How to Repair a Wall with an Orange Peel Texture

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hi everybody I'm Leah of CJ drill and today well we're going to repair this hole but what makes this unique its drywall but what we have on it is this is what they call an orange tilt texture and what makes it a challenge is that it's really kind of difficult to patch an existing wall and then have it blend in perfectly and I'm going to show you how to do that right now okay so what I've done is I've squared up my damaged area you're going to want to do the same thing have a nice clean edge here and what I have in my hand here that's what they call a drywall plug and it just inserts into the damaged area but again just make certain that you square up the damaged wall perfectly and then make your plot okay what I have here is I have what's called a setting type joint compound okay it's going to set up rather quickly and that's what you want to use on this particular situation so you want to make certain that you apply the setting type joint compound very liberally because we need something for our drywall plug to stick to now don't be concerned that it's rough it's not going to matter we're going to take care of all this believe me when it's done it'll be nicely blended in okay now once your plug is in place now we have to really embed the edges the edges of that drywall paper we want to really embed it in the joint compound here so what we're going to do is we're just going to press down don't be afraid to apply pressure because you really want it to stick then come down this edge here clean that up try a little more pressure and now what I'm going to do is I'm just going to go I'm just going to go across it okay I've got my plug in place now don't worry if it's a little rough actually it being a little rough is probably going to help the second coat adhere better it's going to key it in place so don't be concerned about that now we're going to let this first coat set up harden then we're to come back with a second and a third coat okay so instead of very nicely now it's time for me to apply my second coat now we're not worried yet about smoothing it out all I'm concerned with at this point is covering the patch okay I feel real comfortable with that that's a really nice second coat now the third coat that we put on is going to start to knock down the hard lines here like right there and smooth it out okay my second coat is dry now it's time to apply a very very thin third coat it's going to knock down some of these high areas and really disguise it okay so our third coat of joint compound is dry that's it there won't be any more coats this is pretty nice and smooth because remember we're going to be adding our orange peel texture and it will hide a lot of the imperfections now what I want to do is I want to make certain that my edges of my joint compound here transition very nicely to the orange pill and to accomplish that what I'm going to do is I'm going to take a wet paint brush and I'm just going to paint the edges and that's going to help this transition very nicely okay so what I've got here is just such a paint brush and what I'm going to do is it's just damp it's not really sopping wet it's just damp and that's how you want your brush to be and what I'm going to do is I'm just going to go along the edges here it's going to help when I go to lay down my orange peel texture and I just want to hit the perimeter what I want to tell you is this if you notice there's a dark line here there's a dark line here that's called a bald spot but we're not worried about that because it's not a raised Ridge it may appear to be so but it's not it's completely tapered so when we go to spray out our orange pill and we knock that orange pill down and paint the surface these ball spots are going to disappear now I've got an imperfection here and I've just got a little bit of a ridge here and the truth is the orange peel texture is probably going to hide that but I'll tell you what I'm going to take a damp brush and I'm just going to get rid of that little Ridge there so I've wet it a little bit then I'm going to go back over it with a knife and that's knocked that down I'm also on it I want to get this as well and again I just want to put a little water on there just a little water to knock it down a little bit again our texture is going to hide most of that I'm going to take my knife and just there we go that's it okay now comes time to apply the texture and this is a texture and a can you can purchase it at any home improvement store or a hardware store just make certain that you get an orange peel texture because it also comes in popcorn as well now I'm going to apply this and I'm going to show you how to lay it down okay so I'm holding up the can because with this particular brand it has a unique feature and it's this lever here and what it does is it allows you to control how heavy the orange code will be if you want a light texture you want to turn it clockwise for a medium texture to the middle and then for a heavier texture counter clockwise all the way to the left okay so it's always best to do a test spray have a piece of canvas up and I just want to take a look at the pattern first before I commit to my actual repair no matter what product you use make certain you read the directions carefully now with this particular product 24 inches 36 inches away from the actual spray area is best so I'm just going to take a couple test shots just to get an idea of how heavy my pattern is going to be and then I'm going to take it from there now the thing is you want to be random with it you don't want to concentrate just in one area you want to really move the spray around because that's going to get that's going to allow it to and better with the repair area now the to the truth I like that and I think that that is going to be the heaviness of my particular orange peel everything's dry I like the way the edges blend in very nice now I'm going to concentrate my my spray in this general area I don't want to travel too far outside the patch I want it to look as natural as possible when I go to lay down the orange pill so let's get going with it okay I think that's for the most part pretty good I think I just want to get around the edges just a little bit more so it looks more natural I'm very very satisfied I do feel like I could use a little bit more here but overall it's pretty good I'm gonna give it one more SAP and that should do it okay so that's our spray alright but now we have to lay it down but I want to wait a minute I want to give it a little bit of time before I actually lay it down now I'm gonna lay it down with a taping knife but let's give it a little time to set not much time 5-10 minutes that's about it it's at the point where it's time to lay down we want to give it more of an orange peel texture let me show you how it's done lightly glaze over the repair area that's all you want to do you want to just lightly glaze over it with your knife we'll just laying it down a little bit that's it okay I've moved in close because I want to show you what the processes your just lightly grazing over the spray texture to lay it flat and that's what creates the orange peel texture it's really important not to overwork it that's really about it now what we'll do is we'll allow this to dry it only is going to take about thirty minutes for it to dry to the point where we can paint it and that's what I'm going to do next so that's it our texture is complete our patches blended in very well we've completely painted the surface and I got to tell you this is a very good-looking orange pill patch this is Leah saying you can do this see you next time
Channel: seejanedrill
Views: 1,067,518
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: seejanedrill, see jane drill, leah, orange peel, orange, peel, texture, orange peel texture, repair, how-to, how to, do-it-yourself, do it yourself, spray can, orange peel spray, easy fix, easy, fix, help, wall, walls, repair walls, wall patch, california patch, drywall patch, drywall hole, repair hole in drywall, blend repair, tips, tricks, tip, trick, wall repair, spray orange peel
Id: FonedKgrP5U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 57sec (657 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 05 2015
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