How To REPROGRAM YOUR Mind To MANIFEST ANYTHING In 2023! | Dr. Bruce Lipton & Joe Dispenza

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you are manifesting a life are you manifesting a positive life well that's a choice you want to manifest a negative life that's a choice but if you start manifesting then the the Cascade the consequences of that are going to manifest in the process so if you put into these really great habits you can you'd have to feel those emotions before the experience occurred and if you understood that you could dissociate all of your attention from this three-dimensional reality and have no attention on anything known and understand it's the field that creates matter that matter that emits the field and if you could get to that place and change your energy with a clear intention and elevated emotion your heart starts beating in this in this beautiful Rhythm like a drum we've measured it so many times and when that occurs why do you think so many people Center their identity with being a victim and what do you think they hold on to it so tightly when they know they could reprogram their beliefs and start living in accordance with a harmonious life and being the Creator and manifester as opposed to the victim who is powerless well I think the biggest thing some people say oh yeah you can change your life and then they find it's very difficult it's very hard I go why because they don't know how to push the record button uh you know and so many of them are talking to themselves I'm going to make Bruce you do better you just do better about this you do better and I go okay let's stop for a second who am I asking to do better oh my subconscious I go oh there's nobody in there who are you talking to nobody like oh that's a big waste of time man because that that's not where change comes from they don't know how to push that button if you don't know how to push the button it's frustrating in a sense oh it takes so it's so much hard work to change it's not easy it takes time these are belief systems why because they try and it doesn't work I know that's because they didn't know how to push the record button so most people say yeah I can change but it's not working they should think positive and I thought positive and it didn't work it's not working yeah no because the idea was you can think all you want but problem is while you're thinking you're actually playing the negative programs out there you've been thinking about being positive is actually creating the negative problem because you're not paying attention when you're thinking about being positive so the the whole issue people have a feeling that they can change but they have no effort they don't want to get in the game because they feel it's you know it's just too much time it doesn't work and I tried it and it didn't work and then they give up and then life just goes on it's seamless you you don't see it it's just the way you've been living it ever since seven years old you've been just living this program if someone had only said you know what I'm a victim I've got too much going on I don't have time to do these new program things you're talking about the record button seems like too much work it's it's exhausting I've tried and started and stopped so many times with health money relationships whatever it might be and I'm a failure at all these things if you could only give people a five minute thing to do every day and you said just focus on this five minutes a day well let's get you to get you started to get you started well they get the gift started is this if you like like the first time that I really started to be aware that my my subconscious was controlling me was uh when I was in my car stopped at a red light and I realized I was going to be late and then all of a sudden I started berating myself well you can't do things right you're not are you idiot you're such a yeah how do you forget these things it was that moment I said wait I'm listening to what these words I'm actually stopping I'm not just saying the words I'm saying the words but I'm actually listening I said how many positive things did I just say zero uh oh there's a problem right there and I started to realize we have to stop and be conscious just long enough to listen to these things they flow through just continuously you got to stop and tune in and say what am I thinking why because if you start to realize that most of your thoughts are negative and this is not good enough that won't work blah blah blah and I so but that's a creative voice you're talking about right there that voice is creating and everything you just said is now part of your creation so what if you stopped what if you just uh said wait that what I did is I just covered up the clock on my car so I didn't have to see how late I was going to be and I got there on the right time it's like why because I didn't focus on you know all the steps between here and the destination I just said I got to get there boom I was there that's how it worked okay so what can a person do I think the first time is just for them to wake up long enough to hear are you giving yourself positive vision of a future are you already canceled the future with it with negative things that you can bring up any number of negative things it's not going to happen because of X fill in X you can put anything in there it's not going to happen I go until you understand oh my God I am not thinking a positive thought in this process well then I'm not if I'm not thinking positive Pro thought then I don't want those other thoughts to manifest and that was a wake-up call should we is there a place where we should where negative thinking is a positive I can't see it because it's a delusion it's a delusion it's not the reality a negative thinking besides manifesting it as a reality it's only and now you are manifesting well that was when do you want to stop manifesting I say when you stop long enough to correct yourself no I don't want to think that no let me think something positive let me show you something a while back I would have been what Loosely called manic depressive I'd be happy most of the time and then something would go wrong and then the next thing would go wrong and I know I would go in a spiral and then it got worse and I get down and be totally depressed you know giving myself self-talk bad criticism not smart enough not good enough whatever and I was uh uh engaged this was like a repetitive process and you know once it starts it's like oh here we go you know there's gonna go and I was in my lab doing something and it required so much work to get this done and and then there was a part where I prepared the experiment then I'm going to run the experiment takes like two hours to prepare and then I start to run it and if you mess up a little bit the whole thing goes to mm-hmm and I so I did it the first time I went to crap and it's like oh God it's got to spend two more hours putting it all back together again weigh out all this stuff do everything get it ready I ruined it the second time third time really put me off because now I've spent over six hours of the day not repeating experiments that never worked and I got real mad at myself and I went into that you idiot you can't do anything right and it was cool I was alone in the room and I hear a voice just right out in front of me somewhere right out there in that voice says don't you have anything better to do than to listen to this wow and I for a moment I was stunned like I'm the only one in the room you know it was my higher self looking at me going through this and saying don't you have anything better and I I laughed that's kind of funny I said sure I'd rather go see a movie and there was a newspaper I picked it up found a movie went to the movie came out clear no more depression gone okay the next time I started to go down I I remembered that don't I have anything better to do I started to laugh immediately changed just went and did something else stopped it was a choice I could continue going back and forth with that or with a choice was do something else and I did it guess what after a number of times not too many I never got depressed again because this really made a habit that if I would start in that direction The Habit was go do something else and that has been now valid part of my whole life I carry nothing forward on this anymore and this was like the freedom if you're living with yourself and you are you believe you're unlovable then you're living with your an unlovable self all day long and you're gonna be anxious probably stressed worried what are people thinking about me I'm not good enough other people don't think I'm good enough I'm not going to be accepted and that's the conscious thinking mind right and while you're thinking what's running the show the problem I'm just thinking about it and while I'm thinking now the problem's running well I'm thinking about it and as a as a you know cell biologist and researcher on science what happens to our physical cells in the material world when the Mind subconsciously and cautiously is directing negative energy and thoughts towards it self-sabotage you are manifesting a life are you manifesting a positive life well that's a choice you want to manifest a negative life that's a choice but if you start manifesting then the Cascade the consequences of that are going to manifest in the process it's a choice people don't believe it's a choice because they get so carried away with it without looking at themselves saying hey wait this is a moment of choice that's why that voice it woke me up took me out of this lifetime of that because once it said that it was funny it was so funny that anytime I started to go down I started laughing and then stop and then the point was the never it's been years years since I've had any anger issues at all really yes it used to be a lot you used to be a lot angry or used to be able to reactive things weren't working I was more frustrated most of the time because things weren't working the way I wanted them to work now it's like are you kidding me I'm like this happy camper hey I'm awake guess what I have another day here another day to experience I have no idea what's going to happen I send out some good things and then good things come back great this is a great life this is not an accident I know this from a scientific point of view because I'm very clear of my first 40 plus years with those programs that I got from my family creating the problem that my family has you know my brothers have cancer like that excuse me but you know I know why the same family they just kept the programming of that so it's not genetic it's programming 100 yeah what are some what are some daily affirmations you started to implement when you saw this depressed thoughts coming in or these self-sabotage thoughts coming in what did you shift it with affirmations with different thoughts what did you start it was just the awareness Aid that you know as I said the very first stop light where I started all of a sudden listen while I'm waiting for the light it was like the first time I tuned in and go what the hell are you thinking that was the most important thing because then the habit of not going there anymore starting to realize oh that's why am I thinking inside your thing turn around make a positive statement right now because that negative one is taking you on and just a repetition of this Behavior become habitual so and habits are great why no effort I love habits why you don't even have to think about them they do it automatically you know so if you put into these really great habits you can walk through the day and think anything you want do anything you want and your habit if they're good ones will just guide you perfectly through here without even being involved with thinking um that's the game the game is what has happened to you then program that that's your life and then guess what the 95 of the day manifesting Heaven what you're not even thinking about it and for those listening or watching saying you know Bruce this sounds great and all but I've heard the positive thinking and changing your thoughts stuff a million times and I've tried it before and it hasn't worked for me how can you prove on a scientific level that this actually is not woo-woo land but it's actually scientific evidence uh well the one that get that was real important for me because I I knew the experience of psyche helped me but I had no awareness of what her house oh that was cool that was nice but when I saw the results that Jeff Fannin showed of recording the activity while the process was going on it's like oh this brain of the brain yeah this is a real function this is a real action this is not a suggestion this is a mechanism and then that gave more positive character to me to follow through because I thought this is just not coincidence stuff man this is manifestation uh and and we have that opportunity to manifest but to many people their belief system about that is they're the victim and I'm stuck and that's the way it is that's my life and my genes did this and therefore I'm I'm gonna die and and all this kind of and it's like wow you are now over a machine and you're going to play that right out to the very end and it will happen just as you thought it would what happens if we create we try to create from survival emotions it just takes a long time you just you you'll just force it a little less Little Steps at a time you'll force it you'll you'll force it you'll fight for it you'll compete for it and you'll manipulate you'll cheat you'll lie uh you'll do anything to get what you want because that's what matter does when it's trying to change matter and everybody's ever playing that game right everybody's trying to accumulate the most amount of things right okay so that's what abundance means to certain people get as many things as you can okay do you want that not a problem but let's learn the formula of how to create right so then so then you'd have to feel those emotions before the experience occurred and if you understood that you could dissociate all of your attention from this three-dimensional reality and have no attention on anything known and understand it's the field that creates matter that matter that emits the field and if you could get to that place and change your energy with a clear intention and elevated emotion your heart starts beating in this beautiful Rhythm like a drum we've measured it so many times and when that occurs the next thing that happens the heart informs the brain it's safe to create now so the person relaxes into the present moment and then we see this like if you took a big sheet you know and a blanket and you went like that the energy of the heart actually informs the brain to move into this beautiful elegant states of alpha brainwave patterns coherent Alpha and that's saying it's the next dream what is it the next what's the next opportunity you want to experience that's a state of creation so now you have a Wi-Fi signal you've got a coherent brain that's a directive that's a signal out and you got this coherent heart that's what draws it to us right you combine those two and if there's a vibrational match between your energy and that potential in the quantum field and you're feeling abundant and whatever your brain Associates with being abundant that's your call that's what the creative process is this is the creative Center the brain frontal lobe actually says what would it be like to be creative or abundant I don't know what it'll be like to be abundant well then go read a few books on people who who actually became abundant and realize it wasn't a glorious process they failed miserably they let they got betrayed they learned a lot of lessons but they persevered and what are the qualities of that person that you could embody that that's the key right because it's it's not about wealth it's who you become right because people think it's about their wealth but it's the becoming process it's the overcome attracted that right of course so then so then you got to turn the battleship around because most people say I can't feel grateful for my wealth because it hasn't happened yet that's the hypnosis waiting for the experience to happen to feel grateful well that's Newtonian that's three-dimensional reality that's cause and effect the quantum you got to feel it in order for you to experience it okay so this heart becomes like an amplifier and it sends that signal out and that frequency can carry the thought of your abundance can suffering cannot carry the thought of your abundance lack cannot carry the thought of your mouth says it's a different frequency right we feel different feelings like suffering we think different thoughts right so so people can say I'm abundant abundant abundant abundant all they want but that thought is never making it to the body because it's stopping at the brain stem because the body's saying I'm miserable I'm unhappy I'm in lack right so so the affirmation doesn't work right okay so let's go one step further yes so if you practice this and you actually understood you know what we teach this pretty well but if you if you learned it just like learning how to play handball or learning how to hit a golf ball learning how to dance a song so if you just practice the form you get really good at it if you're doing it properly then what would be the outcome the experiment of being abundant would be that you would have to feel that feeling it's so good at doing it with your eyes closed you got to do it with your eyes open now why because if you're feeling the feelings of your emotions of your future you're no longer looking for them because you're in the future now your body is so objective that it's believing it's living in that reality where you are abundant as long as you feel that emotion you're not separate from it any longer no longer and lack you're no longer looking for it to occur occur and say why hasn't it happened yet if you're feeling abundant why would you look so then our job then is to be able to maintain that modified state of mind and body cell okay so does that mean like you should check your bank account tomorrow and see if there's a half a million dollars in it no you keep tuning in that potential and then here come the synchronicities yes what's that that's feedback in your environment the universe saying hey Louis whatever you're doing all of a sudden we are starting to create right and I think it's so important for people to remember that they're the creators of their lives instead of the victim of their lives right so the victim is saying I'm feeling this way because that person or that circumstance or I don't have any money is causing me to feel this way that's my relationship with money what that really means is I'm using my lack to reaffirm my dependency my addiction my conditioning that's my relationship with money is that I put my attention on money because I don't have it so the relationship with money is of course built on lack and so when they don't have it they feel bad and what they're really saying is my outer environment my reality is actually controlling the way I feel the way I think so Louis why are you in a good mood today things are going good why in a bad mood things are going bad today so this unconscious program of victimization is saying that that that we're we're allowing our environment to influence the way we feel and the way we think isn't that isn't that what victimization is and and the stronger the emotion we have to our lack the more we put our attention on the fact that we don't have it right so then the person has forgotten that they're creating reality because what they're creating is lack and they're creating more of it and then they try harder and they force harder when they come they're so exhausted and their body's tired and they're breaking down right so so the experiment then is let's try it another way let's create from the field instead of from matter get a coherent heart get a coherent brain relax in the heart and energy moves right in the brain we measure this thousand times and all of a sudden the person moves into these beautiful elegant brainwave states where they're super creative right so the the longer you're conscious of that energy the more you draw that future to you so then what is the synchronicity mean it means whatever you're doing inside of you is producing that effect outside of you pay attention to what you did do it again so generate a little bit more abundance just do it for an experiment now when the synchronicity happens do you think you feel suffering or do you think you feel a little excitement you feel inspired right so then that synchronicity is saying use this energy use this feeling it should be easier for you to feel this now and go back and do it again keep the experiment going and here comes the promotion here comes the here comes the email here comes the person you meet at the right time right well we have something happening here and then that that becomes the momentum right so then we generate abundance that's that's how we do it and the relationship doesn't just happen by accident regenerating we generate abundance right so then if you have an hour meditation where you're tuning into your abundant future but then you're spending the other 15 hours a day in lack don't expect anything to change you defaulted and you're back to the old energy and if you say it's that person or that circumstance or that bank account I'm going to say you're back to the unconscious program being a victim right and so then so then so then let's go a step further if your personality creates your personal reality and it does and your personality is made up of how you think how you act and how you feel then the present personality who's listening to this podcast has created the present personal reality called her life nothing big there which means if you want to change your personal reality you're going to have to change your personality right nothing changes in your life until you change right so then 95 percent of who we are is is on autopilot right it's it's a program thoughts hardwired thoughts beliefs perceptions unconscious habits and behaviors and really really emotional responses that tend to be really knee-jerk and automatic right so if 95 of who we are is a set of unconscious programs then the first step to change is becoming conscious of those unconscious thoughts now people think when they sit down to do the work and make their change that they're they're doing something wrong no those thoughts have to come up I can I'm not worthy it's never going to work but the person who's truly persevering towards their abundance realizes just because they have that thought doesn't mean it's true they're curious on what's on the other side of that thought ah well that's just the thought right and nerve cells that no longer fire together no longer wire together so you keep moving past that thought it gets it has less and less power over you right now you're you have power over it or better better yet you're using your brain in the proper way instead of your being a victim to your brain right if you complain about money if you judge people who have it if you rush when you're in lack if you cheat when you don't have what you need an abundant person doesn't do that you got to look at that and say I gotta break these habits oh my God if I truly want to be abundant I can't act this way now here's the big one if if I truly want to be a new personality that's in a new personal reality I can't take lack with me I can't take unworthiness I can't take a story that goes along with it with my parents or my grandparents or my ex or whatever that story has to end right I mean if not now when right how do people end those stories well of course well how many times do we have to forget until we stop forgetting and start remembering right that's the game right that's the game called change how many times we have to go unconscious and default to that old personality when we catch ourselves and stop doing that and get conscious that's the moment of change so the problem is is that most people wake up in the morning and they think uh let me think of my problems right there the brain is a record of the past right so they think about their problems they don't have enough money and those those problems are usually connected to certain people at certain places with certain objects and certain things so the moment they wake up the moment they remember those problems they're thinking in the past so now they're firing and wiring the memory they're keeping the memory of past alive in their mind the problem is every one of those memories has an emotion associated with it because we've experienced it so when they feel the lack when they feel the unhappiness when they feel the anxiety now the bodies in the past thoughts being the language of the brain feelings being the language of the body how we think and how we feel creates our state of being but the conditioning process starts because conditioning only needs a thought and a Feeling a memory or an image and an emotion and a stimulus and response and you're conditioning your body to become the mind of that emotion and now the memory is not in the brain now the memory is buried subconsciously in the body and the body becomes the mind of that emotion so the body is living in lack and it's believing [Music] so so the body's so objective that it does not know the difference between the real life experience that's creating the lack and the emotion that you're creating by thought alone called lack the body's believing it's living the same past experience every day it's it why because the end product of an experience is an emotion well if you your life is changing but you're still feeling lack don't expect anything that you you won't even see it you'll walk right past it you're viewing your life through the lens of the past okay so okay so then the person realizes that all their friends are making money and they're doing stuff and they're like wow I'm really feeling lacked now so then when it no longer becomes about your abundance and it becomes about your change that's a valuable moment when it's no longer about your healing but it's about your change I paid attention to a lot of people and in the last couple years tell their story the people who heal in this work from cancers and all kinds of chronic health conditions and Parkinson's and strokes and paralysis and all kinds of things it's rare genetic disorders it it never was about when they've really got in the game it was never about their healing it was about what do I need to change in order to heal when the game goes like that so then the person who's feeling lack on some level or another it's not just in the mind it's in the body right so they said let me hear you say that again when someone's looking for abundance it's never about the abundance it's about the change they need to make for healing no what I'm using healing as an example yes but let's use abundance as an example when when you understand that you cannot get abundant when it's no longer about the game called abundance it's about the game called change what do I need to change the more I change the more I'll be abundant yes so then it's no longer why haven't how come it hasn't happened that's the old personality separate from the experience still in lack asking that question which is creating your current reality which is which is reaffirming it because that's the lens you're perceiving it through okay so so we should be focusing more on what we need to change every moment as opposed to the abundance or the healing well the word meditation means to become familiar with sit with yourself long enough and not turn on your cell phone not scroll through your social media do no Tick Tock no emails no none of that stuff don't just sit and close your eyes and and watch the thoughts that come up that's the exact reason why you're not abundant watch what you want to do when you're feeling lacked and take away the lack and there's always something you would do to take it away but but sit with the lack and be curious on what's on the other side of it right because the body's program them to lack now subconsciously right so the emotion of lack drives our thoughts and drives our behaviors so it makes sense then that if an emotion is a record of the past then we're doing things habitually from the past we're thinking in the past right so so lower the volume to the emotion every time you notice lack comes up and just like breaking any addiction there's going to be Cravings right so the bodies go hey Louis it's been about two hours you're so used to doing this yeah you've been thinking lacking thoughts about 150 000 times a day and you're just going to stop now the body's gonna divide is going to start influencing the mindset it's not going to work your loser it didn't work before it's too hard everybody else that's why it's so hard for people to like lose weight or get in shape it might try it for a few days and then the Cravings or I'm tired and I want to go default back into the overall right now because why because the body which has been conditioned the mind the body is the unconscious mind so the body's got used to The Familiar feeling even they don't even know it's lack is how they feel it's not guilt so okay okay it's the hardest part about all of this is making a different choice and the moment you decide to make a different Choice get ready it's going to feel uncomfortable right it's going to feel unfamiliar your your body's all of a sudden saying hey Lewis uh why don't you start thinking those same exact thoughts doing the same things make the same choices that demonstrate the same behaviors have the same experiences so you could feel that feeling of lack complain again to somebody call somebody up and say how miserable your life is right and that's that's the known right so the body is always influencing the mind to return back to the familiar territory the default you're the default okay all right so now the person says okay what thoughts do I not want what what would an abundant person think this way the people in our work that have created I had a guy come to our event I I love this guy he healed himself he tried to take his life three times when he told me that when he came to our work he didn't have two dollars to rub together he's worth hundreds of millions of dollars and just keeps giving it away wow his his lesson his lesson was that wasn't the wealth was who he became so it's the overcoming process that is the becoming process who did he become in that Journey exactly he had to get beyond all of those thoughts of his past all the mistakes he made all the things he did wrong all the money he owed there all of that that was like he just had to no longer be that person any longer but he did say how would a wealthy person live and and and when he created his wealth what do you think the first thing he did started giving giving it away why because an abundant person doesn't have any lack and he knows how to create more of it than this he's in the experiment well what would happen if I keep giving it away he keeps getting more that's a good experiment to have because that he is actually living in that abundant State he also had tremendous healings taking place because when you heal your heart heal your mind I mean it's just the way it is we saw it so many times right so he healed his heart he got an upgrade he got an upgrade right so then then the next fundamental question is how would an abundant person think write it down dude and fire and wire those thoughts in your brain and install the hardware keep doing it with attention and intention it becomes the new voice in your head it becomes a software program then say okay how am I going to be in my life today what would an abundant person how would they behave and before you reach for your cell phone and start scrolling through your social media close your eyes and rehearse in your mind how that person would walk how they would Breathe how they would smile how they would greet people how they would be on Zoom calls how would they be in traffic how would they be at dinner and and the act of closing your eyes and mentally rehearsing the ACT if you're truly present the brain does not know the difference between the real life experience and what you're imagining in fact just a little bit of time you start to install the neurological Hardware to look like you already did it now the brain is no longer a record of the past it's primed for the future keep doing it keep rehearsing no different than playing an instrument no different than learning how to dance no different on learning how to act or play a sport everybody's always rehearsing right the rehearsal process changes the brain to look like you've already done it you've already experienced it now what's the essential part of that the hardware is in place now all you got to do is step into the footprint keep doing it it becomes a software program you start acting like an abundant person everything changes your energy changes your mood changes the way you walk where you breathe your posture changes you're out of the known right you've got to condition the body now emotionally into the future can't open your eyes in the morning until you are feeling worthy to receive and if you can't feel worthy to receive then if not now when if it takes you two hours to get there ask me if it's worth 30 years of running trying to get what you need matter to matter okay so then the person who wrestles with their lack they're out of the bleachers and they're on the playing field here's what we learned here's what we learned let's go back to beliefs now so remember belief is just the thought you keep thinking over and over again a belief is something that you keep thinking enough times that you hardwired in your brain and it becomes an automatic program and we have beliefs about all kinds of things money relationships God whatever it is it's all based on what we've been told or our past experiences right boundaries of those beliefs are our emotions right so let's just say you got betrayed or somebody abused you or your father told you that money was bad and there's never enough of it or whatever that's a story okay but but somehow it left an impression on you remember that event very clearly and that's kind of rooted in who you are right okay so that emotion then is the boundary of our belief Okay so how you think and how you feel creates your state of being if you take a thought and a feeling a thought and a feeling a thought and a feeling of thought and a feeling it's called an attitude yes there's a good thoughts with a series of Good Feelings you say I have a good attitude today in a series of negative thoughts that are connected to a series of negative feelings the same with bad attitude today so attitudes are just shortened states of being good attitude in the morning bad attitude in the afternoon if you take an attitude and attitude imagine you keep those up and you string attitudes together you create what's called a belief and a belief is just an extended state of being so if you keep thinking the same thought you keep hardwiring in the brain you keep feeling the same feeling you keep conditioning in your body the redundancy of that cycle over and over again conditions the body to subconsciously become the mind of that belief and all beliefs our subconscious states of being okay take a belief a belief a belief and you string them together you form what's called a perception and perceptions are just such extended states of being that we're unconscious and so then we we edit out reality in fact most people don't see things the way they are they see things the way they are right and people are always feeling in reality unconsciously based on their memory they could be married to a person for 40 years and they don't see the person they see the memory of the person right and there's research to prove this okay so how do we change a belief or perception about ourself for our lives okay we've studied this okay let's just say that lack is ingrained in there you got the story you lived on the streets you lost everything you got betrayed your business partner took everything took your wife took you got the story in the half okay okay you gotta start telling the new story of the future right you got to believe in that future more than you have to believe in the past so how do you do that you only believe in the past when you feel the emotions of the past the only time you're going to believe in the future is when you feel the emotions of the future right okay so in order for us to change a belief or perception about ourself and our lives we have to make a decision with such firm intention that the amplitude of that decision carries a level of energy that's greater than the hardwired programs in your brain and the emotional conditioning in your body and your body literally has to respond to your mind that the choice that you're making to change in that moment becomes a moment in time that you never forget and here's the key physically physically the stronger the emotion you feel when you make that choice the more you remember the decision okay so then how do we down regulate that old belief if the trauma created emotional quotient of sex or seven then your decision to change your beliefs got to be a nine right and you got to come out of your resting state and that moment has to Define you you could say I know exactly where I was the time and day it was who I was with when I made my mind up to change right because you created a long-term memory long-term memories are created from strong emotion right but at the amplitude of that emotion is greater than the Betrayal Boom the body starts responding to mind and you're actually giving your body a taste of the future emotionally so you brand your voice possible no your body's actually getting the taste of that future event experiencing the future now exactly big explosion on the quantum field big explosion so the side effect of that is if you combine that clear intention with that elevated emotion you're basically remembering your future and it looks no different than remembering your past think neurologically within the circuits of that memory and feel within the emotions of that new belief and watch your life begin to change because nothing changes in our life that we change and when we change our energy we change our life so now the experiment all of a sudden is no longer based on it being hard or trying or wishing or wanting or hoping that's what we do when we're lack or lack of Separation it's about change so then when we finally realize in order for us to become abundant we have to overcome the old personality and that's 95 percent of who we are right yes so then the side effect of the beginning of this process is a lot of discomfort it is a lot of discomfort because you're stepping outside the known into the unknown and now you can't predict it's scary no no you'd rather hold on to your lack pain and suffering rather tell the story of that at least it makes you feel something that's familiar when you step outside and you're saying I'm not going to complain about money any longer I'm not going to complain about I don't have any I'm not going to judge other people who do I'm not going to say I can I'm not worthy it's never going to work all those things got to go I'm not going to feel lack I'm not going to feel unworthy I'm not going to feel separation I'm not going to feel resentment these are the things that are keeping my reality the same now it's no longer about abundance about who you become so the overcoming process becomes the becoming process and so many people come to this work they want abundance they want healing they want a new relationship they want a new career they want the mystical but really they want wholeness and and everyone healing they want peace they want wholeness because they feel on whole well well when you're in lack or in separation you're not home imagine feeling so much wholeness that's impossible to want that's what our that's what we're working on with people then you can really enjoy a Sunset and you can really enjoy a meal and you can really enjoy your friends then you can I I I talk to people that are very abundant I mean in the billions abundant and you know so many of them say we are in misery because in our whole we're in agony because they can enjoy life anymore that's what they want I mean people want abundance to be able to enjoy life they want to be able to do whatever they want with whoever they want as many times as I want whatever they want that's Freedom right people want abundance the sponsoring thought is really they want freedom right or whatever the sponsoring thought would be right so so then creating from the field instead of from matter to shorten the distance between cause and effect requires that clear intention with that elevator motion coherent brain and coherent heart tune into that energy and feel it with your brain and your heart I mean we have plenty of ways to do that examine your personality and examine your personal reality change your personality change your personal reality don't make it be about abundance mean about becoming abundant by overcoming the person who's not abundant the person who heals themselves from a health condition who's no longer thinking the same way no longer acting the same way no longer feeling the same way you ask them where that disease is when they stand on the stage in front of 1500 people or three thousand people and that's a four minute mile everybody's leaning in that's truth right on the stage they say where is that where is the disease oh it lives in the old person I'm somebody else that's like that's I don't even that's not even the story that's not even who I am any longer so lo and behold when we do our research and people do this in seven days of going all in at the end of seven days their body looks like genetically with all the metabolites that they're literally in a different environment you know here's the weird part they're in a ballroom right there's not a lot happening right what's happening I've been into thousands of bones but the environment somehow looks like they're living in a very prosperous very healthy very loving nurturing great whole environment why because they were signaling genes ahead of the environment and if the environment signals the gene okay that's epigenetics the end product of the experience in the environment is an emotion if you feel the emotion before the experience you're sitting the gene ahead of the environment what are the main limiting beliefs that you just hear consistently that most people tend to have if they're not in a have a a higher level program that they've caught and switched with well one of the main beliefs that they're caught up in is the lack of power they feel over their own health and their own reality that I'm a victim I'm a victim of my genes I'm a victim of this world out here I say if you if the belief system is translated into Behavior if I believe I'm a victim then my behavior will be as a victim no power you guys tell me what to do and I'll try and do what you just said and I say well that's the biggest problem of all because quantum physics I mentioned is the most valid science and principle number one is you're the creator of this and it's like well when are you gonna owned that and the answer is I could say it but then you walk away and a few minutes later you're back into your world again everything is gone you know listen it took me a while I learned and understood that oh my God this is how it works and I was so excited I wanted to get people I'm going to tell anybody to listen to this man this is how it works so a beginning got some people together and I started to go up let me tell you how to create the most beautiful life experience and then they'd look at me and go you know Lipton for a guy who says you know this your life doesn't look that good interesting it was my wake-up call that said how the hell can I talk about how wonderful this is and I'm not practicing it and I immediately said to myself no don't go out there and talk to anybody about this why until you do it so what were the what were the things that were holding you back before you've discovered this and then what was the new program that you started to implement for yourself on a consistent basis to have a hundred percent upgraded program yeah well one of the things professionally okay I was doing a great job I had a great professorship in a medical school all that kind of stuff you know personally my life sucked really put a relationship off the ground I go why not I go well now that I know about it I was programmed about relationships by observing my father and my mother well they had dysfunctional relationships so what do you think I downloaded dysfunction yeah so my conscious mind goes forward and says yeah I want to have a great relationship I get into it my subconscious mind steps up and says so this is how we do a relationship game over you know why because I didn't see the negative behaviors that I was putting out my partner potential partner saw them and gave them calls for alarm I don't think I want to be with this guy you know that was me and then I realized that and that's when I really had to go in first thing and start to change who am I and I'll tell you the biggest problem uh now after years of working people do not love themselves um and I said what does that mean I said if you have a program where you don't love yourself then rationally logically can anybody else love you and the answer is no because you don't think you're lovable that's right and somebody says you are that oh I love you and then you go well you know you probably don't have any quality control I know I'm not lovable what's wrong with you you know and then at some point you push them away and then they're not there then you go I'm not lovable nobody's here I push them away you know and I changed that I was nearly what 45 years old 40 something years old and I had zero quality relationships for all that life right to change the program and within a couple of years I I'm now with my partner Margaret and and the fact is she was involved with a workshop training program for people so she understood processing and stuff and when I came and we added the science and the processing uh we've been living a honeymoon for 26 years really years waking up every day going wow still here another day for fun another day for being in love it was great and it still is but if I didn't change the program that would never have been part of my life at all I would have been my whole life struggling how did you change it and what was the thing that you started to say in replace of the previous program well the first thing was I had we do muscle testing now you're an athlete all that stuff and you know about muscles well let me just say about muscle testing the conscious mind is a creative mind but and the subconscious mind is a program but the subconscious mind being a massive processor controls muscles the subconscious not thinking man it's boom it's just programmed real fast reflexes boom like this okay so if you make a statement with their conscious mind the creative mind and the subconscious mind doesn't agree with that there's no history to support that statement then the two minds are not in harmony I say what happens when they're in disharmony the answer is that weakens the subconscious mind and the muscles get weaker so how do we how do we get them in harmony well do you have to make sure that whatever statements you're making or agree with the subconscious program and if you want to save me that's positive and your subconscious program doesn't have it then all of a sudden you say well that's where I got I got to fix the subconscious mind I don't need to fix a conscious one and that's when it comes back well then programming that subconscious mind another one that was so amazing was uh I tried to write my biology belief book I got to three different times I got started got about halfway through and it just Peter down I just disappeared and I and I was so upset because I really wanted to write this book and then doing muscle testing I I found out that my subconscious mind did not support writing the book I go why not and the answer was because I'm a scientist and if I wrote the book which had spirituality in it I would lose my support from my colleagues so my subconscious mind was saying okay that's enough that no more writing because if you conclude this you're going to be an outcast from your Society so I remember uh doing one of these balances they're called 15 minutes or less and in the process part of the balance was how do I want this book to be written now well I said I want it to be written fast because I waste a lot of time I thought struggling over it was a pain so I thought you know um maybe it should be fun okay and uh and so for fun and easy uh whatever it was I balanced that and I forgot about it because it was just 15 minutes and it was like oh yeah I should do something about that blah blah blah and months later the book is done and I remember uh getting reviewing it it's going to go to the publisher this is the final read sending it to the publisher get down to the last page down the last thing get down the last line yeah it's finished I pushed myself back in the chair and I said wow that was fast and kind of fun and it was easy I said holy those are the words that I put in which I completely forgot about and I program my mind that way and the moment I finished the book I said fast fun and easy go holy that's what that was the program uh and it was what took me off and and but go back to the I love myself one because uh I can tell you now for a fact I am being involved with so many belief change programs um over 80 percent generally 90 of every audience will not test positive for I love myself uh that's a very large number and that means why look why so many marriages fall apart because it never really connected they were sort of like you know on the surface is really nice but their subconscious programs Clash boom gone it's not working uh and then the idea is what let me give you a reason why you're an athlete so I know I can tell you right right where that programming work and it goes like this um if a kid on a sports team is not doing well the coach doesn't go oh please try harder you could do bad or no coach comes out there that's not good enough who do you think you are you know you're not worthy to be on this team blah blah blah and the player immediately in the conscious mind goes oh my God I better work harder and be better great now I say what if the parent is acting as a coach and the kid is five years old I go why is that important I said they're not using the conscious mind at five years old they're in record and the parents said that's not good enough you don't deserve this you're not lovable who do you think you are I say the child is not thinking about what the parent was intending the child is recording I'm not lovable I'm not deserving I'm not then I go then 95 of your life is going to come from that program and you see why you struggle if you don't love yourself because the first thing you'd be critical of yourself I'm not good enough I'm not this I I go well now you're self-critical and the moment you're self-critical you just cancel the whole game right at that point so what is this muscle balance test thing you were talking about is this called muscle testing how do you do this well uh one's a very simple way you can use any part of your body with muscles I could push on your head I could push on a finger usually it's done with an arm my arm yeah push my arm down and the game is this it's not arm wrestling people think I say no no the idea is this you have to keep Focus you make a statement and you keep your mind on that statement uh the difference Give an example give me an example of like uh I love myself hold out your arm point if the conscious and subconscious agree the muscle is a rock you could do chin UPS on that arm okay but if the subconscious doesn't agree with the conscious mind you say I'm lovable in the subconscious mind give you all the reasons why you're not and guess what now the two minds are in disharmony and now the the arm will move I say well how much does it move I say well all you need to know is it it move that much if it just move that a little bit any more pushing or thing now that's arm wrestling it was if if they both agree that's solid that's not even going to move but if there's if the two don't agree then just even the first downward movement like that says that's it that you don't have to do anymore let's say you make a million dollars in your business but then you invested a lot in the stock market or whatever and then half of it goes away overnight who doesn't have that happen right every abundant person has that happen right and and their response is minimal so what should be people be thinking when they lose a lot of money or are they less something don't lose the lesson you may lose the money but don't lose the lesson should people feel this emotional attachment to the money and loss what is money I mean what is that what people really want it's like people say to me oh I have this great idea for this new business and and I need money and I say you don't need money you need opportunity you need an opportunity better tune in to some opportunities right so it's the framing of how limited we think that we have to get things through money it just is not the way it is yeah so the fundamental importance about all of this is I really don't care if people want to be abundant I don't care if they want to heal I don't care if they want to have a mystery I don't care what I want to travel the world doesn't matter to me I just want them to be in the experiment the experiment of actually trying it out yes and seeing kind of if I really change my energy well could I actually have an effect that's produced in my life and if I'm waiting for the event to occur I'm back to the illusion of separation and lack waiting for it to happen to take it away from truly a creator so let's say let's say they're not waiting what should they do instead of waiting keep feeling the feeling in the present moment and Trust right if you're if you're waiting you're not creating I mean that's just the way it is so wake up every day how bad you want it how bad do you want in your dream it's so much easier to forget that Vision than to remember it right so if you're going to remember you got to keep it alive in your mind how do you keep it alive in your mind you disconnect from your environment you close your eyes you play music in the background you get sit your body down and it's got to pee and it's got to eat and it's got oh you just just sit down for a few minutes like training a dog like you stay when I say it's time to get up we get up don't be thinking about what's going to happen in your day you already know what's going to happen nothing would happen yesterday you already know that get in the present moment and say who do I want to be when I open my eyes who do I want to be today what would greatness look like how would I how would one day one shot one lifetime what an abundant person do let me rehearse that with my eyes closed let me remind myself who I don't want to be let me remind myself of who do I want to be let's not get up Lewis until we get in there until we are to where the tennis ball hits The Sweet Spot when you go oh I'm ready for the day now now game on now if you can maintain that modified State of Mind and Body the entire day without defaulting by seeing someone or doing something stay in that state the experiment still continues and you're changing your energy doesn't happen in two days you're not that good right that's it you're not that good we keep practicing people who show up for the 21 weeks in a row this woman 21 weeks in a row the end of 21 weeks she knew it boom her whole life changed boom was it 21 days worth ask her the experiment she was just changing the process people who diagnosed with really serious health conditions and they start doing the meditations and they realize wow God my body feels better my pain feels better but my values and my scans are so showing the disease exists all right did it does it mean that it doesn't work no it doesn't mean it doesn't work it means like what am I doing the other 15 hours of the day oh my God I'm in lack I'm in fear I'm responding to the same people in the same ways and you gotta think about this as long as your response to everything in your life is the same you're not changing right so change your response to things in your life and you're in the process of change so then now I gotta get good with my eyes open now I got to be able to rehearse oh my God I Fell From Grace at that moment in my day oh my God I defaulted back to the old cell I went back myself yeah all right nonsense no it's only forgive yourself like there's a forgiving process like shoot but if you're truly playing the game who cares right you just go oh God let me brush myself off are you back in my heart here let me get back in that place I mean remember I'm gonna get back in this energy and let's try it again let's try it again yes and let's just keep the experiment going now does that mean you have to be irresponsible no you still have to navigate with ethics and morality you still have to have personal conviction you still have to have a vision that's bigger than you and somehow that motivates you because not only you're doing it for selfish reasons but to contribute to others in some way of course there's going to be recognition and popularity in a grand Dyson that goes with it money should be the side effect of all that the game should be so good of your vision like that vision of the future you have to keep alive in your mind that should be the game the ones that can keep that vision of the future in their mind now exactly and and have a personality even if you're even if your reality is falling apart and that's happened to a lot of people I mean there are people that come to our work living the back of their car right and now they're you know living very well or bankrupt and now they're you know their companies are just thriving they just they just never stopped believing in themselves because if you believe in yourself it means you have to believe in possibility and if you believe in possibility you're going to have to believe in yourself and so something really cool happens when you do this that I just discovered recently just watching people at our week-long events you know because you got to go all in you got to go all in and it's seven days and it's a lot and it's super intense and there's times where you don't want to show up because I'm pushing people across the river of change there comes a moment where people keep showing up for themselves they keep showing up for themselves in spite of the weather in spite of their foot hurting in spite of their bad dreams in spite of whatever the fight with or whoever they keep showing up they get really worthy to receive there's no they feel really worthy like I am worthy to receive this gift and the universe only gives us what we think we're worthy of receiving right so we got to get to that point because so many people who are in lack somehow don't feel worthy right so so the abundance then becomes the sign that you finally become worthy and for the soul it's not about the abundance it's about mastering your worthiness and the reflection is the things that you accumulate what's the what's the the strategy to start believing we're worthy of receiving now fill your brain with as much knowledge as possible and and listen my dad used to say this to me all the time he'd say wait wait wait a second wait a second just sit down with me here if anybody else can do it you could do it also well let's just start there so how did these people do it like let's look at what they did all right let's study that's weird this is the school of greatness let's study greatness what is greatness like an uncompromising will invincibility lead with their heart adapt and make changes let go of the past give you give give life if live it fully and completely and embrace it and enjoy it I don't know whatever you get to write the script yeah and you you tell the story of your future instead of telling the story of your past what is so how do we should we be speaking to others about our future or should we be more keeping that to our mind and our bodies and kind of speaking it to ourselves what happens when you say I'm gonna do this and I'm gonna do this yeah this is my future it's actually it's a great question yeah so I really don't leak it out I never leak it out because if I'm working on something yeah I hold it right I don't want to I don't I'll when it when I know it's going to happen that's when I'll say you guys you're not going to believe this right so it's more to yourself right listen you know when you know when you're changing when you stop talking about it that's when you know you're changing because you're you're at the bleachers and you're on the playing field like so many people come to our work Lewis and they say I I always believed that this was possible all this information seems I've seen people heal them some people create well I I get I just didn't believe it would work for me oh it's a big moment it's a it's a big moment now now you are on a game you're in I'm in the playing field you're out of the bleachers like like we have people stand on the stage of someone stand on stage this weekend in Denver just said my God I I I I really believe that that um this would work I just I just didn't believe I could heal I didn't believe I really didn't believe it I really didn't believe she was a physician it's a physician I really didn't believe I could heal now is it about the healing anymore it's about overcoming the belief and every day she's got to make that decision with such firm intention that the amplitude of that decision is causing her body to respond to our minds and that's the moment she's rewriting the belief and if she doesn't feel like it don't expect anything to occur in your life you got to come out of your resting state you gotta you gotta make that choice what do you for all the people that go to your events uh and just in life one of the biggest challenges people have is the consistency of doing this yes it's hard to actually go and try it once no but here's the deal here's the deal here's the deal let's just say you're in the experiment and now that belief is right in your face I guarantee you that discomfort from that belief being right in your face is going to get you out of bed in the morning and you're going to face off with it there's a there's an innate capacity that we have as human beings to want to overcome our limitations it's in there right so the community that that we have that does this work they're not like oh God I gotta go create today that's not their game the magic is so good they show up because they don't want the magic to end they don't they're not doing it as a have to to please God do the right thing be spiritual none of that no it's not an obligation it's something that they actually look forward to doing because the experiments in their life is creating all these wonderful opportunities and and there's plenty of people in our work that started new businesses that are they're jamming they're jamming they're jamming and and they would never be victim what's the percentage of people that you think live and victimhood I'd have to say 90 or more really at every level I'm a victim of what well my job if I don't do what they said then I lose my job I don't have a job I don't have any money I don't have any health care I don't have any money and all of a sudden you start to realize well then where do I get the money and then you bet well you better start conforming to whoever's going to give you the money at some point uh you're not living your life you're living the program that you think you need to do to fit into the picture and and if you live the program it's almost all disempowerment I can't do this this won't happen I can you know whatever I'm a victim yeah and victims by just saying that the word is powerless victim and Powerless same word right and what do you think the differences are then between the the conscious and the subconscious mind and I know you've mentioned that that's the game that's the most important whole question you just asked there right now Louis for this reason the subconscious I said is the equivalent of a hard drive on a computer it can run the show you push start it could do things that you don't have to even attend to it it does it by itself the conscious mind is the equivalent of who's typing on the keyboard because you're the one that's putting information into this thing the conscious mind and here's important part let's just start with this the mind is controlling our biology that's a fact now I go but when you say the mind it sounds like oh there's one mind I go now that is where it goes wrong because there are two minds and they they both have different functions and most importantly they learn in different ways what are the two minds well let's start with the latest Evolution right behind your forehead is a lump of brain called prefrontal cortex the seat of self-consciousness I am an individual I am separate from all other individuals I am a self and I'm you know coming from this creative part the subconscious mind as we mentioned that's just the hard drive with programs in it so I say so what's the difference between well the first thing is this what makes human so different than other organisms is the self-conscious or conscious mind because it's creative it has imagination I could ask you right now Louis I can tell you I could ask you a question I say tell me what you want out of your life well at that moment you're going to think and you're going to say you know I want this and I want that and I go well that came from the conscious mind now it's creative that has imagination that has vision and if you have a a vision you can then manifest a vision if you you can't manifest a vision if you don't have a vision so your conscious mind sets up visions and what we want but here's the point um and this is the the critical the whole thing is on this one part right now Louis right here not as this the conscious mind which is the creative mind versus subconscious mind which is the Habit mind it does habits as does as program programs I have it push the button play the program push the button Play It Again push it play it again okay program conscious mind Creator okay and I go okay significance of that is that's where your wishes and desires are what do you want oh man I want this I want great relationship I want a great job I want great health you know you creative the subconscious mind programs primarily derived from other people before age seven okay and unfiltered so there are good programs and there are bad programs okay uh and I go so creative conscious mind is the one that gives you a destination and a future subconscious mind just gives you autopilot okay back to the Crux of the problem only five percent of the day is the conscious mind actually a negation creating and I go with them what's it doing 95 I get 95 of the day it's thinking like so what does that mean I go imagine your body's vehicle steering wheel conscious is holding the wheel and driving us to wear wishes and desires man okay I say but if I start thinking then conscious mind is no longer looking out because thinking is inside it's a thought on the inside I said well if you're thinking then conscious mind is not looking out I go what if you're driving the car and then you start thinking I go conscious mind like oh the wheel I said oh my God I go don't worry why subconscious mind is autopilot whatever you're not controlling with your conscious mind subconscious mind throws a program in and does it okay now the issue about that is well if the conscious mind is thinking is it observing what's going on I go no to observe what's going on it has to look out the window can't be looking inside so 95 of the day it doesn't even observe your own behavior I said but where's that behavior coming from I go the program I go yeah but where did that come from I go somebody else well if they didn't put your wishes and desires into their life then you copied their program you're you're not going toward your wishes and desires going to wherever their program is going to that's how children follow in the footpath of their parents especially like musicians a musician who's a parent during the programming of Their Own Child instills them with all the music and stuff like that then a child grows up and guess what now they're a musician people say the music Gene I go there's no music Jane there was training first seven years training to be that so the issue is 95 of our life is not coming from wishes and desires it's coming from programs which came from other people and you don't see it when it's happening and I go why not and I said why are you playing a program because I'm not paying attention I go well that's why you don't see the program and I go and then 95 of your life is programmed and then the relevance about that is sixty percent of those are disempowering or self-sabotaging or limiting beliefs so it says then 95 of the day you're running your life and you're the only one that doesn't see it I go well that's the big issue I go the same story for 40 years that's been in all my videos but I got to do it again because different audience here yeah you have a friend you know your friend's Behavior very very well you're really you know good friends and you happen to know your friend's parent and one day you see your friend has the same behavior as their parents so you know you gotta you gotta hey Bill you're just like your dad back away from Bill I know exactly what Bill's going to say all the time Bill's going to say how can you compare me to my dad I'm nothing like my dad the audience laughs why they're familiar with it I go that you want the profound story of the day that's the profound story I go what does it mean everybody else can see that bill it behaves like his dad the only one who can't see it is Bill explain it simple yeah Bill downloaded these programs from his dad yep when does he play him when he's thinking am I saying how much of that I say 95 of the day I say does he see the program I say no thinking is inside he's not looking out and so Bill's the only one that doesn't see it and he got it from somebody else and so it's not his behavior and he could be sabotaging himself and he's the only one that can't see it because why because he's thinking and I go okay you ready all of us are Bill all of us every day are Bill we're playing the same programs we look at life going oh man that's not what I wanted I would oh this is not really good and I go where's this coming from well those people are causing this people are causing I go no you're the Creator didn't see what you were creating with and when we get personal awareness of this then personal empowerment is the next step because now it's like well if I'm doing this then I'm the one that can change it I go absolutely absolutely that's what the whole point is and this is why your you know all your programs for the wish are so involved with wake up people it's time to take the power back and become what you want to be in this life because you don't realize you're playing programs that are sabotaging you all day long and you don't see it you're the only one right so that's the big wake-up call so it says well what can I do when I say well hey you could just not play the program I go that's not easy to do that means you can't think it's so fundamental everything uh so it's very difficult to say I will stay mindful that means I will not think I will stay here in the present mind and pay attention to what's going on I go great but it's very difficult to do that so I say well if you're not going to say mindful then what else can I do I said well then change the program and if you change the program then 95 of the day if you put a program that's your wishes and your desires then 95 of the day you will be manifesting that when the program is running wow plus an additional five percent when your conscious mind is running it's a that would be a hundred percent of the day you would be moving toward wishes and desires but you have to look at the program that's why we announced I say what's the program look at your life what do you want to change what's not working for you the creative moment is when you get Beyond yourself when you dissociate from everything known in your Material World Turns out when you do that and you start changing your brain waves your brain waves slow down into Alpha and Theta you're suppressing the memory bank of the known self that keeps you plugged into three-dimensional reality when you quiet down this mechanism now all of a sudden you start connecting to that field and when you can stay conscious in those subconscious Realms when you can literally regulate and change brain waves now you're in the operating system where you can make those significant changes so we now know that when people apply the formula and they do that properly now they're walking through that door where they're ready to create from in other words you can't create from the known you can't create with your body that's matter trying to change matter and you can do it it's just going to take a long time but when you create from the field instead of from matter there's a whole different set of dynamics that takes place and and why not push that envelope to see okay if we've done this we've done this is it possible to do this as an example we do these wonderful healing circles where you see these dramatic instantaneous changes so the person who's healed themselves of some health condition when it comes time to heal somebody else that's they're going to say well now I understand the science I understand how this all works I know how to get Beyond myself I know how to open my heart they start piecing it all together let's take the formula to the next level now they witness a significant change in a person's body in real time right there so the next question is okay like this happened many times as an example the woman who was at the event in mayarca Spain her brother had a massive stroke uh and uh in Colombia and she went back to Colombia and he was in a coma for two weeks she called up the healing Circle and said hey can we do a healing on my brother now if you're playing by the rules of Newtonian physics three-dimensional reality you're going to say well you need to be in front of the guy in order to heal him but if you understand there's no separation in the quantum that there's everything's connected when you're in that place so wouldn't that be the next application of the formula so they go over the signs they get it okay we don't need we just need a picture of him and that's our coordinate and if we're in the field we're going to frequency to that chord yeah but but you're not sending it anywhere because there's nowhere to send there's no space and time exactly you're connecting to it exactly that's a great great way to say it in one hour after that coherence healing he comes back to Consciousness wow now that's the extension of where we're going you see now now we're progressing a woman who was in one uh who uh one coherence healing group is a pediatric nurse in in Children's Hospital in Seattle and again witnessed the amazing Miracle after our event in Toronto she comes back and there's a little they call him friends there's a little guy failing Doctors hit him with the paddles they use all the all the drugs to bring them back and they walk out of the room and they say we lost them she walks over puts her hands right in the field and this kid comes right back online doctors are like what was that and now so we have the a lot of our interest now is I want to get 50 one out of two people we're collecting the data in this coherence healings when we're 50 we're going to walk into a children's hospital we have three Children's Hospitals right now that are interested in us we'll show them the data we show them the results we'll say we don't want any money we'll never even touch the kids all we want to do is just change their lives and when we're 50 we're going to start doing it in children's hospitals and we're Gathering the data right now that's pretty cool yeah what else what else would we want to do with it right exactly it's amazing you have kids I do yeah how old are your kids my kids are in their 20s yeah okay yeah they're all older and on their way what do they think about this work well my oldest son uh well first of all my kids have grown up with this work yes so you have to imagine like my oldest son coming back to one of my Advanced workshops three years ago and my friends saying hey is this your first Advanced workshop and he kind of glances over at him and says I've been in the advanced workshop for 25 years what are you talking about so my oldest son is one of my team leaders he's got a master's in engineering he lives in in Denver uh in Boulder Colorado and uh he's uh he's passionate about the work he met his fiancee at my one of my workshops and they're very very similar my daughter lives in London uh she's got her Masters in art at the Royal College of Art and she's probably the best Creator I have ever met in my life I mean she's just wired she knows how to do it and my my youngest son is uh goes uh who's getting his degree in architecture yeah at Cal Poly and they're all at different stations in their understanding but they understand the principles and I've always said to them you know if you can figure this out early on the rest of your life is going to be magic right because you know what to do and and they're pretty wired for it now and and I've really worked in setting up conditions uh in their lives uh so that they can apply these principles from an early age and now they're they're older I think that they understand uh how to do it yeah yeah I feel like a lot of people are unhappy in relationships yeah here's my theory they're like a lot of them are failing I don't want to put that as a general things there's a lot of happy relationships as well but for people that are mission driven um how much more challenging is it to have a thriving relationship when you put your life into a mission oh and here's the here's the deal um I will never work in a relationship I just won't if I'm working in a relationship something's wrong I work on me and I'll bring my best you bring your best and we get together and we celebrate it should work it should work and if it doesn't then I'm gonna step back and see what is it about me not you what is it about me that I need to really look at and change now if there's a vibrational match and it flows and it's fun and you connect on physically mentally Mind Body Soul you know that's cool I think that's healthy but a mission-driven person can't be in a relationship where you have to keep going back and and and trying to fix something I just I just won't do that I just think that when it when it's right it's right and I'll know yeah yeah so I think that I do think that uh relationships uh can be easy and I I do think I I and I think that they should be and I and I think that if you're heart centered that's a different place you meet uh than than uh other emotions and and I and I and again every time I have a mystical moment and I feel that transcendental love that I don't even know the word for uh every time I have one of those moments I think I got this all wrong it's just that it's it is not chemical it's electric and you got what all wrong well the way we view the world the way we pres I mean we don't see things how they are we see things how we are you know in every inner experience that's transcendental experience enriches circuitry in your brain experience produces emotion or energy in the body so you start having transcendental moments where you start connecting to that field its signature is love I mean but not love like a love for your puppy it's this is like this is like an arousal this is I don't know the other word but spiritual arousal yeah and we have the we have the evidence we can say oh watch this watch this person's brain and scientists are studying our work I'll say oh um watch she's gonna pop in a few minutes and what do you mean just watch she's gonna pop and all of a sudden this person goes into an arousal the sympathetic nervous system is so switched on but the arousal isn't like an arousal that from the environment that produces anger or aggression or fear anxiety or pain or suffering that's Survival in the environment that produces the rally this arousal is coming from energy in the body that's moving up into the brain and the arousal was Bliss the arousal is ecstasy the arousal is freedom but it's it's not chemical it's it's you'll feel it in every single cell in your body now here's the outcome of that the outcome of that is that when you open your eyes and some conditioning some layers been removed your spectrum of the way the world looks broadens now because now you're wired to perceive what's always existed but she didn't have the circuits in place to perceive them so then it's the inner experience that literally trans transforms our experience of the outer world and so when you start having moments where you hit that kind of frequency or you have those moments of love you're less dependent on anyone to bring you happiness you're you're okay you can love the person for their flaws because you can see a part of yourself you used to be that you no longer aren't instead of judgment you have compassion and you can encourage and and communicate from a from a level of connection instead of intimidation or or competition or however relationships work so so um I do I I don't I do think that um it's energy and vibration and and I think that uh in our community at least people who have relationships that are built uh from our community uh tend to be more long-lasting because they're more self-aware and so there's no blame there's no excuses there's no make wrong there's no competition there's none of that there's just this is who I am you know and I think that the ultimate goal is when you reach the point in your life when how you appear to the world is who you really are that level of transparency is it takes no effort right it can be yourself and and and you know people say to me wow you're you're pretty approachable and I say well God I work so hard every day on overcoming myself in the morning overcoming my ego why would I want to build it up the next day because I gotta face that guy again tomorrow morning so why not just keep you know you know taking those edges and smoothing them down so that so that you're you're less unconscious to all of those programs that are built in relationships what do you think is going to be your biggest challenge over the next decade wow as we get into 2020 into 2030 what will be your biggest personal challenge in the next 10 years um we are like a living organism I mean the company is just our community is growing so large I think our biggest challenge right now is finding venues and and the logistics to be able to go to the next level of of being able to do it on a larger scale without losing the efficacy but without the intimacy the reaction yeah I mean we and we we've done really great Lewis as a as a culture in into responding to the world's needs and and I mean we we hit challenges all the time you know in in I was just telling my staff in a meeting look um we just can't keep doing things the same way you can't ever do that again it's just it's not a time that doing things the same way as it works so you got to be able to grow you got to be able to learn you got to be able to stay contemporary with all the new technology and everything else and you got to keep bringing on a bigger team I mean I am nothing I am nothing without my team honestly I mean between my staff and my team leaders and and our volunteers and the way we do things um it's a it's a it's a it's a living organism everybody everybody counts in and for me when I have a group of people where everybody leads you know you see those school of fish or the flock of birds all moving together you study that phenomenon you think that there's some leader that everybody's following turns out there is no leader everybody's leading it's a bottom-up phenomenon so you get a you get a really greased uh team that really is heart centered that really is uh has the intent for the greatest good and it's not about them it's about how they co-lead and I think that that that helps me do one thing really well and that is to focus on the people in the audience instead of everything else so we've been growing I think for the last 15 years or more and um and I think just our biggest challenge is to be able to handle that growth I mean we get I was just talking to my team they were we get over seven eight thousand emails a month I mean well people with a lot of health conditions a lot of questions and support they want support and so we're building infrastructure uh you know we're building uh Online ways to get people engaged and and to be able to for me to provide resources for people yeah so we're I think the biggest challenge we just is if I could I'm going to stay healthy but aside from staying healthy is is just being able to handle the growth yeah how do you know 57 my body that body is 50. your mind is what like a 12 year old child uh I don't know it's 112 of this who knows right uh 57 man I hope I look like that at 57. um what do you think the world Humanities challenge will be over the next decade as we enter 2020. um back to the principle Louis of just different paradigms beginning to collapse you know economically politically socially environmentally religiously education journalism the uh you know medicine um they they have to uh move into chaos and chaos is just unpredictable not working yeah exactly but now here's the challenge for Humanity you have one of two ways to embrace the breakdown of those those paradigms you can face them with anger and hostility and fear and you are only contributing to more of it uh we have to see that those breakdowns are essential for something greater to happen now we can't wait for governments to take care of us that's we can't wait for medicine to to give us a drug that's going to heal us from a condition the truth is with a greater level of consciousness the change in Awareness because of information the greatest challenge we have is those as those paradigms break down is to no longer emotionally react in the same way and be victims you can't say this President this person this this whatever is actually making me feel this way and think this way basically you're in the program that you're something outside of you is controlling you how you feel and how you think so then to self-regulate then is to say how I think and feel is going to change my outer environment so then we're all faced with great opportunities brilliantly disguised as impossible situations and we are at that point at that Nexus point in our Evolution as a species so then you don't try to fix that that's never going to work what you do is you create something better and then everybody just naturally just leaves that and goes here now it used to be some people would just come here and the majority would stay here because they're clinging to what they've been programmed or believing but now because of information everybody's like that's not going to work I already know it's not going to work and I don't care what anybody says this is working for me so people are moving to new to new um to new applications to new paradigms because it's working for them so as long as we don't emotionally react to the breakdown that's happening currently in the world and chaos is just unpredictable order you know as as as things move towards disorder the novelty that's being created is literally chaos because the known and everything's staying the same is order but as you step out into that unknown it's then you're having the chaos is unpredictable order being expressed through novelty and we have to be able to learn how to take that disorder and what the application of brain and heart coherence create more order so you can't just say hey I'm standing up for peace and you know and being being miserable with your co-worker you you you don't get to talk about peace until there's you you are the you're the Living Prayer of Peace not just we know we know crime rates go down and violence goes down when there's peace projects in communities where there's meditation on peace but when those peace Gathering projects end you know you see that crime and violence and everything returns back to the same level so it's not enough to just think it we got to demonstrate it so if I'm demonstrating peace and you're demonstrating peace somebody else because of mere neurons is going to go wow that person's unpredictable wow they're different it's given me permission to do the same so I think that ultimately moving into that state of being you know as human beings and and and creating Unity that you know you keep watching so many programs on television that talk you into Prejudice that talk you into separation and talk you into fear that talk you into violence that talk you into war deceit uh negativity um you're you're not going to trust anybody in fact you're going to see difference between you and me or anybody because that's what separation does but when your heart's centered and you feel connected you don't see the person any longer right you see something transcending them you see in essence right and I think if you do that really well that kind of emergence of a of a new consciousness that's less dependent on on all of those outer things is really difficult to control and if you want to control a community control their emotions and control them and survival when you overcome your emotions you can see the hidden meaning behind all things and when everybody's looking this way you may be looking that way because you understand look you've just overcome your fear you just overcome your hostility and anger you've overcome the program of whatever it is I swear to you you're going to be able to connect people and that that then is the hope of the future that's why I'm that's why I'm hopeful of the future because I think that all of this that's happening in a world right now or more things are happening in a shorter amount of time I mean if you're alive in this world and you haven't been experiencing the quickening I mean I mean you know I said to uh someone the other day the day where you end your day and Feel Complete because you finished all your work you'll never have that and you know there's always more emails and more things to chat right so the demand has has has pressed us into this crazy realm of of uh of of um multi-tasking and I think that you start shifting where you place your attention is where you place your energy so if you're shifting your attention all over the board your energy is scattered yeah so then when you start disconnecting from everybody your boss your co-worker you know the news your cell phone your computer and you start going this way I think it's uh into the present moment than where you place your attention is where you place your energy and you're truly in the present moment you've got a lot of energy to execute you gotta lend out energy to use and you want to be able to do that eyes open the more scattered your energy the less you have to focus on pushing one thing forward that's why people's dreams don't happen because they're scattered there's no look look if you keep putting your attention on some future experience that you are imagining with your mind your body is going to follow your mind right there because that's where your energy is but if you're putting your attention on everything known in your life the shower the coffee maker you know the toilet and your body's following your mind every day to the known but we want your body to follow your mind to the unknown right enough people get to doing that and you could do better in creating things in your life that we see this wealthy people in our work that are focused on wealth some of them living in the back seat of their car some of them bankrupt that now have multi-million dollar companies what do you think they want to do with that money they want to give it away let me tell you why not because of any other reason is that they now know that they create more right well why why if you're abundant why abundance to me has changed abundance means I have more than I need like way more than I need so if I have way more than I need and I know how to create it then take it I'll create more of it so now you're no longer holding on and scarcity you're making a difference so wealthy people that have created a lot of wealth in this work they want to give back they want to make a difference and I think that that's how we're innately wired I think we're all innately wired to care for one another to make a difference in the living organism our living organism our community we heal one another that's what we do right we inform one another we encourage one another we support one another we shine for one another not to outshine another person to shine to show them if they can shine and that's that to me is super healthy so then I'm I'm applauding your success because I want you to succeed because you're telling me that if you can do it I can do it so so there's no longer any separation I think that's hopeful for the world and you start celebrating diversity then you're like wow you're way different than me I wanna I wanna study you because I want to bring that into who I'm becoming 95 of our life is coming from those programs uh and if you understand that then there's an opportunity to see the programs and also to rewrite the programs which is where Freedom comes from so how do we how do we see the programs first then okay easy you ready yes your life 95 is coming from the program so you look at your life right now and recognize all the things that you like that come into your life they come in because you have programs to acknowledge those things but the things that you strive for wish for work hard for put effort into a sweat over you know it's like I'm gonna make I'm working on it like why are you working so hard and the answer inevitably is whatever program you've got doesn't support that destination and then you are going to try to use your conscious awareness to override the program uh and um that's not a very successful approach should we not be working so hard is that what you're saying yeah if you understand how it works you don't have to work so hard that's the whole beautiful part about it but you know there's a whole phrase uh knowledge is power that's been around a thousand years knowledge is power I want to rephrase it more personal in our world today is a lack of knowledge is a lack of power and what we don't know about how we work that has disempowered us from taking control of how we work uh and the the idea of taking control of it let me emphasize something very clear to begin with quantum physics as a as a science is perhaps the most valid of all Sciences because the theoretical ideas of almost all been materialized in the research and I go so what's important I go primary number one principle ready Consciousness is creating our life experiences I go what does that mean I said we are creators that's quantum physics uh uh and the idea about that then I look at people I go how's your creation going here you know and it's like it's not really going very well I said but you're the Creator and it's like well no I feel like the victim and I go lack of knowledge is a lack of power that's where it comes oh should I talk about the programming I think that might be yes please yes it's a very simple understanding because the brain is an information processor a computer it's exactly what it is and now that we have so much familiarity with the silicon-based computer this carbon-based computer in here it's the same fundamental mechanisms they're both use the same thing so let's go back in the old days for example when um before they put programs in your computer you could go buy a brand new computer come home push start boots up screen lights up I say now do something and you go can't do anything she got a brand new computer not until I put programs in the computer can I use the computer right the idea is in the last trimester of pregnancy of fetus brain lights up screen's on but it can't do anything until programs come in and so the first seven years of a child's life the brain is functioning at a vibration and let me just emphasize vibration because what's that you put wires on a person's head it's called electroencephalograph and you can read brain function but the functions are in vibrational frequencies okay uh the lowest frequency is Delta that's sleep the highest frequency well it's called gamma that's Peak Performance uh and then one that we're almost always in is beta which is thinking School room Focus consciousness when you go home at night from that beta thinking process you relax then the vibrations even slow down a bit more and then you're in Alpha which is calm Consciousness and then the moment you fall asleep the moment you just lost it you're gone your brain is in now a lower vibration called Theta well a child's life is in Theta for the first seven years I go so what does it represent Theta is hypnosis I go why why should the child's brain be in hypnosis and the answer is that's how it got programs uh you know there's uh it just observes watch your father watch your mother watch your family community you're observing that like a video recorder and whatever Behavior they're experiencing You are downloading that kind of behavior why you want to be a member of the family and Community you got to follow the rules and so what are the rules observe them download them unfortunately there's no uh filter device meaning good stuff gets downloaded bad stuff gets downloaded right filter to say good or bad it's all getting downloaded okay so I say why are we downloading these behaviors the answer is you need the fundamental behaviors to be the member of a family in the community and these are programs and you copy people and I go well okay so your subconscious is like a hard drive in a computer it's got programs in it and the subconscious is strictly that a lot of people think oh well that's the evil comes from subconscious I go subconscious is a hard drive just like in your computer is your computer hard drive evil you know it's no it's a device it's receiving information yeah but it's the programs you put in there could be good or bad that's so I'll give you a good program when did you learn how to walk before you were two years old I say for most people they can be 102 years old they're still walking same program so those programs that come in are pretty fundamental they can carry us all the way through life now of course since I said it's not filtered about 60 percent of the downloaded programs behaviors that are in that subconscious are disempowering or self-sabotaging or limiting beliefs we acquired from other people did you say 60 60 which is more than what why why is why is there so many limiting uh programs why does that happen why don't we have 90 you know uh positive programs because the programming came from people who know that's how you take power of people if I program you I have power over you okay and the first Powers came from Simply this humans are the only organism that know that they're going to die no other organism knows it's going to die well this is a stress like oh my God my life will end ah you know and that freaks out a lot of people and that whole thing is then the fear of dying and fear is when you look for somebody to help you get over the fear you don't if you're in fear you don't look for yourself you're the one that's the the victim more or less and you look at somebody to help I feel like a lot of people are overwhelmed stressed and anxious and are in fear based around the topic of money they don't understand it they don't have enough of it they don't know how to manage it they don't want to lose it you know all these different fears what do you think are the core differences different beliefs between someone who is wealthy or in an abundance with money versus someone who is financially poor and struggling with money this is the the whole subject of a very important book called Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki and it goes back to everything I said it's the programming in the first seven years of your life that you're going to run that life from the program is observing other people if your father was well off and well to do then you unconsciously downloaded the behavior to manifest what he was manifesting but if you come from a poor family and all you talk about is struggling we can't get there and it's so hard and life is trouble and blah blah blah you downloaded that one I said so most of us did not come from the rich family one okay right and that means most of us do have a concern about what if I don't have the money you know I can't get health care I can't get food again where am I going to sleep homeless people where do they come from you know and so the significance about all this is if you're concerned about the money you're concerned about the fact that your programming said you're not successful because you're not going to make it this is a rat race that's darwinian Theory which has screwed us big time because it's false and it was based on darwinian theories the struggle for survival based on Competition winner loser competition you know and I said that is completely not the drive force of evolution it's actually the 180 degrees opposite drive force give a simple point a garden is not a Battleground by definition a garden is everybody's cooperating then we come into the garden evolve and then guess what we turned it into a Battleground and guess what now we're facing an extinction because we're destroying the ecosystem that provides for us so the point was this Battleground was never built into the system it was acquired people seeking power over each other uh you know and it started with Force the first power is force you don't want it my way now you do it my way and and that was the first Power that came in and people are living under a misbelief that life is a struggle and if they don't go out there in that rat race and compete like all the other rats out there they're gonna not make it so guess what everybody's out on a you know competition bent and the unfortunate part here's a sports person sir the definition of competition is not the one we're using today that's an inaccurate definition the way we look at competition that's a winner loser conflict you know whether it's two sports team win or loser whatever it is okay but no the original definition of competition to strive together hmm what does that mean it says do you want to be a tennis player don't play the weaker person you're not going to learn anything from him play the the more powerful person why it's a competition but what was the point I'll do better if I learn by playing from the the better player than if I learn from the weaker player so that kind of competition isn't winner loser both people win the guy who's better won the game the other guy wins wide now I got better you know technique so uh we live in a win or loser competition which is uh leads to violence and struggle and War and all that other like that uh not recognizing Evolution says get back into the garden man why right everything is cooperating in the garden and we are not right yeah what would be the the reprogramming that you would share with someone who's who grew up like a majority of people maybe who didn't have like the wealthiest parents and they were programmed that you know money is the root of all evil or it's hard to make money or we never have enough to buy what we want well that's the one that keeps it poor what would be what would be the new script to reprogram and and how effective would it be for someone to do this right before they go to sleep with the new script well any yeah anything that you put in your mind consciously before you go to sleep is still lingering in there as you go to sleep so it's like fomenting inside okay uh the the I think the the very first thing is this even before the money I said what was the first one I said you have to love yourself because that means you will take care of yourself and people don't love themselves they don't take care of themselves and you know that you've seen people physiologically fall apart in front of your face because they don't take care of themselves why they make poor choices with their nutrition or working out or everything it's not relevant but if they have a pet oh man my pet's gonna get the best food My Pet's gonna get the best health care I'm gonna you know take care of this pet do they take care of themselves not as good as they take care of the pet right away there's a problem so number one is first identify you love yourself because then everything you do after that will be supporting Your Love okay then deservability I do not deserve right well that's when I was programmed I'm not smart enough I'm not good enough I'm not wealthy enough I'm not beautiful enough whatever I go you better start programming I deserve X I deserve why okay not I will deserve it I deserve right again I just want to emphasize that because any futurism in a subconscious mind doesn't work because subconscious doesn't say future it just sees the moment so if you record I will be wealthy I will be healthy uh I say one's not going to happen I go put in the record and come back next year Lewis and let's push the button and says I will be healthy and I go you're still not there yeah you can't get there because I never said you were there you're only in a once you can't get there so the idea is that's why everything go back to it has to be in the present tense I am healthy I am wealthy I am this and I am lovable you know so that's really important that's if you don't do that right then but you can always reprogram that's the beautiful part well then reprogram it again you can do it yeah how important is it for people to learn to heal the past then so they can love themselves in the now to heal the past yes you will automatically start doing that when you start loving yourself and let me give you something because I had to learn a lot a lot you know I learned some rules that you know I had all these principles then I had to walk the talk and I learned some rules one of the one of the most important rules is to let go of after it's happening it's like why am I carrying this around you know because it's interfering with my future if I have the filter Be Few and me in the future it's like I'm not going to get there at some point letting go and it's funny I'm not a religious guy I'm a spiritual person but religion is somebody making up rules for you I go no we we're directly connected with Source nobody's going to interfere with that okay so but but it was really important to to uh uh recognize this character for a very important reason because it says you are more than this right here this is a this is I I call this a um uh the television set in other words I'm receiving a broadcast the Bruce broadcast Bruce is not in here that's what I learned in my cells it's like oh my God we're not in here we're receiving a broadcast because on the surface of your cells there are antennas called receptors I said well you got receptors so there were on the surface what Eyes Ears Nose taste touch they read the environment receptors read the environment okay well there's a unique set of receptors that each individual has and no two people have the same set of these receptors and they're called interesting enough self-receptors and so each person has a set of antennas but they're different no two people share the same scent so when you put your cells or an organ into another person's body their immune system will look at those antennas and go no that that's not us and then eliminate those cells that's what the immune system will do okay well I'm into all this stuff and The receptors and how it's all working and then all of a sudden I realize well wait a minute the difference between us is just a set of receptors if we're I look at your liver cell look at my liver cell I go 99 they're doing exactly the same thing but you have Lewis receptors I have Bruce receptors I say but the receptors are antennas I said and they're on the outside of the South surface I go then where do you think the signal is coming from to go to these receptors not inside outside I said oh holy each of us is receiving a different broadcast a frequency somewhere in the environment and in the quantum physics term we talk about energy Fields that's what they talk about in spiritual terms we talk about Spirit which is what an energy field that each of us has our own energy field well that was the moment of transition in my life first thing I said is oh my God I'm not in here I'm the broadcast that's being picked up here I'm not in here this is that's where the analogy this is a TV set that you're watching Lewis is playing the Bruce show right now yes and when you're watching a TV and it breaks we say TV is dead I go yeah it's not working anymore question is the broadcast still there after the TV has broken the answer of course it is how do you know I said get another TV tune it to the station you're back on again I go exactly we are not in here we are receiving a broadcast that no two people get the same broadcast and I go and what about that I go the broadcast is here whether you're here or not uh and then all of a sudden nice because I wasn't spiritual zero how much zero Bruce had zero spiritual until he saw this and then he said oh my God my identity is not built in my identity is a broadcast that means if my television breaks my television's dead but my broadcast is still there and it could be picked up by another embryo with the same set of antennas if it shows up and I'm back and all of a sudden it's like all this mystical stuff started going oh my God this is real this is totally real and the most important thing I lost the fear of death instant I just said I'm not this is not uh I believe in spirituality this is a mechanism of spirituality I go therefore if I die I'm still here as a spirit you know and it's like the fear of death which is the number one fear we started with number one fear that all people have because only humans know they're going to die and then we bought religion stories and paid for these stories and they told you what you can do and what you can't do and is a bunch of actually there are good things to learn but they're also there they take away your power they give you something and they also take away your power and and then came to me the big story and all of a sudden when I realized oh my God I'm a broadcast and a television set and I said to myself why have a body why not just be the spirit my cells come up with a question you ready if you're just a spirit Bruce what does chocolate taste like that's so deep you have to give you another five minutes to put that one in there you're gone with it and the reason is this our perceptions of our physical experiences you know anything from sight smell sound touch taste love is a feeling that's physiology the body is translating the environment into Sensations which are broadcast back to source so I came here to experience I go yeah but I also came here because I can move around and create then all of a sudden the big one boom hit me right in the head there Lewis I said what was I said oh my God people think you die and go to heaven I go no you were born into heaven why what's your vision of Heaven well here it is you're the Creator manifest it oh my God we can manifest that but I go people fall in love they all of a sudden feel yeah that's Heaven that was really great I go well you manifested that and all of a sudden I realized oh my God people are so lost thinking well if I just be okay I'll have heaven when I'm dead and I'm going now I think you missed it folks this is heaven if you understand how to get out of the program then you become the manifester of the program then Heaven is a way of life right here right now for all of us when we grow up and especially important uh in regard to health most people I just say most families when somebody's sick they take they go to the doctor okay I go great so you're a kid you see mommy go to the doctor daddy goes to the doctor and then you go to the doctor I say why are you doing doctor and answers it's about your health I say yeah but what's the point you ready you don't know anything about your health but they do right so all of a sudden you seek their advice and I go well then their words become your truth because you have no other truth but what they said and all of a sudden then you become a victim uh in your biology according to the program because the program said your life is controlled by genes I go so what does that mean I go well as far as I know I didn't pick them and I can't change them if I don't like the character and they turn on and off by themselves victim what heredity I I got genes not my life it's my jeans and then if my if my grandparents had a heart attack then I'm susceptible to this and and onward and onward exactly and cancer you know it's like oh I got cancer running in the family oh there must be genes and then the jeans and would I get that Gene I'm going to get cancer then I'm the victim and the fear it goes on and on and on uh except for an interesting fact there was no Gene that causes cancer there's not one gene that causes cancer cancer is associated with a disharmony and so let's say the the especially for women they're very much concerned about the breast cancer Gene PRCA Gene the only thing is 50 of the women that have the breast cancer Gene never get cancer um I say so what's the meaning I say possession of the gene doesn't cause cancer it's the the lifestyle that's in disharmony that causes the cancer the gene just supported it and now we know 90 percent of cancer comes from people who have no cancer in their family the interesting well then where'd the cancer come from lifestyle is manifesting cancer and you can change your Consciousness and you can change cancer but uh people believe they're victims and and right if you believe your victim you give up your power remember that victim means I have no power and then I say well who has power well over my spirit the church has this power and they tell me what to do over my health the medical doctor has the power they tell me what to do and my life becomes shaped by those opinions they're not even mine and this is the point I was like well when do you think you're going to become powerful and I go well how about when you find out you are a spirit and you can never be disconnected from Source nobody can disconnect you from Source there's no such thing as hell you know and health what do they know fact in the United States the third leading cause of death in the United States is called iatrogenic illness first is heart disease second is cancer and third is a result of medical treatment by estrogenic illness interesting medicine is the third leading cause of death I would you know so Consciousness I'd go maybe I shouldn't follow their prescriptions right right once again you know we experience our life uh according to our beliefs and some people have a better luck and done others and some people work so hard but they're getting minimum wages so you have to find your place your seat
Channel: Lewis Howes
Views: 353,105
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lewis Howes, Lewis Howes interview, school of greatness, self help, self improvement, self development, personal development, success habits, success, wealth, motivation, inspiration, inspirational video, motivational video, success principles, millionaire success habits, how to become successful, success motivation
Id: qe0w0y90E8Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 120min 32sec (7232 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 27 2022
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