How to Repair a Textured Wall in 3 Different Ways

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hey it's jeff from home renovation here today and today we are talking texture balls and we're not going to show you how to make it i'm going to show you how to fix them if you end up getting a hole in it because let's face it i've done a lot of videos over the years talking about how to patch and repair drywall everybody keeps asking me what if i have a textured wall so i textured a wall and now we're going to deal with this how to make it look like that never happened okay so first thing we need of course is a piece of drywall [Music] and i'm going to save this piece for later because when we do the texture repair i'm going to show you like i think three or four different options for creating texture that way you can match what you have in your situation a little bit closer now in this channel we like to show you more than one option to do everything so i'm going to do the second hole there we go now i'll show you two ways to fix it first one of course is we're going to take the knife and the reason i'm going to show you both of them at the same time so you can judge which one you think turns out better and then which one you want to use because whenever you're dealing with texture anywhere along this wall it's different the secret is blending and getting that same kind of texture things that affect texture are how wet was the mud when it was put on was it used with an air sprayer or just a gravity fed hopper um did they travel it right away do they let it sit for a while i mean there's a lot of what was the humidity in the room like there's so many factors that go into what the texture ends up being matching it is really tricky so we're going to do two different techniques here show you the different tricks for how to get it matched we'll go from there the first one you want to just draw a square now because i'm using a knife you want to just kind of wiggle it in and just cut the actual size of this hole out that in a lot of cases will protect your vapor barrier from getting cut because you can set the depth of the knife here we go okay step one now down here what i want to do i just want to cut the paper back okay so using the knife just to get rid of the paper on the edge because i don't want damaged paper there this repair technique requires a nice solid edge push some of this crap out of the way a little bit now first technique we've seen before we use the foam in other situations foam and drywall work amazing together because it has about the same amount of density as drywall and so it provides the same structural strength but it also has an adhesive property so it can be really handy when you're using something like this bonding two pieces of drywall together or just filling up a hole like this now while the foam is setting up we'll deal with up here now we do want to make a california patch and we've done that on videos many times before but since not everybody here has seen every one of my videos i'll do it again for you basically we're going to just cut a piece of drywall and then we're going to go from the back side i need a sharper knife here too love these breakaway blades instantly sharp as you need it to be what i'm going to do is i'm going to just trace out the line inside here like this and then left to right as well and that is generally the size of the hole i'm filling now i just break it and i peel and leave the paper and this makes an incredible patch because this paper here is attached to the the drywall and it's thinner than drywall paper tape so that when you do your patch you want to keep everything as thin as possible re-texturing you don't want to have a hump or a bump so this is what's going to work there next step is we have to get rid of this extra texture if we don't break down the texture and remove it back to the drywall we're making a hump and then trying to texture that it's always going to be visible so you can take a knife and you can try it your texture is going to put up quite a fight and you're only going to be so successful unless it's a stipple wall this really doesn't work you're going to want to grab this all right now just so you know i'll try it with a regular sanding sponge and we'll see what kind of success we get but we're sanding painted drywall it's had a primer so even with all that work i got lots of texture there still that's just not going to cut it [Music] so you might want to wear a mask for that but that is how you get that now we're right back the original drywall paper and we're ready to patch now while my foam is setting up i'm also going to put another dent over here next to the plug where i know there's a stud and we're going to just fill it and then do the texture and you can get to see what happens if you don't take it all the way back to the paper that should be wood yep now one of the greatest inventions for homeowners ever is the dry deck spackling it's the stuff that goes on pink and then finishes nice and white it almost always needs to be stirred up a little bit okay there we go now we're gonna just patch this without doing anything else okay and you can see maybe for smaller patches this works you want to really pull it tight leave a little extra on the hole so you can't identify it because when it dries it does shrink a little bit and we'll come back to that one in a minute as well okay so when you're doing a patching job on drywall you've got options we have all-purpose drywall the stuff that comes pre-mixed or you can buy it in powder form you can buy it in 20 45 or 90 minute working time capability don't forget if you're on well water you're adding salts and minerals it dries faster if you use warm water instead of cold it dries faster so you can make whatever adjustments you need to with that i like working 45 because it has a nice finish and it sands well too okay 90 just takes too long for me and in most applications the only time i use a 90 is when i'm taping with mesh tape but for patch repair i'll use a 20 or a 45 and i've had this comment so many times before this is cgc sheetrock 45. if you are in the united states you won't find this product what you're going to see instead is a usg 45. this is canadian gypsum company down in the states it's united states gypsum really kind of easy to get around your head so you realize it's the same product just different manufacturing so you can get the 45 or the 20 or the 90 at every drywall store that's around so not a worry it's not a specialty product you can go down to your local harbor store and get it and we're just making a volcano again and adding our cold water the reason i'm choosing to use this instead of the all-purpose drywall compound is in a lot of cases this can take two or three coats of work and it's nice to be able to start and finish a project like this in the same day so if you use the regular compound depending on your skill level you might find that it just takes too long for everything to dry and then you're doing something for a whole weekend and making a mess i like to do stuff like this get it done and then move on and have some fun i probably don't have enough water in here but maybe i do let's just widen out the volcano a little bit yeah i think we're gonna be okay all right now i've done this before in other videos and i actually go through the step by step on how to mix this a lot better in another video we'll link it in the video description put a card in the video as well so you understand the science behind what i'm doing for the sake of this video i just want to make the mud and get moving on here okay so now we're back uh first thing before you get going make sure your patch fits check for mobility up and down there's not a lot of room but on the sides there is so i'm going to just move my mud to the other side of my pan here and i'm going to add mud to the side of the block on both sides just to help make sure that i am getting a good fill okay there we go now we want to put it on the sides all four sides here so we have some mud to put the tape into or the paper okay it's like betting it here we go and then we'll just press it into the hole and we'll use the knife to span the gap make sure that it's nice and flat and then we'll pull the mud out from behind the paper and leave it pressed in nice and flat don't overwork it here okay or you'll end up with wrinkled paper and then it's just gonna be frustrating so we're gonna just take all the excess off all the way around okay there's that wrinkling i was talking about it just creates a whole mess all right that one's good we'll let that one dry it's going to take about a 20 minutes or so to set up and then we'll come back and do the next coat so now with the foam we just want to gently press it it's been sitting for five or ten minutes now it means the outside of it is going to not be sticky anymore so you can just press it and fill the gap so you don't have to cut it off later all right there we go that's good let that finish setting up before we patch it we want it to be nice and stiff here we are about an hour later nice and hard stuff works like a charm and this is also nice and firm ready to hold on uh to hold the new mud so i'm just going to take my knife like this and just trim back make sure everything is i don't want a raised surface here anywhere okay that's good okay now i'm gonna mix a little bit more 45 apply it to this patch do another little thin coat around the outside of that edge and then we wait again okay here we go so just like we did with the other dent over there this one finishes fairly similar but because it's not making 45 i might as well use it the secret when you're doing this again is try to leave a little bit extra right where the actual hole was okay because i know 45 doesn't shrink much but if you have a lot of filler going on it will shrink a little bit all right clean that up come around the outside of the edge and really make sure you scrape it well so you're not leaving extra mud in the texture the last thing you want to do is end up flattening all of this out right now it looks textured but it is it's filling in and it can cause a problem now up here we're going to go a little bit thinner we're going to work around to where the sanded area is and pull it towards the middle our goal here is just to create a smooth surface that we can then add texture to we don't want to start building up the mud around the sanded off area okay all right now if you need to if your patch is bigger you can pull out the big four by ten all right and you can just run it across make sure that that's nice and flat all right and use a wet sponge or your thumb whatever but make sure you get all the extra ridges out of the way all right i'm happy with that now the other patch you can see the pink it's still not dry in the middle so we're not going to touch this one we're going to wait to come back and then the last application we'll use pink on all three why not it it doesn't really take much it's just to uh last little bit to get rid of all the ridges we want to have a smooth surface before you add texture i know texture is used to hide imperfections but when you're patching you really want to keep everything as perfect as you can before you add it it reduces the amount of work that you're going to get involved with when you're trying to match and you'll understand better when we start applying the texture i have two different techniques for doing that we'll show you both so don't go anywhere and if you like learning information like this make sure you give this video a thumbs up right now before we get back for the number third coat and don't forget to go into the comments section if you have different texture or you got questions about your specific situation i'll be happy to jump in there when the video comes out and answer those questions as best i can alright so we're back now we're not patching like traditional patches on a smooth wall smooth walls you can add mud you can stretch it out over a large area when you're dealing with texture you got to keep it right and tight so now we're going to take a moment and we're going to just gently sand back all of our ridges back to our original dimension of what we sanded out okay because we want to be working with the closest possible thickness of this wall now i got ridges here i've got a couple ridges here we're going to deal with that in a second okay same thing because it's a sponge it can sand into the texture so feel free to sand extra material out of the texture around the patch this one's the drydex this sands really nice as well okay okay so i could come back with the 45 again but i'm going to use the drydex for a reason and demonstrate this product for you okay and if you need to get this they have it everywhere all right if they sell anything to do with homes or repairing things online you can use our amazon link in the video description if you want to but smaller tubes like this big tubes secret is once you open it it never really seals up the same so you're gonna have to throw a dab of water in there and then close the lid on it okay you want to keep that hydrated so it doesn't dry it here we go you see that it's dark here but it's pink on the side because there's a small ridge and so we are going to put pressure on the knife on the tip right on that line try to smooth that out as much as possible okay i like that okay and by using this different color material it helps us to identify the highs and the lows same thing we're just gonna there we go one time through the middle all right a little bit of left over here and there no big deal we'll take the sanding sponge before we prime it same thing with the hole down here we're just going to be a little generous with it make sure it's nice and smooth there we go and over here as well see when i press you see the the dent is actually it's it's it's still sunk in a little bit when it dried it shrinked shrunk shrinked it it did or shrunk did the point is is that just putting it on if you use don't use enough pressure oh it's lots it's fine it's too much as soon as i use pressure it's identified i was a hole okay now we take all this dry pink see how dry it is different color than what's inside the pan it's okay to put it back in okay now i'm done with this stuff drip of water close it up and then you can mix it together next time there we go and then wait okay just a note the drydex material does not work as a chemical reaction like the 45 mud so it's actually waiting to get dry by the moisture content releasing into the atmosphere if you have a humid house it won't work it'll just stay pink so consider that as an option you might want to put a little fan on it because the more air that you throw across that the faster it's going to dry out but you do have to be patient until it just goes white that's why the colorant is in there because it tells you when you're ready to sand if you sand too early you're just going to destroy it and you're right back to your third coat again so here's one of the downsides of using the dried x as a final coat if i use the 45 i'd know give it 30 minutes and it's dry we've waited 30 minutes it's still pinkish it's pretty solid though right like it's just not totally done drying and to be honest with you i don't care i'm just going to give it a nice just get rid of any bumps right that's it because i've already done all the outsides now it's time to pry because i put that on everything all right and we got to be somewhat careful here you don't want to be sitting in a spot too long and get drips okay and this isn't about having a perfect wall it's about trying to get as close as possible to minimize the risk of having an issue okay now we're gonna definitely have to let this dry this needs five to ten minutes and then we're going to try three different techniques for putting the texture back on the wall and then you can decide what will work good for you what's good enough and how to get it absolutely perfect okay all right now option number one for putting texture on a wall if it's knocked down or even stipple or spiky is to use window and door caulking believe it or not you might have like a what the heck are you doing jeff moment but that's fine we're going to do the application and then you can judge if you like it or not again you want to cut it so that the tip is pretty thick just stripe up the wall all right that might look like a lot of caulking and it might be good news is if there's too much you can just take it off you just grab your paintbrush and we're gonna just go like this it looks like there's too much so i'm going to just wipe it keep a scrap piece of drywall around okay [Music] and you can blend it and there he is too much just lift it up and put it somewhere else okay this takes a little bit of work now the caulking it's going to be workable for a good 5 10 15 minutes so you're not in a really big hurry here and you'll notice that the texture is gonna be more dramatic than a knock down for instance so now when you get it laid out really nice just brush it in and then just come back and give it another dab now this is much better on stipple than a knock down but in the grand scheme of things once it's all painted you might never see the difference and if you're really good at it you can take your four inch blade and just kind of skim the surface really gentle and knock those ridges off bam almost invisible not bad next option involves all-purpose compound now this is right out of the box right out of the bucket whatever you get okay it's too dry to work with you want to wet this down and then work it in a little bit and you're looking for that same kind of consistency i like to use on my third coat okay so it's a little runny but it'll still stay on the travel and i'll tell you why that's the consistency that they used when they made the original texture when they spray the stuff on they're using a hopper that blue bin on the end of a compression hose and they're using an air compressor and that application actually kind of dries the mud while it's being thrown at the wall and so when you do your knock down it's almost dry it's like really quick it sets up so fast that's why it's so perfect for it so we're trying to mimic that texture of the mud to try to mimic the texture as much as possible and that's great right that's runny but it still stays on the knife okay so number two is this same thing with the brush okay so instead of caulking you just use the mud and you can just apply as much as you need okay biggest difference here is that this stuff goes on brown and so it looks a lot different out of the gate now you want to let that sit for a couple minutes because if you just come after now right it just flattens it out there's there's nothing there's no that's not texture okay so we got to texturize the wall [Music] and we got to let that sit and then we can knock it down or you might even have a texture that looks like this and then that's a perfect situation remember there's like 19 different major textures or more so depending on your situation you can pick whatever application you think will suit best the next option of course is to use the roller now we've used rollers when we're applying tape we can use the roller when we're working on smooth skim coating walls you can actually take a roller load it up with mud like this and you can just roll it on okay and you can add texture with a mini roller instead of a paint brush but same thing it leaves peaks so if you have a peaked finish you're fine but since we have knocked down we have to give this a few minutes and then we'll come back with the trowel we'll show you what that looks like in a minute so you're probably going to want to wait 15-20 minutes or so maybe even half an hour until it starts to get thick and stiff now if you're impatient like i am right now making this video we're going to just try to do this and then what i'm going to do real quick is i'm going to spray paint it with the kills again and make it white so you can have an idea what it looks like finished remember when you're doing this it's all about patience the more time you put into it the more time you if you try it you don't like it pull out the brush pull out the roller texture it up again doesn't hurt to keep going you can make the spot bigger and bigger and bigger as you want because sometimes if your texture is just not right it's a small spot it's big enough that it sticks out of the wall but if you take the roller you can do like a few feet and blend it in right so the transition's so gradual no one notices anyway here we go here's everything nice and gentle pressure yep some places that knocked down in some places it didn't oh well we're just gonna go like this yep i'm not happy i gotta fix it up that's okay i'm happier with that now just for fun let's throw some kills on it so turn it white and you can see what the finished product looks like because i think at the end of the day most people are going to be pretty happy with this kind of a kind of look all right now it's still wet but it all dry together and for a patch repair that would probably pass now if you're in a million dollar home and you're doing a patch and you want to do it right you've got to go buy the blue hopper use the air compressor match all of that and it's a much better technique but for the average person with a textured wall this or that or that we'll all get a pretty decent grade if you ask me now if you'd like to see a video that we produce that talks about proper painting techniques because after you patch of course you got to paint and you can't just paint the patch big mistake because all paint nowadays usually comes with some blend of acrylic and when you're painting and you come back and do a touch-up you always have a different level of acrylic in the touch-up and when if i just paint this one spot it's the difference in the sheen from the different level of acrylic that's going to scream more than the texture so you do have to paint corner to corner wall to floor to ceiling do an entire surface when you do a repaint in order to do that you're going to need to know how to brush in the corners so a lot of information this video to learn about professional techniques for cutting in and all your different machines and stuff like that you're going to love it click the link up here we will see you in the next video cheers until next time
Channel: Home RenoVision DIY
Views: 104,074
Rating: 4.9558764 out of 5
Keywords: homerenovision, renovision, jeff thorman, homerenovisiondiy, How to Repair a Textured Wall in 3 Different Ways, How to Repair a Textured Wall, Drywall Repair, patch and repair drywal, drywall, patch drywall, repair drywall, patch and repair drywall, patching drywall, how to fix drywall, how to patch drywall, hole in drywall, how to repair drywall, diy drywall ceiling repair, sheetrock 45, repairing drywall, drywall patch, drywall diy, home renovision drywall, diy drywall repairs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 0sec (1620 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 23 2021
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