Joe Dispenza & Eckhart Tolle: The Only Way To Unlock Your Subconscious Mind!

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I think there's two times the door to the subconscious mind opens up when we wake up in the morning and we go to bed at night and it's simple brain chemistry 70% or more of the programs in the subconscious are disempowering self- sabotaging and limiting behaviors so the simple reality is this we have great wishes and desires and yet our life is not controlled by that our life is controlled by the programming Evolution happens only when faced with obstacles you need to go to to be initiated your life is your initiation if you're paying attention be conscious of what you're asking for because the more detail you put in the more the universe can manifest a resolution there's nothing wrong with the Ferrari but if you're looking to the Ferrari for happiness and fulfillment it's not going to work for that long when I get my new car I get my new house I get my new relationship then I'm going to feel so great well then they're back to the program waiting for it to happen for them to feel the emotion they're they're believing their outer world has to change in order for them to feel better 95% of our behavior is coming from sub below Consciousness and no matter what stage you're at always obstacles arise continuously sometimes things go well and then another obstacle goes hey it's EV car Michael and I watch these videos every day because I need them for motivation being around successful entrepreneurs every morning helps me believe that I can do great things too it's like you're morning coffee but for your goals kickstarting your day with a blast of positivity so here is a challenge for you try watching One video every morning for the next 30 days and let's find out together if they help you do great things too if you're in leave a # believe in the comments below so I can celebrate with you so today let's get some incredible motivation from Joe despenza Bruce Lipton and eart tole enjoy I think there's two times the door to the subconscious mind opens up when we wake up in the morning and we go to bed at night and it's simple brain chemistry and simple physiology we have a circadian rhythm soon as there's light our body has been pretty much programmed yeah that we begin to release serotonin and different chemicals that kind of wake us up so our brain waves go from Delta to Theta to Alpha to Beta And you kind of slide up this way and then you're back to conscious awareness local in space and time when you go to bed at night you go from beta to Alpha to Theta to Delta and you slide down now if you're stressed uh you can't stop thinking you stay in beta and you your thinking actually is arousing the body because you're thinking about your problems you can't slide down right so those two points uh in the day when we wake up in the morning we go to bed at night um when we're and in alpha or our analytical facilities are suppressed we're in Theta we're in a hypnotic state M and the door between the conscious mind and the subconscious mind is wide open what separates the conscious mind from the subconscious mind is the analytical mind so as you suppress analytical facilities you can program anybody to do anything so then what really happens for most people before they even reach for their cell phone and by the way the statistics are 86% of the people in the western world first thing first thing they do is they reach for the cell phone and they connect to everything that's known and why is that a problem well I would never tell people how to think but I would give them information to cause them to think so the device is reminding them of things that are known and every person every object everything every place is mapped neurologically in our brain because we've experienced it and then we have an emotion associated with our coworker with our boss with our ex with our whoever and so the moment we start responding now we start feeling the same way so now the environment is actually controlling the person's feelings and thoughts yeah and anything that controls the way we feel and the way we think we're victims to so something's programming us to think and feel a certain way there's nothing wrong with that you you should check your text but and do whatever you need to do but the first thing in the morning if the door between the conscious mind and the subconscious mind is open why don't we program a new Behavior why don't we rehearse a different way of being with our children with our spouse uh in our Zoom meetings when we're alone when we're in traffic is there a better way to evolve our experience so if you're truly in the game of evolution you're truly in the game like one lifetime one day what am I working on today can I respond a different way to this person um can I think this way instead of that way let me be conscious of my unconscious thoughts let me not be in a habit let me stay away from certain emotions let me practice feeling these emotions and see if I can maintain it now you're in the game you're out of the bleachers and you're on the playing field so it actually happens even before the cell phone because what most people do is they wake up and the first thing they do is the brain is a record of the past they think of they're problems and those problems are just memories that are etched in the brain that are connected to certain people and objects at certain times and places the moment they think of their problems they're thinking the past then when they think about their problems and they feel unhappy now they're bodies in the past and if you believe that your thoughts have something to do with your destiny yeah wow and then the emotion that's associated is now the bod's in the past because thoughts are the language of the brain and feelings are the language of the body and how we think and how we feel creates our state of being now here's the problem if you can't think greater than how you feel and you believe that your thoughts have something to do with your destiny and you understand that feelings and emotions a record of the past then you're thinking in the past and your life will stay the same 95% of our behavior is coming from sub below Consciousness and we're the ones that can't see it when we play it but everybody else of course is uh seeing exactly what we're doing so the whole idea is are you living the life you want or are you living the life you've been programmed and the answer unfortunately is most of us are living a life we've been programmed and and the programming comes from other people so it's not our lives the reason let's give a reason why programming occurs okay uh the brain is a computer most powerful computer that humans have ever experienced but it has parallels to computers and number one is this um in the old days when you would buy a computer before they put the programs in you could bring it home brand new computer plug it in push start boots up screens on and I say do something and people well no I can't do anything say you got a brand new computer now first you have to put programs into a computer before you can use that computer the brain of a a human is the same thing uh the screen lights up in the last trimester of pregnancy it's ready but there are no programs so the first seven years of a child's life is the brain is not operating at the higher level of Consciousness higher level higher vibration that's what we talk about we put wires on a person's head electroen cograph read brain function a child up through seven is not operating at Consciousness except for a little bit it's primarily operating at a lower vibration called Theta and I said well what is Theta I say it's expressed as imagination so that's how uh children can have a tea party and they pour nothing into the cup and then they drink the nothing and then they explain how that was the best tea they ever had or a child rides a broom saying it's a horse in the child's mind that is not a broom it's a it's a horse but it's mixing imagination and reality but Theta is hypnosis and the significance of that is children have to learn how to become a member of a family the rules member of a community the rules I go how how can an infant a young kid learn these rules they can't go to school they can't read the book and all that and I said you don't have to Nature provided Theta hypnosis so that they can observe the parents the family and the community just observe their behavior and download those as programs age seven then that's when they start to become more conscious and engaging themselves first seven years is prog programming but after age 7 95% of your life is coming from that program so if you can program the child for the first 7 years and the rest of the life of that child is actually an expression of that program hi I'm Bruce lion author of the bestselling books the biology belief spontaneous Evolution and the honeymoon effect I'm here to thank Evan carmichel for featuring me on his YouTube channel and I want to let you know that Evan is giving away links where you can watch the First episodes of my special guia series series entitled inner Revolution for free evidence making this offer to thank you for watching this video you will find the links in the description section below thank you the nature and function of challenges and difficulties in The evolutionary process we can use the term challenge which is already has a positive spin to it something happens and you call it a it's a big challenge but without the positive spin you would say it's really bad it's it's I oh it's so bad what has happened then you become more spiritual and say I'm faced with a challenge okay now challenges come in many forms there's no human life that is not profoundly challenged in one way or another some humans are challenged by physical physical challenges difficulties other humans are usely challenged by Dreadful psychological challenges and uh their own minds uh personal challenges in your personal life Collective challenges that affect millions of people at the same time Al in various ways we've just had one so um it seems that many things are almost designed in one's life to stop you from evolving or becoming more conscious and many people say if I only had um surroundings if I lived in a place that was peaceful and calm and my my my needs are met my my basic needs are met and I got Pure Food and everything else so I don't have to worry about things anymore if I could only live in this per perfect environment I could really make spiritual progress if I only had that but I don't I can't and and no matter what state you're at always obstacles arise continuously sometimes things go well and then another obstacle goes and then they go well again oh obstacle come in many many forms physical relationship Financial home situation all kinds of things pandemic is a collective one and other Collective ones most likely coming soon uh the strange thing is evolution happens only uh when faced with obstacles that happens on every level physical level every level it's only when an obstacle is encountered that there's a call for more energy and then more energy Flows In And whatever the frequency of energy could even be physical for example if you want to have a stronger body uh you it would not it's not going to happen if you lie on your sofa every day drinking beer and watching Netflix you you can say I want a stronger body yeah well um it's not happening now what do you have to do to have stronger body to put it in strange terms you have to at first you have to make life difficult for your body for example you have to you go jogging and you think I wish I was watching Netflix on my sofa and the body doesn't like it but you you say and then you live the weight but you're making life difficult for your body very difficult but only then it happens the your body then demands more energy and an influx of energy comes that eventually is translated into muscle growth and so on and then a point comes when you actually more energy has come then you suddenly enjoy that but the enjoyment is preceded by experiencing difficulty and obstacle on every level humans evolve many many people here uh I know that from what people have told me it's always the case many of you would not be here if you had not encountered very difficult life situations either through loss or breakdown of relationships uh loss of um loved ones physical ill serious physical illness accident many people have told me I would never have come or realize what this is about if I hadn't gone through this difficult period in my life it's then there's an INF flux of energy that comes and the at the highest level it is an increase in Consciousness as as you're faced with difficulties some difficulties can be um removed on a practical level many other difficulties require an increase in Consciousness for you to overcome them or transcend them I had correspondence from people in prison for many some are in prison for life and they've said I have awakened through coming into contact with this teaching I have awakened and I am free in a prison cell so they have it is uh in the in your comfort zone it is the very unlikely that that the Awakening will happen to any human being as long as they remain in their comfort zone perhaps if they had is this is the last Incarnation they've already gone through an enormous amount of evolution in previous lifetimes and then perhaps at a very early age they can already awaken but most humans they do not awaken as long as they're in their comfort zones oh it's good good enough com I mean comton is not all that happy mostly but at least it's not too bad but when you're taken out of your comfort zone that's where Evolution happens the evolution of Consciousness so in other words you need the bad to evolve I think the greatest relationship that you could ever have is with yourself uh and taking time to be in the presence of yourself and ask yourself important questions like are you happy who am I and instead of getting up and getting on your cell phone and getting distracted sit with your triple filtered water or a glass of wine or whatever you're into JJ sit down and answer the question without being distracted the contemplation process is the building process neurologically and for me I was I was just a guy I'm a guy who loves God I'm a guy who loves the divine I'm the guy who loves mystery I'm the guy who just never stops dovetailing information I'm that's just me and I never really planned on doing any of this I mean my theories on life is make it up as you go along and take the value and run and and what the bleep became a sensation and and all of a sudden I went from a normal guy to being a rock star and I was traveling around the world and doing conferences all over the place and I reached this point where I realized that I wasn't living the work and that really bothered me I was disturbed by that I was really uncomfortable and when you get uncomfortable and nothing's making that discomfort go away it's time to evolve it's time to make a different choice and I I clearly heard in my head during one meditation stop making the same choices and pause I didn't know what that meant except that I knew that I was relying on all of this external stimulation to build an identity that I really wasn't and then I had to show up for people and look a certain way and act a certain way and that that wasn't me and it got disturbing for me and I had this gap between the way I appeared and the way I really was and I didn't make time for myself and make time to be the example I mean my motive is always be the example of everything that I teach if I'm not I'm not I shouldn't be up here uh I shouldn't be leading in my clinic if I if I don't live those principles myself if I don't live my life that way and and so um you know and the at the height of uh my popularity I disappeared I canceled all my events my friends thought I was on crack or something they thought I lost my mind cuz you know what they were saying you could make so much money and I said I don't really I know how to make money I really don't care about money I really don't I care about how happy I'm going to be with myself and I broke from the world for 6 months and retreated and I really decided that if I presented myself back to of the world that I wasn't going to be seduced by it in the same way that I really wanted to be the example of everything that I taught and I wanted to lead events in a way that empowered people I never wanted it to be about me I wanted it to be about you also to make sure you're actually taking action after watching this video I've designed a special free worksheet just for this video the worksheet will highlight our favorite lessons from the video that will inspire you to remember what you learned today and actually apply them the worksheet will also give you space to write down what your key takeaways are and your specific plan of action to make sure you're getting results if you want the worksheet designed specifically for this video absolutely for free there's a link in the description below go click on it and start building the momentum in your life and your business I'll see you there one of the things that really upset me for a long time was the fact that I had great ideas and intentions and I wanted to manifest them and I thought this is how it's going to manifest and so I had all these visions of how things were going to unfold and then I'd start a process and it wouldn't unfold and then it would irritate me because like I've got to make it work I got to make it work uh ultimately I started to recognize when things didn't work it was possibly because there were better ways to do it and I wasn't conscious of it and so what I started to learn over a period of time was simply this there there's an old saying there's a means to an end and the idea well the end is your destination and of course the means are how you going to get to that destination well of course all of us sit down and say yeah this is what I want and then we start to figure out well this is what I'll do to get to those ends I'll get to this and I'll get to this to get to the end what I started to realize at some point was maybe my awareness of how to get to the end wasn't exactly accurate and it turns out many of the times when things didn't work and I was like so upset it didn't work but it turned out oh there was a better way to get there and I didn't even know it so the universe was really facilitating me uh and I wasn't paying attention I was getting angry at the universe because like it's not working away I want it to work and then I started to realize some point was my God maybe the universe has a better solution than the one I was even thinking of myself so I really learned over a period of time it's very critical insight to help me get to where I am is to focus on the on the end what is it I really want put that Focus together and it's very critical it's very interesting because a lot of people have well I would like this and it's a broad General category and then at some point it's like well it's not specific enough you have to actually say what it is you want uh I'll always remember I was uh uh looking for a special shirt to go to a Pink Floyd concert and and I just all of a sudden visualize oh it' be neat to have a Russian shirt you know with a collar that goes across here and a couple of buttons down and I thought oh yeah that would be really great that would be cool shirt shirt and then I stopped and I was thinking where the heck do you get a shirt like that I have no idea in the world but I thought that would be pretty good so I figured well I still got to get something so I drive off to a mall up near San Francisco and I walk into the mall and there's a first men's store over there and I go let's start looking I have no idea and I walk in and of course there's this big circular rack of sale clothes I thought what the hell it's only a Pink Floyd concert one night let's see what's in there and I started going through the rack and lo and behold my God a Russian shirt right in the middle of everything and it was like the shock of oh my God there's a Russian shirt right here the infor the unfortunate part of it was I had the picture of a Russian shirt I said cool I never said what the color was or anything else I just said Russian shirt and there was a Russian shirt color gray no color at all why I didn't put in the concept of color Universe said well just give it to him gray and it was one of those things like oh be conscious of what you're asking for because the the more detail you put in the more the universe can manifest a resolution if you leave a lot of blanks in what you want then all of a sudden it's like well it's random whatever fills in the blanks cuz you never said what you wanted you can have an idea what you want and that's important but the most important part of that just having an idea is not just have a broad idea I want X and I go no no what exactly do you want why go back to the principles of Science and the principles of science reveal something very important that principle of science is this Consciousness is creating our life experiences I go well that sounds new Agy I go no this is not new Agy this is the primary principle of quantum physics we are creators this is a fact in fact quantum physics says that but now let me add one other fact epigenetics says the same thing because EP genetics says your Consciousness is controlling your behavior and your genes and so it's time to stop for a second and recognize where is your Consciousness what are you thinking about and the idea is start thinking all those very positive thoughts but don't try and tell the universe how it's going to manifest okay you think of the picture let the universe get you there and that's the most important lesson I've learned I'm not telling the universe how I'm going to get there I'm just saying Universe this is where I want to go and then the universe will take care of it it's so powerful it is so wonderful and I never believed in it for the first 40 50 years of my life but I can tell you now the life that I'm manifesting today is a consequence of just what I said focus on the end don't tell the universe the means to get there the usual mistake or dysfunctional way to of Liv living unconscious way is as I've mentioned before is devaluing the present moment and overvaluing the next moment ego lives always with reference to past and future mentally are always somewhere else instead of giving fullest attention to this because this is the most valuable moment why because it's the only one the present moment give your fullest attention to this moment because it's not true that the next moment is more significant because it never comes so there is a way of being totally present in the planning for the next for the future it's all little things and even whether if you're the pop or the president of a huge corporation or the president of a country still the same the present moment in its richness that is usually overlooked because you're looking for something more significant it's not it's it's fine to achieve things especially if they are beneficial but for Humanity and the totality on the planet it's lovely to have have that but they don't even that doesn't make up your identity the more you honor the Small [Music] Things the more likely it is that you'll experience more good things in the so-called future because you have such a good relationship with the present gratitude is an an underlying uh State of Consciousness which is giving your fullest attention and honoring what is the the power to manifest is in experiencing [Music] the fullness of the present moment the undifferentiated fullness so when you don't complain about not only not other people but also about your life then you can't be a victim anymore I is the light of Consciousness in which these feelings are being experienced right now victim is a is a huge a huge prison it's not it is not who you are and remember thanks for everything I have no complaint whatsoever so there's this wonderful Stillness here and let's acknowledge it the power is not just in you it's all around you most people try to create a new personal reality as the same personality and it doesn't work we literally have to become someone else in other words thoughts are the language of the brain and feelings are the language of the body and how you think and how you feel creates a state of being so most people have experiences in their life that brand them emotionally they feel fear they feel anger they feel bitterness they feel frustration they feel insecurity and those emotions then become part of their identity so once they think certain thoughts that turn on certain circuits in their brain that are equal to their insecurity and then they feel insecure the moment they feel insecure they think more insecure thoughts which makes more chemical for them to feel insecure and the repetition of that cycle over time conditions the body to subconsciously become the mind of insecurity so then the person says I am insecure and whenever you say I am anything you're commanding your mind and body towards a destiny so then most people's biology is for the most part their past and so if you're not being defined by the vision of the future some new possib ability in your life you're only left with the old circuitry in your brain and the old emotions of the past so the question then is can you believe in a future that you can't see or experience with your senses yet but you've thought about enough times in your mind that your brain is literally changed to look like the experience has already occurred now the latest research in Neuroscience says you can change your brain just by thinking so then as you begin to think about a new possibility and your brain begins to fire in new sequences and new patterns and new combinations and you begin to plan your behaviors and you begin to review in your mind mentally rehearse who you're going to be in your life the mere action of mental rehearsal begins to install the neurological circuits in your brain now your brain is no longer a record of the past now it's in fact to map to the Future and if you were then to begin to emotionally embrace your future before it's made manifest in other words you're not waiting for your healing to feel wholeness you're not waiting for your new relationship to feel love you're not waiting for the mystical moment to feel awe you're not waiting for your success to feel empowered that's the old model of reality of cause and effect in other words the materialist the person who's waiting for their wealth to come to feel abundance uh they're living by that model of cause and effect but the quantum model is about causing and effect which means you begin to experience your own worthiness and your abundance before it occurs you have to feel wholeness in order for your healing to occur uh we have to feel love for ourselves and love for life in order for us to have love in our life and so then to instruct people how to teach their body emotionally how that future could feel like before it's made manifest if they do it properly their body as the unconscious mind begins to believe it's living in that future reality in the present moment and they're beginning to Signal new genes and new ways that begins to change their body to look like the event has already occurred so the process of change in the meditative model requires unlearning and relearning requires breaking the habit of the old self and Reinventing a new self what we say in Neuroscience pruning synaptic connections and sprouting new connections uniring and unwiring and reiring and rewiring U unmoral the same genes in the same way but signaling new genes and new ways beginning to pull your energy out of the past and beginning to invest your energy into the future what are the main limiting beliefs that you just hear consistently that most people tend to have if they're not in a have a uh higher level program that they've caught and switched with one of the main beliefs that they're caught up in is the uh lack of power they feel over their own health and their own reality that I'm a victim I'm a victim of my genes I'm a victim of this world out here I said if you if a the belief system uh is translated into Behavior if I believe I'm a victim then my behavior will be as a victim no power you guys tell me what to do and I'll try and do what you just said and I say well that's the biggest problem of all because quantum physics I mentioned is the most valid science and principle number one is you're the creator of this it's like well when are you going to own that and the answer is I could say it but then you walk away in a few minutes later you're back into your world again everything is gone you know listen took me a while uh I learned and understood that oh my God this is how it works and I was so excited I wanted to get people I wanted to tell anybody to listen to science this is how it works so I I beginning got some people together and I started to go off let me tell you how to create the most beautiful life experience and then they'd look at me and they go you know LP in for a guy who says you know this your life doesn't look that good interesting it was my wakeup call that said how the can I talk about how wonderful this is and I'm not practicing it and I immediately said to myself no don't go out there and talk to anybody about this why until you do it so what were the what were the things that were holding you back before you discovered this and then what was the new program that you started to implement for yourself on a consistent basis to have 100% upgraded program yeah well U one of the things professionally okay I was doing a great job I I had a great professorship in a medical school all that kind of stuff you know personally my life sucked really I get a relationship off the ground I go why not I go well now that I know about it I was programmed about relationships by observing my father and my mother well they had dysfunctional relationship so what do you think I downloaded dysfunction so my conscious mind goes forward and says yeah I want have a great relationship I get into it my subconscious mind steps up and says this is how we do a relationship you oh uh oh game over you know why because I didn't see the negative behaviors that I was putting out my partner potential partner saw them and gave them cause for alarm I don't think I want to be with this guy you know that was me and then I realized that and that's when I really had to go in first thing and start to to change who am I and I'll tell you the biggest problem now after years of working people do not love themselves and I said what does that mean I said if you have a program where you don't love yourself then rationally logically can anybody else love you the answer is no because you don't think you're lovable that's right somebody says you are that oh I love you and then you go well you know you probably don't have any quality control I know I'm not lovable what's wrong with you you know and then at some point you push them away and then they're not there then you go I'm not lovable nobody's here I I pushed them away you know and I changed that I was nearly what 45 years old 40 some years old and I had zero quality relationships for all that life right I changed the program and within a couple of years I I'm now with my partner Margaret and and the fact is she was involved with a um workshop training program for people so she understood processing and stuff and when I came and we added the science and the processing uh we've been living a honeymoon for 26 years years waking up every day going wow still here another day for fun another day for being in love it was great and it still is but if I didn't change the program that would never have been part of my life at all I would have been my whole life life struggling it's easy to lose the present moment when you want to achieve something even just you have to go do some go to the supermarket need to it's all your are you able to to be when you take action to be not to devalue the present moment not to always making into means to an end but are you able to just honor the present moment every step you're taking now while you are walking to the supermarket or whatever if it's or well these days people don't go go anywhere but you get from one room to another you have to go to the bathroom even that can be a practice you take one step at a time so that the moment of arriving at the the destination where you want to get to is not more important than this moment this moment is actually more important than the the arriving the this applies on a small scale as well as on a large scale this moment is of primary importance because it's all there ever is so it's more important than arriving at the at your achieving your goal or arriving at your destination uh that is a spiritual practice also when you're present in what you do instead of losing yourself in the doing then the Stillness is still there in the background when you're listening to someone while you're having a conversation if you can be so large that you can just listen when the other person is speaking then you're not losing yourself in your mind and the Stillness is still there in the background I think we're all faced with great opportunities brilliantly disguised as impossible situations and in order like for me personally and I and after looking through your book and reading a good portion of it I mean for me there's there's no school of ancient wisdom that you need to go to to be initiated your life is your initiation if you're paying attention so we meet challenges in our life from a certain level of mind right a certain level of Consciousness or unconsciousness and even Einstein said we have to go to a greater level of Consciousness uh than the Consciousness that's created the problem what is consciousness ious is awareness and awareness means possibilities that you haven't thought of before so we we confront problems or challenges in our life and as a side note I was having breakfast with a researcher just last week who studying what happens when we perceive and condition in our environment as a problem how it weakens the organism they're measuring this and when a person sees it as a challenge how they draw energy they they raise the energy of the the body back into order so if we said I want to be wealthy or I want to be healthy well what what you want to be that because you're not it so the initiation of going from not it here to it here you're going to have to climb some steps and there's going to be some blind spots so you try it out and it doesn't work well that's because there's a part of you that's still in a habit there's part of you still unconscious okay so what is it about myself in that circumstance that I am feeling about that circumstance and that feeling is causing me to think about it so you say oh it's impossible they'll never change I'll hire a hitman I'll hire the mafia I'll hire an attorney I'll H my friend's friend to talk to him and nothing changes right well you're not you're not separate from that experience you're involved in it and how you think and how you feel broadcast energy into the field so your energy is the same every day and as long as your energy is the same nothing's going to change in your life either and nobody changes until they change their energy so then what piece of knowledge what piece of information what would love do what would greatness look like okay I don't know all right well certainly somebody in history has face this problem don't get on Facebook and say does anybody have any an don't get go look it up and study and read and learn you'll own it and you'll say wow that person that was wealthy they failed 500 times well hell I had the wrong view of wealth okay then failure is not a thing I got to overcome failure well yeah just climbed the step yeah okay I'm reacting to that circumstance with the same emotion that emotion is firing the same thoughts I'm broadcasting the same energy into the field if I were facing that circumstance and situation again with that person that circumstance what do I learn from that circumstance how could I do it differently the next time find out a solution and rehearse it install the circuitry so when you get in the circumstance you're not going to respond in an automatic habituation yeah now you're at a greater level of Consciousness now you're looking at possibilities that you weren't looking at before because you were unconscious now that process of trial and error is so important in the spiritual path how many times times do we have to forget before we remember and then we remember and we forget again and it takes constantly remembering until we stop forgetting and when we get to that point now we're conscious now there's wisdom and wisdom is the memory of the experience without the emotional charge now you're ready for the new adventure so then people draw conclusions and say oh it's that person that ripped me off it's that person that that what now now you don't create your reality oh you only create your reality when things are good well somehow you got to Tango through this somehow your objectivity in not reacting emotionally is going to change the energy of how you address this situation negative beliefs are equally powerful in controlling your health as are positive beliefs except in the opposite direction a positive belief can heal you from any disease m a negative belief can kill you by creating any disease a belief can create the disease as much as belief can create the healing and I go so significance of this is profound because nobody talks about the negative belief and I go negative beliefs are powerful it's called No sibo as you mentioned and as I said they can cause any disease and they can kill you just because you believe you're going to die you can die just from the belief just as much as you are dying of a cancer you change your belief and you can then heal the cancer I go how I love this because a friend of mine her name is Anita morjani and she wrote a book called dying to be me she had four years of cancer in the final days of her life in the final week she was so emaciated that the cancer lumps were sticking out of her skin because she lost so much body weight and the cancer Lums for sticking out she's on a machine for life support she goes into a coma and her oncologist who's been working with cancer patients for years says oh this is the final stage of a person before they die so get in touch with all the family members and say Anita is dying she's in a coma this is a sign that's the end of her life and she has an out-of- body experience of Consciousness change that the issues that were related to her life had to do with a lot of um the fact that uh she was so feeling guilty of upsetting her family she came from an Indian family with pre-arranged marriages uh and she pulled out of a pre-arranged marriage about three days before the wedding which made her family look like you know low class people it's like you broke a pre-arranged marriage that's like against the rules and everything that irritated her father who she was she had a lot of love but then that irritated her father and then she felt she's now alienated from that love that's what precipitated the cancer her out of- Body Experience on the last day of her life according to her oncologist uh she had an out-of- body experience of communicating with her dead father who said no you know what happened on that what happened on Earth stays on earth when you transcend you're not there anymore and everything's wonderful and we love you and all that she she comes out of the coma and the first thing she says I want to eat something you know she was like give me some ice cream and she was like what you know within a day she was off the machines within two within a week to two weeks there was no visible cancer anymore and in fact the doctors were saying it's in there somewhere and she kept saying no there's no more cancer and they kept looking and after couple more weeks of looking they said no she doesn't have any sign of cancer she was on her last day of life with cancer and a belief changed that she realized her father is not angry with her she didn't alienate the love of her family and and that thought when she woke up out of the coma was the placebo in a sense of the healing thought that healed her from her last day of life so people with cancer and they're all struggling go even to the last day the moment you change that Consciousness is the moment you can have the cancer go into remission and disappear killing the cancer cells is like oh I'm going to get those evil cells out I said the cells were just following the instructions that came from your Consciousness you don't want evil cells and change the evil thoughts coming from your Consciousness the cancer disappears so it's a power that we have it's a power of our creativity which we don't believe in and I go okay quantum physics is the most valid truthful science in the sense that the theoretical understanding of quantum physics matches every experiment that has been understood about it I go so I go well let me tell you the first principle of quantum physics that principle is consciousness is creating our life experiences you want to change your life experiences Don't Change the World change the consciousness the world will change behind that so to to go about wanting to manifest material abundance in your life is perhaps not the the right way to go about it because you're concentrating on the outermost layer of abundance and even if you manage to manifest abundance on the outer level it's not going to give you the true feeling of abundance it's not in other words it's not going to make you happy it's not going to fulfill you except for a few days the new possession nice and shiny whatever it is and there you look at it got it now it's mine and after a few days or a week or two or give it a months it wears off h it's no longer that fulfilling to be driving the Ferrari or whatever it is there's nothing wrong with the Ferrari but if you're looking to the Ferrari for happiness and fulfillment and to get you give you the feeling of it's not going to work for that long if you're just driving it because you enjoy that experience that's a different matter manifest abundance From the Inside Out not from the outside as hoping that you go find something inner State through external things that is a dilemma of many people who practice manifesting which of course manifesting is a something that you can use and it works if it's done rightly but the Dilemma or the fallacy is the belief that whatever you manifest is going to make you happy is to seek the fullness of life through what you manifest through things I have worked so hard in getting people to the point where they can forget about themselves and become nobody no one no thing nowhere and no time people when they finally get this when they finally realize that when they're that they're pure Consciousness and they're connected to the field and then they start putting their attention on that frequency of Oneness and wholeness and tune into it and pay attention to it and stay present with it and become more aware of it and experience it and feel it moment after moment after moment how many how much of people's waking day do they put their attention on the field and how much do they put their attention on matter I'd say 100% of the time they put their attention on matter now my students are connecting to a greater frequency they know how to get Beyond themselves they can sit for extended periods of time they can lock in they can experience I watch if they're connecting to that level of frequency called the quantum field where they're experiencing something cool something greater that you can experience with your senses as you evolve and unfold deeper into it you experience less separation and more Oneness and wholeness and the more connected you are to it the less distance between you as a consciousness free willed individual and the consciousness of the objective unified field the closer you are to it the shorter amount of time it's going to take for it to appear in your life because you're outside you're outside the fundamental rules of Newtonian physics and 3D reality you're you're changing the field and it changes matter instantaneously so now we're seeing it happen in a shorter amount of time because we're getting better at it we're connecting to that field more and I know this to be the case because when I witness it in week-long events I I know the moment I can tell you when the energy shifts in the room and now I know it's going to be fun now I know get ready cuz the Miracles are happening it'll happen in one week you tell me how a tumor can disappear on a person's thyroid not one not two you tell me how a man with a stroke who's been paralyzed in his arm and leg that's in his 70s paralyzed for years now lifting his arm above his head H how do you explain that he he didn't do that matter to matter he didn't change his diet he didn't do physical therapy he didn't try to have a good attitude and think positively there was none of that something in the field changed and the pattern of that condition in the field changed so it is happening in a shorter amount of time there is no rule it's about the person's ability to pay attention and to focus to be greater than their body their environment and time it's their sincerity it's the engagement when they go sit down and do it they're not doing oh man I got to do this that's the wrong attitude nothing's going to happen then you get there like I'm going to connect with the Divine this is going to be a great day I'm going to keep my energy up I'm not getting up until I feel like I'm empowered that person's going to have a rocking day they're going to have a good day you know the movie The The Matrix yeah well it's not science fiction folks The Matrix The Matrix is a documentary what do you mean documentary I say what's the premise oh the premise is everybody's been programmed I go well that's a fact of life every human has been programmed it's the way nature designs how you can become a member of a family in a community okay and I go so everybody's been programmed I go yeah but oh in the movie you could take a red pill and get out of the program oh most of you actually have taken the red pill and you did get out of the program not necessarily for a long time but you stepped out I said what was that red pill you ready when you fell in love with somebody I what do you mean I go your life was blah blah blah blah blah blah you meet somebody 24 hours later you're outed ude is oh life's beautiful man I love life food is great you know the music's great the sex is wonderful everything is great I'm so in love I go what how'd you do that after blah blah blah blah in just 24 hours Science has recognized that when you fall in love you stop thinking you stay what is called mindful you are what is it called staying present what was the point you stopped thinking and you kept your Consciousness right there in the front why well have you've been waiting for this person your whole life and then they show up this is not the time to think and disconnect it's time to be there so you stop thinking then what you stop playing the program first time in your life stop playing it dead right out I say what happened well now you're creating from what not subconscious creating from the conscious what's that wishes and desires so what is the honeymoon heaven on Earth like oh guess what the jokey part here is you could have that every day it's your damn program that takes you away from it it's not that you can't have it all you have to do is stop playing the program and then you start you got the control back again and the issue about that is we can change those programs and we can take power back by rewriting programs what if your programs actually reflected the same thing that you have as wishes and Desires in your conscious mind think about for one second what if my conscious mind's wishes and desires were also programmed in my subconscious mind you ready whether you're thinking or whether you're awake uh guess what you're going to be going to the same wishes and desires all of a sudden it says what does that mean it says simply this it says that when you stop thinking you play the you are playing from wishes and desires when you are thinking you play from program but if your program has the same wish and desire then it doesn't make a difference if you're thinking or you're not thinking why you're still going to the same place and I say so what would that be oh I'll give you an example I'm doing it right now what am I doing I couldn't get a relationship off the ground for nearly 50 years until I rewrote those dysfunctional programs that I got from my father and once I rewrote them I was now available to have a love experience and I met my partner Margaret and guess what 28 years of every day honeymoon every day I always joke every stinking day is honeymoon and I love it and I go why I live in a world like you do it's crazy all that stuff is going on out there does it come into my particular life absolutely not why it's not in my Creative Vision none of that stuff is there am I in the world yeah but it's not necessarily not participating in all the other crazy people stuff why because those programs that would have engaged me have been Rewritten and now I have the power and I say so what did I do well I chose honeymoon yeah what was that wishes and desires I need my story all the things that my I I've been telling myself in my mind about myself and other people and my parents and my relatives and my co-workers and my ex-wife and my ex-husband and what people did to me and on what or what I did and shouldn't have done failed to do who am I without I I can't let go of that I need to think about this more so it becomes a habitual place the habitual place of the of the mental noise where you feel that's me and so every therapist knows that you always reach a point with your clients patients whatever depending on the school of therapy depends whatever you call the your clients your patients whatever there comes a point when you hit that resistance They Don't Want to Be Free of their [Music] problems and that the big challenge is there if is this person going to overcome that barrier because that barrier is not just becoming free of my problems but also becoming free of a very limited and ultimately fictitious sense of identity the me so that is what I've described is the next step one could say in the evolution of human consciousness is stepping out of selft talk which is the conditioned mind and realizing there is much more to who I am than this condition content of my mind and that is the beginning of Awakening it's not it's not those words not not that you need to believe that there is much more to who I am than the selft talk in my head because that is still selft talk in the head I believe there's more to who I am and you better believe it too being victimized by a circumstance in your life literally means that that that event that circumstance that person person that condition is actually causing you to feel emotionally and think in terms of memories equal to that circumstance and that circumstance is actually changes your state of being so you're thinking the same way and you're feeling the same way and your response to the environment is the same we can guarantee that your life is going to stay the same because you're the same you ask that person why are you unhappy why are you frustrated why you sad they'll say the this condition this this person is actually making me feel and think this way well anything that makes us feel and think a certain way that we don't think we have any control over for the most part we're victims so we're as a species become victimized by the conditions in our life and it's the environment then that is controlling the way we feel and the way we think so the idea is if you can change the way you think and change the way you feel could you begin to produce outcomes or effects in your life that cause you to believe that you're the creator of your life instead of the victim of your life which means then you would have to think greater than that circumstance and you would have to feel differently in the presence of that circumstance and if you truly could and begin to create an outcome the synchronicity the Serendipity the coincidence that happens in your life you're going to pay pay attention to what you did and you're going to realize that on some level you had a hand in that you know that you were a participant in that our interest is to teach people how to to to reverse that process every person every circumstance every condition every place every object that you own is mapped neurologically in your brain so your brain is a record of the past it's it's an artifact the repository of everything you've learned intellectually or experienced and products of experience are called emotions the memories that we have in our life produces familiar emotions or our response to anybody that we know in our life there's a neurological Network for your boss for your coworker for your ex and for most people their their their interaction in the environment is causing their environment that control their thinking or their personal reality is controlling their personality so our interest is see us of oh if your personality is made of how you think how you act and how you feel is is it possible if I begin to change the way I think change the way I act and change the way I I feel should my life change and because I'm changing and so the interest for us then is to be able to meet the challenges and conditions in our life from a greater level of Consciousness and and not be victimized uh by those circumstances but to take time and and to review how you're going to think how you're going to act and how you're going to feel that's meditation and review how you're not going to think you know how you're not going to act and how you're not going to feel it just turns out that tends to be 95% of who we are of those unconscious programs so it's so much easier to forget than to remember because it's the majority of who we are you know after a certain point in our life so changing that process the overcoming process of that same self somehow begins to produce effects in people's lives and that's that's kind of the exciting part about being a creator of your life I was given an opp opportunity to go to San Francisco and have a big presentation at a big conference on energy and crystals and stuff like that and I thought well there's going to be an audience there energy and crystals like okay this everything I'm talking about in biology I was so excited and I thought this is my great opportunity and it was like like 3 months before and I thought okay I'll I'm going to work on this and then I just let it go I let it go and now we're getting to a month before and I said I got to work on my what's my seminar going to be what's my seminar and all I had in my head was okay this was a new Agy kind of thing so I thought well back then what the heck was new aging I said oh that's where they wear all white white shirts and white pants and a white vest white clothes you know and that they're so delicate and they speak in a very quiet tone and they're so new Agy and that really wasn't me I was like the bull in the china shop you know it's like hey let and he goes no no that's I got to calm down I got to be cool I'm going to present this in a new age fashion so I tried to formulate a new age me to present this well now it's about a week before this conference it's like my new age me has not come up with any idea of how to present this and then it started to get closer it was just a few days away I'm going to go to San Francisco I like oh my God I don't have a talk and I just said forget it let me just be me I just want to talk the way I want to talk I'm not going to conform to be some new age Guru that's not me I'm a science guy and I'm going to say what I want to say and finally in that moment it was just a couple of days before all of a sudden I said that's it no more new age let's let's write this and the moment I let go of some Persona I was supposed to be and just said n I'm just going to be me all of a sudden the word started coming out I can remember I grabbed a yellow pad and I had a pen and the words started coming so fast as soon as I said stop being new P guys start being Bruce the words start coming page after page I was right I had like four or five pages of notes notes notes notes like after all those months it was s of like okay it was a little constipated in my Consciousness you know but it all of a sudden freed up and it's why I am not them I'm me and try to act like somebody else took away everything I was and that was at the point that said oh my God I'm I'm going to have I'm not going to alter who I am I Love This research I'm not going to tailor it for for that audience and it was so wonderful because there were three months where it was just logging back in my head back in my head yeah I got to do this I do this like didn't want to do it why cuz at some level the first thing was I'm going to be somebody else I'm going to be Mr New Age guy the moment I let go of being somebody else and became me then all the words came down I often say say yes to the present moment or I say make the present moment your friend not your enemy so it's a to say yes to the present moment is a powerful teaching but it can be misunderstood and has been misunderstood sometimes and it needs to be explained what that actually means it means oh by the way um there's a funny movie made a few some years ago with Jim Cary it's called the Yes Man and this is a person in the movie a character the character he plays he works at a bank I think to in the mortgage department and he's very he's very bitter and he likes to say no to people who apply for mortgages every no you can't have it in love s and it's very negative about everything no his life is uneventful boring everything is negative then he goes to a new age uh a friend invites him to Strange New Age event with a new age teacher and the teacher says you have to say yes yes to everything say yes to everything and um he kind of becomes convinced well I might as well try that I've got nothing to lose and from then on whatever people ask him every mortgage he approves and whatever people ask him can you lend me money sure yes can you do this yes yes yes and then his life becomes very interesting but also very chaotic he he gets into most chaotic situations and he kind all uh gets out of hand and I and in the end he kind of seems to realize that this wasn't quite working it's that that was that is not the true meaning so to say yes to the present moment does not mean that you accept everything that people ask of you in some cases you have to use the now the no but in the um not but not in an angry way that denies the present moment I call that a high quality no uh so in let's say um in the Y Cas can you look after my children or let's can because I I need you you're so so good with children to she flatter you you feel obliged you're such a wonderful person I so love you can you do it again please and at some point have I I'm sorry I can't do it anymore um but without any negativity a simple statement it is not a reactive statement you don't make her into into a bad person who I know she you want to take advantage of me I'm not doing it anymore that is a low quality no even if perhaps you she did try to perhaps she was trying to take advantage of you but that is not that may be then a dysfunction in her egoic self many humans do that the world is full of people who perhaps are trying to take advantage of you that's what the egos do and so is not who she truly is but you speak to you do not speak to the ego in her you simply say I love your children they're just wonderful and I enjoyed my time but I can't do it anymore I'm sorry about that high quality no no no I can't do that a person says can you lend me another uh $1,000 um and he well I've already lent you 2,000 3 months ago and last year I lent you 5,000 I haven't got anything back yet and then he I'm sorry I have to say no but you don't say you're just you're just trying to use me you and I'm not going to do that anymore I'm not going to be used anymore by you this is it that's it and no more that that's another kind of no but it's a low quality no and the high quality no no I'm sorry that's it I can't do that anymore it it imply it implies there's a presence behind what you say it's not reactive and with the same the person who asks you to write something you say I've seen the back I'm not in agreement with that therefore I'm sorry I need need to say no to this I can't do this thank thank you high quality no it's beautiful and it works quite often you may have to use that make sure that it's not reactive and then becomes low quality if the person's doing the vision board and they're saying when I get my new car I get my new house I get my new relationship then I'm going to feel so great well then they're back to the program waiting for it to happen for them to feel the emotion they're they're believing their outer world has to change change in order for them to feel better there's there's no effect of drawing the experience to you with that way so the person has to use those tools to get them into the emotional state for them to feel like it's already happened now think about this if you get up from a creative process and you feel grateful you feel A Love For Life you feel a joy for existence you feel a passion uh to for the moment uh you will not be looking for your future because you'll feel like it's already happened it's the moment that we start feeling those self-limiting emotions that we feel separation and then we start looking for it again well then if you're waiting you're not creating you're you're in separation again so then so then whatever it takes for you to move into a state of being and what is a state of being thoughts are the vocabulary of the brain feelings are the vocabulary of your body how you think and how you feel creates your state of being so then if you wake up in the morning and you come come back to your senses with a clean slate and you say I don't feel anything you say well let me start thinking about all the problems in my life well all those problems are connected to different people or different objects of things at different times and places the moment you remember your problems a memory is a record of the past you're thinking in the past every one of those problems has an emotion associated with them so all of a sudden you start feeling unhappy you start feeling bitter you start feeling frustrated so now your body's in the past so then most people then create a state of being that's connected to their past and if they're in the familiar past then they are going to Crave the predictable future and they're going to fall back into routine so then we want people then to get very clear on that vision of their future however they do it and begin to combine that clear intention with an elevated emotion and the stronger the emotion they feel from the vision they're creating the more altered they feel inside of them the more they're going to pay attention to the pictures in their mind and now they're remembering their future and biologically it's exactly the same as remembering your past in fact if you're not being defined by a vision in the future it means you're making your past more real than your future you're falling in love with your past you're more in love with your past than you are with your future that you're believing in your past more than you're believing in your future when you get to that moment where you have that feeling that's your compass because that feeling is going to drive your behaviors it's going to drive more of those thoughts and when you feel that feeling and it's visceral no person no thing no experience will stand in the way between you and that vision and and you will be initiated in by the universe in into wealth you will be initiated into Health you'll be initiated into Freedom those people all those people that have healed themselves of all those different health conditions they are so humble and so happy and they feel so great that they would never trade this feeling because of what you thought of them they they they've they've left that program behind a long time ago they actually don't care how you think of them they they actually are so happy with themselves that they are no longer dependent on anything outside of them now I think that's a really important moment because that's the moment we give people permission in our lives to do the same right and I think that more and more people are beginning to figure that out 95% of the day you are not operating from the conscious mind Sciences recognize 95% of the day because we are thinking 95% of the day our behavior is now controlled by the subconscious mind I go okay so what's the difference in the final conclusion of this is the conscious mind with your creativity has your wishes and your desires the subconscious mind was programmed by other people your mother your father your siblings and your community so what is the difference you wake up with a wish and a desire of what you want and then the rest of the day you play the programs that you got from other people that don't answer your wishes and don't support your desires and all you see is the consequence of it and go oh my God why is it not working the answer is because you don't see because remember the name is subconscious below conscious so when that behavior is playing psychologists will tell us 70% or more of the programs in the subconscious are disempowering self-sabotaging and limiting behaviors so the simple reality is this we have great wishes and desires and yet our life is not controlled by that our life is controlled by the programming and that programming is the disempowering program so all you see is the consequence of the invisible subconscious which will sabotage all the desires and wishes you have and then to conclude that what if you just didn't default to the subconscious what if you just stayed in the conscious mind that's called being Mindful and why is it relevant because when you stay conscious keep your mind present you are the creator of your life and when people are in mindfulness they manifest their wishes their desires and their happiness so for all of us it's sort of a wakeup call you think you're running your life with your wishes and desires it's an illusion you're really running your life with your programs acquired from other people most of the time there is a voice in your head that comments and has opinions and viewpoints and interpretations about what's going on in your life I call that the voice in the head for most humans that is completely involuntary they don't even know that they have a voice in the head that never stops talking most of the time silently in your head at other times it may even shout something out so it it wants to be heard and so if you walk in the street you will find most people look fairly sane they're not talking to themselves it seems because they're not talking out aloud but if you listened into everybody's head you would be amazed of how noisy the inside of every human is it's like a r you know these radio stations where the the people talk in an excited voice they go on and on if you go to a foreign country and you don't know what they're talking about you might think this must be extremely important but if you can understand what they are saying you really realize it's it's completely meaningless it's just noise so a significant part of what happens in your mind the the larger part is actually just Superfluous noise there's thinking is a wonderful ability a wonderful tool if used rightly it is an instrument that causes dysfunction and misery for Millions on the planet unhappiness for Millions on the planet if thinking is not used but if you are used by thought so when humans say I think in most cases that's actually not true because they have no control over their thinking it's an compulsive and involuntary and they are so ID identified with these thought processes they don't even know that they are in the grip of their thought processes because they are so identified they become their thought processes so whatever comes into your head you completely believe in it and then you yeah that's how it is whenever you feel unhappiness this is a generic term unhappiness in whatever form unhappiness can arise as as irritation can arise as anger can arise as even boredom is a form of unhappiness sadness um all kinds of states that don't they don't feel Pleasant they to unhappiness and usually they are attributed to a life situation something that's going on in your life so for example waiting at the airline counter and of course how often things don't go well there uh let's hope they don't drag you out of the plane but it that could that could happen too whenever you feel irritation arising anger Rising upset in whatever form ask yourself is this caused by the situation or is it caused by what my mind is telling me about the situation and in 95% of cases you will find that the mental commentary that argues and complains about something that's going on but should not be going on but it is but shouldn't be and the gap between what is and what the mind says should be or should not be that Gap is the rising of unhappiness and misery or is the Buddha called suffering I think um we're living in such an amazing time right now I mean if you are not being challenged in some way in your life you're not alive and all of this is an initiation and I don't believe that you have to go to any school of ancient wisdom perched in the Himalayas or for information or training any longer if you see your life as as the school as the initiation then you can no longer be a victim to your life you're going to have to meet the challenges in your life from a greater level of Mind greater than the mind that created it and so there have been plenty of peer-reviewed articles on the power of Peace Gathering projects that lower crime that lower trauma incidences of of uh uh death and economic growth it's all related to what's happening right now for us and it's not enough though for us to just focus on peace and expect the World to Change because in the peace Gathering projects when the event was over a lot of the crime and violence return back to its sealing level again it's more important for us not only to embody that peace and feel it but then to demonstrate it and when we begin to demonstrate it I think we give people permission to do the same that means that we can't be preaching peace and then be stuck in traffic and you know flipping people off or you know or arguing with your coworker you don't get to stand up for peace if you have conflict in your life so when we start I believe start that self-c contemplative process of looking within and instead of judging someone or something look to see if there's an aspect of ourselves within that person or when that situation that we may need to change and if we're all doing that at the same time something greater a greater Consciousness is going to emerge and so I believe that it should never be about a person it should be about principles and when we stand up for principles that creates Community because you could be one belief or another belief but if you're sharing the same principles which are joy and freedom and cooperation and connection that's what builds communities so then everything in our world right now is reminding us of Separation whether it's War whether it's violence whether it's political deceit whether it's Prejudice all of those things cause us to live by those stress hormones and when we're living in that state of survival we're not trusting and we become more selfish so then starting our day asking ourselves what would be the greatest expression of myself I'd like to present to the world and then making the choice to not get up until we are that person I think that begins to demonstrate greatness and when there is adversity and when there are challenges in our life the question of course becomes how do we become Supernatural and that means we're going to have to do what feels unnatural at first when everybody else is in poverty and lack that's the time to give when everybody else is in fear and vigilance that's the time to show courage when people are angry and hating and Prejudice that's the time to show compassion when people are competing to rush to get to the top that's the time to change your energy and draw the experience to you and if you keep doing what's unnatural over and over again sooner or later you're going to become Supernatural your life 95% is coming from the program your life is a print out of your programs you just look at your life and recognize simple fact the things that you like that come into your life they come in because you have a program to acknowledge those things but the things you wish desire want in your life and you work hard to make them happen you struggle you sweat over it I'm putting a lot of effort in I'm going to make this happen why are you working so hard and the answer is whatever that destination is your program doesn't support it and you're trying to use your conscious creative mind to override the program I said yeah but conscious mind is 5% programs 95% I go it's not GNA work very well at all so that's why poor people stay poor and rich people stay Rich yep that's why the book Rich Dad Poor Dad that was exactly what the whole point was if you grow up with the programming of a rich family you don't have to think programming is subconscious your thinking might be quite stupid I mean a former president of ours was a relatively rich person but not very smart in his conscious mind but his program was how do I got how I got rich by what he downloaded that from his family okay uh and if you're in a poor family what did you download oh Life's a struggle it's not I can't get there as you know you can change it I said yeah how can you change it remember I said well there are two minds conscious is creative wishes and desires subconscious hard drive with a program I say the conscious mind being creative can learn from anything read a self-help book oh yeah I know how to do that I said you read the book I give you a quiz you get a 100 and it says yeah you know this stuff and then I say well now that you know this stuff did your life change and the answer is no I go why the conscious mind learned from reading the book that's not how subconscious mind learn so our smarts stay up here I read the book I knew the information I understood how it worked blah blah blah blah blah I go yeah that's the thinking mind that knows but I go does that translate into subconscious I go no it doesn't because that's not how the subconscious mind learns you want to change the subconscious then you have to put in the data the way the subconscious mind learns conscious mind creative can learn from anything you could just go aha I just changed my mind I can do that okay subconscious mind habit point of habit it resists change if a habit changes then by definition it's not a habit anymore so habits resist change and yet we have these habits and we want to change them I say how can you do it and I say the only way you can change the habits is the way that the habits were learned in the first place I go what was that I said first seven years your brain was at a lower vibration than Consciousness it was called Theta Theta is hypnosis and I go oh so what do I do I say well you you can't just say Okay I want to go into hypnosis hypnosis is part of a scale of low vibration going to high during the day and then when you come home from work the high vibration slows down and goes to sleep at the lowest vibration so you go through a range of different VI vibrations as you're sleeping Awakening calm conscious Focus conscious you're at work Focus conscious and I go then what you come home you calm down now it's calm conscious and then I say what then you fall asleep I say the instant you fall asleep the next vibration down is Theta I go that's hypnosis I go yeah so I say then every night the moment you fall asleep the brain for a short period of time is in hypnosis Theta so I say so what well you put on earphones or earplugs and you go to bed playing a program that you want to be true in your life I say so what I say you put it on just before you fall asleep and while you're still awake you probably hear some of the program okay but the moment you fall asleep conscious mind's disconnected doesn't hear anything coming off of the program anymore I say but what does I say ah the subconscious mind is in Theta record so whatever is coming through the earphones is not going into conscious mind but it's now being directly downloaded into the subconscious so this is called self hypnosis you have to repeat this process because the amount of time in Theta is relatively short be before you hit the lowest vibration Delta which is sleep outright okay so every night when you go to bed just after your Consciousness falls asleep there's a period of record opportunity and then we put the earphones on play the program it's called self hypnosis that's hypnosis you're doing it yourself okay number two you still learn programs after age seven you learned how to drive a car you learned how to play an instrument I go well how'd you do it that way and I go repetition habituation is practicing something and repeating it and repeating it so many times that the subconscious finally says okay I got a pattern I got the pattern and that pattern then becomes the Habit you need to realize most humans have this inbuilt dysfunction they cannot acknowledge the present moment unconsciously they regard the next moment with whether it's a minute from now or an hour from now or 2 years from now always regard it as more important whenever you are impatient trying to get somewhere waiting for something impatiently what's the next thing I have to do and I have to do that and you're pulled in all kinds of directions what's not oh now I have to do that and that and that and there's always a pull to the what's the next thing uh that is I call that sometimes you lose yourself in doing doing is necessary obviously you need to do but to lose yourself in continuous doing is a serious dysfunction but it's so normal that no body realizes it so what if you lose yourself in the doing there's always another and this is how stress arises what stress is the gap in the gap between now and later the projected then now and then in that Gap arises the stress arises so the mental projection towards future creates the the stress PR is between you where I'm here but I want to be there and for many humans that is their predominant State they are always they're here but they don't they really want to be there either there in space or Time It's amazing And even you Awakening beings may still sometimes or often find yourself in that state where you'd suddenly realize that the whole day you've been stressed about this that and that and that this the world make so many demands upon you need to deal with this and this and this Amplified by the gadgets that we now use which is an amplification of the dysfunction through this uh and you lose yourself in the doing you become completely unentered and and basically lost there many even happens even to Children already an early age these days and many children are suffering from attention deficit disorder and so on which means their mind is being pulled always away from the present moment so lost in doing lost in doing really comes back to lost in thinking thinking underlies doing so you're lost in your thoughts about the world and then you engage in all kinds of activities propelled by thought that now I need to do this now I need to do that so the basic condition still for most humans on the planet so Prim fundamentally yes they are lost in doing they lose themselves in do but basically it means they are lost in their mind in the movement of thought what now you identify then they identify with every thought that arises and the many thoughts are about future or the past not that many thoughts are about the present moment and if they are about the present moment then it is an interpretation of the present moment that is completely determined and colored by your past conditioning so very interesting to observe in oneself this tendency to deny devalue disregard reduce the present moment to a means to an end it's always a means to an end but it's never Rec recognized for what it is in itself and often it is not it is more than a means to an end for many humans this is a very dysfunctional way of being for many humans the present moment is actually regarded unconsciously as an obstacle that they need to get Beyond there's a continuous under dying unease and what's the next thing that's it's going to go go wrong I know it's going to happen lost lost in the mind lost in thought there was an Indian teacher who described the essential human condition as lost in thought and of course that's how it is you this is then this movement of thought gives you your sense of identity than than the the unease the the uneasy narrative the problematic Narrative of me and my life I have to think about this when I wake up in the middle of the night and I carry this heavy burden of my problematic life for many humans the identity is unconsciously regarded as a problem to be solved I am a problem that I'm looking for a solution to this problem that I am and course then you go to a therapist now if the therapist is good he might be able to take you beyond that depends if he or she is not good then you get more deeply entrenched and 15 years later you are still undergoing psychoanalysis and find ever deeper layers of complexity in your past and there's no end to it so the present moment is devalue not recognized regarded either as a means to an end or an obstacle that is the for many humans that is a predominant state of mental emotional state and the as I said their identity is derived from that so it's the the the error lies in identification with thought now the question arises who or what is it that identifies with thought if I am not the story that I tell myself about who I am if I am not ultimately that then who or what am I and what is it in me that that identifies with the story what is it that creates this sense of identity that is mostly exists mostly in a state of unease or very often discontent because it it cannot acknowledge the present moment that is the ego by the way that's what we call it the the egoic sense of self there as a very simple spiritual practice to get you to the realization of who or what it is that identify I suggest at this moment that observe yourself internally right now to see if there's any lingering emotion in you perhaps from earlier today or an hour ago or yesterday or the past 2 years or the past 10 years is there any and can you feel for example any is an irritation somewhere is there some kind of U anxiety is there kind of heaviness a certain heavy mood a despondent mood perhaps is it lingering there is there anger anger big thing some residue of Anger from what happened earlier is that in you and then normally humans would say I am angry or they would say I am anxious I'm fearful I am in a bad mood now there's already a delusion when the moment you say I am angry or I am anxious that indicates already that you have identified with the emotion of anger or the emotion of sadness or the emotion of fear you have identified you equate I with what arises in your field of Consciousness so you say I'm angry it would be more correct to say there is anger in me right now now it may sound a trivial difference between saying I am angry and there's anger in me but there's a significant difference which goes beyond mere syntax how you put words together because when you say I am you equate I with whatever condition is there in you this applies to emotion and it also applies to thought when because anger is often is not just the anger as emotion the anger also exists as angry thoughts and then they they in they reinforce each other it's a vicious circle when you when they when you are trapped in irritation or anger the emotion feeds the thought and the thought feeds more energy to the emotion it's a vicious circle and you don't want to get out of it you might not When You observe an angry person or or a despondent person or an anxious person they don't really want to be free of the anger they don't want they if you suggest it to an angry person you can be free you will will not get a a pleasant answer and you you've seen angry people who they are in the grip of anger or irritation they cannot help it then they they shout at you and then they leave the room and a minute later the door opens they come back because they sort of something else to insult you with they they they are in the grip of it there is complete identification with thought and emotion they are lost in thought they are Lost in Emotion but who or what is it that is lost if I'm not the thoughts and the emotion who or what am I okay I just asked you to just have a look inside yourself and see what it is if there's anything there that's jarring and doesn't feel good but it's there and I'm not saying try to get rid of it no acknowledge the present moment the present moment is what is externally or internally that's what is but there's a huge difference now you've already by recognizing that there is let's say irritation anger or anxiety in you an additional element or Dimension has come in and that Dimension we could call awareness or we could call it presence and the moment a awareness comes in you no longer completely identified with it one could say I sometimes describe it as let's say there's the anger and as your awareness of the anger comes in there's a little bit of space around it that's the awareness the awareness knows that there's anger the anger may still be there it may not immediately disappear but the awareness knows it's there or whatever else it may be the arising of awareness is spiritual awakening the disidentification that happens when awareness arises that is the spiritual awakening or the arising of the Transcendent dimension of Consciousness Transcendent because it transcends who or what you are as a person I like to just get myself in my think box organizing what am I not going to think about what am going to stay away from what am I not going to do in my meditation I'm going review that what I am what am I going to do when I get that all worked out then I get in my playbox in my playbox there's no thinking I've got all the thinking done in my think box my playbox it's really about me changing my state and so um I allow for 2 hours every morning doesn't mean I always take it uh or need it let me say that but I allow for two hours sometimes I like to just get my mind straight and then uh I do the work I do the work and and uh I like to get to that point where when I'm done I feel like something changed do the work yeah what does the work look like it's meditation yeah it's finding the present moment it's getting into the unknown it's getting Beyond Myself disconnecting from my body getting Beyond any thought of anyone or anything getting Beyond Time moving beyond space and time turns out when you focus on nothing there are so many amazing things that happen to your brain I've seen the scans over and over again what have you seen in the scans well there's this thing in the brain called modularity and when we're living uh by the hormones of stress and stress is when you can't predict something when you can't control something or you have the perception that something's going to get get worse you switch on that fight ORF flight nervous system and the rush of those chemicals causes us to become alert to become aroused and we narrow our focus on the material world and so when you're not able to control everything in your life and you can't predict everything in your life you start shifting your attention to everyone and everything every person every object every place we've all had that experience when we're under stress and every one of those people those objects those things those places has a neurological Network in the brain so like a lightning storm in the clouds the brain begins to fire out of order very incoherently it becomes modulated or compartmentalized It's A house divided against itself and those individual compartments don't talk to the rest of the brain and we tend to get overfocused you never notice when you're under stress you're obsessing about something you're over focusing about something you're overthinking something you're overanalyzing you're driving your brain higher and higher into higher states of arousal High beta brain wave patterns we discovered that if you teach a person to go from a narrow focus on something physical something material and broaden their focus open their awareness and put their attention on space on nothing and create what's called a Divergent Focus the act of sensing and no longer analyzing thinking begins to slow the brain waves down from that beta brain wave state to a low-level beta and then all of a sudden to Alpha if they keep doing it sensing space tends to cause those different compartments that were modulated divided to begin to synchronize and what syns in the brain actually links in the brain so the brain starts firing in a more holistic state in other words every single area of the brain is resonating at the same frequency and now the brain is functioning as one neurological network instead of individuals that kind of holism that kind of order feels really good it feels really good and so people practice slowing the brain waves down not only to get beyond the analytical mind but to cause the brain to fire in a more coherent way and if we're going to have a clear intention about what we want the more coherent the brain the clearer the intention so we've seen in seven days even in four days these dramatic changes in the levels of coherence and order that take place in the brain the brain's firing in a more holistic State that's when the person notices a change in their anxiety and their depression and their PS PTSD whatever it is there's more order in the brain and and uh the act of focusing on nothing and opening your awareness to space creates that kind of amazing change a lack of knowledge is a lack of power and I said you're suffering out here because you feel you have no power and if you really understand the biology that we're talking about and the spirituality that you're talking about and you start to recognize it you recognize oh my God you are so powerful and yet you have a belief of victim and since belief controls it no matter how powerful you are if your belief is your victim then you are victim and we have been victimized by beliefs that are incorrect and uh uh and if we adjust the science it automatically then comes right together with the whole spiritual message that agape and my brother Reverend here uh have been providing for years uh but there's a scientific context to it because a lot of people go well is it scientific I go yes it is I mean I mean what what are those flawed beliefs that that we've been living under all these years well there are four of them and two of them are actually part of darwinian theory which I'll mention but the first one that's really important is people have been programming the belief that the genes they inherited at conception are programming the rest of their life the the genes we didn't select them as far as we know if you don't like the characteristics you can't change these genes and then we add on top of we say and the genes turn on and off by themselves and all of a sudden you start to realize then I'm not running my life the genes are running my life oh my God there's cancer in the family and their genes are going I'm going to get a cancer Gene I'm and I say what's the belief you already got the belief I'm going to get cancer I go this is trouble right there right right right right this little sidebar because I love this sidebar there's not one gene that causes cancer cancer is not caused by a gene cancer is caused by disharmony in your life uh unresolved anger is the biggest one uh feeling lost left out you know not part of something is another one that separates you and I want people to understand that because so many people say oh I've got this cancer and the gene do and I'm just a victim back here and the genes took this and genes made this I go stop you are co-creating with those genes the gene does not turn on and off and the gene does not control things the gene responds to the environment and if your perception of the environment is not in Harmony and support of your life that disharmony is what can activate a gene a gene is a blueprint just like in an architect's office and I mentioned I say you go into an architect office and she's working on a blueprint you ask her you say hey is your blueprint on or off and she'd look at you like what are you crazy it's a blueprint on there on and off I go yes DNA is a blueprint to make the proteins of the body it cannot turn itself on and off you need an architect Consciousness mind is architect right that turns the genes on and can modify the readout of the genes being is the one thing of course it's not a thing we're just using words is there one thing that you can be absolutely sure about the only thing that is beyond doubt in your life the only thing who's real reality is beyond doubt everything else could be a dream or an illusion whatever you perceive could be a dream an [Music] illusion you don't know that it's not a dream or an illusion because when this meditation comes to an end then it evaporates into the so-called past and everything that happens quickly dissolves dissolves dissolves the same way that a dream comes to an end when you wake up except that this dream seems to go on and on replaced by another and another if it is a dream but something what is it then that cannot be doubted that there is a Consciousness in which if it is a dream whether it's a reality of dream do matter in which it arises in which it is known the light in which it appears so your presence cannot be doubted whatever happens in that presence can be doubted but for it to happen there must be a presence and of course I said your presence it's not your presence it's the one universal presence consciousness I particularly welcome those of [Music] you who are getting tired of their [Music] personality that cumber some that way you carry around and creates the same old stuff again and again it's a good point to reach to become tired of [Music] yourself that is sometimes misperceived and then you think you're tired of the world you're tired of living you're tired of that's a misperception what you're really tired of is the self and the world that it creates or seems to create out there with the same old conflict the same old problems or different problems but basically the same if feel deep [Music] down the same old thoughts in your head again and again the same complaints oh dear so the spiritual path there are many practices you can use in order to access the dimension of presence which is the spiritual Dimension but the most direct practice that immediately accesses that dimension we could call that [Music] surrender what is [Music] that he it is to offer no resistance or opposition to whatever arises in the present moment whatever happens whatever arises whatever people say or do to become one with the isness of the present moment the present moment always already is the way it is there's no doubt about that whatever Form This Moment takes it is as it is and if internally then you give up opposing which is the normal State associated with dense personalities instead of opposing internally what is getting upset getting angry arguing with what is either just in your head or out aloud telling people what they should have done or should be doing but I'm not doing what it should be like but it isn't like what I should be doing what I'm not doing I should be whatever the whatever form the opposition takes and I mentioned a few minutes ago those of you who are getting tired of the old personality and of course this is part of the old personality the way in which it interacts with people and events and places it's not usually Pleasant there's always some resistance always something not good enough always something missing Here and Now wherever you go the structure stays with you goes with you so you recognize that that's an important part [Music] of the false self that lives through opposition to what is it strengthens itself through that sense of Separation separating itself from what's going on condemning it judging it and people and then you realize what happens if I just accept that whatever arises in the present moment say oh that's what [Music] is you can still take action but Foundation is acceptance surrender and then immediately the false self can't really operate anymore and something else comes in which is Essence which is awareness which is consciousness itself so the most fundamental spiritual practice is surrender so that internally you're one with what is and immediately you are a spiritual [Music] Master because that's all a master master does not necessarily have more knowledge than you you may have much more knowledge than a spiritual master but the master lives in alignment with the isness of the present moment that's all and that's where the power arises because when you're aligned with the isness that inner spaciousness opens up Essence is there and that is the power that then moves through you and can become a thought it can express itself in form through a a thought an action a [Music] movement some something you do or make in many ways or just as an emanation that is true power I would love for you to share the mission that you're on and how people can break past the memory of who they've been so they can tap into the potential of who they can be well a habit is a redundant set of automatic unconscious thoughts behaviors and emotions that's acquired through repetition habit is when you've done something so many times that your body actually knows how to do it better than your conscious mind it's a habit so people wake up in the morning and they run through the same routine every single day and the routine is mapped out neurologically in their brain if they have the thought of the coffee Mak they make the choice to go over there they do the thing to make the coffee they have the experience of drinking it they feel the emotion associated with it that becomes a pattern it becomes more automatic it becomes second nature so we have a series of these redundant patterns then and in time we lose our free will to a set of programs and the body is programmed into the predictable future based on what we've done in the past and that's how we lose the free will to a set of programs so that habituation is the predictable future and that's the known and other people wake up in the morning and they romance their memories of the past they they think about the problems that they have in their lives and those problems are connected to certain people and certain objects and certain things at certain times and places and since the brain is a record of the past the moment they remember that problem they're thinking in the past and every one of those problems has an emotion that's associated with it so the moment the person feels unhappy the moment the person feels fear the moment the person feels unworthy the moment the person feels sad now the body is in the past because thoughts are the language of the brain and feelings of the language of the body and how we think and how we feel creates our state of being and so it's that thought and that feeling it's that image or that memory and the emotion it's that stimulus and response that's conditioning the body to become mind of that emotion and now the body is so objective that it does not know the difference between the real life experience that's creating the emotion and the emotion that person is creating by thought alone and the body is reliving the same past experience over and over again and if we can't think greater than how we feel or feelings have become the means of thinking then we're thinking in the past and if we believe that our thoughts have anything to do with our destiny then our future is going to look a lot like our past so that familiar past also is the known and so what we discovered is that if you could teach a person to when their bodies sitting in a meditation as an example and it's off schedule it's used to feeling angry at 8:00 in the morning because it watches the news the person experiences traffic every day they get 11:00 they check their emails and they start judging other people you know there's a there's a set of familiar emotions that person has been living by we discovered that if a person can sit past that memory that they can sit past that emotion that causes them to get aroused to get frustrated to get impatient that's the emotion that causes the person to quit and they have this conclusion that they can't meditate or they can't focus or they have ADD it's a story they tell themselves about the past we discovered though that when a person sits past those those thoughts that say I can't it's too hard I'll never change I need a brain scan there's something wrong with me it's my mother's fault and they're curious to see what's on the other side of that thought when their body gets aroused and frustrated instead of giving up and saying um I have too many things to do that they actually learn a way to settle the body back down into the present moment and it's David versus Goliath and every time we can become conscious that we get emotional we get frustrated get impatient and we settle the body down we're executing the will now that's greater than the program and the body is no longer the mind the person is now becoming conscious of their unconscious self and it takes an enormous amount of energy it takes an enormous amount of awareness to stay present because to stay present is to be in the unknown that's when you can't predict the future and that's not when you're remembering the past and the unknown in the program that we have as biological creatures is a scary place is it's better to run from the unknown that then to hang out in it frequently I'm asked every day how come you look so happy and the answer is I wake up happy and why do I get this happiness where's it coming from and the answer is this it's another day on planet Earth and what's so exciting about it is it's another day that I have no idea what's going to happen but the greatest wishes and desires for some fun and excitement and a very joyous life so I start off with today's going to be a great day and almost every day it ends up being a great day doesn't mean everything works right but the beautiful part about it is I've really learned not to carry anything forward that is not really happy and and joyous in my life uh it reminds me of a story two Buddhist monks are walking along and Buddhist monks are not allowed to touch women at all and these two Buddhist mons are walking along and they come to a river and at that River there's a woman dressed in her wedding Refinery and she's crying and she's crying because she can't get across the river wearing these clothes so one of the monks just picks her up carries her across drops her off on the other side then the two monks continue walking and about an hour and a half half down the road one monk says to the other one how could you pick up a woman and the one who picked up the woman looked at me and said I I dropped her off an hour and a half ago why are you still carrying her and the whole idea about that is the meaning of it is when events happen in our life it's not necessary to keep carrying them especially if they're negative ones you can just stop right there and go on to the next thing it's a choice do I want to be in an environment where I'm not happy or do I want to be in an environment where I am happy oh Choice well obviously but most of us have that choice but are so caught up in conventional rules and conventional way of mannerisms and social structure that oh we hold ourselves in places we don't even want to be and then we sit there in our mind getting aggravated by the whole factors I don't even want to be here and I go well then guess what choice pick a place you want to be go to the movie go to something else break the pattern and when you break the pattern is your moment of power because when the pattern is broken there's new choices at that moment but if you don't break the pattern you're going to follow a Litany of up or down depending how you started off the process the litany down not a great trip I'll tell you that but hey I think it's over 20 some years I haven't been depressed I haven't even been angry I get upset by some things of course but it doesn't mean I hold them I drop that person off on the other side of the river and stop carrying it and this is the Choice it really is a choice you have to think about it because it's it's a conscious Awakening at a moment that gives you a choice that wakes up and goes do I want to do this and that's that moment of choice you take that moment of choice and then you say I'm moving into where I want to go you make a habit out of this because you repeat this and then guess what you don't even have to think about it anymore because the subconscious program will always redirect you to the place you want to be and the whole other world that we used to EXP experience that used to irritate us and aggravate us and all that anxiety stuff it just doesn't exist and it doesn't mean everything's going right but the whole beautiful part about it is well if it doesn't go right okay stop now let's go do something else because it's the idea it didn't go right and then why didn't go right and who didn't make it right and where is it going to go now and blah blah blah and what are you doing you're digging a hole and it's not going up it's going down and the whole idea is choice but the most important part of choice is you have to stop long enough not get caught up in in the in the program and play out the program there's a moment while you're playing the program maybe you can separate and look at yourself and say why am I doing this because that is the moment of power that is the moment where you can say I have a choice I can do something totally different than to Stew in this stuff and then you are a powerful person be grateful for whatever your experience of this moment is and if you cannot be grateful at least allow it to be because it already [Music] is you might as well now if you did this little thing it sounds very little and it is very little allowing your experience of this moment to be the way it is just this little thing would remove well it's hard to put it in percentage terms let's say 95% of the suffering from your life I don't know about the rest the 5% will get to that sometime that would already remove a gigantic chunk of unhappiness uh in whatever form unhappiness is the most generic term ter one could use the Buddha called it suffering and so for the next 6 months then uh that obviously is one of the practices uh not to internally resist your experience of this moment now of course many times possibly you'll forget that and that's fine the moment you realize that you forgot it it's there again and then you can accept the experience of this moment as the unhappiness that is arising in you because you forgot to accept your experience of this moment and so you feel this unhappiness arising in you and you say where does that come from oh I forgot to accept my experience of this moment and then you accept the unhappiness and the weird thing with unhappiness is when you completely accept the unhappiness it cannot survive very long it doesn't like it cannot actually coexist resist with acceptance so the weird thing then arises that you say something like okay I'm unhappy it's okay I don't mind being [Music] unhappy and then the unhappiness goes what's going on that's not supposed to happen the cannot the unhappiness cannot survive for very long with the acceptance even the acceptance of unhappiness not indulging in unhappiness but the acceptance now the acceptance of unhappiness it presupposes that there's an awareness there that knows that you're unhappy now that might s sound like something very natural but it isn't because the most unhappy people and there are still millions and of course they have reasons for being unhappy yes the and it's not necessarily the people who you'd think would have the the most powerful reasons for being unhappy it's often those who you would think well they are many millions you Happ it worse than they but these are more unhappy than those it's often the case so the unhappiness is something that when it it's recognized as unhappiness and accepted something happens to it it begins to dissolve but the really unhappy people are so identified with the unhappiness which is a combination of certain recurring thoughts in your head a certain narrative that is not pleasant whether it is about my life whether the narrative says my life oh Dreadful thing my life oh why did it all go so wrong so wrong wrong and now I that's say it's nothing I can do I'm this I or or whether the narrative is about somebody else you know what he did what she said and did and what and the narrative maybe about something that hasn't happened yet and it goes on and on or something that happened in the distant past or not so distant past there so there are the narrative and then there emotions that are reflection of the narrative The Narrative is thoughts certain types of thoughts certain thoughts that have a certain frequency and and then that awakens the emotional frequency because the body thinks the narrative in your mind is reality that is the reality that you're experiencing so you the body reacts with an emotion simple simple example at night you can't sleep because you're extremely worried about what's going to happen to you or somebody close to to you or even the world and it all sounds very critical there's a crisis in your head not outside outside your head there's a pillow and there's a the blanket or or even something big and fluffy and soft down du and there's no unhappiness there and if you look around the bedroom also where's the unhappiness the plant is okay it's not unhappy no it's all happening in here and then the body since that is your the critical reality that you inhabit you are there is a crisis in your life the body doesn't know the difference between what's actually happening and what's happening in your head what's happening in your head is taken to be the the absolute reality and then you experience the emotion that goes with those that kind of narrative and so there's no awareness and when you're trapped in that you don't even really know that you are unhappy because you are the unhappiness the unhappiness has become your identity so when you become the unhappiness you don't even know that you're or suff let's use the Buddhist term suffering when you are in this deep suffering you don't even know your suffering because the suffering is a gigantic huge chunk part of your sense of self you are a suffering entity and as all therapists know that once the patient or the client whatever they call the people that come to them according to their school the they reach a point where there's a possibility of going beyond the deep-seated patterns unconscious patterns and there's a huge resistance very often because the person is afraid of losing a very important uh piece of their identity and sometimes it's the most important part of their identity if they have lived with an unhappy sense of self for years and perhaps even decades they don't want to let go and again they don't know that consciously they they never say I do not want to let go but if they could say that then that means there's already some awareness so lack of awareness lack of presence that is the unawakened step that still unfortunately millions of humans are trapped in that but the moment you know you recognize your inner state that that means there is an awareness which is is a there is another dimension of Consciousness that has emerged in you through you a deeper dimension of Consciousness that is not the conditioned thinking so we can call it awareness we can call it presence you can call it the unconditioned Consciousness and then the beginning of Freedom the possibility of Freedom arises and it's from there that you recognize your inner states as they arise from there that you recognize your unhappiness and say oh you can you can feel the unhappiness but the moment you become aware of suffering or unhappiness in you you're no longer feeding it with your thoughts as long as you're not aware you're feeding it there's a vicious circle you're feeding it with your thoughts with your narrative and you're trapped in the Vicious Circle your narrative creates more unhappiness the unhappiness creates more thought and you're trapped in that so for the next six months and and hopefully Beyond because it's much more pleasant way to live uh make it your practice to be aware of your inner states and meaning no matter what situation arises in your life whether it's little things big things difficult situations difficult people challenges problems because the next six months are not going to be free of challenges and problems so whatever it is realize that the primary factor in any situation is your inner State because that determines how you respond so no matter what it is your primary responsibility is to be aware of what goes on inside you and that means whatever arises in your life is actually to be used in your practice so that you do not uh become dependent on what's going on externally in your life so your inner State gradually is no longer determined perhaps still a little bit yes but not completely determined by out events people situations and so on inner Freedom arises that's Awakening how bad does it have to get I mean to what denominator to what lowest level do you have to reach before people really make up their mind to change my message is why wait I mean when you're feeling so altered emotionally you feel so bad that's the moment you could actually see yourself for the first time because you're you're not answering your cell phone you're not responding to all your texts you're not watching TV you're not going out to dinners you're not calling people back you're something's altered in you and you're starting to become self-aware right so then people wait to that lowest moment where they can start to see themselves Through The Eyes of somebody else well if you're waking up every day and you're combining a clear intention with an elevated emotion and you're changing your emotional state to be elevated you could still see the old self from an elevated point of view and be stay conscious than from a limited point of view and that's what I want for people like let's go I mean what do you got to lose what people are going to start wondering like did you change your medication what's up with that guy something's different about him you're not predictable any longer right let we say to our our our community you know when you're changing you just stop talking about it you're just too busy being it something's happening you know and that's the repetition of getting a few days in a row of that really well I always say God if you had a great meditation you wake up feeling better at the end of that meditation than when you started and you do that the next day and then the next day you're going to start feeling better all the time and your body is going to start feeling better and everything's going to start feeling better and you're going to start feeling better about life talking about past and future and excessive emphasis on past and future in your life yes of course you need to have there's nothing wrong with having a certain intention of what you want to achieve take steps towards it it's it's part of living here in this Dimension you can't just say I'm never going to plan anything anymore just take life as it comes well some people try to do that but they're not that happy either after a while uh so then your life would get very diffused and so to have an intention to have to make a plan perfectly fine what either a shortterm plan like I'm going to meet you tomorrow at 4:00 how would you ever meet anybody if we didn't have time and and future in a practical level of course it's needed the question is whether future takes over your mind being able to use it for practical purposes is of course great but I call that clock time is fine but psychological time is when the future takes over your mind and your entire thought patterns are geared only towards future and you treat the present moment as either just a means to an end because it enables you to get to the next one you're always reaching out so to speak internally to the next you never quite here always looking for some fulfillment there so you can never embrace the fullness of now or you make the now into even an enemy some people are always unhappy you perhaps we all know some one or two people like that three we who are wherever they are they they're complaining is never quite right wherever they are or whoever they are with after a little while they're very uncomfortable again it should be somewhere else you know the bumper sticker that you see in some cars in the various versions of it says I'd rather be golfing and then another one says I'd rather be f fishing I'd rather be this I'd rather be there when I visited the the spiritual teacher ramas who lives in Hawai he has a bumper sticker on oh ramas was the person who in the' 70s wrote the book be here now that and anyway he has a bumper sticker on his car that says I'd rather be here now so so and and then you realize you can actually you can still pursue whatever an intention where you want to get to a plan I call that it's a bit like a journey your life is is a journey you're going you know you want to go from here to there whether you're going to get there we don't know maybe on the way you'll Branch out to somewhere else but at least you have a certain direction it's good to have some direction in your life but while you are traveling if the the your destination takes up most of your attention and your continous L focusing on there you miss all the journey really you can't enjoy the journey anymore and most of your life is the journey the arriving is relatively rare the wedding the and a few more graduation but so so those moments are not the fine for you between so the rest is the journey and if you can't enjoy the journey which means the step you're taking at this moment is really the moment most important thing yes of course you know you're going that way but this step is still to be enjoyed because that's ultimately your whole life consists of the step you're taking at this moment there is never anything else it is simply impossible to achieve long-term health and happiness if you hate yourself 100% this is so important because this is that was I have a memory of a point in my life where that change just like boom just like Tom already turned to switch because I I was on the edge of I could have been diagnosed as manic depressive well it happy most of the time but once it started going wrong then it was like this is wrong and then I give myself the abuse verbally oh not you're stupid you're not good enough what what's wrong with you lipon and I'd be doing that and I I was in my lab and I I just spent a procedure that took about an hour to prepare for the experiment and and if you mess it up just a little bit you have to start all over again the third time that day I messed it all up and now I'm really upset spent the whole damn day doing this it didn't work and then getting oh you idiot you can't do anything right and I was giving myself like a parent on my shoulder telling me where you're that's not good enough and I'll never forget there I was alone in the lab and I hear this voice and there somebody there I hear this voice like you know and and the voice says don't you have anything better to do than to listen to this crap I looked around I started to laugh because I said sure I'd rather go to a movie so there was a newspaper I picked up the paper I found a movie went off to the theater guess what that whole dialogue ended instantly I had a choice I had that's what it was saying I have a choice do you want to continue this conversation or you want to do something else that was the moment of empowerment that was so great because it said stop stop do something else get out of here and and next time I started to get a little depressed first thing that came back was the humor of that and I'd laugh and I go okay I'll do something else after three or four times guess what I've never been depressed since that time never why it it just doesn't hold in my mind if a if a depression you know like a negative thing starts happening I don't sit there and play it over and over and over again which makes you go downhill downhill I just oh I don't I have a choice it's a choice do I want to listen to this stuff or do I want to do something else to learn to manifest like Wayne check the video right there next to me I think you'll love it continue to believe and I'll see you there we are keeping ourselves from a destiny that we signed up for whatever you need will begin to show up the problem with most of us is that as it begins to show up
Channel: Evan Carmichael
Views: 12,325
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: entrepreneur, yt:cc=on, evancarmichael
Id: egJlseVBQh8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 154min 8sec (9248 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 05 2024
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