How to Replace a Bathroom Exhaust Fan

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hey welcome to home run a vision YouTube's favorite DIY channel for home renovations and today we are talking bathroom fans and how you can replace one and it is really simple and you can get rid of this ugly sound man that is just nasty [Music] so we are in our latest bathroom renovation project and the one thing we say to the end is the bathroom fan and the reason we saved it is because there is a product finally that you can install from inside the space and you don't have to go into the attic usually unfortunately the client here told me about something new a new problem that he was having with this fan and it explains we can take a look at the condition of this it's just covered in dirt and usually that's a telltale sign that there's a lot of moisture hanging around the fan so what he told me is that sometimes when they sitting in his toilet it rains on his head I'm like oh boy I know exactly what's wrong with your bathroom I said you've got one of those exhaust vents out the roof and he's like yep I do it's just so listen folks if you've got one of those vents out the roof and you got moisture coming into your bathroom we're gonna show you how to solve that problem as well and then we're going to install this fan from inside like as if everything else was right but you got two problems here one you got an old outdated fan that's not strong enough for the space and its really really noisy and second the ducting is done wrong so we're gonna solve those problems in this video today but before we go upstairs to deal with the ducting issue we're gonna disconnect the power here you know and you know this was a do-it-yourself look at this wire isn't connected to the box we've got painters tape on the joints and there's just nothing about this that's right I've gotten no hope at all that I'm gonna find anything upstairs it looks like it's supposed to be there so before we can go and change this fan out we've got to get into the attic and change the ducting so like every house is gonna have access through the attic there one of these old manholes whoa not a lot of space well listen it's really simple process we've got some insulated duct line here with a moisture barrier on it I've got a gear clamp some TUC tape my drill a couple of hand tools in case it's a mess up there all right max is gonna follow me right into the hole here and we'll see what we got I see she's a warm one up here max huh this is usually not where you we see in an attic here in this region this insulation is really below standard looks like an R 12 it's it's only a 2x4 framing it's unbelievable these folks definitely got to get something up here now we got no air vent right where I want to put my so the fans should be under Heat yes Wow here we go we'll just peel off a little bit of skinny little pink stuff and lay it on top of the fan so the inspector can't see that we gave the fan and insulation rating of about 0.5 my god let's take a look at this we got a wrapped up piece of insulation held on with baler wire oh my god yeah and that's what happens condensation oh look at that it's not even connected it's just placed in the same region as the fan oh for pete's sake well that explains well explains everything around here Wow deadly brutal in a long time because it's not okay Wow hi-yah all right now we're gonna get rid of this duct tape cuz that's just not gonna do us any favors I've got to get some rigid pipe into this hole attached to the roof sheathing somehow yeah wow that's gonna be interesting I think maybe my best bet try to salvage this elbow yeah that's gonna be all oh look at that still moves there we go come on baby hey here we go we're gonna make ourselves our own flange here we're gonna just cut down around this pipe peel back by the tabs screw them in I don't that much of a choice here yeah come sir which is French for like this now the the duct outside has kind of got a bit of a gooseneck to it kind of looks like a Hummer air vent and you can see them from the road but there are about 10 inches by 10 inches so when I screw through this plywood I'm not actually screwing through the roof membrane of the waterproofing system I'm screwing through the plywood that's inside the diameter of that fence and so this is gonna work out just fine okay too old for this all right here we go no originally I figured I was coming up here because they had a direct vent straight up right and the reason that that causes problems is that if rain is being driven by the wind and it gets into this pipe and this direct vent then there's nothing to keep it from just continuing down and running right out of the ceiling fan so what you want to have is a duct line that does this okay you want to want a bit of a curve you want to bump if the water comes down in the rain it'll settle in this kind of like a pea trap and you're not gonna get a lot of water we're talking about a few drips every once in a while and then when you use the fan on a daily basis that'll dry that out and so your system works fine so that's what I figured I was doing here didn't realize I was gonna be didn't leave the mother of all evil bathroom fan installations dear Lord all right what you want to do let's get your gear clamp a couple of rings the metal rings down and then slide this over the 4-inch okay and just watch your head when you're working in here all the roofing nails are sticking through the plywood above you you bump your head here that'll make you bleed we're gonna just tighten that gear clip on so it's not moving and then for a good measure we're gonna lift up the insulation nice and tight to the roofing here and we're gonna try to get this on and that's about all we have to do up here the rest we can do from the bathroom we can bring the ducting down we can fix this the right length we can run the wire down and we can work the rest of this from downstairs now had this been installed properly it would have already been a flexible line you'll be able to avoid this step altogether and just do from the bathroom so now we're gonna pick up with this video from where we left off or the idea of just installing a new family put the fan and let's talk about the product right now this is not a sponsored video they don't know I'm doing this but I love this fan because I've used it before and I know about the flexibility when you're going in the store this is sold at Home Depot just so you know half the store they have more than one version of this so make sure you get the right one for your room there has a rating here for the CFM that's cubic feet per minute 110 is usually the perfect size for a 3-piece bath now if you have a large space you might need to go to 140 but generally 110 is fine and it has one sewn and that's the sound rating now there are fans that are a little quieter than one but it's kind of that whole scale of how much do you want to spend to get just a little bit quieter because this is gonna be really pretty quiet and honestly for a hundred and forty bucks for this thing this is a great value because if you want to go to point eight zones you're pushing your price point up to over 250 three four hundred dollars so this is probably the best quality fan you're gonna get for sound and CFM and it has this little picture here no access required into the attic that only holds true if your fan is currently operating decently and it's just tired ugly at all so if you're replacing the fan definitely the invent series just make sure you grab the right one on the way out so you don't pay for the hundred and forty CFM if you don't need to so here's our fan really quick and simple this housing comes out I'm going to demonstrate how this goes together here before I get up in the ladder it's very tricky to see me do it when I'm up there but this is the exhaust part that goes on the fan now if you can imagine we have our fan installed okay and we pull the ducting through from the other side connect the ducting to the end of this and then what happens as this gets after this is in the ceiling you push this up through and the idea here and you can see this one there's these two little tabs and push it through an angle and you straighten it out all right and then from the inside you can actually screw that in place and then once that is done then you can slide your fan housing in all right and that's how it all connects and all of this work can be done from down here which is why this is awesome so the only thing that's in your way before you get started are these tabs so this frame is also designed for traditional installation before drywall so what you do just take your pliers and the installations in this box are actually quite good okay you can follow them to a tee and any metal just give it a little bit of working and you're heating it up and it snaps off okay and what this does is it creates a housing that is smaller than the flange you cut the hole to this dimension and then use install it up and then hopefully you'll have wood in the ceiling that you can screw to yeah so the only thing you really got to do when you're replacing a fan in this situation is have wood in the ceiling to screw this to you don't have any you're gonna have to install it at some point all right there we go the other thing that you have inside here is the electrical compartment and there's a tab here all right now it has a little catch all right so you just push that in and lift it out and that's got your power and you set that aside for later and then you'll see this the little thing here now there's a hole here for the electrics but if you're sliding it straight up you don't want your wire coming from the side you want your wire coming from the top so you push that tab to close the other hole so if you want to come from the side of the fan you push the tab inside and you bring the wiring this way if you want the electrics to come from the top of the fan you push the tab cover the other way nice and simple one thing you're gonna need to do let's go to the store and buy yourself a package of five of these because they don't sell them individually in most cases these little Moretz cable connectors are called you use these a lot pot lights and that sort of thing so if you're getting handy at home having these around are great you also need the same thing if you're gonna change your hug fan and they just pinch and stick in the hole there we go then that holds the unit the idea here is you put your cable in here and it holds the wire from coming loose okay that way when you make your connections in your box you know nothing's going to come loose over time and you're not gonna get a short now we've got our housing prepped we know that we want the exhaust running that way all right so we've come up here alright so like a lot of fans especially when you see that kind of a lousy duck connection the ceiling has got some damage right so we're gonna just because our fan is actually about the same width this way so what we're gonna do is we're going to just take that train of information yeah we're going to just cut back a little bit more ceiling so that the fan will actually sit up in that hole and we're going to cut it back now here's the best part they make this fan a little bit bigger than your traditional fan that you've already got in your house so most houses I've got a fifty to sixty eighty CFM 110 is just a little bit bigger which means you can make the hole a little bit bigger and you're not gonna be left patching your ceiling so very typical the electrical is not long enough for the installation because the power goes in into a different corner in the box so I'm fine here or here but as long as I have my insulation my duct blowing that way my power actually comes to the back corner so bear with me because this housing I can only blow in that direction or that direction so that pets the power in this back corner if I go this way so I want to have enough ducting now to go this way and then softly curl around to go back up yeah that means I want to have enough to go from here to there okay this looks like a lot of ducting but the reality is so when you buy a whole box of this stuff yeah you got enough to run a good couple of fans so what I'm gonna do is I'm going to lift this up into place and encourage it to go the right direction nice and easy there we go nice big loop I don't want any real sharp corners here okay and now I'm ready to install this whoo so now I've got everything in place I want to just push my ducting up and out of the way knowing where to grab it get my wiring make sure the switch is off and push it through a little grommet there we go and now the fan will go straight up into this hole alright great spot to screw that right there the box actually comes with holes that you can use as report me when in doubt put it anywhere you like and then remember the housing is around so any inside corner then a couple inches there's lots of room for a screw there you go now this side of the fan there isn't any wood within a couple inches so I'm just gonna grab some 3-inch screws to get some extra support now when you're doing the screw on the other side doing it on an upward angle you want to have a nice little bit of lift going on here we go okay whoo-hoo I'm sorry for the sweating is distracting but when you're upstairs in any house in the summertime air conditioning or not it's comfortable here it's warm here this is hot there's just no two ways around that so need a little duct tape because when I drove my screw I brought open up the box a little bit and I want to have as much of an air seal in here as I can so I'm directing all the air out of this box there we go all right kids here we go yeah we bring our exhaust line okay now it only goes in one way perfect now in this situation we don't need a gear clamp like we did upstairs because we're dealing with plastic all right we're gonna rely just on the duct tape to make this connection it's nice to have lots of extra wine here because it's so easy to work you can pull it through and the where it's comfortable there we go okay yeah how we do is to push that through the other side now you'll notice we have those two tabs that are through like we demonstrate earlier and now we've got to put in our set screw okay ah the duct line is actually attached okay so just to recap we have made our hole bigger attached our duct got a nice loop no more moisture running down our head problem the wiring is finished luckily for us deo is the homeowner and he's here working on projects now a fan ask especially a fixture so homeowners allowed to change a fixture not a problem all you do is connect the black in the way now for anybody at home who's not familiar with wiring I'm gonna give you a quick tutorial I think you left the stuff here if you're changing a fixture and in your area most like you're allowed to a lot of these safety codes along North America relatively the same you really all you need is a pair of these this is a just a simple little wire cutter and you'll notice all the different holes that's four different wire sizes okay so traditionally wire in homes is 14 gauge and so on the side it'll have the different numbers you just put it in the 14 spot press it a quarter turn and the cap pops off okay that's simple you go three quarters of an inch long that's it you just put the two wires together take a pair of square in pliers and you give it a couple of twists all right pinch the end together and if you don't like the way it's sitting you just take the side give it a snip you got a nice little finish down like that and you can use these these little blue moretz what do they call can twist there's different makers and models out there but the idea is the package should say what size wire the marette works for and how many wires you can use usually it's a maximum of four but two wires and you just twist it and twist it and twist it and twist it and twist it and then when you look at it you shouldn't see any copper showing okay you don't need tape it's not necessary it's waste of time if you have to use tape on your joint your wires too long take the cap off snip it back you black to black white to white ground-to-ground anybody can wire their own fixture all right there you go now all we have left to do now is stick in our housing ah here we go you slide this up and it will click into place and then you have to take these last two screws and you just mount this here so over time with all the vibrations of operation that doesn't pop out on you all right one on each side and there we go now take your plug off and you insert it into the little box the receptacle there for it and then when you just put the fan cover on now unfortunately when we were doing this we had a little bit of issue to overcome because the framing was too tight together there's some extra wood in the roof we need to cut that out and we caused a little bit damage no big deal where's comes to worse you take your hardener mud a couple of coats touch-up paint and you're good to go ok so the last part is this then the last part is actually the trickiest this is the hardest part of the whole fan they get these little spring clip things and you want to have them sitting in your fan and rolling this over here like mmm a big letter M make sure your clip is sitting properly before you try to compress it ok and what you want to do is pinch these together like this and then one side goes in that I'm gonna try to do this with a camera can pick it up here we go okay can you see how that works and then when you flush up how you focus your mice when you push up it goes like that and pulls it nice and tight ok so we'll do both so it's attached and just hanging nice and loose here we go but when you're done just give it a shove it'll snap it right into the ceiling you'll be perfect and I gotta go do another coat of mine but listen that's all there is to installing a fan one thing we have to do we have to turn on and try it though right that's the big Oh now there you go that's one sone sounds like a fan in the distance but it's not that loud alright it's not distracting it's not squeaking isn't that screeching but it is pulling 110 cubic feet per minute out of this room give you an idea this room is 8 by 8 by 8 right so about 4 minutes so if you run your fan for 4 or 5 minutes after you're done your shower your bathroom will stay nice and dry you won't ever get any mold that's perfect that's a do it yourselfer project that should be able to save your bathroom now listen if you like this kind of content give us a thumbs up don't forget to subscribe to the channel if you haven't done so yet and ask your questions by all means I answer questions for people every single day put them in the comments section below don't send me an email I won't read it I love you guys but I'm gonna answer questions in the comments section only ok click the video to see how this project turned out
Channel: Home RenoVision DIY
Views: 692,276
Rating: 4.9309778 out of 5
Keywords: exhaust fan, replace bathroom fan, How to Replace a Bathroom Exhaust Fan, replace exhaust fan, replace a bathroom fan, how to replace bath fan, installing bathroom exhaust fan, how to replace bathroom fan, replace exhaust fan in bathroom, how to replace exhaust fan, how to replace a bathroom exhaust fan youtube, how to replace and install a bathroom exhaust fan, exhaust fan bathroom, bathroom fan installation youtube, how to replace exhaust fan in bathroom
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 20sec (1460 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 02 2019
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