Light Weight DIY Crown Molding YOU Can Install Alone!

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so today is crown molding day and I am excited because my delivery came I have a special plaster face how do you call it styrofoam crown molding it's pretty cool stuff and it's really awesome for the DI wire because you can get amazing performance with really easy installation all by yourself but I figured hey if I'm going to do that let's do a video will show the differences between doing the wood crown and that crown and that way no matter which material you choose you'll have the tools in the sequence so that you can be successful so I wouldn't find my trim shop because I had to get some stuff for the windows and I grabbed a couple pieces of wood crown molding now just a word of warning if you're using wood remember depending on the moisture content of the wood at the time that it gets milled you might have differences in sizes as as far as a finished product is concerned when you go to install it that's the only downside to using wood it is a little inconsistent as far as making really good miter joints but that's with caulking as far so let's get into it somebody for me gets started I need to cut myself a cheap piece and this is important because wood has movement and warp so what you want to do is have about a two foot long section with an inside and an outside miter on it so that when you're installing your wood you can use that to help roll your corners just perfectly I'll show you all this information in a second but first let's get this just done here [Music] [Applause] most types of crown have a very similar property in the fact that they are designed to be a perfect representation of the angle no matter which way you install it which means that the distance from the back of the fence to the to the front of the crown here and the back of the fence to the top of the crown here is exactly the same when it's installed flush against both surfaces all right now you can double-check with the tape measure but what I do is I like to set my crown up grab myself a black marker because this just makes the whole day so much faster and I'll mark my fence what's this there's my line okay now when I'm working I know exactly where to set this I just walked up roll until this in position and I can cut the other thing you can do now that it's in there nice and tight you can set up your 45 line going in both directions all right now your saw is all set up so that you don't have to pull out the tape measure or roll things around the last thing you need to know and this is difficult is the detail generally speaking the beefier detail goes at the bottom and this the slender profile goes at the top so all this extra detail here you want to keep that very consistent and make sure you pay attention to that because if you're installing you've cut it upside down nothing's gonna line up and it'll drive you crazy so okay I'm making this really obvious that's the bottom that's the top when you put it in yourself here we go you actually want to not cut it this way you actually want to cut it upside down okay now here's the secret if that confuses you at all yeah stand behind your saw when you're looking at your cuts and you'd be like it just makes sense now because now you're looking at it the same way you will be when you lift it up and put it on the ceiling okay and it can get a little confusing but you have to cut your crown upside down so that all you have to do is move 45 degrees inside an outside corner with a saw set up perfect 9 now as long as you do that you will be very very successful the last thing you want to do is this remember the devil is in the details and whenever you're working with finished carpentry like a crown molding and you're doing miters the most important element is this the saw is set to lock at 45 degrees in one direction but you have to be 90 degrees here so grab your square roll your guard out okay actually I do it from this side and then slide your square against your blade if you have contact here but not here then make adjustment in the back you can't cut anything like that because none of your joints are gonna line up so just roll it back till it's perfect and then lock it in place now we're ready to go you can use this system here to set your degree cut but the reality is is there your your little your the detail here that's showing you what angle you're at is in a set screw and it may or may not be perfect so it's better to always check with your saw with the square which isn't gonna lied to you then something like this that can move around over time so let's get to our demonstration now we're dealing with softwood lumber here so we don't need to worry about putting blocking in behind the walls and that sort of thing we can install this just with caulking and Brad nails guaranteed to be fine but what you want to do is you want to hold your profile put it up in the space all right and I'm going an inside corner so you want your miter to be facing towards you this one isn't very pretty so I'm gonna cut it again remember I'm gonna put it upside down drop it on the fence really quickly with my lines that's my location I'm gonna turn and cut [Applause] and just for fun this is only a 10-inch saw you don't need to have a big powerful machine you don't need compound miter sliding all those bells and whistles $200 gets you a quality soft just be sure to put a quality blade on find yourself an 80 tooth for finished carpentry so I'm using a door and window latex caulking with silicone which is an elastomeric property so it doesn't crack over time oh one second they didn't open this thing up yet this one's brand new there we go cut the tip on an angle slide it in and with latex caulk and there's nothing to puncture it so you just go right ahead what we do is run a little bead right here on the bottom okay and then right on the top now I've got my profile sheet and I stick it in the corner and you can see they both feel pretty flush to the wall in the ceiling but they're not the same spot so what I got to do is find that happy place where they line up and if I have a gap at the top I have a gap up here that means I need to roll this piece up under the ceiling so now I've got the bottom at the same spot I'll roll both of them together until the gap is closed there we go now I've got it in position just take them the nail gun shoot up the detail that's not going anywhere no the way you finish that of course it's just using a caulking tube and you want to put a nice bead of caulking up here okay there we go now a lot of people fill their nail holes with the the cocking as well that's fine if your cocking if your trim is 9 or 10 feet in the air if you're only at 8 feet that caulking is going to shrink and you're gonna see every single pinhole if you're walking through the house if you have a discerning eye so I would suggest using more like a drywall compound or a glazing putty that you can fill all those holes that won't shrink now now that I've shown you how the wood properties work let's go do the other way so here's my new product this is styrofoam now it's a pretty medium density styrofoam so it's actually a lot stronger than just the old white stuff you used to have in your basements but it is plaster faced okay it's this Brown application I'm pretty sure it's amazing because it can actually do curved walls because it can twist when it's in this curved position so awesome the benefit for us is that it installs using drywall compound that's it nice and simple so your butt joints are just square cut your miter joints you just put mud in the corner and squeeze it all together and wipe it out with a sponge let's get to this installation I'll show you how different is and all the different techniques for cutting this one on the saw one of the first benefits that you see right away is that these trims cone variety of sizes because it's a styrofoam looking at the length of it that's almost two inches of profile contacting with the wall that makes it incredibly easy to attach to the surface also makes it easy to set on your your saw you just literally set it in place and you know you're good okay there's no real variance here if it's not tight you'll tell you just give it a little push good to go haha same thing applies though leave the majority of your detail for the bottom and of course we're cutting upside down first cut we have here is an inside miter we need a little bit more room there we go set this out of 45 make sure your blade of course is 90 to the table and off we go so one of the benefits of using this material you don't need the nail gun or the compressor which means if you're a homeowner and you want a saw you've got all the tools you need to put in crown molding this is just awesome that's just freaking awesome I wonder if there's gonna be big enough whoo look at that okay well it seems that my 10-inch saw is just a hair shy no worries I have a knife I can finish the cut with it awesome now this is a pretty large profile you can get them a little smaller or a little larger if you dare if you have a 12-inch saw you'd be in great shape now that's my outside corner I first need to do I need to measure now there's three ways to measure inside corner to inside corner for crown molding I would recommend taking a look you can measure across the bottom and you can run past your corner and read the tape in that situation that would be 73 and 7/8 you can put it inside and Bend your tape in and take a your best guess or you can leave it like this and run it across and you can take the actual measurement where it contacts the tape and then check your tape and it'll have the actual dimension of the tape itself and you could add those two numbers together depending on the situation I use all three different techniques and again so this situation here because I have inside corners it's a lot easier for you to just run the tape right past I'm going to go 73 and 7/8 good together so remember you want to measure from the outside of this point okay 73 and 7/8 is our number this is the bottom once you get used to this it will move actually quite quick 73 and 7/8 it's right there and I also want to put a mark it's an inside corner coming back this way one of the reasons I love having my saw in a stand is because when you have space confines and you can just slide it down and give yourself a little more room all right here we go again it's up to 45 we can just bring this down now because you're dealing with the material that's getting applied with drywall compound all of these inside corners even if they're not perfect are gonna be filled up and smooth them with a wet sponge for the drywall compound even if you have to cut it in it's a little off it's gonna be just fine all right here we go so now we have our piece of crown last thing you want to do is this go up and double check if you've cut it a little bit too long that it's sitting bowed then it's not gonna adhere to the wall very well that's gonna be awesome you really want to roll it around back and forth until it's snug in the wall just like it was on this offense okay and then just to help originally you can make your marks here we go now we can put the mud on let's take an bicep so now we're using all-purpose compound for drywall then the secret is this when you buy your drywall compound it actually needs to have water mixed in with it to make it nice and smooth so if you're interested in that process you're not familiar that you can click this video link right here and you can watch how we prepare the mud but if you've already been through this process and you're in a renovation that you've been doing the drywall this will be really easy if you're not used to using a drywall knife this could be challenging then I would suggest just start with a little bit at a time okay and you want to just kind of use it like a snowplow and then flatten it out okay you don't need to have too much mud here because it's just gonna all end up coming to it all over the ceiling and making a huge mess there we go we're looking for positive contact that's it visit to now you've got two options you can add the compound to the trim piece or you can add it to the wall in the ceiling area if you've already got finished walls and ceiling you're probably gonna want to add it to the trim be patient this does not dry very fast so you know lots of time to work with it alright so now we're gonna start on the corner and follow the line to put on the wall we're just gonna roll it in place okay I'm gonna put pressure on the top and the bottom just to make sure that it holds in place there we go nice a like wood trim this one you want to just use a little bit of drywall compound to do your seam now all right put that in there you go okay I'm going to wipe all that in there we are pretty same thing all through you can always come back when it's dry take your latex window and door cocking put that on the bottom of the top get a perfect finish now we're gonna do the inside corner joint as well as a butt joint I'll show you all those techniques as well and then you'll be able to do crown in your house so the only downside of this type of crown is because it's getting shipped to your home directly which is not a bad thing it only comes in 8 foot links now because it does such a great job with the joints it doesn't really matter but you don't want to waste any of this so my next piece is 8 foot and 5/8 5 inches so I'm just gonna reuse the scoff cut here and start my next row do you Wow that's the only waste that's pretty good deal here we go because I'm gonna be doing a button a butt joint here I want to just do a little trim on this make sure that my joint is going to be perfect there we go remember this is an inside corner actually want to put the compound all over the inside of that corner as well and you can be liberal here you don't have to worry about putting too much biggest danger here is using not enough and we'll stick that in there roll the top up to close the gap look at that okay I'm just gonna clean that excess off with my finger now for them pieces this trim they're gonna recommend you put some sort of temporary bracing in place and that can be nails or screws just tapped in underneath or if you have some zip wall okay you can use these excuse things are awesome done alright I'm going to take my sponge work my corner we'll be able to come back a little bit later and add some cocking on this at the ceiling joint so we don't get expansion crack it cracks but we'll also be able to use our latex cocking on the inside corners if you want to but you can finish up just by taking a fingering of this mud and sliding it back up in that gap again just like this and that makes a really nice joint now that I'm happy with my corner I'm just gonna take a screw put it underneath my trim here give it a little love tap yeah I can take this out and use it on my next one remember the drywall compound takes overnight to drive so you've got all kinds of time to get around the room or all your corners perfect and then tack your screws in I just like to use the poles as I go so nothing falls on my head so here we are we're gonna do our inside corner whenever you're cutting a long piece that to go into a butt joint I always do the angle first remember the butt joint here is gonna be on our left but our piece is upside down so we want to do the inside corner and give ourselves as much material to work with as we can do deep dude now we're going to measure from the inside corner to the butt joint 81 and 5/8 because we're gonna be cutting it straight we can turn it around and lay it flat that makes it a lot easier measure so I took my measurement based on the tip that comes to here but I really want to translate that measurement to the other side because that's where the saw will come in contact first I'm putting my semi square on here making my mark there you can roll it up a little bit if you need to all right now I intentionally cut this about 1/32 of an inch too long I like the idea having just a little bit of compression to help hold in place here we go so we're gonna roll this in now oh I forgot oh oh then put any mud on the end joint there that is going to cause me problems there we go okay and just like we did the last time oh I fell off my ladder man there we go yep of course I'm okay fell off a ladder didn't die alone so now we want to put enough compression on his joints and position them so they're both in the same place here we go that makes it seamless here we go that's beautiful love it not bad this is one of these things where I've never tried this product before I'm a big fan of working with wood right I don't even use MDF I just like using wood that's a little messy obviously but if you're working alone super lightweight and easy to install like I'm gonna have to finish this video off with coming back tomorrow to film the finished product after we've done the caulking and the paint process and you're gonna be able to see in just a few seconds how amazing this finished product looks Wow okay so the next day you know all the mud is nice and dry so I'm gonna use my window and door caulking to seal up all the gaps and then after a couple of hours that allows to be dry enough to paint will come by into our first paint application and then we're also going to take our sanding sponge out and just go around looking for minor imperfections that we can touch up because if I can see it on a ladder then I should take care of it because there's a chance that I'll see it from standing on the ground but if I can't see it on a ladder then it doesn't exist even if it's there here we go just have a nice angle on your the tip there and if you're pulling this way pointing the other way then you can leave enough material there that you can fill it with a concave kind of look there we go all right nice and gentle here just to put that that Cove line in there there's too much material then clean off your finger you don't want to just leave it on the ceiling make a mess there we go now once this is dry we'll come back and we'll give it two shots of paint and that's your opportunity after your first coat to really check to see if it's enough material there or did it dry and shrink up during the process if it shrinks up too much you might want to put a second bead on there because you don't want to have shadows appearing at that joint it's really important to make sure that these little details are done really really well because that is going to be how you're judged on the overall performance all right so we are gonna go and paint the trim now and we're using a semi-gloss paint and I know that I'm from Canada and you all don't have access to deluxe a lot of our European market does in the United States they're owned by the company called PPG so they have access to the same technology paints and they're probably labeled differently I'm not familiar with it yet yet to do a road trip and discover the truth about that but if you're looking for comparable paint companies Sherwin Williams has a really nice product and they're coast to coast although throughout in North America Benjamin Moore line is nice some of the paints are different and they function differently so it's kind of odd there but the most important thing to know is when you're buying paint the quality of the paint really is reflected in the price it's a pretty fair gamble that if you're buying paint at 20 dollars a gallon versus 65 dollars a gallon you're getting value there and it's the investment so I would recommend don't be afraid to spend a little money especially on trim paint because this is one of these areas where if you don't have a good one you're gonna be doing three or four coats to get the coverage and it's gonna be too thin and every brush stroke is gonna have dots of paint flying across the room so it's really a nightmare feel free to buy a good quality paint here pour about an inch into the bottom of another container alright and when I say that I mean this you can't paint from this can when it's full because all you can do is dab the paint and then wipe it off there's no paint inside the brush so with something like this you can actually pound the bottom of that can right and fill up your brush now when you're painting trim you don't want to have too much paint on the outside of your brush obviously but I'm telling right now this is full of paint and I'm gonna be able to go and paint four to six linear feet of my trip with that and I can carry it around with me so I have enough paint in here to do the entire crown molding that whole room this is how you do it right okay by the way if you haven't seen our paint videos about the tools and stuff that we use then you're really gonna want to check that out and the link is right here all of the gear my ladder all my tips and tricks are in there and I guess we're gonna have links for all of the locations where you can pick that material up as well so go ahead and check that video out it'll be a lot of helps you regarding this I really should have done a code on this material before I installed it but the reality is is it got delivered late and I was getting a little excited to get the video shot so now I got to do two coats while I'm here having said that the first coat is more of a base coat primer coat just to get coverage the second coat is the finish coat and after I do this first coat I'm gonna go around and look for little minor imperfections do a little sanding I've got a couple of Nick's here these are actually dents from my saw guard listen learned and also going to take the brush with the ceiling paint and do a new cut line okay once I've established my line then the second coat I'll come back and do a nice finish clean but danger here is if I do a perfect cut with the semi-gloss now I'm gonna have this painters caulking on the ceiling unpainted and what that means is that over time it'll gray it'll start getting a dark line there so you have to make sure that when you're painting you always paint your paintable caulking every time the only time you're not gonna paint is if you're using pure silicone but siliconized caulking will go gray so I'm going to get my first coat on I'm not going to be too picky about my cut line I'm gonna come back with the ceiling paint and then hit it again and I'm not going to show all that whole process for you here we go so a little dab will do pound that into the bottom of the can get some paint in your brush look at all of that control right I'm not fleeing paints everywhere I'm not dripping I don't even have a drop cloth on my new kitchen floor here all right there we are I'm not painting like a wild man I'm just trying to get that cut line in there I'm gonna get some all over the ceiling and that's fine after you get your first coat on the texture of the surface gets nice and slippery and easy for the paint that's a glide around while it's textured like this you've really got to force the paint in it's hard to do a nice cut line so let's not be picky here we just want to get it on get some good coverage try not to get too much on the ceiling so then you don't have to do like a three inch wide swipe with the ceiling paint because that'll be noticeable but to come back with the ceiling paint after the fact and just do a little bit of a trim line it's not gonna be enough an issue especially with all the downward light that was built into this house with the pot lights which is one of the reasons why pot lights are so popular in the marketplace well that down light means people aren't looking up at the ceiling it allows you a lot of freedom for imperfections here we go they aren't popular because they're sexy they're popular because they hide problems every time the builders come up with a new product first thing you got to ask yourself is what are they trying to hide because if they're not hiding something they're not making any more money they're not gonna be bringing that product to market okay here we go okay first coat looks pretty good from standing on the ground you're probably looking at that going oh that's alright the way it is but trust me when I say this taking the time to recut the ceiling and doing a second coat and a little sanding in between it's gonna be absolutely marvelous so here we go it's time for the last coat of paint just take your sanding sponge over look for any issues there like some some dirts in there or anything like that see these plungers are awesome because they'll follow the contour of the work make sure everything is perfectly smooth okay and then same as before push the paint in their brush don't want to use too much all right now there we go we don't have to paint that lead edge and there the second time all the way around we just need to get a little bit on there that's good more importantly it's the body of this trim detail and you want to paint and stretch it out until your lines are gone okay you don't want to leave any lines in your pain now most of these paints are made with technology or while it's drying it'll blend it'll soften up but if you leave the lines in your trim paint you're gonna have lines there forever and then it'll look really bad so feel free less is more when you work with trim paint just slop it on the paint will make a mess less is more just a couple of your feet at a time work it back and forth now I don't know if the camera sees this but there's a bunch of lines here so maybe that's just the lighting but I can see them because I'm standing right here right and so I obviously had too much paint on my brush I'm gonna just stretch my brush out and dry it up a little bit I'm gonna come back get rid of my lines there we go okay Wow now if you like all this kind of information and you find out the helpful at all give us a thumbs up ask your questions in the comments section below how about anything and I will answer it and if you're curious to see about the rest of our kitchen project the cabinets are coming on next if you haven't subscribed and wrung the notification bell so that YouTube will tell you when that video is up then do that now as well otherwise click the link here and you can follow this project from the very beginning we'll see you in the next time
Channel: Home RenoVision DIY
Views: 576,707
Rating: 4.909287 out of 5
Keywords: homerenovision, renovision, how to install crown molding, how to install crown mouling, crown molding, crown moulding, crown molding install, crown istallation, how to install crown, diy crown molding
Id: 9m5UuT5Z4eE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 53sec (1853 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 15 2020
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