YouTube subscriber sent me his car to restore

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hey ufc here back at the game with another one have i got something to show you um i've been asked a few times now uh about uh doing people's cars from restoring them and whatnot i live a long ways away from you guys but uh something came up very interesting and one of you stepped up and sent me a car to restore stick around [Music] [Music] so so [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] all right here's what i got here now i got a 1970 vista cruiser wagon this car is owned by ben skeleton from charlotte in south carolina originally okay this car has come a long way the whole concept behind this has been in the works now for over a year uh ben has been around since the beginning when i think i was a thousand subscribers uh ben was in there and he was sending me messages we were chatting back and forth and he was telling me all about the car and what he was trying to get done to it and everything now ben's a young married man with two young kids a career on the go in the american air force uh he's in in the air force now 17 years he's a chaplain uh he's a busy man and he just decided instead of him trying to do the work he'd send me the car now i was a bit far-fetched at first because where i live is a good ways away the cars were shipped from sumter south carolina and had to go through toronto and canada and then make their way east to newfoundland now that's a long haul for some reason everything that gets shipped to newfoundland has to go to toronto first it's a shorter distance from south carolina to newfoundland if you come right up the coast through mainland that way but for some reason anytime you get something gets shipped here it has to go to toronto now the distance that was taken from toronto to here was uh what was that was like over 42 100 kilometers which is about 2 600 miles okay that's how far this car was made taking to get here december 22nd the cars were loaded up down in southwest somerton and uh they were in route went to toronto and they were held over in toronto for a while and about um february the 8th or the 8th february 10th uh they left from toronto to make their way to me and i received the cars february 13th you know you're talking that was almost a month of travel time between them cars now ben is quite interesting ben got a hold of me about this like over a year ago started out he was just a um you know a subscriber that was like you know look at my channel for help with his project everything as you know a lot of you are trying to help everybody as possibly as much as i can to at their projects and whatnot so i um we contacted talking back and forth one more and then he wanted to talk to me one day and told me that he wanted to ship this car to me now a few people have approached me on this already but because of the distance they it was a bit of an issue because of the timeline it gets upper boston he looked into it and he figured it was feasible for him to ship these this car here to me we got the ball rolling out we talked about it i told him there'd be no hard feelings running if you know he backed out at any time figured it was just too costly for him or whatnot but no he went ahead and got the car all ready got shipping quotes the whole nine yards what was going to cost to getting upper i won't be getting a dollar value on this you know this is between me and ben we know what costs for different things this is all about this bill is going to be all about the repairs on the vehicle get the car done and the whole point of finishing the car here in newfoundland that come from south carolina i haven't done any restorations now a while complete restorations all over as you can tell by my videos i do little patch repairs here on the air repair offender door cab that type of thing i've preferred that i kept it that way but this is an opportunity that i've that came along and i said to myself would be quite interesting to have a car ship to you from south carolina you restore it paint it finish it and then send it back i had no intentions ever like taking on full restorations anymore but you know a few people have contacted me and asked me about doing their cars and it was always the same concept where i lived to and all that type of stuff it was a great honor for some actually asking that but for an opportunity like this to come along was amazing uh ben sent us sending this car up here to me now for me to take it and restore it for him i'll be going doing bodywork paint the whole nine yards on this so i'll be covering all that basically much the same as i've been doing wendy's mustang uh doing this from start to finish we've talked some bit about doing an ls swap on it uh we're gonna leave that alone for now um you know i don't know how his budget is because i would like to get the car all done and painted or pretty well ready for paint and then we could sit down and rehash it off the issues with the car um if you notice now i'm going to show you a couple of things there is a parts car that came with this so he never sent just one car he sent two um this the parrot's car is another store in itself but there's a number of pieces that i'm going to need off the patch car for this one so like um we have a plan for a hood so i'm going to be building a custom-made hood for this car like the four four twos uh he looked into buying one tried to search for one they're extremely expensive i figured it'd be a nice challenge and make a nice video to build the hood out so i'm gonna the first video i'm gonna be doing on this car is gonna be on the hood the car has some rust and rust on the outside down low on the passenger side uh i'm after going over the car and after finding um two doors are bad on it a one fender is bad on it uh one quarter panel that has some damage and everything on it but like floor pans all that type stuff oh that seems good except for the very back end of it um there's a tail panel a floor pan that goes underneath the back of it because this hair got the she's the nine passenger wagon and they got this compartment there and that got rusted so i gotta build that panel if you remember if you go back through a few of my videos ben sent me a bead roller and that was the reason for that bead roller was to do that rear pan on the back of this here to build it like i do have a bead roll bead roller but i'd like to have a smaller bead and a step die so it was nice for ben to send me that which is great but ben's been good to me right from the get-go has been saying good things he's been sharing my content whenever he can it's amazing uh like you know how much he stepped forward to want to do a project like this the the car itself we're planning on planning on taking and doing all the metal work on us getting it all drivable is a good driver now and painting the car the he has a color picked out for us the color he got picked out for is nordic blue it's a ozobian color i'm pretty sure there's no real color i can't see nothing without me glasses yeah 72 also be alcohol he has a color scheme picked out i got a picture i'm going to put right here of the type of wagon that he's the idea he got in his mind to do with the car where did the car come from uh ben was telling me the car is a california car uh he bought it in california back in 2016 so he's got the car wild i'm pretty sure uh ben got this car through friends of his uh members of the uh southern california automobile club uh ben's a member of them and them guys have been great help firm for getting information and like we're trying to build this hood so a few of them have stepped forward and give us measurements under hoods and everything so it's quite quite interesting to see so thanks to them guys there she got some issues uh we're gonna work on getting the bumpers and straight away i had to pull a lot of the roof glass that bring out this here in a round of the because these kind of bubble roof on them and uh just some uh issues around the window to eat so i'm gonna have to have all the glass haul out of the car i'm gonna be taking all the panels off the doors uh i don't think i'm gonna take it off chassis um i'm trying to you know all that is time consuming and the more time it puts into it the more is gonna copy cost costly so i'm gonna concentrate on getting the car and he has a lot of work done to this car already the suspension uh he has transmission rebuilt in it he's got two little control arms just brakes on the front of it all that's been done on this car he wants to build it so that he could uh you know take his family and go for for bribes he's a great family rate him and his wife and his two sons can hop in and go right let's have a walk about this car now and look at what we're into to restoring this car one of the big things we're into is this hood okay the hood is just a plain jane hood we're gonna put a fork i'm gonna build a 442 hood for it i'll put pictures here explaining it i'm going to actually make a steel one for it a lot of these were fiberglass over steel and some were steel they are an extremely expensive food to buy i think it's going to be a fun challenge ben has sent me a whole bunch of pictures of dimensions and friends and people off the 442 site had the wagon site and everything have given him uh pictures and everything of all the measurements on the hood so thanks to a lot of them guys for doing that for us so that's one thing i'm going to be doing with it uh the the paint on the car looks to be pretty well original and fender net was replaced on it there's not a lot of paint on it so i can actually see what's been done of course all that's going to be stripped off it um this driver's fender front fender looks to be in good shape the bottom is bad from here down so i know i'm going to be getting into doing work on it there the door itself it's uh driver's door it's good per se got a bit of surface rust on the bottom corners there's nothing too serious on it all these moldings will be coming off and discarded he's not putting their moldings back on it again he wants to keep the original wheel opening mowings i'm pretty sure so i got to weld up all the holes that are putting as you can see people run it and what they had done put it on screws but that's basically it this back door is the same thing there might be a small bit of work down here on the dog leg i'm not quite sure yes there will be so someone has asked about doing dog blade work so we'll hang in now yeah there's my little for making dog legs someone asked me about making them that's going to be a good video and the bay inside the doors of this one here are pretty good it's all good clean up i'm going to be concentrating on doing metal work and getting this car to primer uh i'm going to it's going to be here i'm taking it in out of the shop because it's a big car to have around so i'll be taking it in doing so much work on it and putting it back in storage and whatnot this lower quarter here i'm pretty sure is good yeah this one's pretty good small smack and whatever but here's one of the issues we got all the thing the moldings were glued handles and these were known for leaking these windows so i'm gonna have to get all this glass removed out of this get all this chrome off it and the other parts car got a better window in it than this one here because you can see this one here is going white on the glass this is a very cool feature on these cars i always like to to me is one of the to me is one of the coolest wagons ever built because it had a glass roof and uh you know it's when you get inside the car and you look up and you can see the light very very nice feature okay beautiful car door like i said doors closed nice and everything back here now ben was telling me that this car was rear-ended had a smack in it this here i think he said it was a chevelle quite possibly i'm not quite sure but it's a try it's a hatch off a different different one that we're going to have to work on and it's not fitting properly so as you can see there's some damage here that i'm going to have to repair and fix up the body seams here close that up there there's a bit of an issue there and everybody's seam over here you see six out of small bit i'm a stickler for this stuff i like having all this stuff fit nice and again you can see the rust and around the base of the window i want to say there's holes there when i'm finished with it right going where the longest i get all that cleaned up right here see but this corner here took a fine smack he got a lot of damage and repair on it so i'm going to have to do repairs to that and do work on that lake over here too oh this dog leg looks good of course it looks to be filler in the bottom of the store so it's been repaired on it you can see his body work here from previous there's probably damage here that i'm going to have to strip off again removing the moldings this one here is one of the doors i'm going to put a bottom in this i'm going to put a bottom in that door as well as you can see but what's amazing with these doors is that the inside is perfect it's totally different than what i'm used to but usually if the bottom of the door is gone here there's nothing left on the inside but this one here the outer skin is bad but the intersection section is still good and of course then we got this bomb of this fender that i got to repair see that's probably the worst spot on the whole car and i will be doing all the repairs on that and of course you can see around the windshield she had her lead seams she must have been baked out in the hot weather because all our lid has been uh lifted you can see here's a lid seam there and you come back here and you can see the lead seam here now what this is here this is where the roof was joined on to the the pillar and down here there's another one now i'd say this here is different because of the different roofs that you get on these right it's unusual for them to have a lead scene here and here so this piece here was a separate section altogether from the quarter panel so it was a different roof that went on the car with this pillar which is quite interesting both sides are the same way for the lead seam you can see it over here lead seam on the roof so i end up having taken all the lid out of that and i won't be doing lead work again that's not very healthy this isn't by the day standards usually what i like to do is i i weld pieces in here now because when you take the this is where they join to where the spot welds were to on the panels what ends up happening just about a quarter of an inch gap there and this is what they did from factory to fill them all the lid what i done i got a video done on i welds pieces in there and then smooths it out so it's all metal again so there actually is no lead in the car some fellas were sticking or about legos originally we got to put it back in the car and this way came factory now our plan with this car is to make a nice fun driver but you know she needs work her interior he has plans for all that don't change all that colors might not because the car is going blue so he has uh he wants to put bucket seats in and get them holstered he likes them better on the bench but he still has the original bench seat for us and interior and all that type of stuff i don't know what his full plan is for that but i'm just i gotta concentrate on the outside for now here you can actually see the bottom side the spot i was talking about you see right here how bad it is so and this panel is very hard to come by it's not an easy one to get so i got to make the repair panels for this that's the reason behind the bead roller a little damage out here nothing serious and tail wipes operating a few times yeah should we carry underneath all right other than that but this this is pretty well the worst panel on the car and all the floors all that is really good in the car all the suspension points all that is you know in really good shape so i think i pretty well covered everything that i'm going to talk about i'm going to get started on this one soon i don't want i wanted to introduce you to the car and fill you in the story the back story what our plans are with us so before i get started on it uh you'll be seeing lots of videos on this car coming up i'm going to start off doing the hood first get that done so i'm going to be removing the hood off of this car and putting the car back in storage and just keeping the hood here so i can do the work on it that way and that way i haven't got to worry about having the whole car here i think that's pretty well it any questions or you know you want to talk about it and um be nice if we can find just the other car we're taking the glass out of one i was wondering how many of these are left around these roofs pretty nice to find up there um the glass right they have spares they're always good to have a lot of them got cut off and put on roofs of vans back in the 70s but yeah okay so i'm going to leave this one here and we're going to go ahead now and get started on this so next time you see anything with this car we're going to be cutting and welding on it anyway there's not much in the way of tips in this one here but anyway until next time [Music] so [Music] do [Music] do [Music] so [Music] do [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] oops
Channel: Fitzee's Fabrications
Views: 32,555
Rating: 4.9709377 out of 5
Id: 2PxwcFou3TY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 27sec (1467 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 20 2021
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