How to Repair Nail Pops !

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hey welcome to home renovation YouTube channel designed to help homeowners do renovations and get professional results today we're talking about nail pops man I hate these and if you are planning on any paint project in your home stay tuned you're gonna need to know how to fix this mess [Music] one of these bad boys sure to happen in every project you're on the reality is is it doesn't matter how new or how old your project is if you're planning to paint you're gonna be adding moisture to that wall and there's a good chance that sooner or later you're gonna find a screw that just gives up the ghost so here's a reason why sometimes their wood that's in the wall it's drying out and it's twisting because the fasteners aren't in there properly or it's just at a part of that tree that spruce grows like this so when it's drying out it wants to untwist this kind of thing is gonna happen the other reason is sometimes when you're putting in a drywall screw if the screw goes too far and it gets past the paper then it doesn't have the structural integrity to hold the wall tight to the 2x4 especially if the wall is built where the sand studs aren't lined up so there's under pressure as soon as you add moisture everything relaxes soaks up the moisture and boom the wall pops off and what you're left with here is just a clump of mud that was covering that screw it has raised up off the surface so I know it's frustrating because you do a paint job you go through all the prep your walls look great you're saying you do your first coat everything's fine and then about an hour or so later you come back for your second coat and you're added so much moisture to the wall that this happens so here's what you have to do to solve that problem first of all take your five and one if you don't have one of these you can use a regular drywall knife and you just chip that top off and you might have the tendency here to want to just go ahead and do a little bit of touch-up work on that and paint it but if you watch this if all you do is paint that then you're gonna have a problem up here every time somebody presses against that wall and it's gonna continue to be a problem so the only thing that you can do is get in there you know it's a screw and reverse it nope there it is okay there's the culprit so that's the right kind of screw it cinch in the corner it's coarse thread not as coarse as I like to use but that's fine so here's how we fix the problem first of all we take the end of our five in one tool and we want to create a hole okay because hole can be filled and then you want to take a screw and put it back in that existing space and you're just gonna put it in nice and flush recess just a bit the purpose of this screw is so that you can have something to fill the hole that you're not going to need two applications a month and then you go an inch below it look at how much that moved my goodness and drive that screw til it's just dimpled a little bit and you go an inch above it and the reason I like to go above and beneath is because if if this nail pop happened because the drywall is under compression and it's under pressure being attached to this stud for instance if these two are both raised proud and this one's in then the you're bowing the drywall here so you're going to want just a little bit of extra strength to make sure that doesn't happen in the future make sure not to break that paper now you've got the wall secured no matter where you push on this wall nothing's popping and you're gonna last a long time the secret to this is how do you finish it and make it look like it's not a patch that's coming up right now all right so I've mixed up a little bit of 45 minute compound and this is one of my favorite products on the planet I love using this stuff because it dries quick it has a hardener and you can patch a hole like this and it won't shrink okay so it's a one application so within one hour you can fix this patch it and paint it and walk away and be done so great for touch-ups if you want to learn how to mix this mud we have a special video dedicated to the process of mix a tomahawk and that'll be in the description below and here we go now just before we put on the mud take your knife and just pass over if you catch the screw head then you have an option here you can sink it in just a little more if you can't fill the screw that means there's a hole to be filled and your perfect position to do this just take a little bit of mud press it in nice and thick okay now because that middle hole might be a little bit big and you can see how it bubbles up I'm going to leave a little bit extra on there and I've made this incredibly smooth for a reason so that I don't have to do a whole lot of sanding here I'm not using pressure over the middle so there's something to be taken off when it dries sit for now now we just wait for this to dry it takes about 20 to 25 minutes and if you want to know how fast this stuff dries here's the rule 45 minutes with cold water about 30 minutes if using warm water 20 minutes with hot water 5 minutes hot water in the country is the funny thing is as well water usually has a lot more minerals in it and it just accelerates the rate this stuff sets up so if you're gonna be using a lot of it make it in small batches or you're gonna be real disappointed with your result so next step after your wall is dry you just take a sanding sponge and it doesn't have to be anything fancy and you just want to feather out the edges around the outside first get rid of any ridges and when you see the color of the wall starting to bleed through that's when you know you got a feathered really nice and then just couple of quick up-and-down motion through the middle double check with your finger if there's a ridge you'll feel it and you'll notice that the little screw hole spot is still dark means it doesn't totally dry yet but that's fine it's a hardener so your paint will actually sit on top and it won't be an issue so what you do here is generally with 45 minute mud the one coat will work but if you prime the spot with the same paint it will work better okay so there we go now we wait about 20 minutes come back a little mini roller give it another shot okay so the last step here now is after you get your brush roller on there you want to take your roller and stick the sleeve on and then we can roll this wall oh crap alright so I've got one kind of sleeve and what kind of mini roller and they're not compatible so all right we'll do this old-school because it's just a tiny little patch yeah you don't actually need to fill a tray and then put your roller in the tray you can actually paint the wall and then just grab your roller and use it against the wall where's that spot there it is okay so what I'm gonna do just add a little bit of texture so that it blends even more than it was before okay and that's all we need to know to do that nail pops are really not an enemy they're an opportunity an opportunity to be closer to perfect so this is how we fix them feel free to share this video with your friends because I'm sure they all have nail pops too and don't forget the like and ask about this and other related renovation questions that you have oh my god I still have to answer these things it's a it's my only chance to really be in touch with you until we got our live show going next anyway we're going to give you a couple opportunities at the end of this video to see other stuff that's related to this if you want to see this basement project we've been working on you're gonna want to click that link and if you want to learn anything else I don't know I'm gonna leave it up to max to surprise us he can pick a video that he wants to have you see anyway that was bad English talked again in the next [Music] [Music]
Channel: Home RenoVision DIY
Views: 515,987
Rating: 4.9487391 out of 5
Keywords: home renovision, construction, diy renovations, renovations, do it yourself, nail pop, exposed nailed, fix nail, drywall repair, sheetrock, easy, easy nail pop repair, fix nail pops, fix nail pops in drywall, nail pop repair, nail pops in drywall, nail pops, repair nail pops, how to fix drywall, wall repair, sheetrock repair, fix nail holes in wall, repair nail pops in drywall, repair nail pops in ceiling, drywall nail pop repair, how to fix drywall nail pops
Id: Pyf1o1nbTao
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 49sec (469 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 08 2019
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