't think anybody should work in a relationship I think if you're working in a relationship something is not clicking something is not right but if you bring your best and the person that you're with brings their best and you celebrate your life together then there's there's constructive interference there's growth there's energy if you're not at your best and you show up more than likely you're going to pick someone or something apart and it's better that you remove yourself for a period of time and get back into your heart and present yourself at your best and so if you're not there and you need a mirror or a reflection then it's good to ask am I missing something am I not seeing myself in some way and then there's a healthy conversation when you invited but if you're not invited to contribute your opinion then it's better off that you don't right so people always say I want a loving relationship but what they really want is happiness really so we we do these meditations to create love in our lives and and it could be love in uh familiar relationships with your siblings it could be with your parents it could be with your friends or it could be with a significant other and so if thoughts are the electrical charge in the quantum field and feelings are the magnetic charge in the quantum field and how you think and how you feel broadcast an electromagnetic signature that influences every single atom in your life the thought sends the signal out and the feeling is the magnetic field that draws the event back to you right so if you're not in a place where you're in love with life or in love with yourself or practicing diminishing your emotional reactions to certain people or conditions in your life and you're living in anger or hostility or judgment or fear and you want a loving relationship there is no magnetic field for you to draw that to you and in fact if you say to me well it's that person or that circumstance that's caused me to feel this way then I would say you mean that person or that circumstance is controlling the way you feel and the way you think and anything that controls the way we feel and the way we think we are victims too right so most people are unconsciously responding to the conditions in their environment experiencing emotions that are derived from the hormones of stress those emotions cause us to feel separate from our dreams they heighten our senses so if we can't see them it doesn't exist the threat or the danger puts us in emergency mode and we can think positively about the relationship we want we could send the signal out into the field we could have pictures we could have we could remind ourselves of what it is but if you're not drawing the experience back to you because your response to the environment is actually weakening your organism it's weakening your response is actually weakening the body then you will be as a victim more vulnerable to the conditions in your environment whether they're large or small and I'm talking about microorganisms as well so if you wanted a true relationship where it was fundamentally based on this concept called love now let's talk about that because we practice this a lot in the work that we do if you could truly begin to practice trading those survival emotions every day for elevated emotions and you practiced opening your heart it's it's a it's a skill that has to take place where you move out of survival so people say Mom I can't open my heart I I don't I can't feel love and I say well what do you practice feeling because whatever you practice feeling you're feeling most of the time and that feeling could be guilt but you're so used to it you wouldn't even know it's guilt it just feels like you are most people practicing a feeling are they just reacting to how they feel well they're they're they're they're reacting to their external environments what's happening or they're reacting to some stray thought in their mind and every thought produces a chemical so if they have an unhappy thought they feel unhappy if they have a judgmental thought it produces chemicals that makes you feel polarized right so how much does one thought change your chemical body oh that's an interesting question so let's just let me put this on hold here so so the stronger the emotions that we feel from the problems and conditions in our life the more altered we feel inside of us the more we pay attention to what's causing it outside of us so if you have an event in your life an experience in your life that has a strong emotional charge to it and you don't feel like your normal self you feel this alarm system switch on you're going to narrow your focus on the cost and the brain is going to take a snapshot and that's called a long-term memory right so then what people don't know is that every time they think about that event they're producing the same chemistry and their brain and body as if the event was occurring in that moment in that moment so the highly charged event is actually producing the emotion and the body is so objective that it doesn't know the difference between the real experience that's creating the emotion and the emotion that the person is fabricating by thought alone the body's believing it's so objective it's believing it's in the same environmental experience so the strong the highly charged emotional events you you some people think of their ex and the thought of that person makes them sick makes them feel out of balance so and I One image one thought in their mind makes them feel out about so all you need is an image and an emotion thought and feeling a stimulus and a response and you're conditioning your body emotionally into the past so now the memories in this just not in the brain now it's in the body okay so now that thought of that person is actually creating a response in the body that's consuming the body's energy for growth and repair consuming the body's energy to create because in survival it's not a time to create in survival is time to run fight and hide so the problem is is that it becomes a subconscious program it's no longer a conscious process it now is a subconscious process so now the body has been conditioned into resentment into unhappiness into fear anxiety whatever it is and so she's back to our concept of bringing love into your life so you say to that person okay open your heart and they're going to say are you kidding me I was injured I was hurt I'm not going to do that I'm gonna let me see your cards first right and once I see your car I said I'll PR then I'll open up a little bit so so we protect this right so now in in that state of survival the the research shows that the long-term effects of those stress hormones are pushing the genetic buttons that are creating disease the body can't live in emergency mode for that period of time so in a sense the person is making themselves Sick by thought alone their thoughts are making them sick literally so the problem is is now the body is conditioned into the past and it's the mind now once the the body is the mind the body becomes the Mind emotionally so now all of this energy is stored in the body and now the person now has to leave their unhappiness and step out into the unknown they have to get out of the familiar feelings that has has defined them so they'll say I can't really feel Joy I can't really feel love and what they're really saying is I've I've been conditioning my body emotionally so much into the past that I can't feel anything else other than what I know anger resentment pain suffering psychology calls those normal human States Of Consciousness those are Altered States Of Consciousness so normal states of Consciousness are these kind of negative feelings no I'm saying that those states of survival people say anger fear those are normal things no those are those are in survival those are Altered States you're the survival chemicals are actually knocking your brain and body out of balance you're out of balance in that moment and if you keep doing that the imbalance is now the new balance and now you're altered emotionally so back to the concept of love so the person can theoretically intellectually philosophically say I want this type of person she's gotta be this way he's got to look this way he's got to be like this and they're basically saying I want something that represents all the things that I no longer want right and so they're creating with their brain and mind which is perfect the problem is is that if you can't feel the emotion of your future your manifestation of Love Before It's Made manifest like people say well well I'm on my relationship hat when I find Mr right then I'm gonna Feel Love waiting for the outer environment to change to take away this feeling of anger resentment emptiness but they forgot that they create reality in other words when it finally appears that I'm going to feel love that's that's cause and effect we're waiting for something to happen if you're feeling the lack in The Emptiness then you're keeping your relationship at arm's length because you don't have the magnetic field to draw to you so the emotions that come from these energy centers the lower energy centers in our body do have frequencies there's chemistry involved but they have a different agenda so now we ask the person can you teach your body emotionally what the future will feel like before it's made manifest that means you can't wait for your relationship to feel love you have to reverse that Battleship and understand feeling love now is going to be the magnet and if you can hold the vision of your future a clear intention with a coherent brain organize signals into the field and you could actually crack this thing open and practice getting so present in the moment that you're not anticipating the next moment or trying to predict the future and you're no longer Romancing the emotions of your past you can find that sweet spot of the generous Present Moment The Familiar past is the known emotionally the predictable future is the habituation of autopilot being unconscious in programs those are both knowns there's only one place where the unknown exists that's the present moment so if you could work with your body to the point that it trusts you enough to feel so safe that you have conquered it in a certain way that it could actually relax into the present moment and it's not worried about what's going to happen next or what's going on around you or that you need to eat you need to pee you need to move you've got beyond all your drives and you're you're ready to create that moment where you are present if you could begin to work with your heart and start to breathe and start to practice feeling love in the beginning it would feel foolish or gratitude why would I Feel Love if it hasn't happened well that's because you've been hypnotized into waiting for your world to change the field feel the emotion from the experience but according to the quantum model your emotion ahead of the experience when you combine that clear intention with the elevated emotion and you feel love your body's so objective that it's actually believing it's living in that future in the present moment and your body now is beginning to change you are beginning to change your biology to reflect what you're about to experience in your future so the stronger the love you feel the more altered you feel inside of you the more you're going to pay attention to that picture in your mind stimulus response memory emotion thought and feeling but now you're remembering your future instead of remembering your past and biologically it's actually the same how do we remembering your future as opposed to remembering your past right it's the same thing biologically the body experiences the same way by thinking and imagining something that hasn't happened yet but it will happen Okay well and imagining something vividly from the past that happened sometimes our brains trick ourselves in thinking it happen a different way doesn't it yeah but that's that's incidental it's none of your business how it happened in fact if you interpret it exactly it's your perception right so so then the stronger the emotion you feel from some outer experience in your life the more altered you feel the more the brain freezes the frame and takes a snapshot well now you're freezing a frame in the outer environment but if you're truly in the present moment and you know exactly what you want and you begin to teach your body emotion start practicing opening that heart it's amazing what happens the moment that heart begins to open we've measured this so many times Lois on a on a scan on a real-time brain scan when the heart moves into this kind of Rhythm when you're feeling frustration when you're feeling impatient when you're feeling resentment you were stepping on the gas pedal and you're stepping on the brake at the same time and the heart is pumping against the closed system and it causes an erratic beat it becomes incoherent and energy literally leaves the heart now you no longer believe in your future you can't put your heart into your future you can't trust the outcome because there's no energy there it's it's being used and consumed somewhere else so energy is leaving the brain as well but once Energy starts to move into the heart we've seen this so many times and it starts to beat in this Rhythm like banging a drum or dropping a pebble in water Pebble after Pebble the heart begins to create a wave of energy right to the brain like like taking a big sheet and going like that and all of a sudden you see this wave and the brain gets this Rush of energy and that change in brain wave patterns that change that wave is carrying information and the person starts to get a very clear idea they see their future very clearly now now that energy is causing them to move into very coherent Alpha brainwave patterns which is the state of creation this is when you no longer hear the voice in your head that's talking to you that you listen to and believe is the truth I'm not good enough yeah whatever that is that's called the default mode it suppresses the default mode Network and the next thing you know you start seeing in pictures and images you start dreaming and that's the imagination that's the creative state so now you start naturally Imagining the heart is the creative Center we've got to put our heart into our future it better be open and activated so now when you start falling in love with your future oxytocin is released in the brain and in the heart oxytocin signals nitric oxide nitric oxide signals another chemical called endothelial derived relaxing factor and just like when your sexual organs get filled with blood because you're aroused the same thing happens here as it would happen somewhere else and literally the arteries in the heart and lungs engorge and now your heart feels full and it's thumping in order and your in the present moment now once that happens and it's beating in Rhythm the heart produces an external magnetic field up to three meters wide now you're in survival you're drawing from the field and turning into chemistry when you get energy in the heart it's causing a change in the brain and all of a sudden it's resetting the Baseline for trauma and now here you have a magnetic field now the heart is your magnet it is it is the center of creation and now that that energy is frequency and frequency carries information and you can lay the thought of your new relationship on that energy because it's consistent with it you cannot lay the thought of your new relationship in need that's a different energy well if you're feeling needy of course that's a different frequency that's a different energy what happens when you're in a need State as opposed to an attraction State well you're in lack so now you're trying you're grasping you're controlling you're forcing you're trying to predict you're overthinking over analyzing and that's how people live their relationships so then if you are going to prepare your brain and body for a new relationship then you would have to become love completely every day and that signal then that you're sending out into the field can carry the thought of your health your wealth your relationship or whatever but here's the cool part when the heart is activated like that and you feel so whole so in love with life So Satisfied in the moment so exuberant that it's impossible to want now you're no longer in lack now you're so whole that you will magnetize wholeness in your life the person who's the person that fits the mold energetically that would be the same as you and yet compliment you so that the two can become one right and then instead of in contrast in Union you exchange information equal to that emotional state in other words people use each other to reaffirm their their dependence on certain emotions you have certain people you complain with about politics or whatever they complain back about their lives and you use each other to reaffirm you know some type of uh belief or something belief about life emotionally you have emotional agreements on things well that that emotion his energy and energy is frequency and frequency areas information so you share the same energy you share the same information but that's what people do in their lives but now in a true loving relationship when you're truly in your heart then the question is what would love do in the relationship and when your heart is open it's no longer about you it's about how I feel so amazing with you I feel even more amazing but without you I'm still whole and so now I'm no longer in need or lack and so now when we get together and our Fields interfere when they start interfering now the amplitude gets quite higher there's way more energy and now I mean I'm I'm All About all seven centers of the body lining up all of them and we're here in a body let's enjoy it all but come from Love and so now your heart is so open that you can't do anything else but give you feel so amazing you're so happy with yourself so happy with your life so happy with what you have you want other people to feel the same way and you say here take that and when you give now guess what happens you release more oxytocin more nitric oxide and more of those chemicals that cause the heart to swell even more then all of a sudden your immune system gets stronger and all of a sudden your body starts feeling better you start having more energy and now the constructive interference between two people that are coming together in wholeness and no longer dependence or lack or separation or need is a different game so then what they do to protect to nurture to grow to evolve that love is one of the most important things that they have not because they're doing it out of obligation or because they're married or whatever it's just they can't not do it we see people we've had so many scan the other day in our Workshop in profoundly high amounts of gamma she can do it on command and there's an incredible arousal that takes place that goes along with these high brain frequencies that you can only describe as ecstasy or bliss now you're getting that ecstasy in Bliss not from anyone or anything out there no drug no person no no football game no shopping spree is doing that it's somehow inside it's coming from within like what is that connection that you have and so one of the scientists said to this woman how do you do that you know what she said I have difficulty not doing it I can't not do it when I'm interviewing it's too when I'm when I'm doing this I it's too good so now that could be a constant feeling in your life so now what love independent of anyone or anything it's coming from within you okay so think about this whether you're in a relationship or single it doesn't matter you're whole your love is not wavering it's constant right so now imagine having this feeling and when oxytocin is released what most people don't know is that it seeps into the amygdala and there's certain survival emotions in the amygdala fear and anxiety aggression and anger pain and suffering and it literally shuts the lights out in those circuits in the amygdala and there's only one thing left love and joy right so now this person is suppressing the survival Center's resetting the Baseline of the past how they perceive the past and now the research on oxytocin shows that when you have just a slight slight level of increase and ours our research shows our students are way outside of normal that it's impossible to hold a grudge you know why because the feeling feels so good why would you judge another person or why would you react to some condition and lose that feeling you figure it out really fast so this birth of unconditional love really says I'm in love with myself my connection to some Divine intelligence Within Me and because I'm so in love with life and with myself I'm looking at life through the lens of Love which means I'm going to allow you to be whoever you want around me I don't really you I'm no longer not a reaction I'm not reaction because I've overcome my fear I've overcome my anger and now I'm ready for love and now that relationship that you have if you find that equal that's a needle in the haystack because now it's a vibrational match right and so as long as you're evolving as long as I'm evolving as long as we're sharing the same ideals as long as we're working together as long as we have our independence and as long as we come together and we bring our best and I say to you how was your day I mean what did you learn or let's start our day so how are you going to be today come on let's just support each other so what are the programs you're going to stay away from are you going to rush you know what did you do yesterday that you want to improve today how can I support you how can I love you in that you want to text at noon what do you need and then how am I going to be okay tell me how you vocalize it articulate it so that now I understand your intention and I can support that's good and so then when the person can articulate it what are they doing they're CR they're rehearsing in their minds who they're going to be and so now they're becoming conscious of that future and then they have to work on staying on staying conscious of their unconscious programs and by articulating that they're going to let not let those thoughts slip by as well so then now you have two people in evolution it's no longer about all the other things it's not about the money it's not about the sex it's not about the weight it's not about the diet those are all things that are we already know this is something else this is a whole nother level where when you exchange and evolve on this level it's the most important thing because now you see that person as a mirror oh my God she did amazing I'm in love with her I admire her wow she's got it going on she she executed today she she got her behaviors to match her intentions and I want to celebrate her like like wow I'm in awe that to me you don't work on that you work on you everybody works on themselves and then they bring their best and if they're not at their best excuse yourself and get back to your best and if you tell me it's that person or that circumstance we went back to the unconscious program of being a victim nothing wrong with that nothing wrong with reacting but the next question is how long and you're going to stay in this mode right or do you want help getting out right right so so I think that that when you start feeling those elevated emotions and your energy is synchronized right and it's you got a Wi-Fi signal right you gotta connect to your 5G your connection and you're connected and what are you connected in in this sense of wholeness the sense of love the sense of Joy this this this satisfaction with yourself and your life and when I I mean I watch this Lewis I mean people come to our events for all kinds of reasons some people come for hell some people come for well some people come for relationships it's really funny and they show up angry people they're angry with themselves when they're angry with themselves they'll be impatient and angry with others people who are unhappy with themselves will punish other people so that they can feel their unhappiness or is it to get their anger out or is it why no because that's who they are that's that that's the emotion that's driving their behaviors people who are in love with themselves will find love in others people who are happy with themselves will find something that they can connect with they won't see all the flaws they'll see some part of them that they want to enjoy I mean so so so if you're in a relationship and you've scrubbed the the cupboard and you've taken out all those skeletons and you've looked at them and you said I don't want to bring this into my relationship I don't want my insecurity to be there I don't want my fear to be there I don't want my judgment to be there I don't want my emotions from other relationships to be there so let me finish this in other words if you want love in your life in your future then you better take care of your frustration because you can't bring that there you got to leave it so then you may say to me wolves because that person in this emotion from 15 years ago my ex makes me feel frustrated let me tell you something the only reason that you're thinking about your ex is because you're still in frustration you overcome frustration you'll look back at your ex and you'll be like I wish them well yeah I'm not connected to my past any longer so cleaning the cupboards and getting down to those thoughts that slip by people's awareness all the time their behaviors how they complain they make excuses they say it'll never happen What do they do and the emotions that keep them connected to their past they won't they won't even see that person that they'll walk right past their future relationship they'll never recognize that person because they're looking at their future through the neurology and the chemistry of their past wow and the Brain only learns by only we only see reality based on pattern recognition I memorize your face now I know Lewis and if the pattern matches I know but if you're creating a future and you're not clear on that future and you want all these things but you haven't addressed all those circuits and behaviors and emotions and chemicals of the past you won't recognize the pattern you'll walk right past the relationship you'll never see it so so I think that there's the preparation for the relationship the overcoming and overcoming and overcoming and overcoming and overcoming and becoming all of a sudden now says I am worthy and the universe only gives us what we think we're worthy of receiving so when you're worthy to receive it's not going to be on when you're looking at body parts and whatever else this is going to be like could change an energy connection wow like that came out of nowhere because when you're in survival and you're in separation and you're in lack and you're forcing and controlling and trying to predict outcomes your matter trying to change matter and of course it's going to take time for this to happen because you're creating a three-dimensional reality and everything in three-dimensional reality it takes time but when you're creating from the heart with a coherent brain and a coherent heart and you got that 5G Wi-Fi signal it's it's not like you go anywhere now the experiences are coming to you're drawing the event to you so so we spend a lot of time bonding with our future emotionally I have colleagues of mine who look at our our data on oxytocin and they're like uh listen oxytocin levels go up during uh you know when I'm in a relationship the honeymoon stage of relationship and a monogamy is created because of those chemicals or a female mammal is bonding with our Offspring that's exactly right I want our people our students to bond and fall in love with their future just like they do with somebody else and when you're bonded to your future no person no circumstance no thing is going to remove you from it so then if you fall from grace during the day then the next question is what person what circumstance caused me to disconnect from my love in the future and let me rehearse in my mind if I have that same circumstance how I'm going to overcome it and now you're worthy of love it's no longer the person or the event it's just you're doing what it takes to stay in the emotion of your future your your your body is aligned emotionally to that future so great doing it with a meditation that's easy but now the real game is open your eyes open your eyes happening it's happening open your eyes and be in the initiation of life and stay in that place and just know that your future is going to happen so so being able to activate the heart and breathe in there and get the body out of survival and start working with it like it feels safe enough to create once energy makes it here you're going to get some really good ideas you're going to see things you never thought of seeing you're going to feel things you never thought you'd feel and the the images that you're creating what are they doing the thoughts that your cream they're making more of those chemicals and now you're feeling more of the the feeling of your future before it happens you're you're giving your body a sampling a taste of the future before it's happened keep doing that enough times and that feeling is going to become very familiar to you I think this is a time in history where it's not enough to know this is a time in history to know how and if you rewind the tape 10 years ago you know information was the thing that stimulated thought stimulated new ideas and and as we learn new things we make new Connections in our brains so as we begin to add new Stitches into that three-dimensional tapestry in our mind we're beginning to cause our mind to function in new ways but the key then is to apply it to personalize it to do something with it and in 10 years ago when I went got in front of an audience and talked about the application nobody wanted to step outside that philosophical theoretical intellectual realm right because doing something means you're gonna have to change something about yourself yeah you're going to get uncomfortable right and um I think we're in an age of information and in an age of information ignorance is a choice and because of Technology we have access to so much content and information creates awareness and awareness is consciousness and you can't have Consciousness without energy there they work together so there's an energetic change I think that's taking place in the world right now where people are so informed that old models old paradigms are beginning to break down whether it's a medical model or the religious model the educational model journalism uh the economy you know politics it's all beginning to uh come to the surface because something else has to come out and and I think that one of the things that people are realizing is that you don't have to be a Buddhist monk to do this or a nun with 40 Years of devotion you just got to understand the formula and just like any skill or anything you learn you got to go from thinking to doing to being you got to take knowledge you create the experience and if you keep doing it over and over again you start getting a skill or you start getting wise about how to do it and you you know that you know how to do it well in the last 10 years we have assembled the scientific team and let's see if you can really make significant brain changes I don't want those changes to just be in your mind I want them to be in your brain I want to be able to see before and after pictures to say that person has a significant change after a traumatic brain injury or anxiety or depression or a cyclic mood disorder or a stroke we want to see that there's been significant change at the same time let's measure your brain in real time and let's look to see what that transformation process looks like and in the discovery Lewis of that process we gained so much knowledge about what that transformational process looks like in other words I can tell you without a doubt that if you're analyzing your life right now within some disturbing emotion that 100 of the time you're going to make your brain worse if you think about your life if you're stuck in an emotion like you're frustrated you're angry you're fearful resentful resentful and you're thinking within that emotional state in other words you can't think greater than how you feel that means then you were thinking in the past because those emotions are a record or residue of the past so we see people in the in the process of change that aren't analyzing and uh in in Duality or polarity that kind of drives the brain into higher states of arousal and and further away from True change so we did we've done thousands and thousands and thousands of brain scans and and we now know that there's a formula to create greater brain coherence greater brain efficiency to make your brain work better and when your brain works better you work better at the same time it requires a clear intention and an elevated emotion to begin to change your energy and to change your life and nobody changes until they change their energy right so then how do you get a person out of resentment frustration into joy and freedom if why would they feel grateful or joyful or free if the experience hasn't happened so most people are spending the majority of their life waiting for something out there to take away their emptiness or pain or the resentment in here well if they're they're waiting their whole life in separation or lack then and and we create reality then the lack is driving certain thoughts which is creating more separation and more lacks so teaching people then to begin to condition their body emotionally before the evidence takes place in their life is breaking a significant habit right so instead of living by cause and effect now we're beginning to cause an effect so the moment you start feeling whole and grateful we now know your healing will begin at that moment yes the moment you start feeling um worthy and abundant your wealth is coming you know you're generating a certain amount of energy a certain amount of wealth and so how does someone feel worthy though if they've always been told they're not worth it yeah well so before that's the story they tell themselves yeah like I'm not worth it because yeah she didn't say yes when I asked her on a date right because he broke up with me because I got fired because my parents left me how do they how am I worth it when there's so much evidence or story around a negative well thing let's stop telling the story of your past and let's start telling the story of your future and and people who aren't defined by a vision of the future for the most part are left with memories of the past your brain is a record of the past it's an artifact of everything you've learned and experienced in this moment so most people wake up in the morning and they start thinking about their problems and those problems are memories that are tattooed in the brain that are associated to certain people and things at certain times and places so the moment the person wakes up Clean Slate they start thinking about their problems they're thinking in the past if you believe your thoughts have something to do with your destiny well it's a possibility that your past is going to be your future every one of those problems has an emotion associated with it so then the moment you start recalling the problem you start feeling unhappy now your body's in the past because thoughts of the language of the brain and feelings of the language of the body and how you think and how you feel creates a state of being so people reaffirm their identity based on the past right and it turns out that the redundancy of doing that conditioning only requires it requires an image and an emotion and most people are unconsciously conditioning their body into the familiar past into the known so now if you're in the familiar past and in the known you're going to Crave the predictable future right right that's the known as well and there's only one place where the unknown exists and that's the Eternal present moment that's The Sweet Spot of the generous present moment so you gotta you gotta labor to get that person beyond the emotions that keep them tacked or anchored to the past and yes it takes an effort to do that but if you keep working with the formula you'll reach that elegant moment where there's a liberation of energy and now your body as the unconscious mind the objective mind is not believing it's living in the same past experience 24 hours a day because you're liberating the body from that emotional state so you ask the person why are you so unhappy why are you so frustrated why are you so resentful the moment you ask that their brain is going to associate that emotion to a past event to a memory to a memory that's because they have nothing to look forward to in their future so if you're not being defined by a vision in the future it just means to me that you're more in love with your past than you are with the future so how do you teach people to believe in a future that they can't see or experience with their senses yet but they've thought about enough times in their mind that their brain is literally changed to look like the event has already occurred the latest research in Neuroscience says that's absolutely possible we know that and how do you teach a person to select a new possibility in their future and begin to emotionally Embrace that future before it's made manifest to such a degree that their body is their unconscious mind is believing it's living in that future reality in the present moment and they're signaling new genes in new ways ahead of the environment now till their body begins to change to look like the event has already occurred we've proven that that's possible now think about this so the more you think about your desired future The Joy the Gratitude the uh the feelings you want to have that are more positive the more you think about it as it's as a future thing happening the more your body shifts now exactly so your body is believing it's living in that future reality in the present moment now think about this the stronger the emotion you feel from some condition in your life the more altered you feel inside of you the more you narrow your focus on the cause and the brain freezes an image and takes a snapshot and that memory now is embossed in the brain it's branded in there so then people think neurologically within the circuits of those past experiences and they feel chemically within the boundaries of those emotions and the stronger the Betrayal the stronger the trauma the more the body's living in the past right so then so how to reverse that so now if you truly got passionate about a future we've all done this you get a wild idea in your mind and you start holding on to that vision and you're preoccupied with it all of a sudden the thought in your mind becomes the experience and you start feeling the the energy of the future now the stronger the emotion you feel from that Vision the more you're going to pay attention to the picture in your mind and now you're remembering your future and vice versa the stronger you pay attention to the feeling of the past pain you're going to create the pain in this moment exactly so then so it requires a coherent brain and we now know that there's a formula for that and we've got beautiful research to show that people can do it they just have to practice and it requires a coherent heart because resentment frustration in patience creates a very incoherent heart yeah and when that heart becomes incoherent you stop trusting yourself there's no energy you stop trusting in your future so then if there's physical evidence in your brain and body physical evidence to look like the event has already occurred it's quite possible you'll be thinking neurologically within the circuits of your future and you'll begin to feel chemically within the boundaries of that emotion of your future and how you think and how you feel is your state of being and now your state of being is living in the future instead of the past now the moment you disconnect from the emotion of your future because traffic or some co-worker or your ex or whatever people come up with now you're back to the energy of your past and now you're going to start looking for it analyzing why hasn't it happened well if you're feeling the emotion of your future why would you look for it because you would feel like it already happened and that is the place where the magic happens so then you can't just do this get up and then return back to your old state of being you got to maintain that modified States well let me finish I want you with a phase right now how do you mate well of course of course I mean we all take blows in our lives and and we all react emotionally but the question is how long are you going to read right right so then if you can't mediate and regulate your emotional reactions and those emotions linger for days that's years for some people mood and then a month's temperament years personality trait so then the person's personality is literally based on the past but they don't know that because they're doing it over and over again it becomes a subconscious program so now if it requires a coherent brain and a coherent heart then we have to train people how to self-regulate so we've done thousands and thousands of measurements we've partnered with the heart math Institute to teach people how to create and sustain heart coherence how do we do it well besides going to your Workshop what's the simplified version I'm sure it takes more time than well it really doesn't it really doesn't it just requires getting still closing your eyes putting your attention on your heart changing your breath so that you move into the present moment and when you slow your breathing down you slow your brain waves down when you slow your brain waves down now you're accessing your autonomic nervous system so then you train a person how to open their heart and feel an elevated emotion and it takes a little practice and just like a flower that that takes time to bloom it takes a little bit of time but if you work in trading the resentment the frustration or the impatience for gratitude appreciation and thankfulness and you keep at it there'll come a moment where that system switches on and now you're feeling grateful for no reason at all that's that's not a bad thing because gratitude the emotional signature of gratitude means something's happening to you something has happened to you you're receiving something or you just receive something so your body then when you're feeling gratitude is in the perfect state of receiving so then that means then you'll accept believe and surrender to the thoughts equal to the emotional state of gratitude if you're living in resentment you're living in fear you're living in in patience you could say I'm healthy I'm healthy I'm healthy I'm wealthy I'm wealthy I'm with all you want and that thought's going to stop right at the brain stem and never make its way to the body because the body is not failure because why because you're feeling resentment and that thought isn't that thought is not consistent with the emotion of resentment resentment has a different set of thoughts right in other words once you start opening your heart it begins to move into coherence it begins to produce a measurable magnetic field up to three meters wide now that's frequency that's energy and all that energy that frequency carries information carries an intent so then when you're feeling gratitude and your heart is open you're broadcasting energy into the field the frequency a frequency you lay the intent of the thought of your health or your wealth that frequency can carry the thought of your wealth it can carry the thought of your health if you're suffering you can't the suffering does not carry that energy does not carry the thought of your wealth it carries a different set of thoughts so then so then we're teaching people how to self-regulate because if you're going to believe in that future that you're imagining with all of your heart it better be open and activated right and you better know how to self-regulate and you have to know the moment you disconnect from the energy of your future because of some circumstance in your life and you lose that feeling if you're practicing it on a daily basis with your eyes closed then the next level is to be able to open your eyes and do it right in the moment and be able to self-regulate and change the the frustration from some experience in your life back to the energy of your future now that requires Great awareness and great effort but if you have a commune of people that are practicing this on a daily basis and they're connected to their future because that's where their their mind is um they begin to want the future more than the emotions of the past so we've done enough measurements now Louis to know that we can teach people how to do that and we have evidence that people can sustain it for 45 minutes to an hour it's a skill now they know that they know how to do it so now they have brain clearance and heart coherence well once the heart begins to become orderly and coherent it acts as an amplifier and it drives energy to the brain so now the brain is getting more energy once the heart is open and then you're thinking a different set of thoughts and those thoughts produce different chemicals for you to feel more of that and here comes nitric oxide from oxytocin and then all of a sudden your heart literally starts to swell it literally begins to open up and there's more energy going there and now you're coming from a different level of mind right so then what about what happens to your immune system when you do that well it turns out we've done an experiment just 10 minutes a day three times a day with 120 people trading resentment frustration fear for gratitude appreciation and thankfulness measuring their immune response the chemical immunoglobulin a your primary defense against bacteria and viruses the best flu shot you'll ever get lives with innately within you turns out when you're frustrated when you're impatient when you're fearful the immune system dials down because you're an emergency it's not it's all your energy is going for some threat in your outer world there's no energy in your inner world for growth and repair but how do you turn that around so then as people begin to open their heart can that chemical begin to to elevate four days 50 changed in the 120 people their their IGA levels went up 50 in four days that's your body's immune system is now up regulating genes that are making proteins and immunoglobulins and antibodies that you don't need a flu shot in other words your interstate is greater than your outer world so then just by doing that we now know that your immune system is going to get stronger by the same means take 120 people or 50 people and measure 7500 Gene regulations okay in four days two genes that suppress cancer growth and tumors are activated and upregulated the genes that stimulate stem cells that go to damaged tissues and repair them up regulate them the gene for oxidative balance is up regulated anti-cancer anti-aging anti-hart disease anti-stroke anti-neural degenerative anti-inflammatory antimicrobial just your body's naturally doing this a gene for neurogenesis the growth of new neurons in response to novel experiences and learning this is four days the gene switches on the gene for more balance in the pituitary and the pancreas the gene for the microtubules of the cells the the little the little fibers that respond to energy and frequency so in four days we now know that you can change your genetic Destiny if you just practice the inner work we have research to show that 60 days of meditation five days a week will lengthen your life the telomeres the little shoe strings on the end of your DNA get longer that means your biological age is changing so we we have the evidence now to show people what's possible we have brain scans that that are so outside of normal that when neuroscientists see them they're blown away because the amount of energy that's in the brain during this transcendental moment is uh hundreds of times outside of normal wow I mean you can't make your brain do that something is happening to you and that person's having a transcendental moment and we now know that we can predict it and we now know that we can induce it so then there's the evidence there then you take our community and you see people with stage four cancer with Parkinson's disease with myasthenia gravis with with lupus with Ms with brain injuries with rare genetic disorders with vertigo tinnitus kidney failure all kinds of health conditions come to a week-long event and then at the end of that event they make significant strides in getting beyond the emotions of the past now think about this the science says that the environment signals the gene that's epigenetics the end product of an experience in the environment is an emotion so as long as you're living by the same emotion every single day you're signaling the same gene in the same way and if that Gene is related to a survival emotion a stress hormone then you're down regulating the Gene and you're creating disease so when the person trades that emotion and really breaks free from the chains of their past and now they're feeling an elevated emotion well now they're dialing down the gene for Ms and they're up regulating the gene for health and balance and so the person will you'll say to them wears a disease well I'm not the same person I'm not this and and the side effect of that is a transformation in healing so the funny thing about it is the person who has the healing is not talking about the healing whether it's blind people seeing deaf people hearing hearing we have crazy evidence now what they're talking about is how amazing they feel because they're refreshed they're they're they got a new lease on life and so now we have evidence in our research and that silences the critic to show that what's possible for people and now we have evidence and testimony that we have evidence where people will stand on the stage and say hey I broke my back in three places I haven't been able to stand up straight I came into this event hunched over I couldn't lay down and now this guy's jumping around on the stage he's laying on his back he's touching his toes he's he's you can tell I mean this is is he he's he's having this moment we freed we changed somebody someone with Parkinson's disease can't swallow can't chew can't blow her nose can't stand up One Moment One Moment the next thing you know she's blowing her nose chewing swallowing we changed her body we changed her life and we changed her future and she doesn't look like a movie star and she doesn't look like she's a vegetarian and she doesn't look like she's buffed she just looks like a normal person now the person in the audience who's watching that and looking at this person and seeing that they're no different than them it just starts to cause them to think if someone else can do it I can do it so you see the person with the stage four cancer that got the you know the voodoo curse that they have three months to live and now they have no evidence of cancer in their body and they're standing on the stage telling that story and somebody in the audience is checking her out going I have the same condition and if she can do it I'm going to step right in that footprint I'm going to do it the way she did it and all of a sudden you start seeing this change in the community and week-long events because once there's a breakthrough right I mean it's like a four minute mile it's in the field you know but it's not only in the field you're seeing evidence in three-dimensional reality and evidence is the loudest voice right now and so people don't want to see Talking Heads anybody can see them on the Internet information is readily available what they want to see is evidence and so when you have evidence in the scientific realm and then you have evidence in a in a in a community of people and you're not doing anything that's so extreme that that that excludes anybody it's inclusive and we're abusing science as the Contemporary language of mysticism it is science that's going to demystify the mystical if I talk tradition culture religion any of those things spiritual principles people are going to shut off you're going to divide an audience but science creates community so so by building a scientific model I don't subscribe to any type of meditation because I I look at the evidence of what we've gathered in let's see by applying this formula to what extent can we prove to human beings how powerful they really are and and I think that that has become something that has mystified me because when I see blind people seeing in our workshops I have to tell you that I'm more surprised than anybody I'm standing up there shaking my head and and we have we have great evidence this you know one woman was uh she's a nurse and um one day she just uh uh wakes up and she's got a blind spot in her eye she can't see in the lower left hand quadrant of of both eyes six o'clock to nine o'clock she goes that she's a nurse she goes to see her colleagues they do a scam stroke on the optic nerve and now she's legally blind she can't drive her car she runs her own company she can't run her company she can't type she can't use the computer she's compromised in a big way now with a stroke you have two weeks really that's the window and if nerve cells are going to come back online it's going to be those first two weeks if they don't come back the prognosis is live with it whether you have paralysis or whatever that if a stroke causes brain damage and usually two to three weeks you don't see many much change so they gave her the you know the prognosis you have to learn to accommodate and live with it and so she she wasn't satisfied with that answer and she goes to one of her dear friends who's a physician and the physician says go check out the spenza guy and she says why don't you come with me so they come to our event in Brighton in in the UK within the three weeks or was this later do you know oh no this is a year later wow it was a year later and so it's supposed to be irreversible at that point and so um she comes to the event and then she comes to the event for two reasons to listen to learn how to live with her handicap that's the extent of what's possible yeah yeah and and then create a non-profit to help people those were her two things so somewhere in the middle of the event or where she it occurs to her that she could actually possibly heal her eyes so she goes for it she lays down after one of the meditations we lay down at the end and all of a sudden like in her head she starts feeling this heat and this crackling sensation now you have one of two options when something like this happens you get scared you get scared it's the unknown you contract your brain goes into high beta and you did something's wrong right I'm hurting someone I'm having another stroke whatever or are you surrender and relax into it yeah you go in yeah and she she let go and she she had the most incredible experience she laid there for the longest time opened her eyes and she said it was like the lights came back on she said I could see completely we sent her for a scan the Monday morning after that week-long event the scan that had the left lower quadrant on both eyes from six o'clock to nine o'clock was black the post scan there isn't one black spot anywhere on her eyes because she'd already done a scam a year prior yeah yeah she had the scan so we'll we'll give you the we'll give you the evidence but but that is not natural wow that's not normal but but how do you explain that in conventional science I mean the truth is is that we have incredibly powerful innate qualities for regeneration and healing once you hit that button so then she stands in the audience and gives her testimony other people are going to begin to realize that they can heal from a stroke and that's exactly what's happening a collective Consciousness is happening we're uncovering some really powerful truths for people to like really Embrace like I keep telling the scientists I can't believe this is the truth I tell them that like I can't believe this is the truth we have the evidence right there that you can make your brain work better in four days you can make your heart work better in four days you could make you make your immune system 50 stronger in four days you could you could regulate eight different genes in four days that are all promoting neurogenesis and stem cell production and and oxidative balance and all kinds of wonderful things cellular structures enhanced a lot of this stuff is really cool because if you don't know that that's possible right then it doesn't exist for you right like if you're if you're unconscious to the fact that you could heal yourself you'll make the same choices you always do so so I'm challenged in my own way at a different level to to to do my best to do the right make the right choices all the time and sometimes those choices um I can't I can't rely on anybody else but me to make those choices because nobody else knows what it's like to be me than me even my closest friends think they know me but they but when it comes down to making the choice it's a lonely moment right because I'm doing my best to try to preserve this work and to inspire people to apply it in their lives as many ways as I can so so a lot of times I get discouraged like oh my God like a another challenge another challenge but you know I think you know when I'm truly in the right Zone I I think the only way that we actually can grow in our lives is to be challenged right so and I think that and the greater the greater we evolve or the greater we become I think the greater the challenges you know and so so I'm I have my own set of challenges that I have to really Retreat from my life I've spent a lot of time alone and I really remember that vision and I have to and I have this I have to get beyond all those other things that say wow my God this is this might be a good time for you to quit this is a good time for you as well this is getting pretty intense what would you say is the biggest challenge is that the internal conversation about just no there's just it's just a lot of moving parts we have a we have a big team we have we run events for thousands of people we have staff we have volunteers we have scientists we have papers I mean we have growth we have websites social media you know we have it's all just the library Parts yeah a lot of moving parts and and so I think for me personally I I don't I guess I could say this is is that that um what I love to do more than anything else is to create right I mean the meditations that I develop and the things that I think about and the music that we work on creating all that stuff we've got to create science to I know now what music works I know what words were I know the Rhythm I know the Cadence I know the mathematics of music that works really well so like that stuff is the fun stuff that's stuff that's where I want to be in the studio and with the sound and making the right meditations for people to but I'm running you know I'm running a lot I'm doing a lot of things over here so the balance in my life to be able to make time for myself and the people that I love uh and and keep that private and keep that special and at the same time interface with the world in and provide them the tools to make measurable changes in their lives you know you come up against a lot of challenges in that process what do you think will be the biggest challenge you face over the next few years oh gosh either personally professionally spiritually um I basically yeah no I just I really just think it's my it's it's it's my balance you know I mean and we run I mean we run a week-long event I'm once a month yeah but we're going you know six five in the morning till till seven eight at night and and but it doesn't matter to me because that's the easy part being in an event is like a spiritual Rave I mean our events or our events are like nothing you'll ever see I've heard I've had so many people go yeah that listen to our interviews and they go and they're just like it's incredible you have to come so this year you're not admitted I'm sneaking in I'm breaking through security disguising but I mean I have a look I have a lot of challenges I have a lot of challenges just like anybody I'm no different than you you know I react you know of course and you know the question I have for myself is how long you're going to do that for like how am I going to keep that up like well you know better so so defaulting and remembering I think is is such a great thing for us to do so I work on that um so you might default to a reaction for you give yourself what an hour or two hours no well I try you know I try to keep it under 15 minutes but well of course sometimes it's easier than others just like anything else what's the biggest trigger for you I'm curious what's the thing that gives you a default reaction that you're like I know I need to improve that okay I am I think I think the thing that I care the most about is is really just keeping this work as pure as possible I think I care a lot about that do people try to not try to muck it up or something well there's always there's always variations of it you know so I I guess if you're if I was really honest I would want to say that I want to keep it as pure as possible and that's what I work on how do you keep it pure what's pure mean well just just in its and it's and it's an original it's in its original version right yeah yeah you're you're morning and evening meditation is incredible I don't know if people well that's that's a great example of metacognition that's a great example of reminding yourself of who you want to be and who you no longer want to be and then check in at the end of the day you say I had a whole lifetime today incredible yeah yeah in your evening meditation I'll listen in the morning one in the evening uh often and the evening one you have this thing where it's like how did I show up that I show up as my best version of myself and and that I it's the only things I said I was going to do and you know and it's a beautiful reminder to have having accountability yeah yeah accountability is one of the three things that creates Excellence you know accountability is is basically owning what you say you're going to do or what you're asked to do the other element of course is competence you got to be really good at it and if it takes you your whole life to get good at it get good at it and if you have a vision or a mission that's bigger than you and you put those three things together you have a lot of excellence in an individual Vision bigger than you you got to be able to master your craft you gotta you gotta be really accountable and responsible for yourself you're gonna own yourself and you got to have that vision and you got to keep that Vision alive and that's heading in adult vision purpose mission is ongoing you could have a mission to be healthy you could have a mission to be wealthy you could have a mission because it's on your purpose to be you know to gain knowledge there's never an end right so it's a direction the goals we set up along the line of our vision but just to remind us that we're still on course right and if we're not arriving at those goals then we've lost our vision do you feel like each individual should have a vision statement for their personal or professional life or would just have an idea of a vision in your mind no I think it's really important for us to be curious I mean I'm the best when I wonder like I say I always say Joe dispenza what do you know sit down don't turn your phone on shut it off answer the question what do you know like what do you really believe you create reality at what point do you stop believing that you know I mean I really I want to know I want to think that through all the way because I think the more we understand what we're doing and why we're doing it I think the how gets easier right so I spend a lot of time reviewing knowledge and information and thinking about ways to teach it better or easier for people that make it more practical more simple and I can tell you there's such a quickening going on in our culture right now people are so ready to really Embrace this information they've had it going another way in other ways and and and so so taking that time to really think and contemplate is such an important process because when it gets stale and it gets routine and it gets boring you just forgot what you were doing and why you're doing it right and signed the back up and relearn it and get down to the basics again what was the biggest Discovery you found in the last five to ten years based on practicing trying learning research what was the thing that was like wow this is a new thing or a thing I thought and that was gonna work and it's actually working yeah wow I don't know if we have enough time for that but we have we have the research that we're doing right now Louis um we'll give you an example like a drug study you know when you do a drug study it's about 18 25 correlative cause and effect right our our studies are 75 cause and effect there's no pharmaceutical that looks anything like our studies and the amount of wonderful metabolites that are being created in people's bodies what is a metabolize it's like a cell is releasing information like what is what is the information is that the cell is saying I'm in growth or I'm in trouble I'm an emergency I'm I'm in disease right so in seven days at a week-long event we could we discovered that people make thousands of different metabolites to show that their body is in a very different environment very healthy environment and and then when they walked in the beginning yeah dramatic changes and I keep saying to the scientists where are those chemicals coming from where are they coming from I mean certainly not coming from some pill that you're taking it's coming from within us that our nervous system is the greatest Pharmacy in the world I mean you take blood from an advanced meditator that hits a certain brainwave state we capture that moment of connection there's information in their blood that causes them to be immune to viruses any virus you take the blood of the advanced meditator and you subject it to a uterine cancer cell and 70 percent of the energy is diminished and the cancer cell lights are out that that just shuts it down shuts it down what do cancer cells want to do they want to move and they want to multiply so if you take away energy they can't move they can't multiply it's it's it's exactly what we're seeing in our testimonials you take the blood of advanced meditator and you're subject to a neuron it down regulates the gene for Alzheimer's like there's wholeness there's there's there's there's information in that in the chemistry of their blood that's not coming from anywhere out there their eyes are closed the music's playing in the background there's they're not eating they're not saying they're not doing they're sitting still they're not being massaged they're not having like liquids right they're not taking any injections no IVs no they're they're they're makings strong compounds in their body that's from within from within is that from thought into brain into heart body how does that no back to our original conversation about putting our attention on matter and putting our attention on energy well the quantum field right is you know you look at reality it's a particle in the wave right a particle is matter the wave is energy okay so um this is a scientific fact that we perceive less than one percent of reality and as a matter of fact the mathematics say it's a hundred percent that we perceive less than one percent of reality so don't exclude yourself yes from that as well so we're missing out on a lot right okay so our perceptions our faculties are only perceiving one percent of what's actually real that's exactly right yeah yeah it's amazing so our site ours only one percent of our real what's actually yeah yeah wow yeah so we're missing out on a lot so even if we get to two or three percent it'd be a whole new world called Enlightenment yeah so so then so then what we teach people to do is take their attention off the particle off matter and put it on energy and you can't experience that energy with your senses so you're going to experience it with your awareness okay so what happens okay a person changes their brain waves from high beta that a rouse State we talked about earlier they start sensing space their brain waves slow down to Alpha why because when you're sensing you're not analyzing and thinking if you're not analyzing and thinking you're not in beta so you start dropping down in the brain switches to Alpha and in Alpha your inner World tends to be more real than your outer World Alpha is a creative state okay so in beta the voice in your head is always talking to you do this do that you know that default right in in Alpha The Voice kind of goes away and you see more in images and pictures you're dreaming right you're remembering stuff and it's more it's more imagery right so it's an imaginary state when we see people move into that say they don't just move into any kind of alpha they move into that coherent Alpha now the whole brain is in Cadence it's it's sending out very strong signals right if you can get a person dialed down into Theta where they're completely relaxed the body is so relaxed that it's resting in a light sleep yes and they're still awake and they're conscious the door between the conscious mind the subconscious mind is wide open the information in fact Theta is a hypnotic State um so when you're being hypnotized you're suggestible to whatever somebody's telling you right but if you're in a meditation and you're suggestible to information but your eyes are closed there's music playing in the background you're disconnected from your environment there's only one other place information can come from and that's frequency frequency carries information Wi-Fi signals radio waves TV waves they're all carrying information in that antenna decodes it okay which is kind of crazy when you think about it you know 10 years ago if you'd have said hey you're gonna have a a physical device and you can see someone across the world yeah we'd have been like what so Star Trek right it's crazy right so so that's exactly what the brain does it transduces frequency into very profound experiences internally and when that happens the person is suggestful to information the more coherent their brain and heart is the more there's a resonance between the unified field which is an orderly field there's order and the order in their brain and the Brain can decode frequency and all of a sudden the person goes into these brilliant brilliant states of high gamma not a little gamma not a lot of gamma what happens when we're in a high state of gamma they're in a very aroused State now the Iran the arousal is not fear the arousal is not pain and the arousal is not uh aggression the arousal is ecstasy the person is feeling a very familiar unfamiliar feeling where they feel like they forgot something that they knew all their entire life they start connecting the energy and they there's no word people say Bliss ecstasy more love than I could ever explain I'm so grateful whatever whatever that is and we actually can induce that state we can predict it and we can replicate it and the scans look exactly the same thing and it's not the thinking brain that is in that arouse State the lights are out there it's they're in Theta they're shut up it's the limbic brain the seat of the autonomic nervous system that's sending such fast coherent information to every single cell in the body and it's energy that's touching the cell and the person feels like they're electric they feel like they're like there's an Awakening that takes place now what comes with that many times is a biological upgrade Energy starts to inform matter there's a tumor now it's gone there's the Parkinson's now it's gone there's the eczema no it's not gone you see this all the time yeah it's kind of wild yeah yeah so so what we're doing is we're drawing the blood from people that have that that exp that have that experience right after they have that experience and 24 hours later and we're finding the most incredible things in that blood that's what I keep saying where is that infra where's that where's that all those chemicals coming from where are those medicine it's so cool it's coming from within us right so so so the data that we have we did the largest microbiome study uh in in the world actually we we did a thousand people and we had um you know measured uh uh you know micro human microbiome there's more cells that that live in your body than the cells that make up your body and they have dramatic influences on so many different functions in our body and in just our preliminary studies we saw the microbiome that's associated with cancer growth dramatically reduced wow we saw the microbiome that's associated with with inflammation dramatically reduced we found the microbiome that causes a person to be resistant from treatment for cancer significantly reduced like you're just finding all this crazy stuff when these scientists are are seeing this data that they're working with the people that come into your Vance and they're seeing this massive reduction they were all Skeptics by the way yeah and what do they say when they see okay not in the beginning they were running the tests the same tests over and over again expecting to get a different result yeah and and I said to them you're changing your belief you're doing that right now you're changing a belief right now they're looking and seeing Oh my God cells are not behaving the way they should in this class run again it's let's run it again don't let's do it another way and they tried all different ways and they're like oh my God this is this is incredible this is this is we've never seen anything like this before so again why is that important the testimony of the person who stands on the stage and says I didn't have two dollars to rub together and now I I'm worth hundreds of millions of dollars the person who says I was diagnosed with stage four cancer it was in my bones it was in my liver it was in my lungs it was in my you know my pelvic organs it's not a s drop of cancer in her blood and this happens all the time it's the four minute mile it's the person in the audience who's looking at looking at truth that person's the example if your truth is right in front of them and the story is not glamorous you know they got worse before they got better they lost things the doctors told them they were going to die I mean they had every reason to give up on themselves and man when you hear those stories I mean the whole audience is in tears invariably somebody in the room is looking at them and saying if he can do it I can do it yes invariably when we put up that data the scientists put it up I always say I'm I'm not I'm not saying that I'm not saying this the data is saying that people see that data they're so encouraged it's the truth that's the truth like wow we are greater than we think we're more powerful than we know we're more unlimited than we could ever dream right and we're just starting push that envelope a little bit and we have never been disappointed we we do these experiments with random event generators right with what a random event generator random event generator like so it's a sophisticated uh coin toss and you toss a coin to keep tossing it uh the more you toss it the more it's going to be 50 50 heads 50 sale the more you toss it it's gonna be the 50 average so this programmed machine flips a coin a thousand times in one second we get a collective network of observers a collective consciousness of people that are all resonating at the same frequency we teach them how to do that and the moment they go into a certain state random events are no longer random and they become very intentional in other words they're influencing a machine that's programmed to go 50 50 to behave in a very different way they're they're their energy is somehow altering the mechanism of a machine huh really over and over again so then okay so something's happening where random events are no longer random they're becoming more intentional and the collective network of observers that have brain and heart coherence somehow can produce measurable effects in reality okay so then we said that it happened every time let's take cells and let's program these bacterial cells to either make a red protein or a green protein and it's a 50 50 shot too and of course if you look at a colony of bacteria you see this kind of brownish color and if you get really close there's red ones and there's green ones and it's usually 50 50. you had a whole group of people together and I tell them to focus on green and all of a sudden the colony of cells switch over to come on wow so so again so again like if you don't know that that's possible you'd be skeptical you'd be skeptical but but the scientists are scratching their head saying we're up all night trying to figure this stuff out right like what are they what are they saying is the cause of it well there has to be some quantum entanglement so we're bringing in quantity Quantum theorists you know theoretical physicists information physicists we have you know just all kinds of a diff we're doing uh functional MRIs now and we're looking at brains we're doing we have we can we can actually study brains when people are walking now I mean we just we're just we're trying to piece together what exactly it is and and so to me that's a good reason to get up in the morning to me learning and discovering and creating and every time we do an experiment every time we do an experiment we're never disappointed and the cool thing about it more than anything else for me is that you don't have to be a Buddhist monk you don't have to have 40 Years of devotion you don't have to in fact it's better off that you don't a lot of guys that come that they're girlfriends or their wives bring them they're just like hey dude listen I have no idea I don't know anything about this those are the guys that do the best kind of force the comments come there like I don't know anything just tell me what to do they do exactly what we tell them to do we had we had some really really um Elite forces you know come recently that you know that those guys had some some rough roads you know yeah completely different guys completely different guys I mean completely different let's say you make a million dollars in your business but then you invested a lot in the stock market or whatever and then half of it goes away overnight who doesn't have that happen right every abundant person has that happen right and and their response is minimal so what should be people be thinking when they lose a lot of money or they less something don't lose the lesson you may lose the money but don't lose the lesson should people feel this emotional attachment to the money what is money I mean what is that what people really want it's like people say to me oh I have this great idea for this new business and and I need money and I say you don't need money you need opportunity you need opportunity better tune in to some opportunities right so it's the framing of how limited we think that we have to get things through money it just is not the way it is yeah so the fundamental importance about all of this is I really don't care if people want to be abundant I don't care if they want to heal I don't care if they want to have a mystical I don't care what I want to travel the world doesn't matter to me I just want them to be in the experiment the experiment of actually trying it out yes and seeing kind of if I really change my energy well could I actually have an effect that's produced in my life and if I'm waiting for the event to occur I'm back to the illusion of separation and lack waiting for it to happen to take it away from truly a creator so let's say let's say they're not waiting what should they do instead of waiting keep feeling the feeling in the present moment and Trust right if you're if you're waiting you're not creating I mean that's just the way it is so wake up every day how bad you want it how bad you want in your dream it's so much easier to forget that Vision than to remember it right so if you're going to remember you got to keep it alive in your mind how do you keep it alive in your mind you disconnect from your environment you close your eyes you play music in the background you get sit your body down and it's got to pee and it's got to eat and it's got oh you just just sit down for a few minutes like training a dog like you stay when I say it's time to get up we get up don't be thinking about what's going to happen in your day you already know what's going to happen nothing would happen yesterday you already know that get in the present moment and say who do I want to be when I open my eyes who do I want to be today what would greatness look like how would I how would one day one shot one lifetime what an abundant person do let me rehearse that with my eyes closed I'm gonna remind myself who I don't want to be let me remind myself of who do I want to be let's not get up Lewis until we get in that until we are to where the tennis ball hits The Sweet Spot when you go oh I'm ready for the day now now game on now if you can maintain that modified State of Mind and Body the entire day without defaulting by seeing someone or doing something stay in that state the experiment still continues and you're changing your energy doesn't happen in two days you're not that good right that's it you're not that good we keep practicing people who show up for the 21 weeks in a row this woman 21 weeks in a row the end of 21 weeks she knew it boom her whole life changed boom was it 21 days worth ask her the experiment she was just changing the process people who diagnosed with really serious health conditions and they start doing the meditations and they realize wow God my body feels better my pain feels better but my values and my scans are so showing the disease exists all right did it does it mean that it doesn't work no it doesn't mean it doesn't work it means like what am I doing the other 15 hours of the day oh my God I'm in lack I'm in fear I'm responding to the same people in the same ways and you gotta think about this as long as your response to everything in your life is the same you're not changing right so change your response to things in your life and you're in the process of change so then now I gotta get good with my eyes open now I got to be able to rehearse oh my God I Fell From Grace at that moment in my day oh my God I defaulted back to the old cell I went by myself yeah all right no it's not it's only forgive yourself like there's a forgiving process like shoot but if you're truly playing the game who cares right you just go oh God let me brush myself off are you back in my heart here let me get back in that place I mean remember let me get back into this energy and let's try it again let's try it again yes and let's just keep the experiment going now does that mean you have to be irresponsible no you still have to navigate with ethics and morality you still have to have personal conviction you still have to have a vision that's bigger than you and somehow that motivates you because not only you're doing it for selfish reasons but to contribute to others in some way of course there's going to be recognition and popularity in a grand Dyson that goes with it money should be the side effect of all that the game should be so good of your vision like that vision of the future you have to keep alive in your mind that's really the game the ones that can keep that vision of the future in their mind now exactly and and have a personality even if you're even if your reality is falling apart and that's happened to a lot of people I mean there are people that come through our workout living the back of their car right and now they're you know living very well or bankrupt and now they're you know their companies are just thriving they just they just never stopped believing in themselves because if you believe in yourself it means you have to believe in possibility and if you believe in possibility you're going to have to believe in yourself and so something really cool happens when you do this that I just discovered recently just watching people at our week-long events um you know because you got to go all in you got to go all in and it's seven days and it's a lot and it's super intense and there's times where you don't want to show up because I'm pushing people across the river of change there comes a moment where people keep showing up for themselves they keep showing up for themselves in spite of the weather in spite of their foot hurting in spite of their bad dream in spite of whatever the fight with or whoever they keep showing up they get really worthy to receive there's no they feel really worthy like I am worthy to receive this gift and the universe only gives us what we think we're worthy of receiving right so we got to get to that point because so many people who are in lack somehow don't feel worthy right so so the abundance then becomes the sign that you finally become worthy and for the soul it's not about the abundance it's about mastering your worthiness and the reflection is the things that you accumulate what's the what's the the strategy to start believing we're worthy of receiving now fill your brain with as much knowledge as possible and and listen my dad used to say this to me all the time he'd say wait wait wait wait a second wait a second just sit down with me here if anybody else can do it you could do it also well let's just start there so how did these people do it like let's look at what they did all right let's study that's weird this is a school of greatness let's study greatness what is greatness like an uncompromising will invincibility lead with their heart adapt and make changes let go of the past give you give give life if live it fully and completely and embrace it and enjoy it I don't know whatever you get to write the script yeah and you tell the story of your future instead of telling the story of your past what is so how do we should we be speaking to others about our future or should we be more keeping that to our mind and our bodies and kind of speaking it to ourselves what happens when you say I'm gonna do this and I'm going to do this yeah this is my future it's actually it's a great question yeah so I really don't leak it out I never leak it out because if I'm working on something yeah I hold it right I don't want to I don't I'll when it when I know it's going to happen that's when I'll say you guys you're not going to believe this right so it's more to yourself right listen you know when you know when you're changing when you stop talking about it that's when you know you're changing because you're you're out of the bleachers and you're on the playing field look so many people come to our work Lewis and they say I I always believed that this was possible all this information seems I've seen people heal them some people create well I I get I just didn't believe it would work for me oh it's a big moment it's a it's a big moment now now you are on the game you're in are you in the playing field you're out of the bleachers like like we have people stand on the stage of someone stand on stage this weekend in Denver just said my God I I I I really believe that that um this would work I just I just didn't believe I could heal I didn't believe I really didn't believe it I really didn't believe she was a physician it was a physician I really didn't believe I could heal now is it about the healing anymore it's about overcoming the belief and every day she's got to make that decision with such firm intention that the amplitude of that decision is causing her body to respond to our minds and that's the moment she's rewriting the belief and if she doesn't feel like it don't expect anything to occur in your life you got to come out of your resting state you gotta you gotta make that choice what do you for all the people that go to your events uh and just in life one of the biggest challenges people have is the consistency of doing this yes it's hard to actually go and try it once no but here's the deal here's the deal here's the deal let's just say you're in the experiment and now that belief is right in your face I guarantee you that discomfort from that belief being right in your face is going to get you out of bed in the morning and you're going to face off with it there's an there's an innate capacity that we have as human beings to want to overcome our limitations it's in there right so the community that that we have that does this work they're not like oh God I gotta go create today that's not their game the magic is so good they show up because they don't want the magic to end to go away yeah they don't they're not doing it as a have to to please God do the right thing be spiritual none of that no it's not an obligation it's something that they actually look forward to doing because the experiments in their life is creating all these wonderful opportunities and and there's plenty of people in our work that started new businesses that are they're jamming they're jamming they're jamming and and they would never be victim to those circumstances right they just wouldn't let them those circumstances Define them right what defined them was the vision of the future and that Vision they had to keep alive and the emotion was the energy that drove them right to it let's talk about a practical scenario where someone's in a relationship 5 10 20 years married and not married and both parties have a pattern of defensiveness of passive aggressiveness of reacting when they don't like something and then one person starts to transform and they do your work or they do meditation work and they really start to connect with their heart and their mind and they start healing the trauma of the past and the other person hasn't caught up yet how does someone either Inspire the other person to come on this train with them and Elevate their thoughts or if they are unwilling to is there a way to be in a happy relationship if your partner is still in reaction mode more than you wow um well uh again speaking from my present state of ignorance because I'm on a journey also I will tell you this that one of the things that happens and when people start to come across information and knowledge that's really valuable and they want to share it with the person next to them or share it with their lover whatever but if they're in a relationship for 15 years and they have a lot of emotional agreements with people and things and they're in a lot of habits we we only accept believe and surrender to information that's equal to our emotional state so sometimes it bounces off the person and if the person is really enthusiastic then then they're really like whoa what is love but you're changing in front of them I don't like you this way we had a thing going here we could pick apart anybody or anything now you're not showing up equal to my memory you're unpredictable you're in the unknown right yeah you're the unknown is unsafe right so a lot of times the enthusiasm is the first thing that starts creating disconnection but if the person goes that's amazing that's really cool say it again like they're ready to hear the information those people are going to evolve together right if the person just kind of looks and says oh my God my wife's on the Kool-Aid or whatever it is this person is you know they change their medication on what's happening with them then that person that is trying to explain it philosophically is just looking for someone to exchange information with that person may not be the person he may just like Sunday Sunday football games and Monday Night Football and hanging out and drinking beer man they fell in love when they were the same right so now the next step is to find the person that you can exchange that information with because you want to understand it better so you can begin to use it now you have to stop preaching to that person that's the first thing you have to do in other words show up happy show up transformed be the example and then one of two things will happen I tell my kids this all the time if you're happy then that person is going to want to get some of that and they're going to ask you all right so what what the hell are you doing like all of a sudden you're like happy they're either gonna go I want some of that and they're going to evolve together now if they're if they don't and then you come down here and compromise yourself to meet them on that level they're going to take some of your energy and you're going to be like who am I for example angry yeah you didn't you didn't respond the way I wanted to now we're angry and we're back down here right but if you stay happy and they come up and they meet you there then you're still happy if you don't come down and you stay happy and they stay there and they move away guess what you stay happy you're still happy so so then people in relationships will compromise themselves out of out of obligation out of necessity out of obedience out of programs and at the end of the relationship they don't even remember who they are because they compromised who or so many aspects of themselves that's why you hear in a lot of people when they go through a breakup they're like oh I I lost myself in this relationship because they're refining myself they were changing they were changing in a way that kept the relationship safe why do so many relationships do this in general because nobody wants to tell the truth if you sat down and said let's get vulnerable let's sit down let's open our hearts I have a bottle of wine let's just let's get vulnerable hey I'm I'm this how are you doing like what's really going on in there are you happy and then be be an adult like you're unhappy I'm unhappy too you want to try to stick this out all right well if I were to say if I could get in my heart and I was looking at myself these are the things that make me unhappy that I want with me and that I want to change it's not only you it's me what I want to change and the other person said listen I'm I'm stuck I'm stuck too I don't know how to change I'm you know I'm doing this I'm drinking more or whatever I gotta stop and and it's important enough for me this relationship is important enough I'm willing to make the change and let's figure out how to do it together that that to me or I've done this hey or we I can't feel it anymore I I can't feel that feeling anymore I think I think it's time to move on I love you but it's turned I've changed and I still love you but I gotta go I mean it's just different we don't have the same interests anymore we've grown in different directions and and out of respect let's let's do that together right so so those relationships still stay fertile they're still wonderful they're still you keep them alive but they've transformed it to something else it's the not telling the truth about how you really feel because it would make you vulnerable and that means someone one-ups you or you may get uh shocked or uh you know rejected in some way I think the thing that the place in my life right now I'm 37 thing in my life in the relationship I'm in now I'll tell my girlfriend often I'm like I'm so grateful that we're on this journey together and there's cultural differences you've been with a Latin woman in the past there's cultural differences there's language differences there's understand belief differences all these things the thing that I tell her is like listen I want to be with you for as long as we can be together that's our lives great I'm committed to you but I'm also committed to myself and if we're not able to line up consistently over time and if it's we're both suffering and we're unable to make it work it's so it's going to be okay we can break up it's okay and it's the first time I've been in a place where I'm okay with her and okay not with her yeah yeah and so we were able to talk about these things from a healthy space not needing it to work out right because we're not lacking right because of course because you're you feel differently you you've you you're using love look look the truth is if you truly are love yes then you will be challenged always to a greater level of love and and I have had enough mystical experiences where I thought you just can't have any more love than this until I've had another experience and I'm like wow there's even more right so in love in a loving relationship I I have three children and I only want the best for them that's it so if you truly love someone and you want the best for them and they need to go you gotta love them yeah just as just as long as it's it's they got that kind of clear agreement with each other like I'm gonna go I just gotta go and yeah it's gonna hurt but that's just that's if if there's truly love you would want that for that person their best right so then it's not something that we do that that is a recipe it's trial and error and and I think the number one thing that I've learned over the years in any relationship it's about awareness it's about who am I being in this moment how conscious can I stay how am I speaking how am I acting what is the tone of my voice how much more can I give how can I forgive how can how if I'm having problems forgiving somebody I would think about something that I may have done in my life that I would want forgiveness for and I would think about how I want to be forgiven and I would forgive that person in the same way that I would be forgiving myself and in a sense I am forgiving myself right so we have to see it as this illusion of Separation this illusion of three-dimensional reality this is this is the plane where we demonstrate love I mean we came from Source we came from Singularity we came from Pure Love and down into density fooled by our Senses Into separation and the survival hormones create more separation they arouse us to put more attention on the illusion on the objects the Hologram of three-dimensional reality and we move further away from love so so fear is not the opposite of love it's a separation from it anger is not the opposite of love it's the separation from love pain suffering is not the opposite of love it's the separation from love so then as people heal into wholeness by by learning how to create coherence in their brain and heart the side effect of that a lot of times are dramatic changes in their health and then more importantly from that place they could have been sexually abused emotionally abused physically abused they will look at their entire past from that place and not want to change anything in their past because it brought them to that moment and they'll see the lessons and they'll have compassion and forgiveness because they're at a different Consciousness only when you're unhappy with yourself unhappy with your life are you going to dig up the past and find the reason why you are that way and and 50 of that story isn't even the truth you embellish the story to to make it sound so hard that nobody can change well I can't change this is it was way too hard and the research on memory is majority of time people are telling a story that it isn't even the truth to me they're reliving a miserable life they didn't even have only to reaffirm their emotional state so you catch yourself in the midstream you know you catch yourself talking and feeling that you catch yourself that's a victory to me that's a victory it's because you're going to be in reaction of course we're going to have feelings and emotions but you asked me so I react yeah every day but I get better at it and I always say okay if I was in that same circumstance with that same person I got the same or similar news how would Joe dispenza show up more evolved if I don't know the answer to that I'm going to find someone who had a similar experience I'm going to read what they did wow and I'm going to rehearse that I'm going to rehearse it in my mind so much so that I'm priming my brain for the experience now I want it to happen so that I could it's not about being right it's not about being any of those is it's really about my Evolution so then so then that Victory to me creates more wholeness yeah and so that more wholeness means I'm in less lack and separation from lack less lack in separation then I'm relaxed in the present moment and that's the that's the beauty of being alive is that we want the moment to last we want to be so present it's so good we don't want to leave it so love people want love but what's the sponsoring thought behind that they want joy that love brings them Joy before we continue this video make sure to subscribe below and turn on the notification Bell right now so you don't miss out on these great videos every single day people want abundance but they don't really want abundance they want freedom that's what they really want they want to be able to do whatever they want they want to have freedom yes you know people want a mystical experience no they want to be blown away they want to feel awe they want to be in awe of life people want to be healed no they want to be whole they want to feel wholeness they want to feel whole again so if you're looking for the reason uh why you want certain things you want a foreign emotion the emotions is the payoff from the experience it's the payoff and then we get to experience it with our senses and it's greater than we imagined and I'm telling you when when the reality starts organizing itself to reflect your energy and it starts showing up in your life believable what kind of feeling do you feel when you start seeing those synchronicities you feel excitement Joy inspiration that's the energy you're going to use to create the next one and so yes people in our work you know this is the thing that I'm a pre native cities happen daily when you're because your energy is synchronized your energy is synchronized to a future so the future that you're seeing in your mind before it happened emotionally embracing so much so that your brain and body look like it's already happened well if it looks physically like it's already happened relax because it's going to come to you so then people in this work do the work every day and that's the thing I'm the most proud of not because I want them to do it out of obligation or to please God or do the right thing or whatever it is whatever the programs have been for for thousands of years they don't want the magic to end they just like I don't know what this is but I'm having these incredible Lucid moments I'm I can't believe I just got this opportunity and wow this is happening and there every synchronicity does what it creates the energy and the belief that there could be more but they're not trying to control it they're not trying to predict it in fact it's it's none of their business how it happens or when it happens that's if you can predict how it's going to happen that's the known yeah the unknown is like I'm so happy I would never try to control it I'm not going to leave the present moment and that's when you're the vortex you know to experience this and so that's the difference between creating as Source or praying as Source or creating or praying to Source separation is begging trying now you are you are connected you feel Divine you feel you are the source you are Connected To Source and so this place is the bridge to that once it's here then there are there are their emotions and energies and frequencies that are just inevitable that you you CA you can't describe how much love that is or the feeling that you feel do emotions create thoughts or do thoughts create emotions both so think about this some people wake up in the morning your brain is a record of the past yeah the first thing they do is they think about their problems those problems are memories that are etched in the brain that are connected to certain people certain objects certain things at a certain time and place the moment they wake up in the morning and they think about their problems they're thinking in the past if you believe that your thoughts have something to do with your destiny well you're already in your past every one of those problems since we've experienced it has an emotion associated with it so then all of a sudden they start feeling unhappy the moment they feel unhappy now the bodies in the past because thoughts of the language of the brain and feelings of the language of the body so now that once they go oh say that one more time thoughts of the language of the brain feelings of the language of the body so the moment they start feeling those feelings now their bodies in the past so now they they get back and they they started off with a clean slate they didn't feel anything and they're like I'm back to feeling unhappy okay I'm back to myself again ah so because they'd rather feel unhappy than feel not feel anything so naturally the void of that emotion is influencing the body's influencing the mind the brain to think so it produces the chemicals for it to feel uh-huh some people just wake up in the morning they don't feel anything and then all of a sudden they just look for that feeling they just some people needed thought to do it some people could just bring up the feeling right so then they cling to that emotion because at least it's the known so some people have emotions that influence thoughts some people are more analytical they have thoughts that influence feelings but it's a loop right it's that cycle of thinking and feeling what's the formula to get out of that quickly keep mentioning the formula like there's a formula if if that's happening and I know we've had thousands of people that go through your books and your audio meditations I think you've got some new ones coming out here soon and they've been to your workshops which I think go to the workshop because it's going to be a game changer I can't wait till I can go but I keep inviting you guess what I know you can't come anymore you're not allowed to come I'm coming no you can't come now so maybe this will get them to come exactly now I'm there uh what is a Formula like a one to two minute formula when someone notices oh I'm feeling something and then there my thoughts are supporting that feeling and I'm just staying in this Loop what's the one or two minute formula they could just Implement in the morning at night whenever yeah to help them well I'm going to give you two examples okay because there's not just one way to do this of course um so if you're if you're truly in the business of change or creating your life that's a big responsibility yeah right I mean like we we ran our event I said to the audience okay nobody nobody forced you to come here right you came here on your own you took the risk in coming here by coming here you also agree that you create your reality that you're responsible for yourself and your life so if something happens to you you can't blame anybody because of that it's your responsibility to take care of you right so then the fundamental question is and I ask myself this all the time at what point do I stop believing that I create my life at what point when things go bad then all of a sudden I didn't create that that person is doing it to me right so if we can if we can wire that in our brains right that our reaction in response to an environmental condition is causing us to go back to the past that's what the emotion is the familiar emotion is the past and I'm on the journey and I catch myself doing that if I'm truly in the practice every day and I can cultivate a feeling not not not on the spot then you're not prepared your meditation is the preparation of mind and body for this so I don't get up from my meditation until I'm in love with life I don't I don't create anything that's going to be unlimited until I feel unlimited am I in that space and if I'm practicing feeling unlimited every day and practice connecting to the emotions of my future I'm I'm out of the bleachers and I'm on the field if you're on the bleachers and you're trying to not react to people in in circumstances you don't have the practice or the skill set on how to create that emotion because you haven't been practicing creating it and why do we close our eyes and do it because the environment is so seductive why do we sit still and not move because you're going to want to get up and pee and eat and have a cup of coffee and feel so so now you're telling your body hey stay I'm gonna feed you yeah you're gonna take a shower you're gonna get coffee you can play with your cell phone you could text you can talk trash you can do anything you want but right now you're not the mind I'm the mind and you're gonna sit and stay till I'm done and when I condition you to the emotions of the future and I get a very clear image of who I'm going to be this day and I'm not going to get up until I feel that way I guarantee you you're going to come up against all those unconscious thoughts they're going to come up right there I want people I want them to see it I want them to become so familiar with it so conscious if they wouldn't go unconscious they wouldn't let that thought I can't ever slip by their awareness unchecked they've done the work in the beginning of the day they suppress those circuits in the brain and nerve cells that no longer fire together no longer wire together you're you're breaking down the old personality and so you say ah your body wants to get up I gotta pee I want to have a couple I want to check and you hit you watch your body want to get up and you go hey hey hey hey hey hey get over here you you get back into this present moment and you every time you do that it's a victory you're executing a will that's greater than an unconscious program and most people lose their free will to a program because they do the same thing today as they did yesterday their body's on autopilot and it's dragging them into the same future habitually based on what they did in the past so now you're sitting there and it's just a little uncomfortable and you want to to quit in your body and you go no you get over here and you bring it back now some people say I can't meditate but really they're actually doing it right that's a victory too yeah and then you do that and you start watching how you're training your body back into the present moment then it's your body says well you know Lewis it's uh it's it's 8 8 30 in the morning this is usually when you watch the news and throw a tirade and get angry right and you're what's sitting here with your eyes closed and you're off schedule so why don't we just get agitated about anything so the body starts trying to create images in your mind so you remember your ex you remember your problems so you could feel that agitation what if you watched your body do that and you said no no no no no I'm not going to give my power away to the past or that person that circumstance in my life you get that body back in the present moment you lower the volume to that emotion that's a victory you're telling the body it's no longer the mind that you're the mind now that kind of work is tedious in the beginning but I watch people because when I have them do that it starts stretching their boundaries the known self that little box starts to move into the unknown and they survive and all of a sudden they're more relaxed in the present moment the unknown and I start feeling more satisfied so now they're more ready to create so the preparation for the day is to remind yourself of who you no longer want to be to know thyself to become so familiar with the word meditation means to become familiar with so conscious of your unconscious programs you're not going to go unconscious why because you did you did battle today with that personality that's creating the same personal reality and if your personality is made up of how you think how you act and how you feel and you want to create new personal reality then you got to change your personality and that's gonna mean then you're gonna become so conscious of those unconscious programs that you're no longer the program you're the Consciousness observing the program disentangling from that is not easy that's why most people won't do it that's why they get on their cell phone and say let me just create a little dopamine by just seeing if I got a text from somebody I like you know your phone's over there and you're no longer regulating with something outside of you this is this is game time so then if you said what thoughts do I want to fire and wire in my brain with my attention and my intention I'm going to make that the loudest voice in my head and if you keep firing and wiring that Hardware is going to become a software program and it's going to be a new voice right it's gonna you installed it not no magic there and if you said Hey listen I sucked yesterday with my staff meeting I was off I want another shot at it how would greatness show up school of greatness how would greatness show up for the staff me I got another shot I got 10 fingers ten toes I'm alive my heart's beating I didn't fail I got another shot today all right what what do I know about myself that I can do the act of closing your eyes and rehearsing who you're going to be is installing more Hardware the brain's going to look like you already did it now it's no longer in the past it's primed for the future keep doing it and this will become a software program and you're going to start looking pretty great people are going to go like really great you're gonna you're going to demonstrate greatness but there's no magic there because you're going to think what is greatness okay I like what this person said I like what that person said I like what I read here I love my experience of what I've demonstrated and the frontal lobe is going to create a beautiful beautiful understanding of what how to evolve your experience and when you no different than learning how to dance learning a sport learning aligns if you're an actor an actress a musician you you rehearse all the time and the rehearsal is actually priming the brain for the experience so now your brain is ready for the day it's different than just going oh I'm not going to react to my boss well you haven't done the work to come up with how to how to overcome that and then what did you install so you have circuit you have raw materials to to use now here's the hardest part can you teach your body emotionally what it would feel like if you if you arrived at your future and and can you say I'm not going to get up until I feel that way now this is this is good work here because you'll have to come up with that emotion and get beyond the shame the guilt the unworthiness the pain the suffering and this is battle this is Battle because your brain is going to keep going to something that's going to want to make you feel the way then the analytical mind is going to say you can't do this it's too hard why don't you quit that's where everybody stops but right on the other side of that is love right on the other side of that is gratitude right on the other side of that is freedom right so then if the person's willing to go a little further and practice a way to do that and they could get in touch with that emotion and they can feel it and when I feel it I always say and usually when it's really good I say remember this feeling memorize this feeling memorize I want to make a snapshot of that for you I want to I want to know I want to be able to bring this feeling up on command so I'll let go and then I'll go back and say let me see if I can do it again why am I trying to do it again to remember remembering is creating the circuitry to be able to produce it again it's going to become a skill now I have something to walk into my condition in my life where I'm reacting and now I have a plan I've primed my brain and body to the Future instead of the past I've suppressed the past yeah so now I have I'm closing my eyes disconnecting from the environment overcoming my body not thinking about the predictable future familiar past and time I'm in the present moment I'm ready to create why because I want to present myself to the world as an evolved version of yesterday real quick before you go to the next I hear a lot of therapists will mention we should not suppress emotions I'm hearing you mention just there suppressing the past well I would never say suppress I would say at what point are you done feeling that emotion you want to keep feeling you're not doing anything wrong you're just taking too long I mean like I'm not going to tell you to not feel in motion I feel emotions but again I'm just going to move through them I'm super passionate person and if I'm going in I'm going all in I'm not going halfway but when I feel and I can catch myself that's pretty cool gotcha because now I can change it nobody's no one knows nothing is doing that to me I'll feel it I'm not sitting there going I'm not doing that there's no tool set there I'm just I'm I'm I'm I'm steeping in the emote that's not it I'm saying okay I'm angry in the in this moment in eternity Joe dispenza what do you got what do you got this is the moment you're gonna remember because people who heal people who have transcendental moments people who break through people who have the wealth the freedom when they look back at their life and they see all the days they chose themselves to show up for their meditation when they look back at those past moments they're not looking back at the easy meditations they're not falling in love with the person who had the good met they're falling in love with the person who sat in the fire they're they're they remember those moments where they were like they didn't give up on me I believed in myself I believe there was something on the other side of this feeling I stuck with it and all of a sudden starts to change and for some people it takes so longer than others but they're on it and so then when they look back at their past and they see all those times that was hard and they they went a little further they're going to fall in love with that person and now their future self who's already transformed is drawing their past self to them in love there's that's how that's how reality is so our our future self in the future or no no there's a future you right that's already exists you just got to get there right and he's he's in love with you and the only way you're going to get there is by you being in love with him being in love in the past yeah but so then what is love then so then people think they've confused love with pleasure like a manicure or shopping spree that's not love that's pleasure and the more whole we are the less need for pleasure we have you sit in the fire I watched the thousand twenty five people last week transform themselves in the beginning I was trying to find the door out there they were I was bouncing off them I just wouldn't quit and then they started doing the work they came up against themselves they got frustrated they got impatient I kept reminding them their brain's going into high beta their arousal is driving them further out of balance and they started tempering the animal and they started I took them a little further and they sat through the fire and all of a sudden it wasn't about the mystical experience it wasn't about the wealth it was about learning the formula it wasn't about what they wanted it was about overcoming themselves they're learning the formula on how in that moment if they could just relax and keep practicing that little box begins to expand and now there's more more room for them to relax in the unknown I've stretched them outside of the known and they survived and they keep stretching them and all of a sudden they're more present and so they wanted they wanted to come to the edge in the next meditation and go a little further it was no longer me saying you gotta go they were they wanted the edge they wanted to see what was standing in the way between them and their new relationship them and their healing what what was that thing that I want to remove I'm gonna if not now when right so they wanted to take it on because they forgot about their cell phones we did it during the week of election so nobody would care about us they didn't care about the election they didn't care about any disease they were immersed and and they retreated from their lives now back to your question I guarantee you those people when they face circumstances in their life now they're ready for their environment in fact they've lowered the volume to so many of those emotions when people slash out at them or do you think they're going to go oh come here are you hurting get over here I'm gonna give you a hug not like oh you know they're not going to do that they're gonna be like come here I love you get over here are you okay that's just they're not there's not that anymore they they kind of they're kind of ready so so the formula then to answer your question is brain and heart coherence and when you're in stress and you're in survival when you're in danger the arousal of the stress hormones creates a heightened heightening of our senses and we become materialists and we narrow our focus on the material world and that's reality now and when we start trying to control reality and predict it and we have the perception that things are getting worse all of a sudden we're shifting our attention to one person to another person to another problem to another thing to another text and every one of those things there's a neurological Network in the brain so the arousal the stress hormones causes the brain to start firing incoherently and now there's no energy in the brain because the incoherence is diminishing energy it's waves that are canceling each other out the brain goes into like this quiescence of no activity or very little very little performance so then we said okay let's teach people how to take their attention off of everything known in this memory bank of the known self the autobiographical self the artifact of the past let's teach them how to go from a narrow object focus on anything material that's known in this three-dimensional reality to broadening their focus to putting their attention on energy nothing space and going from a convergent Focus to a Divergent focus and opening their focus we started noticing that the brain started to synchronize the different compartments started to unify and the Brain started functioning in a more holistic State and the person started feeling more chilled more poised more clear and what sinks in the brain links in the brain so you start seeing this kind of integration we can call people on the stage now and I can say would you show the audience on a brain scan how to go in the gamma give me one second boom they go right in the game can you show them how to go on the alpha coherent brainwave patterns I can give me a minute it's Alpha uh like negative state or Alpha is like that creative state when the brain starts slowing down analytical you know processing so Emma is what it's like super Consciousness that's like that's the that's the big stuff yeah that's the highest level that your brain can go into yeah it's a kind of a very fast frequency but our gamma frequencies that we record in our work is so coherent like let me see how I can say this when you're in beta right we're in beta right now your brain is busy integrating all this information what I'm saying what you're feeling the temperature in the room the lights your back you know everything else your brain's got to figure all this out it's got to create meaning between what's going on out there and what's going on in here if I said to you Lewis I forgot to tell you they're going to take a test today you would perk up a little bit more right the light bulb will get a little brighter it's mid-range beta but when you're in high beta that's when you're really really out of bounds when you're angry when you're frustrated when you're impatient when you're Vigilant you know that's the brain is in very very Heights heightened State and that high beta High beta that's when you're in a negative State yeah exactly you're in survival people don't think they can control that so they start analyzing in that state and they make their brain worse they get overly focused overly analytical and now you got to get beyond that analytical mind to get into the operating system to change those unwanted habits and behaviors so when you disconnect from your environment and you close your eyes and there's less stimulation coming in we play music in the background you're not eating you're not smelling you're not tasting you're not feeling there's less sensory information naturally this mechanism starts to slow down and so there's less information when you go into Alpha and you cross the analytical mind and what separates the conscious mind from the subconscious mind is the analytical mind so now you're suppressing the the the analytical mind that's saying you can it's too hard The Voice goes away and now for now we're not looking for any kind of alpha we're looking for coherent Alpha so as they open their focus and they send space the act of sensing and feeling causes them to stop thinking and analyzing so you start seeing energy leave the neocortex right if they do it really well and the body starts to fall asleep or it feels so comfortable that it can rest in the present moment and let it almost fall asleep and you're still conscious and awake now you're in Theta now that's a hypnotic State your body's like vibrating almost yeah the door between the conscious mind the subconscious mind is wide open it's very programmable thinking about being positive is actually creating the negative problem because you're not paying attention when you're thinking about being positive so this is the whole issue people have a feeling that they can change but they have no effort they don't want to get in the game because they feel it's you know it's just too much time it doesn't work
Channel: Lewis Howes
Views: 1,125,585
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lewis Howes, Lewis Howes interview, school of greatness, self help, self improvement, self development, personal development, success habits, success, wealth, motivation, inspiration, inspirational video, motivational video, success principles, millionaire success habits, how to become successful, success motivation
Id: c7nxcCSjjRM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 240min 29sec (14429 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 07 2022
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