How To Repair a Drywall Patch

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[Music] first step is to open the hole let the drywall dry out this may take two or three days if you have a small fan to be beneficial next step is you just take a bit of blocking and we're gonna slide this in here in this case I've got to get it underneath the water supply lines when I'm doing a hole less than 12 by 12 inches I'd use a California patch which is just piece of drywall with wings I always like to add blocking whenever possible just to give it a little extra strength but the trick here is only taking a piece of drywall and cutting it down to size that's usable so we are going to just eyeball this cut that in half when you're cutting your drywall you're not really cutting right through it you're just scoring it that's all you have to do so make my mark just got to cut the paper break it in half got the paper again now we have the piece that we want if you want your piece to be about two inches larger on each side than the actual hole you're covering you just hold it up to the hole work just inside where the hole is and then follow that line across same for the other direction put it up mark the hole just inside score the paper then this is gonna seem ridiculous but then you just break it on that line and then using your fingers you put pressure on the drywall and peel it off the paper from your backside [Music] this will be my paper tape it's thinner than traditional drywall tape it's already attached to the patch so reduces the amount of time that it's gonna take to repair this now this obviously was a little bit bigger than me to be able to strip that extra so now we go up and we just confirm that it fits inside the hole and it does so for this particular situation we're working in a finished kitchen doing drywall work is missing so we're going to use the cgc dust control mud it's a pretty good product it doesn't finish quite as smooth and pretty as traditional mud but because when you sand everything falls straight down it's a lot easier to control the mess that you're gonna make when you finish up after you prime you can do a little bit of a touch-up generally it's necessary you get little pinholes so you want a good finish you have to do some touch-up after the prime but this is perfect for what we're doing today it comes pre-mixed we'll just throw a couple of dollops see here on our Hawk these hoardin work the mud before you apply it you want to just kind of work it up a little bit it loosens up if you like you can also add just a little touch of water in there that'll help make it a little bit wetter make sure that it's gonna get a good bond with that paper that way you don't get air bubbles that you'll have to repair later so the trick here is to apply the mud to the ceiling [Music] around the patch it also add the crack fill that side so it has something to bond to so just before you put it up put a little bit of muddle on the outside perimeter of your patch that will just make sure that you get a really good bond and won't crack now because we have blocking in the wall once I put this up I'm also going to attach it with a screw [Music] okay now we're gonna take our knife we're gonna gently place the paper in the mud now I'm gonna stretch it out now I have more tape than I need here so I'm just gonna cut a little bit of this off bit away from that light fixture [Music] when you're doing drywall mud patch less is more okay so it's not gonna look pretty after the first coat but you don't wanna put too much mud on there you'll cause things to lift and separate you'll also have big bumps so they don't have to anymore but as we did it then we let that dry so because this is really quite simple let's assume this is dry really all you have to do then after that let's just fill the inside gap okay just nice and quick like that let that dry usually overnight is what it takes come back the day after that and you'll just go like this over the entire patch and then you'll smooth it out they have a nice finish obviously this is all still soaking wet so it's hard to show you but if you look that good even while that's soaking wet when it's all finished use just a light sand and paint in your finish if you're enjoying these videos subscribe to the channel hit the like button but most importantly comment on the videos by all means or a suggestion of video you'd like to see let us know we'd love to be in touch
Channel: Home RenoVision DIY
Views: 70,166
Rating: 4.9840412 out of 5
Keywords: homerenovision, renovision, diy, patch ceiling, drywall repair, drywall, patch drywall, repair drywall, patch and repair drywall, patching drywall, how to fix drywall, how to patch drywall, hole in drywall, how to repair drywall, repair ceiling, how to repair drywall ceiling, diy drywall repair ceiling, diy drywall ceiling repair, sheetrock 45, repairing drywall, drywall patch, drywall diy, home renovision drywall, diy drywall repairs
Id: FJhuIGjkV2w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 46sec (406 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 07 2020
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