Using Rust To Restore!

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hey fitzy here back at it again another one i went for complete rockers uh lower door post sections inner floor sections lower sales cab corners i replaced everybody that's here and this section of the truck i never had nothing to go by other than this rusty piece of metal i'm going to show you how valuable it was saving this piece stick around [Music] all right we're back at the uh that's in the candle that's a pickup uh 72 i think it is 7273 somewhere around there uh this is what i'm into now uh in a previous video uh i went and replaced the inner rocker section and front mount and on the front floor pan i got all that done so now i'm on the outside here now this section here has been patched up before it's hard to see but there's a piece braised in it it also has a rocker panel put on us you can see there's rivets sniveling put in us so this is overlapped the original one so i think i'm pretty sure still underneath it and of course then i got this cab corner back here now i have nothing new i'm gonna have to make all this up the inner structure here is all bad so what i'm gonna do here first is i'm gonna remove this rocker uh this old rocker skin you can see there's rivets on the balance as well so this is riveted on and it seems to be also brazed on on the end so it's there a long time so i'm going to cut that off to see what's underneath it to uh see what we got to go by because the problem you got when you overlap a pan like this here all your gaps close up and whatnot so like the the gap for the door is probably down here somewhere not up here where's two so so i'm gonna go ahead now i'm gonna strip that off and see what we got so i went ahead and i got it all cut out got the piece cut out you can see the original inner rocker section is still there now you can just imagine this here this is bare metal i never done nothing with this and and this was braised in it so i'm going to say this panel has been braised in this car some 30 years i'd say here's the inner panel that's bare metal yes it's rusted on the bottom a lot of people ask me you know how to protect your metal inside this is a truck that's been in newfoundland now a long time this rusted out in the 70s i'm willing to say for sure this rocker panel was probably put on because that's when brazing was on the go so that's probably four years ago and they cut it off and they never done nothing with us you can see there that's just grinded off i never done anything with that that's just bare metal there and in here as well you can see where they grinded it down that's still bare metal it's not uh you can see over here starting to rust in some spots might not but it's something to be said about like you know bare metal in different places because like you would think now that this here be all rusty inside this here but like you're talking about that that was overlapped some 40 years ago and was never even treated like people have a concept of rust that if it doesn't paint that is just going to come out of nowhere uh that's not so much the the case a lot of problems with rust in cars comes from driving them in harsh sweaters you know a lot of people talk about treating metals and stuff like that i agree yes it should be all painted and treated on the inside and whatnot but if something be said about a panel that was put on 40 years ago in bare metal okay now there's the amount of rust that happened in 40 years okay there's cars out there that are from the 90s that rusted worse than this that was only an old patch panel that was brazed on you see it was brazed on here so it's not like it was something that was put on two years ago this was put on at least in the 80s like i don't know too many fellas in the 90s that were still brazing panels on one or two maybe both like you know so you can go back that far and it's still 25 30 years so now enough about that what i went indeed now first thing you're going to want to do is start cutting everything out of us cut all the rust out of it get it all out of the way get back to fresh metal because we got some stuff to do on the inside the problem i got with this truck is i have no panels okay i got nothing to go by so when i cuts all this out of the way i'm going to be left with nothing what am i going to go by so what i went and did is i turned around and i took some measurements here and i got some marks made here from a template that i got made up to go on there i measured from here i got a measurement wrote here and i got a measurement wrote here and i also got a measurement rope from this line that i marked here over here i'm trying to get this point here my whole goal is right now is to concentrate on this area here not going to worry about none of that okay can't go caught none of this out of it yet can't go cutting under this side of it yet because the problem i got is i need each individual part to continue on i gotta start somewhere if you cut all this out of this panel you've got nothing to go by how far out do you come how far down do you come you don't know so right now i have this point right here which has a piece of metal done over the top of it so it's probably you know 18 gauge or in the case of this here i think that's about 22 gauge so that metal they're so pretty closer so i got this point here that i can go by because that's still original there okay and so i measured off it is here which is this part here which is the original rocker panel and i measured up and i got that measurement so now i know it's my height over here i just took a rough measurement from here out to here to make sure this plane is the same here okay roughly about that i took a measurement a diagonal measurement from here up to here to that point so then i had that point there so i got two points now to find out where all this to plus i took a measurement from here to this point here so i got lots of measurements there now what i went and did is i took a piece of cardboard tony with templates i got this here now made drawn up as you can see a couple of temps out the outside line is what i'm going by and that fits right there and that lines up at the bottom and gives me my shape and all that type stuff and then on the back side over here i have a couple of points marked and don't get carried away with this you can see that distance in there and you can line up their marks there so they lines up good there and same with the bottom one down here so i got a couple of points that i can put that piece of cardboard that will actually give me this intersection here so now i got something to go by to get that straight away i think i have enough measurements uh like this one here is going to be this width here we know that right and i'm going to leave most of that there so i'm going to go ahead now as i'm going to cleave off this corner here and start here i'm not going to cut all this rocker out of it because i got to get inside there as you can see i got an inner rocker gone here so i got to work on that section there but i'm going to try to take this apart in one piece i'm going to go in here i'm going to cut a section of this out of this come up across here come across here down here i'm going to try to take a large chunk of this out of it so then i still got something to go as a template i see too many fellas chopping stuff out of cars and then welling stuff back up and then realizing you know nothing's fitting right bottom of the door sticks off the gaps are not right this is your template all this stuff is your template as rusty as this is this is still retaining its original shape as you can see there so i want to save all this here to have something to go by now i got that cut out of the way you can see now i got to work with that there so i could start repairing this here i caught a section of the rocker out as well well here's what i went and did i saved it right i cut it out well the right way i cut it out such a way that i still had retained all the pieces see how everything was put together how the rocker continues on inside the inside the truck it just ends and how it joins i went and uh googled some pictures and the rocker panel just flows right into this here there's no seam or nothing here so i'm going to repeat that as well so i'm going to say there was probably some sort of lead seam or something they had there or brazing or something the buns are hard at the cab corner and the rocker was one but all the pictures i've looked at there is no seam here but i'm going to save this now i got that for measurements and just check for shapes and to get ideas of how things put together all right there's another piece there i always like to save this stuff because uh i can always use it for reference right now i'm going to go back over here now and i'm going to start cleaving this out of the way here i'll take a measurement just make sure i got the right length it's going to come to here anyway so there's no big measurements but it do kick out on the bottom and i got an issue here of the seat belt bolt so i'm going to remove that and put a whole new piece there and reinstall that bolt back in place again so that'll be nice and strong again and i'll come over here so i'm going to cut it right off clean it right off and replace all the pieces clean all this off here so i'm gonna go ahead now and get this all ready and start making a piece for that okay i got everything cut out of the way got the piece coming out of it so i'm back to solid metal now on everything so i'm happy with that so now what i'm going to do first i'm going to i always tell everybody we'll start working from the inside out so i'm going to do this floor section first then i'm going to do this back section to come down that goes across here for the bottom of the inner door post and then i'm going to do this lower section here so there's going to be three sections made out of it um so i'm gonna go ahead and start making that before i get started i want to thank a subscriber uh he sent me a little thank you box he sent me out a grinder and some cotton wheels uh you know who you are thank you very much this is greatly appreciated another grinder to add to the list there's nothing wrong with getting a nice little casino oh yes by some group riding stones as well that's deadly what's the product then that they're made up i don't know if i've never used this stuff before they small the grinder this little body on us it's much the same as my other one this one here i got a lot of years i got a couple of them there that one here is uh much the same as the ones that i used to use which i greatly appreciate and modify the guard on that that is a great thank you from a subscriber greatly appreciate it and uh i want to get some good use of all that and i'll put it to good use so i'm going to set that up there and i'm going to use that today all right i got the piece all cut out trimmed up and fitted you come over here now i got this all trimmed up i got the piece on the back side there drilled out for spot welds i got the spot on the back your drill now for spot welds this piece here is going to come in here i already trimmed it up now so it'll bolt well there and what i'm going to do then i'm going to do the cotton butt from underneath so i got to cut up here in the end open this corner here i got that cut back right there there you go i got that cut back there so we bought onto that and then it comes out and there's a bit of a lip on that and i'll cut that off there do a cotton bottom and clean up along there and i'll clean up that section there and i'll weld this in there you have the first piece welded in i bought welded it in down along here along here plug welded it up here as you can see here some plug welded there and i got the lift lift on it and then i come in here and i re-welded it again in here and then i grind it all down so i got that ready to go so that piece is done so now i'm going to move on to this piece i've uh i haven't said it enough that just work it one piece at a time finish it right off this is done now i'm going to do nothing else with it you know the whole thing is done grinded the whole work so now i'll do is i'll go in here and i'll start working on this piece here and get that finished up okay i got a piece of steel cut out here i got a lined up level on the bottom for some reason i managed to call it the exact width i think it was only five and a half inches but anyway so then i had to notch it down here because this has a stick off if you look over on the other side over there you can see that it sticks off a bit on the back side so i got that done there and i level it off across here with the original rocker some may say tony wanted to cut the entire inner rocker out of it this is rusty it's a surface crosstalk that is a solid steel same one in here on the floors some of you are seeing a lot of rust on the bottom of this truck it's still solid i'm well into it so if it was rusty you would mail a well to it i cleaned it up in well's best con it's more of a like a heavy scale rust on it you clean that off it's very nice i'll clean all that off paint now before what's the rocker but anyway so i got that all fitting in there now where i'm happy with it level here sticks off here and now right here this rocker has a lip on it there's a lip under in a rocker that rolls along here it turns up for this here i marked it here and i marked it on the inside you see right here you can see there's a step in it and that step you flows up here and then flows into this here so that panel there will go like that so what i need to do now is i got to make duplicate this little section here for the panel now back over the voice again here's the piece i got marked out right here that's the liner that's the upper lip so what i need to do is this here needs to come down turning and then go this way i don't want to bend it up here anymore and that got to roll there so this sure got to stand off so it's going to tap that device and i'll do on a flat section first and then i'll work on the rolled edge see me do this in other videos my voices are great i got an old hammer old masonry hammer looks to be [Music] [Music] so now if you look at it you can actually see it rolls back so now what i'll do is i'll work on rolling this edge here i'll do the same process but i'll just use not an angle here there you go nice little roll edge okay as you see here now i got a hole drilled that's for the seat belt bolt how about clean this up off piece of steel it's plating system it was held down with four spot welds here and i'll just repeat the same process again that was mounted out here like so the knowledge is i went over on the other side there took a measurement off the other one from the inside and repeated over here got the right height so you can see that it's pretty well close to the floor i'm gonna set this one up over here now so i can weld it on and i'm gonna i mark that just now on the intersection so i can clean that out of the way or give a bit of room in there so then i can go ahead and start setting this up for well this and all of it and did then i clamped it in place here mark this then i've marked the four locations drill out spot welds i have them drilled out all i'm going to do is i'm going to go in now and plug well all these in place and then that will be uh attached back to the way that was from factory go in the head and marked it and drill out some spot welds i got them all set up here now i got the pieces painted on the inside and out so i can actually weld all this together here now trying to weld this piece on next and have that done i went and caught it and i caught the boat on this here because i want to get the fit nice i had to put a little dimple in it right here where the actual scene came down and ended here so i went ahead i went ahead and just put that in the vice and hammered it down it's just a little tiny dent all i did is i uh use the gap and then before cap like that lay it flat on that and hammer it down into it so i did there so i'm gonna go ahead now and i'm gonna weld all that in place and get that panel finished so okay i got that all welded in got it all growing down ready to go and i went ahead then and i made this piece just a flat piece of steel got a band on it i notched it out uh with the uh all i did there is used the grinder and the stone and then i took the die grinder dressed it up so it will fit around the seat belt because if you look over on the other side over there and zoom in on this you see the way that curves around us so i went and duplicated that also if you look closely you'll see it comes straight down right there come straight down there which is basically the same as what i got down here so i just made that piece up just bent it up in the vice so now i'm going to go ahead i'm going to weld that one in it's only spot welded in on the back side here a couple of spot wheels and then i plug welds on the top and then i'm going to weld it in along this section here on the inside out and i'll dress that all up and all so i got that welded in as you can see there now so now it's all structurally sound again you may look here and see a bit of a the way this goes like this but the other side if you look closely it's the same way so the outer piece now that goes out here we'll go over to them and there'll be a little triangle shaped piece in here and inside but i welded it on the inside and i welded it out here as well and then grind it all off then i come around the back here and never grinded them off yet because i got the two of them plug well there so i got that done and i went ahead and i cleaned up the bottom side of this here and i drilled two access holes that he can use then to uh paint or to spray oil or something in if he wants to because that'll help sell saber so now what i'm going to do next is this panel here and i'll overlaps the corner i'm going to continue on and make the back of the cab first make a piece that comes down here and a spot wells on here and then make all this one piece so that i can go from there i'm going to cut this section here off now up here i'm going to come across here and do a tighter job and just cut it below this crease here i must keep it in this roll okay so here's what i got done i cut out a piece of steel that was too wide too long and i bent it on 90. you could try to bend this on an angle like this here but i always find when you've got square edges uh you got reference points that you can go off to to get some metrics right like to get this 90 degree here so all i did then is i marked out how much of this here was going to be sticking out on the bottom which is about an inch and i knew that there was going to be a lip coming in and going down this way so this back lip which goes down this way here will spot well down here would only be up an inch so then i just turn around and then i mark a straight line from the original panel after i removed this paint piece here i just made a straight line straight down through here then i went over and i picked up this that piece you can see there's a crown and a little small crown and all the way down right and then i size up the way the back side was mounted it's even good i sized up the way the panel was mounted in the back and i had to see there on the phone i saw as the powder overlapped and how it went and you can see that it's going to come to about an inch on the bottom wide from the bottom side so i went ahead and i marked this out an inch here and then i just put a gradual thing and this here haven't got to be so precise because the panel's overlapping over inch so i'm going to go in now and i'm going to cut this piece off have that piece there and come up here i'm going to trim some of this off a bit more and then i'm going to mark this here and i'm going to bolt my left piece in okay i trimmed this back a bit more so i got into good metal and i laid this up in place and got it where i wanted it to go and then i scribed it you can see the scribe mark there and so now i'm going to go over a cut deck box i'm not going to worry about uh overlapping this and doing the cutting board on it because there's a straight piece i can get at both sides of it so i'm just going to go ahead cut that off there now and fit that under weld it in okay so i got that all spot welded in all welded up along there all grounded up ready to go i welded it on the inside as well and leave all that along give strength so now i went ahead and i started on this piece here now you would think here that uh you just take a piece of metal here bend it on a 90 there you go and then you know put a couple of slats in it and bend it but the problem i've always found when you're cutting slots and metal is only going to kink here it's only going to kink here you know it's very hard to get a real gradual roll it's great if you're going to start it up perfect but what i what i like to do here is i'm going to make this outer section first okay this just flat section make that out here so it goes down amounts on the rocker and then what i'm going to do i'm going to make it wide enough that i can put a half rolled edge on it here okay a little tiny bit of roll edge on it here and then what i'm going to do is take the flat piece here and put a little bit of rolled edge on that there and then weld the of them down through the seam here well i'm on the inside and i'll get it nice because it's got a fairly big roll out i think a roll in a bender will be too tight so i went ahead and i bent up the piece this is what i did i made a piece it's a little bit wider a little bit longer then i went and fitted on this here this is the template that i had and i uh bent it up so that it fit it it fit that marker line that i got there that's the shape that it's got the contours got to have a little joint up there where that bead is too coming up top side and then this is the rocker down here so then i come over here then and i'll fit that piece there like so so you got it clamped in place and you can see the way it's shaped there the way it comes down around and you can see now this piece here probably had to be trimmed off a bit more so it'll roll it fit nice and i turn around i took the cardboard template again and i fit it up against it like so so fit it nice like that and i got to where i'm happy with it now now what i'm going to do is i'm going to put a little rolled edge in my little t-dolly right down through here [Music] so oh try it again [Music] there it is weld it up inside i roll the edge on it what i'm going to do now is i'm going to grind and dress that rolled edge all the way down through there so the back corner and then i'll have to and i'll cut it off the right width that it needs to be because that strip is too wide so i'll go dress that up now here it is i went ahead and i grinded and dressed it all up i went and fit it in place i scribed this along here and then i i just cut it clean right off flush because i needed to have this nice fit here and this nice fit here for all this to work and then i went ahead and i put some clecos in it the whole place i would check make sure that it was straight this way put a straight edge along it i'm happy with that now as you can see now it's a little bit longer here which is good i was concerned i was concerned about that now i can't do nothing else with this for now but i needed this here for a reason because i needed this bottom edge i needed this lower lip here and i needed the crown so when you look down this way here i had something for the rocker to flow to okay and to go off this piece here or this piece here mounts on top of this here this piece mounts on top of the rocker okay now you would think that okay let's go ahead and make the rocker first but the problem he got had to make the rocker first is this contour okay if you had to make the rocker and then try to put the cab corner on it you would have found the rocker out too far or in too far now i got a something to go by here's my shape of my rocker panel there now coming up here like that so that's the shape that i'll use to make the rocker panel and i'll make it all cause this rocker panel goes in behind this with the big old piece there it is if you look at it there's the rocker panel that goes it passes in through us the actual rocker do it almost goes right to the back end of it so i'm going to do the same thing with it pass it right on through the panel but i need it to because you could tell that this here mounts is the same shape as that's the rocker there and then that joins under the cab corner so i'm going to go ahead now and i'm going to make the uh rocker panel next and i'm going to make it so that it goes in like this one here too i got to make some changes dude i'll show you that uh when it gets it gets to that point but uh this is one reason why try not to destroy things this piece here is more valuable to me than anything i can get a lot of measurements and go back for references off of this rusty old piece of metal so it's always good try to save them cut them out on the good sections of the metal don't be afraid to cut metal out of the car because you're going to weld it in most fellas might have turned around trying to cut this across here and chopped it out of the way first and but that's a crucial piece for if you got nothing to go by so i'm going to go ahead now and start getting ready to make the rocker panel so here's how i want to make this i know i have this distance here from here to here which is this bottom here so i know i got to come up a certain height and then come out i got a flat piece of steel here all i'm going to do is i'm going to bend this shape here and roll this edge here so this fits parallel to this hair when i got that so it rolls up there nice i'll take this over here bring this over here next to this one i clamp it on here and then i'll continue on following this section here so that way i'll get the proper contour of what the rocker should be there's what i got done been back and forth to the voice a couple of times bending up this piece of metal so i got it now flush against this hair so it's got the nice flow on it here it's flush on the bottom here and i got all the bends in it it fits right nice on that it's got the shape that i'm after so now that i got that done i let it go here and i bring it over here line this up on the bottom of this like so and just clamp it on but now i've got that flush to the bottom of that and that's coming up there now there's my next band there now and now i'll follow it on it and i'll copy the top from this side over here as you're bending this stuff up you'll have troubles like how am i going to get that measurement there all you got to do turn it upside down and mark it that way because you're all you're looking for is that length and you're looking to put the next bend in it so just mark it and you'll have your next bend and you're going to bend that up down you'll have it all straightened away now there it is all made up flows the blonde right nice along the edge there comes down around it's got a little crown on it just no rocker panels are reflect there's always a small crown on them and it's flush on the bottom there okay and i brought it over here and the problem i got now is when i fix it over here with this lip up here this bracket's in the way so what was close i never changed much down here by my bent to top out just to make sure the bottom never changed and it's best gone now you may ask why do you want to be doing the likes of this well you got precise measurements here now on this piece here okay now the problem like i never made this in two minutes uh i got up here and start making bends and what he ends up doing he stands up starts chasing it this here is not high enough or it's too high so then he starts flattening this out which makes that longer which makes that into further so then you got to chase the the angles all back through it again you'll get to see what happens when your bends metal and you find out that like you know if this hair is too high right here then what ends up happening then when you flatten this out you make this side longer so that'll happen if you've made a rocker panel and trust me if you does that on a rocker panel and has it out too far you're going to be chasing down you're going to have a big mask on the full end of it so you got a nice little template so as i bands up this rocker now i'll use this here to take my measurements off of and make sure that the bins are in the right locations i'll fit this into it this should overlap right onto the panel when it's done so then uh i got that made now i'm going to go ahead and i'm going to cut a piece of steel out now and i'm going to make a rocker a little bit too long earth piece of steel and it'll come right into here and i'm going to end up bending up all that entire rocker next all right i went ahead and i cut a piece out cut a little bit bigger a bit higher normal down that piece of uh locker door piece and already had a 90 vent in it so i'm going to use that as my bottom section here that will be my first bend so what i went and gave is i took the protractor and i measured each individual one just for argument's sake this is the last one i measured that's that one there i measured that one there and what i did is it right here on this edge here if you can see it there's little the dimples and what i did is i marked each one from one before and i took a hammer and a punch and punched it so then i got married through it and now when i flip it over i got little marks on the bottom side too so rotating it back forward i got a little mark where i can actually uh put my bends to also uh got the marks put there and i went around and repeated the process on this side here so each time i marked i measured out i marked it i did build it on both sides then measured the next one dimpled it on both sides and so on and so on so what i'm going to do now is i'm going to start making each individual bend i got my first bend that's already in it so now i got to put this roll on here so i got to be gentle on that there what i'm going to do is i'm going to work this roll and i'm going to get it fitting under the car on the truck the way i want to get it fitting and i'm just going to take my time take my time work this corner here then i'm going to work on this roll edge and then i'm going to go that one there i'm going to try to finish it off as best you can i knows when i gets up in here and gets these bends here things are going to get a little bit out of hand and the brake because the brake's not going to be on hand i got to figure out some way of doing these and i'm thinking about doing the inside one first this one this one this one there might be enough therefore to grab that bottom one so that's my plan anyway start me inside walking way out now i went ahead and i uh bent first bent distance square because i was on a bit of an angle got that straight now that's it now all i went and did is i made the bend on it i put it on the little mark and i bent it on that and now i'm lining this up here like so as you can see it's not right up here just got a roll on us and and i knows from what i was playing around with earlier that if i bends it so this hair is flat uh it's going to be too tight down here so now i'm going to roll this edge here to uh to get this to roll for this panel here to fit right as you can see the way that that goes like that i got to roll that panel now for that to fit in there before i do the next one i'll do this a bit different i'll come up through it notice that he's just tight on the rolled edge i know i gotta even go across so i'll just start working this across like so this stuff is not easy to bend up now i took a bit i ended up putting too big of a roll in here and i put too big of a roll in here and i ended up having to take it out of this a bit but i got a nice crown on it now all i did is after i put it in it and i and i rolled it and the roll was too big i went over and re-clamped it down into the break again i just clamped it down tight and that just bent it back out again i was trying to get away from not wanting the hammer it to get the roll out of it it's a hit miss type thing right trying to get this to roll a small bit the pipe air voltage well i got overboard with it as you can see here now here's your little roll it's a lot harder to work with this 18 gauge to bend it and roll it and stuff like that you do it a lot easier with 28 22 gauge that's why you see a lot of guys rocker panels making them up and making them out of lighter steels that's just easier this stuff is not that easy to bend and go back and forth from side to side on one or break it has to be on that angle there all i'm doing is i'm holding this here parallel to the balls of your left see what angle this is on and you can see just kind of go back to the ways it's going to go right back to the touches i don't think i'm going to get it whatever way you can do it work each bend until it's at the angle that you want that it's almost here you can feel the metal movement scratch the bandwidth there we go i'm happy with that all right this one here this bin here is turning to be a lot harder than i expected this bend here i gotta try to bend this one up here the problem with it is this is where the bend bending gotta be and this is what i'm running into so this can't fit into the into my break so uh now i've been sizing this everything up here now and i've run into a dilemma because these bends up here i can't get them in the brake i can't bend these in the brake the way it is uh because of my brake because of this lower bottom foot down here uh when i put it in the brake as you can see that there is not going to reach there you turn it upside down it doesn't work uh so i got to thinking about and i come over here sizing up things and i come to realize that uh tony the upper rocker is in good shape even down here they brazed onto the doorpost and everything but still it's all this is a good shake so a change plans what i'm going to do now is i'm going to cut it off here and i'm going to make a small section to go through here that'll weld down to the factory rocker here then the existing rocker that i made is going to come up here and go in and weld in this inside seam here uh it's probably the best way to go about doing it because i'm afraid what's going in the pattern when i start making these bends i'm going to lose the distance it's very tricky to get the this distance right and get this distance right you see me when i was making this piece i made this piece two or three times and it had changed the bends so you can only imagine doing it with a piece that's 40 inches long so uh i uh you know the more i sized it all up uh you know i'm building out of 18 gauge this stuff here if you want to build it out of 22 gauge you can make rocker panels all day you can make that piece out because you can manipulate it and bend it but why makes everything out of 20 out of 18 gauge it's very hard to bend sometimes over long distances so you know you got to compromise and you got to sit down and rehash and rethink things i've been playing around with this now 20 minutes trying to figure out what i'm going to do and the more i look at this here and say well tony that's all this is original leave it be so there you have it trimmed it up i got to fit through pretty good now so that's it won't look bad i'll weld that inside the inside edge there and the way it sits down here what i got to do next now is i got to cap the end of this here because this here will be capped and then i'll have a lip on it going in behind this piece here when it goes to make this here that that weld to that because i'm feeling behind it the rocker comes to about right here on the inside so we just a little one-inch lift put on it but uh don't ever get overwhelmed uh like you make a plan like we made a plan that we're going to continue on up here and go on with this piece here but as i got into it and where i'm using this heavier steel it uh i start realizing that was gonna be an easy undertaking so now if i want to i can bend this up piece up here now and then join it back in and do the same thing again and just make it two pieces that that could have been an option but i was looking at this here and this is so forgot the original holes and everything in it is in good shape so i said no i'm gonna leave that there now join back into that and just tidy up this section up here again because this here wasn't rotted out rusted out it's just that when they put the other rock around they brazed down over it so i'll clean all this up here every well where i caught it here and dress it all up and that looked fine that'll be great there all right so i went ahead and i bent this up just a few bends you can manage to do this in the break without initial and i got that all fit i caught that the bolt there i overlapped it marked it and then uh turned around and i cut it off so i can bolt it off so i'm going to go ahead now and weld that place there and have that piece done also i have i got to cap the ends i got this here straight away so i'm happy with it there's the end of this too there we go so i set this up so i'm happy with this edge here so that's a nice roll on that and what i'm going to do is i'm going to cap this in like so for now just cap the end of it right off address it so it's a nice rolled edge on it so that'll be the spot where the defender will come and lay against this hair and i'll have it stepped in because it's supposed to step in a bit and i'm going to have to put a little lip all the way around and again for the fender to rest on okay i got the end of it all welded up cap on it i'll show you that when it takes it apart i got all rolled edged and everything so i've got a nice edge on let's roll corner so i got something to rest on and i turned around i went up and i welded up the section here i caught the bottom off the uh the door post itself there's supposed to be a lip going across here and i noticed that it's going to get in the way of welding this on right here running this on through here so all i'm going to do is i'll put a new piece back in here and spot where the dialing factory so i can get it at this corner here and weld it on and i went ahead and i trimmed it all back so this here will line right up along here and come over here you can see i got that piece welded in going along here spot welded in going in i got this fit in place then i went and did a quick test fit and trimmed up the end of it so that the cab corner will uh will fit into the rocker panel and there's a nice fit going along there as you can see and on the bottom it's a nice fit and now that i'm happy where everything is sitting to that i got everything where i got to go to i'm going to sit down now and get ready now to weld this in on a drill hole spot wells have all that done paint everything inside uh i'm going to install the rocker and everything and have that done up here in the front uh more size and all i'm going to leave this section alone for now because i got to take it all off i'm going to need the fender to uh address all this problems and issues up here so i'm going to finish it to the here all the way back on everything including all the in back here finish all this for on this one here because there's a lot of work as you can see here's the fender there's the bottom of the fender that's missing that much that's what's going down here so i'm gonna have to figure all that out she's made not mean [Laughter] there's a lip there on this rolled edge on it it's always key with them gotta weld it on the inside so i can roll all the edges roll the upper corner it looks like a proper rocker panel later on i'm going to have to weld a piece under this here to come down for the rocker to come off so i'll build off of that went ahead and drilled all the spot welds in the bottom for that there so i'm going to go ahead now and i'm going to paint all this and get this ready to paint they're ready to weld on and i'm going to paint all this and all up inside there got all that done lots of paint on it and then get that ready to well done so i went ahead and got all this painted a little dry for a couple hours same with this hair got all this painted all this is is a a rust paint there's nothing fancy or not like that not inexpensive as long as there's some sort of paint something out to protect it i put a couple of coats on it so it's nice and thick i'll go in now and fit this all up and mark and grind off all the spots where the spot welds are going to be too and then i'm going to go ahead and i'm going to weld this whole section in place and have that done so that i can start working on this corner here so i got it all welded in across here oh well then nothing pretty then of course there's all spot welder down there i'm gonna go ahead now and i'm going to finish all this off and have it all ready before i move on the next piece i think i'm going to finish this side off first have all this done clean all this up here put the piece back in here dress it all up have that finish there before i go on to do this section over here is a bit more complicated because i still can't put the cab corner in it until i make all this up all right uh we've talked about the flex cut wheels before uh i've talked about how good they are 15 air i'm shell to say it right this time i have to say it wrong a couple of videos but uh these are the wheels i was talking about i'm going to show you here now uh what they're like i have spot wheels here gotta grind off i'm gonna show you how easy and how quick these tears these down i got four spotlights [Music] [Music] so as easy as that i have always found them a lot faster and than anything else i've ever come across it's amazing look at all that we rounded up there and i got all in here grinded up all that's done there and i've re-welded a couple of spots again and re-rounded again but it looks good there now so it's got a nice inner age into it and i come over here and i'll start cleaning all this up and i got this edge in here cleaned up very nice now i got a piece made to go in here got this little piece now made to go in here i'm i'm very stickler i like leaving all these body seams and the door posts a lot of times when you look at a lot of cars they had any major door post repairs the ends of welding all this stuff up or filling over it you never sees it so i like it when you open the door and you see this stuff so i'm going to go ahead now well all that in tack weld it in and dress it all up that didn't last long i got as far as that piece laid in place and run out of gas i'm the mig welder and it is quarter after nine tonight so and it's dark out so i'm gonna have to go get a bottle of gas in the morning anyway okay i got me a bottle of gas and i got uh i also picked up a roll of water i'll explain that down a minute uh this is straight co2 a number of people have said uh co2 argon mixes are better yes they are better if you're getting into finesse welding and stuff like that but if you're just doing this auto body welding sheet metal stuff that is all you're going to need because you're not concerned about pretty wells you're good about you wants penetration and that's it you're going to grind it all down anyway so um this here is much better for doing auto body uh i i do all my welding with co2 it has a bit of splatter and stuff like that but i priced up a bottle of co2 or co2 ergon mixed this morning which is a little bit bigger bottle and the price of it was twice as much as this and you don't get twice as much in the battle no it cost you twice as much more than twice as much this was a 80 bucks and i think um the batlove co2 ergon mix was 170 so you know the price range varies and we're two and stuff like that but i just did not justify paying the extra to get argon mix for doing sheet metal work now this size bottle here that's a large roll of wire size is that 11 pound roll i think it is five yep five kegs eleven round eleven pound roll um i go through uh about a roll and a half to one battle so every time i get a bottle of gas i pick up a new roll of wire because i know i'm going to run out of wire before it runs out of gas and that's just neck i get into so this is the quick little thing i get the large rolls right it's not small or all small or different i just got myself into a routine i know what i'm going to get into so i got the bottle gas and it's just co2 and 11 pound roll of 023 wire anyway let's get this all together and get back to welding this up there it is pieces i'll put in spot welded in weld across here everything's been grinded up and dressed up cleaned up all in all the top edge of it there so that looks original again now i always likes these seams going along here it's always nice to have the nice factory seam in it when you're looking at cars this is the stuff when you open the doors you look for if you don't see this stuff you know this has been a pile of work done to it but if you do a nice enough job on it people won't know the difference anyway okay now we're going to move on over to here now lay that piece back in place again and the reason why i done that i got this piece here and these are the reasons why it hangs onto this stuff you can see where the original one end is so i marked this in here off of this here so i know that when this piece here comes down this is where it's going to end now i'm going to make it all longer and everything and overlap up here until it gets it all made so it fits in there and then i'll actually trim it and cut it to fit the whole nine yards and this came along here like so and then the turn went out on angle now i still haven't put the cab corner in for a simple reason that the cab corner goes on last you can see it overlaps all this this overlaps this panel here so i got to make this panel before i can install that but i was using this panel that i made to get everything fitting so it all look right so i'm going to go ahead now i'm going to start making all these pieces here to go along here to come back so i can get the well this door post section so i can get ready to put the cab corner in the final piece first thing i'm going to start off with is getting this panel here one panel at a time and we'll go from there don't overthink this like this got a lot of shapes going on but right now all you're looking at is getting this piece here get that sword out i just cut out a scrap piece of steel that i had over laid that in place it's going to come down i want to go past this because i'm going to cut this off after so i'll get it all cleaned up nice and get a nice sharp edge and also always make it a little bit longer and i'm going to overlap it up here and i'm going to click go down to that there for now all i'm going to do is i'm going to go over in the pipe bamboo now and shape this to fit in there all it did is i stuck it in there and just rolled it all the way around it because there's a nice big crown on it i probably couldn't roll it this way too i think that there might be more like it but i want to get it something that i can actually roll around and now i've got a nice round panel to start with there you go it's a nice little fit like so i'll tweet that a bit more now and then i'm going to mount two click those in that deer so i got somewhere for that something to start with so now i got this mounted in place as you can see i got my mark right here and i got the cleat go behind it because i'm going to be welding back here and this is going to be cut off after the fact and i just got the shape here if you're looking behind you see it flows down it comes down around that and it goes flat it is here where he wants it to so it's got a nice crown edge on it like that there so that'll be your first piece don't worry about i need this here next thing i'm going to do when i was inside here i got a little bit of a gap in here that i can uh drop a panel in there so i'm going to cut a piece out now that's going to fit in there and slide right down there a large piece all i'm after is to get this inside cornered edge first i went over already to in the junk bench and i had this piece here there's a broad overnight on blaze and it almost fits i'll trim that up now so it fits down the better and then all i'll do is i'll come over here now and i'll weld all the sand in here well that in take that off i'll finish these two panels off have it done i'll probably even go to the point where i'll actually trim that off there now so that it actually looks like the original lip on it but i'll go fit this in here and weld it on now i got that all tackled in place i'll take it off and i'll weld it all up and dress it up so i trimmed it off then i come over and clamped it placed and i just took the grinder then i grind the back flush all this here down here is now but up here this will all be going back small bit when i cut it all off this will slide back to small bit it won't be thrown off that much on the bottom and so now i got to work on this now the issue i got here is that this here comes out and turns up and goes away to almost half an inch or something if you see here the bottom of the panel right here this here this is the width here and then it fades away so he turns it upside down you can see the way the panel actually turns and fades off into the corner so now i got to step this out here here this panel here i step this out so i got something to rest against now i'm not going to get into cutting all this up and making pieces i'm just going to make a piece to weld right on here that'll go into here and i'll actually just have a ledge coming up or that'll shape that'll be shaped like the way i want it so here is all i got done you can see the tapers in i got a piece welded on there and it just tapers off it fades away nothing if you look at it up here it does the same thing and it fades away so both sides are doing the same thing so all i'm going to do now is i'm going to box this in up here they were all open on the end so i'm not concerned about that and i just got this little piece here now trimmed up that's going to slide in there and i'm going to weld that in and dress all that up so it looks good here's all it is all dressed up and grind up i left the end of it opened so i can paint in and everything when it comes to time comes but now it's got something for the base too because down here there's a spot welds that used to go along here so that one spot will align here and that duplicates this section here now this is the width of it and the way it tapers back right here it was actually trimmed off on the rocker panel it became part of it but i'm not getting into that so now the next piece now would be this bottom piece now there's a little dimple here that uh you can barely see that was in the bottom of it i'd say that i had a little button on the corner in the corner right there and you can see the way this here shapes the way this comes down and it turns out sharply to the it goes away nothing so it's wide up here comes down about an inch from the bottom then it cuts inward so what i'm noticing here is this piece here kicks off you can see here it kicks off on an angle so what i'm going to do is i'm going to make this piece here go along here make it all one piece go up underneath this here for now and i'm going to make this piece here fade off into that one you can try to play around try to bend these up uh you're you're going to be getting into it trying to shape everything you want this hair to look good you want this here to look good and it'll want to fade away here good so it's probably easier for me to make this a little piece like this here and fold into it and then weld it around the bottom edge and dressing around it so but what i'm going to do first is i'm going to make this big one up here and get that sort of fits underneath that there and it runs up along there this is all i did cut out a scrap piece of steel and i went and fit it placed here and trimmed it out so that it cleared this large lump section and now i actually bend and it's all fits in there but it's got a twist on it if you look the way it's going to go so what i'm going to do now is i'm going to mark it on the inside and trim all the excess off so i can tweak this here because this here has got sort of a this does this type of thing on the go and then it rolls out right so i got to it's too hard to bend all this here so i'm going to trim this off here and here now and then roll that around take it one step at a time one cut at a time and yeah you'll get it just trimmed it back got it closed there now i got to push it in a few spots and i'll work my way along i'll weld it here and i'll bring the biscuits here and clamp it on and i'm gonna concentrate on getting this section here welded up here i got this edge down here it's nice not gonna worry about none of this back here yet okay i clamped it on back here so i know it's tight there so my main concern is now is to get this edge here welded up because everything else down here is going to work and then i can manipulate all this hair after the fact i have it all welded up there i'm going to take this off now weld it on the inside and then i'm going to grind and dress all this up i gotta mark so now i'll just cut that off there and then that side there will be finished all right i made a few marks here uh this here has to continue down and fade out here and this has to fade out here if you look at the panel right here you can actually see the way it fades out if you look at it from above you can see the way it tapers off okay and it goes back and right here you can see there's some sort of little dimple which is this right here so i'm going to put a dimple in it here so you can drill a hole in it and put uh the rubber stop on it and i'm gonna go and finish off this here make a pieced overlap there to weld down there i'm probably gonna make this in one piece and then trim it to fit because this has got to be on at an angle so i can probably put these two bends in this here to suit that all we're done is i got a little piece cut out i'm not going to get into the details of the angles and everything work yet all i want to do is get that crease down through it and the angle is right so i just put inside lip on it gonna grab that device bend that over and then go over and fit it on the car and mark that other angle right here sometimes these little small pieces are a little bit crazy to make i'm going to bring that up to the height of there and you can see the way that's got to be is like so and i'll just start trimming it back bit by bit and then i'll cut the angles on and across here so that folds inwards i'm after trimming it a few times trimming this off i got it to where i like it now so i'm going to scribe this section here and cut this out of it so this falls in flush to it so then i'll have that contour not worry about this up here yet because this here is going to be cut off for cut and brown and flush mounted to it as well you can see i got scribe line put on it there now i'm gonna pop that piece off now go over and cut that out you can see where i got it all trimmed out and that fits in there right nice these small pieces are a bit tedious but you'll get them now weld it along here and i'll tap this back and i'll weld that along there there it is well it placed now you can see it's following the contour all the way along so i'll take this off now and i'll weld the inside of it and i'll grind and dress the outside of it so it'll look like it's all one piece here you have the little dip a little tapered into the side coming down flows off and away take it off you can look down to the shape of it get across it so now it's got that factory look going on now next thing i'll do now is put that little dimple in there and that piece will be ready to install sometimes you gotta be pretty creative with simple stuff i was looking for a piece of point that's got like a that the end of the hammer can fit into like so and i was looking for something that i can use now all i'm going to do now is position that on this here like so against that and we'll just hop into the table here so you can see it better i'm going to position that where i want it like so and i'm going to weld that on with a couple of tacks that i can easily cut off again after all the reason why i'm welding it on is i don't want it to move around it just wants a couple attacks to hold it in place that's all i did put attack on it there and attack over on this side here so now i got something to pound into piece on the bench so now that'll hold it place good enough uh you can see i got two reference points here so the middle is about right here so i'll take my ballpeen hammer and lay it right in the center right there and a lot of you won't like me to do it but i'm going to hit the other end of the hammer nobody likes hitting the other end of a hammer i've been doing a long time making stuff like this there you have a nice little dimple for put your butt not after i'll clean it up there now there is an extremely complicated piece that's been made with just the use of simple tools and just a little bit of know-how multiple pieces so what i'm going to do here now is i'm going to trim off this here i got to trim this off in here on the back to get this fitting right because this panel's down already so what i'm going to do i'm going to scribe along here and i'll cut that right off along there so all that will fit there but i'm going to cut this piece off first i got this one down here held in place and going along here and i got to put spot welds in along here for that to weld on there and then i'll weld it here and i'll butt weld it here i trimmed everything back got it all trimmed back here now trimmed up here and i went ahead and i marked this here and i went and took a uh a black marker and marked the dollar so i could scribe it so i'm gonna i'm gonna i got a scribe going to come up i got to put spot wheels down along here in across here and across here and up here uh don't put none in the corner here because it's the way the corner meets on these other sides the same way so when i remove this now you can actually see where i scribed it through the marker so i'll cut that right off in through there and remove all that section is here and then this will go in flush mount to it and bolt weld it i'll get this piece ready to go there's one last quick test fit you can see now it fits right underneath everything fits in there nice underneath the piece the piece cut out of the way it'll slide right in there like so and now that that's in place there now the click go hole that's right here is don't line up no more because it was right about here because it overlapped see so now when you move when you cut it and you bought it it'll slide it back so now that their clicko holds no good no more but that's fine because i can always clamp it place now so i'm going to go ahead and i'll paint everything on the inside and get that ready to weld in place i painted everything up clamped it back in place marked out where all the spot welds are too and cleaned up all left to bare metal again so i'm going to go ahead now i'm going to start in here i'm not going to well none of this down here yet i'm going to keep this worse too i want to start in here and weld it up i'm going to work my way out and around and do all this section here first don't go tack welding this on in a half dozen spots because this is going to all be moving on you now because where it's all floating whereas it's set up for the it's a full cut uh just work it along here work your way around it until it gets it all done and then come down here and finish all this off and there it is all welded in and all grind up all nice and smooth there little dimple there repeat the entire shape of it going over the top of it i got all that deer straightened away now next piece now is going to be the very last piece it's going to be the cab corner so i got to put this lip on it first because the way this is shaped is not like a full 90 degree bend so i'm going to put a strip down here and a strip in here and figure out this corner first before it does anything with the cab corner to make it actually fit in the corner the way it's supposed to so i'll make this here bring this out now and get this all sorted out first all right first thing i went and did now is i got this piece here made up oh this is two flat pieces of steel i cut them and i fit that in there like so and as you see it's a little bit longer than it should be i'll trim that up after the fact because i got a measure to get this bottom corner right didn't know right there we go so what i'm gonna do now is i got that made i'm going to cut the back off it well the back dress all this up here to make it look proper and then i'm going to work on getting this here to fit in here and possibly put two clickos in it if i can to get the right position because i have a diagonal measurement from here to there which is 45 inches down to this inside corner here and i have another one from up to here to measure down which is right now and i just got to make sure i got this corner right so i'll get this piece made up now so i went ahead and i finished it all off grinded on both sides and like that then i went and lined it up here on the top on the top edge so it came down here as you can see this is a little bit wider but i'm gonna i wanted that because that way i can trim it off after the fact and i turn around i put a click on it there then i measure this distance from this corner here up to there and i set it up where it should be just a little bit of a gap going to be here but i'm going to address that now shortly it will be like that when i'm finished and what i went did then is i took this panel and i brought it in and lined it up where it should be on the bottom and then i marked it on the inside there so now i'll go trim that up and fit this again now i went ahead and i got that trim back and then i turn around and i fit this in place and i got this lined up nice on top and i trim this down so that it line up flush with that i don't know well that did that now on this side here i usually going to do the roll edge but what i'm going to do here uh because it's going to be kind of hard to roll let's get this fit nice i'm going to weld this on the outside and put a little bit of extra welding on the inside so i'm grinding a lot of this off out here to get the base for all edge and i got a little issue here but i'm going to extend the piece onto this here now because usually these here used to have a dab of brass in the corner a lot of them did and uh or depends on the make but i know it's gm's that some of the force now these have brass welded in the corners so i'm going to straighten it up and just put a weld in that corner so i'll weld this on and uh i'll weld it all up and we'll see what it looks like so i got everything prepped everything painted i'm going to put a little tab under there to bring that out to fill in that gap so when i welds it on i got this all prepped grind it up i welded it on the inside put two passes on it and i painted everything inside and drilled it out for spot welds so i'm going to go ahead now i'm going to mount this on the car right here of course and uh again i'm gonna start up here and start in here and weld this section along here and get this straightened away first because this is the crucial spot and then i'll make everything else work accordingly to that down here same thing right there it is all welded in joined up across through here and across through here and all spot welded down the back side and on the bottom and weld it up through there and i was all spot well down there and welded in there got a nice seam going down through there now the corners all filled in that was the problem with it there i cleaned everything up went on a test fit on my cardboard template and as you can see that looks good all the way along i took measurements my measurements from here on that i took from there to there and i took from here to here they're on and i took another one from here which is the same up across here i've done that one as well and and this measurement here i took that measurement here measured across that's glued on right it's not straight going up and down right looks good all the way around there it's a fair bit of work to it but uh they're challenging that's what i like about these the harder they are the more challenging i find it and i like you know the little details like that a lot of people would overlook that and you'll see where the crease comes down through our fades out and the way this here tapers up comes back little roll edge on the bottom of where the quarter panel mounts now i'm seriously thinking that these must have been an overlap joint here from factory and it was probably leaded lead seam or something in here because i don't know how they would put the quarter panel on uh with the rocker on the car so it had to be a scene with all the pictures i've looked at i can't seem to find no seams so it must be like a leaded scene but yes now all this right there is because hold on to this now you look at this piece now and you don't think nothing of it but i took so much from that piece to duplicate into this here to make this work you could see things so like just to sit down and chop it out like i went up into the good metal and i cut it off there and i went over here in a good metal and i cut it off here so like i wanted to take the entire piece like normally you just start chopping through all that cut it all out of the way but because i caught it such a way that uh i wanted to save it i was using it for the purpose of duplicating it you can see all the shapes and everything there and the way those shapes were down through there you never ever will be able to duplicate that if you just hacked all that out of the car and threw it away and never thought nothing of it so something to be said about holding on to an old rusty piece and using it for a template anyway one last look of it now i'm going to get into this section here later i was talking to the uh the owner and he told me dave after finding two fenders on ebay so which is a bonus so i haven't got to repair them rusty old fenders they were just way too far gone so i'm going to wait till he brings in the fender before he does anything with this here because i got to fit that there and make the new mounting bracket here all this is all this is brazed in here see it's all gone but i'm gonna wait like it's defender before it goes like that but everything is finishing along here the rocker down a lot of bottom here up in here nice seam going down through there and i got the factory seam in along here again a little dimple in us with the rolled edge anyway that's it for that one i hope the tips are good and until next time point just got like a at the end of the hammer gonna fit into like so and i was looking for something that i can use now all i'm going to do is i'm going to drop it on the floor hey fitzy here back at the game with another one i got complete rockers uh lower door post sections inner seals floor sections heater is turned on
Channel: Fitzee's Fabrications
Views: 796,299
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: QqsBfLzhFKI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 24sec (4404 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 20 2021
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